Saturday, March 22, 2014

death, excuses and psychopaths

be sure to check out scorched earth's latest round up of fatalities and the psychopaths who defend dangerous dogs. CLAY HUNDENSHIRE'S classy comments alone are worth the read.


  1. I'll go there now.

    Clay Hund...I remember him claiming to be an ethnic minority when it suited him and using false pictures as part of the lie. Definitely an uber nutter.

  2. Such small hands...


  3. well , i think hes adorable . reminds me of a jrt with a sore ear .

  4. An ethnic JRT with very small hands.

  5. OK now. How much hand does he need? One very small hand to serve as Friend With Benefit, the other to grasp small stolen leftover crayon.

    Is it glamorous to claim minority status? Because your ancestors weren't successful or smart enough to proliferate?

  6. Over at opposingviews he was asserting that people that don't like pit bulls are racist (that tired canard). When called on it and told that it was worse to compare races to dog breeds, he then claimed that he was black and so couldn't be racist. It was then pointed out to him that he is white (based upon his facebook and other public photos). He then went crazy and changed his facebook and other profile pics to what seemed like a commercial pic of a black soldier with a gun.

    This current pic is the same person shown prior to him trying to be black in order to score a point in an argument.

    He's probably the most venomous nutter out there among the commentariat. Just aggressively ignorant.

  7. I just checked his facebook profile.

    All his friends are posed with pit bulls.

    What a weird group to all have to have your pit bull in your facebook profile picture.

    The photo above is down.

    I'm thinking in his next iteration he'll be a female Inuit.

  8. Gee, that is puzzling. Aren't Pit groupies the very essence of honesty and conscientiousness?
    Can they, in fact, be as schizo as their beef-headed heroes? If I was not an ignorant uneducated idiot racist moron, maybe I could understand. Is the Wisdom tattooed somewhere?

  9. They call me Clay
    And I'm dense as a detention house brick
    and cracked as a trailer house commode
    And my never-trodden brainways
    Is slow to erode
    Because I is Clay, a decomposed mineral fudge
    along which I stumble, wallow, and stickily trudge
    and in many forms reappear, in kindergardenish splendor
    giving forth my rarity to any pit bull vendor
    then melting once again into muck and murk
    till a cartoonish figure needs save the day, that's me, Clay
    Not Gumby, not Mr Bill, not that Doughboy from Pillsbury, No!
    It's Clay all the way
    so longs it suits me
    and Clay and Sand and Play-Doh
    can pose as it sees fit
    and the wardens of pit bulls admire a pretentious old git.

  10. "Is it glamorous to claim minority status?"

    Being part of a recognized "minority" group automatically places one on a higher moral plane... or so we're meant to believe.

  11. Clay is fabu. But, I've never seen him as a white guy before. Only as a black soldier.

    He once wished an entire town burned to the ground for daring to enforce their BSL.

    And he's the one who often suggest that if you have pit bull problems in your neighborhood its because you are trash. Which makes a lot of sense. He once told off a retiree who lived in an oceanfront retirement community in Florida that his neighborhood must be trash - cuz he's just that smart.

    "Not Gumby, not Mr Bill, not that Doughboy from Pillsbury, No!
    It's Clay all the way"

  12. Something I've noticed about dog attacks in multiple dog households is that the other dogs don't seem to try to defend the owner from the attacking dog(s), no matter what breed they are.

    I hear about a single dog protecting it's owner from a strange dog, but I'm not sure I've heard of a dog protecting it's owner from a dog that it lives together with.

    Does something in the dog's mind change when it lives with another of its own kind that makes it more indifferent to its owner being chomped on?

    Of course I could be completely wrong, I haven't looked into it in-depth, but it's just something I've noticed.

    1. It does seem like that Anon 9:25.

  13. i just wish clay would get help .....some serious butt healing .

  14. I saw the nutter co-worker carrying a mug indicating their status as the world's best parent...

  15. Anon 9:25,

    I'm no dog expert, but this is what I've noticed from watching minor dust ups in multiple dog homes.

    It seems that female dogs are more competitive with other females and males with males. Overall, but especially intrasex, there often be at least some tension among individuals and one individual that either is or wants to be "the boss" or at least is bossy. I'm loath to use the term alpha. And there are also petty "grudges" it seems among dogs that last, similar to humans. Let's say male dog 1 wants to be the boss and often puts male dog 2 in his place but is usually okay with the other dogs in the home.

    Further, this might be mitigated by better breeding or nurturing, but I'm speaking of what I've observed: average dogs with average owners.

    When a minor scuffle breaks out among 2 dogs over a bone or something, another dog may intervene. It seems an outside (of the skirmish) dog will only intervene if the scuffle involves a dog that the outside dog has an issue with for some reason (I don't know, dominance thing or just because). But it seems that the outside dog to intervene is of the more dominant variety. The outside dog does not usually intervene to stop the skirmish or to attack the aggressor. The outside dog will attack the dog that they don't "like" out of the fighting pair.

    I've witnessed this in a few different households. My parents had multiple dogs (bad idea) for a while. The female jack russell would attack any other female dog that was in a dust up. And her bites were not inhibited. She was okay with male dogs, as much as she could be okay with any dog.

    So, my hypothesis is that the household power dynamics are set prior to an attack on the human. The most dominant dog is the most likely to attack the human. The more submissive dogs are the ones both least likely to attack and least likely to swoop into a fight from the outside. Further, most dogs do not expect a full on attack within the group. So, they do not process that they need to defend the life of their owner. Also, the owner is on a higher power level than themselves. So, it would be like me attempting to intervene in a scuffle between two heavyweight mixed martial artists. I don't think the normal dogs realize what is going on until it is too late for the owner, if they are capable of processing mortal danger without input from their own pain receptors.

    Just my $0.02.

  16. Have you seen this video of Buddy? The dog that mauled the vet techs? Does he seem obedient to you? Do you hear fear in the guy's voice? For me, nay on obedient, and, yay on afraid.

  17. I read some of the things people had to say in comments about serious attacks including those that resulted in death... it is just about unbelievable what some people will say.

    And they call us "haters" though I don't know why. I have never harmed an animal or a human. So, what do I "hate"?

  18. OT: I wonder if he got fries with that shar-pei?

  19. OT, and maybe old news BUT I just found out that killer dog "ONION" is Free!

  20. I can't believe Onion was not put to sleep immediately! I hope someone from the Lexus Project learns the hard way that the dog is dangerous. It is astounding that this sort of thing happens. Who are the psychopaths that make up the Lexus Project? I am aware that they're trying to save Mickey. Another worthless animal that should be dead already.

  21. Loved the Buddy video.

    It appears that Buddy had already shown the handler "poop on the floor."

  22. re: DANTE, it is hard for me to muster sympathy for the death of a shar pei named TERROR, especially if it is a bone mouth shar pei. i've got better things to do with my time.

    re: BUDDY, i read a case of a woman who started writing a murderer in prison. she fell in love with him, whatever the fuck that means, and when he was released they got together. he killed her too. everyone channel your energy to the dufus hybristophiliac of the day, Anthony Concialdi. keep your fingers crossed for another darwin happy ending.

  23. if anyone recognizes clay hund and can provide his real name, hit me up for a friendly chat. :-)

  24. "I saw the nutter co-worker carrying a mug indicating their status as the world's best parent..."

    packhorse, in the event of an unforeseen freak accident, try to snag that mug.

  25. Dawn,
    At the very least, I should snap a picture of it, huh? Would you also be a great parent if you left unlocked, loaded firearms on your coffee table with children in the house? That is essentially what owning pit bulls is.
    And yes, this person has both children and MULTIPLE pits in the home.


  26. so clayhundy is also snowbird ? do turkeys fly south , or just stay at home trolling the shitbull news comments ?

  27. Dawn, if you have that pic of clay hund saved, you might run it through a reverse image search. He might have it somewhere other than facebook.

  28. I did a photo search of Claybaby and google returns "similar images." this is one of the similar images it returned

  29. Clay claims to work for Facebook.

    He inspired this poem a while back.

    I like the Anon poem too, We need to repost it. Clay is quite the muse, with his dainty little hands.


  31. Clay delicado poco manos


  32. clay has deliciously small hands ?

  33. snowbirds little hands look tasty ?

  34. they are tired of the nanny dog myth...

  35. THANK GOD they are tired of the whole nanny dog nonsense. I really believe that myth has gotten several children killed and others horribly mauled. I hope they are able to influence other pit bull advocates to stop claiming these creatures ever were "nannies" or "babysitters" or "nursemaids".

    Although I did see one nutter trying to make it sound like Petey the Pup took care of all of the Little Rascals. I guess that person has never seen one second of that serial because, um, no. He wasn't their babysitter on screen or off.

    Some of them seem to be in a contest with themselves to make up the craziest story they can... they'll have these dogs sprouting wings and flying down from heaven if someone doesn't get a grip (haha) on this thing.

    BTW, I've seen Clay's comments here and there lately. My impression:

