Saturday, March 23, 2013

just another fun day at the dog park

how many pit bulls do you count?


thanks dude


  1. Notice how the pit bulls continue indiscriminate aggression after the dane is pulled out? And what are the Brittney and Doberman doing? Loping around wondering WTF this crap is about. Classic.


  2. that dane did a pretty good job of defending itself. i gotta watch this again. great piece of vid that shows how pits will keep going back in for more.

  3. Yeah, that pit wasn't done. Idiot pit bull owners taking their pits to a dog park. I rarely go to dog parks anymore and when I did, I'd leave if I saw a pit or if one came in while I was there.

    The fucking pit's name was Tyson. Hmmmmmm. Now a days, I believe most pit owners know what the fuck they have as a pet.


  4. i agree , they fucking know ,but they always say their dog never starts a fight , just finishes them . or something else slimy . i think youd have to be a real dummy to get a dog and not be aware that the dog has some issues. course, these folks watch cesar milan and figure they can be a dog whisperer too .

  5. This is the reason I would not dream of taking my dogs to a dog park today.

    In the early 90's, I went pretty much 365 days a year--my university town had a dozen or so dog parks, all fenced, and up to 160 acres each. I very occasionally saw a couple of minor scuffles--all by small terriers (fox terriers, Jack Russells)--but nobody drew blood.

    When I moved to Istanbul in 2007, I learned to stay away from the parks there. The first couple of years, it was because of the packs of territorial street dogs that lived there. The neuter/vaccinate/release policy in my municipality meant these dogs were already old when I got there (no new puppies being born), and most died of old age by around 2010. The parks were then taken over by Turkish first-time dog owners with bully breeds like pits, dogo Argentinos, presa Canarios, cane Corsos, etc. Some leashed, some leashed with a piece of twine, and most off-leash.

    I took my dogs on leashed walks there during business hours only (pretty empty) and carrying a huge can of pepper spray, but still didn't feel safe. So we only went to the seaside park about once a month.

    So I moved back to America and bought a house in the most pit-free small Midwestern town I could find.

  6. OT but: Did you hear that Eric Gray of Smilin Pit Bull Rescue was raided by LE and the SPCA?

    I found out from Pitbull Chat and the SPBRTruth website. They got a warrant and seized some dogs from his property and gave him a summons to appear in court on animal cruelty charges.

  7. Was just reading that Miss Margo. Interesting turn of events. It looks like he may have gotten wind of the warrant and hidden some of the dogs.

  8. Smilin' Pit bull Rescue. I doubt any of those pits were smiling.

    He enhanced the crate n' rotate pit bull philosophy to crate n' crate n' crate, now the law is after him.

  9. "Now the law is after him" which is as it should be. Just another pitter grifter.

  10. I believe one of the dogs that was seized is one he said was adopted, but basically disappeared without the usual "happy ending" tale. It's amazing how many pit scam artists there are.

  11. I'm surprised the bulldog contingent hasn't managed to get a "pits only "section of park. They could fence it off, put up bleachers and charge admittance. Bet they could make enough money to but their own park.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I guess these folks have been reading the blogs that go on about pits not actually being fighting dogs.

    It takes a rather powerful normal dog to deal with a pit. It seems the dane knew the shit was real and did not bite and then retreat. Too bad there were so many pits around or we might've witnessed the birth of Justice Dane.

    I'm actually surprised by the outcome. All those pits and none of them got a strong grip on the dane. I was nervous to play it, I thought I was going to see a lot of blood and a maimed dane at the end.

  14. "All those pits and none of them got a strong grip on the dane."

    That's because those pits are "properly" socialized. Had they not been socialized, they'd have started attacking the Great Dane and not stopped or sometimes they'll just start attacking each other, or as we know so well, the pit will attack its owner.

    With this happening at a dog park, it's fair to say the pit owners have been socializing them. But, as we all know, it doesn't matter how much you socialize a pit, if it starts to act "gamey", it's next to impossible to break up a fight.

    I just watched the video again. It's typical how slow the owner of the pit who probably started it all, how slow his ass was in controlling his pit. The Great Dane was restrained pretty quickly and all the pits were still running around. It's almost like they were okay with their pits fighting.

    I've broken up a few fights and compared to those idiots, I'm lightning fast. It's sort of hard to tell, but most times, for normal dogs, it's just a display and rarely escalates.

    I've watched one pit rescue idiot pull his pit off a dog, and it was less than 5 seconds and the pit was restrained. Almost like he had a crystal ball. I'm thinking he knew the pit, at some point, would attack a dog and yes, it was unprovoked because I saw the entire thing.


  15. maybe the shitbull gots its name tyson after it bit another dogs ear off . or maybe it did that other thing to a dog . either way , it wouldnt be something bad to tell peops . i like to call them the n-word dogs , not as a slur but as a term of endearment.

  16. I don't have a dog. But I know dog owners who don't go to dog parks because they're afraid. Why? Because of incidents like this one

    As for the word "rescue," all I can say is "Poor word. It's SO abused and misunderstood."


  17. i imagine there are folk who go for the fun of seeing their shit bulls take on other big dogs , or even smaller belligerent dogs . these folk may even be the same ones who talk about socializing their shitbulls or teaching other dogs good manners , doggy etiquette ect , bla,bla. oh, there are even dummies with non mutant dogs that go along with this bulloney . oh thats such a nice pitbull , there , jekylls its name.

  18. On pit bull names.

    Two pit bulls, both named Brutus.

    One owner's aunt died March 2010 and another March 2013 with her arms, scalp, eye, and ear removed.

    "Et tu, Brute?" LOL!

  19. @Rumplestiltskin -

    Did the Most recent pit bull mauling victim die? I hadn't heard that.

  20. Jake,

    She's still alive. Here's her latest status.

    Green said she responds now "when you talk to her" by wiggling her toes.

    So if you consider that alive, then yes, she's alive.


  21. something re shitbulls happens everyday , it seems . so maybe all in all its not as bad as other things like murder , child rape , gangland shooting ect but still its something that cant just be pooh- poohed , specially if you value your pet or your freedom to simply walk , or be outside , or go to the dog park. it is right that a breed of dog and its fans should be wreaking havoc like this ?

  22. Snarky, the bulldog problem isn't like on the books crime. It's something that can be eradicated in a few canine generations. That's one more reason it's completely inexcusable for the problem to exist at all.


  23. oh , i know how it goes

    been there got the tee-shirt

    heard the comments

    fuck em , next time it will be different .

  24. Jake,

    That pit breeder from LA is still hanging on since she was recued by police...probably racked up a few hundred thousand in medical costs. I am guessing medicaid will pick up the tab.

    She has officially become the fifth surviving member of the OMS Sgt Stubby Double Arm Amputee Brigade (SSDAAB).

    An evergrowing and galactic list of pit owners being mauled and rescued by police, EMS and neighbors is here:

    *Note the Darwincide list has grown to 57 consenting adult Dead Pit owners.

    This stupidity is costing a fortune!

    *Disclaimer: You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

  25. Wow Vintage - 57 proud pit owners tortured to death by their people pleasin, lick you to death wiggle butts...

    I'm guessing that during the same period, the number of people killed by their own non-pit dogs could easily be counted on the fingers of one hand. I don't know of any cases off hand, but there might be a few. very few, if any.

  26. OK, did some checking with the always reliable AP and DBO, and apparently it has happened that dogs of other breeds have been involved with the death of an owner, but it is a rare occurrence. In any event, all other breeds combined haven't killed their owners as many times as pit bulls have.


    Oct 2006, Cape May County, NJ; Family pit bulls "Mega-Millions" and "Quiet Storm" are euthanized after attacking and mauling their 20 year old owner.

    *OMS Comment: 911 calls to rescue pit owners costs taxpayers mega-millions!...
