Thursday, December 10, 2009

LOL time

two pit bulls were dropped of at Dulles International Airport to be shipped overseas on Korean Air Flight 94. they arrived in separate kennels but one chewed out of its kennel and into the other dog's kennel and attacked it. police responded to the dog fight call at the Air France cargo building @ 9:40. the officers unsuccessfully tried to break up the fight rinalia style but ended up shooting the dogs.

Police did not release the name of the owner but said the investigation is continuing.

see also pit bulls on planes part 2 and pit bulls on planes part 1


  1. The dog fighters are making a lot of money breeding and selling these dogs to other countries.

    No surprise they are fighting regulations.

    This is big money, tax free.

    And Best Friends and the AKC are working hard to keep the dog fighting and breeding trade reaping the rewards.

  2. The cock fighters were making money the same way, but then the airlines stopped flying their birds.

    There should be documented information about every shipper of these dogs so they can be traced and their business tracked.

  3. The investigation is OVER! Case closed!

    Virginia reeks of dogfighting and breeders of fighting dogs.

  4. And speaking of Virginia....

    Michael Vick's uncle was just nailed in a huge heroin bust.,0,6178650.story,0,2316616.story

  5. International/Interstate trafficking of animals for fighting has been a Federal Felony since the Summer of 2007.

  6. The problem is that this guy will just claim that he is an innocent breeder and his dogs just got upset. And the airport authorities and local cops won't have a clue.

    People just don't understand how these dog fighters and breeders are operating.

    The breeder/shipper needs to be traced, he needs to be reported to tax authorities, and I wish someone like Norred could look into this incident and get the breeder's name from the police report because this may very well be an opening into a large fighting operation

  7. Dulles is right under the nose of the USDA....

    Ever wonder why the pit bull groups fight BSL overseas? I wonder how many $Thousands$ these two freaks commanded?
