Saturday, May 18, 2013

purpose bred dogs

nutters were successful at bullying liveleak. the video is gone for now. in the mean time, here is a still photo from the purpose bred dogs exercising their purpose.



  1. Utterly bizarre behavior for anything other than a fighting breed puppy.

  2. Pit bull genetics, hard at work.

    If they get "rehabbed" the pit bull dog will be so loving and gentle for a while, then one unsuspecting day, there will be the blood of the other family dog or toddler all over the living room carpet.

    BLOOD EVERYWHERE. That's the popular quote when a witness describes a scene where a pit bull berserks.


  3. nice . no wonder these dogs are so popular and have a huge following of idiots defending them and trying to protect them . such blood lust is a wonderfull thing .

  4. oh c'mon haters, these puppies were TRAINED to fight!

  5. I'm assuming the owner of the puppies uploaded this. I wonder why they would do that?


  6. proud of course .

    nutters are always in denial but its obvious that they know what their mutants are all about .

  7. "They were trained to fight" Rofl!

    "No dog is born aggressive"

    'There's no such thing as an a "mean gene."'

    Another purpose bred dog about the same size:

    Been on this earth 10 weeks and:

    Just makes that pit bull hereditary behavior look all the more gross.

  8. I've seen pups as young as ten weeks hook it up like grown dogs, get broken off and scream to scratch back into each other. It's unusual but not really uncommon. I would guess that makes it really unpopular with Neonutters as it blows up the "they're trained to fight" fantasy.

  9. TS,

    I think these idiots' fantasies are pretty bomb proof. OD mentioned a litter of puppies fighting being described on a site that bitches about, I mean exposes, Eric, a pit bull rescuer who is an asshole.

    In the course of one bitch about Eric, a dedicated foster mommy describes all the puppies in a litter seriously fighting each other but only in the context of showing how Eric didn't care for them correctly.

    There is no hint of concern about allowing these things to be adopted out! It is incredible.

  10. Un freaking believable. I wonder if you could sell them on the idea that rain is actually dragon piss?

  11. Quoting Alexandra Semyonova:

    There is no training that will counteract genetically determined behaviors. See (for example) the Brelands on behavioral drift, as well as my paper: Semyonova

    Pit bull puppies are quite commonly so aggressive at the age of five weeks already that they have to be separated or they will kill each other. I've seen many pit bull puppies terrify adult dogs already at the age of eight weeks. Others have seemed fine until their sixth or seventh month, at which point they suddenly tried to kill a playmate they'd been fine with until then. And so on, including family pit bulls that suddenly killed a child or an adult owner at the age of five or eight years.

    Several of the genes involved in this sudden, pathological aggression have been identified. The differences in brain structure and chemistry that they cause are clear (training doesn't fix deviant brain structures). The mechanism -- why the genes activate when they do -- hasn't been figured out yet.

  12. Looks like the white one is a bait pupppy.

  13. Oops! Early morning typing fingers. Put an extra "p" in "puppy."

    And, show of hands, has anyone had a non-pit puppy that acted like this? I sure haven't!

    If anything, puppies just want to play nice and have fun. They're not into killing other puppies.

  14. Nice scissor ear crops on those puppies. Everything about that video is gross.

  15. The brown one will no doubt sell for big bucks, being so game at a young age. The scumbags probably made this video as an advertisement for the sale of their litters. Already have their DIY ear crop too.

  16. They are such loving dogs they just do it to please their owners.........

    My pit bull story of the week-
    One of my friends is a Veterinarian. She called me on her way home from work on Saturday to say that just as she was about to go into surgery on a dog some people rushed in with their Min Pin- whos intestines were hanging out. You guessed it, it had been attacked by their own pit bull. Last week they brought in their Shih Tzu D.O.A. who had also been killed by their pit bull, but since they "did not see it happen" were not going to lay the blame on the dog. It is her hope they will bring the pit bull in to be euthanized but she says more likely they will just give it to someone else.

    These dogs walk amongst us most with people who think a cookie and a time out is how you "train" a dog.

    I can not even fathom the pet massacre numbers at the jaws of pit bulls since this kind of thing is not typically reported.

  17. And to think how many "animal welfare people" promote the adoption of pit bulls into homes with cats and normal dogs. It's just incredible.

  18. Packhorse, one of the things I found shocking when reading the SPBR truth page was how many people were willing to let their cats be sacrificial guinea pigs with the foster pit bulls.


  19. YQN

    regular pups will fight a bit but of course its like your normal dog fight in miniature. nothing like baby mutants trying to tear parts off.

    yeah, the white one is garbage, it can be sold to the dingbat crowd where it will be sweet and good for years and then kill someone .



    the ugly truth is that most people who get pitbulls are turned on by what they do . maybe they dont exactly want their cat or their rotten kid to get shredded but these cretins are not very good at making sensible choices . if they want it , they get it , and thats it . they may think the mutant will never hurt them or their pets , just other peoples , then when it happens they say it never hurt anything before . lies of course . ive heard those lies over and over .

  21. YQN, bait puppy. LOL!

    surely the mini pin and the shih tzu provoked poor pibble.

    yeah snarky, they are turned on by it. if not by the act, just by the idea that their dogs are capable of it. they take a lot of pride in the fact that their 50 lb undog can woop ass on bigger dogs, horses, cows and cars. the people are sicker than the dogs.

  22. @sputnik -

    That genetic link is fascinating, and I'd love to see further research in this area, as I have an acquaintance or two who claim that they have not come across any evidence that pit bull genetics are responsible for the sudden, random, unpredictable violence. I should think further research into this subject would be a worthy subject for some generous amounts of grant money, provided the nutters are kept from corrupting the process.

  23. I would have never thought any breed of very young puppies could actually be repulsive, but here it is. Disgusting little monsters... A litter of evil trash that already needs to be put down.

  24. Sputnik, the next time you're in conversation with your friends who don't believe genetics are responsible for canine behavior obliquely ask a few questions. Focus the conversation on retrievers and herding or pointing breeds. Tell a story about a dog from one of those groups wanting to do what they do all day long. Then just as an after thought ask what do you think would make them want to do that, that the dog wasn't trained for it, etc. Avoid phrasing the questions as "why" and "feel" in favor of "what" and "think". Since you aren't asking about their breed and asking in an objective non threatening way you'll likely get an honest answer. All you need to do is misdirect their focus and keep the questions soft rather than challenging.

  25. At the beginning of the video you could hear a little child in the backround. Terrifying. He/she may very well be sacrificed to the pup when he's a little bigger. And yeah, the cropped ears, you KNOW what those dogs are being bred for.

  26. Here ya go. These are little 9 week old puppies:

    "I heard a horrific noise coming from the pen, and found all the pups embroiled in a full on attack on each other. The main pup being attacked was Finn. I had a vinegar & water spray bottle that I used but it did nothing. They were unfazed by that. My husband intervened and got injured trying to get them off of each other, and Finn. He required stitches and a tetanus shot. Finn was bloody from head to toe and I took him to my vet.

    The fights escalated in severity, to the point where mace, hosing, even powerwashing didn't separate them once "locked on". The fights were vicious and to the death, and my 5 year old daughter cried hysterically every time she witnessed one. Once they started fighting I could not let Sophia anywhere near them. I couldn't take that chance. Toward the end, I had them separated the best I could and some of them were living in my garage. It's heartbreaking to recall."

    They're all grown up now and out in a community near you.

  27. "They're all grown up now and out in a community near you."


  28. Anyone find this amusing?

    The dog's owner sent the pit bull outside and her brother had a friend shoot the pit bull and another dog on the property.

    The home owner said the PIT BULL HAD ALL OF ITS SHOTS. LOLOL!

    I can agree with the last statement. ;)

  29. LOL! New meaning to the question, has the pit bull had all of its required shots? A: Not if its breathing.

  30. Yeah, LOL. The most important shot they gave a few minutes too late.

  31. That was really funny!

    The kind of shots all pit bulls should have!

  32. The lead preservative in those shots is linked to bleeding though.


  33. its totally the owner responsibility to give their dog shots as needed , the police or even the general public should not have to do this . there r no bad dogs just stupid pitbull owners , ban the deed not the breed . let idiots know they are banned from letting their mutants be mutants . there r no aggressive breeds . dashunds and chihuahuas are the most agressive breeds but pitbulls arent even a breed . theyr amazing beautifull animals ,get to know one and you will never go back to anckebiters. they will rip your face off.


  34. SORRY ....playing dingbats advocate

  35. There are no bad pit bulls, only bad pit bulls owners. So, lets regulate pit bull ownership ;) I would agree. For example, opium poppies are only regulated in terms of human cultivation.


  36. if there are no bad pitbulls howcome they are so damn popular ? its not the gorgeous brindling or the shit-eating or the couch peeing that makes them americas favorite mutant . without the aggression and the possibility of bloodshed , they are just a huge ugly overgrown rat .

    1. Love it! The first time I laid eyes on one, not familiar with the breed or its history, my first thought was, "My God, what a butt-ugly creature-what combination IS that?!" It seemed to exude stupidity and menace, its eyes expressionless and staring--Yes-its owner must have to overlook its appearance to concentrate on matters of graver importance

  37. Wasn't there a recent pit bull attack where a pit was taking a dump on the sofa so the owner swatted the pit to get off the sofa and take his dump outside. WELL, I suppose the pit did refrain from taking his dump on the sofa and instead began berzerking on the owner until she had to have her friend shoot it.

    Lucky for them they had a gun in the home or they'd have had to get midevil on it with steak knives.


  38. i agree with debbie bell that pitters lack empathy for their victims . she asks pitters to imagine a pitbull machine that cruelly attacks and kills their pitbulls . i think this is VERY good but unnecessary. why not just imagine another bigger and stronger pitbull making mincemeat of their precious pibbles ? maybe then they could understand why we hate them and their wretched mutants so much .

  39. rumps
    i like your idea of getting medievil on mutants with a steak knife.

    mine has a real cool serrated edge, perfect for emergency blood letting on a medievil scale .

  40. Fortunately for me my older dog doesn't like pits and for good reason. My younger one, I don't know what he'd do.

    If a pit ended up in my home, my older one would probably tear it apart as soon as it displayed aggression.

    I already know my dogs let other dogs onto my property because I've gone outside to find strays playing with my dogs in my backyard. LOL! But never a pit.

  41. @ Rumpelstiltskin,

    Your dogs have good taste.


  42. i have a highly trained M.A.D. (mutant alert dog) . due to several mutant attacks in my family and friends, i saw a need for a dog to be on guard at all time for ugly mutants and their freakish human acomplices. he is a cross between dashund, a chihuahua and a vicious cocker spanial... the very worst of the ankle biters.


  43. the very BEST of the ankle-biters , i shouldve said .... love it when i see pitters limping along to the tattoo parlour or the beer and wine store .

  44. I guess YouTube pulled the video or the Nutters are reading and had it removed? I saw earlier that the link was broken. LOL

  45. LOL the cover up. They can hide this video but they can't hide all the attacks by pitbulls. They sure as hell try though.

    The pit nutter propaganda campaign has been running at full tilt for so long. I really do believe it's a cult.

  46. It's good to see that the management of Craven Desires had the foresight to make alternate arrangements for the video.

    There appears to be some sort of corruption at youtube, what with the mysterious disappearance of so many videos that illustrate the facts about pit bulls.

    Perhaps it's just a culture of corporate cowardice which dictates a heavy-handed, knee jerk reaction to appease complaining pit freaks.

    In any case, it's a bad thing for free and open public discourse when threats from the pit freaks can silence the truth and trump the public's right to know.

  47. the management has all sorts of things up its sleeve.

    funny how that video was on youtube for 8 months and i gave it some exposure and poof, it's gone.

    it's even funnier how these bleeding heart rescue angels never flag the old timer dogmen tribute videos that have still images glorifying dog fighting but a little scuffle breaks out amongst gripper puppies and all hell breaks lose.

  48. We itching to kill, that's why our peds are for real
    Stick to the drill and maybe we'll be gripping your heel
    The clip'll get spilled, dump us on a ditch or a hill.
    Because the pitbull nutter ought to be fillin' his will.

    And y'all is always breeding a new bitch when we kill
    'Cause we the gamest mother******* dogs in the field.

  49. It's some real pittie nutters runnin' riot tonight
    All your limbs and your a**
    gettin' got tonight
    Or somebody in the yard gettin' mauled tonight
    Pit bulls, grippin' dogs keep it hot tonight

    You're brainless, ya'll don't wanna test Nanny Dog's patience.
    I lock jaws and swing swords of the ancients
    Ya'll pretended to understand what game is
    Without attempting to understand its basics

  50. OMG


  51. somehow i dont think the owner of the 3 mutants taught them this behaviour . she just kept them and figured they were nice doggies that would only lick someone to death not bite them to death with those big teeth and powerfull jaws . but really , how often do normal pet dogs kill anyone unless they are fucking pitbulls? its almost unheard of , and when it does happen there probably is some tangible reason that would explain it , not condone it . unlike shitbulls that do it cuz they were bred for it .

  52. 13th Piticide for 2013...Averaging one every 10.23 days.

    By golly, they just might be breeding mankillers!

  53. Yeah, pit bulls are going for a record. Sad to see and you can only imagine how many were attacked but not killed. That number has to be much higher too.

  54. It's amazing that Nutters think that any dog that gets loose will go on a killing spree. Except it almost never happens - unless it's a Pit Bull.
    Oh, I know - it's "media bias". As if a miniature poodle mauling someone would somehow NOT make the news. The media is so biased that they run stories about pit bull kissing booths, and a pit bull with chicks on his head, and pit bull apologist editorials - sometimes right next to the story about a kid being mauled to death.

  55. I love the nutter comment on orangedog's post that Merritt Clifton ought to educate himself. LMAO!

    Oh so intelligent nutter comment...

    "I have 3 pitbulls and they are the SWEETEST dogs ever. I hate this ****. Everyone putting down the breed. It's these **** who don't know how to raise them. If you think pitbulls are bad dogs then honestly go **** yourself!"

    So what do you hate, nutter? That dogs killed an elderly man or the fact the news reported it?

  56. They hate that their lies are being exposed and that maybe they haven't really tamed their sweet pit bull who might turn on them. So they get defensive. They don't care at all about the victims except that they threaten their little lion tamer fantasy world.
    I laughed at the Nutter telling Merritt to educate himself too. I guess if it doesn't come from Karen Delise or another of their bully gods, they don't know who they are.

  57. Here's one of those stories the median NEVER reports. Check out the serious mauling a Chihuahua gave this cop - I mean, he almost needed a bandaid!

    I think every time a Nutter makes a stupid comment about how other dog bites are not reported, we should all link this story.

  58. That was supposed to say media. LOL

  59. Hey Dawn, did you see this video?


  60. i think pitbulls are like the canaries in the coal mine . when people start dying like they are, one every ten days or so and the general public , the authorities , and especially the people who defend pitbulls , dont have a big problem with this ? people being eaten alive by dogs bred for carnage and the perps just make cooing noises ? the authorities just worried about political correctness, offending some tattooed dingbat ? the public still duped by the pitbull fanatics that pitbulls are innocent victims. im telling you , its a bad sign when this can be happening like it is .

  61. packhorse, you nailed it.
    "So what do you hate, nutter? That dogs killed an elderly man or the fact the news reported it? "

    this is why we call them nutters.

    orangedog, i wonder how they managed to keep that animal cruelty video up long enough for it to go viral? LOL!
    and a FIVE dog limit? that's insane. it should be 2 or 3. actually i think 3 is too many.

    snarky, yep political correctness is the biggest threat to society.

  62. Picture in todays LA Times of one of the Pit Bulls that is awaiting DNA testing from last weeks fatal attack.

    Looks like a Lab Pointer mix......,0,227749.story

  63. Definitely a Puggle or a Scottish Terrier mix.

  64. which killer is this? i need a score card to keep track of the fatalities this year.

  65. Orangedog,

    Isn't it obvious, that's a Border Collie and Peruvian Inca Orchid mix. LOL!

  66. Dawn,

    That is one of the dogs from the Palmdale, CA killing from last week.

    One of the TV reporters from the local Fox affiliate-Christina Gonzalez was doubting it was pit bulls. She said in her broadcasts prior to the dogs being rounded up, "people say they are pit bulls but I am going to wait until I see them".
    In another of her reports she said they were"pit bull mixes, shepherd mixes, bulldog mixes".

    I wonder if that photo is proof enough for her?

    (here is one news clip)

    LOL Rumpelstiltsken, a Peruvian Inda Orchid mix, of course! I see those Peruvians running loose all the time...


  67. read one woman say her pit would feel bad about people demonizing the pitbull breed . another claims his pitbull attacked some man because of the mans bad attitude . its like you better think nice things and have love in your heart otherwise a pitbulls gonna get you and its gonna be your fault . these people remind me of spoiled nasty children . just what you dont need in charge of potentially lethal fighting dogs .

  68. Oh, I see it now! What I thought was a mangy Pit in that previous post is obviously a Mexican Hairless mix!

  69. Snarky-

    Your comment reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode.(It's a Good Life)

    It seems that the person who made the comment you referenced think pit bulls are like the boy who "wishes you into the cornfield for having bad thoughts". Happy happy thoughts when one is around pit bulls or else.

    Here are some scenes from that episode for those who are not familiar with it-

  70. Lol, remember it well because it's good! It's real good. Bill Mumy even referenced it in one of Barnes and Barnes songs.

  71. lol. i'm a twilight zone junkie. about a year ago, fuzupf's panties were in a twist because david letterman made a joke about pit bulls. i set out to blog it. letterman's head was destined for a jack in the box to be placed in a cornfield with a 3 headed gopher and lines from that episode. but as luck would have it, something else came along. most of my ideas never make it on craven. i would need a staff to execute them all.

  72. oh, that's right. the 63 yr old jogger with the weirdo husband.

  73. TWZ, Outer Limits (original and new), got them all. I don't watch TV but I have a room full of DVDs. I still miss my man Rod.

  74. We have GOT to create a Randall spoof of pit bull videos. I hope you saved this gem somehow!

  75. Packhorse, can we put your inspired poem on Pit Bull Poet Laureate?

  76. Oh, that's more appropriated lyrics. The rapper Jedi Mind Tricks is known for his over-the-top threats of bodily harm, so he's perfect for pitter verses. All I have to do is change a few words here or there and you have perfect gripping dog prose.


  77. could the term "niggah dawgs" be used in a rap verse without being offensive ?

  78. Rap music is offensive as a rule, how could it get worse?


  79. yep, rappers and niggah dawgs go together like peas and carrots

  80. snarky, i think i know you well enough to know that you are just being provocative but you have to remember, pit nutters have zero critical thinking skills, no understanding of sarcasm and interpret the world with the simple mind of a child. you will send the wrong message to the wrong people.


  81. heard the term " give a dog a bad name" ?

    i keep being called ignorant by ignoramus's who think that bull dogs were "bread" to look after children and who think its okay to inflict your stupidity on others. these types really seem to have a twisted sense of whats right and whats wrong .

    yeah, its not nice to generalize , but when i see a dude with a mutant, im probably gonna generalize. i dont care if said mutant is sad due to all de folk dat r scared dat he a mean dawg .

  82. packhorse, see what you can do with these king crimson lyrics.


    The wall on which the prophets wrote
    Is cracking at the seams.
    Upon the instruments if death
    The sunlight brightly gleams.
    When every man is torn apart
    With nightmares and with dreams,
    Will no one lay the laurel wreath
    As silence drowns the screams.

    Between the iron gates of fate,
    The seeds of time were sown,
    And watered by the deeds of those
    Who know and who are known;
    Knowledge is a deadly friend
    When no one sets the rules.
    The fate of all mankind I see
    Is in the hands of fools.

    Confusion will be my epitaph.
    As I crawl a cracked and broken path
    If we make it we can all sit back
    and laugh.
    But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,
    Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.

  83. Was there a link to a video here?

  84. Oh, that's awesome, I love that song and King Crimson. I'll work on it today. For the record, I also enjoy rap and Jedi Mind Tricks. I'm very eclectic, I like stuff in just about every genre.

  85. Between the iron jaws of fate,
    The fruit of genes were grown,
    And watered by the lies of those
    Who know but have not shown:
    Pit dogs are a deadly friend
    When myths become the rules.
    The fate of all canines I see
    Is in the hands of fools.

    I'm thinking the first and third verses can stay the same. They are open enough to fit with the theme.

    The pit puppy video should be uploaded to Staffordshires Online.

    1. Sorry ive been through alot since i started that site. I plan to update and expand it soon. I am still 100% in favor of the extinction of all land sharks.

  86. oh packhorse, that is outstanding! you and vintage are really gifted.

    i am working on the video.

  87. i despise this new blogger editor. it is a nightmare for a typographer. sometimes i can not control the fucking spaces between images and text.


  88. dat dude didnt seem to like his baby pit being shown up by dat udder older mutant. he said " get de fuck outa here!!!" to dat dingbat who wus laffin at his pitpup. she wus kinda dissing his "niggah dawg" to be.

  89. Hey Dawn,

    Is it possible to host your own videos through blogspot using something like jwplayer to play them? I have a tee ball game to go to, but I can dig around a bit tonight.

    As far as the new vid, the nuttress thought it hilarious to unwind the leash on her little piranha so it could get the other dog. What an asshole for doing that and thinking it so funny.

  90. im a-okay with a dingbat siccing her mutant on another pitters younger smaller mutant . just another dog fight and its "the strong that survive ". ..... its not like dey was "bread" for nothing else . i can see why dat dude wus pissed though ....dissed n pissed . one day dat baby pit is gonna get his revenge on de world and he will be king of de hood . man .

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Pit on pit violence is almost acceptable compared to pit on normal dog violence or pit on children and elderly violence.

    At least seemingly gentle pits can tap into their genetics and fight a pit that's been fighting since 4 weeks old. Many docile breeds don't have it in them to fight back and are confused why the pit won't stop attacking even when he's submitted. By then it's too late and the normal dog gets mauled to death and a burial or a trip to the incinerator.

    Not to mention the really young children and elderly who can't defend themselves. I've noticed most of the pit attacks people that have lead to deaths were on either the really young or the elderly.

  93. Rump,

    There have been quite a few adult males between the ages of 16 and 50 killed by a single pit bull.

  94. "My God, what a butt-ugly creature-what combination IS that?!" It seemed to exude stupidity and menace, its eyes expressionless and staring--Yes-its owner must have to overlook its appearance to concentrate on matters of graver importance

    holy moly what an awesome comment. you inspired me.
