Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the saga of daniel coverston and his frankenmaulers continues

tia maria torres and ugly dog

auburn, california wife of a felon, wannabe brothel madam and pit bull "expert" tia torres evaluated coverston's 4 pit bulls. one of the dogs bit her hand when she tried to leash him. torres said, "the dog became frantic and it looked like he was going to bite another person. he continued to snap at torres as they put him back in the kennel. the other dogs, sherman and ronin became extremely aggressive acting, hitting the gates and barking hysterically." torres ended the evaluation. torres feels otis is a good candidate for her felon program and offered to take him for 2 months. (my vote is for sherman). meanwhile daniel coverston claims that he does not have the $12000 he has racked up in kennel fees and his family is trying to hold the city ransom, saying they will pay the fees, if and only if, otis is not euthanized. STEVEN and PATRICIA COVERSTON should be charged with GRAFT.

if you are interested, you can read the touching story of how tia met her tattoo artist, attempted cop killer prison pen pal soul mate aren marcus jackson here.


  1. Aren Marcus Jackson is Aryan brotherhood.

    And Discovery Networks through Animal Planet is putting money in his pocket.

  2. Pit Bulls are least likely to bite because dog fighters always culled human aggressive ones!

  3. Married a cop killa and owns Tigers...just the type of judgement that should influence dog safety policy!

  4. Apparently, the starstruck Judge has allowed Tia to take sweet human aggressive Otis. Odd, since there are 13,000 Pit Bulls euthanized annaully in the LA shelter system, some even without biting histories...but she had to drive all the way up to Auburn to get THIS ONE!

  5. You people are so ignorant and judgemental. Let these people go about their lives and you go about yours. Some people have nothing better to do than hate on what others are doing. Mind your own business! And who cares if Aren is Aryan brotherhood. .good for him! White people should be proud to be these days. These people are actually doing good things for the animal and human communities. .what have you done for either?

  6. so everyone at last I find the truth about Daniel Coverston and his dogs so here it goes and this is the truth coming straight from the kid who got attacked he was breaking into Coverstons neighbors house to steal heroin and money being he is a junkie so in attempt to steal drugs and get high he got attacked by the three dogs that were inside the house while Coverstons dogs never left the property but it's too late now the kid never even graduated high school and spent the money he won from the law suit on drugs and a car way to protect a junkie thief placer county

  7. Very interesting I went to school with him and posted a comment agreeing with the heroin comment and it was denied and not posted so I suppose the truth is being covered up

  8. I'm hoping that my posts are actually put on the blog

  9. scurrilous although the facts you display are basic because they are the same facts from all the information to the public but I will say once again I went to school with him and he could not identify the dogs. coverston owned six dogs all pits one being nearly over 100 pounds all were trained and would have killed the kid and would have taken a gun to stop if they were to have attacked anyone, I have meet the dogs being they were at the school a couple times in which they were very well behaved and just the large dog alone would have taken more than a guy with a wrench to calm it down and if my other posts had been put up you would have a much better outlook on who the kid really was and maybe still is

  10. your comment was not denied. it simply does not exist in the either the spam folder or in the waiting to be published folder. it is not uncommon for blogger to eat comments. it is also not uncommon for defenders of pit bulls to lie.

  11. fyi, i love your comment about how daniel coverston has no qualms about taking dogs "that would have taken a gun to stop" to a school. what a fucking lunatic. you are as nuts as he is.

  12. Your comments seem to be simple minded and that's ok its hard to have a solid understanding when you don't know the people involved on both sides but like I said I went to school with him and he would actually go around bragging to his friends about basically the exact thing that was mentioned he was breaking into the neighbors and stealing stuff. And the comment about needing a gun to put it down it's an example of how big the dog was not the fact it was mean you shouldn't get so mad because like I said I actually know everyone involved, do you? And I know people just want to believe he was an innocent person and that the dogs were killer's but it is the exact opposite it's just sad it went as far as it did and by the way they bites weren't that bad after seeing them in person even he was laughing about it saying he was going to get paid. I have had worse cuts from riding a bike.

  13. "And the comment about needing a gun to put it down it's an example of how big the dog was not the fact it was mean you shouldn't get so mad because like I said I actually know everyone involved, do you?"

    sounds like you are back peddling. and no, i do not know everyone or anyone involved and for all i know, NEITHER DO YOU. i am guessing that if you did have first hand knowledge, you would know that tia torres evaluated them and coverston's mutants did not fair well.

    six mutants huh? according to the zoning laws, the max is four.


  14. I heard about the pound and Tia and I also know that pound should be shut down it's disgusting and fortunately a lot of the people that worked there at the time do not work there anymore they treated the dogs very badly but I'm sure if I were taken from my home for no reason and sprayed with water and yelled at and stuck in a filthy cage I might snap at people too and if the max is four then why do people all over the area have more than that you see I'm not sure where you live but Here in the foothills we have pets sometimes a lot of pets and it's not a priority for police to check on that sorta thing do you have any pets are you hateful towards all animals or just pits

  15. And of course you want to believe that I don't know him and didn't go to school there but the simple truth is I did and it's hard to believe that this is the truth but sometimes bad things happen to good people and the kid certainly knew how to play the system but it's typical behavior for him he was always good at manipulating people especially teachers and staff

  16. try to follow along. i said "for all i know, neither do you."

    i am simply stating that i don't know who you are or what you know.

  17. My apologies then I misunderstood
