Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bred to fail


remember mutant CHARLIE in the bay area? he attacked a police horse and his owner, a no talent actor/con artist along with a slew of bleeding heart nutters managed to have his death sentence overturned. anyway, a couple of weeks before he attacked the police horse, CHARLIE launched an attack on five cows. you can read about it here and here and here and here.


  1. "I believe I can fly..."

    Oh well, gravity wins again.

  2. Vile, obscene things, like being eaten alive by rats--cattle without horns are pretty defenceless, they don't even have upper teeth--I wonder what the intentions were of that big white cow pursuing owner and dog out of the pasture at a run; can't we have a little Biblical retribution now and then? Dog reduced to cowpat, such a happy, pastoral thought! Strange that a breed originally used for herding and farm work would behave like it wanted to HARM them...

  3. Loose pit bulls should always be shot on sight. Unlike pit bulls, livestock are valuable and useful.

  4. you were being sarcastic about grippers being used for herding and farm work, right?

  5. Though, to be fair, breeds bred specifically for farm work can and do run livestock until it dies from exhaustion.

    I know cases of Border Collies that escaped while their farmer/owner was away and killed multiple sheep by either herding them into a pond (where the sheep got water-logged and drowned) or by chasing them into a barn (where the sheep climbed on top of each other to escape, and some suffocated).

    I've also seen a couple of high-drive herding-competition dogs (not daily farm-chore dogs) that would rip sheets of skin & wool off the sheep, even when constantly being micromanaged by the handler.

    Glad to see the bull in the photos won the battle!

  6. Too bad these three human assholes didn't get trampled to death.

    SKY, thanks so much for your comment informing us that other breeds kill livestock too. I guess pit bulls aren't so bad after all, eh?

  7. I used to want a couple of sheep until I found out that they basically try to commit suicide from the day they are born until the day they succeed. Everyone tells me to get goats instead.

  8. I think the difference must be that these incidents weren't caused by the intention to harm the animals, only the result of unchecked selected behavior. I've seen one of my uncle's 1400 lb Holsteins hurdle a five foot pipe fence when a strange German Shepherd type dog got into the pasture and started running them, although clearly it was only having fun--interestingly, though all my dairy-farming relatives kept farm dogs, they didn't seem to have a job...dairy cows know their routine, so they mostly seemed to be pets and alarm dogs--I have seen sheepdogs charge and briefly bite defiant sheep, but SKY's account, I've never seen, and hope I never do. Fascinating stories, poor creatures.

  9. firstly its impossible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what breed the "attacking dog" is from the video the quality is just too poor.
    secondly the photos look less than authentic the poses the dog strikes in mid air seem odd to me.
    not really sure what you are trying prove here , the "evidence " doesn't seem admissible

  10. Anonymous, yeah sure, those are Dachshunds. *rolls eyes*

    Seriously, those are pit bulls. They look like pit bulls and they are acting like pit bulls.

    Takes a lickin' and keeps on grippin'.

  11. Sputnik,

    I competed in sheep/cattle herding on and off from 1989-2009, so I'm very familiar with the area of livestock deaths, having both lost livestock to a dog attack, and having numerous farmer friends who lost livestock to multiple coyote and dog attacks, including by their own Border Collies.

    Nobody I personally know in the Midwest has had a livestock loss due to a pit bull, almost certainly due to the low numbers of pits in the rural Midwest. The Border Collie-related sheep deaths I mentioned happened to two farmers and stockdog trainers that I know personally. Most of the other losses have been due to northern breed or herding breed mixes, such as Siberian Husky mixes or Australian Cattle Dog (blue heeler) mixes.

    My ducks and my neighbor's chickens and sheep were picked off over a several month period by an 11 or 12 year old yellow Lab with a tumor dangling from her stomach. She belonged to a lawyer/government official living in a suburb a mile from us. My neighbor--a university professor and lifelong farmer--caught the dog in the act scaling a 4' fence with a chicken in its mouth. She gave it a ride home in her car (the dog was wearing tags) to confront the owner. I met the dog, and it was very much a purebred yellow Lab (not a pit bull under an erroneous name, which could have been the case too).

    The lawyer paid up, but didn't believe his dog was responsible... until a few weeks later, when he followed BOTH of his Labs (black & yellow) out of his yard and eventually came upon them trying to scale my duck pen while I fended them off.

    The Lab (or Labs) had done anything and everything to my neighbor's sheep that a pit might do, including ripping legs off live baby lambs and crushing the skull of a live, elderly ewe.

    I can and do believe that pit bulls are BY FAR the most dangerous dogs to humans and pets. However, numerically, I am on the fence about their damage to livestock. Not from lack of "ability" in that area, but from lack of opportunity. The dogs living in the countryside in my states (WI & MO) are simply not pits, but hunting breeds and popular pet breeds like huskies.

    I assume places like CA and TX have many more pit livestock attacks than we have in the Midwest. However, at the moment, pits are not on the radar of any Midwestern farmers that I know of. I definitely fear for the day that pit bulls move into the rural Midwest...


    Dawn, what's the story on the dogs and the bull? Where/when did it happen, and who shot the dogs? I had assumed the bull pummeled them to death.

  12. I'm waking up to fur and blood
    I mop the floor 'cause it's stained like rust
    I'm breeding red-nosed pittie bulls (growl...bark)

    I'm breaking sticks, they're shaping up, I'm checking out all the Facebook buzz
    This is it, the dogpocalypse

    I'm waking up, I feel teeth in my bones
    Enough to make arteries blow
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age...

    I raise my flag, don pro-pit clothes
    It's a revolution, I suppose
    We're splattered red to fit right in


    All systems go, that Lab hasn't died
    Crack all his bones, show his insides

    I'm waking up, I feel teeth in my bones
    Enough to make arteries blow
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age...


  13. Of course the biggest FAIL about pit bulls is their 'rebranding' as a pet animal.

  14. this occurred after katrina. if i remember correctly, the national guard or the coast guard came upon the attack and killed the mutants. i am glad they managed to snap a few photos first. i sure do love seeing pibble air born and of course seeing them as roadkill.

  15. excellent packhorse. i need to start collecting all of these and putting them in one place.

  16. "Charlie attacked five cows yesterday...not sure what to do"-
    How about keep your shitty mauler on a LEASH??? Yes, another 'responsible' pit owner as we can tell by the string of mauling...

  17. "I used to want a couple of sheep until I found out that they basically try to commit suicide from the day they are born until the day they succeed. Everyone tells me to get goats instead."

    Can you elaborate Orangedog? Are they just not very smart and eventually get themselves killed? I would hope they have some self-preservation instincts, and them running from grippers seems to show that.

  18. Sheep aren't dumb, they just think like sheep. Their only defense is to run to their buddies. They're too slow to escape a four legged predator, they're too big to hide and they don't have a lot of fight in them. Sometimes this ends with them panicking, running into a fence and breaking their necks, when pursued by an out-of-control bc, or trying to jump over a fence that's too high, and getting a leg caught, or running into a swamp and getting stuck.

    I've seen all the above. The "standing on a railroad track with 100 of you best buddies waiting for the train to come" behavior I can't explain. Haven't seen that though, but I've heard more than one story about it happening.

  19. Think twice about goats too, they climb. Think hood of your car here.

  20. >I've also seen a couple of high-drive herding-competition dogs (not daily farm-chore dogs) that would rip sheets of skin & wool off the sheep, even when constantly being micromanaged by the handler.<

    Skin? Dogs are disqualified for gripping (sorry, that IS the word for it) in ISDS trials in all cases, unless the sheep is actually threatening the dog. If the dog rips off skin, it'll likely never be allowed in another competition. A "proper" grip is a quick grab/release action that should never break skin and, again, only used under certain extreme circumstances.

    Whoever is managing that/those trials you've watched should make sure those dogs aren't allowed on another trial ground, AND get their sheep fee out of their owners. That is NOT proper stock handling and should be stopped.

    Wool pulling (aka "flossing"), on the other hand, is a stupid puppy thing, that should be well under control by the time the dog goes to its first trial. Sadly, that's not always the case, but it will be disqualified for that kind of grip.

  21. Now that's the Dogmen of Stafford right there...

    If you've ever seen old british paintings of Bullbaiting events...The dogmen in the crowd had long poles surrounding the pit. They would try to catch the flung dog mid flight and have them slide down the pole to break the fall. They also raised bears for baiting in operations called "Bear Gardens".

    A Guardsmen with an M-16 took out the bullbaiters in the photos. The average Nutter has no idea nor respect for what they own.

  22. Look at the pit on the ground in the first photo. He looks thrilled, the way most normal dogs would be when playing Frisbee. This is the ultimate game for a pit. These dogs died doing what they love, something every gripper no doubt hopes for.

  23. that's the pit bull SMILE we are always hearing nutters bragging about.

  24. God they're such hideous looking things. The "smile" has always made my skin crawl.

    And vintage I didn't know that about the poles used at bullbaiting events. Very interesting.

  25. Creven you are a fucking idiot..put a photo of a bull attacked by 2 free pitbull after hurricane katrina,the dog attack the bull because are hungry and a over zealous fucking policeman kill the pitbull,seeing the farmer scared to lose 50000 dollars bull!

    it's amazing how you have become fags, you Americans of the city, you are afraid of 20kg dogs ... gutless bunch of poofs!

  26. awe, poor fucking pibble. all alone and hungry and frightened of the hurricane. those 2 mutants have more meat on them than the typical pit dog. and what about the video of the mutant chasing the cows in the field? was he all alone and hungry too? or could it be that the sight, sound and smell of cows triggered some DNA?

  27. Two more shining examples of nutter "reasoning"
    -absolute absence of reading comprehension
    -absolute absence of deductive reasoning skills

    Can't tell what breed the dog in the video is...?
    When eyewitness account and even the dogs owner verifying/reporting what the dog is...

    What's the Katrina horseshit??

    the pitbulls attacking the cows in the UK were not starving and crazed with hunger, clearly illustrating that hunger need not be a motive for their livestock maulings. It is secondary, not causal in itself.

    Even in some healthy dog breeds, a rib or two can be visible when they twist around their bodies enough. These two weren't just mounded with visible muscle; not a detectable bone on their hides.... We're supposed to believe these are desperate starving animals as the end of their rope?

    It defies everything we know about animal logic and instinct... Animal instinct dictates preservation of energy to reduce metabolic costs on the body. Expenditure of energy (chase, attack, fight, consume) and risk of injury factor heavily in an animals assessment of what constitutes a possible and productive hunt.

    Attacking an animal so much larger, so much stronger, more dangerous.... Is animal insanity. That's why, in the wild, smaller animal hunters do not hunt apex predators or animals 10+x their size. (Also why bees only sting when necessary, snakes (typically) do not inject a full-venom bite in non-consumables).

    I don't buy that hunger was the only or even primary motivator behind their assault--it was genetic modification that neutered true animal instinct for human interests. Dogs are not strictly carnivores. They are omnivores, and prefer scavenging over hunting when possible. In the wake of Katrina, the landscape was littered with human and animal remains, free-flowing garbage, and mountains of food debris scattered from stores and homes dissolved in the torrent.

    Additionally, Katrina left hordes of orphaned, now-free-roaming pets that would prove a much easier meal for pitbulls. Even the wild offspring produced by these packs (or felines) would be easy pickings compared to a gargantuan bull.

    Regardless... Even if they were desperate, sad creatures, why was putting them down so evil? If anything, were they truly crazed with hunger, they posed a fatal threat to any warm, moving body around them. They're animals, not telepaths. They have no way of distinguishing whether an approaching McGee is there to bring them lunch or BE lunch. Since they have the stones to savage a mountain of defensive beef, why would they have any qualms about going after a human man or woman, or 60lb child? With such ferocity, they would certainly rend a person into dismembered piggle-treats.
    Too risky.
    The cost is just too high to allow even the chance...
