Friday, August 19, 2011

BADRAP member killed by her pit bull

Skeptifem weighs in on the Badrap scandal.


  1. I read skeptifems blog post on this a few days ago and was impressed. I asked her if I could post it to bad rap, but alas donna closed the comments section.

    I just read a rather incisive comment on this blog(commenter's screen name is Elizabeth Frantes).

    "Why do you think all the "experts" at the shelters all shriek how pit bulls have a 'BAD REUPUTATION?" because of the liability they should have for adopting out dogs that simply are too dangerous to keep as pets. So they blame the victim, insist that she must have "provoked" the dogs . . dogs dont' form intent. They act on instincts and training, and let us not forget ANY DOG CAN BITE it's just you can't stop a pit once he gets going. At least this was the owner and not some innocent neighbor."

    Now that's one angle I had never thought of or seen expressed. If ASPCA and others were honest about the breed they could more easily be sued when one goes pit.

  2. i found marabito's comment even more interesting:
    "Please share necropsy report and autopsy as soon as revealed. I would go on to suggest a second necropsy report be done if Peninsula Humane Society is involved....not a safe haven for pit bulls and other animals."

    wtf? a SECOND necropsy? why stop there? how about a third and fourth. what the hell, let's just send GUNNER to JANE BERKEY'S funny farm where they work on it until they come up with an excuse that promotes their agenda. i thought the penninusla humane society was pimping vick library dog, jonny justice?

    this nutter needs a little bit of my personal attention.

    "Hey, Marabito! C U N ext T uesday!"

  3. Haha. That pit will be necropsied (word?) until it looks like bloody pink mash potatoes in a bag.

  4. I'm sure Marabito would love for someone in the pit advocacy to have control of the necropsy. You know what they say, "If at fist you don't succeed, lie, lie again!"

    Hey, Marabito! C an U Not T ell the t r u t h?!

  5. Here's another part of the scandal...Professional Pit Nutter Cindy Marabito gets exposed.,,she was the source of the Ladder Fable.


    Life Saving Merit Award 2011

    Prince William County Animal Shelter
    Douglas Norman
    Merit Award
    Kristina Spoon
    Merit Award
    By bravely running towards screams for help and drawing on their experience
    and training with animals, Shelter Manager Douglas Norman and
    Animal Caretaker Kristina Spoon of the Prince William County Animal
    Shelter rescued a co-worker from a ferocious pit bull attack.
    An animal caretaker at the shelter was helping an owner to reclaim a pit
    bull from the shelter. The dog had been held in a 10-day rabies
    quarantine after biting three members of the owner’s family.
    When the caretaker removed the dog from its holding cage, the
    surrounding dogs began to bark. The pit bull became frenzied at the
    commotion, attacking the caretaker and knocking her to the ground.
    Pit bulls are known for not relenting once an attack has begun.
    Shelter Manager Norman and Animal Caretaker Spoon quickly
    responded to the screams for help, despite the knowledge that the dog
    could turn its attack on either of them. The two worked in tandem,
    using their knowledge of animal behavior along with advanced restraint
    tools to gain control of the dog. Together, they managed to secure the
    pit bull, call for advanced medical assistance and begin first aid care.
    For their willingness to run toward a dangerous animal to save a
    co-worker, and for their ability to apply their professional training in
    a crisis situation, Shelter Manager Douglas Norman Animal Caretaker
    and Kristina Spoon of the Prince William County Animal Shelter
    receive the Lifesaving Merit Award.

    **Disclaimer...Iam not making this up!

  7. FYI

    from dogs bite decatur al

    This is what the goal should be when you or someone else is mauled.

    This story is unbelievable.

  8. Vintage, where do you find this stuff???????

    These are the same people who drew on their experience and training with animals to treat a pit bull that attacked its own family like any other dog?

    To be fair, animal shelter workers probably never have developed a protocol for returning a dog that attacked its family back to its fanatical pit cultist owners who, unlike normal people, want the dog back.

    I wonder if up to that point the pit bull had been the biggest sweetheart in the shelter. Just a lovebug wigglebutt.


    Brutally sad.

    It seems in UK and Australia, where gun/knife laws are more stringent, that the people have more common sense regarding dogs. Maybe because they have little hope of physical defense.

    Arm yourselves friends. Don't leave the house without something sharp or that goes bang in your pocket, and have something nearby in your house too.

  10. When I have time, I'd like to collect stories of people and animals effectively defending themselves or others from shit bulls.

    This ol' guy will surely make it.

    And I'm sure justice mule as well.

    Do you think this compilation would make a nice, feel good blog post?

    We gotta remind the nutters of when their dogs fail.


    2008 CA Tax board worker receives Governor's Medal of Valor...
    Franchise Tax Board
    Jeffrey F. Madeira, of Rancho Cordova, Silver Award: On January 6, 2008, rescued a woman and her dog from a pit bull attack. The woman, along with her 84-year-old father, had been walking near Birdcage Center in suburban Sacramento when the pit bill attacked the smaller dog. The woman was knocked to the ground and suffered savage bites. Madeira, a data processing manager, fought off the aggressive dog and aided the victims. The woman’s small dog was killed in the attack.

    Pit's suffer a BADRAP since they are mischaracterized as domestic dogs.

    **Disclaimer...I am not making this up!

  12. DubV, I TOTALLY think that would be a great idea for a blog! It would be a feel good/how-to/yes, you can/survey of increasing need for weaponry/politicians take note statement!

    I'd like to be a contributer if you do that!

  13. being sure to include all the awards of valor people are now receiving for fighting off pit bull attacks that vintage is digging up.

  14. I had just left a comment on the nanny dog video and I forgot to mention this last thought.

    The Pit Community needs to stop saying, "Gunner was 125lbs and therefore not a pit bull." OR, "something else must've happened." Just stop trying to examine every little thing and just state the obvious, a tragic accident happened and 2 lives were lost.

    HOWEVER, the Pit Hater Community needs to stop with all the insults, hatred, and slamming of this family.

    Isn't one of DBO's motto's "Don't blame the victim?" This husband just lost his wife and future child. I'm sure this guy's in hell right now and he can't be thinking rationally right now. Be a little more sympathetic. Isn't that what Colleen Lynn is ALWAYS stressing about on her blogs of attacks? The constant slamming of the family, the blaming of the victim, the constant bickering of what kind of breed it was that attacked. WHO CARES, the point should be, according to DBO is: another dog bite fatality, what went wrong and how can WE fix it?
    Did you guys go into this much detail with the 4 yr old boy that died from the Rottweiler? Or the owner of the Golden Retriever that attacked him and he died?

    Or do I just have my head up my ass so far that I've completely lost touch with reality?

  15. hey fuzupf, just curious, what do you think of greg napora burying his wife with her killer? what do you think of greg napora making statements in support about pit bulls within a day of his wife being killed? what do you think of him even wanting that other pit bull back? i don't think i'd ever want another dog of any breed if i was in his position. yet here he is defending pit bulls, fighting to get the one back, closing his facebook, lawyering up and burying her with the dog. does he seem either completely insane or guilty to you like he does to me? or are following those bay area psychos into bizzaro world too?

    for the record (and please free to use it in your youtube video) i do enjoy it when ADULT nutters are attacked by their mutants and to have a member of a liar cult like BADRAP (or best friends or AFF or indy pit crew etc) be a victim, i mean wow, this was just made to order. btw, i can't emphasize enough ADULT. although i prefer pit bulls attack their own family members rather than neighbors, i don''t get any enjoyment from kids being harmed.

  16. I already mentioned the questions you're referring to.

    The man just lost his wife and unborn child. His life has completely gone overboard and he's not thinking rationally. If he wants the female back, then that's his choice. Neither, you or I can say that is wrong or right.
    Personally, I couldn't go on living if I lost my wife and daughters. They ARE my life.
    But that's me.

    How can anyone feel the way another person feels. My uncle went on a drinking binge when my cousin died at the hands of a drunk driver. Why would he even think about touching alcohol knowing that is what killed his son?
    People do bizarre things in the midst of an unexpected loss.

    I'm not going to make a video of the Pit Hater community, "laughing it up" when an owner is attacked and killed by their own dog.

    You can feel remorse and sympathetic for one dog bite victim and then be overwhelmed with joy that another dog bite victim died. That's your choice.

  17. if raven killed lena, would bury them together for all of etenity?

  18. I love how you turn this into a personal debate! :)

    You spelled Lina wrong lol!

    What does my family have anything to do with our debate?
    Did you honestly think by just throwing out my wife and dog's name I would erupt on you?

    Shouldn't you be in lunch right now about ready to head into 5th grade English class? What kind of mature adult would ask such a question that I have already basically answered?

  19. a personal debate? not at all. i am trying to get you to take off your ultra liberal politically correct hat. this "it's their choice" and refusing to judge others, is a fucking bullshit cop out fuzupf. you can say the same about female circumcision and honor killings too. it's THEIR choice.

    so glad i could amuse you by misspelling lina/lena.

    as for the ambull link, this is in reference to the many (including you) who want to deny that ambulls are pit bulls.

  20. The Tucson double amputee died today. Way to go Nutters!

  21. "The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged."

    My opinion about some guy making his own decisions has no relevance.

    Whether I think he's "wrong" or not doesn't matter. He did it anyway.

    Why do you care so much about the actions someone you don't know does? Does it pertain to you? Does it involve you? Does it affect you in anyway?

    All of you have judged Fuzupf....countless times ;)

    But I will not judge a person's character based on current mental status and hearsay (meaning, all of you say he's a crazy loon, so I think so too.)

  22. FU Zupf said, Blah, blah, blah

    Meanwhile, John Beaver commented on the death of the Arizona man. As a pit owner himself, he says in part, "i really hope trhis dont put even a bigger black mark on pits."

    Nah, don't worry John. Don't worry about how this story will come out in the wash. The pit advocacy white washing machine is always on spin cycle.

    Since pit bull advocates love rumors...

    Harrah's Sport's Book has established odds and is taking bets at S. Lake Tahoe, Reno and L.V. (I know this to be true because One Eyed Guido told me.)

    Wish me luck! I put all my money on, "He fell off a ladder when a circular saw chewed off his arms and the pit bull (not a pit bull) was blamed." I only need 6,000 Google hits in 72 hours to go green at even money!

    I'm gonna go make pop corn.

  23. FUZupf,

    Isn't the general decision making skills of pit nutters always at issue? You nutters make it an issue when you constantly harp on and on about how responsible owners, such as yourselves, can control fighting breeds.

    Well, when another example of pit nutter "strange" thinking emerges, it is another nail in the coffin of your idea that non-nutters can trust nutters. Your decision making regarding this breed does affect others, so it is our business when Napora (a nutter) does something borderline insane (defend a dog breed in the wake of tragedy, bury his wife with canine killer, etc) AND the premiere pit nutter franchise (BAD RAP) thinks it is AWESOME.

    All of us have dealt with tragedy, or will. My brain still functions during sorrow. If someone's brain does not function correctly when under duress, then they really aren't to be trusted with sharp things like pit bull teeth at the end of a lead.

  24. Dude--- I'm at a loss for words. I have no idea whatsoever what your comment brings to this debate of Napora making his own decisions.

    As for DubV--- The decision making of pit nutters will ALWAYS be an issue for as long as the pit hater community makes it.

    I will re-post a statement of mine.

    "Isn't one of DBO's motto's "Don't blame the victim?"

    Colleen Lynn has ALWAYS stressed that on her blogs of attacks?

    "Psychological damage
    Nearly all dog bite victims suffer psychological damage, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)"

    "Anonymous bluesmom 12/18/2008 9:59 PM | Flag as abusive
    Pit bull fanciers consistently prove to be callous beyond belief. Absolutely no remorse for the pain and suffering of victims and survivors. No financial accountability. No humanity. Just the same breed specific excuses..."

    -Pit haters need to read their own comments.
    Dawn James, you ADMIT that you're HAPPY this woman was killed.
    Where's the remorse in that?

    The goal should be: another dog bite fatality, what went wrong and how can WE fix it?

    Did you guys go into this much detail with the 4 yr old boy that died from the Rottweiler? Or the owner of the Golden Retriever that attacked him and he died?

  25. Fuzupf,

    The "victim" here was directly a "victim" of her own decision making.

    Usually, when pit nutters blame victims, they strain to see any way to let the dog off the hook. This is a different case.

    Here we have an owner who had heard of the risk and the supposed bad rap.

    Saying that she did nothing to prompt her own death is like saying this guy was not to blame for falling down the elevator shaft.

    As far as your sentiment to find out what went wrong, when the vast majority of fatal dog attacks are caused by one or two breeds, it is a bit obvious what the problem is and ridiculous that you come here with that question.

    As for the little boy with the rottie, did that small child make the decision to own that dog? No, so apples and oranges.

    As far as THE guy who was killed by his goldie, notice you are bringing up a single instance. How many deaths by pit so far this year fuzupf? And if you can't see why that makes a difference, well you are worse off than maybe I thought.

  26. "As for DubV--- The decision making of pit nutters will ALWAYS be an issue for as long as the pit hater community makes it."

    This makes absolutely no sense given your standard line and what is being discussed. Do you not continually assert that it is not about the breed and almost entirely a human problem?

  27. The ONLY victim was the unborn child. The adults brought that unholy terror upon themselves.

    The husband was probably insane before he lost his family, but the loss just heightened his insanity.

  28. "Dude--- I'm at a loss for words. I have no idea whatsoever what your comment brings to this debate of Napora making his own decisions."

    What debate? You came here to preach but got owned - not that you could see it. My point was that while you could go on and on, and fucking on forever, another person has died from a pit bull attack.

    I'm chronically unimpressed by your sanctimonious bull shit. You promote pit bulls so dupes can be killed by their own dogs, then you come here with your garbage about how others should feel. What gives you the right to declare irony no longer funny? How bout you go bitch to about their funny 'Pet Care Tips' piece? "Your rottweiler or pit bull won't turn on you and kill you someday if you train it properly. Honest. Put it out of your mind."

    What's the matter, too soon? How could it be too soon when that line was published over 10 years ago?

    I have infinite sympathy for the innocent victims of pit bull attacks. Key word: Innocent. As for the others, sorry, all out of sympathy.

    Ever wonder how many of these dead people clicked 'Like' on your videos? Is it my fault they bought into your bullshit? Who contributed to their deaths? You for assuring them pit bulls are safe, or me for trying to warn them?

    Yeah, I'm the insensitive bad guy here. Moron.

  29. Thanks Dude! This is freakin' hilarious.,8067/

  30. "Ever wonder how many of these dead people clicked 'Like' on your videos? "

    This just had to be repeated.

  31. dude- I always love your comments. You think I'm all about 'educating' all of you? Now, that's a moronic statement.
    Of course I can't come onto a pit bull hater blog and expect ANY of you to view this objectively. Your set on one view, "To kill or eliminate ALL pit bulls and their lying owners."
    Of course I expect hatred and insults to fly my way. If I didn't like leaving comments and reading your replies.....I wouldn't.

    I didn't leave these comments to "preach." In all of my comments about this incident, have I ever commented about excuses or, "that's not what happened?"
    No, I was trying to understand why all of you think it's a joyous occasion that a pregnant dog owner was killed.
    And yes, I understand, "all nutters make "bad" choices."

    If you're so unimpressed by my comments, then why reply? Only to insult me? Because that's not really winning the battle on, "Ban the Breed." The only thing that does is show the public your complete hatred and lack of factual arguments. (yes, I know you spill news links and all the, "this is how many people pit bulls have killed.") SOME of that can hold but, I read Alan Beck's deposition on BSL in Denver, and I gotta tell you.....WOW!

    Quotes like, "I actually don’t know. As I said, there’s a belief that fatal dog bite is actually fairly well reported."
    "Q: Do you know if breed reporting was reliable?
    A: I don’t understand. You mean, like…How would I know that?"

    Because that doesn't seem like concrete proof.

    Actually, I try not to 'promote' pit bulls. My goal was and still is to show the community EVERY dog can inflict serious injury.
    Yes, I do show positive pit bull articles, but ONLY because the mainstream doesn't.

    No, I never wonder how many people click, "like" on my videos, I don't care, this isn't a popularity contest. I've never cared how many subscriptions or 'friends' I have.
    The only thing I care about on the 'fuzupf' page is that my video's MIGHT make people think for themselves instead of listening to a bunch of bloggers shouting, "KILL THEM ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL BAD."

  32. FU Zupf, that would be a moronic statement. Why would you assert I said any such thing? I said the opposite, moron.

    You also assert that bloggers are saying, "KILL THEM ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL BAD." (The quotes are yours.) That's funny.

    I've said it before... You're a moron, FU Zupf. Being stuck at the level of a Jr. High drama queen is a pathetic circumstance for a grown man.

  33. Oh, okay. So, you're NOT in support of eliminating pit bulls?

    So, you've NEVER said:

    "I can't over emphasize how badly I wish that A/C officer was armed.
    Draw - double tap the pit - holster - take that pit owner to the ground with a hit so ugly it would make Oakland Raiders' fans go nuts."
    "Those can be expensive - more than 2 bucks per round and he fired twice. I don't know that I'd spend that kind of money to stop a pit bull attacking its owner."

    I mean, damn...even your name, "Dude, I bagged your pit" doesn't SUGGEST that you HAVE killed a Pit Bull?

    As for being stuck at the level of a Jr. High drama queen...I'll agree with you and that. SOMEONE is definitely stuck there.

    "FU Zupf said, Blah, blah, blah"
    "Hey, Marabito! C an U Not T ell the t r u t h?!
    "You’re an immature piece of shit, ‘FUzupf.'"

    Oh, and one more thing..."Your set on one view, "To kill or eliminate ALL pit bulls and their lying owners."
    I meant, "you" as in the general pit hater community.

    Wow, who's narcissistic again?

  34. One last thing...

    Out of my August 24, 2011 9:32 AM comment,
    all you have to respond to is one single quote?

  35. FUzupf said...

    "My goal was and still is to show the community EVERY dog can inflict serious injury.
    Yes, I do show positive pit bull articles, but ONLY because the mainstream doesn't."

    So, do you believe that every dog can commit the same level of serious injury? Do you believe that every breed of dog inflicts serious injury (and I don't mean a chihuahua cutting a nerve in someone's hand) with the same regularity? Do you believe that a positive thing counteracts a negative no matter the circumstances? For instance, does the existence of say 20 videos of nice pit bulls counteract 20 maulings by pit bulls? Does this put them on equal footing with a breed with only zero cutesy stories and videos and zero maulings?

  36. Yawn, FU Zupf. You assume that every person is walled off from each other and that their choices have no affect on everyone else in society. Well, they do, and we all have to live together. It is a powerful delusion and one that sounds so pleasant, to think that all of us can have our decisions and they are 100% personal and socially unimportant. It is what environmentalists have been fighting from the beginning, everyone talked like what was done on one side of the globe had nothing to do with everyone else living on it, they were "away" from the rest somehow. As you think about the world in terms of how to improve it you come to realize that there is no "away", no where truly separate from other human beings. How does this relate to the case being discussed? I do find the behavior of the husband strange (but it could be for a variety of reasons), what I find more important is the way that no one in the pit bull community will say "hey, that is pretty strange" or actually discuss the matter with integrity. I pointed out in my post specifically that groups that refuse to discuss *any* problematic element of their stance are dishonest as hell and probably fanatical. There is no perfect political solution, and as such there should be honest talk about the limitations of what BADRAP proposes within the community. Things like the death of members of the responsible owners group via pit bulls (which is supposed to be prevented by responsible ownership, according to BADRAP) is a big fucking problem. Having a big problem isn't necessarily a reason to abandon a point of view, but the refusal to acknowledge that there is a problem shows a total lack of interest in the truth or ethics. The growing influence of groups like BADRAP on policy affects the public (and I am a member of the public). I am in Best Friends territory and people walk their pits around or don't restrain them properly all the fucking time because of the lies of fanatics. I have years of experience in hospitals, and I don't want anyone to go through what mauling victims go through if it can be prevented. It may not affect me personally, but I realize that the person it does end up hurting is just as important as I am, just as worthy of safety. I have a feeling that the maturity needed to realize that other people matter as much as me is a big reason why I clash so hard with pit bull advocates. It seems like the only reason most of them give a shit about BADRAP or BFAS is that they own that kind of dog and don't want anything to interfere with that. You don't see many non-pit owners lining up to get behind pit bull advocacy, but you see a shit ton of non-victims helping groups like dogsbite. Did you ever wonder why it works that way?

    (shorter version: grow the fuck up. seriously. )

  37. "You don't see many non-pit owners lining up to get behind pit bull advocacy, but you see a shit ton of non-victims helping groups like dogsbite. Did you ever wonder why it works that way?"

    An excellent point skeptifem.

  38. Hey Fuzupf,

    Did a group of any other breed attack a woman today and ravage her ears to where she'll need plastic surgery to feel normal again?

    I didn't think so.

    If you look FUzupf, pit bulls are mauling people on a daily basis. That must be one hell of a media bias/breed identification thing going on to account for all this, huh?

  39. FuZupf needs to be out in Cali and Arizona making sure the breeders who who bred Gunner and Maghair don't traffic anymore litters onto the public. Unlike other breed communities, the term Breed Stewardship seems to be a foriegn concept to these Nutters.

    Don't bitch when Pit breeding gets shut down due to public safety reasons.

  40. i love skeptifem. this is the most profound comment ever left on this blog. i think you might have frightened or shamed fudufus into oblivion. good job.

  41. FUzupf wrote:
    Oh, okay. So, you're NOT in support of eliminating pit bulls?
    So, you've NEVER said:

    "I can't over emphasize how badly I wish that A/C officer was armed.
    Draw - double tap the pit - holster - take that pit owner to the ground with a hit so ugly it would make Oakland Raiders' fans go nuts."
    "Those can be expensive - more than 2 bucks per round and he fired twice. I don't know that I'd spend that kind of money to stop a pit bull attacking its owner."

    how in the fuck do you deduce eliminating ALL pit bulls from the killing of a specific pit bull?
    you have a serious intellectual deficit there little man. you would good match for solar sanitizer over at opposing views. that fucktard can't reason his way out of a paper bag either.

    the level of absolute idiocy among the pit nutter crowd is mind blowing.

  42. -No, dawn james. I actually really like skeptifem's comment. But Dawn James,
    I think you need to read this quote again, "It may not affect me personally,
    but I realize that the person it does end up hurting is just as important as
    I am, just as worthy of safety."

    It's real funny to think YOU like it considering YOU'RE the one that
    thinks it's better for this lady to die than it being someone else.

    -"the refusal to acknowledge that there is a problem shows a total
    lack of interest in the truth or ethics."

    I believe I stated something similar to this quote.
    "The Pit Community needs to stop...............Just stop trying
    to examine every little thing and just state the obvious, a tragic
    accident happened and 2 lives were lost."

    -"You don't see many non-pit owners lining up to get behind pit bull
    advocacy, but you see a shit ton of non-victims helping groups like dogsbite."

    Actually, they do. I've noticed in articles there will be a poll on, "should pit bulls
    be banned?" and every poll I'VE seen, the results are that the majority DON'T want bans.
    Why are Via Lobos,'Pit Boss', and Stop-BSL so popular?.

    -And the whole piece on "a shit-ton of non-victims helping groups like dogsbite."
    Then why isn't DBO nationally recognized as a FACTUAL dog attack statistics website, and I'm not talking about a
    news station mentioning, "a website called DBO that tracks pit bull attacks."
    What about advertisements, commercials, FUNDRAISERS. I know almost any volunteer group will do fundraisers.
    When was the last time DBO put a fundraiser together to help victims? And I don't mean mentioning a
    news station that stated, "a savings account or fund will be available to make donations to
    help the family."
    If there is a, "shit-ton" of people helping DBO, don't you think pit bulls would've already been
    banned across the nation because of all the FACTUAL information DBO "experts" put on the website?
    For that matter, How many members ARE there? A few hundred, maybe a thousand in a
    population of 311 million? Hmm, that number kinda reminds me of how many pit bull attacks DBO
    tracks vs. how many pit bulls there actually are in the US.

    -Hey DubV- Nope, but a 3yr old girl was killed by 2 Husky mixes. I know it's not ravaged ears, but just thought
    I'd throw that out.

    If pit bulls were, "mauling people on a daily basis." Then YES, there would be a SERIOUS
    problem and something would absolutely NEED to be done, for sure.
    But what about all the other 400-500 breeds that attack people, "on a daily basis?" I
    know Pit Bulls aren't the ONLY ones that attack people.

    -Vintage, I DO live in California and I DO talk to EVERY pit bull owner I see
    and tell them they need to get their dog: chipped, neutered/spayed, and licensed.

  43. Dawn James, that quote was specifically directed towards, "Dude, I Bagged Your Pit Bull"

    But thanks for coming in our conversation.

  44. FU Zupf: "But thanks for coming in our conversation."

    We weren't having a conversation. If I recall, I read and quoted your first line, then repeated the rest to the extent of its worth with, "blah, blah, blah." Point being - I don't even read far in your comments or follow threads you've entered. I'm just not that interested in broken records and idiots.

    I have no idea why you come here to play "Kick Me!" Only you would know.

  45. what a surprise. fuzupf doesn't understand how blogs work. here's a little primer for you. anyone can comment. invitations to join in on a discussion are not necessary, least of all by me.

  46. "I have no idea why you come here to play "Kick Me!" Only you would know."

    i want the ability to click a LIKE button on the comments :)

  47. Fuzzy, you miss SO many points that this is wasted time but...

    "I think you need to read this quote again, "It may not affect me personally, but I realize that the person it does end up hurting is just as important as I am, just as worthy of safety." It's real funny to think YOU like it considering YOU'RE the one that thinks it's better for this lady to die than it being someone else."

    Fuzzy, please pay attention... nobody wants anybody to die but the individual who knowingly takes the risk (the pit bull owner who advocates for the breed and states that "it's all in how you raise 'em, they are just like any other dog, I'm a responsible pit bull owner and my two pits are the sweetest dogs ever) this is the person who should suffer the consequences of their decisions. The neighbor, or the mailman, or the child, or somebody's pet or livestock should not suffer the pain, disfigurement, or financial loss.

    You have the completely wrong impression of DBO. Nobody ever said the point was to financially support victims. There is no organization with enough money to do this. Maulings can cost milions of dollars, candy bar sales will not cut it. The point of DBO is to share information that will help PREVENT future maulings and deaths. Fuzzy said "Then why isn't DBO nationally recognized as a FACTUAL dog attack statistics website?" It is, and the only group who fails to recognize this is the same group that gives us ladder theories and shark attack deaths.

    Fuzzy said "If pit bulls were, "mauling people on a daily basis." Then YES, there would be a SERIOUS
    problem and something would absolutely NEED to be done, for sure". Pit bulls ARE mauling people on a daily basis but you seem to have your eyes closed and your hands over your ears. You have gotten yourself as hysterical as a woman and are simply unable to think.

    Fuzzy said "But what about all the other 400-500 breeds that attack people, "on a daily basis?" HUH???

    I am done with you, the slam you hear is the screen door, going out to the barn and talk to the horses, they make a lot more sense.

  48. Dude, when you address a commenter by their screen name, (e.g.
    hey fuzupf, just curious, what do you think... OR, "Hey Fuzupf," OR FU Zupf, that would be a moronic statement. Why would you assert I said any such thing?)

    That sure does sound like it's directed towards ONE SPECIFIC commenter.

    Also, you think you guys always "slam" me. But why is it that you still haven't responded to any of the question's I've asked you?

    You haven't responded to:
    - Alan Beck's deposition on BSL in Denver
    - You're NOT in support of eliminating pit bulls?
    -"Dude, I bagged your pit" doesn't SUGGEST that you HAVE killed a Pit Bull?
    -Don't you think pit bulls would've already been
    banned across the nation because of all the FACTUAL information DBO "experts" put on the website?
    -How many members ARE there?
    -When was the last time DBO put a fundraiser together to help victims?

    There's a few more, but you get the point.

    If you NEVER read far into my comments, or you don't give a rat's ass about me....WHY DO YOU KEEP RESPONDING BACK??

    --Oh, I forgot. It's because I'm a moron or I just blabber on and on and on. Or you've, "shamed fudufus into oblivion."
    Or it's some other stupid 5th grade name calling BS.
    That's right.....I forgot.

    So, how exactly DOES a blog work, Dawn James? You gang up on one commenter and keep insulting them, and call them names until you THINK you've won? Do you get some sort of medal?

  49. "Oh, I forgot. It's because I'm a moron"



    October 2010: When Hilljack Pit Breeder Joh Reynolds arrives home and finds his father killed by his 6 adult and 11 Pit pups, he rationalizes that a mountain lion must have done it.

    Osburn confirmed that there were six adult pit bull dogs and 11 pit bull puppies in the kennel.
    Reynolds' son says he believes that a mountain lion or even stray dogs were responsible for the attack that took his father's life.
    But a field program specialist with the Missouri Department of Conservation said he doesn't believe a mountain lion was responsible.
    'It's his opinion that there is no way that those bite marks and injuries to the victim were caused by a mountain lion', Osburn said of the specialist's view.

    Read more:

    These animals were not culled and John Reynolds inherited his father's trailer empire. Another documented mankilling line, one of many dating all the way back to Colby. The silence from the "responsible" Pit community was deafening here.

    **Disclaimer...I am not making this up!

  51. The bottom line for me is, these dogs pose an elevated risk, and should be regulated. Pit bulls have negatively impacted my quality of life; my personal safety and that of my child was compromised when a local pit came after me and my then two year old son; my property values are impacted negatively by having pit bulls in the neighborhood (ask a realtor in my town how easy it is to sell a home with a pit bull living next door). My children's safety has been compromised (my daughters classmates "loving" pit bull, raised from a puppy, socialized, exercised and trained, at the age of two, killed the family's other dog,and a few months later, bit someone in the face.) My dog's safety has been compromised....while walking him on leash,I heard snarling and barking, and turned to see a pit bull trying to leap through a partially open car window of a MOVING vehicle to attack my dog. I have friends who have been bitten, and friends whose dogs have been mauled by the neighbors "lovebug' pit bull.

    Pit bulls aren't common where I live, but EVERY single pit bull which has lived in my neighborhood has been a problem; aggressive toward people and/or dogs. Labs are by far the most popular dog here in my suburb, every other house has a lab, and I can say that problem labs are RARE.

    My opinion isn't based on statistics put out by pro-pit advocacy groups, media reports, or humane organizations propaganda. Its based on personal experience after 50 years on the planet. In every town I have ever lived in, urban,suburban or rural, since the 1980s pit bulls have caused problems. It doesn't matter how they were raised, or what the intentions of the owners were, these dogs behaved in a way that was totally consistent with their breeding.

  52. Fuzzy said "But what about all the other 400-500 breeds that attack people, "on a daily basis?" HUH???

    Start listing them. I want 400-500 breeds that attack people on a daily basis, Fuzhump. Come on. Back it up. You can do it. I know you can find me 400-500 breeds that attack people on a daily basis.

    On the off chance you cannot ;) How about just 10 that have fatally mauled more than 100 people. Can't do that either?

    How about 1. 1 other breed (or type if you're one of that style of denier) that has been genetically selected for aggression and the physical characteristics to inflict maximum damage while being "game" about it. IOW, not letting go until either the victim is dead or the perpetrating animal has been forcibly pulled off or killed. 1 other breed with that sort of eugenics behind it that has fatally mauled 100 people or attacks people on a daily basis.

    We'll be waiting.


  53. "It's real funny to think YOU like it considering YOU'RE the one that thinks it's better for this lady to die than it being someone else."

    The proof that what you are saying about me is incorrect is in the post linked to at the top of the page. I don't waste time on people who make up bullshit to avoid confronting uncomfortable thoughts or issues, however. If I proved you wrong to your satisfaction I am sure you would just make up something else so that you could ignore what I have to say. My arguments stand on their own merits, and it would be possible to discuss them if you would read and address them, but I am guessing you won't, judging by your behavior so far.

  54. FUzupf really must be some type of horrible narcissist, and a dumb one at that. Who the hell repeatedly comes to a blog where they are outnumbered, outwitted, and a laughing stock and puts up lame defenses while thinking they nailed it? An idiot who is full of himself (which I believe I will add as FUzupf's urban dictionary definition). Almost all pit nutters are narcissists. That's why they get their dog, for attention.

  55. Pitiots are a special breed. They want reputations (for themselves and their beasts) that contradict one another.

    First they get their beasts because they like to think they are "special owners" and "gold star trainers," better and more capable than anyone else as evidenced by their beasts/dogs. Then they try to argue that their maulers are "just like any other dog."

    Seeking out a type of dog specifically because it is difficult and dangerous isn't just narcissim, it is anti-social behavior which more than borders on the psychotic.

  56. You guys are confusing.

    All of you are jumping in and out, using my quotes that are directed towards someone else and then call me a liar for using your
    quote in another persons reply to my comments that I respond to.

    ....ya, exactly.

    Into addition, I have 2 new people jumping on me all of a sudden, so now I have to keep track of, I think......5 people now, that are asking me questions, (with an insult here or there) while thinking of more funny words they can put my screename in.

    Is this how you, "kick me" or "win" on blogs?
    Wow, good thing this is JUST A BLOG.


    you respond back to me because I'm a moron, but when I ask you simple
    a. refuse/ignore me
    b. insult me
    c. Both
    Like I said before... that sure is, "concrete proof"

    APRIL 29----- In response to your statement of, "completely wrong impression of DBO"

    First of all, I didn't say that financially supporting victims was the ONLY point. I was using FUNDRAISER's as an example. To which I ask AGAIN....Does DBO put on fundraisers to help support victims.

    I know the goal is hoping, "to protect both people and pets from future attacks." I know that.

    Then I asked,
    Q."why isn't DBO nationally recognized as a FACTUAL dog attack statistics website?
    A. It is.

    Ok then why hasn't ASPCA customer service heard of you?
    Why hasn't AVMA customer service heard of you?
    I figured I might as well call Best Friends to at least ACKNOWLEDGE you exist, their only answer was, "We know there are websites that disprove the pit bull breeds, but as far as ''....I've never heard of them."

    Why are you NOT added to this list of Animal Welfare Organizations:

    - American Dog Owners Association (ADOA)
    - American Humane
    - American Kennel Club (AKC)
    - ASPCA
    - American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
    - American Working Dog Federation (AWDF)
    - Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)
    - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    - Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
    - International Assocation of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
    - National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA)
    - National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI)

    These groups ARE: Dog Trainers, Rescues, Shelters, Animal Behaviorists, Government entities, Veterinarians, and even Animal Control Officers.

    What is A web-designer from Seattle and a former OR present city attorney with Denver?
    I know what the answer is, but do they have formal training, certificates, licenses, degrees... anything to certify them as, "EXPERT CANINE BEHAVIORIST"

    I don't know, I'm asking you.

    And the whole 400-500 breeds attacking every day....ok, maybe I worded it wrong. I meant to say in the lines of: there's approximately 78 MILLION dogs in the USA.
    I know pit bulls aren't the ONLY ones that bite and attack people. There's 160 or so breeds that AKC recognizes. But more realistically, there are around 300-600 as people continue to selectively breed dogs for different purposes and appearances.
    There is no end to the number of mixed breeds.

    No one can HONESTLY state no other breed of dog DOESN'T bite or attack someone every day and goes unnoticed.

    PERFECT EXAMPLE....the 3yr old girl that was killed by 2 Husky mixes in Canada.....Not one, single mention or blurp of this on

  57. I can honestly state that no other breed of dog attacks every day and goes unnoticed. did have a blog post about the husky mix attack in Canada, as well as one in MN and one in IL and on and on...

    the site is not to blame if you cannot negotiate it.

    It is not an animal welfare organiztion either, so of course it isn't listed in that manner and I don't know who you spoke with at the ASPCA but I can assure you that they have indeed "heard of" the site. (if you want to go the cred route in dogs, I can go that route, you will lose)

    I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and NOT assume you are flat our lying but rather have no idea how to access the appropriate staff.

    Heck, my vet (who is also a member of the ACVB) knows about the site. My trainer, who is a member of the APDT, knows about the site.

    You simply do not have a leg to stand on here and I think you are just barely smart enough to know it, thus the distract, deflect and project tactics you are using in a lame attempt to extract your head from your ass.

  58. Hey FUzupf,

    Calling something just a website in a pejorative sense is similar to insulting a book for being made out of paper or a math equation for being just symbols.

  59. Fuzzy, have you bothered to dig behind those "experts" you quote who are against BSL? Have you bothered to find their hidden agenda? Obviously not. AVMA, hidden agenda is their board members are pro-agribusiness. In simple words for your simple mind, this means they make money off of breeders of pits because pits have such large litters. It also means they support the cruelty of puppy mills. Read about their leader who did such a piss poor job previously and there is a long government report of how miserably he failed in that job. The ASPCA, headed by a notorious "No Kill'er", save them all, no matter the cost. Any trainers want to keep pits going, they make money offering training to those monsters. And the NAIA, what a horrible group because they are definitely leading the pack in supporting the puppy mill cruelty, so they don't give a damn who gets hurt. The CDC authors, well, I do believe they were exposed either on this blog or the DBO blog as to what they are.

    Board members change in any non profit and when that happens, so does their philosophy. When the nutters put their board members on, then change happens. I can see that you take things at face value, you don't think for yourself. Just another puppet being led around by the nose is all you are. You can't run with the big dogs who do their research, so go home.

  60. So basically, all you Pit haters are correct and all other people are nutters? AND, all other agencies are in it only for the money and to support the pit bull breed?

    Jim-- Where do you see the post of the fatal dog mauling of the little Canadian girl? I sure as hell don't see it. There's a post on a little girl that was killed by a Pit/Mastiff.
    I can see how DBO must've "accidentally" missed it. ONE pit bull story and there are 19 links to pit bull hysteria, and the story is so long I had to hit the PageDown button 11 times to get to the bottom!
    Where as the Canadian girl that was killed by the 2 Huskies has 11 LINES to the story.
    It's very sad that one dog attack will supersede another. The public will totally forget about the poor girl that was killed by 2 HUSKIES and instead focus on another that was killed by an unregistered Pit/Mastiff.

    But oh ya I forgot. The pit/mastiff caused, "suffered scalp injuries in the horrific attack." The victim was, "was clinging to her mum's leg" "Ripping her for her mother."



    The Mosquito First Nation community in Saskatchewan is mourning the death of a three-year-old girl following a vicious dog attack.
    The incident was reported Sunday night.
    CTV News has learned the little girl and her family are originally from the Dakota Plains area near Portage la Prairie.
    Police say the girl was mauled after wandering into a yard and encountering two husky-cross dogs that weren't fenced in or on a leash.
    The girl was pronounced dead shortly after being taken to hospital.
    The dogs have been put down by their owner.
    Authorities say criminal charges are not being considered.
    The family moved to the Mosquito First Nation about a year ago."

    So where's the details as with the pit/mastiff post? Where are HER injuries? Where's all the graphic details of the mauling? Where's all the links to Huskies killing infants?
    And yes, they are out there.

    Oops, I totally forgot, you being so stupid. The media has no affect on pit bull hysteria. They treat ALL dog attacks equal.

    I'd rather take the knowledge of "experts" that have schooling, licensing, certificates, and degrees THAN from somebody that makes websites for people and business'.

    You know what, it doesn't matter because none of you STILL haven't answered my question.

  61. "Where as the Canadian girl that was killed by the 2 Huskies has 11 LINES to the story."

    Oh, I don't know, maybe on a CANADIAN dog bite blog or maybe on a pit nutter blog that has to include every non-pitbull attack on the planet in the last 3 decades to try and balance the scales so they can appear justified when they screech the ALL DOGS BITE mantra.

  62. So why does DBO have the 4yr old girl that was killed by the pit/mastiff in Melbourne, AUSTRALIA posted?

    Is one fatal dog mauling worth mentioning than the other?

    I mean, if you're gonna list fatal dog maulings.....list them ALL.

    Why totally ignore and refuse to list one, but go hysterical over another?

    That looks like, "picking and choosing." to make the door swing your way.

  63. For Fuz-nuts

    Step 1. Go the website
    Step 2. Use the search mechanism and use the words "husky canada"
    Step 3. Read the multiple stories about husky attacks, including one that links to the story you reference.
    Step 4. Man up and admit you are wrong.

    What experts with degrees are you listening to, btw. The vast majority of the pro-pit contingency are vet techs, groomers, and people who hung up a shingle that says "I am a dog trainer."

    Veterinary behaviorists recognize the genetic predisposition toward aggression and the rapid cycling transference that is common among pit bulls.
