Sunday, November 15, 2015

Those naughty pit bulls

"When they were good, they were delightful; when they were bad, they were deadly."

Pit Bulls and Amputees


  1. Which pit bull awareness facebook page was it?

  2. Dang! If they haven't removed it, I would've loved to have seen the backlash.

  3. Pit bulls for Dummies-well, that explains it.

  4. It was posted on our pets were attacked by pit bulls fb page and it is still there. CNYC who is traveling so different IP address.

  5. An an aside I am traveling and watching the international news and here is an interesting piece --
    Guess what type of dog one of the vile suicide thugs had as a pet. No not the infamous chi or even a pomeranian -- here is the quote "He wore an Islamic robe and had a short beard, neighbours said. Corinne, 54, said police had taken away his pit bull dog after complaints that he left it unmuzzled." What was the study about antisocial people and their dogs?

  6. It's seriously pathetic when someone with a PhD passes themselves off as a pit expert and advocate, and is then taken by surprise when their game bred mauler makes a game out of another dog. How much breed research can you NOT do to NOT know that one trait of pit bulls is they attack suddenly without warning or provocation, sometimes after living peacefully for years? And anyone want to take bets as to whether she owned a break stick?

  7. I wonder if she ever thinks about how many people and pets got mauled or killed because of the lanebrained book she wrote? Does that ever keep her up at night? It should.

  8. there have been several studies connecting antisocial and criminal behavior with breed of dogs. I have all of the studies and articles known to me, listed in this blog post.

    excellent find anon 5:22

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't think not writing another "Pit Bull For Dummies" goes quite far enough. How about pulling the current book? How about writing a disclaimer on Amazon? How about not saying that pit bulls are delightful, ever? Any other breed can be delightful too, without the threat of being killed, watching other pets get killed, watching your loved ones get killed. How can the word delightful be connected to a murderous breed?

    It sickens me that Tia Torres endorsed the book. I just took a peek at Amazon again and noticed "Pit Bulls and Amputees" is making it known what D. Caroline Coile has admitted. I will keep the rest of my comments to myself since they are not nice. Nah, I'll just say it. How can such an educated person be so stupid? I wonder if she titled any of her pit bulls? I noticed in her bio it only mentioned her Salukis.

    From the intro on Amazon. "If you've never been around Pit Bulls, you may think they are bloodthirsty man-eaters on the prowl for their next meal." Or dog eaters. It's not just a thought, it's reality. It happens far too often. Those of us that read the news, or keep up with pit bull attacks are well aware that it's not a misconception about pit bulls. We don't need a book to dispel "our incorrect thoughts." Our thinking is spot on, we know better, and we are educated.


  11. How much longer can pit bull advocacy continue? They are losing their support base via pit bull attacks every day.

    Oh, those naughty pit bulls...they just keep killing things, no matter what silly costumes they are wearing.

  12. Here is the comment in the Facebook page

  13. SadFalada-no, I don't think I do. I haven't personally read it though since toilet paper is much cheaper.

  14. So many of these dog books and publications are written not by unbiased, intelligent human beings, but by people with an agenda and who are involved in the animal profiteer industry.

    The Dummies series is afflicted with hiring those kinds of writers

    One of Winograd's No Kill zealots, Gina Spadafori, has written for them (close buddies with pit bull advocate and AKC breeder Christie Keith who writes a column for a San Fran paper, the Chronicle I think, and pretends to be a general pet columnist, but is a breeder who uses her column to push No Kill and antiBSL and pit bull propaganda)

    These people label themselves journalists and writers, but they are industry lobbyists churning out propaganda. She writes books that are just lobbying vehicles, but pretend to provide "information" from "experts." Expert bullshitters, more like.

    Spadafori also runs a pet publication publishing business with a TV vet named Marty something or other, I can look it up, and writes crappy books that just hawk her industry's interests

    It's all just propaganda, intended to manipulate the public to support the breeder financial interests. They are posers pretending to be information providers. All crap

    There are their friends who do the same thing who work at other papers and publishing concerns across the country. The public has no idea these people have a vested interest and financial interests in the subject- total bias.

  15. I hope someone can shed a little light on the latest selfish and deceitful sellout at HSUS doing the dirty work for the pit breeders.

    Cory Smith, whose claim to fame in this world is that she managed to pick up a Sociology degree in University of Maryland College Park (where the pit fanatics were trying to force the shelters to hand out fighting dogs instead of dealing with the dog fighting and the breeding running rampant there) And a certificate in Women's Studies, cause you know it is just great to have elderly women and poor women being mauled to death by fighting breeds when they try to go get their mail or sit in their yard.

    Wayne Pacelle has her voicing the words of the pit breeders with utter nonsense. She's got zero credibility, zero background, zero experience except repeating what the pit breeders tell her to say to help them out. But HSUS named her a Director of Pet Protection and Policy, making up policy for the entire organization. Taking the policy of pit breeders and making it hsus's policy? CRAZAZY! So when your kid or your pet gets killed by a fighting dog, or the dog fighters are running the pits down the street, Cory helped it be the policy of HSUS to make that just OK.

    Sorry, but I can't believe this sellout isn't getting some of that dirty money from Animal Farm and the Sauls?? Does anyone know?

    Check out Cory working it for the pit breeders via Wayne Pacelle.

  16. More words of wisdom (read FLAGRANT LIES) from Cory Smith, director of pit bull propaganda and pit breeder enablement at HSUS

    Her complete lie is at the end.

    All Smith has ever done in her life is pick up a useless sociology degree and then go to work at HSUS RIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE

    She has no real world experience whatsoever, but is now SENIOR DIRECTOR OF POLICY AT hsus WRITING PROPAGANDA

  17. Cory Smith did do one thing before going on to be a propagandist at HSUS

    she was an animal control officer in Washington DC, with her sociology degree, in a city overrun with pit bull breeders, dog fighters, and pit attacks, where animal control has been in total fail for decades

  18. With so many people claiming PhDs pimping for any industry that will pay them and/or too dumb to see what kind of nonsense they're spouting (eg, Patronek, Dunbar, Zawistwoski), the degree is becoming a bad joke.

    Coile (closely tied to the AKC) claims to have the degree in psychology, State U of Florida. If that's true, shame on whatever committee awarded it to her. Aside from that, the comment in her book that pit bulls aren't for everyone indicates she isn't up on the latest peer-reviewed literature re the psychology of people who choose pit bull type dogs. Or is she suggesting that pit bulls are only for sociopaths and malignant narcissists? Hey, we already knew that.

    In case she checks in here, here's a link listing some of the latest:

    I suggest she also read the Brelands (old stuff every psychologist should know) on behavioral drift. With her interest in genetics, I suggest she read Darwin, since she seems unaware of Darwinian laws. I could suggest more, but this elementary stuff would be a good start for now.

    If she's wised up since writing that for dummies book, then the least she can do is write a new book. OTOH, that might get her fired from the pit pimping Dogster mag, since its owner is convinced the pit types are and always have been nothing but nanny dogs.

    P.S. When people list their titles everywhere they list their name (eg on the cover of this book, at her web site, at every article she writes), this is an indication they want to be found intelligent without having to be so. They want to claim expertise without really having any. They are unsure of their own merit, afraid readers will see through them. (The occasional exception granted, eg Robert D. Hare, PhD) In most cases, rightly so, and most certainly in this one.

    We're waiting for that new book, Caroline.

  19. The original facebook comment was deleted which removed all the subsequent "shares."

    Do you suppose a publisher would get upset if an author did something that might dampen sales?

  20. no such thing as a "purebred" pit bull.

    i wonder if smith really believes that?

    adjective: purebred
    (of an animal) bred from parents of the same breed or variety.

    an animal bred from parents of the same breed or variety.

    Colby started selectively breeding "pit bulls" in 1889 and Bennett started a registry specifically for "pit bulls" in 1898.

    i would agree that the majority of "pit bulls" doing the biting are probably not purebred registered "pit bulls" but they do contain enough of the deviant DNA to be considered "pit bulls".

    this freak of nature is poisoning the gene pool.

  21. @scurrilous 8:16 -

    Yes the mutants are being crossed with normal dog breeds, but fortunately, in the process, the pit bull characteristics are also being dissipated.

    There's a handy rule of thumb that a dog acts like the breed it most resembles, and a cursory look at the facts of the matter appears to back that up. If you look at disfiguring and fatal dog attacks on humans, pit bulls are far away from all other breeds. Rottweilers are a distant second, and "pit bull mixes" don't even appear in the top 5.

    It's like an order of magnitude difference between pit bulls, and pit bull mixes - and that points very clearly to the problem breed, which disproves the nutter propaganda that all such attacks are from unidentifiable mutts, and that "no real pit bull" would attack.

  22. best gore has the best pit bull attacks and photos of you search the dog there. like this one.

  23. It's not a different order of magnitude. It's only a different order of statistical likelihood. The violence remains undissipated. If a pit bull mix attacks, you don't get a watered down pit bull attack -- you get a sudden, full-blown, sustained, full magnitude pit bull type attack. I know this not by cursory examination of anything, but by all too broad experience.

    As for the top five, pit bull mixes have killed fifteen North Americans in the past two years. This figure includes both pit bull - mastiff mixes that some 'breed' club has given a thought-up tag to (eg, bullmastiff, Cane Corso) and random pit bull mixes no one has yet decided to call a 'breed'. In that same period, Rottweilers have killed six people.

    Dandy is also (perhaps unintentionally) misquoting Scott & Fuller, who pointed out re hybrids that since those carry traits from both parents, superficial appearance won't tell you which behavioural traits they've inherited. Note in this context that the impulsive aggression trait is strongly heritable.

    There are hundreds of 'breeds' and types of dogs that have zero statistical likelihood of suddenly, randomly attacking life upon death even if they're big enough to do so. There is no reason to tolerate or excuse the spread of the pit bull's pathological genes into the general dog population.

    It's not the pit bull 'breed' that's the problem, it's the type. And the type includes all the various mixes the pit bull fanatics are coming up with so they can play their breed name game. Including, but not exclusively, when they call a pit bull mix a mutt.

  24. @Sweetie pie -

    Thank you for weighing in. I can immediately recognize that you know what you're talking about, so allow me to word things a bit more precisely.

    I agree that the bullmastiff is in effect a pit bull mix, but it is not so watered down, since it is a cross of a pit bull with its own large ancestor, and the pit bull features are apparent.

    What I meant by "pit bull mix" would be a mix of a pit bull with some completely different type. A pit bull-poodle mix, for instance, would have a higher actuarial risk than a pure poodle, but not be as high risk as a pit bull.

    Just to be clear, I'm not implying all breeds should be mixed with pit bulls as a solution. I'd rather see this particular branch of man-made traits die out.

    Feel free to disagree, I'm not attacking your stance here. I've simply noticed that the dogs that commit the most horrific attacks are very nearly always a specific type of dog, evident from it's appearance. In short, they look like pit bulls, regardless of what fancy name they may be given.

  25. None of the traits that have been BRED into pit bulls--explosive,
    disproportionate and unprovoked aggression, gameness, and their uniquely damaging hold and shake attack style-are desirable traits in domesticated dogs. Pit bulls have no traits that make them worth crossing into other breeds, thereby ruining those breeds too. As pit DNA makes its way into other breeds resulting in vicious attacks by those breeds other breeds will lose the public's trust too until ALL dogs are no longer trusted or trustworthy. The best course of action is to spay and neuter the pit bulls into extinction. The world they were created for no longer exists, neither should they. Any usefulness they once had is long past.

  26. Just saw a young guy walking around wearing a shirt that says, "DON'T BE AFRAID OF MY PIT BULL, I'M 100 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO RIP OUT YOUR THROAT THAN SHE IS."

    Ah, nutters.

  27. Ka D, you said what was in my head, but didn't have a good way of saying it. I don't want pit bulls breeding with normal dogs. What is the point? Pit bulls are ugly, useless, and dangerous.

    Anon, 7:33 AM,

    Shirts like that are offensive. I can't imagine what a victim of a pit bull attack would think? If I want to plop a magnet on the back of my car saying, "I HATE your pit bull" I'd probably get arrested. Nutters are always in your face, that's why they get pit bulls.


  28. I am an Asian and I breed pitbulls. I found this blog interesting.
    What kind of idiot keeps another dog, that too unchained with a pitbull?
    Seriously that person needs shock treatment.

  29. Anonymous pit bull breeder, thanks for the info. I have no idea what you're talking about, or why you want us to know that you breed pit bulls. It's not something to be proud of.

  30. @anon 10:01 -

    I think the ostensibly Asian, self-confessed pit bull breeder may be saying is that a pit bull ought not to be given access to another dog. If so, I agree.

  31. If a pit bull should not be around another dog, why have a pit bull? In other words, how can you prevent a pit bull from having access to another dog for its entire life?

    If it's a well known concept that pit bulls should not have access to other dogs, then it must also be well known that there are negative consequences. Which means that breeders of pit bulls are aware that pit bulls are dog aggressive. Which means that pit bulls are dangerous. Which means that pit bulls are the problem. Which means that pit bulls should not be pets. Which means that there should be breed specific legislation to prevent any idiot from breeding more pit bulls. Which means that...

    I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point. Everyone is aware that pit bulls are dangerous, but some people choose to pretend that they're not. That makes them even more dangerous.


  32. Asian pitbull breederDecember 3, 2015 at 10:07 PM

    how can you prevent a pit bull from having access to another dog for its entire life?

    Simple, chain the pitbull.
    That's why I said only an idiot would keep a pitbull with any other dog.
    Pitbulls are dangerous in wrong hands, in hands of people who think they are not different from Labs.
    If it was so, dog fighters would be breeding Labs not pitbulls, isn't .

  33. "Asian pitbull breeder said...
    how can you prevent a pit bull from having access to another dog for its entire life?

    Simple, chain the pitbull.
    That's why I said only an idiot would keep a pitbull with any other dog.
    Pitbulls are dangerous in wrong hands, in hands of people who think they are not different from Labs.
    If it was so, dog fighters would be breeding Labs not pitbulls, isn't .

    December 3, 2015 at 10:07 PM"

    Asian pitbull breeder, you're a dog fighter?


  34. What about preventing access to children and other people, for the pit bull's lifetime? I don't think that is possible. For a week, a year, but for a lifetime? Things happen.

    The mailman has to come. People walk by, and sometimes they knock on your door. Its a normal part of society. What if your house is on fire? What if you need an ambulance. You are putting first responders in danger with your pit bulls.

    If you are a pit bull owner who understands that pit bulls are dangerous, then you accept that your dog might kill somebody someday. And you are ok with that on some level. That is not acceptable.

  35. Precisely Anon 2:17!

    It's not simply a matter of chaining up a pit bull and hoping for the best. It shows the pit bull owners know their pit bulls are dangerous, and don't give a shit. This is exactly why pit bulls need to be regulated.


  36. Asian pitbull breederDecember 5, 2015 at 9:37 PM

    When you know what a pitbull can do you take precautions. Have you ever owned a pitbull? If you have not then you won't understand this, if yes, you can share your expierence with me.

    People walk by, and sometimes they knock on your door

    That's cultural difference! We treat dog like animals, just like you guys treat horses, cows and buffaloes. We don't keep them in our houses.

    How many victims of pitbulls were treating their pitbulls like animals? How many of them were allowing their dogs on couch or even beds. A dog is an animal and it should be treated as such. I am saying this for all dogs not just pitbulls.

    What if you are a cattle owner, dairy farmer, or horse breeder? Don't you separate humans expecially children from those animals. We do the same with dogs.

    You know why I like this blog, because the author is a Realistic person. Hats off to you Sir/Madam, whoever you are .

    I visited other pitbull blogs and everbody was like "oh my cuchee puchee pitty"
    Complete insanity. And those people dressed their pitbills like they were babies. Nonsense.

    All you guys here are good in your head. So are most people in my country. I don't sell my dogs to families, neither they ask. My own sister who has a six month old baby bought a cute Lab puppy. I saw it first time when I met her and her husband during evening walk. She never asked me for a pup because she knows what pitbulls are. Strong dogs with strong jaws.

    You guys are not doing any propaganda like others in your country. Keep doing what you are doing. Good luck.

  37. Ka D,, my apologies. I hadn't read the book either, and misunderstood the article. I'd forgotten there was a whole genre of “For Dummies" books and took the title literally. My feeble brain is easily defeated by wine-in-a-box! I very much enjoy your astute comments.

  38. "Anonymous Jim Dandy said...
    @scurrilous 8:16 -

    Yes the mutants are being crossed with normal dog breeds, but fortunately, in the process, the pit bull characteristics are also being dissipated. "

    Just in case you have not heard everything, this weekend while at an Agility show there was a person at the show with a puppy- getting it used to being out. It clearly looked like it was a pit mix. Upon talking to the owner I came to find out it was a "Staffordshire x Border Collie" and it was bred on purpose. They had gone out of state to purchase the dog..............

  39. Sock Puppet!

    I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. I'm glad you took the compliment because it's making me feel not right in the head. I know the language barrier isn't helping, but I'm going to back away from this one.


  40. Asian Pitbull BreederDecember 7, 2015 at 11:20 PM

    I like "America's Dog" blog.
    I like history and I like dogs, it has both.

  41. I suppose the way "Asian pit bull breeder" treats pit bulls could reduce nasty incidents by making it impossible for them to act out on the impulses which motivate them.

    But the flaw I see in your logic, Asian pit bull breeder, is an apparent failure to see any real difference between pit bulls and normal dog breeds.

    Saying that the problem with pit bulls is that they are "strong dogs with strong jaws" misses the point. There are many stronger dogs, with stronger jaws, that don't pose the same risk. The problem with pit bulls, having been bred specifically for violent bloodsport, is that they are unpredictable and unreliable, and when they do attack, they don't stop.

    Dog breeds are expressions of traits, characteristics and behaviors. Some were forged by natural environment, but many, if not most, are the result of selective breeding by humans.

    If you want a dog to point, or retrieve with soft mouth, you'll want a pointer or retriever. If you want dog for protection, you'll want a guardian breed.

    But if you want a dog which will attack, mutilate and kill for no particular reason, you'll want a pit bull.

    IMHO, most domestic dogs should be welcome in the home. Torturer breeds should not be. (I would go so far as to say there is no place for torturer breeds in a sane world)

    There is a difference, and the difference was by design.

  42. Asian pitbull breederDecember 9, 2015 at 5:59 AM

    Re: Jim Dandy

    Thanks for taking time in writing your comment.
    In my last to last comment I wrote this:

    Pitbulls are dangerous in wrong hands, in hands of people who think they are not different from Labs.
    If it was so, dog fighters would be breeding Labs not pitbulls, isn't .
    December 3, 2015 at 10:07 PM"

    In my last comment I said that my own sister didn't buy any pitbull puppy from me and also that I don't sell any pups to families with children.

    I abolutely know pitbulls are not normal dogs; they are different and hence not everyone can handle them and not anyone should be allowed to handle them.

    You said that pitbulls are "unpredictable and unreliable". To an extant it may be true. Just like some human beings are criminal minded some dogs are not just wired correctly in their heads.
    The problem becomes severe when there are too many pitbulls - just like in USA. Any X,Y,Z person is breeding pitbull, clubs doing propaganda that pitbulls are just like any other breed, and in the end poor public end up getting stitches.

    Here in my country pitbulls are not so common, hence out of a few thousand dogs it's easier to find the wrong ones. Since here they are under the supervision of those who know exactly what they are into - not novices like in USA - we see the early signs and get rid of them, poison them and throw them into the river.

    In your country there are too many pitbulls and they are with those who can't read the initial sign of things getting into wrong direction and later pay even though it's not their fault.

    Next,I said that "pitbulls are strong dogs with strong jaws". What I meant was, if a hound or retriever goes nuts you will get a few stiches at max. The guardian breeds may do more damage but note that they lack tenacity. They let go off after sometime.
    Pitbulls are genetically bulldog-terrier cross. They are what we can call "grippers". They love to hold onto something. Just like bodybuilder likes to excercise a pitbull loves to hold and the bulldog in it tells it "keep going, it feels so good, keep going". This mindset of pitbull couples with the excellent physical traits does the damage for which they are known.

    But if you want a dog which will attack, mutilate and kill for no particular reason, you'll want a pit bull.
    Are you pointing at me? :)
    It's already a long post. If you wanto know how & why I( and my friends)came into this line i can write another post.

    Thanks , good night.

  43. BISSELL cleaners: Great for getting blood and bone shards out of carpet!

  44. seems like an industrial strength construction grade wet dry shop would do the trick.


  45. i suspect that american political correctness has not reached any asian shore yet. hopefully it never will.

    you are free to write as much as you like asian pit bull breeder, i will publish it all. it is nice to be able to leave my baloney detection kit at home when reading the words of pit bull owners.

  46. Thanks for the informative post, Asian pit bull breeder. In all fairness, I did notice what you said about the labs, so apologies for not mentioning that as well. I just thought your ideas on treating all dogs as outside animals was a little wholesale, not to put too fine a point on it.

    I'd love to hear more about your story. It's always refreshing to hear from someone who can share insights about pit bulls without the typical frantic ideological bent we see so often.

  47. BTW Asian pit bull breeder - you mentioned the well known gameness of pit bulls, naturally one of their defining traits.

    But I have seen a livestock guardian take all the fight out of a pit bull on more than one occasion.

    In cases like this the pit bull has options:

    1. keep fighting until it is killed
    2. run for it's life
    3. just quit and wait for whatever happens

    Unbelievable as it may be, I've seen all 3 scenarios play out.
    Film at 11.

  48. Okay, a little American Political Correctness here...

    This whole thread re: Asian pit bull breeder reminds me of an old saying...

    "There's always BBQ'd chicken at a cock fight"

    Not sure why.

    Lot 'o meat on them pit bulls.

  49. I only have one thing to say and I'll leave it at that.

    I don't care if this pit breeder who resides in Asia knows the dangers of the dogs they breed. I don't care if they don't sell to families. I don't even care that they're not in my country.

    They're still making more pits. They're still creating monsters with the potential, drive, and capability to end a person's life. That's bad no matter how you look at.

  50. "Asian pitbull breeder said...

    how can you prevent a pit bull from having access to another dog for its entire life?

    Simple, chain the pitbull"

    They break the chain, or you idiots have a yard mishap and lose control of them and guess what happens

    Our alleged Asian friend reminds me that Colby sold both his fighting birds and his fighting dogs to Asian countries for their fighting trade.

    American pit breeders and fighters still do, as well as to many other parts of the world. It's a big source of income, one of the reasons they keep finding pit bull advocacy to help them keep all these sources of income!

  51. Serious question. Would any of you adopt a Boxer if you had the chance? This is a purebred boxer, not one of those fake "boxer mixes" that are actually pit bulls. I am pondering adopting a particular dog who needs a home, but don't want to bring home any animal who will hurt other pets or people.

  52. i would not for a lot of reasons.
    first, i don't care for the muzzle phenotype.
    second, the purebreds do have some serious health issues. seizures and heart problems to name two. i knew a guy whose boxer just keeled over from a heart attack.
    third, i would not want even a watered down version of a pit bull.

  53. @anon 3:37 -

    different strokes for different folks.

    I wouldn't have a pit in my house, but I could certainly envision having a boxer. Sure, there is some common ancestry with the pit bulldog, but the 2 are sufficiently removed that the actuarial risk of a fatal or disfiguring attack with a boxer is nothing like that which comes with pit bulls, more in line with normal breeds.

    That said, they are large dogs, and the usual caveats apply. It would be a good thing if you knew the parents, and they are healthy and of sound temperament.

  54. I wouldn't adopt a boxer. I worked at a huge boarding/training kennel for several years and every boxer that came through the door, without exception, was as dumb as a box of rocks. They are the bros of the dog world; they play too rough and bounce around and destroy things. People who like them describe them as "clownish." Bros can also be amusing, sometimes, but that's not what I look for in a dog.

    Incidentally, it was my experience working with pit bulls that caused me to do a complete 180 on how I felt about them. I used to be a total pit apologist and probably still have the remains of a "ban the deed, not the breed" t-shirt kicking around in my box of rags. Having to intervene in a few too many totally outlandish pit assaults on other dogs (at my workplace, at the dog park, at the shelter, etc.) pretty well took care of that. The only times I have ever had to be physically rough with a dog was in desperate efforts to pry a pit off of another dog before the other dog's insides ended up on the floor. The business owner finally got tired of the disruption involved every time we had to hustle someone's pet off to the emergency vet, so she banned pit bulls from daycare full-stop. We told indignant pit owners that we had to do it for "insurance reasons."

  55. Thank you for all of your comments. Any more thoughts on/experiences with boxers would be appreciated.

    Pibble, your story sounds a lot like mine. I used to have a shirt like that too, with a cutesy cartoon of a pit bull. It ended up in the Goodwill bin.

  56. Asian pitbull breederDecember 28, 2015 at 11:58 PM

    After a long time, :)

    Anon Said,
    They break the chain, or you idiots have a yard mishap and lose control of them and guess what happens

    Those things happen when you 'believe' that pitbulls are just like any other dogs. When you already know what you are dealing with, you take precautions.

    How many times you have heard children getting killed from kick by horse or horns of cow? people know they are big animals and don't allow kids near them.

  57. Asian pitbull breederDecember 29, 2015 at 12:03 AM

    Would any of you adopt a Boxer if you had the chance?

    Never adopt a grown up dog if it's not one of those mellow breeds like hound or retrivers.
    I would say No to even terriers. There are several reasons for this:

    1. Why this dog was in shelter in first place?
    2. What is it's history? Did it attacked any human? Had it shown any HA?
    3. Had it shown any DA?

    You never know what is it's temperament. It's better you avoid such circumstance and keep yourself and your family safe.
    You should ask yourself why you want a dog in the first place?

  58. Asian pitbull breederDecember 29, 2015 at 12:47 AM

    Re:Jim Dandy

    I am replying very late, sorry for that.

    But I have seen a livestock guardian take all the fight out of a pit bull on more than one occasion.

    In cases like this the pit bull has options:

    1. keep fighting until it is killed
    2. run for it's life
    3. just quit and wait for whatever happens

    Unbelievable as it may be, I've seen all 3 scenarios play out.

    A Livestock Guardian Dog is naturally dog or better to say canine aggressive. It's because they have to guard their flock from wolves, foxes and may be coyotes. They have to be canine aggressive in order to fulfil their duty. They are not herding breed - the sheeps of those areas don't like to be herd except from their humand owners.

    Now coming to the pitbull part. Most people think that pitbulls are very DA and 'any' pitbull can be a good fighter. Not true.
    You must have heard of Bell Curve. It's true even for pitbulls. Most pitbulls are average. Their level of aggression is more than any other breed and they get incited easily. However, their is a wide spectrum. On one side you have dogs like Chinaman, Sandman and Buck - the all time 'greats' - while on the other hand you have got those cur or bait dogs which get defeated by a pariah dog.

    LGDs have evolved fighting wolves for 100s of years. What chance a pitbull has in front them. Only a champion pitbull can give them stiff resistance.

    But still have been genetically programmed for dog fighting and hence even a Dobermann or GSD will find it difficult to beat an average pitbull.

    I hope I am making sense.

  59. Asian pitbull breeder said...
    After a long time, :)

    Anon Said,
    They break the chain, or you idiots have a yard mishap and lose control of them and guess what happens

    Those things happen when you 'believe' that pitbulls are just like any other dogs. When you already know what you are dealing with, you take precautions.

    Those things happen whether you believe pit bulls are just like any other dog, or take precautions. There's no way to be totally safe around a pit bull. There's a term for that, and I'm trying to remember what it is. Something about zero error.


  60. Asian pitbull breederDecember 29, 2015 at 8:51 AM

    Thanks for approving my comments.
    However I wrote all these comments on 29 th Dec Tuesday, afternoon.
    The system is showing your time zone not mine.

  61. Oh joy, yet another nutter shows up (playing Asian) to profile himself as expert and responsible pit shit.

    Ah, the bell curve thing -- one of the newest nutter idiocies. Cut the crap, non-Asian. The bell curve of shit bull aggression lies in its entirety so far out on the graph that even the lowest tail end doesn't overlap the highest tail end of any other type of dog by at least two standard deviations.

    The same goes for shit bull mixes.

    I love it when these people show up talking terminology (like parrots) they have no idea of the meaning of. Like anyone who uses big words they don't understand, they always look a bit -- uhm -- pathetic.

  62. Asian pitbull breederDecember 30, 2015 at 5:37 AM

    Sweetie Pie
    I am no nutter, pit nutters or better to say dog nutters live in your country not mine.

    I have seen how you people treat their dogs in USA...kissing them on mouth
    yuck that's disgusting
    dogs are filthy animals, they lick their genitals and anus. kissing a dog is equal to kissing it's genital and anus.
    If I will do such a thing nobody will drink even water at my home.

    so don't call me a nutter.

  63. i hate this blogger and her stupid fucking blog

  64. The term nutter is used to describe pit bull enthusiasts, the ones that deny the reality that pit bulls are dangerous. It has nothing to do with kissing dogs on the mouth. Not all US citizens do that.


  65. Dear BAM,

    I hope you noticed how nutter non-Asian probably didn't understand what a standard deviation is, so it quickly changed the subject -- back to its gloriously special self (as nutters always do) and to demeaning everyone else (as nutters always do) including other less special nutters (as nutters always do).

    Part of nutterdom (besides the subject-changing) is this Dunning-Kruger-ish self-worship, which requires not only adoration of an inept self but also the belief that everyone else is inferior -- and more so, the need to point out to others how inferior they are. It's the main reason they own (or claim to own) shit bulls.

    I'm betting this nutter lives in a hut somewhere in the Badlands (USA) and spent several hours researching how to pretend English is its second language. Upon which its Dunning-Kruger again kicked in. It needs instead to do some research on the psychology of nutters and figure out how to hide the fact that it shares that psychology.

  66. I really don't know how to handle the Asian pit bull breeder. I think they're totally confused what this blog is about. Besides all of the things you listed.


    To Anon 10:10

    I love this blogger and her intelligent fucking blog. It's so much fun to talk about nutters without having to argue with them.

  67. I see the Asian pit bull breeder is not getting a lot of love. I have to respect the fact that he at least does not attempt to deceive himself or others about the nature of the beasts which he apparently breeds.

    Some feel that perhaps he's not Asian, but hey, if the Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner drama has taught us anything, it's that we can can identify as something other than what we're born with, I mean that's the politically correct take on it, IIUC.

    At any rate, the chap pegs himself as Asian, and that's good enough for me.

    For your enlightenment, here is a 52 year old man who identifies as a 6 year old girl:


    In light of that, who could condemn someone for feeling in their heart that they are Asian? Sort of puts things in perspective.

  68. Some things, you just can't unsee.

  69. I'll take a pass on stef-o-knee.

    And the lovely anonymous poster who left that message about Tia Torres, is gonna take down this blog. I'm so worried! I'm wringing my hands in fear.

    It's so funny how people that love pit bulls can't handle it when there are blogs about people that don't like pit bulls. They want to erase the truth so they can believe their lies. Well guess what? You can't get rid of the truth. It'll keep finding you and ruining your little fantasy.


  70. Asian pitbull breederJanuary 3, 2016 at 10:12 PM

    Happy New Year 2016 to all of you guys.
    It's really fun here.

    BAM:I really don't know how to handle the Asian pit bull breeder. I think they're totally confused what this blog is about. Besides all of the things you listed.

    I doubt if you can even handle a Labrador, how can you handle somebody who treat dog as if they are dogs,who breed pitbulls and whose pitbulls don't dare cross the threshold of the house. You will find it really difficult.

    I know a little what this blog is about, it's about telling the public that pitbulls ARE dangerous. I know that. My previous comments are proof of that.

    This blog is a forum of people who hate pitbulls because what they do to your people. This blog is about exposinging those who do the idiotic propaganda that pitbulls = Labs.

    I see the Asian pit bull breeder is not getting a lot of love

    As if I care. I came here the first time when I was searching for pics of pitbulls from USA. Looks like you guys are stuck on this post.

  71. I don't consider pit bulls a pet dog, so I too would not allow a pit bull past my threshold. I don't breed pit bulls. Pit bulls are worthless, useless, ugly, stupid, and only used for dog fighting, or killing.


  72. Yeah, good dogmen never have yard accidents, do they Asian pit bull breeder? Isn't that what your trying to prove to us?

    If you don't get it, the above is sarcasm.

    "Lion Tamer Syndrome" at its finest.

  73. @Asian 10:12 -

    "Looks like you guys are stuck on this post"

    Well, to be fair, I don't think anyone is stuck per se. But your comments are interesting, no? Seldom do we hear from a pit bull fan who does not spew the nanny dog myth or other baby talk.

    Good luck to you sir, and sound decisions! May your pit bulls never harm an innocent non-combatant, and may no yard accident ever befall you or yours!

  74. Ooh! I just saw the cutest dog on local San DiegoTV today! The humane society were offering a Retriever Mix! Those are good they like to chase and grab balls, I've heard about that! He had a big square head and short floppy ears and a white blaze and chest patch and short dark brindle hair and a body like a big wet sandbag, which both people admired. Adooooorable!! And little button eyes that he rolled back and forth because the lady said he was a Lovebug and he wanted to love on them. But he hardly moved because he was just so good! So the TV host said, “and what else do we know about this dog?" And the professional humane society lady said “Oh... Uh... We really don't know WHAT he's mixed with" although that didn't really seem to be the question. But that shows how special he is,right?
    So, any guesses, anyone? I live with my ill 84 year old mother and two kitties. Wouldn't he have fun here? And the neighborhood is stuffed full of nice dogs on leashes. I just want to fit in....

  75. Brindle is an indication that the retriever mix is mixed with a greyhound. Greyhounds are big couch potatoes. You can feel good about rescuing a Greyhound because they are no longer wanted by the dog racing industry, and rather than dirt napping them, they give them to reputable dog shelters for nice people like you to adopt! I once heard that there's no such thing as a greyhound though. I don't know what that means?


  76. it means dogs are uncarved blocks waiting to be shaped into whatever good, evil or irresponsible men choose to make of them. "it's all how you raise them".

  77. @anon 1:30 -

    Your post would be amusing if it weren't so utterly typical and all too believable.

  78. Hey guys I just want to say I read all the comments and while I have had too many near misses with pitbull including having to protect my at the time 5 year old with a can of wasp spray and thus I have a bad taste in my mouth due to pitbulls I would encourage you to not stoop to the level of nutters with name calling. I'd agree that pitbull owners are so horrible and dissilusioned that they hardly deserve the dignity but if you act how they act they come here trolling to prove to each other that they are superior to us because they are the rescue angels and we are name Call jerks. I would say that the pitbull is the second foulest creature to walk only barely missing first place to the pitbull enthusiast/rescue aholes. And I blame that football player who fought his dogs for causing these pitbull crazies to come out of the woodwork and reinvent the pitbull and the same dog that when I was a teen was euthanized first at pounds is now the breed that's adopted out of pounds and rescued before allllllllll other breeds and then relabeled "basset hound" "beagle" "pointer" and "lab" to confuse the breed illiterate into getting the shovel faced mutant. And when he'll breaks loose and a toddler dies the rescue aholes defend the terrorist dog and blame a baby because that's what they are.... the lowest of the low.
    But if we stoop to name calling and tell them what jackasses they really are they will think they have legitimate fodder to call us the bad guys. And there's no reason to feed their insanity when we can just as easily ignore them. Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself.

  79. Which the wasp spray incident came across my page on Facebook and got distorted into some weird exaggeration. For all I know the dog is still alive. I just frightened her away. I deactivated my account over a year ago. I need to get a camera for my walks. I've been accused of lying because pitties can't do that even though pits in our old neighborhood held up traffic on a back street because 9-11 pitbulls were locked on to each other in a street fight with owners desperately trying to break them up. But since it wasn't video taped by me I was lying. Lol anyway I'm getting a camera. Pitbulls going nuts is a norm in the spring and summer in northeast ohio

  80. Rhea,

    I appreciate your advice, however, if I feel like calling nutters names, I will. Words, insults, name calling, is nothing compared to the slaughter they inflict with their pit bulls. They are bullies, and they are capable of far worse than name calling. Name calling does not make people bad. It does not give nutters a leg to stand on. They call us foamers, and I honestly am not bothered by that drivel.


  81. Off topic but my husband and I were going to go to the pound to adopt a dog (older, preferably senior) and before we left we checked out our county's pound site and allll they had available were "lab mixes" and "Basset hounds" which really just means shovel-faced pits. Anyway that made me disappointed so I googled a nearby county's humane society. All the humane society over there will rescue from the pound is pits and pit mixes. AND deceptively call them other names. So I looked at the Dog Warden website. EVERY dog available for adoption is a pitbull terrier.

    So we won't be rescuing any dogs any time soon. If all they have on their homeless dog list is a bunch of 2-3 year old pit bulls who haven't had a taste of human blood yet I won't give them a second thought.

    I also don't want a pet shop dog.

    I'm swearing off dogs until the pitbull infatuation is over and pounds, humane societies and no-kill shelters start adopting out dogs people actually want. And I actually wanted an older dog 8+ years old when other people are clamoring for puppies I was looking for a old dog so it could have its final years in a home where a family would love it.
    Nevermind. If pounds are going to toss dogs out by the dozen except the pitbulls they can keep the lot of them.

  82. Anoynmous @ January 7, 2016 at 2:25 PM

    Hey I agree with you but they are so moronic and illogical they think everything we do gives them a leg up. Actually my whole post was sort of tongue in cheek since I riddled it with insults about pitbull enthusiasts and their dummy dog.

  83. Rhea,

    Okay, I did pick up on the insults, but didn't know it was tongue in cheek.


  84. Wow.

  85. wow is right.

    but why the fuck am i surprised?

  86. My reaction was identical to yours: I was surprised...but why? Maybe because the story condemns his action rather than presenting it as one of those things a heroic pibble owner has to do to save his precious doggie woggie?

    It probably helps that the innocent dog was also a pit.

  87. question.

    where is the utter outrage over the targeting of an "innocent" pit bull?

  88. There's no outrage because it's probably a tactic nutters use when their pibble is on death row. This nutter got caught because he was a little too obvious. It's better not to draw attention to this story, so there won't be any procedures put in place to make sure the correct pit bull is dirt napped.

    That's my theory on why nutters are being so hush-hush on this.


  89. my theory: it clashes with their overly simplistic child like view of what constitutes good and evil. only haters kill innocent pit bulls.

  90. Coming to a rental property near you:

    Yes, as long as it's legal to own it, you can force your landlord to accept it!

    And even if it isn't legal to own it, you still might be able to get away with it, as is the case of Pit Bull "therapy" dogs in Yakima, WA!


    I'ma gonna git me a "Therapy" Grizzly Bear and take it ta work with me! Yep!

    I believe the original intention of allowing helper and therapy animals was good, but the laws are insane.

    Who was it who said, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"?

  91. @Anonymous - more landlords banning all pets, then. Even harmless housecats fined and banned. Easier than dealing with pit people. They don't always have bad credit...

  92. “STITCHES” BY Pawn Mendes

    I thought that I'd been hurt before
    But no dog's ever left me quite this sore
    Your teeth cut deeper than a knife
    Now I need someone to breathe me back to life

    Got a feeling that I'm going under
    But I know that I'll make it out alive
    If I quit being a pit nutter
    Move on

    You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
    Shaking jaws clamp onto my knees
    And now that I wanted pit kisses
    I'll be needing stitches
    Gripping onto my scalp
    Aching, begging someone come help
    And now that I wanted pit kisses
    I'll be needing stitches

    Just like a moth drawn to a flame
    Oh, they lured me in, I couldn't sense their game
    Your gripper heart told me as much
    Now I'm gonna reap what I sow
    I'm left seeing red stains just grow

    Got a feeling that I'm going under
    But I know that I'll make it out alive
    If I quit being a pit nutter
    Move on


    Needle and the thread,
    Gotta think about why they’re bred
    Needle and the thread,
    Gonna wind up dead

    Needle and the thread,
    Gotta think about why they’re bred
    Think about why they’re bred


  93. putmeincharge41day, please resubmit your comment. i accidentally rejected it. i really should not attempt even simple tasks before adequately caffeinating my blood stream. :-)

    I thought this was a worthwhile blog post to share.
    Regarding "dogs not safe with children"!Dogs-Not-Good-with-Children/luwxc/56b0fb600cf2fb0f6fea455b

  94. i did a quick perusal of this article and even though the overall message is a good one, sadly, i thought that her words were cloaked in a pit nutter. so i looked at her blog closer and yes, she is.

  95. Sigh..........that is too bad. Sadly the nutters are the majority, I don't think I will live long enough to see the tide change.
