Friday, January 6, 2017

A word, from the Ninja

Kentucky, USA - December 2016.

A family man loses his little friend Spot the Boston Terrier to Pit Bull attack. These are his words. Keeping his name and details private, as he has attracted a lot of hatred and ignorance from Pit Bull owners and advocates, to the point where his original post has been removed.

Please share this story; don't let Spot die in vain. Give Spot and ALL who perish in the jaws of Pit Bulls BACK to the world in the only way possible - post their names and their stories, so that they can save other lives, even though they lost their own.


"Today I have to bury my little best friend Spot.

My neighbor's Pit Bull attacked him yesterday and unfortunately I was not close enough to be able to help my little buddy out. I have had him just shy of 3 years and would never imagined it ending this way. Most people know me know that I would just assume talk to my dog as to talk to a human being.
I never have liked or will I ever like the Pit Bull breed due to the nature of them and how they can do something like this to another dog or human being. I say kill them all they aren't good for nothing.

Wasn't a night that didn't go by that Spot didn't beat me to bed with his Sponge Bob toy and always laying on my pillow as if he was saying this is his spot to sleep, and he was my alarm clock at 630 each morning as he would wake me wanting to play.

Anytime that I worked, Spot worked too, from riding tractors to tagging along in the truck cutting grass - he was always with me.

Now I have to explain to a 4 year old that Spot isn't here no more and she is no longer his mommy, as she liked to pretend.

If there is such thing as doggy Heaven, I hope you and little Bubba (my other Boston terrier) are playing and having a blast.

So long little buddy - daddy sure loved you and is gonna miss you more than you will ever know."


Pit Bulls' kill dogs. That is what WE designed them to do. Now, we have banned their 'work' in all States. Now, they are redirecting onto us, our pets, our livestock and upon wildlife.

Peace to little Spot, and to all who grieve the loss of their pets, their children, their relatives, their neighbors, their friends, and their own good health BECAUSE OF PIT BULLS.

Spot before pit bull

Spot after pit bull

* the uber positive and politically correct facebook would not allow this man to grieve the loss of his dog. they claimed his photos violated their delicate community standards and deleted his post.


  1. Politically correct? You mean the same Facebook that made a bundle on Fake News?


  2. i am not familiar with facebook fake news but i am pretty sure that it would have been geared towards the consumption of the progressive left.

  3. There is no need for pit bulls.

  4. I feel so bad for that man. And yes, facebook sucks.

  5. Horrible. I wish I didn't see that one.

  6. "Pit Bulls' kill dogs. That is what WE designed them to do. Now, we have banned their 'work' in all States. Now, they are redirecting onto us, our pets, our livestock and upon wildlife."

    This is profound! So much truth in so little words!

    What is so horrible about someone that was 'educated' by a pit bull itself, wanting to alert the general public that this can happen to them? I am acutely aware that my own dog can be taken out by a pit bull, or other dangerous breed, because my neighborhood is filled with them. I have two pit bulls that live right across the street from me. Those two pit bulls have "somehow" gotten out many times. Animal Control is completely useless. They've changed their ways to suit the nutters. Someone from Animal Control has to witness the at large pit bulls in order to issue a citation. Otherwise, irresponsible nutter across the street gets a slap on the wrist every single time one of those monsters is loose. It used to be the second time a dog was loose, the owner would get a ticket. Hmm, it seems that Animal Control makes neighborhoods ripe for pit bull rampages.

    Thank you Animal Control, for not controlling animals and their irresponsible nutter owners! Why do we even need you? That's okay, I've got a machete ready to go because I'd rather kill a pit bull, than have it kill my wonderful, friendly, intelligent, beautiful, worthy, harmless, normal dog.


    1. Can't you er, feed those loose pits something that would make them sleep...and never wake up..? >_>

      If they're loose all the time who's to say they didn't just get into something poisonous in the trash?

    2. We have to protect our wonderful, friendly, intelligent, beautiful, worthy, harmless, normal dogs --- whether it be a machete, gun, knife, whatever it takes-- these ugly killer beasts do not deserve to live in society, they can't function like a dog is supposed to --they need to be gone, all of them.

    3. We have to protect our wonderful, friendly, intelligent, beautiful, worthy, harmless, normal dogs --- whether it be a machete, gun, knife, whatever it takes-- these ugly killer beasts do not deserve to live in society, they can't function like a dog is supposed to --they need to be gone, all of them.

  7. What a sad story. It is obvious that he loved his dog.

    As for the photos being offensive: The photos are THE TRUTH. And do the offended not realize they're looking at saran-wrapped slabs of carcasses (of tortured animals, no less) every time they go to the grocery store? I say that as a guilty meat eater.

  8. So sad for his loss, and the morons who come here to bash him because they insist on owning the breed because "they" have not "witnessed" what these dogs are capable of YET... good luck... Thank God I fought the dog that was trying to kill my beagle, 90% of breeds aren't bred to fight, government calls these incidents "dog fights" and they aren't - its brutal murder by a breed designed to kill. For all You PB owners out there, I hope you never have to witness your little love bug ripping the throat out of another dog, or a family member.

  9. Just pitbulls doing what they were bred to do and that's attack and kill other animals.Everytime I walk my leashed dogs I get armed too the teeth.Ccw,12inch sheathed filet knife,golf glue 9 iron,big can of bear spray and the mind set that I will do whatever it takes to defend dogs and my self

  10. I also suffered the loss of my little terrier to a vicious pit bull dog at a dog park. I was still in the parking area, having spoken to the only person in the park, asking if her dog was friendly. She said he was and loved playing with other dogs. Before I even opened the outside gate and let my dogs in, she had opened the gate containing her dog and let it loose. Immediately her monster grabbed my little terrier by the throat and would not release it, in spite of my trying to loosen its jaws. The owner stood back and kept muttering "drop it" to her monster which paid her no mind. I got the hose in the pits' nose fand was able to get the jaws of the pit loose long enough to grab my little dog up, but the pit immediately grabbed her rump in a death hold. Had to get the hose again to get my dog out of its' jaws again. As I rushed to my car to get to a vet, I asked her her name. She of course gave a fake name and immediately left the area. Three different vets at three different locations worked on Lulu for the next 12 hours. She died on the 2nd day after her ordeal................Pit bull dogs have been bred for centuries to maim and kill and their DNA makes it impossible to trust one. The dog is simply acting upon its' natural instinct and the pit nutters are now finding out their sweet little pibble (as they call them) has the ability to turn on them, their family (especially children), their friends, neighbors and even strangers and other animals without a moment's notice.

    1. I made it a rule to never allow any dog that my small dogs could physically fit in their mouths,but especially pitbulls.All dogs that are allowed around them are of the same size.

  11. So sad. Losing a beloved pet. And in such a horrific, traumatizing way. I have been luckier that you. I have saved my chihuahua several times from unexpected pit bull attacks. I always carry a walking stick... not to help walking... but to poke the pits! A good poke in the nose (before the attack begins) seems to shake the pit out of it's hypnotically fixated attack. So far, I have not had to reach into my pocket for back-up. Again, so sorry for the loss of your little buddy. BSL would have saved the little feller.

  12. Uh,Boston Terriers were fighting dogs too. Males still have aggressive traits about territory guarding.

  13. Loose pit bulls should be treated the same as a loose lion, tiger, or bear.

  14. So what, a Boston Terrier is a "Pit Bull" type dog, so who cares?

  15. Just a pitbull doing what was bred to do and that's kill other animals.Where I live we have a some nice dog parks and it never fails that some idiot pitbull owner brings their pibbles to the dog park.Pitbulls have absolutely no business being in a dog park.Want a dog park dog then don't get a pitbull.

  16. Pitbulls should be banned from dog parks, and owners should face fines for trying to bring them there.

  17. the nutters should be treated the same as those who take weapons on school grounds: weapon seized, CCP forfeited, felony charges.

  18. Re: scurrilous amateur blogger

    You would assume wrong. Studies show most fake news is consumed (and believed) my conservatives.

    And let's leave politics out of it. The pit bull issue cuts across party lines. I have argued with plenty of conservative pro-pit fanatics.

  19. "So what, a Boston Terrier is a 'Pit Bull' type dog, so who cares?"

    No it isn't. Amazing to me how readily people chime in, having done not an iota of research.

  20. the "iota" of research that i've done on the boston indicates that yes, the boston does have a fighting past.

    i agree the pit bull issue cuts across party lines but reread my comment
    "i am not familiar with facebook fake news but i am pretty sure that it would have been geared towards the consumption of the progressive left. "

    it is a known fact that facebook has a liberal progressive left bias. i am not familiar with the "studies" that show most fake news is conservative. please share so that i may do an iota of research.

  21. My comment about boston terriers wasn't even directed at you. Having a fighting past does not mean it's part of the pit bull group. Obviously.

    To the second point, look here:

    "Of the 20 top-performing false election stories identified in the analysis, all but three were overtly pro-Donald Trump or anti-Hillary Clinton."

    And for good measure:

    "Coler [a fake news propagator] says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait."

    There's an iota for you. I'm sure you can take over from here.

  22. ""Of the 20 top-performing false election stories identified in the analysis, all but three were overtly pro-Donald Trump or anti-Hillary Clinton.""

    there is a problem right there. you are trusting anti trump sources to report with neutrality. it is no different than animal farm foundation or the aspca or best friends slanting their message. plus there is the issue of filter bubbles - might want to google that.

    but seriously, i was referring to actual studies in professional journals like "journalism and mass communication" or "journalism: theory, practice, criticism" not an analysis by buzzfeed which has close ties to huffington post which in my opinion, is the yin to fox news yang. but since i had never heard of buzzfeed before, i did do an iota of research on them and found they have been in a lot of legal trouble with the issue of plagiarism. but the bottom line is no college educated intelligent critical thinking person without an agenda to push would classify an analysis by NPR or Buzzfeed as a "study".

    as to your comment about bostons not being directed at me, it sounds like you are saying that i do not have a right to respond to comments on my own blog. is that a fair assessment?
