Saturday, June 22, 2013

Boston California Ohio

Ohio: The Greater Fool

Scorched Earth proves once again that Ohio is The Greater Fool.

greater fool - equal parts of self delusion and ego. they believe they can succeed when everyone else has failed.


  1. ah....the pit-nutter salute.

    brings to mind dingbats rejoicing at a minor anti BSL victory in my own hometown .

    fanatical believers , rejoicing in the streets , just like ignorant effigy burners overseas.

  2. That is so beautiful, the existential rage against an indifferent universe. She has realized, to her derailment, that Nature will not cause Tattoos to appear on her unadorned arm...cruel world, that Beauty be denied...that Art be unseen...that $$$ is Kinda Hard to Get...

  3. I could only read part of the Scorched Earth piece on Boston before I felt a mauling rage coming on.

    "Rescues" like this should be sued off the face of the earth. Money making schemes bilking the stupid and soft-hearted at the expense of the neighbors, their kids, their animals and their peace of mind.


  4. The Scorched Earth piece on Boston was excellent.

    It hurt my brain to read all of "rescuer" Maxwell's spelling and grammatical errors, but that's par for the course for a gripper owner.

    Everything Maxwell says is idiotic. For instance, her assertion that "if a dog's going to display aggression, it will normally be in the first few days at the rescue." I've done a ton of fostering, and it's well-known in the foster community (everybody but Maxwell) that most dogs don't settle in and start "acting out" until they've been in a foster/adoptive home for a couple of weeks. Before that, there's a sort of honeymoon period during which the dog can often appear well-behaved with both humans and resident dogs. Once they settle in, all hell breaks loose.

    I hope whoever writes Scorched Earth sends some e-mails to the Ohio newspapers in Maxwell's area and that they pick up on the story.

    Why isn't there a law that dogs like this must be PTS rather than transported out of state???


  5. @ sadfalada

    that beauty be denied and
    innocent loving monsters be demonized and reviled.

    oh the ignorance and unfairness of it all.


  6. LOL @ a honeymoon period...... before pibbles o sweetness and light turns into pibbles dog goddess of gore and cruelty .

  7. sadfalada

    but money is hard to get.....
    and beauty is far from cheap.
    its so cool when a tattoo shop will extend credit .

    1. Snarky! Good stuff, but why are you writing in installments? Did you used to write for Burma Shave? More, please!

  8. @ the existential rage against an indifferent universe

    That's my impression of these pathetics too. No one notices them because they're so goddamned ordinary, dumb and uninteresting. They get into porn-star dressing, hoping to get attention that way. Nope. So they get tatoos, hoping then people will see how interesting they are. Nope. So then they get pit / bulldogs, and voila -- they have a way to demand attention from everyone (if need be by stalking you on the street with their bulldog), to engage smarter people in endless stupid discussions, plus suddenly a whole club of equally uninteresting, moronic and boring people to hang out with on-line.

    All this I mean besides all the other things that are wrong with them.


  9. im sure that nanny appreciates being rehomed into a flaky dingbat household , complete and replete with parttime felon boyfriends and free range love-spawn tweaking nannies nose and pullin on her rat-like tail.

  10. Important piece! I also hope the local papers become aware of her flagrant disregard for her community.

    I'm glad SE also included that comment in which she says she has 6-8 dogs all of which she admits have a bite history in a little house in a suburban neighborhood with a 7 year old could that not turn out well?

  11. Wait until she puts a tutu on Boston. Can you say REHABILITATED my friends?! Can I get an amen over here??

    What a fubar situation. The Ohio government has sold out it's citizens to dangerous dog advocates. What's a few dead children and elderly people - and a few thousand shredded pets - sacrificed to keep the dog fighters happy?

  12. The similarities to Rebecca Carey are eerie. It's too bad there is a small child in the mix.

  13. sadfalada

    i dont have a lot to say but when i do i like them to feel like a chiapit has just grabbed their asses.
    a chiapit has the ferocity of the chi and the big softy strength of the harmless pibbles . justice chiapit was bread to attack dingbats and their spawn and to give us haters a collective "justice boner"





  15. Seems pit bull owners and "rescues" just love pissing off their neighbors. I'm guessing the Presas are the go to dog for pit bull owners when pit bulls get banned?


  16. these tend to be "in your face people" and i do think they like the negative attention they get . you see them smirking and i personally have had assholes bring their mutants up to me when they obviously werent wanted . its the bully nature to try an cause trouble and discomfort in others . these are definitely not like usual dog people .

  17. Anyone in Ohio? Adopt the dog and have it put down.


  18. was researching pit fighting and trying to educate myself re shitbulls and came across this tidbit of cool information ..... in the bull-baiting days, dogs were used to tenderize the bull before slaughter.

    now how cool is that !!


  19. also ....bait dogs not only have their muzzles duct taped to protect the the maulers but sometimes their teeth filed and their claws cut right back . now wouldnt that be a nice job for some young ignorant spawn of degenerate white cracker trash? filing the teeth of someones stolen beagle or pulling out the claws of unwanted kittens ?


  20. just wonderin if that blonde dingbat is mark kellys girl come back to say "fuck you haters" " blame the deed not the breed" " its the owner not the dog " " beware the owner not the dog " and so .

    "we got away with it cuz my daddys a senator , we are rich and you poor losers suck " fuck you , fuck laguna beach and any baby seals out there too .

    p.s. daddy got me a new tattoo obtw.

  21. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that this "mother" is actively seeking out fighting breeds that have a known biting history, some known to bite children and keeping them in the same house as her child. That is just perverse. I don't understand why CPC is not at least looking at her and that situation she's putting her child in.


  22. it called child endangerment but she probably thinks she has the situation under control. who knows what she thinks but obviously a lot of parents are not very concerned about what might happen to their kids if their dog turns mutant. some think the mutant is gonna protect their kids and some think it will never snap and some even think a small dog is more risk than a nanny mutant .

  23. dayna, i agree about child protective services but i doubt they will do anything. maxwell's policy is to never adopt presas out to people who are inexperienced with the breed and, not or, to people with kids under 13. she acknowledges the danger and yet she has kids under 13. this fool thinks she is some kind of dog wizard and nothing will happen to her because she is such an awesome dog handler. but when it does, she will SOMEHOW get away with "it was an unfortunate accident".

  24. Dayna,

    You are forgetting that this is not just about saving there are plenty of safe dogs down at the local pound. This is about making a living....

    To grow a nutter empire one must stand out from the crowd. Rehabbing known maulers and fighting dogs brings in notoriety and money. In essence, they are cash cows.

  25. She's a dog dealer, pure and simple. She gets money on the intake and on the way out. None of this has anything to do with saving doggies. Does she have a 501c3? What do her financials look like? She's got to report the money.

  26. She also has to report the money to the state and also if she's getting anyt kind of assistance, SS, or anything like that. These are the kinds of women that used to run puppy mills. Now they can get a lot more, especially since a dimwit in the media will aid the dealer by doing some kind of fraudulent and emotional save the doggie story and the mentally incapacitated will also send her money. They'll also repeatedly hustle the buyers of the dogs for more "donations." They get away with all this as long as people don't report them.

  27. Ugh, just disgusting. Did I read correctly on the Petfinder site that Boston the mauler has been adopted? Wonder who the lucky freak is...

  28. Oh my yes it say's it's been adopted. But she could be lying about that. I wonder what lucky neighborhood gets to have that in their neighborhood or apartment building or condo.

    And she's got the service mauler lie covered as well. What a darling.

  29. i don't see it. did maxwell remove it or am i just unable to find it?
