Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lies Lies Lies

the ladder lie was exposed tuesday and now one more pebble from their crumbling edifice has fallen, the dog's weight.

Scott Delucchi, Sr. VP, Community Relations of the Peninsula Humane Society set the record straight
My organization, the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA, never said we wanted to be "reasonably sure" the female wasn't involved before returning her to her owner. We wanted to be SURE, and we were following our examination of both dogs and from info given to us by the Medical Examiner and two odontologists who compared dental impressions from the dogs with the victim's bite wounds and conlcuded with no uncertainty that the male dog was involved and the female was not. We saw no signs of abuse or neglect on either dog. The dogs were licensed, they had a regular vets. No neighbors called our organization to complain about them. The female was spayed and the male was not neutered. Contrary to reports, he did not weigh 125 lbs or even close. His listed weight from multiple vet visits was between 68-77 lbs.We don't know what could have triggered an attack like this, but believe there must have been one. We do know that many owners either miss warning signs and behavioral cues or notice signs that their dogs' behaviors are changing and ignore them, figuring the behaviors will work themsleves out or get better over time. We know the opposite to be true...that puzzling/problematic behaviors usually become more pronounced over time if unaddressed and always advise people to seek help from a behaviorist. That said, I want to stress that the owner of these dogs said neither had shown any unusual signs or behaviors. Sad, tragic event!

i guess now we wait for rabies to be ruled out to hopefully satisfy all of nutterdom.


  1. Don't forget, a brain tumor needs to be ruled out as well...

    (rolling eyes)

  2. And low blood sugar, heart worms, irritable bowl syndrome, migraines, pancreatitis, anxiety disorder, allergic to lavender eye shadow....

  3. What about the Genetic trigger?!?...Afterall, California Pit Dealers have produced dogs that have killed 38 state residents....obviously, mankilling lines fester there.

    It's funny how genetics are invoked by citing the culling practices of dogfighters but never after a mauling.

    Now the Nutters are checkmated...all that is left is the "Bad Owner" excuse.

  4. Bad Rap blog just shut down comments because they were starting to repeat themselves and they claimed it was time to move on. Not surprisingly, a few bad rappers (vanilla ice?) thought they took me to the woodshed and I replied last night that they did not answer my question and that they were incorrect in their perception of it. My rebuttals were all cut off.

  5. Time to move on to the next victim.
    Nanny dog strikes again. Child killed by a neighbors pit mix inside her own home.

  6. dubv, you gave it your best, unfortunately no matter how smart you are or how well armed you are, you can't make a dent in their idiot brains.
    i am impressed your comments got through. my one comment didn't, i simply sent them a link that proves the dog wasn't 125 lbs and addressed the "rip gunner" insanity. i used the word lobotomy.

  7. The female was spayed but the male wasn't neutered, I guess Mr. Nutter worried someone might doubt his manhood if he was seen walking a jewel-free pit?

  8. Can these people ever NOT mention pit bulls?

  9. Isn't anyone who reads that sanitized obituary going to wonder just how the heck she died?

  10. OMG, how did I miss that the australian murder was a home invasion? I read that the girl was clinging to the mother's leg and the dog ripped her away. That is literally making my stomach turn.

    I also read that the aussie version of the AVMA is saying bans wont work, and I'm sure for the same disgusting reasons.

    Exactly jake, as Dawn said, "passed away" sounds so peaceful...

    DubV - I thought it was a valiant try, and I started to write many comments because their responses were so idiotic, but then I remembered how Donna moderates, and I didn't want to get involved.

    She does that. Cuts the dissenter off and the idiotic Bad Rapists think they prevailed.

    You did well. Partly because I don't think Donna understood what you were saying either.

  11. Thanks Snack. All they had to do was just come up with something. I half expected someone to come up with a farcical reply such as "pit bulls overthrow the US gov't", and I lightly kicked myself for not closing that avenue off preemptively. My question was a bit of a trap, only because I knew they were so brainwashed, and they threw caution to the wind and ran right into it.
