Sunday, May 1, 2011

part one of three

i talked to someone on the phone a month ago who i have known on-line for over two years. the first words from her mouth were "tell me all about you!" people on both sides of this war seem to want to know about me. i don't think of myself as a particularly worthy blog subject but i'll try to make it interesting.

i am one of 79 million people born between 1946-1964.

my ancestors originate from the land of nanny dogs.

at the age of 19, i accompanied an illinois state trooper to an inquest in chicago. i received a private tour of the cook county, illinois morgue and i observed an autopsy. it was fascinating. if my brain was hard wired to excel in biology, i would have become a forensic pathologist. instead, i studied art, psychology, political philosophy, and finally criminology. i considered law school but my only interest in law would have been as a prosecutor and cutting deals with scum would have taken years off of my life.

i despise the democrats almost as much as the republicans.

i am pro capital punishment and i favor its expansion. suicide by cop works too.

besides gripping dogs, i am obsessed with the first and second amendments, neil young, To Kill a Mockingbird (i've watched it every year for the last 30), native plants, normal dogs, wolverines, corporate & political psychopaths, political correctness, our exploding human population, finite resources, carbon footprints, landfills and our wasteful, mindless consumer driven culture.

i am envious of hickok45's gun collection & knowledge and i am in awe of his shooting ability.

i want one of these, the ultimate pit bull stopper.

the shift key hates me and i do my best to avoid it.

dogs i have owned: collies, great danes, german shepherds, mutts. i have never been bitten by a dog although when i was about 22, a kuvasz came dangerously close to biting me in the face. without provocation and without warning, he snapped at me and missed me by inches. as luck would have it, i just happened to move out of his range as he went for my face.

and the answer to the question that i think is on everybody's mind: the name craven desires is from one of my favorite tv shows, the x-files and the sadistic scribblings of north carolina dog fighters CHRIS and ED FARON inspired me to name the blog craven desires.
you can read about craven eddy here.

in addition to the depravity of blood sports, craven desires also has applications in the pit nutters' pathological need for power, domination, recognition, attention, admiration.


  1. Can't wait for part 2.

    Big ups for Neil Young and Peak Oil.

  2. Ah, so you're from my generation. Always interesting to see the human angle in the online personality - I'll be sure to tune in for parts 2 & 3.

  3. Crickets from the crowd accusing you of being a cat lady....

    And hopefully people will stop assuming you're calling yourself the craven one. Hey dipshits, it's you dog fighters, and pit bull apologists that are craven.

  4. interesting about neil young. i have received similar comments in email.

    yep, not a lawyer, not a graphic designer, or a drunken spinster cat lady. i do hope that i haven't said anything to cast doubt on my creepy craven image though. i actually like that one a lot.

    i never knew what a blog was before and i learned blogger on the fly. i just realized during the tia fiasco that there was a spam section for comments! and i didn't realize that when i created the blog, i was setting my name to craven desires. i didn't know anything about blogging when i launched this blog almost 2 years ago. and i am still figuring it out LOL!!

  5. I think your blog name is actually about perfect. It doesn't beat you over the head with its meaning, and so it leaves nutters picking their noses trying to stimulate useful thought.

  6. You've read "Shakey" (Neil Young's biography), right? What did you think?

  7. I liked Neil Young, but I was more into Zeppelin, The Who, Yes, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep and Bad Company back then...

  8. shakey has been on my reading list for quite some time. that tome will be quite the undertaking. i am envious that you have read it.

  9. Craven, it's a very compelling story. You won't be disappointed. I let my mom borrow if, who is barely a fan, and she devoured it in like 2 days.

  10. 786 pages in 2 days? now i am REALLY envious!

  11. So Craven, you know of hickok45? I wanted to get myself a Glock 19 for my birthday this year, and discovered that knowledgeable old dude's videos while looking for tips and tricks.

  12. I may be underestimating the time it took for her to read. I remember it being very quick (less then a week). She impresses me with how quickly she reads.

  13. i hope they have shakey on cd. it is on my list now, too. the pit bull fighters are all about ego. most of us are all about ego. i don't fight my dogs but i certainly am proud of them. are the pit nutters the rescue people who preach that the pit bulls can do no wrong? or do you consider the rescue people and the dog fighters pit nutters? i think the rescue people are far more messed up. just from what i have observed they use the dogs for a sense of purpose. most could really care less about the dogs. skid wylde is just an example but a good one. his latest fashion accessory. i wonder what will be next. a few years ago it was his frog pond LOL!!! have you noticed most of the rescue people are old with no life?

  14. i consider the rescue people and ni kill freaks to be pit nutters, not dog men (except for joe woodall).

    pit nutters and dog dog fighters are equally but differently repulsive. both of them use the dogs for a sense of purpose, just a different sens of purpose.

    i see an awful lot of 22 yr old gun gung ho idiots in rescue. fucking gullible morons looking for an identity and a cause so they can feel good about themselves.
