Sunday, February 21, 2010

comments from a former pit bull owner

We had a beautiful pit bull that we loved dearly. She was a big, beautiful, loving, playful slobber box--around people, and I do mean all people, young, middle-aged, and old. But today was her third attack -- on animals. The first was a duck, and the second was a cat, both of which she killed. After killing them, she always backed away from them. She never tried to eat them. Today, the third attack was on our cherished chihuahua, our house pet that we had allowed outside to use the bathroom. Reba had her own fenced, gated yard. In the past, when our chihuahua had been outside, they would run nose-to-nose along Reba's fence (our chi on the outside and Reba on the inside)and wag their tails as if they wanted to play together. Our chi found a way into her fence early this morning. We heard high-pitched noises like those of a mockingbird. After listening for a few seconds, my husband and I realized it was our chihuahua screaming. Out pit bull was attacking her.


  1. A vet said they do well with people?

    What about the trail of corpses pit bulls are leaving behind.

    that vet belongs in an insane asylum.

    the trash they are graduating from vet school these days boggles the mind.

    Of course, dog fighters and pit bull breeders pay veterinarians, so no wonder these corrupt boneheads defend pit bulls

  2. Yet again a demonstration that it's true what researchers in many parts of the world have found: PB lovers tend to have sociopathic personality disorders.

    This explains why PB owners / fans have utterly no empathy when their PB attacks someone else's dog or child. And why only a small portion does suddenly feel empathy when it's their own loss -- which is to say, empathy with themselves. Because...

    Anyone who *really* cares about their own other dog (or dogs) won't get a PB in the first place. They won't be willing to use the other dog (or dogs) as experimental material to see whether *this* PB is a dog killer.

    There's also just plain a great deal of stupidity in this refusal to believe until it happens to yourself.

  3. So the other deaths by their pit didn't "inspire" them to come to this conclusion. It took one of their own to make them think again. Although their comment has a certain message, it also carries another message, that pit owners don't care about life in general. These owners let it slide about their precious wiggle butt when it killed other animals but when it happened to their own animal, that's a different story. And to have a pit and a small chihuahua shows how very little sense these people have.

  4. The dog has it's own area outside, while the little Chihuahua gets to live inside, showing that the Pit is an unsocialized, outdoor pet. If it would have been a Lab or a Sheperd, it probably would have done the same thing. Breed does not matter here, it's how the dog was isolated and unsocialized with animals. Pits, along with many other medium to large size breeds are working dogs, and alot of them possess prey drive and/or aggressiveness with animals. It is NOT just a Pit Bull thing. You people are really ignorant when it comes to dogs.

  5. Which other breed community has a criminal indiustry associated with it that brutally and systematically cull "curs"?!?

    Which other breed community had it's first registry require 3 wins before papers would be granted?

    Please...This breed should have never been created in the first place!

  6. "This breed should have never been created in the first place!"

