Tuesday, November 5, 2013

nanny dog paparazzi

it's a good thing DONNA REYNOLDS put this myth to rest.


  1. What....what is that room, pictured? Did they commandeer a rest home?
    Is that where old Nanny Dogs go? Or do they die early from their Nanny exertions? Oooooh! That is sooooooo sweet! Bye Bye now! I have to go on Facebook!

  2. They really have no clue how insane it sounds to put those two name/titles together.

  3. I am so sick of nutters.

    Tonight I walked out on my ranch to find a a pit bull on my property. At the time I saw it, the beast was with two women and on a leash. I asked what the hell they were doing on my property they said the "dog had wanted to chase rabbits and pulled them over onto my fenced property (that side of the property is a mixture of Barbed wire and chain link- my guess is they came through my gate)

    I have no idea if it got loose from them. I do not expect a pit bull to discern between a rabbit, a horse, or if I had been down there with one of my Pomeranians. I told them I never wanted to see that pit bull on my property again to which they started flipping me off and cursing at me. She thought her best insult was "you need to be laid". I am not sure what that had to do with me telling her not to ever come on my property. I did call the police as we are posted no trespassing but they did not bother to intercept them.

    They live in a very upscale housing tract across the canyon from me (I watched where they went for future reference).

    I am now concerned that the dog, who I have seen walked by my property before and stare at my horses,will make a beeline to my property the next time he "somehow" gets loose.

  4. Shoot, shovel, and shut up. The three S's. You are well within your right to shoot any dog harassing your livestock. Personally, I'd shoot it if it sets one foot on your property if it's away from its dingbats.

  5. putmeincharge4oneday, you should know better than to interfere with pibble. what pibble wants, pibble gets. the creepy fur mommies will make sure of that. but on a serious note, a camera works wonders against nutters. they do not like it one bit.

  6. A camera! Like wolfsbane to nutter vampires...

  7. Yesterday, President Obama presided over his 102nd Pit Bull DBRF (The Pit Sittress in NC).

    Of the 102 deaths...50 have been children and 52 were Adults/adolescents.

    No other breed kills adults at such a ratio....

    See, maybe they really are Nanny dogs!

    PS...It took President Bush almost two full terms to cross the 100 Pit DBRF Barrier. Obama has done it in 4.8 years!

    Oh well...hose the blood out of the kennel and pump out another litter!

  8. Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up is NOT the best policy when you are within your rights. An old rancher told me this is what he does and here's why.

    When you're within you're rights, and especially if you KNOW the owners, shoot, shovel and call the sheriff is much more effective, because once the dog owner gets you REALLY MEAN YOU'LL SHOOT their dog, they are less likely to let their next one wander onto their property.

    Of course, you have to be one the lucky ones that's home when the damned thing is running on your place, and armed, and a good enough shot not to hit your animals or anything else important.

    Good luck to you. As a horse/cow/chicken owner, I know EXACTLY how you feel.

  9. Border Collie herding baby


    Pit bull nanny dog "working" with baby


    The nanny dog myth is what is getting children killed.

    1. I laughed so hard at the border collie herding the baby. I thought the poor guy was gonna lose his shit. He needs sheep.

  10. The nanny dog myth will live on forever. It doesn't matter if each and every nutter group admits it's a lie, the individual nutters will still repeat it.

  11. Who here would like this lovely "Boxer & Terrier Mix?" No cats, please--they "aren't his thing"! "Seems to" get along with large dogs...for now.


  12. It almost looks like a cartoon grin on that mutant's face, I can just hear the dingbats cooing over it now...

  13. I took this photo at the Wisconsin Dog Fair last Sunday and forwarded it to Dawn. This was at a big expo center, and consists of "meet the breed" booths, dog charity booths (guide dogs, rescues, etc.) and some vendors.

    The local kennel club puts it on and invited me and my 8 lb. Papillon to do some agility/obedience/trick demos in their two performance areas.

    Not only does the sign brazenly declare that Staffies are "nanny dogs," but I had that repeated back to me by several people when I got into conversations about pit bulls in other parts of the expo center. I also got doses of "Cocker spaniels bite more," "Every pit I've met is an angel, but I've been bitten twice by Chihuahuas," "pits only bite if forced/trained to by 'bad' owners," and "pits are perfect dogs for school demos."

    I didn't directly confront the people with the booth, because they would have been members of the same club that puts on the local obedience & agility run-thrus (practice for real shows). I don't know them, but they'd inform the club board of my confrontational anti-gripper attitude, and I could lose my only practice opportunity in the area.

    But, ohhhhhh, how I wanted to have a little war of words with the nutters...

  14. This is a great example of the messed up thought processes that fighting dog promoters use.

    Basically, there is no evidence whatsoever that pit bulls and related dogs were ever referred to as nanny dogs until very recently. Nothing in any literature from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries indicates that fighting dogs were referred to as "nanny dogs."

    However, the evidence that they were bred for bull and bear baiting and for dog fighting could fill a dump truck. Pit bulls also kill more children than all other breeds combined.

    Conclusion: of course they weren't bred for blood sports. They were nanny dogs!

    It's mind-blowingly stupid.


  15. Repeat a lie often enough, you're guaranteed to get a bunch of morons believing it.

  16. S.K.Y. I understand what you are talking about. I don't know of anyone who is "into dogs" in any sort of activity like dog sports, obedience, rally, who hasn't adopted the pro-pit propaganda. You can't discuss it or you get taken to task by droves of people. Last weekend my sister and I were told by a lady at a dog adoption event that Dachshunds were the real biters and that she had never know a Pit Bull who was a problem who wasn't made to be by "bad owners". A few days later a Police Officer in our area was put in the hospital by a pit bull when responding to a dangerous dog call. We said to each other it was fortunate that wasn't a Dachshund or it would have been really bad. Sigh.

  17. Putme, make sure you keep a cell phone with you, and next time you see these women, take it out and film them, and their dog. People who are confrontational change their attitude REAL quick when they realize they are being filmed. They were trespassing, breaking the law, and endangering your animals.

    If something happens in the future with that dog on your property, it may come in handy to have video positively IDing the dog and owners. I am not sure if you already have, but you may want to file a police report that these two women brought a dog onto your property and endangered your animals, then gave you a hard time when you asked them to leave. This will create a paper trail, so if it happens again, you have evidence that this was not just one innocent mistake.

  18. I agree about the video/photo thing. It REALLY works. Just stand there and make sure the nutters see you video taping/ photographing them.

    And no, the nanny dog lie will not die. They repeated that for 30 years with no opposition! But it still sounds insane.

  19. DubV commented at length on the Huffpo page featuring a slideshow of kids physically entombed in Pitdom. In his classic, dispassionate, lucid, civil style, he refuted and explained how the Nanny (perversion) idea evolved.
    Within a few comments,
    people were stridently asserting it again "They was Nanny dogs!" There is nothing more impenetrable than obstinancy and stupidity, and the lard-simple
    catechism of the Pitters will thrive on those greased kiddy-rails for many more years.

  20. When I goggled "Nanny Dog" it came up with many pro pit bull links. Thankfully, "The Truth About Pit Bulls" link is the first one.

    Besides labeling pit bulls as nanny dogs being dangerous, why would any dog be called a nanny? I wouldn't ever feel comfortable leaving a 3-year-old with a dog in charge, period.

  21. The problem with calling the sheriff after shooting a dog on your property, is you might end with a neighbor like Andrew Rosza. Better to bury deep and play dumb than to put up with that hassle.

  22. yes, DR ANDREW ROZSA is a perfect example of why it is important to know your laws so that you may respond to threats accordingly.

  23. Another mauling victim dies.


  24. Bah! Just lost a long comment about how important it is to know your laws and document everything.

    This is not just advice for livestock owners, it's also for anyone with dogs you feel are a thread.

    Call AC, even if you know they're useless. If your state has sunshine laws, you can pull those calls/emails (that's what I did) as evidence if you have to destroy an animal.

    Also, call a lawyer if you've got an ongoing situation. Find an Ag. Lawyer if the issue is about livestock. ANYTHING you can do to cover your ass and make sure YOU HAVE THE LAW ON YOUR SIDE is important.

    I've got a couple of good stories about Shoot, Shovel and call the Sheriff, or at least fess up to it, that I'll post when I can.

    Also got one about SSShutup and how it doesn't always work in the long run.

    Anyway, try to take care of yourself by knowing what the laws are and documenting everything you can is the best advice I can give.

  25. They are selling dogs. The pretense at dog love covers up the intent which is marketing and dog sales.

  26. PutMeinCharge4 one day, do not speak to them. Have no contact. This trash will lie and try to get you in trouble. They think they are special and can break the law and endanger others. Find out where they live and have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter and cite their trespassing. It is worth every penny. You have to create a paper trail becfore something happens. File formal complaints with the city about the loose dog and let the town/city know if they don't deal with these 2, they'll get sued too. Thwe other person is totally right about video ing them but do it so they can't see and make false complaints.

  27. One more point....

    "Staffordshire" is a ten dollar word glorifying the Victorian England epicenter of bull baiting and dog fighting. They actually raised bears there for their grotesque spectacles for chrisakes!

    Spin, spin, spin these breeders do. Say and do anything to avoid fulfilling their destinies in the heavy lifting and ditch digging fields!

  28. They were about to let the dog off the leash when you came up otherwise how could he chase anything?

    One rabbit is more important to me than every pibble.
