Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Little Vicious

starring "dog trainer/philosopher" VICKI HEARNE and the famous gripper BANDIT.



  1. One question:

    Do these pit wranglers have dental plans?..Good God!

  2. Good grief, trying to process all the bullshit she was spewing gave me a headache.

  3. Who is this woman to say that the first Lassie (Pal) bit people?? Isn't that what she said? Pal, before he became Lassie, had a barking and motorcycle chasing habit, but I've NEVER heard anything about biting and I've been a Lassie fan for over four decades. If I didn't like pit bulls and their owners before, NOW I really don't like them. How dare she besmirch Lassie in order to try to make these shitbulls look good! Give it up Lady, you aren't going to make friends or influence people by trying to bring down America's favorite dog.

  4. Hey, now we're going ot pick on snaggle teeth? I wear my non-middle class roots proudly, every day on my face.

    Thanks for alienating another gripper-hater.

  5. You are right Anon. There are so many legitimate things to make fun of. I have deleted my comment.

  6. "Thanks for alienating another gripper-hater."

    Sometimes I feel that way (alienated) when I see the blogs, "Dog Haters Unite," and "Munchers of Doom," on the sidebar. I don't think those two blogs belong associated with this one. I don't think those two blogs belong associated with anything rational.

    Sometimes people stray from the goal and go too far. Nothing is meant by it; it's usually done in the heat of the moment. And when we do it, we are usually sorry afterwards.

    I think we all need to stay focused on the real goal of trying to protect people and innocent pets (yes, other normal breed DOGS included,) from this terrible scourge that has been foisted upon us by the pit bull crowd.

    We need to stay united for, "United we stand and Divided, we fall."

  7. Next thing you know Bandit will be doing a 'little' murder.

  8. to the anon who feels alienated by dog haters unite- pit nutters out number mauling victims and citizens concerned enough to do something about grippers. Get as many allies as you can. DHU often covers maulings that dogsbite misses, and some of the posts are just funny (like when that guys roomba smeared dog shit all over his house in geometric patterns).

    DHU has denounced this blog specifically so don't feel too alienated. plus I mean CD doesn't claim to be a leader in a movement or anything, dogsbite is the place to go if you want news on activism and such.

  9. I'm with Ann King, who the heck are these freaks?! And how can I avoid them and their mutants?

  10. I think the world has reached a very bad place when those who don't like dogs, or have an allergy are the ones who have to sit in the car so Fido or Snoopy or Bandit can come to the family post isn't of course pointing the finger at nutters, but those who participate in weird doggy love...I personally think those who exhibit weird doggy love are nutters in training though, they are a thin red line away from jumping into bed with the zealots when mutts like Bandit go berserk...they join they all dogs bite bullshit chant...

  11. here's a little something jessup wrote about hearne and bandit:

    BTW, this reminds me of back in the day, when Hearne was working with Bandit, the AB/pit type dog of book fame. This dog was a stubborn, gone to seed type old dog who had lived with less than stellar owners who let him bite people more than once. She opted to take a length of rubber hose to his nose repeatedly to try and teach him some manners, and really didn't have much success. He was just a tough old dog who didn't really have the time of day for people and had some majorly frustrated drives. I liked Vicki, but I think her overeager imagination got the best of her, which often happens with those who like to write blogs and books and such, and she started blaming the dog's behavior on the social-economic situation between blacks and whites! As well, she blamed the dog's frustrated prey drive (spinning in his kennel) on "torture" by animal control officers. Oiy vey. I could never get her to step back and take a common sense look at the situation. (I also could never get her to see that beating dogs with a length of hose was not, perhaps, the best way to shape behavior, alas.)

    It seems the performance dog person is beset on all sides. Here in WA I am currently facing an anti-tethering ordinance being pushed by the labradoodle brigade, who think EVERY dog wants to be mother's own poopsums, and lie on the couch eating bon bons. I fear the message sent out by several rescues which deal with pit bull types try to send out this same message - that if a dog is NOT content to sit on a couch and be mother's own poopsums, then society has failed them. I know my own "Dirk" would rather grab a bull by the nose than lay on the couch, any day of the week. He can't, so I give him other, more acceptable things to grab. And he spends (at 10 years of age) a great deal of his time loping around the back yard with a bucket clamped in his jaws. He's mother's own poopsum, society hasn't failed him, he's a good canine citizen, and yes, he'd grab another male dog if it got in his face...

  12. dirk |dərk|
    a short dagger of a kind formerly carried by Scottish Highlanders.

    just sayin'

  13. "...and she started blaming the dog's behavior on the social-economic situation between blacks and whites!"


  14. Where are the people who tried to do Susan Boyle's makeover? Just kidding, Vicki Hearne is dead, it's too late. The contrast between her spouting Socrates and then hauling the mutant around with a choke chain was choice.

  15. the two years since my son was scarred has been a constant evolution in my brain...seems I have to really decide what nutter crap is worthy of taking up valuable memory space..what you dig up Craven, the info on these freaks makes me shake my head the most! And I'll say it again, who are these freaks? How can any true dog loving person even want to dwell in the same space by advocating in the same way????? Can society please go back to keeping dogs in a healthy way??? Man, I'd love that...

  16. "I think the world has reached a very bad place when those who don't like dogs, or have an allergy are the ones who have to sit in the car so Fido or Snoopy or Bandit can come to the family BBQ"-Hell, I'd be ecstatic if people could just leave their dogs home instead of bringing them IN to Lowe's, Home Depot, Starbucks and the GROCERY STORE.

    " I could never get her to step back and take a common sense look at the situation."-You thought a pit nutter and common sense went together? Haha!

    I think a big part of the NO chaining debate comes from studies where chaining/tethering for a substantial period has been linked with aggressiveness:

  17. yep another dangerous flake.

    From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2001:

    Vicki Hearne, 55, died on August 21 of lung cancer at a
    hospice in Branford, Connecticut, near her home in Westbrook. Born in Austin, Texas, Hearne became a self-employed animal trainer at age 21, but taught English and creative writing from 1969 to 1995 at the University of California/ Riverside, Stanford, and Yale. In addition to her successful 1986 volume Adam's Task: Calling Animals By Name, about animal intelligence, Hearne wrote five other books on animal themes, including Bandit: Dossier of a Dangerous Dog, which was turned into the film documentary A Little Vicious. She became best known as a strident advocate of pit bull terriers and critic of the animal rights movement, especially in two essays for Harper's Magazine, "What's Wrong With Animal Rights?" (1991) and "Can An Ape Tell A Joke?" (1993), which defended the Las Vegas
    orangutan trainer Bobby Berosini.

  18. Ok what I saw in this video was a pit bull trying to do what it was bred to do. And then some freakshow nutter trying to spew some sort of mumbo jumbo excuses. I absolutely could NOT follow her BS. It reminded me of the BS spewed by cult members of the Rajneesh Puram,the Manson family and Jim Jones. The weird tone of voice and the flipping through of "holy" books/writings. Cult behavior to a T in my mind.

  19. "...and she started blaming the dog's behavior on the social-economic situation between blacks and whites!"

    A lot of the intellectuals and academic crowd are doing this. Only they've now turned it so we only hate or fear pit bulls because really we're afraid of poor black men.

    Check out this earlier Craven post:

    "Without questioning why most unemployed ethnic youth do not become involved in gang activity and with “weapon dogs,” Harding tags those who keep these dogs as innocent social victims. Worse, he paints them, despite their predatory behavior toward working class people, as representatives of the working class. He argues that what the public really fears is a new set of social values developing, which we should learn to accept as a part of normal social change, rather than rejecting these poor gang youths by rejecting their dogs."

  20. What's the socioeconomic status of a pit mauling victim that has been scalped, life flighted and needs years of plastic surgeries?

  21. "Get as many allies as you can."

    I think this is why pushes for specific things so often are subverted or implode. This is aside from the DHU issue, and just a general observation. In short, the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.

  22. Isn't it obvious that people have a problem with pit bulls ONLY because their owners are more likely to be a minority or have tattoos on their neck?


    In the case of skin color, most people are capable of realizing that melanin concentration does not necessarily have a connection to mental processes. However, it is noticed that dogs of a certain physical conformation tend to display the behaviors purposefully instilled in dogs with that general appearance.

    If there were a type of people with purple skinned people that were selectively bred to want to kill others, and this was all documented, then it would be perfectly reasonable to be on guard around those with markers for that exact genetic variation.

    However, this situation does not exist, yet it most certainly does for dog breeds.

    As I wrote before here, the new mantra is adopted exactly from the mouth of a right assumption based upon people and that is that a book cannot be judge by the "cover" when the cover is not connected to underlying trait of concern.

    However, the cover of a pit is a serious clue to what it holds beneath. There is a direct correspondence.

    So, the pit nutters proclaim that ll dogs are so radically different that they are snow flakes and cannot be a priori judged by appearance. However, this is really not true based upon precipitation types, if we extend past normal snowflakes. You can look at a type of icy precipitation (small, separate crystalline structures, some with greater moisture content, some that are hail or sleet) and based upon that "snowflakes" appearance you can make a good guess at how it was formed and what trouble it may or may not cause for humans.

  23. All precipitation are individuals. It is wrong to differentiate because they can all be likened to different types of precipitation and all most be viewed as individual snowflakes or hail balls. There is no clear distinction because as a man loses one hair he is not bald neither is he after losing two, so how dare us point totally bald men a different category just because they lose several orders of magnitude. There are all categories to be had upon a supposed gradient.

  24. "Get as many allies as you can."

    "I think this is why pushes for specific things so often are subverted or implode. This is aside from the DHU issue, and just a general observation. In short, the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend."

    DubV - you are a very, very wise person.

    The pit pushing, anti-BSL people are famous for saying that ALL dog owners should oppose BSL because, as they put it, "first it will be pit bulls, and then it will be YOUR breed or ALL dogs." When I see Dog Haters Unite, or Munchers of Doom bundled together with this, or other sites that are trying to protect people and pets from the scourge of pit bull attacks, maulings, and killings, I have to wonder if MAYBE there might be a grain of truth to the nutters' argument.

    Bottom line, as you said so wisely, "the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend."

    Great post!

  25. I remember (attempting) to read Adam's Task, and becoming infuriated at the obfuscating language.The last time I abandoned a book it was Joyce's Ulysses, and I wasn't too hard on myself because I was still in high school--but Hearn's book is just unreadable, the only communication that comes clearly through is her contempt for all the human players that appear. Although there is a lot of circular verbiage, mysticism and mythism, seeing her in action shows her to be a conventional yell, jerk, and whack animal trainer.
    It terrifies me to think about the next series of events, had she lost control of Bandit to those Herefords standing so innocently yards away..and what would Plato, Socrates, Aristotle or Marcus Aurelius say...?

  26. YES! someone else who has TRIED to read vicki hearne. i set the book down before finishing chapter 2. life is too short for such sacrifices and i am not really the martyr type.

    your description of her writing style mirrors my experience trying to read bandit. just brilliant sadfalada, i would only add grandiose to the mix. i was thrilled to see this clip of bandit, it confirmed my suspicions of vicki. i could say more but i would likely offend the mental health expert.

  27. I have to once again suggest Don Mayfield's "book" Rednecks. Trying to read Don's writing is comparable to running in waist deep quicksand. There is a good bit of information in it if you can slog your way through, and for those with a sufficiently dark and warped humor it's hilarious. I think you can find some examples of his work online.
