Monday, August 15, 2011

Anonymous, thought provoking comment inspired by the murder of Darla Napora

What is really frustrating to me, in the case of homicide by dog attack.....if this were a mountain lion or grizzly bear, we would have every freaking detail about the damn animal. This is a preventable death, which has serious public health implications....and there is no digging into the story to get more information? No picture of the dog, no background on the dog...was it up to date on its shots? Did it see a vet regularly? If so, what did the vet say about it's demeanor? Has this dog been bred? As BadRap supporters, did the dog attend "pit ed" classes? Did it attend any other training classes? Where did the dog come from? Did a rescue organization adopt it out with a promise that it would be a "love bug" if raised with hugs and kisses? Was it purchased from a local back yard breeder, or popular kennel advertising "Monsta Pits"?

If we are ever going to protect the public, we have to address the SOURCE of the problem....who is breeding and selling the dogs that kill people? There is huge political pressure to NOT divulge this information, because the fanatics in the humane movement know it can lead to BSL. The Peninsula Humane Society is on a tightrope now, they can't piss off the pit lobby, because they risk losing the support of donors if the pit jihadists start a campaign against them. So they try to withhold information about the dog. The police, on the other hand, just don't seem to know any better....they don't seem to ask these questions. The reporters just don't get it either....there is a bigger story beneath the surface....can you just imagine being the reporter who breaks the story that, say, a BadRap dog killed someone? Or that a "pit ed" graduate killed someone? Or that the dog came from popular kennel with the typical gansta website advertising giant pit bulls with names like "Mayhem" and "Chaos", replete with spiked collars, and obscene rap music blaring? Might put the husband in a different light, huh? It also may convince the public to demand mandatory s/n for pits to shut down kennels like this.

If it were a person who killed this woman, by now we would know everything about them, even where they went to kindergarten. Reporters would be interviewing the murderer's parents and family. But because its a dog, the authorities are just sitting around, hoping to find out if the dog had rabies or a brain tumor. There may be nine other litter mates of this dog, just as dangerous, like ticking time bombs, and maybe the owners are ignoring warning signs.....don't you think the public has a right to know this stuff?

follow the murder of DARLA NAPORA at


  1. Absolutely! where ARE gunner's siblings? Do any of the families know their dog is related to gunner, the well-behaved and loved pit bull?

  2. Cougars get a Badrap since they have only killed 6 Californians since 1900, and two of those died of rabies complications. The BADRAP Nutter was the 38th Californian killed by a Pit Bull....Her 3rd trimester unborn infant should be counted but won't.

    The Pro Pit Breeder/Dogfighter measure passed in 1989 is an epic public safety failure!

  3. The media was all over the two Presa Canarios after the death of Diane Whipple. Granted, the Whipple case was the biggest dog mauling case of all time and involved a monumental criminal trial as well. Still though, the commenter is addressing basic, basic investigative facts that are almost always ignored by press members and police authorities. This is rarely true after a person is mauled to death by a bear in the wild -- not cohabitating with humans in residential homes, streets and parks!

  4. I am going to keep this in mind if I'm ever inclined to leave comments on these stories - the journalists need to know what questions people want and need answered!

  5. All we can do is contact the reporters individually and give them info. Then the next time, they might write a different kind of story. Yes, we have a right to know these things.

  6. i hope the comments of this anonymous follower will inspire law enforcement and the media to start asking the right questions. we need a new approach. the current investigative approach is inadequate.

  7. This is a great comment. A semi-legitimate reason, in this case, to not have that part of the story out yet is because the "victims" are the ones holding that information and the murderer is already caught. So, there is no need for further investigation to bring someone to justice and getting this information would involve interviewing the husband right now. I still think it should be done, but those are just some ideas.

    When a stranger's dog attacks someone, then the information should be forthcoming since the owner is not also a "victim". So, what I said in the previous paragraph is a layer of causes that are not needed. Really, I think it may come down to people still framing these things as "freak accidents" instead of phenomena occurring at regular intervals with a clear set of preceding conditions.

    Full information will only help public safety. As it comes out more that many dogs involved in attacks do not fit the story line of Bad Rap (it was owner error through and through), the public will likely shift in opinion even more. However, this extra information (that nutters cry for by saying there is more to the story) will be used by them in a very predictable way. They will strain through all the details to find where a human is to blame ala' Karen Delise.

    P.S. I just realized that my state has a dog bite registry with the Health Department and all bites are logged along with dog information. Any chance other states have this? Seems like a good use of a FOIA form.

  8. Very interesting story. As some of the comments on DBO point out, it seems strange that a grieving husband who had just discovered that his wife had been mauled to death by a pit bull would give top priority to immediately sanitizing their facebook page, lawyering up, and issuing a statement, not about his beloved wife, but praising the creature that had just killed his wife, and declaring his allegiance to the breed.

    No normal person could conduct himself like that. Only a priest in the cult of pit nutterdom.

    I suspect there is a lot more to this case, facts that desperately need to come to light...

  9. On the rare occasion when a dog owner's face is plastered across media outlets after a mauling, guess what happens? New victims come forward -- new victims from other states sometimes. Usually, even after some of these dog owners are charged, the public rarely sees the person's face because the media fails to publish the mug shot. This is infuriating, as most victims -- to establish their civil claim -- must show that the dog owner had previous knowledge that the dog was dangerous (had previous victims). Owners of biters are notorious for "relocating" after a biting incident so that they cannot get cited in the original jurisdiction twice.

  10. "It's the Owner" is a Breed Stewardship cop out the Pit Breeders have successfully used over the decades. It always kills me how they can recite breed lines until a mauling occurs, then nobody knows anything! They have failed to stop producing and selling unstable mankillers.

    Gunnar represents the ultimate in canine disloyalty.

    Of course the Great Randall Lockwood told us this back in 1987, when he published that Pits attack their owners at rates six times greater than other breeds.

    Too bad an unborn infant was terminated here.

  11. yea, its infuriating how the public is kept in the dark to protect the involved and sometimes guilty parties. this applys to all kinds of atrocities not just pitbull attacks

  12. Holy Shit - did I read this correctly?? This animal KILLS this man's pregnant wife and he intends to bury the wife and unborn baby WITH THE DOG THAT KILLED THEM? Fuck me - I've been away for awhile, but I cannot even come close to wrapping my brain around this?? I mean, WHAT killed my loved one would certainly NOT be fucking buried with them like some kind of tribute.

    It is so scary that people like this exist in society.

  13. yes, you read that correctly and it seems the majority of the pit nutter community, think this is just wonderful that GREG NAPORA has forgiven his ugly fucking frankenmauler and buried it with his family!


  14. Why is dogsbite. quoting statitistics from the 1980's. Google the woman behind dogbites and learn about her. The beloved beagle scored higher in bite specifics then the american pitbull terrier, shall we ban them too, of course not they are too cute arent they! Additionally to the author I would like to remind you that animal, as are human rights, are ethical and moral issues. Emotion displayed by some activists has no place in this and while I understand there are many like that you are in fact committing your own brand of BSL or shall I say profiling by generalzing your description of activists as fanatics. Sounds like you yourself are a fanatic and a misinformed one relying on a woman who uses old stats and her own personal ax to support her "platform" Additioanlly Ms DogBites insults people bitten by other breeds by the mere fact that she only empathizes with those bitten by pit bulls, whcih by the way is such a misused term for a breed and covers several types of dogs (google it) As usual the unknowing pblic and media sensationlists do not get the slogan Punish the DEED not the BREED, like children, dogs learn what they are taught. Take for instance Michael Vick the majority of his dogs have been successfully rehabbed. notice I said MAJORITY not all.
    Regarding bite statistics by breed the experts have come to realize this is not proper.Please refer to ATTS Breed Statistics ("The pass-fail rate is not a measure of a breed’s aggression, but rather of each dog’s ability to interact with humans, human situations, and the environment. See a description of the test on the TT Test Description page")
    While I agree that dangerous dogs exist and need to be dealth with to state that one specific breed is the culprit is wrong. When I was growing up people spoke of St Bernards in this fashion, the German Shepard, Rotties, Labradors and other breeds have been the chosen breed of deiscrimination through out the years. People are not being held accountable for their raising (fighting etc), abuse and ill breeding of dogs,etc all factors that contribute to a dogs propensity for aggression whether it is fear based or not. this issue is one that starts with the the human behind the dog. Your research is very poor apparently relying on one website (dogsbite) and not independently conducted which should include your one on one experience with the breed. Shame on you, I bet you will not approve and post this commentary.

  15. why the fuck are you asking me about that is not my website.

    i would estimate that at least 90% of my research is based on PRO PIT BULL websites and books.

    there is nothing that i don't know about the ATTS that you do. i have researched the topic thoroughly and i wrote about it here. if you demonstrate that you have read it and comprehend it, i might consider publishing your comment that has nothing to do with darla napora or even craven desires.
