Monday, April 13, 2015

swagger in, slither out

profile of a dangerous dog lobbyist.

on 12.19.13 LISA CAMUSO left the following comment:
LOLOL...You guys are priceless...!Not a clue, any of you? SO sad...but easily herded, I would imagine.Can any of you figure out why anti-pit bull people run and hide when I offer to debate them on canine behavior, training, breeds and dog bites? I'm a little stumped as all of you are so outspoken and self-proclaimed experts, posting charts and statistics as if you gave birth to a new solar system...So, when any of you are ready after your quick Google search for propaganda to use as ammunition....let me know...I have been a bully breed owner for over 20 yrs. I train, I've worked my dogs....and I was a legislative director for several all breed working dog organization. Oh, and I co-authored dangerous dog ordinances in several cities....Ready for me???? (Morons getting ready to ban me from this page in 3,2 .......1 ! )
of course i published her comment immediately and accepted her challenge. i continually checked for her reply, eagerly awaiting her public thrashing. hours went by, then days and LISA MARIE CAMUSO, dog trainer extraordinaire and hot shot "legislative director" and co-author to the pit bull stars was a no show. :-(

so i looked for her.

i found her barren facebook page. her profile pic consisted of her dedication to the party of truth and a couple of comments, there were no photos, friend list, likes, nothing to substantiate her grandiose claims.

i don't think i have ever encountered such hubris in a nutter before. color me intrigued and disappointed. since LISA MARIE CAMUSO didn't return to put me in place and since massachusetts is of special interest to me and since i had an hour to kill... google to the rescue.

let's see...
• 20+ years experience as "bully breed" owner
• dog bite diva (move over karen)
• expert dog trainer & behaviorist
• co-author of dangerous dog laws

there is no way to prove or to disprove that she has over 20 years experience as a bully breed owner, she is 50 years old, so it is at least a possibility, unlike some of these 22 year old dog groomers who claim to have 20 years experience as vet tech, breeders and dog trainers.

i didn't find anything to demonstrate LISA'S superior knowledge of dog bites and since she didn't return to educate me, i will assume that her special knowledge is simply a regurgitation of KAREN DELISE'S schtick: intact resident dogs that no one can identify, yadda, yadda, yadda.

i was able to glean LISA MARIE CAMUSO'S skill level as dog trainer/behaviorist though, thanks to an old PBF thread.

 be sure to click on these to view larger and enjoy!

here is another example of her superior dog training skills.

as to her claim of co-author of dangerous dog laws, i suspect there is quite a bit of exaggeration there. LISA MARIE CAMUSO did appear to be the legislative liaison for the american working dog federation but according to the 2008 minutes, her involvement might have consisted only of attending meetings and hearings. i have yet to find her named as an author. LISA MARIE CAMUSO may have had some success imposing her unfettered dangerous dog agenda on our greedy, spineless, weak kneed, lily-livered, chicken-hearted, yellow-bellied elected officials. the unfortunate reality of american politics is that the special interest groups are running show thanks to the greedy, spineless, weak kneed, lily-livered, chicken-hearted, yellow-bellied fucktards that we elect to office. no reason why the lobbyists for dangerous dogs should not enjoy the same privileges as monsanto and the predatory banks. money talks. i found plenty of examples of LISA MARIE CAMUSO acting as conduit to the rest of nutterdom whenever BSL was being considered.

think i am being to hard on politicians? check out the council minutes from methuen, mass in 2006. during a public discussion on muzzling PIT BULLS in the city, a couple of nutter sisters showed up to protest muzzles, as did LISA CAMUSO of franklin and HOLLY STUMP of ipswich (another professional pit bull lobbyist), and some nutter by the name of BONNIE. the city did not require BONNIE to state her full name or full address but happily indulged her fanaticism.

my google search of LISA MARIE CAMUSO shed more light on her character than the specialized skill set she boasted of.

i found LISA MARIE CAMUSO trying to tell a "little white lie" to a kentucky hunting forum but it back fired. the good old boys appear to be sharper than our elected officials. link one and link two.

little white liar LISA CAMUSO tried to whip the hunters up in a fear frenzy with the promise that their beagles, labs and retrievers were in danger of being banned under a law being considered in louisville. when in reality, the law targets "any dog that is owned for the purpose of harming or fighting another animal".

"A total of 7 breeds of dogs are specifically named as "dangerous" and subject to mandatory spay/neuter.
Intact dogs of those breeds, which include American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Dogo Argentinos, Cane Corsos, Presa Canarios, Dogue de Bordeauxs and American Pit Bull Terriers are subject to special permits, insurance requirements, muzzling in public and special enclosure rules.
A special permit must be bought to own an intact dog of any of these breeds, and Councilwoman Cheri Hamilton has already announced her intention to add more breeds in future!"

(more breeds in the future likely consisted of bandogs, american bulldogs and all of their ugly mutations.)

LISA MARIE CAMUSO concluded her histrionic plea to kentucky hunters with names and contact information of the 26 louisville council members.

the hunters respond:
where is the part about outlawing hunting dogs.
I'm not calling you a liar but where is your proof on your allegations this is pretty harsh stuff and needs some sort of substantiation regarding your statements about one person.

Never knew a pitbull or any of the other does you listed were hunting dogs...

I agree and say this in no way is for hunting said my lab is a retriever. The dogs listed are banned in alot of places around the U.S. Presa Canarios are pit bulls on steriods, Dogo Argentinos are pretty vicious too, as the others can be. I know most are used as guard dogs mostly. I know people that have a few of the listed breeds.

There's a HUGE difference between a pit bull and a lab and it looks like they have failed to acknowledge that. Sounds like you guys have some Psycho's up there in Da Ville.

she displays a consistent pattern of deception and obfuscation.

where are you LISA MARIE CAMUSO (lisa quinn/liger woods/gogetmgidget)?

as vintage says "check back so we know that you have not been mauled or incarcerated." or maybe just let us know if your lithium kicked in.


Joan of Barf for Pit bulls, Camuso
Appeared not for her big-tent roadshow
And left the simple villagers leaderless, and moronic
For patent nostrum teachings
much like a cheap colonic
A sheeple dip and tonic
To rid our minds of
Facts and phonics
We foolishiy believed were truth;
And as we milled with vacant minds
To learn about canine Frankensteins
The tattered stage curtain fluttered with fallacies breath
We awaited the Gospel that pit bulls abhorr death
But imbeceles must accept life as disappointments come:
Evaporating fast as deadly methane gas
Camuso was gone in 3...2....1.


  1. I'm not surprised that you couldn't find any information on her as a behaviorist and trainer, one who's supposedly worked her dogs. I couldn't find any evidence of it either. Not even a rally title.

    What does surprise me is that she is 50 years old. The bragging, ignorance, bullying and aggression she's consistently displayed toward anyone who dares speak out against pit bulls is more typical of someone in their 20s. How sad she's spent the last 30 years in such a hostile and delusional state of mind. I hope she gets the psychiatric care she so clearly needs.

    1. I wish we could give comments ratings. More than once. I'd give this frank and succinct observation ++++ :)

    2. Ah yes, I suppose you're a wealth of information ... As you HAVE to post anonymously ... Lol

  2. Why did she invite investigation after her long, obligatory oratorio including hackneyed insults and glowing resume? Were we expected to be too intimidated to pursue it? Or too herd-bound? I'm eager to see how this delightful "mouse that roared" scenario unfolds. A Pit trencher would never misrepresent themselves, or back down to a cohort of morons. Annihilation of the weak is their raison d'etre, is it not? Or is that a "little white lie?"

  3. Just another self serving pit grifter with an over developed ego. Pretty run of the mill.

    Does it ever cross their minds that only bully breed dogs require this level of advocacy? Does it cross their minds that there is a reason for it?

  4. You're on, Camuso. Explain to we morons. What is the answer to this
    logical question?

  5. Did anyone else think what I did when they saw this article-how long until this one grows up to be a cat killer. 4,500 suckers wanted to buy this dog from the "rescue" and they made a nice bit of money on it too.

  6. What a dumb fucking bitch. I try to be a feminist and not to use gendered insults, but this woman, good god...

    1. How on Earth can you be a feminist when you scrounge for money by doing exactly what your make clients tell you to, you stupid bitch

  7. lol miss margo :-)

    me thinks there is a rainbow of psychiatric issues under this nutter's veneer.

  8. No veneer, Dawn. Just stained, cracked, chewed linoleum.

  9. Once again, a wakeup call for people who consider themselves animal advocates and buy into the pit nutterism...people like this are your colleagues in fighting against any and all regulation on fighting dogs.

    They are not the animals' friends, and they are not yours.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Legislative director? Working dog associations? THIS IS A BREEDER.

    This is not a rescue angel nut. Another part of the equation, either those breeding these breeds or working for the breeders as lobbyists


    These breeders want no regulation because they want to keep cashing in at the rest of America's expense, and at the expense of these dogs too. They are sick parasites..

    They are the ones feeding on the airheads who get sucked into buying dogs they can't handle as a bizarre status symbols or extension of their insecurities.

    Promoting these breeds and fighting against regulations means these breeders laugh all the way to the bank- and usually tax free because another reason for opposing regulation is hiding their businesses.

    This group also still can't explain why they have convicted dog fighters engaging in their legislative (or lobbying) activity.

    Time to make them take the responsibility they so often claim but then refuse. Track these dogs back to the breeders and let the lawyers at them for liability. The breeders need to be documented.

    Good that she makes herself available

  11. Moany of the breeders call themselves behavioral experts and trainers. It goes with the territory of professing an expert status that is a delusion in their minds.

  12. The AKC crew has been pounding on the hunting dog community for a long time to get them to do the AKC's lobbying bidding, for example, opposing puppy mill regulations.

    You'll find a history of them doing and saying the the same scare tactic things with these hunting dog breeders when that issue comes up too, and some of the hunting dog breeders are directly involved with the AKC idiots in lobbying. One had a lobbying group specifically for that, working with the old girls at AKC. He is a pretty old guy, may not be in operation any more, I have the name somewhere.

    The AKC lobbying with hunting dog breeders is not new, but it seems like some of the hunting dog breeders have finally figured out that AKC is lying to them and using them for the likes of their Hunte Corporation puppy mill schemes.

    Camuso is just repeating AKC drivel. She's is either with AKC or working for them rooking in the other breeder groups.

    Camuso is a business lobbyist and should be identifying herself as such to these towns, and the towns should be made aware of her activities. She is representing MONEY - not dogs, people, public safety, or anything but cold, hard cash income for the pit bull breeders. Town officials don't know until people tell them because these lobbyists play the I love doggies game and falsely pose as experts, so common.

    If she is with Stump, she is involved in NAIA. Stump is hooked up with AKC lobbyist and baord member Patti Strand although I heard Stump is using a different last name these days?

    Stump makes a practice of traveling around and having little private lobbying sessions behind citizens backs, putting pressure on animal control in various towns to be pit bull lobbyists. She did it in Lynn Mass for example. Citizens don't even know these people are doing this. Sneaky and unethical.

  13. Here's this crew working together in the past. Keiley was with MSPCA, infected with vets serving their own interests. Is this the Bonnie?

    "Bonnie Hajjar of Birch Avenue owns a pit bull mix named Busta and is among those who believe the breed can be loving animals.

    She spoke at the council meeting last night, calling the muzzle proposal "cruel." She said Busta is a popular dog with children and highly skilled at Frisbee games.

    "I feel it is very unfair to enforce this law upon our dogs," Hajjar said.

    She was joined at last night's meeting by other pit bull advocates and several professional dog handlers in opposition to the ordinance - Michael Keiley of the Nevins Farm animal shelter, Lisa Camuso of the Franklin-based American Dog Owners Association, and Holly Stump of the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners. "

  14. Miss Margo, this woman is par for the course when it comes to the AKC type legislative lobbyists. They even attack each other and call each other names, but they'll put down their internecine squabbles to join together to bully town officials and media people who are unaware of what liars they are.

    It's always a never ending stream of deceit and braggadocio.

    They really do represent some of the worst of female humanity. Some deeply disturbed individuals with a sociopathic selfishness.

  15. In Massachusetts, Republican Brad Hill, Ipswich Mass, is in bed with them and pushing behind the scenes, figuratively speaking. He is more than likely working the phones for these lobbyists putting pressure and maybe some political threats on the small town city council type dopes who are too clueless to figure out how they are getting pumped, or who know it fully and participate in it and pump their fellows. He has a long history of direct involvement and plotting with this crew.

  16. learned a new word :-)

    internecine |ˌintərˈnesēn, -ˈnēsēn, -sin|
    destructive to both sides in a conflict: the region's history of savage internecine warfare.
    • of or relating to conflict within a group or organization: the party shrank from the trauma of more internecine strife.


  17. Lisa Camuso is in Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners with Stump. MassFed, as they call it, is AKC breeders. It's another one of these AKC propped up state lobbying groups putting local pressure on dumb or lying political players.

    Look into her more, and what breeding is going on in Franklin.

    There are some older breeders in MassFed who are fairly benign but they let the NAIA gang take over and use it as a lobbying base.

    Stump is in MassFed and NAIA as is a very vocal legislative member of NAIA, Charlotte McGowan, who is close friends and works with Patti Strand of NAIA. Look up Strand on Sourcewatch. She is behind the AKC's puppy mill machine.

    Camuso is just doing what the older ones tell her to do. Look at their backgrounds, their words, their lobbying tactics, and Camuso just sounds like a wind up doll getting fed lines.

    McGowan has been involved with some of the working dog breeders for years, but the younger ones seem to have figured out that these AKC girls are using them.

  18. The NAIA and MassFed people also have Democratic Representative Anne Gobi from Camuso's part of the state to dance like a doll for them. Gobi is supported by the NRA and they use her to try to entrap the hunting dog people into the AKC's lobbying for things like puppy mills and fighting dogs.

    James Eldridge is another of their political dolls, if he is still around.

    Using the state to cater to outside the state business interests.

  19. now i will make a deposit into the vocabulary bank. ever hear of parapraxis? it is a another word for fruedian slip, an unconscious utterance that reveals a repressed attitude, thought, desire.

    "so sad...but easily herded"

    i just realized how often the nutters use words like sheeple and herd to describe people who dislike or fear their ugly mutants. if we are collectively known as a herd of sheep, then we must be prey and if we are prey the nutters must be predators.

    1. Good point Dawn, when I think of sheeple I remember the cartoon that showed sheep headed to the slaughter on a conveyor belt, but they couldn't see it, distracted by a big screen. This fits nutters to a tee if you ask me

  20. Yep--and herd animals are the creatures intended for agonizing destruction by pit bulls.

  21. Please enjoy this lovely Pitbull Fragrance for men and women.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "Packhorse said...
    Please enjoy this lovely Pitbull Fragrance for men and women. "

    Oh good lord, now I have seen everything.

  24. I am not a huge fan of the fragrance industry. I describe many perfumes as smelling like "death." In this case it would be exactly correct.

  25. packhorse, you come up with the craziest shit!!

    i'm with you april, don't like perfume/cologne. i avoid it like the plague. if i was the world ruler, i would ban it along with pit bulls.

  26. My mom sold Avon when we were kids and was always well-supplied with samples. We used to joke that the fragrances smelled like bug-spray. Now one of them is famously effective as mosquito repellant! Yes, most cloying, or synthetic smells, are oppressive. Curious as to the science.

  27. Wow...that's tough talk coming from a middle aged woman who still lives at home with her mother.

    I am always fascinated with the types of people who call themselves "pit bull advocates", and it took all of ten minutes of web searches to figure out that this blowhard was all "big hat, no cattle." The average middle schooler in my town has a bigger web presence of personal accomplishments than this "dog trainer/expert" does. Apparently she owned American Bulldogs at one point, but the dogs don't seem to be listed in any show results, or with any titles, (Or maybe the types of people involved in American Bulldogs can't read and write well enough to keep records, or have mastered the "inernet" yet.)

    I can google my friends names who actually are involved in dog training, and they and their dogs come up immediately with show results ranging from dock dogs, obedience, even a full page feature on my friend whose therapy dog visits our local library. But nothing comes up to prove Lisa Camuso has ever shown any real accomplishment or expertise in the world of dogs, in any capacity.

    What I did find, though, is that she appears to be a mentally unstable zealot who trolls pit bull Facebook pages trying to incite violence against actual, accomplished performance dog owners who dared to post "something negative about pit bulls" on their page....she posts the names and personal information of these woman trying to encourage harassment of them, or worse.

    If she did this as a middle schooler, she would be subject to Mass state anti-bullying laws. As an adult, she could be charged with cyber stalking. Either way, it's just more evidence that the types of people involved for lobbying against BSL are mentally unstable liars. Being from Mass myself, I can tell you that the number of pit bulls in any community is an indication of the crime level. Drive through affluent towns with good school systems and low crime, you won't see any pit bulls. Drive through any urban shithole, you'll see tons. Law abiding, tax paying, mentally healthy Massachusetts residents don't want pit bulls for pets, or living in their neighborhoods. And no amount of lobbying from emotionally damaged, mentally unhinged, middle aged kidults like Lisa Camuso will change that.

    1. You're hysterical... Another one, hiding behind a fictitious profile ... Poking with your stick... I'd be happy to debate you.... In fact, I never ran from any of you...

  28. thank you for that awesome smack down branwyne. i saw her nasty campaign against a REAL dog owner too. it was the fuel behind this blog. without it, i would not have blogged LISA MARIE CAMUSO.

    and thanks anonymous for all of those comments about stump, massfed, naia. i saw them too but i didn't have a lot of time to dedicate to this deviant.

    and thanks for another new word: CLOY!

  29. She lives with her mother? Now that does not surprise me at all.

  30. Joan of Barf for Pit bulls, Camuso
    Appeared not for her big-tent roadshow
    And left the simple villagers leaderless, and moronic
    For patent nostrum teachings
    much like a cheap colonic
    A sheeple dip and tonic
    To rid our minds of
    Facts and phonics
    We foolishiy believed were truth;
    And as we milled with vacant minds
    To learn about canine Frankensteins
    The tattered stage curtain fluttered with fallacies breath
    We awaited the Gospel that pit bulls abhorr death
    But imbeceles must accept life as disappointments come:
    Evaporating fast as deadly methane gas
    Camuso was gone in 3...2....1.

  31. This is the official "odor" of the pop singer named Pitbull. Even by pop standards he is just terrible. Truly awful music. Truly awful smell, I am sure. Like some sad bony game dog chained out by a trailer.

  32. LOL, anonymous.

    And still, all we hear are crickets.

  33. What....? Where...where is Lisa Camuso? I heard she was coming and due to her great and terrible fame, a fame that makes me tremble and
    bieat in panic, I ran to hide...I ran so far and hid so well that I only got back minutes ago...fleeced...will she have mercy on our no-life lives....!?

    By the way--what's the latest on that new Solar System? Is it visible from the basement window of Camuso's mother's house?

  34. oh my. i almost feel sorry for this delusional nitwit.

  35. The AKC doesn't want to get caught directly in the fighting breed advocacy role. The various kennel clubs don't want to get caught either.

    So it gets farmed out to auxiliary lobbying groups like the one this prize runs. She's AKC, she works with other AKC breeders and lobbyists to cheerlead for the fighting breeds and slam against any regulatory efforts, the kennel clubs will slither money out to these auxiliary lobbying groups, and core AKC breeders will petulantly claim that THEY don't lobby for these breeds.

    They don't do it directly, or at least most, but they do it indirectly through these other lobbying groups, and many people don't know how dirty their hands really are,

    Hint- look for the code words. "Dog owner" this or that group means AKC connected lobbying groups, with a patsy who'll pretend to be the ringmaster while being shephered through the routines by the old and sneaky ones.

    They'll probably come up with some more group names intended to deceive.

    They latch on to the lonely and stupid who are desperate for attention and who are willing to be servants to some of the most deeply disturbed, selfish people ever spawned. Sneaky and deceitful and all claiming to be experts.

  36. Well Branwyne why don't you let your AKC friends who are coaching her and feeding her lines that you don't approve?

    There isn't a line out of her that is hers.

    The ones coaching her and putting her up to this have dogs with show results and titles, as if any of that is significant in any way in anything other than a pretend play land. Some of the worst puppy mill breeders have titled dogs too.

  37. Anon,

    You have commented here under many names. You have frequently been run out of conversations for attacking reasonable people as AKC drones and/or Farm Bureau lobbyists. This time you have taken a more agreeable tone but, predictably, you have gone too far again with your remarks to Branwyne. You may have some reasonable points but they are overwhelmed by your over inclusive jumps in logic. Please note, not everyone who shows or trains dogs to AKC titles is an "AKC drone" or has any AKC policy input. The average Obedience competitor does not coach anybody or anything other than their own dog. Not everyone who joins an organization for whatever reason is a "registered lobbyist" for that organization. Until you learn to discriminate you will continue to alienate those who might be interested in parts of your message. Your hate for those who chose, and compete with purebred dogs for whatever personal taste or reason makes you look crazy. Titled dogs, those dogs inside the "pretend play land" are not wandering the streets and attacking innocent citizens.

  38. Thank You April for responding to the anti AKC poster. That is all that he/she knows. It's the same AKC-Farm Lobby-puppy mill-conspiracy theory drivel again and again and again. Not just here but on other blogs and Facebook pages too with fake profiles.

  39. Don't get me started on that so-called pop singer, Pitbull. The wastrel next door had a real infatuation with him one summer. Her favorite song had this for a refrain:


    Look that one up in your naughty Spanish dictionary.

    Wastrel still lives next door, still listens to crap-rap when she's busy ignoring her out-of-wedlock child.

  40. Chalk me up as an AKC competitor who is against many things AKC does. For example, blocking BSL legislation, blocking anti-puppy-mill legislation, disallowing mixed breeds in competition for most of their history, and allowing breed standards to promote brachyencephalism and other serious health problems.

    Nevertheless, I have been active in AKC sports since 1977. Simply put, AKC dog sports titles are the most recognizable way to demonstrate how much training and competition experience you have. It's also got the most different sports, so there is a standardized progression of titles for everything from hunting to conformation to sheep herding.

    Some people go through contortions trying to only compete in non-AKC venues like USDAA/NADAC/CPE/ASCA (agility), USBCHA/ASCA/AHBA (herding), UKC/ASCA (obedience)... and they end up with a bunch of title abbreviations that even experienced fellow competitors have never heard of.

    Sort of like instead of getting a B.S., then M.S., then Ph.D., you go some alternative educational route and get a XPQ, and then a TBJ, and then a CLB degree. Most people will not be able to parse whether the "CLB" is the same as a Ph.D. or something like an high school diploma...

    If you want to teach dog sports or to buy a puppy from a top sports breeder, a list of your AKC titles is pretty much expected.

  41. Not for working dogs.

    When I want to get a serious competition dog, I'm looking for one out of ISDS trial winners.

    The difference is akin to the fact you'll rarely, if ever, see a Olympic Level horse coming out of the US breed show ranks.

  42. This is CandorMD. I recognize this paranoid crazy dork at 1000 paces.

  43. LOL ! Here I am ! Oh, an BTW, I never saw your challenge to debate me...funny how that works, huh? So, you all think I am full of shit , huh? New Bedford and Methuen...Co-authored both dangerous dog ordinances... I LOVE how you cut and paste to what suits you...twisting facts, are we? AWDF, have you asked? How about contacting Al Govednick or Lyle Roetmeyer? Didn't do that, did you? ADOA? Hello...? United Schutzhund Club of America...again, contact Lyle I was also on their education committee... I was a member of the Inner City Schutzhund Club....what xcompmlete;ly cracks me up about you and your posters is that YOU are anonymous, most of the posters are those who aren't buy into your shit because they aren't exposed to anyone who can debate you...werll, I am here DEBATE ME! OR are you going to delete me AND BLOCK ME AND CLAIM I AM NOT RESPONDING? COME ON FOAMERS!

    1. And you herald your sudden surfacing with LOL? Too right, you gaseous bag of bloat. One thing you've gotten correctly. Salut.

  44. Oh, and BTW, who said I was a breeder? LOL that's, not a breeder...

    Yup, you all think you have "exposed me" yup, oakie dokie...

    How about asking me some questions to see if I am Bullshitting...all I see are comments by ANONYMOUS...LOL come on, how come you hide?

  45. Lisa, why would the anyone here ever want to "delete" you? You rank and file pit nutters provide great entertainment!

  46. Lisa "Marie" CamusoJanuary 5, 2014 at 7:39 PM

    Thank you for taking the time to honor me...I am flattered that I sparked this much attention...just so you all know, if you think of trying something illegal, libel, or harmful , I will take matters legally. I suggest you keep your hate to your hate and BS inside the walls of your own pages...and be very careful what you post.

  47. How about posting your real names instead of hiding?

    Do you have any questions for me? Debate, anyone? How about asking me questions about dog training or canine behavior? Here's your chance to "Out" me! If I do not respond, I've been blocked...but you already will know that won't you>...I already know a couple of you by your posts...BTW. Ms.Dock diver...wink!

  48. Names anyone? Instead of fictitious identities and "Anonymous" posters?

    COme on...I'm waiting....

  49. LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU....while I collect all these posts...

  50. Yawn... Please be patient, I'm sure someone will give you some attention soon. These things take time..

  51. Okay then, put your thinking cap on "hero" an put me to the test. Questions please...prove I don't know what I'm talking about...and prove I am lying.

    I notice YOU TOO are anonymous...BIG YAWN..that's so typical...

    ALL hate speech aside...I welcome questions about canine behavior, training, and questions about bully breeds,...

    What you all don't understand is that I am very much against dogs that bite and aggression. I DO NOT defend any dog that attacks...a victim of a dog attack does not deserve to be blamed. I have been successful in legislative efforts because I am a realist. I do not condone dangerous dogs and owners who defend aggressive behavior when the responsibility lies on their own actions or lack thereof. I have been successful working with legislators ( which BTW, is not a paid position and no, I am not affiliated with AKC)I want your towns to be safe as well as mine. In fact, I have less friends by being real about dangerous dogs because I do not offer excuses...but to attack decent dog owners the way you do is wrong...and it is why I have jumped into this pit. You state..."these things take time...what you don't understand is that you don't rattle my cage... I know your intent is to piss me off...but I am not taking the bait. What is SO SAD about all of this is that instead of offering your opinions in a civil manner, you are missing a chance to be proactive about your cause. If you wanted to put an end to dog attacks, you'd be interested in working with both sides...but no. You would rather post this crap...and this blog is just that...have your fun....I am here and I will debate. I also should forewarn you that I am very much on top of prospective threats to my home, my dogs and my friends and family...I have reached out where I have to after reading this and all those involved. ( we are not alone here) Again, I am here to debate anyone on this blog.

  52. by anonymous ( of course):
    (quote) "Camuso is a business lobbyist and should be identifying herself as such to these towns, and the towns should be made aware of her activities. She is representing MONEY - not dogs, people, public safety, or anything but cold, hard cash income for the pit bull breeders."

    This is completely untrue, blind and "dangerous slander" . REMOVE IT. If I find that this statement is , in any way shape or form, being forwarded, posted or emailed/ sent to legislators or better get yourself a good lawyer. Delete it now.

  53. oh, now that you are caught lying and bullying you want to take the high road? too late missy.

    in case you forgot, you came here shooting off your big mouth. i didn't know that you even existed prior to your grandiose comment on the 19th.

    when you didn't return, i did a quick google and the FIRST thing i found was your attack on a friend of mine. now you want to pretend we are victimizing you. fuck you. unlike your ugly mutants, i only attack when provoked. don't bother deleting the evidence. i have a screenshot of this one and the other two. there could be more, i don't know, i stopped looking after the third.

    shoot me an email nutter and i will send you a pdf of this blog post with all of the comments and the screenshots i collected of YOUR hate campaign against someone who simply does not like your ugly fucking mutant dog. you're pathetic.

  54. by anonymous ( of course):
    (quote) "Camuso is a business lobbyist and should be identifying herself as such to these towns, and the towns should be made aware of her activities. She is representing MONEY - not dogs, people, public safety, or anything but cold, hard cash income for the pit bull breeders."

    This is completely untrue, blind and "dangerous slander" . REMOVE IT. If I find that this statement is , in any way shape or form, being forwarded, posted or emailed/ sent to legislators or better get yourself a good lawyer. Delete it now.

    seriously? THIS is what you are worried about in this blog post? have you actually read the screenshots of you admitting that you LIE? you should get your priorities straight.

  55. oh and by the way, i have pdfs of the hunter threads and the pitbullforum threads. how about i package those up and send them to legislators?

    1. Awe! You just admitted to knowing about what each of the hunters stated... So, why didn't you post the truth? Naughty girl...

  56. check your facebook pm lisa. i sent you the pdf and four screenshots of your nasty hate campaign against a woman exercising the 1st amendment.
    *i was wrong, i though there was three but there were four.

  57. If your agenda is to offer people objective, valid info, Camuso, why your interest in having our names?
    If your chosen breed is so blameless, (and keep in mind each of us has been DIRECTLY impacted by them) why do they evoke such fervent emotion? What do they offer you and other pit lovers, that other breeds cannot?
    Who am I? I'm an all-breeds groomer, have been so for over 27 years, will soon enter my "Golden Years" and currently have abandoned my home to care for my terminally ill mother in a distant state. Alone. How would you tailor your threats and harassment for someone like me?
    Many delightful breeds and mutts have passed through my hands. Thousands. Pit bulls don't have much occasion to come in to a groomer, but their presence is felt. Three of my client's dogs have been killed by pits. None by any other dog type. I've listen to them break down over the phone. Sob in my parlor. Describe it, saying the noise and sight came in nightmares for months. You know, propaganda. While working as groomer in a vet's office, our beloved office cat was killed by a pit, the first pit our north woods office had seen. Our cat had lived for many years in the presence of hundreds of dogs of every breed and had never been even remotely threatened. I've seen a little mutt puppy killed by a pit in a pretty central coast California town. The pit clearly enjoyed his work, tail stiff, upright and wagging as he turned the trusting little pile of fluff into shrieking sludge. My friends can't ride their horses in areas now occupied by pits. That innocent joy is gone.In addition, Camuso, pit owners are dangerous, whether through malice, ignorance, or delusion. Walking in San Diego 5 years ago with a friend, her granddaughter in a stroller, we came across a young man whirling his pit around his head as it gripped a rubber ring. His playtime blocked the public sidewalk. He lowered the pit, shook the slime off so it splattered everywhere, and wanted to know if the 8 mo old baby wanted a pit kiss. "Just hold the kid up to his face! He loves 'em" Thanks, but no.
    So, Camuso, perhaps we have personal experience to guide our opinions? Here you are, take us to the Light. You are confident that we are "easily herded" and "clueless" so it should be easy work for a superior intellect such as yours.
    Oh..and in my new home...our neighbor lost a Boston Terrier to a pit in Chicago several years ago. And a St. Louis cop who stops in while visiting home says pits kill pets and threaten people in his precinct so often it's almost routine.
    By the way, you remind me of an acquaintance who tried and failed many times to become a paralegal.
    She too, would toss around legalese, threaten legal action, profess influence in the legal arena. She was simply laughed at.

  58. Anonymous? I know who you are. Joy Elliot? You live in MA as well. I am just about to leave for work and when I return, I will be more than happy to answer to your post. If you wish to believe that what was posted was not Libel , no problem, have your fun. Telling people to warn legislators about me ( false info) is dangerous....and you know it. I'll be back.

  59. One thing is for sure,...none of you are lawyers or have any legal background.

    1. Really? However did you deduce that? Are you omniscient as well as bonkers?

  60. The shame....the shame.

  61. What dogs have you titled Camuso? Forget debating fight drive and prey drive. A wackadoo like yourself can easily Google that crap. What have you actually DONE that makes you an expert? You toss around inner city schutzhund club but all I see on their Facebook page is an attempt by you to sell some crap. What schutzhund titles have you put on your dogs? Have you put any titles on anything? Ever? Youre no spring chicken, surely your have made more productive use of your time than sending screen shots to your psycho friends network. You are a damned pathetic joke.

  62. Camuso: "....I am very much on top of prospective threats to my home, my dogs and my friends and family..."
    Don't project the criminal tactics so common in your camp onto us. Our dogs aren't killers and neither are we .We're here in an effort to make the world safer for the vulnerable.You see the world through the same ugly, suspicious lens as the usual pit worshiper. Except, of course, you are VERY special.

    Dagmar Waxlax

  63. Why on earth would anyone give YOU their real names, Lisa, when anyone can google YOUR name and see that you have launched a cyber-stalking campaign against some poor woman who dared express a negative opinion regarding pit bulls on her Facebook page? What kind of "professional" does that? A quick google search of your name, to see if you own or are affiliated with any sort of training facility, shows nothing but your home address. You came into this forum, bragging and challenging posters to debate you because of your expertise. Why would you be surprised when people googled you to verify who you really are?

    Pit bull owners and advocates quite often have criminal fact, there are two studies that confirm that ownership of high risk breeds is a marker for deviant behavior, and that dangerous breed owners are more likely to engage in criminal and anti-social activity. Your behavior, accessible to anyone in a quick google search, clearly shows your aggressive on-line harassment of some dog owner who disagrees with you as proof that you are possibly dangerous. No one should reveal their identities to someone like you on-line.

    For the record, the ADOA no longer exists....the IRS revoked their non-profit status several years ago.

    You have no on-line presence of training accomplishments. So far, you have just reinforced the stereotype of the crazy, bullying pit bull owner/advocate. You say you want to debate...fine. Let's go.

    "The majority of individuals producing litters of pit bull puppies are bybers...criminals, dog fighters, gang members, urban and rural teenagers and low income, unemployable, uneducated people looking to make a quick buck. "Pit bulls" are a landrace breed currently bred for dog fighting, guarding illegal activities, or as thug fashion accessories."

    Disprove that statement.

  64. Just how might targeted personal attacks on folks just exercising their first amendment rights be justified by someone who made it her business to offer herself up as an expert and to invite personal scrutiny? Why would Ms. Camuso think that she occupies any moral or legal high ground? Help me understand this.

    Camuso got exactly what she asked for and now she threatens legal action? You just can't please some people.

  65. I have a "debate" question Lisa. Why do you find it necessary to defend a crap breed of dog? Humans and other animals are suffering because of pit bulls. Pit bulls have a justified reputation for being dangerous animals. How do you overlook the deaths they inflict, the maiming, the mauling, and the carnage?

    Okay, so I had two "debate" questions. And yes, I am anonymous, deal with it.

  66. I have a question. What legitimate pit bull group would want any part of this slimy sociopath Camuso? The breed has a justified reputation for attracting low life individuals and trash. It certainly doesn't help their image to have someone like her as a mouthpiece. Any sane group or individual would realize this woman has major issues and steer clear.

  67. This 'pit-for-brains' tried to 'debate' with me on Facebook site Ban pit bulls around the world. I put up the facts, told her there is nothing to debate and I don't argue with morons, and blocked her. You have far more patience than I do.

  68. And I am a paralegal, dumbass.

  69. Here's some legal for you Camuso:
    U.S. SUPREME COURT, April 26, 1897, SENTELL v. NEW ORLEANS & C. R. CO.
    Laws for the protection of domestic animals are regarded as having but a limited application to dogs and cats; and, regardless of statute, a ferocious dog is looked upon as hostis humani generis, and as having NO RIGHT TO ITS LIFE which man is bound to respect.

  70. "What you all don't understand is that I am very much against dogs that bite and aggression. I DO NOT defend any dog that attacks.."
    Well, that is EXACTLY what you ARE doing. Defending and making excuses for the dog that kills and maims more than all the others COMBINED. How about stop talking out of both sides of your mouth before you give others your unwanted, biased 'advice'?

  71. Camuso appears to be some kind of under paid health care worker.

    1. Her salary is low but she is not underpaid. That salary sounds about right for someone who behaves the way she does.

  72. By the way, what you're trying to describe is LIBEL, not slander. Slander is the ORAL form of character defamation while LIBEL is the written form. In order to prove a case of either you must prove that you have suffered damages, usually of the financial kind, due to the statement and that the statement is FALSE. So if I said you were a bank robber, but you suffered no financial setback from my slander or libel, you would have no case. And if I said you were a liar, and you lost your job because of this, you would have no case because the statement is TRUE. Make sure to relay this to all your pitbully buddies so they too can understand the difference and stop throwing about terms that they know nothing about.

  73. it is funny when these nutters waive their 5th amendment rights and incriminate themselves, then have the gall to scream defamation when you use their own words against them, while harassing others for exercising their 1st amendment rights.

    btw, i do not agree with the anonymous person claiming CAMUSO is in the dog lobbying business for the money. i suspect her reasons fall along these lines. just stating my opinion.

    occasionally i must stop and explain what constitutes defamation to these idiots. thank KaD for sparing me.

    great comments from all of my anonymous readers. and thank you anon 3:23 for sharing your personal experience.

  74. And this, I think, is one of the biggest hurdles for our side. Not that we're not right, not that the facts don't support us, but that their defense of this defective, destructive and deadly breed is PSYCHOLOGICAL in nature and there is nothing we can do to cure someone's personality disorder or mental/psychological/personality issues.

  75. Profound statement Ka D.

    Thanks saying it so clearly.

  76. Hmmm....there is a pattern of behavior here. Ms. Camuso comes into this forum, throws down the gauntlet, and challenges posters to a debate. She insist that posters here will block her and refuse to debate her. She then disappears.

    Finally, after much public prodding, she reappears, posting frantic invitations to debate. But she does not wait for responses, she insists she is "too busy to debate" and must go to work.

    Only instead of being at work, she is actually on the "Dark Sick Minds of Pit Bull Owners" Facebook page, posting similar challenges there. She also found the time to verbally attack the mother of a child who had been mauled by a pit bull which burst through a glass door to attack him, blaming the victim and calling her a bad parent. Stay classy Lisa!

    She seems to have a pattern of inviting debate, then claiming she is being blocked, or her brilliant answers are being deleted, when pro-BSL advocates accept her challenge. Actual debate requires a lot more intellectual rigor than cyber stalking people and harassing victims of pit bull attacks online. So lets see if we can start an actual debate, OK Lisa?

  77. I took the liberty of finding some of Lisa's arguments regarding the history of pit bulls from her postings yesterday on the "Dark Sick Minds" page, while she was allegedly "at work". Lisa writes....

    "The pit bull was originally bred out of the bull dog and line bred for their prey drive....the breeding program was then intent on channeling that drive to dog aggression. What you probably don't know is that these dogs were also bred to be tolerant of Humans. (yes, it's true) Breeders wanted a dog that they could sport that could also be handled."

    Lisa, pit bull dogs were not selected for the trait of being "tolerant" or "friendly" to humans. Please cite any historical documentation you have that verifies that the dogmen selected dogs for that specific trait. Because there is extensive historical documentation, written by the dogmen themselves, which proves that man biters were not culled, as long as they were winners. Chinaman, Bolio, and a host of other famous fighting dogs were manbiters. These were performance animals, not "pets" and their owners would no more destroy a money making fighting dog for not exhibiting "pet" qualities, than a race horse owner would destroy a winning race horse for being dangerous to ride as a pleasure horse.

    The trait that allowed pit dogs to be handled in the pit was not their "soft, friendly, tolerant" temperament, but their "gameness". A game pit bull, once engaged in a fight, will remain focused and on task until his opponent stops moving (is dead). A game pit bull will not redirect, once he has committed to the task he was bred for; killing his opponent. That is why pit bulls are the only dog breed where breed experts suggest owners carry break stick. There are dozens of visual examples of pit bulls expressing this trait in online videos, where a pit bull has latched onto a pet dog or cat, and hysterical bystanders are kicking and hitting the pit bull, who does not fight back, just continues crushing it's victim in it's jaws. I once watched two adult men punch a pit bull in the head until it was unconscious, in an attempt to get it jaws off the throat of the poor dog it was killing, and not once did the pit bull redirect it's attack on to the men. This was not a demonstration of a "human friendly" was evidence of the pit bull's gameness.

    So again...please reference any historical documentation you have that proves that dogfighters created breeding programs where they chose dogs based on how "friendly" they were. You have stated this as fact, so you should be able to find direct quotes, from multiple famous dogmen.

  78. I was wondering what dumbass, utterly disproven pit advocacy talking point she was trying to 'debate'. Ah, 'the manbiters were culled'. It's interesting how she's ignored all the historical records and made up a history in her own head. Which of course is the only 'correct' history according to-her.

  79. "Branwyne Finch said...

    She also found the time to verbally attack the mother of a child who had been mauled by a pit bull which burst through a glass door to attack him, blaming the victim and calling her a bad parent. Stay classy Lisa!"

    Are you serious? She actually did that? It really takes a special someone to attack a victim. But isn't that what all pit nutters do?


  80. Even if it were true that all pit bulls are human-friendly, a dog that mercilessly attacks and kills other dogs has no place in society.

  81. If the pit bull was 'bred out of them' then they wouldn't LOOK LIKE PIT BULLS: "...discoveries suggest that the interface of physical and behavioral conformation mean it is not possible to breed out the impulsive aggressive behavior of fighting dogs while retaining their shape and appearance.
    Form follows function: one cannot have a dog whose entire body and brain are adapted to executing the killing bite, without having a dog who will execute the killing bite."

  82. packhorse, that is exactly my position!

    yes, lisa not only attacks victims, in private correspondence with me, she continues to paint herself as the victim in all of this.

    good catch branwyne. someone alerted me yesterday that she left a message here saying she would be back, she had to go to work and she IMMEDIATELY went to facebook and started shit over there! i never did get around to following up on that.

    i love this comment by revered dogman LESTER HUGHES:
    I didn’t used to see much danger in one that was vicious, I knew a Bulldog could hurt a man but I don’t think I realized how bad, I wasn’t afraid of one. Now I’m a lot more wary of a maneater, they really can hurt you, even kill you. I honestly don’t believe that a grown man could get a sixty-five pound Bulldog off without a weapon, if it decided to attack him.

    you can read about the old mountain man's experience with man biters here

    the man-biters were culled myth was debunked HERE.

    i've poked fun at the nutters who perpetuate the myth HERE.


    haha! too funny.

  84. I think my one of my favorite parts of this is watching the highly skilled dog trainer Lisa Camuso teach her pit bull to accept a stick in just one minute and six seconds. Of course Camuso did not claim that this was the first stick Stella had ever seen so perhaps it was just a review.

    It is not a directed retrieve here, just accepting a STICK. LOL!!!

    Why is there no font for sarcasm?

  85. Being a sentimental old lady, I like to remember one of my former poodles. He had grown hard of hearing with age but was still full of energy and enthusiasm. We'd walk off leash on deserted rural roads, where he'd trot some 40 or so feet ahead, circling often to rejoin me.
    One time I heard a car unexpectedly approaching from about 300 yds away, called to my dog, which he failed to hear, so grabbed a stone and flung it so it landed 10 feet ahead of him. Instantly he stopped and looked back at me, and I motioned him to come. It didn't occur to me till later that his behavior seemed so reasoning. He didn't investigate the stone, he wondered where it came from. That, without any training involved, became our system. I carried a stick of light bamboo on all our walks, and it never failed. He was a fun dog...

  86. Anon: In regards to your pissy comment about being omnipotent; it's not rocket science that when someone MAKES UP a history in plain OPPOSITION to the actual written facts there IS something wrong. Google some of the many studies about the psychological profile of the owners of dangerous dogs and read the material. Or google 'pathological altrusim' or 'cognitive dissonance'.

  87. Which comment was that?

  88. To the owners of this blog:

    1. Here are a list of the lies that need to be deleted . You are breaking the law by posting this, especially that you had access to the language of the bill and the other posts by accessing the discussion board: By accessing this information, you would have seen that posters were actually taking my post seriously. ( which were the majority)…and I am still a member of their discussion board.

    “i found LISA MARIE CAMUSO trying to tell a "little white lie" to a kentucky hunting forum but it back fired. the good old boys appear to be sharper than our elected officials. link one and link two.

    little white liar LISA CAMUSO tried to whip the hunters up in a fear frenzy with the promise that their beagles, labs and retrievers were in danger of being banned under a law being considered in louisville. when in reality, the law targets "any dog that is owned for the purpose of harming or fighting another animal".”

    “she displays a consistent pattern of deception and obfuscation.”

    2. This poster , posted a lie: I never invited anyone to INVESTGATE ME.

    Why did she invite investigation after her long, obligatory oratorio including hackneyed insults and glowing resume?

    3. MORE LIES: I am not a breeder. There are also remearks made to incinuate that

    Anonymous said...
    Promoting these breeds and fighting against regulations means these breeders laugh all the way to the bank- and usually tax free because another reason for opposing regulation is hiding their businesses.

    This group also still can't explain why they have convicted dog fighters engaging in their legislative (or lobbying) activity.

    3.This is not only libel, it is intent to do harm by urging people to contact legislators to slander/ defame me.. It is your blog and you are also responsible

    Camuso is a business lobbyist and should be identifying herself as such to these towns, and the towns should be made aware of her activities. She is representing MONEY - not dogs, people, public safety, or anything but cold, hard cash income for the pit bull breeders. Town officials don't know until people tell them because these lobbyists play the I love doggies game and falsely pose as experts, so common.
    4. The blog and it’s contents are allegations about me…this is also an allegation. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.
    It's always a never ending stream of deceit and braggadocio.

    5. This is a lie. Brad Hill worked with us legitimately and legally. This post is accusing Brad Hill of illegal activities. Holly is his constituent. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.

    In Massachusetts, Republican Brad Hill, Ipswich Mass, is in bed with them and pushing behind the scenes, figuratively speaking. He is more than likely working the phones for these lobbyists putting pressure and maybe some political threats on the small town city council type dopes who are too clueless to figure out how they are getting pumped, or who know it fully and participate in it and pump their fellows. He has a long history of direct involvement and plotting with this crew

    1. #2 "can any of you figure out why anti-pit bull people run and hide whenever I offer to debate..."

      As you are (surprisingly) totally obscure, I believe the attempt to "figure out" something, involves investigation, not simply imaginary constructions. However, I lack your clarity of thought, and elegance of language. It's reminiscient of Barney Fife expounding upon lawbreakers.

  89. Continued:

    6. Lie: I am not a member of MassFed. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.

    Lisa Camuso is in Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners with Stump. MassFed, as they call it, is AKC breeders. It's another one of these AKC propped up state lobbying groups putting local pressure on dumb or lying political players.

    7. Lie and urging people to try to do harm: This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.

    Look into her more, and what breeding is going on in Franklin

    LIE: I am not fed lines by these people/ organizations and I am not told what to say. You are stating that I am some sort of puppet for other organizations and other false statements support this. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.
    Camuso is just doing what the older ones tell her to do. Look at their backgrounds, their words, their lobbying tactics, and Camuso just sounds like a wind up doll getting fed lines.
    Not affiliated with AKC and the whole paragraph is based on an assumption. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.
    …these AKC girls are using them

    This is a LIE. I have never encouraged harassment or worse of anyone. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.
    trying to encourage harassment of them, or worse.

    Lie: I have not done anything illegal and no proof to back up crime level verses the number of pit bulls in any area of Mass. I am sending this to the MACOA.

    As an adult, she could be charged with cyber stalking. Either way, it's just more evidence that the types of people involved for lobbying against BSL are mentally unstable liars.

    This is a false information
    Being from Mass myself, I can tell you that the number of pit bulls in any community is an indication of the crime level.
    LIES and false information . I have never lobbied for emotionally damaged, mentally unhinged dog owners.This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.
    Law abiding, tax paying, mentally healthy Massachusetts residents don't want pit bulls for pets, or living in their neighborhoods. And no amount of lobbying from emotionally damaged, mentally unhinged, middle aged kidults like Lisa Camuso will change that.

    MOTIVE for Libel and threats :
    thank you for that awesome smack down branwyne. i saw her nasty campaign against a REAL dog owner too. it was the fuel behind this blog. without it, i would not have blogged LISA MARIE CAMUSO.

    LIES…… This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post
    She's AKC, she works with other AKC breeders and lobbyists to cheerlead for the fighting breeds , the kennel clubs will slither money out to these auxiliary lobbying groups, and core AKC breeders will petulantly claim that THEY don't lobby for these breeds.

    They don't do it directly, or at least most, but they do it indirectly through these other lobbying groups, and many people don't know how dirty their hands really are,

    Hint- look for the code words. "Dog owner" this or that group means AKC connected lobbying groups, with a patsy who'll pretend to be the ringmaster while being shepherd through the routines by the old and sneaky ones.

    Urging to cause harm and defame through the lies posted: … This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.

    Well Branwyne why don't you let your AKC friends who are coaching her and feeding her lines that you don't approve?

  90. Continued:

    LIE: I AM NOT COACHED by anyone.
    The ones coaching her and putting her up to this have dogs with show results and titles,
    I did not lie to anyone. I did not lie to the Kentucky Sportsmen and The post were I joke about a “little white lie” was in reference to Fall River’s propose muzzling ordinance included both pit bulls and Rottweilers. During a conversation to get information on the direction of the ordinance being proposed, I called someone at City Hall who did not like rottweilers so I asked about the pit bull language only… You did not research the entire story and only posted what you wanted to make it look like I was lying: You also show motive and claim I posted lies about your friends…which I did not.
    oh, now that you are caught lying and bullying you want to take the high road? too late missy.

    in case you forgot, you came here shooting off your big mouth. i didn't know that you even existed prior to your grandiose comment on the 19th.

    when you didn't return, i did a quick google and the FIRST thing i found was your attack on a friend of mine. now you want to pretend we are victimizing you. fuck you. unlike your ugly mutants, i only attack when provoked. don't bother deleting the evidence. i have a screenshot of this one and the other two. there could be more, i don't know, i stopped looking after the third.

    Lies (Libel) and threats…I never lied to anyone and you also admit to reading the information:
    oh and by the way, i have pdfs of the hunter threads and the pitbullforum threads. how about i package those up and send them to legislators?

    I posted facts ( true statements)
    check your facebook pm lisa. i sent you the pdf and four screenshots of your nasty hate campaign against a woman exercising the 1st amendment.
    *i was wrong, i though there was three but there were four.

    LIE: …I have not launched an attack, I posted her own comments. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post
    you have launched a cyber-stalking campaign against some poor woman who dared express a negative opinion regarding pit bulls on her Facebook page?

    No one posted anything about who I really am. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post

    Why would you be surprised when people googled you to verify who you really are?
    Inferring I am a criminal. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post
    Pit bull owners and advocates quite often have criminal fact, there are two studies that confirm that ownership of high risk breeds is a marker for deviant behavior, and that dangerous breed owners are more likely to engage in criminal and anti-social activity. Your behavior, accessible to anyone in a quick google search, clearly shows your aggressive on-line harassment of some dog owner who disagrees with you as proof that you are possibly dangerous.

  91. You have properly been informed according to the law.

  92. What law? Links please.

  93. i am the owner the blog. i don't see where anyone infers that you are a criminal. i did infer that you have some mental health issues. and the more i deal with you, the more i believe that to be the case. but i agree with a couple of your criticisms. 1) you are breeder 2) you are in it for the money.

    the commenter responsible has a history of saying this about pretty much everyone and has a tendency toward conspiracy theories. it has been a reoccurring theme over the years.

    candormd/bentonbergny/whatever you are calling yourself these days, you have 24 hours to provide proof that LISA MARIE CAMUSO is a breeder and lobbies for the money or those comments will be deleted. it really only detracts from what's important here and that is LISA CAMUSO is a liar and a bully and she has access to lawmakers. i believe that the people of massachusetts and any other city/county/state that you might be in a position to prey upon have a right to know how you have lied, manipulated and mislead them.

    so, for everything other than those two items, you will need to hire an attorney.

    1. Yes. That "she's a breeder!!" crap was a real eye roller. Wacko. Nasty, vicious and sociopathic are valid descriptions of camuso. Breeder? Doubt it.

  94. I believe that Lisa has made a Goliath contribution to the world of dog sports by inventing the Special Olympics Canine Assisted Downhill Free Fall Slalom Race (SOCADFFSR) or The Elvis Suicide Race for short.

  95. Lisa seems to have been living at the dark mind page the last few days,so much for we just block her and won't let her debate.

  96. Jesus, Lisa Camuso, were you drinking when you posted all of that? Because I could barely follow it, and there is nothing wrong with my reading comprehension skills.

    "This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post."

    Have you ever read this blog beyond the post(s) that directly relate to you...?

    Obviously not. Why would you? You're a narcissist, after all, and a middling-bright specimen at that. AT BEST.

    Craven Desires has tangled--enthusiastically--with individuals and organizations infinitely more educated, famous, wealthy, dangerous, politically connected, and formidable than yourself. If Jane Berkley and those yuppie fucktard owners of Piney from NPR can't take her down, you chance.

    I am not making this comment to be obsequious to Craven Desires. I am just saying that you look like a complete idiot when you come over here threatening legal action and trying to intimidate the blog author. A moron. Look at your posts, woman. If you had two brain cells to rub together, you would have contacted Dawn James privately and tried to negotiate, in a dignified fashion, how to have the blog post pulled.

    Instead, you went "Full Retard." (btw I would never call a person with intellectual developmental problems a 'retard.' But Lisa Camuo did, indeed, go "Full Retard.")

    I would not even care, Lisa Camuso, if you were not so self-aggrandizing. Picking through the comments? Jesus.

  97. I am ashamed that you are a public servant, Lisa Camuso.

  98. Yikes...that so convoluted it's hard to understand. But the fact remains, your behavior, Lisa, could be considered cyber-stalking by the woman whose information you were posting. The woman was not a public official, just a stranger to you who expressed an opinion on her Facebook page. Why would you go to a public Facebook page and post a strangers name, with details about her personal life and appearance, telling pit bull fanatics "I want all Pit fans to know who she is". You then go on to name a friend of hers and tell people "they both post anti pit bull links to their friends on Facebook".

    What business is it of yours that a stranger posts her opinion about a public safety issue on her own Faceboook page to her Facebook friends? Why would you want all the "pit fans" to know who she is? If someone I didn't know starting posting identifying information about me around the internet, I would contact the cyber crimes unit in Malden and get some advice.

    Again, why do you want "pit fans" to know who this woman is? So people can contact her with threats? Harass her? She is not an elected official, so it's not as if you are telling people not to vote for her. Why are you posting her name and information across multiple pit bull fan sites, including "pit bulls and parolees"?

    There are thousands of people posting "negative" things about pit bulls on the internet. How do you determine who you target?

    You demand "real names" from anonymous posters here....there are posters here with young children at home; why would anyone offer their names to you, if you may end up posting their info to a bunch of convicted felons on the "pit bulls and parolees" site? Who would put their children at risk like that?

    You want to debate dog behavior? That's fine. But your public, online behavior, including your insane verbal attack on the parent of a child mauling victim, indicates that you are not capable of rational, adult behavior.

  99. What is the legality, Camuso, of causing even more pain to the victim of a pit attack? Free speech?
    You would do well to remember that the law largely exists to protect humans from one another.
    Can it protect you from yourself? Up till now, apparently not. Your faith in its exclusivity is comical. It's not written to accommodate Lisa Camuso.You are an officious, pompous, self-glorifying dolt.


  100. "Instead, you went "Full Retard." -LMAO! But that does describe the situation pretty well. Thinking is obviously NOT lisa's strong point.

    "you are not capable of rational, adult behavior."-THIS is why people are blocking you lisa, not because they can't debate your fantastical self-made pit bull history. Get some professional help, really.

  101. She's not totally obscure anymore!

  102. " If you had two brain cells to rub together, you would have contacted Dawn James privately and tried to negotiate, in a dignified fashion, how to have the blog post pulled."

    she sort of, kind of, attempted to do just that in facebook private message. but i refused to allow her to continue to portray herself as the victim. plus she would start her missives with insults, ie "to dawn or whoever is calling herself dawn" and end her missive with "i'm done insulting, if you want to debate, i'm here."

    branwyne, you nailed it. that really is the problem that i have with her. i saw those vicious posts that she ended with "SPREAD THE WORD!" talk about discovering a new solar system. add to that the fact that she is a self confessed liar who has a seat at the table with lawmakers just sent me into the red zone.

    i've been trying very hard to avoid nutter behavior and just focus on the myths and outright lies, my plate is really full with JUST their myths and lies. but lisa screamed for and got my attention. and now SOMEHOW, she doesn't like the result. you know lisa, you look a lot like a thug armed with a knife who forces their way into a stranger's home and tries to rob the homeowner only to be confronted with a homeowner who has a gun. and then you the gall to cry foul. the legal system does not have a lot of sympathy for people with "unclean hands". i suggest that you "schedule another meeting" or just google clean hands doctrine or better, i will do it for you.

    clean hands doctrine

    n. a rule of law that a person coming to court with a lawsuit or petition for a court order must be free from unfair conduct (have "clean hands" or not have done anything wrong) in regard to the subject matter of his/her claim. His/her activities not involved in the legal action can be abominable because they are considered irrelevant. As an affirmative defense (positive response) a defendant might claim the plaintiff (party suing him/her) has a "lack of clean hands" or "violates the clean hands doctrine" because the plaintiff has misled the defendant or has done something wrong regarding the matter under consideration. Example: A former partner sues on a claim that he was owed money on a consulting contract with the partnership when he left, but the defense states that the plaintiff (party suing) has tried to get customers from the partnership by spreading untrue stories about the remaining partner's business practices.

    lol. barney fife.

  103. Lisa Camuso said... December 19, 2013 at 4:48 PM

    “I have been a bully breed owner for over 20 yrs. I train, I've worked my dogs....and I was a legislative director for several all breed working dog organization. Oh, and I co-authored dangerous dog ordinances in several cities....Ready for me???? (Morons getting ready to ban me from this page in 3,2 .......1 ! ) “

    Imply you are an “expert” with 20 years “bully breed” experience.
    Legislative director of an “all breed” working dog organization. (which one?)
    Co-authored dangerous dog ordinances in several cities. (what cities?)

    So you claim “pit bull prestige” yet you end your comment with insults and taunts. So classy and typical pit nutter behavior.

    Lisa Camuso
    “This poster , posted a lie: I never invited anyone to INVESTGATE ME.”

    Well Lisa, since you claim to be so involved in “dangerous dog ordinances”, reasonable people probably feel you should be investigated. Your grand claims of influence and interaction with government lawmakers deems it prudent to at least check you out.

    You boasting over your “little white lie” Oct 5, 2006 is very revealing.

    At the end of your post, “She (Pat Casey) called me back in a matter of minutes...”

    Wow Lisa, you are a very important pit nutter. I'm so privlidged to read your posts!
    About the pit dog breeder thing. Although you claim to not breed pit dogs, you do promote them. You should be proud that people think of you as a breeder of pit bull dogs, but you are not? You have a problem with that? It's hardly something to get your panties in a bunch over.

    Dawn is doing you a favor by agreeing with you on that simple and benign claim.

    From the November 17, 2008 AWDF Teleconference Official Minutes

    “AWDF 2009 Championship
    ...“Team trophies”.
    The committee is still looking at different companies for the awards. Lisa Camuso mentioned a company and will send along the web address to Sean.”

    Lisa, while most may not consider you a “business lobbyist” in the strict sense, you clearly attempt to influence law and regulation. In fact, on November 17, 2008, you did or attempted to procure business (merchandise) to a club. This shows you either have or attempted to influence an organization financially. I'm not talking about writing a check for registration fees. You were attempting to coordinate business between two orginzations.

    Do you try and sell those t-shirts that say “If it ain't a pit it ain't shit”? How about the “My pit bull ate your honor roll student” bumper stickers.

    That is a joke, so please don't sue me, but I can definetly see you with them. LOL!

  104. More for you Lisa Camuso

    6. Lie: I am not a member of MassFed. This is your blog and you are responsible for what people are allowed to post.

    Lisa, you are listed in the Late Summer 2007 of MassFed News on page 7, your name appears as a new member.

    Your name also appears in the Summer/Fall MassFed news on page 2.

    You are listed as an “associate member” on page 3 of the Fall 2007 issue.

    Lisa Camuso
    “when you didn't return, i did a quick google and the FIRST thing i found was your attack on a friend of mine. now you want to pretend we are victimizing you. fuck you. unlike your ugly mutants, i only attack when provoked. don't bother deleting the evidence. i have a screenshot of this one and the other two. there could be more, i don't know, i stopped looking after the third.”

    I've read some of your other posts and many of them are simply insults. The one doing the attacking is YOU. What is this about an “attack” on your friend? Put simply, I can see you enjoy cyberbullying people and are just finding an excuse to do what you've done everywhere else.

    I'm willing to bet there is no “friend” and you just decided to come on here and attempt to cyberbully people and now you can't handle the truth of your actions so you cry libel. From what I've read here, which includes your own posts on other sites, this article describes you very accurately.
    Lisa, I don't see anything here being deleted. It's all fact and by your own comments, reinforces the fact that YOU are the CYBERBULLY.

    YOU came HERE and boasted about yourself and insulted people here. You sought us out.

    I understand it's difficult for you to see it from any view other than your own, but I'm going to say it again. YOU came HERE.

    I suggest you post an apology to all those you've offended here and never come back. But that's just me.

  105. I feel that it must be noted that Camuso's opening debate point on Facebook was the "manbiters were culled" myth.

    Debate? LOL! Might as well attempt a debate with a chicken.

  106. Lisa, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be so involved in “working breed” orginazations. I would prefer you to stick with your pit dog agenda. The only work pit bulls are good at is fighting and killing other dogs. It's the pit bull's original purpose and that type of dog has no place other than in a pit. Sadly, pit bulls do this to people also.

    One of the big lies “the man-biters were culled” is absolutely false. Not only by dog fighters own words, but the fact that pit bulls are killing and removing limbs of so many innocent people. Yes Lisa, innocent victims. The victims are only guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Unless it's the pit bull's owner, then they accept the risk of owning a fighting breed dog.

    Thank you, April 29! I had a feeling she is one of those “man-biters” was culled pit nutters.

    Lisa, what you are doing is dragging down legitimate working breeds with your pit garbage.

    I read your post about your dog Elvis dragging you everywhere. If you can't control your pit dog, GIVE IT UP or PUT IT DOWN. You're going to get someone killed.

    Legitimate working breeds are pointers, herders, retrievers, and such. Not a dog who's “working” purpose is to kill other dogs in the most inhumane way possible.

  107. i saw camuso commenting on a schutzhund page. i looked through all of their photos. not an ugly gripper of any flavor in the lot.

  108. actually, my reasons for deleting those two items are exactly what i stated. it distracts from the REAL problem: lying bullies (Machiavellians like lady kara) are influencing laws. i'm sure lisa's legislative director mask is flawless. law makers and the citizens stuck in the aftermath of her handiwork have a RIGHT to know what kind of person is behind the mask that is directly affecting their lives. being a breeder and gaining financially from her deceptive machinations, even if true, pales in comparison to showing massachusetts that she is of poor character and needs to be forever banished from the negotiating table.

    fyi, i allow those unsubstantiated comments in the hopes that someone else will research the accusations further. but i have no problem erasing them if they are not true. i encourage readers to not always back up their accusations but save copies of them. but you make a good argument for keeping them rumplestiltskin.

  109. "You're done soup nazi. NEXT!"

  110. Anon @ 2:04 BWAAHAHAHAHHAHA "That...that is my reciepe for Wild Mushroom!"

  111. I love this blog post and all the know why? Pure and simple, as the mother of a child attacked by a gripper, I too was grated over the coals by so many of the fucking do gooder, save the breed bullies...some have the bravado to do it squarely in plain view of parents like me, others, do it behind victim's backs in little sewing circles, pecking away at already vulnerable souls. This post and all those who comment (minus 1 of course) thank you for allowing parents like me to see that many do give a shit. A vindication of sorts...

  112. Awww did Lisa get her bravado handed back to her on a silver platter? Tragic, that.

  113. I think, Camuso, YOU have just been taught how to accept a stick.

  114. Excellent. Excellent! The most telling thing of all is her ability to claim she is going to do something coupled with a built-in excuse for not doing it. She announces here she is ready to debate, bring it on, but then says she won't be able to because she will be blocked. But no block has occured, has it? I've seen her claiming all over FB that she will debate any time anywhere, but nobody ever takes her up on it. She came here saying, "Let's debate!" but claims she won't be able to because she will be blocked. Having failed in that premonition, she comes back saying, "Still ready to debate! Ask your questions!" Then disappears again. Comes back, "Oh, Gee, too busy, but I'll be back to debate you after work."

    I guess by "work" she means "Facebooking."

    When she finally comes back again, it's just to blather on about lawyering up, libel, etc. etc., but still she does not debate the subject of pit bull dogs.

    Put all that other stuff aside, Lisa, and let's see some of those debating skills you keep boasting about all over the place!

    I personally would like to know where you stand on the Nanny dog business. I await your response with bated breath.

  115. Opalina,
    I think Camuso is awaiting a ringmaster or sideshow barker to dignify the proceedings. She has already sidestepped many direct questions. And yet she seemed so promising....SO sad....

    1. .....and easily herded.. (into a mental institution?)...

  116. Anon, might you be showing kindness (or pity) and giving her too much credit? I think she abandoned the notion of being able to flaunt her supposed debating skills in this forum due to the obvious intelligence level of this group, and their awesome ability to see right through the bs. :) Not meaning to include myself in that -- I sit back and watch and learn a lot, though ;)

  117. Oh, I didn't mean promising other than in the certainty of another well-rutted debacle. Pitters do one thing well, and that is, bury themselves deep. Hasn't this been fun!

  118. My favorite part of Lisa's taunt is,

    "Can any of you figure out why anti-pit bull people run and hide when I offer to debate them on canine behavior, training, breeds and dog bites?"

    Looks like the only one running, hiding, and not debating is Lisa. Good show Lisa! Encore! Encore!

  119. Good one, Anon 8:40. Such a hypocrite, as they all seem to be.

  120. Well Hey there! Figured I'd come say Hello to Dawn and take a look at her libelous blog she wrote about me....and all of you " flying monkeys" that think your all anonymous? Ask Dawn is she's still anonymous....In fact, ask ALL Dawn's victims ( your victims of harassment, threats and abuse) if Dawn's still anonymous....

  121. Lisa Camuso, you seem to forget that you worked as a public figure, a lobbyist attempting to influence public policy on behalf of businesses who make money from dogs, and you did not follow the rules and register as a lobbyist. You also hid your connection to business entities while you were lobbying and did not reveal those connection to government officials, and worse you admitted you lied to public officials while you were lobbying. Now you are admitting you are stalking and harassing people with Douglas Anthony Cooper, who isn't even a US citizen.

  122. This has nothing to do with Camuso, but the nutters who owned the dogs that killed Klonda Richey were found guilty. They pled no contest so unfortunately it's a pittance of a fine and a meager jail sentence.

    I have to concur with the others who said bringing up the responsible dog owners groups and NAIA is a total red herring. Those groups are not anti-pit bull but they sure aren't pro pit, either.

  123. i don't think Dan Savage will like your tone lisa. i'm extremely tolerant of attacks on me but when it comes to miss margo, not so much. i can very easily silence you here.

  124. thanks for the update on the Klonda Richey case.

  125. What is it about the cluster b personality disordered and pit bull advocacy anyway? Yeesh.

    And who exactly is a pit bull's worst enemy? Pit Bull supporters who supposedly love the breed. Yep, love exploiting the hell out of them by over breeding (never mind that they are put down at a rate of one million per year because NOBODY WANTS YOUR STUPID MAULERS), fighting them, fighting any legislation that protects them, failure to get them spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, vaccinated and registered. Yeah, that's love all right. People who don't like pit bulls don't adopt them, breed them, buy them, "rescue" them, dog sit them, go near them. So who, exactly, is doing all this horrible crap to them?

  126. The above about pit bulls' worst enemies was something I found elsewhere on the internet, but I think it's a very apt summation of the psychodrama surrounding pit nutters. RIP Klonda.

  127. The Eastern Responsible Dog Owners Groups and the Western Dog Owners Responsible Groups were founded as pit bull lobbying groups. They had offshoots that still do this today.

    The responsible dog owner days asnd responsible dog owner legislative lobbying that AKC sponsors are lobbying to oppose regulation related to dogs, and that includes a well documented and lengthy opposition to BSL laws related to pit bulls.

    NAIA has a senior member who is a pit bull breeder in Massachusetts and has gone on animal control visits to lobby officers into opposing pit bull regulation and BSL laws. She also worked with a state legislator to weaken dangerous dog laws there and other states. She also is on a state breeder lobbying group that Lisa is a part of as a legislative lobbyist- opposing laws related to dogs, especially those related to regulating pit bulls.

    it isn't conjecture. It is what it is.

    I don't think they are trying to hide it in any way, except Lisa who came and tried to hide these connections.

  128. Cooper's associate Lisa Camuso and an earlier stalking attacks via the White Supremacists at Pit Bulls and Parolees

    Where Tia Torres and husnd were involved in a death of a teenage boy volunteer at their facility in CA, before the White Supremacist husband went back to jail

  129. Lisa, would your dad be proud of what you are doing?

    Would he have approved off your obscene attacks on people?

    I think you are dishonoring his memory.

  130. The AKC lobbying to overturn BSL laws.

    The AKC repeats the pit butter myth that pit bulls are mixed breed dogs. In other words, there is no such thing.

    More denial of the fighting dog history of these breeds. So they can continue to sell fighting breeds.

    Now the attacks will start in this town.

  131. Anonymous ( AGAIN, too chicken to post your name) My father would not have tolerated you idiots as you are just wasting oxygen with your stupid cause... and I'm pretty sure you're just jealous I can speak your language....


  132. "Liger Woods said...
    How on Earth can you be a feminist when you scrounge for money by doing exactly what your make clients tell you to, you stupid bitch

    April 15, 2015 at 6:18 AM"

    WHAT? Can you type? Can you try and be coherent?

    Lisa, I'm anonymous because I don't need psychos like you trying to find me. It's the internet. It's mostly anonymous. If you can't handle it, close your browser.

    Real debates are where you argue the ISSUE, not attack the person you're "debating" with. Calling people "stupid bitch" shows you have no clue.

    I love how you think you found craven. LMAO! You're so smart Lisa! You gave birth to a new universe!

    BAM (stands for ban all maulers)


  133. LOLOL ! Read the comments idiot... Perhaps you'll find that all you chickens do is attack and call people names and or lie about them . Let's face it... You're here for the stitch and bitch... How sad is that? Obviously you haven't much going on in you life that you hang here like a parasite!

  134. to say that the AKC is involved with fighting breeds is not correct. Most pit bulls are not registered by the AKC and Anerican Staffirdshire Terriers are fairly far removed from the pit bulls that show up on these pages.
    The AKC opposes rules that will affect their members and that includes fighting legislation that affects responsible dog owners and also unfortunately benefits pit scum.
    But to say that the AKC is pro fighting dogs is not correct. If the dangerous dog laws were adhered to or implemented, that would in fact cut down on a lot of attacks. There are probably plenty of people who own dogs that would attack other animals or people, but because they are owned by responsible people, don't. I think the AKC and the responsible dog groups are delusional when it comes to the true nature of pit advocates kind of in the way that they say you can't cheat an honest man. They have no idea people can be so dishonest and callous of others since they're not like that and the byproduct of their naïveté benefits the dog fighters.
    Most rescue and pit people have zero love or respect for the AKC. .

  135. anon who posted about the AKC

    Sorry, been following all this since the 80s and not only has the AKC defended and propagandized for fighting breeds since way back, (much of their propaganda now repeated by the pit advocacy groups)and opposed any kinds of regulation, but more than a few of them worked with some dog fighter breeders to do it. Very chummy.

    They still are pushing the nanny dog myth, they are supporting groups like Lexus, there's a lot more but you get the drift.

    Staffies are pit bulls, much as the AKC tries to sidestep. Fighting breeds.

    The worst thing they do is try to hide all of this and lie about it.

    They have a very long history of defending and pushing fighting breeds, and fighting against any attempt to stem the bloodshed.

    There are some AKC breeders who are opposed to this but they get drowned out and attacked by their own.

  136. Lisa,

    You make no sense. You're hanging here too, ya know? At least I don't go to an internet hangout, trolling. Or better yet, I don't go to a place where I'm hated. You have the rest of the internet to slobber all over pit bulls, yet you come to this website, and what? Educate? Show off? Fight? Insult? It's obvious YOU don't have anything better to do.

    You and Dougie Cooper are obviously obsessed with this website. I know why. Because it's got you worried. You don't like it when people don't like your choice of breed, or your life's work. GET OVER YOURSELF!

  137. Lisa is on her whiskey diet. She's lost this debate, and three days already.

  138. AKC defender, I realize that you are trying to bat clean up for the AKC, but it's way too late for that. AKC's dirty hands in this have been getting exposed for many years, and there is still more that they have been up to that most people don't know about because the AKC and AKC breeders don't like people to know about things that reflect poorly on them (or that expose some of the fables they've been telling.)

    Unfortunately, lying and misrepresentation have been at the heart of AKC activities for quite some time. That unfortunately includes too many kennel clubs and individual AKC breeders too.

    Pit bulls are fighting breeds. Registration has nothing to do with anything. The AKC registers anything that payment is sent in for, including dead or nonexistent dogs. The AKC registers commercial mill puppies. Registration is a farce. It's a middle class game with no substance.

    Staffordshire Terriers are fighting breeds, no matter how much cake and ice cream you want to put on it.

    AKC Staffordshire terrier breeders also still wander around and spout the nanny dog myth. Not much has changed. It wasn't the rescue angels that came up with that myth as misrepresentation and lies to defend breeding interests. It wasn't the rescue angels that came up with much of the propaganda that is used today to fend off criticism or regulation of pit bulls. That was all concocted by the AKC and AKC breeders, with other breeder groups, long ago.

    The AKC also has lobbied for the interests of ALL pit bulls and ALL fighting breed breeders in their travels through the decades and they still do. Just because their activities are not known to much of the public doesn't make them disappear. But they have haven't even hidden a lot of this lobbying. Some AKC breeders have been involved with fighting dog breeders in these activities.

    And please, don't use the age old excuse that AKC lobbyists use that "if the current laws were enforced, then that's all that's needed." First, dangerous dog laws only try to clean up AFTER the mauling. That's too late. There needs to be prevention. Also you yourself know that AKC lobbyists and breeders have worked hard to weaken dangerous dog laws or make them unenforceable, and still are.

    The AKC tried this tactic for years to fend off puppy mill regulations. The AKC loonies kept screaming that the current cruelty laws were enough, no new laws, because of course the AKC knew those current laws were useless or weak, and didn't want new regulations with teeth that would reduce their puppy mill income.

  139. As for your comment "They have no idea people can be so dishonest and callous of others since they're not like that " They're not like that? Like what? The AKC has left nothing but a slime trail behind on nearly every issue, and is probably beyond repair at this point, thanks in large part to the collusion of individual breeders more interested in their own thing (and making up excuses and stories for the AKC) than anything ethical or sometimes even sane.

    The fighting breed lobbying. The puppy mill lobbying. The push to add gladiator breeds to register for the income. The AKC No Kill game. That's without getting anywhere near the breeding health issues, the consumer fraud, the support for some of the most worst cruelty that can be imagined, and much more poison that the public has no idea that the AKC and the clubs and individual breeders are up to supporting.

    Trying to portray the AKC as naive is a little much. No organization that spends vast amounts of money with professional lobbyists to look out for their financial interests, and lobbies with powerful and corrupt agriculture industries as well, comes close to the folksy, innocent picture you try to paint. Most of the clubs and individual breeders go right along with it. You are trying to perpetuate a feel-good marketing myth that isn't real.

    "AKC" and "responsible" have been at opposite ends of the spectrum for a while now. Not too many are buying that lie anymore. The word responsible has become just another empty lobbying weapon.

    It used to be no one knew. Now much of it has been exposed. Even Lisa was brought into her activities by other AKC breeders, including one of those AKC Staffie breeders who was lobbying for all fighting breeds behind the scenes with her fellows. Lisa and her friends are products of the AKC. Lisa actually has done the public a favor by exposing what goes on with some of those "fine and responsible" AKC breeders and lobbyists.

    Much of what Lisa spouts has been getting spouted by AKC breeders for a long time, behind closed doors and on closed boards. The attacks, the harassment, the propaganda, just sneakier. Camuso is just imitating what she hears from her AKC friends that got her started. What many AKC breeders appear to be on the surface is not what they really are at all.

    AKC breeders throw the word responsible around all day long, but at the end of the day it means nothing, and in fact quite the opposite when it comes to the AKC and its breeders' activities. Not the excuses, not the fairy tales, the reality of what the AKC and too many AKC breeders are up to.

    Lisa and her friends are byproducts of the AKC.

  140. Who got most of the anti-BSL laws put in place in states?

    AKC breeders ,and they still are, like Marder in MA.

  141. You are quite wrong when you write "Most rescue and pit people have zero love or respect for the AKC." That is absurd. AKC breeders work with many of these rescue nuts (who are often little more than dealers and share financial interests) and certainly with pit bull breeders, not doing the work but guiding and pushing them, or lobbying with them, especially the No Kill fanatics. AKC moved into No Kill because AKC saw its financial interests could be benefitted. It doesn't take respect or love to lobby together for financial interests either.

    Markwell as only one example had mostly AKC breeders in his corner, defending everything he did and lying for him, and leading the fanatics. Leah Purcell, another example, was an AKC Staffie breeder herself. There are many more examples. There are AKC Staffie breeders involved with Lexus Group's activities. Lexus leaders were involved with breeders before they started it.

    However you have given a good example of what is wrong with too many AKC breeders. They spend their time trying to cover for the AKC, or trying to control the conversation and guide people away from AKC guilt and interests (and point the finger of blame elsewhere) instead of being honest and doing anything real about solving the problem. That too is nothing new. On go the maulings and killings while the AKC breeders want to clean up the truth and manipulate public perception. Shades of Madame Caverly.

    The AKC has been instrumental in creating this problem, and still is instrumental in maintaining the problem and failing to stop the problem.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Aren't you a bit long in the tooth for mean-girling? (Based on your pic, of course.)Not one piece of your rather lame invective above has a single thing to do with the original topic. It's just stupid.

  144. Lisa, you are still posting your complaint about anonymous comments under a false name.

    You can't make this stuff up.

  145. Yeah, I think these comments threads are going to make her unemployable to any future employer who uses 15 minutes of Google-fu.
