Thursday, December 4, 2014

he was the laughing stock of the neighborhood. they're not laughing anymore. evoking fear has never been easier. simply adopt a pit bull.

question: why are so many people treating these ugly mutants with kid gloves when they are locked onto another animal? seriously the ugly thing is focused on the normal dog, NOW is the time to eviscerate it.

and speaking of those mythical locking jaws...


  1. fucking pig dogs and their ugly owners . notice how in the end the others dogs owner just wrenched the poor victim dog away at there was a yelp of pain. im sure that did some damage . also see how loose the collar was on the pigdog ?

  2. "Pittie pittie shake"
    by the Swingin' Bluenose Genes

    For goodness sake
    I got the pittie pittie shakes
    Yeah, I've got to shake
    I got the pittie pittie shakes

    Oh, I have to kill
    With the pittie pittie shakes
    Yeah, I get my fill now
    With the pittie pittie shakes
    Yeah, makes my tail wag
    Wooo! The pittie pittie shake

    Well, now you shake it to the left
    You shake it to the right
    You do the pittie shake shake
    With all of your might

    Oh baby, yeah, grab on and shake
    Oh, makes my tail wag
    The pittie pittie shake

    Well, now you shake it to the left
    You shake it to the right
    You do the pittie shake shake
    With all of your might

    Oh baby, yeah, come on and shake
    Oh, makes my tail wag
    Woo, the pittie pittie shake
    Woo, the pittie pittie shake
    Woo, the pittie pittie shake

  3. Since AC and the law are close to useless I think the two best things the public can do are KILL the damn thing when it attacks and sue the owners.

  4. I could tell it was a little Border Collie. My heart broke before I even watched it. I had a Border Collie, and it is gut wrenching to see this stuff. I seriously hope, that if me or mine is ever attacked by a pit bull, that I'll be able to gut it the way Dawn is suggesting. I carry a knife, but sometimes I wonder if it's sufficient. GAH! This is so stupid! Breed specific legislation is so much less barbaric!

  5. I forgot to sign the previous post


  6. Knives are great and can save a life, just know that they don't work fast enough to save the victim from injury. I think they are a great back up because its easy to always have them, and not as personally hazardous as carrying a gun can be (because face it, we are all not responsible, all of the time. I like weapons with a higher margin of error.)

    A good combo, if you aren't going to carry a gun, is a decent sized, fixed blade knife, and either a small fire extinguisher or bear spray. You can also carry a sturdy leash and a fire extinguisher. Choking the pit to death is a good way to get it to stop.

    The fire extinguisher actually stop attacks more often than anything else, its down side is that the dog lives to fight another day. I also wonder what happens after? does the dog just run away, then endangering others?

    For the reason, I think it's only responsible to kill the beast if you can. shoot it, gut it, choke it, whatever.

    This is why I say BSL NOW. why should we even to have to have this conversation? I shouldn't need to fight to the death with a beast clearly bred to murder ever living thing.

  7. This is the exact sort of situation in which a captive bolt pistol would be the best weapon to use against the attacking animal.

    If used correctly, the attacking dog could be quickly destroyed without the risk of a bullet ricocheting and hitting the victim dog, or a person.

    In a densely populated area, why shouldn't those with proper training be allowed to carry a captive bolt to protect themselves and their dogs?
