Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a glimpse inside the mind of a nutter

once again fuzupf leaves me wondering if he is morally corrupt or intellectually bankrupt as his puny brain tries to equate two recent dog fatal maulings.

this nutter's panties are in a twist because two recent fatal dog attacks have not garnered equal media coverage. he is especially disturbed that dogsbite.org has not covered the canadian fatality.

the first death takes place in canada and is of a lone unsupervised 3 year old toddler who wandered onto the property of another where two unrestrained huskies killed her. the second death takes place in australia and is of a 4 year old who was killed by a neighbor's mutant INSIDE her home while watching TV. in addition to the death of the 4 yr old girl, a 5 year old was attacked and suffered injuries to her scalp and a 30 yr old woman was mauled trying to fight the mutant off.

the differences between these two attacks should be obvious to even those of less than modest intelligence.

in the canadian fatality, the parents were negligent and the responsibility of their child's death lies with them. the deadly aggressive act could be viewed as territorial. in the australian fatality, the deadly aggressive act is pure predatory behavior. one small child trespassing and being attacked by 2 dogs versus one pit bull trespassing and attacking 3 people.


fuzupf is not the first person try to and equate dissimilar dog attacks. NCRC's evil genius, KAREN DELISE, put the righteous indignation spin on the attack of Sue Gorman. Gorman was attacked by her neighbors' 2 pit bulls IN her bed. DELISE is upset that Gorman's attack was reported in over 230 newspapers and tv news networks world wide while other non pit bull attacks during the same month received a mere single mention.


  1. Do you expect any difference from a pit nutter? Same ol' song, second verse. Since when do they have the sense to put two and two together, they still play with pick up sticks.

  2. a glimpse inside fuzupf's head



    Meet Sonoma County Pit Nutter KRUNK who spewed forth his nutter two cents to the following post on 12/1/2010....

    Re: The Truth about Pit Bull Breeds!
    All this talk is for the most part great.
    I heard the other day that spaniels bite more people then pit bulls, then again I do not see gangsters and thugs running around with springer spaniels either.
    Pit bulls are pretty much banned in Sonoma County already, the shelter only recognizes 3 registries that allow you to0 avoid getting your pit spayed/neutered( AKC, UKC, ADBA). If your dog is not registered with one of these registries you have to get your dog fixed....they say this is because of overpopulation of pit bulls in Sonoma County.
    Currently, because I have refused to get my pit bull fixed, I owe county collections over $900.00 and they took my drivers license away until I pay it. All because I like my dog just the way he is. Thanks.


    **Disclaimer...You can't make this stuff up!

  4. Oh, geez I did not remember this is the SUE GORMAN attack used in this stupid TOTALLY CHERRY PICKED (making the door swing their way) little vignette that is not even annotated with the actual articles with the actual details.

    EVIL GENIUS is not an exaggeration. Note that she says "an incident in her home." It makes it sound as if they were HER pit bulls or at the very least that she had some kind of relationship with them - or at least it was some kind of normal pit bull mauling. Kind of left some details out there, didn't she? And of course she doesn't let people see the actual articles to get details that demonstrate how unbelievably bizarre and horrific this particular attack was. Or mention that ONLY pit bulls do this.


    FUZnuts is constantly telling people what they should think, feel and blog about. Stop being a whiny little baby and go try to do some research yourself, FUZnuts. List the pit bull attacks side by side with the other attacks you find. Link to articles. Don't be a liar and leave out the most ghastly details to make the door swing your way. Do not cherry pick to make the door swing your way.

    If you think non-pit attacks aren't being reported to the same degree PROVE IT. Evil genius Delise's cherry picked BS proves nothing. PROVE ALL MEDIA EVERYWHERE IS CONSISTENTLY BIASED IN DOG ATTACK REPORTING

    You will have to acknowledge and explain why the media conspiracy missed Poppy Watson's disfiguring attack by a pit bull . It wasn't reported at all when it happened in November 2010. News of her attack would never have become public were it not for her friends who issued a press release publicizing the fundraiser they were putting on so she could pay for her plastic surgery. Do you think I found the ONLY pit bull mauling to not be reported?

    You will also have to acknowledge and explain why the media conspiracy ignored a fatal attack in October 2010. A man was FATALLY MAULED by pit bulls and the story was only picked up 5 days later by ONE local news outlet and after 7 days was only picked up by one international news outlet. That is scant and delayed attention for any kind of fatal dog attack.

  5. Seen this one yet FUzupf?


    Do you have zero ability to see an ongoing pattern?

  6. Its so unfair! Its just like when the media pays more attention to hurricanes than thunderstorms, it must be a conspiracy!

    ...anyway. I don't know how nutters square their persecuted conspiracy thing with the fact that there are entire television shows pushing their views? Is the news supposed to provide more help than pit boss and pit bulls & parolees?

  7. "Is the news supposed to provide more help than pit boss and pit bulls & parolees?"


    oh skeptifem, i really do love you.

  8. Like any of you care.....

    "On the same day that classmates of four-year-old Ayen Chol released balloons in her memory, the 77-year-old woman was bitten by two stray german shepherds which forced their way into her sunroom."

    I guess German Shepherds ALSO have that, "predatory behavior"

  9. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/national/10092700/ayens-classmates-release-balloons/

    The attack began outdoors and the dogs followed her into her home.

    Absolutely horrific event.

    But not a home invasion attack on par with the Sue Gorman or the Ayen Chol mauling.

    Another example of Fuz-nuts cherry picking.

  10. thanks jim. even though the attacks are not comparable in damage, it looks like mr fuzupf was telling the truth about a home invasion. this is the first non-pit bull home invasion that i am aware of. so to keep up with c marabito, we need to speculate on all other possible alternative explanations:
    they weren't really GSDs
    the 77 yr old provoked them
    the GSDs were suffering from rabies vaccinosis
    a ladder really attacked the old woman
    the GSDs were trained to attack senior citizens
    the owner switched their food from gravy train to alpo
    barometer readings are off the charts!

  11. HAH! Nutters never have to contend with that BS, dawn.

    Why don't defenders of normal dogs have an army of disinformation spreaders?

    That attack was indeed horrific and if Dawn hasn't heard of one then I think rare. I stand corrected - a home invasion attack is practically a pit bull trade mark and rare with all other breeds.

    Fuznuts, you are free to do the research refute my assertion with proof.

    Fuznuts, you're fine with cherry picking what you respond to as well.

    I also like the way you're whining about people insulting you given your screen name. Every time you sign in you're insulting someone who was just documenting pit bull attacks.

  12. If german shepherds are demonstrated to do that regularly then they are a problem too. It doesn't make pit bulls not a problem.

    The issue isn't being able to find single incidents caused by any one kind of dog, it is a pattern of behaviors over time that cannot be explained away by other means. That is what is needed to make the problem seem comprarable, FuZupf.

  13. Another Nuttercide in Philly on Tuesday...That's three owners killed by their own Pits in August.

    Posted on Thu, Sep. 1, 2011

    Son blames PSPCA for death
    Philadelphia Daily News


  14. The dogs in the Canadian attack were called "husky crosses". They won't show the dogs, but it is most likely that they were pit bull/husky crosses. Dogfighting on reserves here is now rampant, so the population of pit bulls on reserves has skyrocketed and they outnumber the husky/shepherd mixes that used to be most prevalent. I would estimate that 80% of all "rez dogs" in Canada now have pit bull blood in them.

    That said, I would find this attack far less upsetting than the Australian one even if the Canadian dogs had been purebred AmStaffs because of the circumstances. I have never heard of a Husky killing anyone in an unprovoked, off-property attack. In fact, if pit bulls weren't so frequently involved in unprovoked and OFF-PROPERTY attacks I wouldn't be particularly interested in them. I can protect myself, my children, and my animals from interacting with pit bulls on their territory, but I can't keep them away if they attack in a park, on a street, or - God forbid - in my own home.

  15. BB, i am not familiar with an off property husky fatality either. i agree with your comment 100%.

    vintage, NUTTERCIDE!!! you're a genius!!

    as for this recent fatality, the dogs had recently attacked neighbors. now the son has the gall to blame AC for not killing the mutants after they attacked 2 people. the NUTTERS chose to keep these things alive, so i have to say bravo mutants and the AC!! this is perfect schadenfreude. how beautiful it would be if EVERY nutter was killed by their mutants in these scenarios.

  16. I think the whole story is different.

    "In the latest attack, the dogs knocked the woman to the ground and savaged her ankle and thigh in the backyard of her Ringwood home and then chased her inside as she attempted to escape.

    Police said the woman made it into her sunroom before the dogs bit her again before she managed to lock them out of the house."

    This was not two dogs breaking into someones home to attack them. They didn't break through doors or windows. She was able to get them out of her home and the attack ended. She still has all her limbs and her scalp is intact.

    As I said, horrible attack, yes. Hopefully the dogs will be promptly destroyed without someone crying on TV and starting a "free my innocent dogs" campaign.


    August 2011, Philadelphia, PA
    Carmen Ramos 50 years old

    August 2011, Pima County, AZ
    Michael Cook, 61-years old

    August 2011, San Mateo County, CA
    Darla Napora, 32-years old

    June 2011, Spotsylvania County, VA
    David Quyon Haigler, 38

    March 2011, San Bernardino County, CA
    Jennie Erquiaga, 47

    November 2010, Dillon County, SC
    Justin Lane, 25

    October 2010, Callaway County, MO
    Rev. John Reynolds, 84

    December 2008, Riverside County, CA
    Gerald Adelmund, 60

    January 2008, Beauregard County, LA
    Kelli Chapman, 24

    October 2007, Clay County, FL
    Tina Marie Canterbury, 42

    July 2006, Monongalia County, WV
    Brandon Coleman, 25

    December 2005, Wayne County, MI
    Mary Stiles, 91

    November 2005, Bexar County, TX
    Roberto Aguilera, 64

    May 2005, St. Louis, MO
    Lorinze Reddings, 42

    January 2003, Gwinnett County, GA
    Flora Lubin, 52

    December 2002, Bergen County, NJ
    Julia Mazziotto, 80

    July 2002, Harris County, TX
    Dorothy Carter, 52

    July 2001, Cook County, IL
    Alexander Gillis, 77

    September 1994, Bronx County, NY
    Ana Claudio, 66

    September 1985, Baltimore County, MD
    Rebecca Puckett, 57

    Can I get a "Pit Bulls are the most loyal dogs" Hell yeah?!?

    **Disclaimer...I am not making this up!

  18. In the interest of fairness I need to set the record straight...

    I forgot one:

    January 2011, Colusa County, CA
    Linda Leal, 51

    That's 8 adult Pit owners killed by their own dogs in the past year. In the dictionary near the term DISLOYALTY, there should be a picture of a Pibble.

    Sleep with one eye open Nutters!

  19. nuttercide!!!

    if only pibble would confine its maulings to owners, i could jump on the pit bull band wagon.

  20. Lately, the people getting the best look into the minds of pit nutters have been medical examiners.

    "We've been looking for new clues to explain irrational denial among pit bull owners - something beyond the regular post mortem finding of shit-for-brains," said Dr. Strykersaw.

  21. Good one, Dude, thanks for the chuckle today.

  22. Medical inside joke... "Dr. Strykersaw"

    Good one Dude.

  23. i guess i have lead a sheltered life. someone please clue me in.

  24. it's the saw used to remove the skull "cap" during autopsy

  25. LOL!! i saw that live in person. i don't live as sheltered life as i thought. i just didn't know the name of the saw or any of the tools.


    Nov 1998: Meet misunderstood Philadelphia Wigglebutt "Sir Trooper Blue" who mauled Christopher Lerro's face to the tune of 258 stitches...

    Lerro was shocked when the owner of the dog, named Sir Trooper Blue, fought against having it destroyed, even though it had earlier attacked a deliveryman and possibly several others, according to the owner's lawyer, James A. Lynch, and later mauled a veterinary attendant at an animal hospital where it was held in quarantine.

    Although the owner, Debra Madonna, had wanted to send the animal to a farm in Chester County, where she has relatives, it was euthanized after the state animal warden stepped in, declared it a ``dangerous dog,'' and required that she put up a $50,000 bond to guarantee its behavior, Lynch said.

    ``She's a poor single mother and she didn't have the money,'' Lynch said. The dog was beheaded so its brain could be studied to determine whether it had rabies. It did not


    **Disclaimer...You can't make this stuff up!

  27. An immediate catch on the Strykersaw reference. As usual, you're an impressively observant bunch!


  28. Thank Dog (yeah that was on purpose) you finally found my trailer to my film! I was starting to wonder what I had to do to get noticed around here by you Pit Nutters. You may think I am referring to the people who support the "breed(s)" recognized as Pit Bulls, but it is the ones who have gone out of their mind crazy trying to "expose" Pit Bull dogs for something they are not. You would have to be a "nutter" to waste all your time about something as irrelevant as breed when it comes to fatal and serious maulings by dogs, and from the sound of it, it doesn't appear that you even like dogs. Equally, it is disturbing that you would give your 10 or so followers a false sense of security if your crusade actually did come to fruition and all Pit Bulls were eliminated off the face of this Earth. Do you see the irony here? You wish physical harm to the people who own and care for these dogs, yet you try to protect people from these dogs...Sounds like you may need to re-evaluate your mission. Last, it has come to my attention that the word "craven" means: Contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly...so my question remains, what does the coward desire...?

  29. P. Seriously, is that the best you could come up with? "River Fart, Bite me"...? Maybe you should ask your one brain cell to talk things over with your only other brain cell and come up with a better game plan next time Chief

  30. And again, one must ask:


  31. Below are cut-and-paste quotes from Jeff's Linked in page, and from promotional material for his documentary. Jeff, you might consider a bit more education. "presonality"?
    "affliction for the arts"? Sentence structure for that last one? Brunswick High must be so proud.

    "Formal education stopped at the high school level, but have self taught myself in eveything I've done since, and for my presonality it works better."

    "Ever since I was a child, I have always loved animals, especially dogs, and an affliction for the arts."

    "... morphed into a film based on breed discrimination after a city proposed a ban of Pit Bull dogs in which I resided." Jeff, you did not reside in pit bull dogs, trust me on this.

    "Maybe you should ask your one brain cell to talk things over with your only other brain cell and come up with a better game plan next time Chief"

    Jeff, your game plan needs work.

  32. oh april 29, you have such an affliction with words. ;-)

    jeffrey, try to follow this logic around fatal car accidents. what is worse, if a drunk driver wraps his car around a telephone pole and kills only himself or if he kills someone in a crosswalk and walks away. obviously, it is best if the fucker just kills himself. of course, i don't think like a narcissistic pit nutter, so we will probably disagree here.

    as for your last question, trash me on your blog and i might answer it.

    such a shame that you have not done a fraction of the research that i have on the subject of gripping dogs.

  33. Yes, I love it! Lets keep going. Can April come out and play, or does she want to hide like a coward too. At least I give Craven credit, he/she at least knows they are. What about you April? Are you going to show me who you are too?

    First off, I can name about 100 entrepreneurs right now that either had only a high school education or less that you would envy and make far more money than you can dream of.

    Second, maybe you should go back to school. If you read what I wrote correctly, it says it morphed into a film about breed discrimination after a city proposed a ban of pit bull dogs in which I resided. Meaning the city banned pit bull dogs, and I lived there.

    Last, I tried to do this film as unbiased as I could, but I could only get 3 people to contribute that would "man" up and give me their points on film. I've contacted Merritt Clifton and Colleen Lynn, and both hid like scared little kids...and I'm sure it's safe to say, you would too...unless you want to do an interview...? I'm curious to what you have to say. I'm obviously not scared, I contacted you guys knowing I would drum up this discussion. Actually I encourage you too talk with me. And please tell all your friends to go to my trailer and dislike it so I can get the views up higher. You will only do me favors!

    This is great...now it's your turn...

  34. Cool, Dawn wants to wear the manly pants now. I'd love to hear about your research on gripping dogs, I'm sure I will be impressed and enlightened. Unfortunately I don't get your example, mostly because it makes no sense. Dog attacks are dog attacks. I don't want people getting attacked by dogs anymore than you. But the difference between us is, you live in a fantasy world where you think only Pit Bull dogs attack. What are you doing to prevent the other dogs from causing harm? Nothing I assume. And, because you promote this hate for these dogs, because let's face it you fear them, you are making the less then desirable dog "owners" like them more. But really, you're type of logic will not go anywhere in this day in age. For the most part, people see the failure BSL has been, and recognize we need to do something progressive. You're a dinosaur...

  35. "it doesn't appear that you even like dogs"

    Most of us have and love dogs. Strike one, stupid.

    "Do you see the irony here? You wish physical harm to the people who own and care for these dogs, yet you try to protect people from these dogs"

    You FAIL at understanding irony. Discouraging people from putting themselves in harms way by owning pit bulls via the many examples of failure isn't ironic. Irony is when someone adamantly declares pit bulls are safe prior to their pit bull killing them. That's not just irony - that's an automatic nomination for a Darwin Award.

    Stike two, dipshit.

    "Last, it has come to my attention that the word "craven" means: Contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly...so my question remains, what does the coward desire...?"

    You tell us, Bozo. If someone ran a blog titled 'Parakeets,' would you think the blog was authored by parakeets, or was about parakeets? (Or ABOUT craven desires?)

    You're out, fucktard.

  36. gee, i can't imagine why merritt and colleen hid (ignored) from your requests for an interview. i mean except that it is obviously just another propaganda film done by someone with no experience, no education, no integrity and no vision. that's a real fucking head scratcher for sure.

    regarding the rest of your fantasy world, i don't think pit bulls are the only dogs that attack. please find that quote. just like you, i am not doing anything to stop dog attacks although i strongly recommend others carry lethal force. i don't personally fear pit bulls, although i don't want them anywhere near my own dogs. your comments here clearly demonstrate that you don't even know what my position is on pit bulls. you obviously have not read my blogs. i hope you have done a more thorough job researching for your little affliction.

    as for research, here's a start for you:
    the truth about pit bulls

    gripping dogs

    famous pit bull owners

    these are heavily cited.

  37. "Last, I tried to do this film as unbiased as I could, but I could only get 3 people to contribute that would "man" up and give me their points on film."

    Why would anybody bother? You're a fucking nobody and a moron. That fact that people won't participate proves it. And you're claim you intended to be any bit unbiased is pure bullshit.

  38. "... morphed into a film based on breed discrimination after a city proposed a ban of Pit Bull dogs in which I resided." Jeff, you did not reside in pit bull dogs, trust me on this.

    Sorry Jeff, you clearly state that you reside in pit bull dogs and that the city proposed a ban specifically of those dogs in which you reside.

    It's called syntax, knuckle head, look it up.

    Yep, there are TONS of intelligent people who are immensely successful with just a high school education. You are not and will not be one of them.

    There's nothing particularly manly , or pantly for that matter, about enjoying a good knuckle head thrashing. It is a well known fact that throughout history the best knuckle head thrashers have been women.

    If you would love to READ Craven's research on gripping dogs, please read Craven Desires. (hint: google gripping dogs craven desires) Then read The Truth About Pit Bulls.

    Then come back and attempt to make an argument worth trashing.

    "I'm obviously not scared, I contacted you guys knowing I would drum up this discussion. Actually I encourage you too talk with me."

    FYI: commenting on THIS blog improves THIS blog's traffic and raises THIS blog in the search rankings. (it may also raise the term "knuckle head" in search rankings as well)

    Plot away, knuckle head.


  39. dude and snack, i am laughing so hard i am crying.
    thank you!

  40. Fucktard is right!

    This nutter doesn't know shit from shinola. Jeffrey's myspace page states he went to Brunswick HS from 1992-1996 while his linkedin page states 2002-2006.

    Theman can't even be trusted to produce an accurate resume. It is easy to see why he has gotten so many rejections. Jeffrey, people have NO confidence in you.

    This "unbiased" fucktard is affiliated with this organization. You know Jeffrey, saying you are unbiased and actually possessing the trait are two different things.

    But we can all breathe a big sigh of relief as THIS fucktard will not be reproducing.

  41. River fire films aka Jeffrey - You made a number of naive and uninformed statements - it's hard to know where to begin. You obviously haven't really read any of Dawn's articles on pit bulls.

    One thing you said is illustrative: "Dog attacks are dog attacks" - c'mon Jeffrey, do you really mean there is no difference between a normal dog bite, which doesn't break the skin, and having a limb chewed off by a pit bull? If you honestly can't see the difference then you're a hopeless case.

  42. april29,

    "... morphed into a film based on breed discrimination after a city proposed a ban of Pit Bull dogs in which I resided." Jeff, you did not reside in pit bull dogs, trust me on this.

    Maybe Jeff IS a pit bull's butt monkey!

  43. Jeffrey is like many a pit nutter. They get their heads filled with what they think are iron clad arguments and talking points, usually from several well known sources. They think anyone who disagrees with this revealed truth must be wrong. They try out their arguments on a few people and possibly change someone's mind or just overrun them with verbal diarrhea. They get in their head a notion of what the "haters" think. Then they come here and get owned, usually without noticing it.

  44. Maybe Dala Napora used to comment on this blog too. Maybe she was the one that was bitten by a yorkie, a poodle and a chihuahua but never by her pitbull.

  45. I waited about a half hour for someone to respond, and logged off after there seemed to have no activity. I got a chance to review some of the blog and your comments, and other bloggers blogs too from this page, and I will say, I may have been wrong about being dog haters. Some of your posts were touching about other types of dogs, and I believe Jake posted about an Akita (which is another breed with a slightly checkered past, and is also on some ordinances as being dangerous). Also, I deserve the few jabs about my errors on LinkedIn. I was in a hurry to create the page and didn't pay attention to any detail. Maybe subconsciously I hoped to be 10 years younger again...I actually never went back to it to fill in the blanks. The website mistake I made, I did the same night as the LinkedIn profile, but that was an error that I didn't see until someone corrected me here, I'll admit.

    I'd like to comment though about some of the things. I wasn't always a Pit Bull owner, but I always loved dogs of all different breeds and types. I grew up with a Beagle and Toy Poodles and loved them all dearly. My current dog came to me sort of by mistake. Being from Ohio, I have to carry $100K of liabilty insurance to have him and be legal, but I believe all owners should have insurance for their dogs. When the state law changes, I will continue to carry this policy, not because he is a danger to anyone, but because I think dog owners should have it. It doesn't cost that much, and it's the right thing to do for all dog owners of all breeds. I understand the size of the dog will determine the size of the bite. A smaller dog may not inflict as much damage as a larger dog, and we all know that children are usually the vicitims of dog bites...and there is my point. There are many other large (and even larger breeds) that can be a serious harm to children, adults and other animals. Do I think a Pit Bull is for everybody...absolutely not, but I don't believe just anybody should be able to have a dog either. During the production of this film, I got to meet other areaa rescue's (breed specific or otherwise), and they all say they have dog that get into fights, and have biters, and these are not Pit Bulls (I'm talking shepherd and lab/retriever rescues).

  46. Also, it has been mentioned from someone on here, that there are two different kinds of Pit Bulls...American Pit Bull Terriers and dogs deemed to be Pit Bulls due to "characteristics". Which ones are we talking about on this page? Just who are Pit Bulls? Three separate breeds, or twenty? I'm just curious, not being snotty. Which brings me to this...I am really quite shocked that multiple people have to stoop to the level of using abusive language and juvenile name calling. We are all adults and I think we may be able to have a conversation a little more diplomatic than this. I have refrained from using profanity, and I would expect you to do the same.

    I have also seen some post say that they are dog lovers. Now this one I have to say is bugging me. I am a dog lover. Being a dog lover means that you love dogs of all kinds. If you despise Pit Bull dogs (and who knows how many different breeds that includes), then you are more a "specific breed dog lover." Like it or not, last I checked, Pit Bulls were still listed under the canine species. This is science, not opinion.

    In closing, we can agree to disagree. I'm sure I won't sway you, and you definitely won't sway my opinion. We are all human amd besides those couple petty spelling errors and LinkedIn botch up, I'm sure you won't find many more from me. I mean, if you want to get that petty on errors, Craven starts sentences all the time with using a capital letter. We are not in grade school (at least I don't think we are), so that is irrelevant. But that has nothing to do with the research I actually have put in about breed specific legislation. And I am a responsible dog owner. You will never see my name in the paper for something my dog did, unless it is positive. I'm sure once I leave this page after posting this, you all will mock me, but I don't care. I don't understand why you all are even on this page. I don't like rap music, but you don't see me starting a blog calling for all the rappers to die. Only a crazy person would go to that level.

  47. Last post I meant, Craven starts sentences all the time without using a capital letter...

  48. A few points for Jeffrey....

    stating in a generic sense "I am a dog lover" does not entail that you love all dogs or all equally. I can switch this around a bit. I find it odd that a dog lover loves a breed of dog that was purpose-built by European and American sociopaths to kill other dogs. Pit bulls certainly aren't dog lovers, for the most part.

    As far as having a blog against something you dislike, like rap music yo said. Well, rap music does not negatively impact the lives of the innocent. Rap music does not run into strangers houses to maul their kids and pets. Rap music is not being put to sleep more than all other music.

    I'm much more upset with how humans lie about these animals, put them in situations in which they will fail, overbred them for money, and try to pass them off as just like any old dog to the naive.

    I am questioning this complex and sick system formed by the dogs and people around them, people that exploit them, and people that attempt to help them, and people who work for LEO and others.

    The dog's DNA is their only fault in this, even though they did not choose how to be bred. The are instant liability and they pass through the system above often with ill effects.

    Knowledge is power and there is a way to view this breed honestly that will overcome many issues. If everyone of good faith understood the truth and used it, we would be much better off. The only people left would be the exploiters. To dry up their money well, we have mandatory spay or neuter and microchipping for all pit bull. It would also be interesting to take DNA from each. If backyard breeding of pit is ended, then fewer pits will be born and can be adopted into the homes that can best handle them.

    Now, in the interim will have more adoptable pits than their are good homes. I suppose until the glut ends, we should euthanize all non-adoptable pits and carefully place the others. This bit is more tricky.

  49. Glad I checked back to see if anyone commented. I must say, I didn't know what to expect, but I'm glad I did.

    DubV, I will answer your questions, but first I want to add a little. I think we can all agree that we wish gangsters, drug dealers, dogfighters didn't have dogs at all. Pit Bulls are the most abused and exploited dog on the planet. They are quite popular now, even with doctors, lawyers and other professionals. They seem to be all over the place actually, much higher than any Clifton estimate (last I checked 5% I think). So if there are millions of Pit Bull dogs out there, there would be a news story every minute with a fatal or severe attack, it doesn't happen though. So one must wonder if they are all like "that," or if there are only a few. I'm not doubting and saying there is no Pit Bull attacks, but by excluding only them, you are really not giving the vicitim of another dog breed attack the same sympathy. It really is counterproductive. I hear the analogy all the time with Pit Bulls and guns, "Pit Bulls are like automatic guns, and other dogs like a .22"...or however it goes. So my question is, the people we don't want to have these dogs, how are we going to do that. If they don't care about laws, and they have illegal automatic weapons, then how are we going to get an outlawed dog from them? It just will not happen, that idea will never ever happen. So we need to think a little outside the box.

    Ok, not to answer the questions/comments...I actually think my rap music comparison was pretty good on second thought. Rap music (and heavy metal) for a long time was "proof" of violence. I can't remember how many stories I heard where kids said rap made me do it, or I killed my parents because of heavy metal-the devil music...Back in the 80's, Gerlado even did a special on this! And when you think of rap, most automatically think of gangs. Gangs are using Pit Bulls for dogfighting and other associations...Rap has shown that it impacts the lives of others.

    And to say Pit Bulls are the only dogs that are used for fighting is preposterous. I just mentioned about Akita's. Part of their checkered past is because of dog on dog fighting in their native land. Heck, here is a story about something you may like:


    Tell me what you think?

  50. Jeffery -

    What do I think about the Akita attack? I think caution should be exercised with any large dog. I also think that for every Akita attack I can show you 100 pit bull attacks.

    You say Akitas had a checkered past in that they were used for fighting - yes, they are a large powerful breed and it would occur to some sorts of people to fight them.

    But unlike the ancient Akita, the pit bull was created (in 1800s Stafford, UK) specifically to tear apart other living beings, for the amusement of sick sadists.

    You said that a dog lover should love all dogs equally. I disagree vehemently. I can tell you that I love my dogs very much, and will also tell you I hate, with a burning passion, any dog that would attempt to maim or kill my faithful companions. Sorry, I'm not going to love the mutant that's got my dog in it's jaws. My only concern will be to inflict as much trauma on the attacker as I can, as rapidly as I can, so as to stop the attack as soon as possible.

    As for your statement that pit bulls are "the most abused and exploited dogs on the planet" - are you kidding? I'd say the beagles and other small dogs that are used as bait for the pits are exploited far more cruelly than the pit bulls that love to tear them apart.

    As another example, take greyhounds for instance - they're exploited more, and abused worse than pit bulls, but greyhounds don't kill their owners.

    IMHO you have a very naive, romanticized view of pit bulls. I'd encourage you to take off the rose colored glasses and educate yourself.

    Here is a wonderful place to start: Journey from pit nutter to realist

  51. Get a load of this moron! This imbecile leads off with…

    “so my question remains, what does the coward desire...?”

    “Maybe you should ask your one brain cell to talk things over with your only other brain cell and come up with a better game plan next time Chief”

    “Yes, I love it! Lets keep going. Can April come out and play, or does she want to hide like a coward too.”

    “Cool, Dawn wants to wear the manly pants now… You're a dinosaur”

    And after that introduction of himself, this shit-for-brains clown NOW comes back with this sanctimonious, hypocritical garbage…

    “I am really quite shocked that multiple people have to stoop to the level of using abusive language and juvenile name calling. We are all adults and I think we may be able to have a conversation a little more diplomatic than this.”

    Yeah, good game plan, Chief.


  52. thanks dude, i was going to point out the hypocrisy but you beat me to it.

    "I waited about a half hour for someone to respond, and logged off after there seemed to have no activity."

    only rabid pit nutters can pull together a flash mob on such short notice.

    "I don't like rap music, but you don't see me starting a blog calling for all the rappers to die."

    i have never called for all pit bull owners to be die. pull that quote. in fact, if you are going to shoot your mouth off about me, you might want to come prepared with links.

    "Also, it has been mentioned from someone on here, that there are two different kinds of Pit Bulls...American Pit Bull Terriers and dogs deemed to be Pit Bulls due to "characteristics"."

    now for the SECOND FUCKING TIME: gripping dogs

    "In closing, we can agree to disagree. I'm sure I won't sway you, and you definitely won't sway my opinion."

    nice. the superior thinking, open minded unbiased pit nutter admits that his mind is made up despite any evidence that i might bring to the discussion. thank you jeffrey for playing Will the REAL Pit Nutter Please Stand Up. i'd like to suggest this quote for your little propaganda film:
    Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. John Adams, U.S. president 1797-1801

    oh and by the way fucktard, i check out everyone that contacts colleen lynn. you can thank ME for her not responding to your requests for an interview.

  53. Jeff, is it? Yeah, it's impossible to argue with these people since their primary line of defense is condescension and name-calling. If they were half as smart as they think they are, they'd be able to carry on a discussion without personal attacks and bringing in irrelevant information.

  54. ^ Assuming you're referring to me, I'm nobody named Philip. Just lettin' ya know.

  55. Here's a good look at some of the work of the Pit Bull counter culture:


  56. Jeffrey said....

    "I think we can all agree that we wish gangsters, drug dealers, dogfighters didn't have dogs at all. Pit Bulls are the most abused and exploited dog on the planet. They are quite popular now, even with doctors, lawyers and other professionals. They seem to be all over the place actually, much higher than any Clifton estimate (last I checked 5% I think)."

    See, Jeffrey this is small example of the sort of trickery that causes you and perhaps others to overestimate your abilities.

    You take something trivially obvious, in order to get my head to start nodding up and down, and then you slip in something different.

    No, the upper-class is not out adopting up pit bulls in droves. Of the handful that have, they are paraded around by the pit nutters as a faulty argument in the pits favor. Often times, the uber famous folks pits get into trouble, I mention just Ray's Isaboo.

    Truly responsible people would not want a pit bull if they knew they had a higher likelihood of being dog aggressive and their gameness. They are merely sold these dogs as "high energy and demanding" usually, which makes them sound like bigger, but even gentler versions of a Jack Russell terrier. They're not, and a 70 lbs JRT would be scary enough.

  57. Jeffrey said...

    "So if there are millions of Pit Bull dogs out there, there would be a news story every minute with a fatal or severe attack, it doesn't happen though. So one must wonder if they are all like "that," or if there are only a few."

    There are many serious dog bites on humans and killings of other pets that do not make the news. It is a serious problem. Fatal attacks on humans are just the worst of the problem, and that part that will guarantee notice.

    Actually, Jeffrey, if you would look their are serious non-fatal attacks on humans by pits on a daily basis. I'm certain that MANY dogs die each day by pit bull. You can look at past weekly entries of Craven's frankenmauler round up to get a sense. You do seem very naive, Jeffrey, and haven't actually delved into news stories because of the warning of "media bias" which is actually just a big iron bar slammed in front of you to a major door of knowledge. When you read about what pit bulls do, then you may open your eyes a bit.

    Now, after telling you that you are underestimating the problem, I'll tell you that you are using a straw man argument. You are casting this as if I (or the blog readers here or Craven or whatever) think all or some huge percentage of pit bulls are "like that". I assume you mean both dangerous and given an opportunity to flex their genetics on someone.

    The people here are not making a faulty universal statement. You would like that because those are easily disproved, you just find a single counterexample. No I do not believe that all pit bulls are extremely dangerous. It is true that all pit bulls are not killers but most killers are pit bulls (make a Venn diagram for that one). Some pit bulls are very dangerous but are housed like tigers by their owners or stay out of the news due to luck.

    I believe it is perfectly legitimate to compare average behavior/temperament of breeds and to look at the variation around the average. It is obvious to me that pit bulls pose a much higher public safety risk that most other breeds. Therefore, if you value the safety of yourself, others, and other animals it is immoral to own a pit bull when other choices are available. You can easily get a dog breed with all the positives of a pit bull (and more) while choosing a breed that has not killed anyone in the past decade, instead of the breed that has killed several people in the last few days.

  58. Jeffrey said...

    "I'm not doubting and saying there is no Pit Bull attacks, but by excluding only them, you are really not giving the vicitim of another dog breed attack the same sympathy. It really is counterproductive."

    You aren't saying there aren't pit bull attacks. Well, that's charitable of you. If you believed that they are the most dangerous dog type, then you would likely see that it is entirely fitting to have a bit more focus on the most dangerous case.

    You see, you don't know what anyone else here is ALSO concerned about or ALSO does. Get it?

    Let's say there is a way to die while sailing that is particularly dangerous and common. Do you fault someone for making a web site all about that? Do you thing that is being insensitive to other victims?

  59. Jeffrey said...

    "I hear the analogy all the time with Pit Bulls and guns, "Pit Bulls are like automatic guns, and other dogs like a .22"...or however it goes. So my question is, the people we don't want to have these dogs, how are we going to do that. If they don't care about laws, and they have illegal automatic weapons, then how are we going to get an outlawed dog from them? It just will not happen, that idea will never ever happen. So we need to think a little outside the box. "

    No paraphrase, Bill Maher..no Jeffrey you need to keep thinking in the box. The box is for stupid people, to keep you from hurting yourself or others.

    The gun analogy actually isn't that great here. The reason is that it gets tricky and people pull in other emotional sentiment borrowed from 2nd amendment discussions.

    It is trivially obvious that the more law-abiding someone is both the more closely they follow laws and the less laws are actually needed to constrain their behavior. If that sentiment gave wait to your argument here, it would give weight to EVERY argument against law and regulation. Are you an anarchist, Jeffrey? If no, then even you don't believe your own argument.

    The true heart of the 2nd amendment discussion is that if a criminal ignores a gun regulation while a noncriminal does not, then the criminal is at an automatic advantage when it comes to violent altercations using weapons. It should be obvious why this more complex level of thinking does not belong to the pit bull debate.

  60. Jeffrey said...

    "I actually think my rap music comparison was pretty good on second thought. Rap music (and heavy metal) for a long time was "proof" of violence. I can't remember how many stories I heard where kids said rap made me do it, or I killed my parents because of heavy metal-the devil music...Back in the 80's, Gerlado even did a special on this! And when you think of rap, most automatically think of gangs. Gangs are using Pit Bulls for dogfighting and other associations...Rap has shown that it impacts the lives of others."

    and you said first

    " I don't like rap music, but you don't see me starting a blog calling for all the rappers to die. Only a crazy person would go to that level."

    The entire analogy is busted Jeffrey. What you did was show an example where a group of people ascribed immense danger to a mode of art because of its supposed ability to coerce others into violent action. This was obviously wrong to like 90% of all people, just on its face.

    Now, you want to say that the pit bull question is exactly like this because a lot of people are concerned and you have given us an example in the past where a lot of people were concerned and they were wrong.

    First, Jeffrey you are begging the question. That is you are assuming your underlying point correct when making the argument. The point of contention is where or not pit bulls are an elevated safety risk. If they are, then any semblance to rap no longer fits. This doesn't happen as easily when an analogy is actually useful.

    So, what if I find an example where people were concerned and they were right? Because your analogy is so flimsy, then that one would exactly counteract it.

    How about this one? Pit bulls are like DDT. People became concerned about the dangers of DDT, but the people who made money off of DDT or liked to use DDT said the concerned people were nuts. Well, it turns out DDT is a danger, and it is now illegal to use here. See, how easy it is to make analogies, Jeffrey?

  61. This is HILARIOUS! All of you have gone completely insane. I just love how its so easy for someone to be an "expert" nowadays. All you have to do is have enough common sense to be able to turn a computer on, and sign up for a blog.

    First I will settle one argument right now. I never called any of you a "Fucktard." I've been pretty nice so far, but...

    I meant to comment on something Jake said awhile back about my statement concerning dog attacks. Yes, I absolutely think the big picture is nobody should be bitten by dogs, which is why I stated "dog attacks are dog attacks." Why is one persons misfortune any less relevant than someone ele's? You all are a bunch of hypocrites...clearly. Second, Jake, you could probably show me 100 "Pit Bull" attacks for every Akita attack, since an Akita is ONE breed, and Pit Bulls, by your definitions, are about 20-30 different breeds...Idiots. Third, Pit Bulls have around the same past as your beloved Akita's. Like it or not. They were BOTH created by man (as every dog breed is) for a function. Both had irresponsible people with ill intentions and decided to use them for thier own gain (big surprise, people doing unethical things for monetary reasons). In just about every Akita site, they mention that they are not for everybody and may have a strong prey drive towards smaller animals. They state they are natural guard dogs, and must be watched closely around animals and neighborhood children...here is one link (of many) that say this:

    If Pit Bulls are mutants, then what is every other dog "breed?" Jake, scientist don't even believe in "breed," just like they don't believe in pure race. Let me guess, you are some hilljack redneck who has the confederate flag waving on your door step...

    I love how you all want to take statements out of context, or use portions of websites and other "propaganda" to further your mission, but when REAL dog lovers want to state facts, you side step. True Pit Bull terriers, not the fake ones who have short hair and a blocky head, may show some level of intolerance towards other animals, but human aggression was never the concern. Hell, even known dogfighters will admit that if a dog showed human aggression, they eliminated it out of the gene pool. Most Pit Bull dogs are so far removed from their "fighting" past, that this fighting dog crap isn't even relevant anymore.

    You all need a heavier dose of whatever prescription medicine you are on. Neurotic bunch of fools. By the way, Colleen Lynn is a liar, and you all have been fooled.

  62. Theman your most recent comments about culling the man biters and Colleen are further evidence of your willingness to unthinkingly regurgitate the propaganda and your refusal to seek information outside of the cult.

  63. I'd like some fries with that bullshit, Jeffy! I predict your future has a lot to do with paper hats.

  64. Ahhh, so now Jeffery is also an expert on biological taxonomy! I’m sure you have a well-thumbed and extensively highlighted copy of The Ancestor’s Tale resting on your nightstand as we speak, yes?
    Jeffrey, you will never be a successful autodidact unless you are willing to absorb information and also develop rudimentary critical thinking skills. Please remember that being self-taught does not mean that you are very well-versed in whatever issues or philosophy you come up with in the vacuum of your own brain.

    I have not seen other posters “take statement(s) out of context” in this thread. They are cut-and-pasting your own statements in order respond to them and facilitate the exchange. They have “used portions of other websites…to further (their) mission” and referred you to those websites as well. Jeffrey, this is how research and argument are conducted. I hate to break it to you.

    I do not get the impression that you can distinguish propaganda from persuasive argument. Ergo, I don’t think that you know it when you see it.
    “Most Pit Bull dogs are so far removed from their "fighting" past, that this fighting dog crap isn't even relevant anymore.”

    On what do you base this preposterous statement? Dog fighting is a thriving subculture and has been for a very long time. Pit bull type dogs are not “far removed” from it—at most they are only several generations. What is your point, anyway? And why do you put the word fighting in quotes? Do you mean to suggest that dog fighting is/was a fiction, or do you just not know how to use punctuation? If it is the latter, do not fear, there are books out there which can help you.

    DubV, I never cease to be amazed by your willingness to engage with people like Jeffery. You are truly indefatigable. Why do you torture yourself? Like that dude (?) SolarSanitizer on opposingviews.com. One rebuttal, and I threw in the towel—I knew it was pointless. You are not operating on the same level. Surely you know this.

  65. Jeffrey said..."scientist don't even believe in "breed,"
    as Dude says,

    Ignoring (again) the poor use of the English language, I will get that information out to the AKC, the UKC, The American Quarter Horse Association, the American Paint Horse Asociation, The Jockey Club, and the Cat Fanciers Association. I'm hoping your scientific fact will filter out to the countless other breed associations for domestic animals...cattle, birds, goats, rabbits, what have you.

    Jeffrey, the purchase of a camera does not make you a journalist, or a serious documentary film maker. I strongly suggest that you consider additional education. Anyone who wants to make a career using words, needs to use them correctly.

  66. River fire said:

    "In just about every Akita site, they mention that they are not for everybody and may have a strong prey drive towards smaller animals. They state they are natural guard dogs, and must be watched closely around animals and neighborhood children..."

    Indeed, Akitas, like other Spitz type dogs, can be dangerous and are not for everyone. Those who speak for the breed readily admit as much.

    In contrast, the pit bull advocacy sites claim that pit bulls are sweet, devoted, nanny dogs, and especially good with children.

    The actual facts are in stark contrast to the rosy picture painted by pit bull apologists. As it turns out, pit bulls kill their owners far more often than any other breed. Last month alone, 3 pit bull owners were killed by their pit bulls.

    While Akitas have known issues with animal aggression, I have so far never heard of an Akita killing his owner.

  67. River Fart, I said it before and I will say it again "Bite Me!" You are being reamed a new one here and you keep coming back for more. Such is the defenders of these mutant dogs, they don't know when they have been made fools of. Why bother with these idiots? We are trying to educate those others, you know, the unsuspecting public that you try to pimp your killing breed to. You, well, you are beyond educating, you should be left to your own vices and allow us the pleasure of reading about your vices on the front page of a newspaper.

  68. Jeffrey said...

    "scientist don't even believe in "breed," just like they don't believe in pure race"

    The concept of human race is that there is enough genetic variation to justify classifying different groups into discrete units. In this case, the genetic differences being instilled by natural selection and other natural processes. You are correct that many geneticists consider human genetic variation to be small enough that race is not a useful concept, with the reason it was first conceived being based upon highly noticeable external traits only (melanin concentration, hair texture, etc).

    In the case of dog breeds, humans created artificial walls to breeding between groups and selected groups for differences. It is a different thing because it deals with human goals and a purely human concept (human created breeds) versus analyzing the outcome of a natural process. Saying that breeds do not exist is to say that humans did not attempt to create and perpetuate specific differences among groups of domestic dogs.

    Jeffrey, you know just enough to be self-satisfied, wrong, and dangerous.

  69. ro, i share in your amazement. DubV is tenacious.

    jake, the rainy day is here.

  70. Dawn: Yep, it's raining! hehe...

  71. 25 years in dogs (shelties and labs) showing, breeding, rescuing.... never had a dog fight much less a human biter UNTIL my first time out with a pit lab mix that a naive would be rescuer attempted to rehab and place through a group I worked with. Result was 2 dogs and a human with stitches.

    Pit fighting breeds are dog aggressive and have been bred to have no "off switch" which frequently results in aggressive acts upon human beings. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise, Jeffrey, is either completely ignorant or a liar.

  72. The nutters seem a bit quiet given the surge in gripper attacks lately. Anyone have a pulse on the nutter forums? Are they discussing this? Do they even know their breed is going through a period of regularly, tightly-spaced unpredictable events?

  73. I predict that Cyclona will not like the following words:

  74. "DubV is tenacious."

    I'm just really stubborn when it comes to pit nutters. I'm not exactly sure why.

  75. You are probably stubborn because they drive you batshit insane. They drive me batshit insane too. Rude, inconsiderate, belligerent, selfish, and they have bigtime entitlement issues. They think they are special little snowflakes. Not all pitbull owners, just the nutters (unfortunately the majority of owners are nutters. Still, there are exception). Having a pit bull as your breed of choice is, as we say in my academic discipline a "performance indicator." Kind of like smoking (and I'm an ex smoker myself, btw). Behavior reflects personality. Birds of a feather flock together, and all that. A lot of pit bull owners are assholes. It is natural to resent assholes. In fact, I'm in confrontation with a pit bull owner right this minute.

    The thing I see about you, DubV, is that it is clearly obvious in many of the "debates" I have read that the pit nutter you are soundly demolishing 1) literally cannot comprehend your points, and 2) does not understand that they have been bested, so they go on...and on...and on. It's like debating a 5th grader or a religious fanatic. Nothing goes in; they are impenetrable. They are unteachable; they do not digest what you are telling them. They are like the human equivalent of Magic 8-balls: when you shake em and ask them a question, you can't predict precisely what will come out of their mouths, but you damn well know it will be one of 8 or 9 possibilities.
    Like they say on the Beltway: "The facts, however interesting, are irrelevant."

  76. special snowflakes and magic 8-balls

    i can't remember the last time i derived this much enjoyment from comments. thanks Ro.

    and of course, thanks Jeffy.

  77. DubV- I would assume that many have gone into hiding after they reported with gleeful triumph that the 18 day old baby who was fatally mauled in Texas was the victim of a labrador... who instead turned out to be a pibble

  78. Um, I actually have a life so you will get my reply when I actually have a chance to reply. Just because you have all the time in the world to go about your psychopathic ways, doesn't mean the rest of us do. Don't mistake fear of being "owned" to being too busy to respond.

    Dawn James, I was laughing so hard when I saw that picture you created of me, that I actually shared it on my personal facebook page. What a riot!

    Thank you DubV...the fact that you recognize me as knowing enough to be "dangerous"gives me hope since we have exact oposite goals in this debate. You - the death of all Pit Bull type dogs to provide a false sense of safety; Me - a level playing field for all dangerous and vicious dogs, regardless of breed or precieved type of dog.

    I may not have all the education or degrees that you all have (and that remains to be seen since none of you have actually told me who you are and the actual reasons I should trust your "research"), but I do have something that all the money in the world can never buy you...common sense.

  79. Jake, my friend Jake...boy do I have some presents for you today. Kick back and check some of these out. Akita's have never killed their owners? Some of the news tells a different story Jake. Maybe it was a very hairy Pit Bull that did it...

    1. Killed his caretaker - http://www.theleader.info/article/19406/akita-dog-kills-guard/

    2. This newscast says "she got killed by her own dog..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed6cMIfZmsQ

    Even your fearful leader, Ms. Lynn, seems to also show this on her hate site DogsBite.org: http://blog.dogsbite.org/2011/01/2011-fatality-young-girl-killed-by.html. You remain so loyal to her, but she continues to stab you in the back...you must be dumb as rocks! I think its hilarious that you join her bandwagon, yet, she is also giving statements like "a breed with a well known heritage of dogfighting and guarding." And I see you commented on that page too. Very quick to stick up for the Akita. Bravo!

    Here are a few where Akita's mauled some children:

    Mauls child - "They can do an aweful lot of damage in a short space of time" http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/8099596.stm

    Two vicious attacks within two weeks on children - "Like guns, dogs are only dangerous in the hands of careless or irresponsible owner" http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/letters/surely-something-has-to-be-done-now-about-japanese-akita-dogs-14348095.html

  80. Maybe I should write the parents of the victims and show them how hateful you are of other dogs, but not your mutant dog Akita. I wonder if they will join your crusade...? Sticking up for your kind of dog, when everywhere on the internet says these dogs are dangerous. Wow, talk about hypocrite. I can see it now, you are starting to shrink to size. I'm really beginning to enjoy your company Jake. Thank you for giving me a new direction for my film. I think I might include more Akita stories like the ones above (along with other "dangerous and vicious" dog breeds) for the purpose to show any dog can kill, and neglectful owners are the reason for it.

    Hey, maybe you might want to sign up for this facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=58901374177&v=wall

    Anybody like puppies? Or how about Black Lab puppies...then you will love this story about a Black lab puppy kills this infant. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a0f_1217364705 (newscast video included with pics and video of puppy).

    These are stories I found in only a few minutes. Think about what I could find if I did extensive research? And I did not give bogus news sites either. These are from the same people who report when any "Pit Bull" dog attacks.
    So, let me ask this question now. What is all of your background in dogs and what makes you experts? So far it seems you are only self proclaimed experts...

  81. Jake...found another Jake...Two Akita's just attacked out of nowhere. They attacked three people (two adults and one child). They must possess powers unlike any other dog if they are able to take on that many people...


  82. Oh, just so nobody mocks my spelling error again. I spelled percieved wrong in my first of three posts. Once again, with no spell check in this blog, I just type and submit. No need to review and correct myself with grammar and spelling when discussing dangerous and vicious dogs. This is not an proper English assessment.

  83. River fire wrote:

    "Maybe I should write the parents of the victims and show them how hateful you are of other dogs, but not your mutant dog Akita."

    I really don't have the patience to deal with these sort of idiotic attacks. I am against all bullies, whether 2 legged or 4 legged.

    It's clear you have an agenda and you're trying to minimize the pit bull problem by focusing attention on attacks by other breeds.

    You claimed the Akitas "just attacked out of nowhere" but right in the article you link to it says that these folks brought their dog through a garage where a female Akita had a litter of puppies.

    Obviously a very high risk move, and the behavior of the Akita in protecting her puppies was entirely predictable.

    All the time and effort you invest trying to discredit other breeds would be better spent doing something useful.

  84. River fire/Jeffrey -

    Re: your "gifts" to me - I detect the classic pit nutter copy and paste bombardment technique. Cute. I suppose you people think it will overwhelm your opponents.

    I'll do some fact checking on your links later and respond based on what I find.

  85. "I spelled percieved wrong in my first of three posts"

    Instant classic. I honestly don't worry about spelling mistakes too much in posts, unless it is chronic. But this one is funny.

    Jeff, you're wearing me out. You ask us what makes us experts. This is the wrong way to think. People are experts in an area because what they say on a subject is usually sound. What someone says on a subject is not sound simply because they are considered to be experts by some.

    I do not claim to be a dog expert, however many so-called dog experts make very basic errors in reasoning that are often very obvious.

    Other than that, your claim to having common sense is laughable. Your last several posts have been a series of emotional rants peppered with a few isolated instances of non-pit bulls attacking someone. In some cases, you had to go back in time several years to find these.

    Get this Mr. Common Sense, I'm sure I can find an instance when a sweat bee killed someone, does that defeat the point of someone claiming that yellow jackets are particularly dangerous among bees/wasps/hornets? And to preempt you, no it is not necessary for one to consider an akita to be as gentle as a sweat bee for my example to work here.

  86. "No need to review and correct myself with grammar and spelling..."

    Yet you came back to address your grammar and spelling before contradicting yourself by saying there is no need to. And then…

    "This is not an proper English assessment."

    At least you’re consistent. That’s an important observation as we try to understand you: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

  87. Okay so a half starved puppy left unattended for 4+ hours with a baby while the drug addled "parents" slept a night of partying off and ignored the screaming, a puppy who was determined via necropsy to have begun by eating the infant's diaper and ended by killing the child IS a horrific event.

    What it is not is an "attack."

    But all that aside, where has the claim ever been made that only shit bulls have bitten, attacked, maimed, or killed people?

    The issue is one of statistical probability due to genetic predisposition.

    Question: Which breed(s) are most likely to attack, to inflict serious harm, to attack unprovoked, to break out of containment to do so, or into other people's homes to do so, to have to be killed/disabled/or have killed their victim in order to be pulled off?

    Answer: Pit fighting breeds

    And if neglectful owners are the cause of shit bull attacks, what does that say for Greg and Darla Napora? Or that idiotic son of a bitch who thought he had "service trained" his frankenmauler only to be savaged by the dog in his own living room?

  88. Regarding Akitas....yes, they can be dangerous, and are commonly dog aggressive. But compared to pit bulls, they are RARE. I have NEVER seen an Akita in my town of 26,000 people in the past two decades. they are VERY rare in shelters.I found only four in my entire state when I looked on Petfinder.

    What this tells me is that Akita breed clubs, fanciers, owners and breeders are doing a fairly good job of keeping the dogs out of the hands of the wrong people. You will NEVER hear Akita rescue...or Rottweiler rescue, or GSD rescue, or Bullmastiff rescue, etc....tell prospective owners that their dogs are "nanny dogs". In fact, most breed clubs and breed specific rescues do a good job emphasizing
    the negative aspects of their breed...except for "pro-pit bull" advocates like yourself.

    In fact, pit bulls are the ONLY breed of dog in this country where the back yard breeders and animal abusers are actually PROTECTED and helped by the so-called breed clubs and rescues. In fact, with the horrible state of pit bulls in this country, the very act of breeding pit bulls today...a dog designed to kill other dogs, a breed where the majority of puppies born end up dying in shelters....is an act of animal cruelty.

    I consider anyone actively "promoting" pit bulls as pets, at a time when most pit bull
    OWNERS end up dumping their dogs at shelters before they are one year old, an idiot who deserves our contempt. You want to lecture someone, go lecture the idiots who own and breed these dogs, not the victims of pit bull attacks who want them regulated.

  89. "So, let me ask this question now. What is all of your background in dogs and what makes you experts? So far it seems you are only self proclaimed experts..."

    i never claimed to be an expert but i have my eye on the title of "ultimate authority on pit bull propaganda".

  90. Dawn I see you have appointed your self a new title "ultimate authority on pit bull propaganda" last time I was here you were known as a "Master facts checker" kudos to you and your new title.

    Even though I haven't stopped by here in a while ,I can see by the Photoshopped picture of me being spoon fed nutter wisdom and by the typical insults and profanity being used to try and discredit River Fire,that not to much has changed around here.

    When you need to stoop to swearing and personal attacks it just show's how weak your argument is !

    Anyway both of my dog's are doing great,I'm still on good terms with local animal control and can you believe that against all odds nobody's been mauled , my neighbors still have all their limbs and their pets.

    I mean if it's true that their all ticking time bombs and it's not if it's when they will attack,I must just be riding a huge streak of good luck having owned six of them over the last 28 years without incident.

    Imagine that ! Your friend FFYR

  91. never said that all pit bulldogs are ticking time bombs. don't believe that all pit bulldogs are ticking time bombs. you really can't say for sure what your dogs have done when they have gotten loose and went roaming.

    but believe it or not, i am happy to hear that all of your neighbors still have all of their limbs. i hope all of your neighbors still have their dogs and cats.

    i hope your huge streak of good luck continues for another 28 years. keep me posted.

  92. LOL
    That was a quick response ! I didn't notice that was from two years ago until after I made my response ,but seriously your blog is massive A guy could get lost in here especially as snarky says , one as stupid as me. And yes I can be sure about my dogs, I know when a dog is sketchy no matter what breed I'm working with & I spend the time with my dogs to make sure they are well socialized,I believe it's one of the most important factors in a dogs behavior. I would not tolerate any form of aggression towards people.

  93. "I would not tolerate any form of aggression towards people."

    that's a big problem right there. you will tolerate aggression towards animals. that's fucked up.
