Sunday, January 20, 2019

Pit Bull Temperament Test

Electric Collar Boogaloo


  1. Let me guess: The nasty beast was put up for adoption as a "great family dog. Rover prefers being the only dog in the house". And, was then adopted out to a home with 5 small children.

  2. i don't know the outcome of these two mutants.

  3. No doubt they said they passed the "temperament test". After all they were wagging their tails.....................

  4. Pit bulls are not dog aggressive, pit bulls are stuffed dog aggressive. Get educated.

    I guess shelter workers feel better assessing pit bulls? In actuality, all pit bulls that end up in shelters should be euthanized. I really don't care that some people have good experiences with pit bulls. The bad experiences far outweigh any normal dog behavior that some pit bulls display. Each and every pit bull has the capacity to act like the two in the video, so why trust them?

    If pit bulls are such great dogs, why are shelters flooded with them?

  5. Not only are these dogs psycho, they're stone stupid. What other dog would mistake a stuffed toy for a real dog?

  6. Since they only need an approximation of a dog to incite these pit bulls, how about construct one out of ghost peppers? Save the stuffed toys! And what better (and only) use for a ghost pepper?

  7. That's freaky. Hope those things were put down ASAP.

