Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy Maulidays!

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

when in burst two pit bulls to tear off their heads.

They ran and they screamed, it was over they feared,

but by the magic of Christmas, Santa appeared!

"Now Ruger! Now Browning! Now Mossberg and Colt!

On Remington! On Sako! Semi autos and bolts!”

And down through the chimney came Santa with shells,

he loaded his weapons and blew the pit bulls to hell!

He gathered spent rounds then returned to his sleigh,

“Good riddance to pit bulls, have a great Christmas Day!”

~Dude I Bagged Ur Pit

and from the massively talented pit bull poet laureate....

Twas the Night before Christmas, on the bad side of town....


  1. Dawn, the dead pit bull in the 12th picture looks as though it was stabbed- do you know the story there? I'm guessing it tried to kill someone's animal companion, and the human defended their pet with main force.

  2. i think both of the mutants that are pictured with women were stabbed.

  3. I LOVE this version of the night before Christmas better, it must also be included in the Pit Bull Poetry Collection. You know, I have not seen a larger collection anywhere. We obviously care more about them to give them such volumes of poetry! Merry Christmas, and may you survive the Maulidays!

  4. N.C. woman spends Xmas in hospital after being severely mauled by two dogs she walked every day, bulldog boxer crosses. Merry f'ing Xmas.

  5. "Neighbors said Vanderbough is dating a man who lived in the neighborhood, and she would take the dogs out for walks in a spacious backyard field several days a week."

    no doubt violating leash laws. thankfully she was mauled instead of an innocent stranger.


    (too lazy to sign into my account)

    Miss Margo

  7. http://www.gopitbull.com/introduction-forum/47256-new-go-pitbull.html

    Soon to be pit nutter:

    "I currently do not own any Pit bulls."

    "All dogs raised as family pets, including my home being a day care."

    A day care? Really?

    "I want to purchase a Pit bull in the spring to raise as a family dog but also a trainable dog to do some sled training nothing too serious."

    I'm just shaking my head now. Over 200 breeds of dogs but she has to get a pit bull, WOW!

  8. "For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive." ~ D. H. Lawrence

    Then there are pit bulls, vividly and perfectly dead - the supreme failure of a horrid creation.

  9. Dude,

    To us, it's a failure of the breed. To pit nutters, pit bulls attacking and attacking and fighting to the death is a mark of "courage". They even have a name for it, Dead Game.

    Only pit bulls.

  10. The dumb shit I stumble upon without even trying:

    Facebook Page: Boycott 98 ROCK and the sponsors of their Morning Show

    Baltimore, MD - 2 yrs old female pit bull named BABY.

    "Despite not getting along with the other dog in her household she has always done well at dog parks and with the dogs of family friends."

    I have no clue as to what "not getting along" might be. Doubt it's just a nip or two.

    So this idiot is encouraging the new owner to take the damned thing to the dog park. Yes, the pit was adopted out at the ripe age of 2 yrs old when BABY is almost fully mature and ready to rumble.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


  12. lovely to see dead pitbulls , first thing in the morning

    even if theyre not quite dead , quivering , bubbling , gurgling ect


  13. especially like the pic of the dingbat wailing in distress for her injured mutant mauler. its all good though !!! anything instead of innocent victims is excellent .


  14. Dude i liked your comment better than anything by ive read by D H Lawrence


  15. but why did santa gather up the spent rounds?

  16. "but why did santa gather up the spent rounds?"

    So he can reload the casings for next Xmas.

    So many pit bulls, so little time.

    Happy new year!

  17. This post is a holiday tradition.

    Merry Christmas from Ledy and Jane.

  18. The Thing I Want for Christmas
    Has two front teeth
    And teeth thick as needles
    On a tinsel Dollar Store Wreath
    They glisten with yellowish,
    Tartarish, blood-reddish glint
    To greet the jolly landlord when it's time again
    For rent...uh, I mean unfortunate Xmas incident...
    And two lunatic eyes yellow as jaundice hepatic
    And a mannerof Merry Playtime so
    Festively erratic
    That red's the theme from Thrift-store couch to pot-farm in the attic
    And we paddle and scream, but it ain't none of it a scheme
    And we won't get one lousy cop,
    We'll get a whole damn team
    Cause Christmas means livenin' up the neighborhood
    A gift at which pit bulls is uncommonly good
    And a missing limb or three is a small sacrifice
    Though you may lose many fine Tatts, that's the unselfish price;
    For the give, give giver who offers family AND strangers
    The thrill of imagined and many actual dangers
    And as I look skyward at Stars High and Deep
    Blame all those pit bull victims
    in deserved and permanent sleep.

  19. Wow... what a bunch of nut jobs on this site. I have always said humans are THE MOST dangerous animals on the planet, but you nitwits go beyond the worst I have even seen in humans in the United States before.

  20. Congratulations on never having had to leave your pastel nursery.

  21. That first photo of the pit bull outline in the frost gets me every time.

    A thing of beauty. Truly. They should have it on exhibition at the Met.

  22. It is strikingly beautiful. Totemic as the cave art at Lascaux...I believe some of those species are extinct now?

  23. " I have always said humans are THE MOST dangerous animals on the planet"

    nutter, you are not alone or the first. a lot of people have said that. i agree with it and i would point to the human creation of pit bulls and their continued perpetuation as further proof of the above.

  24. Proof: PIThecine Man!
    The look, the brains, the masterful deportment. Dangerous, but still not DANGEROUS ENOUGH!

  25. @anon 6:49

    What's your point...? Cause you don't seem to have one.


  26. Well I wanted to be a dangerous person too. That's why I called you nitwits. Duh!!! I called you nut jobs but should of called you hand jobs!! Deal with it!! Wow.

  27. deal with it?

    1) cry into my pillow
    2) beg for your forgiveness
    3) close down my blog in shame
    4) laugh at you

    please advise

  28. Dawn what do you know about the following breeds?
    English mastiff
    My husband is interested in owning a dog of medium to low energy. The name bull scares the shit out of me. I can't find your email in my contacts. I assume newfies are safe. Mastiffs of any kind sound iffy. Any help? I dont love dogs but dont hate them. Cant find stats on mastiffs

    1. I dont just Willy nilly trust websites that favor any breed

  29. bullmastiff = bulldog x mastiff
    i consider them human gripping dogs. and i recommend they be avoided. diane jessup claims this is one of the few dogs bred specifically for human aggression.

    i don't know a lot about english mastiffs or newfies, other than the english mastiff has been bred away from its original warrior purpose. i suspect given the emphasis on size, they have a lot of health problems. i've only met a couple. they seemed calm, gentle, slow and clumsy. very slobbery.

    as for the newfie, i've only met a couple of them too. they seemed like nice gentle dogs for people who don't mind living with a lot of free floating dog hair and love to spend a lot of time grooming their dogs. i do not. newfies also seemed not as slow or clumsy as the english mastiff but still very slobbery. not a fan of slobbery either.

    i always recommend researching a breed with purebred rescues. with the exception pit bulldogs, they are reliably honest about the negative aspects of the breed, in fact, i think most of them will go a little overboard with the negative aspects. start there and avoid breeders because it is hard to know which one is ethical and will tell you the truth vs what they think you want to hear.

    i despise bulldogs and i'm not a fan of the mastiff group. i would never own one, so i would not be the best person to ask. (fyi, pugs are also mastiffs) the friends and enemies blogger owns mastiffs, you could try starting a conversation in their comments. you will get honest information.

    i hear greyhounds are very low energy dogs. i've met quite a few. they are very sweet dogs.

    maybe sky or others will chime in.

  30. having difficulty responding to you because every time I respond something stupid happens on my phone. All I have is a phone or else I would use a computer. All I was saying is that is far is pitbulls and their friends we do not want any in our home I am glad I double checked on the bUllmastiffs. I hate molloser breeds and have had numerous issues with them in Ohio. Ive only toldresch some of my pitbulls stories. I have rotweillers and cane corso stories too that could have ended horribly for me or my family. A cane corsos ended my left tire on my mini van btw and I forgot my phone AGAIN. I swear this shit happens and I never garner proof. It cost me $45 to replace.
    We had to get one used because it was right before Christmas.

    I am considering getting a newfy or golden retriever because I have kids. I was raised on a greyhound farm as a child and while greyhounds are not attack or fighting dogs they are timid animals. They would not be appreciative of the noises that little children can make. They wouldn't bite but they would become afraid because that is Their nature. I have 4 boys. We prefer rescue dogs too.

    not only did the word Bull before Mastiff scare me but also the way that the bull Mastiff advocate talk almost exactly like pitbull advocate in that they praised only the good features and exaggerated some features I do not believe the Bullmastiffs have. Also they emphasize socialization so much over and over that is concerning. I know a bit about dog ownership. The amount of socialization required is breed dependent but if you have to emphasize the aspect a lot it is quite curious.
    Oh and they emphasize how hard to train the bullmastiff is!!!

    I dont like their advocacy whereas Newfie and golden retriever rescues tirelessly explain what to expect bullmastiff advocates make it seem like a cakewalk except they will love you too much and they will greet all of your guests with slobber but they Say the only trouble is socialization. Just the same as pitbulls advocates do. That was my red flag.

    I believe in thorough research and were not getting a single dog for a year. We are planners. But certain breed advocates lie so I come to the people I believe dont have anything to gain from lying

    1. sorry if some of this doesn't make sense I'm typing on my phone. And it's hard to get the real Thoughts out. All I'm saying is that when you get any other breed the breeder or rescue group is more likely to be really honest with the tough part of the dog but when you come across a mOlloser or a bully breed they are like there's nothing wrong with them that is a red flag

  31. Rhea Luna, depends on where you are in Ohio. If you are in the northern part of the state you might look up Golden Retrievers In Need (GRIN). Friends and family members have had excellent experiences with the group.

  32. I need pics like these to get the other pictures, the ones of mauled people and children out of my head.
    @ rhea luna, my first dog was a shelter dog, she was a Neufie mix (mixed with a collie of some sort), she was the sweetest, most people and kid friendly dog I've seen. She was also gentle with other dogs and farm animals, I used to bring home bottle lambs and baby chicks that were not thriving and she was almost motherly with them. She did shed a lot, but I had a good vacuum. If I could have her cloned I would.

  33. She sounds absolutely lovely, Dayna. We had a wonderful collie, and the few Newfies I've met have been sugar-souled delights!

  34. Unfortunately there have been families that had their pets mauled by a pitbull that charged into their home when they opened a door to let their pet in/out and made the house a blood fest of trauma for Christmas.
    Seems the wild wild west of the early 1900's was safer and saner than 2013. Pitbulls kill more people than wild animals do....

  35. Dawn,
    Hello, and thanks for the good work. I was also looking for an email so that I could send you my APBT story, or ask where to send it so it can be shared. I will just leave it here, for you to use as you please.

    I wish I had seen info like this years ago, it would have saved me a lot of pain. And I am so luckier than most, I wasn't injured.
    About 7 years ago, I was presented with a 10-12 week old APBT puppy. More like, BIL left his favorite pup from the latest litter, for "a few weeks" in hopes we would fall in love and keep him. Stupidly, we did.

    Years before this, I had (wisely) regarded these dogs as scary killers that maim, and was afraid of being near them in general.

    But in the years between then, and having this dog left with me, I had been exposed to the "pit bull community" aka many myths and lies. I also got many new friends that had these dogs, and they were always really friendly and playful, not scary at all. I was barraged by the "bad owner" myth, and started to started to believe it, and other myths too.

    I was never totally snowed, I knew full well they could be dangerous and they are fighting dogs, but the myth of the "good owner" overcame this So, when my BIL the pup off, I figured "I know the breeder, the (dog) parents, grandparents, and Im an experienced dog owner, with a big fenced yard, no kids, and time to work with him- what could go wrong? The only objection was from my parents, who begged and pleaded for us to put him down for safety sake. But like any "too smart for advice" 23yr old, I ignored them.

    Turns out, a LOT could go wrong….

  36. The first year or so went well, we did all the "right" things: positive training, treated him like he was part of the family, walked and played vigorously, and socialized him. Etc. He seemed to be a sweet dog, friendly, got along with the cats and the chihuahua. I didn't have kids then, but wouldn't have feared for them anyway. He grew into a little larger than average size average, may be 70# with a big, but not massive, head.

    Somewhere about 1.5-2 yrs in, I was asked to dog sit my friends mini pincser, a smallish dog that was very friendly. I told her it probably was not a good idea, as I didn't think having a strange dog in the home was a good idea, even though he hadn't shown aggression to dogs. I also didn't want the extra work of keeping them separated at all times. But she begged, said no one else would take him. I reluctantly agreed.

  37. The Attack:
    The morning after she brought him over, I had the APBT in my room, and this dog in another. I took the little dog for a walk, and the neighbors pit/rott mix started barking and climbing the fence, so we rushed inside. I took off his lead, walked to go hang it up, and like lightening, my APBT burst through my door. I have no idea how he opened it, as it was closed when I went outside, I double checked.

    Before I could even react, and totally silent like a crocodile, my dog snatched up the other dog and shook it, snapping its neck. It didn't even have time to cry. It was so fast, I didn't even have time to grab anything to try to stop it. I cannot even explain how fast and quiet it was.

    I screamed. I looked around, and cursed myself for not having a gun, bat, or anything useful. All I had nearby was my chihuahuas old collar, and that dogs small lead. I grabbed them, and tried to figure out what to do, while he was chewing on the dog. I was sick. I have never seen anything like it.

    Then the APBT looked up at me. I knew I was next. Thankfully, he was distracted by his kill. My 30yr old brother came down the stairs, saw the scene and freaked out. He frantically asked what to do? Who to call? Wheres a phone? I told him we didn't have time for this, we had to act NOW. We were on the other side of the room at this time.

    The dog looked up, dropped the now chewed up dead dog, and started coming at my brother. As he lunged at my brother, I body checked him, and jumped on his back, like he was a horse. I guess my brother managed to move quick enough. I got the collar around his neck and started to choke him. He did everything to get me off. It was like being on a bucking bronco, but with teeth.

    I don't recall much, it seemed like time stood still. My brother was screaming and trying to hold the APBTs back legs, I was on the dogs back, using every bit of my strength to stacy on, not get bit, and strangle MY OWN DOG. I was crying, screaming, and terrified. His neck was so thick and strong, and my hands were tired, the collar was so small. I had my legs clamped around him as I pulled the collar tight as I could.

  38. All I can remember now was my brother begging me not to kill him, to take him to the vet to be put down, instead. I remember asking him how he thought we were gonna get this killer dog in the car and to a vet safely? It was frantic, desperate, thinking, as we had never seen anything like this, nor killed anything.

    I don't know how long it usually takes to strangle something, but I swear it took forever. The size of his neck, and my weakness made it drawn out. When I jumped on the dog, I was on one side of the large living room, but by the time the dog was dead, I had been carried all the way across that room, and half way into another. He was that strong, shaking to get me off the whole time. But when he stopped moving, then urinated and defecated, I hoped it was over.

    We weren't sure if he was dead, or just unconscious, so while I remained sitting on him, my brother went out to his car and got a thick chain and a lock. We tied him up, in case he woke up. That is how scared we were. It was bizarre, to tie up a dead dog, but we were seriously shell shocked and terrified of it, even in death.

    After about 10 min, we knew he was dead. I was still bawling. Vicious or not, it was my dog (and my husbands), which I witnessed kill and eat another dog, attack my brother, and then I killed him basically with my bare hands. I was shaking. I called a coworker, who came over and wrapped the dogs up, and took the bodies for cremation.

  39. I couldn't even look at the small dog as he was being wrapped up, he was mangled. What a sweet little guy he was, I felt horrible, evil, for his death. I have never felt such guilt, and haven't since then. Next I called my husband, and told him I killed his dog. I told him a short version and he cried. Still hysterical, I called my mom, and said "I know, you told me so! I feel like a fool", but she comforted me and talked me down. My brother just sat, shocked, for hours.

    My house was covered in blood, all over the carpet, plus the contents of both dogs intestines and bladders. It was very hot, and the smell was unique, awful, and penetrating. I called a carpet cleaner, and in tears, explained what happened, and they rushed over. An hour later, the rug was clean, and I scrubbed the walls. It was cathartic. Both dogs were cremated that same day as well.

    Never had I been so scared, so guilty, and never had I felt like such a DAMN FOOL. I knew I did everything right, why had this happened? MY DOG killed a dog in my home, busted out of a door to get to him, and then lunged at either me or my brother (we were next to each other, so I am not sure, its hazy). We were lucky to escape physical harm. Had I been alone, I don't know what would have happened. WHY had my well trained, well loved, socialized, etc, dog turned into a monster, a killing machine?

    To this day I thank heavens that the APBT was so engrossed with his kill that he did not immediately attack us, and I had time to get my brother, the collar, and make a hasty plan. Had he not been intent on eating/dismembering the dead dog, we wouldn't have been able to get far enough away, and may have been mauled, instead of just lunged at.

    Anyway, I have never been through anything so traumatic. I have had a terrifying, near death motorcycle accident, seen all kinds of horrible things, been attacked and beat up, and also raped twice. But nothing was like this. This gave me nightmares and made me doubt my own judgement, as I proved I was totally ignorant in having that dog in the first place.

    I think of how many times it could have happened, how close I was to whats basically a landline, and I cringe. I think of all the other victims that died or were disfigured, all the kids changed forever, if they even escaped with their lives. This was not reported to anyone, thus another mauling not in the statistics.

  40. Anyway, I know this is epic in length and I apologize, I have never written it down, but this seems like a fitting place to do so. I hate thinking about it, but people need to know that:


    APBT is a fast, stealth dog. That greets you with a smile and a tail wag, than eats your face off. I have been told I am mean, I shouldn't blame the breed (HA), or that its my fault for having a dog in the dogs territory (locked behind a door???). All I say to that is: I HOPE YOU DO NOT LEARN THE HARD WAY.

    Why have a dog that can KILL YOU? When there are sop many cool dogs that are sweet and not able to mail you to death.

    Well, I did own one, and I was a damn fool, an ignorant idiot, and a totally misinformed jackass that put lives at risk just by owning such an animal. I was also a 130#, thin, and not super strong, 23yr old at the time. If he had gone bizerk in public, I don't think I could have stopped himThe guilt never went away.

    But now I know better.

    (I didn't leave an email because I don't want haters to contact me, and I didn't add identifying info in case the owner of said dog reads this on an off chance, She doesn't need the horrible details of how her dog died.)

    (if you want to delete this, its OK. I put it here simply because its the newest, and also because its related to killing a APBT, which is in my story. Again, please share, and edit as needed for length, clarity, or typos. If you point me to an email, i can message you as well.)

  41. stacey, thanks for submitting for your story. i will process it as i walk my dog and comment later.
    one question, what is BIL?

  42. Dawn,

    BIL is likely brother-in-law.

    saceyjw has given us a look at life inside the world of pit bull owners. Does not look good, but we knew that. Thanks for sharing your experience staceyjw. Sorry you had to go through it, glad you learned the lesson.

    BTW, we are not "haters." You do not need to be afraid that we will contact you. Many of us are pit bull victims, our only interest is prevention of this violence.

  43. stacey, i read this again. i am impressed your ability to keep your head, do the right thing and kill the dog. those are not the details i typically read about.

    i am even more impressed that you didn't excuse the death of the small dog. that's really where it all falls part apart with a TRUE nutter.

    i will alert the 17 barks blogger to your story and give them first crack at it. 17 barks is becoming the treasury of personal pit bull stories.

    thanks again for sharing your pit bull experience.

  44. Hello,
    I hope this helps the fence sitters, the people like me that thought "sure, some pits can be dangerous, but if you raise the dog right, yours will be fine, they are great dogs." That is a LIE. And I want to show people how even when you do everything right, you can still end up with a mauling, in an instant.

    Honestly, I barely share this story, and usually only do it if I want to persuade someone to get a different breed of dog, to give up theirs when they have kids, and to support laws to restrict them.

    I don't like telling it because
    1) It is horrible and I hate to think about it. I feel the guilt that the little dog was killed, and how it hurt his owner, to this day. I feel so foolish for ever having an APBT. Its embarassing to admit this.
    2) People think I am insane for killing a dog like that (with my hands, not a gun, etc). I know it sounds crazy, but what choice did I have? and
    3) SO MANY people questioned my need to kill him, saying that I overreacted. Some even said he could be rehabilitated, and that it was "only" a dog he killed. QTAF? This is crazy. I think all dogs that attack should be put down ASAP. We have millions of unwanted animals, why save ones that hurt pets or people?

    I have no idea how anyone that claims to love animals can say its "only a dog" and blow it off. How heartless. That little dog deserved to live, his owner deserved to have her little buddy, and it was my fault for owning a dangerous breed of dog. I was so stupid. Such a FOOL.

    Also- I was in NO WAY clear headed. I was terrified, and felt that it was a "me or the dog" situation. It may sound like I kept my head, but that is simply because in writing it out, I could go back and add details as I remembered them, and put them in chronological order. At the time, it was all adrenaline and fight or flight.

    I knew he had to die the instant I saw him attack the little dog. That he had to be killed right then and there was merely logistical. Had he been able to be muzzled and taken to a vet for euthanasia, that would have been my preferred resolution. But there was NO WAY that was gonna happen.

    Anyway, I know you all are not haters. I worry about the pit nutters that read the blog.

    I will email you so if you have questions, I can answer them.

  45. Staceyjw;
    You displayed immense courage, and so many pit owners are totally ineffectual when their pits berserk.
    They enjoy the implied threat and show of physical and psychological (laugh) mastery over an aberrant, anomalous creature, that is, until blood starts flying.I believe you are the first I've heard of to actually risk your life.
    It's a sickening account and I'm so sorry you had to undergo it. But, I admire your courage and decisiveness in finishing the terrible job, and publicizing the event in an effort to reveal the horrifying potential of these murdering animals. Best wishes, and any pitters intending to harass you in their reprehensible (and totally rote manner) are sincerely invited to offer their lunacy here, instead.

  46. Staceyjw;
    You displayed immense courage, and so many pit owners are totally ineffectual when their pits berserk.
    They enjoy the implied threat and show of physical and psychological (laugh) mastery over an aberrant, anomalous creature, that is, until blood starts flying.I believe you are the first I've heard of to actually risk your life.
    It's a sickening account and I'm so sorry you had to undergo it. But, I admire your courage and decisiveness in finishing the terrible job, and publicizing the event in an effort to reveal the horrifying potential of these murdering animals. Best wishes, and any pitters intending to harass you in their reprehensible (and totally rote manner) are sincerely invited to offer their lunacy here, instead.

    1. Oops, sorry! I guess I thought it needed saying twice!

  47. there were more parts to stacey's story sitting in the comment spam folder. i JUST noticed it. time to reread.

  48. To Jake on 17Barks ;
    Your verse poem, Legion, is outstanding. Evocative and shiveringly powerful.
    Beautiful work. I'm unable to get onto 17 Barks, so hope you read my appreciation here. More in future, I hope!

  49. you are the second person that i know of who can not access 17 barks. wtf is going on? jake, you need to look into this.

  50. I want to thank everyone who gave advice about dogs. I have heard of grin. They are nearby and on my radar. Thanks.

    1. I am looking around and won't be adopting this year but next because of a few hurdles to getting a dog

  51. My husband was wondering the risk of a 10 year old tripod pitbull? I say it's just funny looking and probably harmless but all pits are a risk. He says at this age and disabled she's a low risk if any. Any input from the experts? I'd just as well avoid it.

  52. i'm no expert but i would say the risk is lower at age 10 but risk will persist until death or unless the mutant sheds all of its teeth.

    i saw a three legged pit bull at a waterfront dog park once playing with its dirt bag owner. and the toy? a very thick 4+ foot piece of drift wood. the three legged mutant retrieved the drift wood from the water with the greatest of ease. i wish i would have had a video camera back then but in the old days i was only packing heat and not a phone.

  53. Check this out: a new children's book about a child loving fight bust pit bull! These people have NO shame! http://www.galunker.com/

  54. Pit bulls routinely continue to fight with broken legs and assorted other injuries that will shortly prove fatal.

    A missing leg is no deterrent. I would avoid the risk.

  55. Definitely skip the tripod pitbull. Why not go for a gentler breed instead? There's plenty of misfortunate non-pit breeds that need homes and won't tear you up when their breed instincts kick in.

  56. You are absolutely sick and need professional help. Human aggression towards animals is an early warning sign for aggression against other humans. What you are doing here is disturbing.

  57. Just read though all if this and the comment story. The mention of them saying "it's just a dog" throws me into a fury! I'll never forget my ex and his family screaming that at me. The murderous beast they had that's left a trail of carnage everywhere he went was more important than child safety. My stepson opened the door he was behind because he was a six year old boy who shouldn't have to worry about these things. That frankenmauler slammed him to the ground and trapped him underneath as he tried to add my dog to his growing body count. I'll never forget the sound of him crying and screaming! At first it was agreed something had to be done about him. For clarification this was my BIL's beast. A decision I was against in the first place was made to rent a huge multifamily home. I heard the carnage stories always with "reasons". In three months I witnessed two more attacks to his own buddy he'd co-habitated with for two years uneventfully. I honestly don't know how the other dog didn't lose his back leg after the first attack. The second, I seen the whole thing. Other dog was minding his own business across the yard. The beast, aptly named "Capone", was laying down, just leapt up, flew across the yard, slammed him into the side of the house, and tried ripping out his throat! Lucky for the other dog his collar was so thick and big he couldn't sink in enough. Two grown men, one a pro MMA fighter and the other the leader of the cell extraction team tried everything. The beast was eight years and built like a tank. They couldn't choke him off. In one hit to the shoulders with a baseball bat it snapped in half with the top half landing in the neighbors yard. He didn't even flinch! I tried to fix the situation with a knife but they wouldn't let me. I told my ex it was me and our son or the dog. If I had any right to I would've taken my stepson too! If anyone should've been using the words "it's just a dog", it should've been me!!! After leaving,I called both animal control and cps. The BIL would fall asleep on the couch while his one year old daughter climbed all over him! Both calls fell on deaf ears...
