Monday, March 25, 2013

People pleasing Gripper with baby sea lion at Laguna Beach

Caution: this video of the loyal, intelligent and above all obedient-because-they-only-aim-to-please gripper is gruesome.  If it helps, the baby sea lion is already dead.

The wailing idiot who couldn't figure out if she held Grip's head underwater it would let go of the sea lion even after it was explained to her is apparently the daughter of astronaut Mark Kelly.  And the man who eventually tears the gripper off the dead baby seal is evidently Mark Kelly himself.  Seems the Right Stuff skips generations.

Here's an article.

Meanwhile, in nutterland, this photo of a gripper with other baby animals has gone viral.  Pfft.


  1. I think a few state or federal laws have been broken in the making of that video.

    Wonder why the other normal dogs didn't join in.

  2. Kelly and Giffords head an organization called "Americans for Responsible Solutions." Lets see if they come up with anything responsible here. So far it looks like a classic dine and dash. Let the tide take the body out to sea and wash the blood off the beach, snap on a leash and hustle away.

  3. The more I see of these dogs, the more I fear them. This is beyond creepy.

  4. "i had to remove my violent comment."

    I guess I'll follow your lead and refrain. But I am so fucking angry after watching the video. And no consequences for these fucking elite assholes and their god damn mutant. Fuck them. I wish them hell on fucking earth!

  5. I'm still debating if I should thumbs up or thumbs down that video.

    If the lady had taken her pit into the ocean and drowned it like the camera guys suggested, I'd definitely thumbs up it.

  6. I'm particularly pissed off that authorities wrote this off as an accident - that the dog got away from the owner so no laws were broken. That's bull shit. That's a bull shit pass and special privilege for political elites. If that was Joe Asshole's pit they'd find a dozen charges six ways from Sunday. And these mother fuckers with their deadly fucking dog are anti gun? Anti gun when an armed citizen could have rolled that POS killer at the onset of the attack? Fuck them!

  7. are you fucking kidding me? was the guy in the video mark kelly? And he got off?

    I can't even control myself right now. please tell me that wasn't mark kelly.

    all the more reason to carry. if someone had a gun, they could have shot that mother fucker pit bull in head.

    Fuck kelly and giffords.


  8. Never saw a seal bullbaited before...And the Pit Bull circle of life and death leaving a 22 year ditzoid owner crying continues

    Another Classic California Screamin" Moment!

    Oh well, Let the baby seal carcass drift out to sea and pump out another litter!

    *Disclaimer...You Can't Make This Stuff


  9. another example of what these dogs do and why they are not liked by animal lovers . i think this video and others like it should be mandatory viewing for male and female dingbats who think pitbulls and other powerfull , purpose bred dogs are just fine and dandy. somebody SHOULD'VE just dragged the dog out in the water and drowned it. put an end to all that screaming .

  10. P.S....

    Marine mammals, including seals, whales, dolphins, sea otters and other animals, are all protected under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), which makes it illegal to harass, feed, hunt, capture, collect or kill any marine mammal or part of a marine mammal, according to the Marine Mammal Center.

    *Disclaimer..You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

  11. Gun nutz an' Pit nutz, iz all the same to me.

  12. I'm with the male viewer whose voice you hear in the background: "Drown that fuckin dog!"

    What an awful video. That was hard to watch. Poor sea lion baby.

  13. 12if i had a fucking shitbull clamped down on my nose , i wouldnt want that dingbat owner coming anywhere near me. someone shouldve grabbed that shitbull by its hinds legs and dragged into the water and drowned it .
    5486iqualm when you own a killer dog , you risk that someone is gonna take care of it someday . it happens all the time but not often enough.


  14. the park and wildlife services can be real sticklers and i think this story shows that power and privilege do count for more than right and wrong( in many places ).

  15. Well even the article links seems to give the nutters a good excuse on this one-
    "The sea lion died from its injuries and has been removed from Aliso Creek, where it had beached itself and was possibly ill."

    So I am sure some nutter will say that the dog knew the sea lion was ill and that is why it attacked it.

    I am tired of reading of how these dogs "somehow" get away.

    It is sickening that they will get away with this simply because of who they are.

  16. So the dog was just performing humane euthanasia? Wow, what a compassionate animal.

  17. The dog belongs to an 18 year old ADULT...Mark Kelly's daughter, Claudia Kelly. According to the Daily Mail, which has a picture, the dog's name is Shiner.

    I will guarantee that the Kelly's knew the dog was animal aggressive....I am sure that dog has the same reaction toward small dogs as he did to that baby seal. That dog is a hand grenade with the pin pulled, it's big and strong and capable of killing a 30-40 pound animal. It's 18 year old owner can't control it, and has no way of stopping an attack once it starts.

    Vintage is right, I live on the east coast, and marine mammals are protected...I could be arrested for just trying to PAT a seal. Why didn't the police release the dog owners name? Why wasn't she at LEAST cited and fined for causing the death of a protected species of wildlife?

    Mark Kelly just lost all credibility for his cause...he wants to keep us safe from guns, yet he brings this dangerous dog to a PUBLIC beach? And what kind of resort would allow a dog like that on it's grounds? Is everyone just so star struck by this astronaut that he gets a pass?

  18. I just watched it a second time, and it made me even more upset....that idiot Claudia Kelly just STANDING there, holding it's collar, and doing nothing. The guy in the background is right, DROWN the dog, she needed to drag him out and push his head under water, he would have been forced to let go. She wasn't even punching him, she didn't want to "hurt her baby", I can just hear it now. When the guy says it again, she turns and swears at him "what the f*ck..."I can't make out the rest. She then just keeps shaking her head no as the guy yells to her to drown the dog, because it's the ONLY way that group of women were going to get that seal out of the dog's mouth.

    I think her blubbering was for herself...crocodile tears. She was more worried about her dog than the animal he was killing. Notice there were other dogs on that beach that were not causing a problem.

    I hope this video goes viral, and people see first hand what a "pet" Ambull is capable of. Kelly's daughter deserves the negative publicity for allowing her dog to kill this animal in such a brutal attack.

  19. a pet ambull, neutered and well fed and obviously not abused or neglected.

    i am not so sure that is an ambull, it looks small for an ambull. i need to watch it again but i get a little too worked up.

    yeah, their blubbering is always and only for themselves.

    where i live, you can not even APPROACH a seal on a beach.

    fucking elite get a free pass. kelly probably signed an autograph for the LE questioning him about the "unfortunate accident".

    the kellys have earned a place on the famous pit nutter blog.

    do you have that daily mail link branwyne?

  20. Here is the link...

  21. Meanwhile, 450 miles north on the California coast, the Jane Berkey Puppet offers a $2500 reward for the shooting of a sea lion because Killing a sea lion is a violation of the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act and is punishable by up to a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.

    Well, if you are not a big shot astronaut.

  22. Mark Kelly just got busted trying to purchase an AR 15. But of course he's a media celebrity of sorts so he'll get a pass. This is just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. This A-hole deserves all the negative publicity he can get. As for his hysterical screaming daughter, she got to see firsthand what a shit bull is capable of. I would bet money that she leaned zero from this experience and I expect we'll be reading about her and her infamous mauler at some point in the future. I'm so pissed right now I could spit.

  23. Dayna,

    That girl was screaming and crying for her pitbull to stop. Wondering why her pet pit was so game. ROFL!

    I can hear her saying, "He's never shown signs of aggression", "so loyal", "great with kids", "nanny dog", blah blah blah.

    But the proof is in the pudding, or the proof is washing out lifelessly into the open ocean.

    The most pathetic part was the other girl beating a pitbull with seaweed. Right idea, wrong tool.

  24. Blame the deed, not the breed, unless you are negligent enough to own an animal you can't control and then you get a free pass 'cause ya didn't mean for it to happen. I don't see any other areas where being over your head due to ignorance of blatant reality is an excuse under the law.

    I'll go hug my peaceful small mutt now.

    Have I said yet today how much I hate pit nutters?

  25. If the idiot owner would've had presence of mind, then she could've dunk the dog under water MOMENTARILY at the onset of the attack and likely have saved the seal and not permanently injured her mutant. The ability to think on your feet, however, is not a trait common in nuters.

  26. Article linked should've been called

    Guns, Dems, and Seals

    as a literary allusion.

  27. It is a spectacle to see these fragile little nutters crying after their mutant kills something and then to be comforted. Me thinks it is a way to gain even more attention to oneself and pull attention from the true victim.

    "Oh poor me! I can't believe I just caused that! I'm so upset! I need some support, a hug, a good cry, and some takeout from my choice of restaurant."


  28. DubV, she told the guy who told her how to free the seal, "No, what the f*ck". She wouldn't even rap her dog on the nose, all she did was hang on to his collar. She may even have been afraid of him herself.

    So it seems that, if you own a dangerous pit bull, you can let it kill a child and claim it was an accident, and walk away...

    You can let it kill the neighbors dog, claim it was an accident, and walk away....

    You can let it kill protected species of wildlife, claim it was an accident, and walk away.....

    You can let it attack and maul a police horse, claim it was an accident, and walk away.....

    You can let it attack and maul a service dog, claim it was an accident, and walk away.....

    So why should anyone care? What is the incentive for people to not own these dogs?

  29. Branwyne,

    I think when their pit gets that excited, if they previously knew or not that the pit was capable of the "behavior", they are scared of their dog. Either that or she didn't want to hurt her pit.

    Either way they're ignorant about the breed of dog they own or they know exactly what they have and are just cold people.

  30. Oh, and why would Mark Kelly allow his 18 year old daughter, who is staying with him, on his dime, to bring that monster with her? I have a child who will be 18 soon, I would never allow one of my kids to bring a large, powerful, untrained dog that they cannot control home as a "pet", much less on vacation. I would surmise this is another case of "divorced dad syndrome", where the dad feels guilty for leaving them when they were little, so he can't man up now and tell them "no", because his street cred as a "dad" is pretty low, and he wants them to accept him and be a part of his life now.

    I see it all the time.....

  31. So, Mark Kelly is a divorced dad. Well, boo-frickin' hoo. I've known many divorced dads who wouldn't dream of allowing their kids to behave this way.

  32. That "Easter basket gripper" pic looks photoshopped.

  33. Sea Lions are really big, powerful animals. I wouldn't approach one.

    I wonder if sea lion Mom fought for her baby. I'm sure that she freaked out...I can't imagine...

  34. That video is so upsetting. The baby moved its flipper a few times so it wasn't dead. Another beautiful little creature killed by another ugly mutant. :(
    I wanted to reach through my screen and slap that stupid bitch. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" I bet her fucking Shitbull has killed before.
    Too bad she didn't take the guy's advice to drown it.

  35. baby sea lions are very vulnerable. their mothers leave them alone on the beach while they hunt.

    orangedog, your response was similar to mine, except mine was far more vulgar and violent. claudia kelly needs a proper mauling, scalp and limb will do.

  36. On Twitter there were several tweets about Mark Kelly saving a baby sea lion from a dog attack. I fixed that problem, no one responded but the fawning tweets stopped.


  37. have i said today how much i hate pit nutters ? lol

    i'll go hug my rat-dog now , that also hates pits and pit-nutters.

    mark kelly sure knew what to do , and didnt hang around afterwards to catch any flak ,..... hes probably been there before . too bad he wasnt there half an hour earlier .


  38. dogs bred to bait bears , cattle , hogs and other dangerous dogs do not belong in our homes , parks , streets, beaches and public places ect . when the daily toll of dead people , pets and animals ceases , then perhaps .


  39. re the photoshopped shitbull .

    does that chick look a bit nervous ?


  40. miss margo

    sea lions are huge and would make mincemeat of lowly people -pleasers . mom wus obviously not around to save her baby . too bad . justice sea lion would definitely go viral

  41. How the fuck does the rumor mill get started about how he SAVED the poor sea lion?! He and his spawn never even tried to help the baby after he finally gets gripper to release. They just step over it as blood pours out of its mouth. So sad and unnecessary. The girl can't control her killer dog, but oh we'll, just an "accident" - just like all the other "accident" that maulers cause every day.
    The baby washed out to sea where the mom probably found it. :(

  42. Oh and that ugly dog at the bottom could fit all of those chicks and bunnies in its huge alligator maw.

    Pit nutter: Tee hee, look how cute pit bulls are. Ignore all those fake news stories about all the people and animals who have died this year. Sorry, your loved one got killed. haha
    Look at the fluffies!


  43. It was reported that he was the one able to break the dog off. That was after the pup was dead but it was still thrown out. I guess he had it by the collar and hauled it off the beach. That seems to be the heroic action. They didn't mention that be hauled ass off the beach to the parking lot after the fact.


  44. if i could carry , i would .

    but here its only the bulls that are protected from the bulls .

    fuck em , maybe i'll carry anyway .

  45. Another death:

    The death toll this year is staggering. :(
    Queue up the nutters with more "cute" pictures of dressed up pits posed with small, defenseless baby animals.


  46. mark kelly probably knew the victim was dead , fuck , the blood just poured out onto the beach . prob been there before , got the tee-shirt . so much for a bleeding heart ?


  47. orangedog
    yeah mark kelly knew what wus goin down . he grabbed that mutant and split . crated the fucker and waited to face the music ....what else cud they do ? it seemed to work out . if they were hippies in a vw bus , i doubt it .

  48. Thank you for setting the twitter record straight TS!

    Remember when the title "astronaut" was associated with having "the right stuff?" But then came along that astronaut psycho, Lisa Nowak, the diaper wearing loon busted for her murder plot. And now we have Mark Kelly, Bozo Extraordinaire.

    Kelly had his AR15 purchase cancelled because he lied on his background check. The Federal buyer questionnaire asks if a gun purchase is for oneself. After reporting on the form that it was, he later claimed he was going to turn it in to police, but wanted to prove a point. So what if I'd like to prove a point about how easily TSA security can be defeated by moving a weapon through the system without detection, without official arrangements – to prove a point. Do you think I would get a pass? So why is Kelly getting a pass for lying on a Federal document to perform a straw man gun purchase? That’s a felony, by the way.

    Until this, I had nearly forgotten about an incident where I was cited for a dog at large and a near capitol case of environmental compromise. I went fishing at a lake that was part of a patrolled water shed district, and took my 5 or 6 month old lab puppy with me. She was on a leash, tied to a folding chair while I set my line, but got so excited by the splash when I cast my line that she pulled the chair over and hopped in the water. She was in the water for the few seconds it took me to drop my rod and grab the loop of her leash before she could head away from shore. That was the extent of it. There are no missing details. It was an accident. But within a minute an observant ranger arrived to make the bust, followed shortly after by a fish & game officer who would check my license and search through my gear. It was a little embarrassing being detained and run for warrants as passing hikers and fishermen speculated about the nature of two units with emergency lights and squelching radios. This was in California, so work with me before you throw this out as dramatic hyperbole. Back then, I watched industry and growth destroy fisheries amid few complaints, but when a lab puppy slips into the water for a couple of seconds... game on!

    Let’s face it folks. We’ve screwed up by not establishing ourselves among the political elite. We’re just a bunch of tax and penalty paying government slaves. If our pups accidentally take a 3 second dip in a protected reservoir, we’ll be explaining ourselves before a judge, pay a fine, and be entered into the system for monitoring. And we sure don’t have the right to screw with federal documents during gun purchases to make a statement – we’d instantly become felons and possibly spend time in a federal prison. If only we were political elites! Not only could our dogs go in the water, they would be free to kill baby seals without any consequences what-so-ever.

    ‘Merica! What a country!

  49. I have seen no more tweets about it in my follow /following groups. I know it got rt to others. I put in links to reports which had the video. That should have ended all the hero saving seal pup shit.

  50. I hope twitter is set straight because look at that vid and neither father nor child took one fucking look at that baby sea lion. He wasn't saving a baby sea lion, he was ending a really embarrassing and seemingly interminable fuck up his idiot princess had gotten herself into with a gripping dog. And I totally agree that she was wailing and crying and blubbering and squealing and staggering for HERSELF. poor, poor princess.

  51. "Dude, I BaggedYourPit said...
    Thank you for setting the twitter record straight TS!

    Remember when the title "astronaut" was associated with having "the right stuff?" But then came along that astronaut psycho, Lisa Nowak, the diaper wearing loon busted for her murder plot. And now we have Mark Kelly, Bozo Extraordinaire...."

    Here here!

  52. I can't find the Yahoo piece again but some official was interviewed today.

    His statement was that the baby sea lion was in distress on the beach and that it was on its death bed before it was attacked.

    He had the nerve to say that upon examination of the sea lion, there were no life threatening deep punctures.

    Looks like this is story they are going with.

    Why isn't the HSUS doing anything?

  53. "I can't find the Yahoo piece again but some official was interviewed today.

    His statement was that the baby sea lion was in distress on the beach and that it was on its death bed before it was attacked."

    OMG...I recently got hooked on The Walking Dead, and I'm beginning to think all politicians are like The Governor.

    Just to be Captain Obvious (that would actually be a good moniker for combating nutters), crushing and shaking can be fatal without deep punctures that severe major blood vessels, etc.

    It will interesting how this plays out in the larger media. The nutter crowd is declaring this an American Bulldog, and so very different than a pit, so they can wipe their hands of it and declare anyone that identifies this as a pit mix as ignorant to the point of being beneath their consideration. Puke.

  54. Here's how this is playing out through some outlets. How's this for a caption?

    "... My condolences to the Giffords family for this traumatic experience..."

    Condolences to the Giffords?!!!

    I surfed major TV media off and on today. No mention of it. Wouldn't want to hurt the image of these rising stars, ya know?

  55. "It was actually the stress of the attack that killed the sea lion and not the actual dog bites. The wounds from the teeth were only superficial in nature," said Jim Beres with Laguna Beach Animal Control."


    Right. Fucking moron. How bout asphyxiation and crushing trauma.

  56. Good to see you commenting, Dude.

    So, if I stress someone, by vicious deed, to the point that they die an unexpected death, then what?

    The stress point is laughable but still doesn't exonerate their shit bull.

    I'm so glad that I realized that nearly all politicians and media sources were attempting to manipulate me. It makes you free in a strange sense. Free to think your own thoughts. Can't think of much better.

  57. "how do they explain all of that blood?"

    Exactly right! That dogs face was covered in blood. How is that much bleeding from "superficial" wounds?

  58. I'm pretty sure if the sea lion died of stress we wouldn't have seen all the wailing and gnashing of teeth while the sea lion was yanked on while some ineffectually smacked the mutant with sea weed.

    Sounds a like a mafia boss walking out of a deal and saying "Don Carlo, did not see things eye to eye with us. Unfortunately, he died from a stress response. He must have a weak constitution."

  59. I think these nutters are inadvertently coming up with a defense for those that shake their crying babies to death. There aren't any puncture wounds or broken bones usually in those cases.

    I'm thinking a nice blog branched off from craven as a side note might be a list of incidences with pits among us, what we are carrying to defend, and what ended up happening.

    I was nearly attacked last week by the same pit that nearly killed a small dog in front of me. I have to have a talk with this fool.

  60. Mark's back story of lying to get a gun for the greater good (what Dude brought up) is interesting in light of this attack. It shows him as someone that will blatantly break laws in order to fulfill what he considers the proper ends in terms of social engineering. [I have more sympathy for those that break minor rules to do something like secure food for their familieis]

  61. "It makes you free in a strange sense. Free to think your own thoughts."

    True. When it's this ridiculous - when the manipulation is this transparent, you don't have to second guess yourself. Our eyes are fine. The king has no clothes. All we can do is tell it like it is and hope.

  62. "Several people suggested on his Facebook page Tuesday that background checks might also be considered for dogs whose owners can't control them or those that are a threat to the public."

    I'm encouraged. But I'm still going to print out a shit bull target and dump a 30 round magazine through an AR into it. All considered, what an apropo way to decompress. I'm feeling better already :-)

  63. It's not divorced dad syndrome, it's my sexy blonde teenage daughter is my princess syndrome.

    I'm suspecting Kelly's lie about why he wanted the AR 15 was because he didn't want to say 'I need it because I just let my bimbo princess get a pit bull type dog, and I know I'll need it for the dog someday'.

  64. Pit Bull rescue is systematically targeting these young, ethereal pit mook girls to take home their excess pit bulls. The least likely demographic to be able to handle/contain such an animal and pay medical costs.

    America's relationship with dogs has changed...

    Even manslaughterist John P. Colby must be rolling over in his grave.

  65. That wasn't blood, it was uh... a red Jello shot. Yeah, that's it. And, pittie was just giving mouth-to-mouth to the sick baby sea lion because Nanny knew it needed CPR.

    I want to know if the vet checked the sea lion to see if it's neck was broken, or if he just skipped right over that part of the exam. He must have ignored all the blood pouring out of its crushed nose too.
    I don't care that the nutters are playing find-the-pitbull and arguing about whether a Ampubull is a Pit or not. They are all the same type of gripper. Ban them all!

    Anyone catch the whale-eye in the photo circling the web of Dingbat hugging her pit? That's not a dog I would be hugging unless I wanted my face hugged by its huge gaping maw.

  66. Canadian sealers will now deploy pit bulls instead of hakapiks to crush the skulls of harp seal pups.

  67. That pit bull and pit bulls in general are far more dangerous then the typical gun owner.

    The Giffords would be wise to put their efforts towards an assualt dog ban instead, and start with themselves.

  68. Sounds a like a mafia boss walking out of a deal and saying "Don Carlo, did not see things eye to eye with us. Unfortunately, he died from a stress response. He must have a weak constitution."

    lol lol lol

    I must say that I am a little mystified at all the effort made to minimize the suffering of a wild animal and obfuscate its cause of death. I mean, it's not like Momma sea lion is going to hold a tearful press conference to make nanny dog look bad.

    And WTF is up with the description of the sea lion as being "beached?" They don't live in the water 24/7; they're not whales. They hang out and rest on land. OF COURSE it was on the beach.

    I'm so glad that someone caught this on camera. Otherwise nobody could appreciate the ugliness of the scene.

  69. Hmmmm so do we now have the ultimate nutter response regarding a fatality of pets or people-

    It was going to die anyway at some point so its okay for the mutant to kill it.....

  70. Assault dogs, excellent! Both should be regulated out of civilian existence. Great new name for grippers.

  71. The majority of commenters from the UK daily mail article was encouraging. Most of them were anti-pit bull. The pit nutters were outnumbered and mostly silent. Perhaps a dead baby seal trumps a dead child in these people's minds... not sure, but I was glad to see the shit bull and it's owner getting so much negative response.

  72. dude, i am just speechless over your lab puppy incident.

    "It's not divorced dad syndrome, it's my sexy blonde teenage daughter is my princess syndrome."

    i agree.

    "I want to know if the vet checked the sea lion to see if it's neck was broken, or if he just skipped right over that part of the exam."

    i know just the vet for this job, LINDA JANOWITZ

    thankfully this was captured on video. it's only a matter of time until someone captures a fatal human attack on video. i wouldn't stop the video rolling in order to come to the aid of a single one of the idiots around me that own these time bombs. the ubiquity of cell phones with video technology might be only the only thing that can penetrate to stupidity and cowardice of lawmakers.

  73. Orangedog, I noticed that in the photo also....the dog looks very uncomfortable being hugged, it definitely is giving her the whale eye, a big red flag that a dog is thinking of biting.

    DubV, LOL, I am a big Walking Dead fan....some of the best writing and acting you can find on TV, zombies or not! I think many sociopaths are drawn to careers in goverment.

    I am more and more convinced that Kelly's dog quite likely has a history....the good thing about the video now is that, it has created a huge liability for them...the next time the dog goes off, they can't claim they didn't knkow what the dog was capable of. This creates not only the risk of criminal charges if the dog hurts someone, but pretty much a guarantee of a civil lawsuit if the dog attacks and kills someone's pet....the dog has been put on the map.

    The biggest risk will be to the Mark Kelly "brand", and his efforts at lobbying for gun control. If the dog hurts another animal or person, Kelly will be done as an advocate for gun safety laws.

    The other thing I don't see mentioned in the media....why on earth would Kelly allow a dog like that around his disabled wife? Gabby may not even be cognitively able to oject to having the dog in the house, because of her brain trauma. Why not ere on the side of caution and tell your daughter no, you can't have that dog here? After seeing what it did to the seal, I wouldn't let that beast near a disabled person.

  74. "many sociopaths are drawn to careers in goverment"

    i think that is true of many professions of power, authority and prestige; doctors, lawyers, actors, directors, astronauts...

    "The biggest risk will be to the Mark Kelly "brand", and his efforts at lobbying for gun control. If the dog hurts another animal or person, Kelly will be done as an advocate for gun safety laws."

    i hope he is already finished. that should send a loud message to other dangerous dog owners with something to lose. of course, that is the minority of dangerous dog owners.

  75. Where is justice Kangal when you need him?

    Kangal destroys mutant

  76. Twitter now has tweets asking why Mark Kelly gets free pass for his dog killing a seal pup. Also questioning the necropsy, vet, l.e. response. People area angry and want answers. This is from the A.R. twitterverse.

  77. @tropical storms -

    That is good to hear!

  78. herzeleid,

    Dumb ass pit bull knew the Kangal would kill him but charged him anyway. The Kangal thought the pit bull was done and didn't realize he had to kill it.

    That's gameness for ya. Pits don't know when to stop. Just like that awful pit killing the baby seal. Owner begging it to stop, but that's gameness for ya.

    You know pit bull owners love the idea of their pit bulls fighting to the death, probably above all other traits. They just don't openly advertise it.

    Tropical Storms,

    I think they're claiming the baby seal died from shock and that it was already sick and not the brutal mauling from American Bulldog/pit bull, nanny dog, so loyal, loving, gentle, lick to you death dog. That brutal mauling had nothing to do with it or it was already going to die, etc. etc.

  79. Lets see how long it takes before the pictures of people's pit bulls sitting with sea lions comes out to counter the bad press.

  80. Comment on Mark Kelly's Facebook page: "Hey Mark any chance you can talk to Mikey Bloomberg and have him float me a loan? I want to start my own not for profit group called American Gun Owners for responsible dog ownership"



  81. what better reason to be armed in america , than its crawling with shitbulls .

    well, maybe the shitbull owners .

    i read a comment thats "its totally not the breed , its the owners so euthanise both pit and pitter.

    brilliant solution , no good dirt-napping one without the

  82. I skipped the middle part of this story. it was the usual bla bla bla.

    Reports said a 42-year-old woman in the 2000 block of Jefferson Street S.W. was bitten on the right hand trying to pick her dog up during the attack.

    The officer then shot the pit bull twice and disposed of the body in a city dumpster, reports said.

    Now that's how all stories should end. None of this "evaluation" bullshit.

  83. It's always ominous to look over and see that Dogsbite has been updated. I click with trepidation. Another child has been killed by pits.

    What are we up to for the year now? 7 or 8?

  84. US DBRFs for 2013 are at 7... all pits!

    Here's the story about the 21 month old girl mistaken for a baby Sea Lion at her grandmother's in the Great Dog Fighting State of GA yesterday:

    A 14 year old girl in the UK was killed over at her friend's Staffashredder, Ampu-bull and Mastiff apartment zoo this week also.

    *Sigh...You Can't Make This Up!

  85. The Pitiot Army is out in force in the comments. Packs of Chihuahuas have been know to shred infants! The women starved them, they were trained to fight. The funny one was the comment that was trying to deflect but instead hit the truth with, "They were bred to fight!" YES STUPID!
    The crass and tone death "lick you to death" slogan has been muttered, and an appearance by Merritt Clifton was reacted to with "media bias". You know what WOULD be a huge story? A pack of Chihuahuas killing a kid, or beagles, or pugs, would be a big story but the media just hates pits so they wouldn't report on that rare phenomenon - even though they mistakenly reported that a 40lb "Pom" killed a baby and the nutters ran with it.

  86. Perhaps the 21 month old was not killed by the pack of wiggle butts, but succumbed to stress............

  87. Well here is a reporter gets it!

    I wonder how much violent hate mail she will get.

  88. Had a woman bragging to me just the other day about her son's stubby-legged, low rider blue pit "with blue eyes." Sounds like a backyard breeding nightmare. She's excited because her son's coming to visit her soon and she's never seen the dog. How many DBRF stories start out just that way? Look out, mom.


  89. they should try it out at the dog park , see if its a real pitbull .

    if not it could be sold as a "nanny dog ". no good wasting mutants that lack the right stuff.

    ever wonder how self-respecting pitters could live with wimpy pit?...they dont , its sold off to the dingbat crowd as nanny dog.

    thats not to they theyre any better.


  90. NANNY DOGS were BREAD (pitter spelling LOL) to look after little children . around easter they also take care of bunnies , kittens , baby chicks and sea lions . the perfect dog for astronauts and the wealthy elite to take on vacation and to the beach.

    Please sign petition for the pitbull owner in this situation to be cited for not having their dog under control. This could of been a child, or a pet.

  92. what do baby seals/sea lions and pitbulls have in common?

    theyre both a PROTECTED species on LAGUNA BEACH

  93. This is a video that will haunt me, that divine creature being pulled as if it were taffy, and then the owners leaving it behind without any concern. I'm angry at them, but I'm LIVID at the Laguna Beach Animal Control, for not issuing fines, for not taking in this dog and having it euthanized on the spot.

    I smell NUTTER!

    The irony, that it would turn out they want more regulations on fire arms...which are already regulated, and then they have a breed of dog that should be regulated.

    I never thought about gun ownership, until my own dog was treated much like that seal, also a victim of an American Bulldog. That dog is a "sweet family dog", it's still alive.

    The image of the dog being drowned to death does bring to mind the case of Puddles the pit bull, she drowned to death when the neighbor tired of her sparing with his dog shoved a hose down her throat. A normal dog would have let go, in fact, pit bull experts always suggest a hose with water will break up fights. Here they had the beautiful Pacific Ocean, and the suggestion got a "f U".

    The man who tried to break up the fight with a hose, he's being tried for animal cruelty.

    How I wish someone had a gun that bloody Saturday at lovely Laguna Beach. I'll be sure to watch out for the dog crap, errant pit bulls, and dead seals next time I go for a picnic.

  94. I'm surprised that the pit friendly Examiner even posted that editorial. Of course, in the side line was a picture of that stupid pit with the Easter bunnies. The emperor has no clothes.
    An idiot in the comments asks why we don't ban bears because, "How many people do they kill every year?!"
    Answer: not as many as Nanny does. And when a bear does kill a human, it always gets put down - so, not at all like Nanny who lives to maul another day.
    Can these people think AT ALL?
    You don't need to answer that.


  95. puts me in mind of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS ...@#$%@@$^//???

    when mark kelly comes and puts an end to that AWFULL SCREAMING ...the wailing of a DINGBAT and her shitbull getting in trouble at laguna beach .

    thing is they didnt get in trouble , well.... not like the baby sea lion. and not like they should have . if they had been almost anyone else .


  96. i figure three dingbats could easily have dragged the shitbull a few feet out into the water and saved the baby marine animal. far better than tugging the life out the poor thing like that idiot was doing. seemed to me like the dingbat owner was consoling her fucking mutant for what it was doing . can you imagine being mauled while the owner pats and pets her mutant ? disgusting and shows why pitbulls are not for dummies or psychopaths . if anyone .

  97. @Snarky, the wailing of a dingbat, I love that. I have to barrow it. Anyone here been to Mark's fb page? It's getting buried under calls for assault dog background checks. Lot of tweets directing people to go and tag. Bet he wishes the princess and the pup had stayed in TX.


  98. guess i shoulda said the SILENCE OF THE DINGBATS. some day craven , the screaming will stop. im having and old friend for lunch ....kristy crawford .


  99. love to be a fly on the wall , in their luxury suite , after the laguna beach fiasco. LOL


  100. every day it seems a fresh mauling , a toddler , child or adult . ten times as many animal victims at least im guessing .

    what gets me, though is the comments, always the same tone , wonderfull breed , owners responsibility ect . are these people that dumb and rigid , that they cant connect all these incidents with their chosen breed ? do they really think that wiener dogs are ripping faces all over and its not being reported ? fucking dummies .

  101. Snarky, fava beans are an excellent choice of side dish.


  102. would they go good with crispy kristy?


  103. tropical storm

    a think id go with some kind of marinade , just to be on the safe side .

    kristy's been around quite a bit .

  104. Snarky, I've been vegetarian since the late 70s so I can't really speculate but I would remind you to cook it thoroughly. Meat can be dangerous and you need to make certain you've cooked out all the stupid before eating it. You don't want to risk coming down with piterasis, it can be fatal. Bon a pit eat.

  105. The town seems to have accepted the statement given my Jim Beres saying the sea lion did not die from the dog attack.

    People need to take to Twitter and blogs to call out the shelter manager and Beres on this.

    Manager of Laguna Beach Animal Shelter
    Nancy Goodwin
    phone 949 497-3552

    Jim Beres email:

    Beres other job description; Meter Maid

    Laguna Beach Police Chief Paul Workman

    The old bat Goodwin needs to be fired!! She's been there since 1976. She must be senile if she told her flunky meter maid boy to make that absurd statement to the press.

    This smacks of the Janowitz-Jorgensen-King love fest.

    How about some creative pics of these morons Craven?

  106. I have to say, I like the double fence behind Pibble Easter Monster. I hope it's also 10' tall. Looks to be in good repair. Pibble just waiting 'till they grow up a bit, then he will have a feast, where he just may play with his food, and not partake, like most pibbles are want to do.

  107. sorry, wrong email for police chief Paul Workman


  108. Hmmm... Yeah, why does that smilin' gripper need a double fence if it's so sweet? Possibly extremely dog aggressive?
    This one is probably under 2 years old and hasn't turned on yet.

  109. Snarky, I was very disturbed by the dingbat behavior, too. Patting and lovingly caressing her pibble, all the while crying. I think she was crying not for the horror of what pibble was doing to that poor sea lion, but for the realization that her sweet dingbat love wouldn't make pibble poo's fighting genes go dormant. That she just might have been wrong that love conquers all. It is disgusting how she fawned over that fucking beast while it was crushing that poor innocent creature. The whole thing is sickening. Sickening that they just walked away from the scene without a care at all for the sea lion, with only the thoughts of protecting their disgusting mutant. Sickening that they are getting a pass for their mutant's uncontrollable behavior. Sickening that the authorities are saying the sea lion was sick and would have died anyway. Sickening that they are calling the injuries "superficial." I can see Mark Kelly announcing first and foremost to the arriving police officers: I'm Mr. Gabriel Giffords.

  110. ...just checking in...!

    Watched the video again. God, those women were useless. Hit it with some seaweed some more!

    I'd love to know when and how the Kellys/Giffords were approached by ACO or LE, and how they reacted.

    Something's wrong with the astronaut. See his fearlessness when he snatches that pit bull up and puts it in its place...?

    A responsible citizen would hang around.

    Bet you my last dollar that he bullied and harassed every keystone cop who harassed him about this event,

  111. Miss Margo
    I also watched the the video today. The original video by the guy who recorded it is much clearer, and longer than the news clips.

    I noticed two things I didn't see the first few times.

    The blood on Kelly's leg.

    When Kelly was leading the dog away, the dog attempted to grab the dead sea lion again but Kelly yanked the dog back up. You could tell Kelly was pissed. This dog has mad prey drive.

    I'm thinking the good captain is going to get 'rid' of the dog after the smoke clears.

  112. "I'm thinking the good captain is going to get 'rid' of the dog after the smoke clears."

    Maybe. Or maybe the bimbo princess will take the dog back to Texas and start doing some hog dogging with her proven catch and hold killer. The dog's probably not the only one with a taste for torture. People who gets those kinds of dogs have that inclination.


    With the deaths of the girls in Georgia and the UK this week, the worldwide Piticide bodycount is at 467.

    On pace to blow through the 500 mark in early 2014.

    Pomeranian death count remains at 1....

    *Disclaimer...You Can't Make This Stuff Up!


  114. course it wasnt really a pom .

    twice in the last two days i was attacked by vicious ankle biters .

    although scary and spine-chilling ,no lifeflights were needed. no limb reattachment or ankle reconstruction or PTSD counselling needed.

    imagine being attacked by bloodthirsty goldfish ..... thats what it was like , a horrible nibbling sensation , i would decribe it as the chihuahua KISS OF DEATH . LOL.

    contrast with this with shit coloured shitbull DEATH licks or being PEOPLE PLEASED to death by AMPUBULL LOVERDOGS .

  115. Snarky count yourself lucky for escaping the rat dog attacks.

    I live with three rat sized dogs and I always sleep with one eye open. Due to media bias, the attacks and maulings by rat sized dogs are not reported. I know that rat sized dogs bite more often then pit bulls.

    I make sure I keep my appropriate sized break sticks in every room of the house (see Craven Desires Patent Pending edition), lock myself in another part of the house due to the following-
    rains, lightening, thunder, ladders,visitors, puppies,have handled any meat products within the last week, or ___________(insert nutter excuse here.

    So far so good, but that is because I take care not to provoke them or have not had them somehow get away.....

  116. yes , i know , rat dog ownership comes with heavy responsibilities. i just wish certain ignorant people would stop calling for their irradication as a dog type . its not really the rat dog breeding that make them so very dangerous . i have a rat dog and hes never hurt a fly but my people-pleaser pitbull will tear your face off . i just think everyone should risk life and limb and get to know a rat dog . you may go back to other purpose bread mauler dogs .


  117. boy loses finger to caged /crated? dog in florida .

    whats the chance this was a shit -coloured people pleaser?

    the good news is the finger was reattached after the boys father shot the mutant and gutted it . lol . good thinking and even better shooting lol


  118. stories lesson: dont take your kid to a zoo in florida unless you have a gun ...and a knife .

  119. Snarky,

    Here's the fun part of the story.

    A Bradenton man shot and killed a dog after it bit off his son’s finger this evening.

    The father removed the dog from the cage and shot it multiple times, killing it. He then removed the severed finger from the dog’s stomach while waiting for emergency responders.

    Yeah, some of the story smells of nanny dog. The part that doesn't is the owner shot the dog and didn't blame the child for sticking his hand into a nanny dog's cage. So I want a pic. LOL!!!!!


  120. oh yeah , its another beautiful spring day , perfect for being out and about with your shite-coloured shite-bull.... people pleaser .

    psychos and the underendowed in intellect and otherwise ,love to be out and about with their people pleasers on a beautiful day .

    good day to carry mutant-antidote , either firepower or something more medieval .

  121. Mark Kelly is a conniving, manipulative, exploitative douche bag. And, that was BEFORE this happened.

    He is currently exploiting his mentally handicapped wife for his own political gain. He is entitled to whatever views he wants, but he has been subjecting her to regular public humiliation to advance his political career.

    Consider this:

    I literally can't watch all of this. The congresswoman is being used as a tool in a campaign she probably can't understand, given her condition.

    Fuck Mark Kelly and the pit bull he rode in on. The only good to come out of this is that the killing of the baby seal will likely derail his political career.

  122. About the Brandenton boy, one article says this:

    "The dog bit the boy's left hand, completely severing the pinky and possibly breaking his forearm."

    This does add to the suspicion that it was a certain type of dog.

  123. Animal Uncontrol

    I couldn't agree more about kelly AKA Mr. Giffords. He's doing a big press circuit now. Every time I see Gabby Giffords all I can think about is how much time he spent prepping and coiffing her for his side show. I don't know if that poor woman is even capable of making her own decisions.

    I have a sick feeling he's going to run for something and we'll have to look at his basketball face for years to come.

  124. If he runs he can be knocked out at the primary. If he announces intent keep the video up on fb and Twitter. Keep people asking why he got a pass. Don't make it about the breed but the deed. No one can argue that his dog killed a protected species. No one can dispute that the dog was not under control. If the opposition starts right at the beginning I don't think he'll even try it.

  125. TS: Yes, I believe he would be crucified by his primary opponent. I doubt at this point that we are going to see him in a general election, at least not a major one. However, Its probable that he'll be on the media circuit as a pundit for quite a while.

  126. "Your ugly mutant ruined my political career!" - what Giffords said to his daughter later that day when the shit hit the fan.


  127. Turns out the Brandenton boy's arm was broken and finger severed by a wolf hybrid.

  128. These dogs are made for grippin'
    And that's just what they'll do
    One of these days
    This dog is gonna grip all over you!

  129. I've been around a few wolf hybrids. Most seemed fairly docile but I did hear from the owners that they are very destructive in the home.

    Probably the reason the idiot kept it in a cage. I believe there are restrictions on keeping wolves and wolf hybrids, but not pitbulls?


  130. iraq war vet gets in shit for tatting his shitbull bitch dutchess.

    lol , well, he did give her/it freezing supposedly , quess it might have attacked him otherwise , the idiot .

    thought shitbulls were pain tolerant , maybes its not so cruel an idiot thing to do , and it does sort of fit their dark public image .
    no really .... i like it , tattooing , piercings , branding ,
    racking pitbulls ect .


  131. maybes he thot she wouldnt be stolen with DUCHESS tatted on her mutant hide .

    nutters are kinda stupid and i can imagine one going , OH THATS SO COOL A TATTED SHITBULL ,I GOTS TO HAVE IT . LOL


  132. how cool to spawn a new industry tatting and body modding shitbulls . you could get a memorial tattoo on your shit bull and save yourself the pain and future regret of a stupid tattoo . it makes a hell of a lotto sense , really . and when you realize your mistake and how dumb it really looks you can just kill the dog and get another from the rescue .

  133. Good news. Randy Fox is writing a book. Can't wait to get, he's got some hilarious stories. I don't know if he knows they're funny. If he puts into print the tales he's told it should cause an uproar in the fraternity. I do enjoy watching dogfighters fight one another. I found this info while I was out trolling for reactions to the Easter festivities.


    Evergrowing list of Carnegie medals, state local and city awards for saving a life during a pit bull attack...

    *Disclaimer..You Can't Make This Up!

  135. Justice chihuahua!

    A Chihuahua showed big courage when he came to the rescue of a little girl being attacked by a pit bull. CTV reports.

  136. Wolf hybrids are super dangerous and regulated in many states. They still haven't killed as many people as Nanny so what the hell is wrong with our politicians?

  137. wolf hybrids are super dangerous to kids, not so much to adults. they are rare compared to grippers.
