Friday, January 30, 2015

Mexico Mutant GALUNKER

one of those ugly hippo type pit bulldog mutants invoking his latent DNA.


  1. Look, it's the sequel to Galunker!

  2. I live close to one that snarls at everybody and everything that walks by. They keep it contained which is good for them and it. I'll kill it if it ever gets out, it's pit bull mixed with an American bulldog. Big, UGLY, and vicious. One girl who lives with the couple that owns J.R. has two kids. My son has become friends with the kids. She understands that my son can't come over there to play. She keeps her own kids away from the dog when they have to be home. She's looking for a place, can't stand not feeling safe or being confined to their own rooms. She told me today how the owners have also had snakes and have carnivorous fish. It made me wonder if the majority of pit bull owners enjoy animals that eat living things. Gee, I prefer the prey animals as pets, and they might eat insects but are mostly vegetarian.

  3. I hate these maulers with a passion. Every time I see one of these harmless little dogs getting tortured by a mauler I want to skin the fucking pit freaks alive.

    This video and others like it need to be preserved, and can hopefully help make people aware of the nightmare these idiots have caused.

    1. Wish we could set upa table at e every pit bull awareness day, showing videos like that. Peoole need to see what good pits can do.

  4. "It made me wonder if the majority of pit bull owners enjoy animals that eat living things."

    i noticed that many of them like snakes and i have wondered that very same thing too trisha.

  5. The little movie is playing again. I wish there had been some redemption in this one, like a bang bang bang in the end. Where is Justice Mule when you need him?

  6. How and why did those people all just stand there and watch this vicious animal kill that harmless, skinny, homeless dog? What is wrong with people? Shoot that dog first thing! Get the police and shoot. Obviously, that heavy harness did absolutely nothing to keep that dog controlled. Ignorant, selfish people to take a dog like that out in public.

  7. Love how all the tough guy pit bull owners always stand there wringing their hands like a pre-schooler when their dogs attack another dog. Suddenly all the macho men look like their about to wet their pants.

    All I ever see in these videos is a bunch of limp-wristed man-boys afraid of their own dogs.

  8. Look at Bloato the Gladiator Dog prevail over a little starveling. Imagine the pride it's perverted keeper feels as the cur screams its last weak breath away.
    Muerte en Vida, to all you impotent pricks and the walking tumors you employ to prop yourselves up.

  9. It's pretty messed up, people are like, "I have a pit bull and snakes". They should get a few cobras, maybe the snakes would get out and take care of the idiotic owners and their killer dogs.

  10. So, should this hot-dog be on the BSL list?

  11. i think that ugly little dog must have gone viral. i bet you are the 6th or 7th person to send me that link.

  12. Doxies can be noisy, but when they're not, I find them kind of cute and sweet. That thing is so unnatural and ugly. I don't even hate cold pit bulls, they're ok, and can be cute too. I honestly think that mix is the ugliest little dog I've ever seen. As for BSL and it, no, how about common decency keeps people from breeding it to begin with?

    If not, I'm still in favor of giving people who breed things with pits a cobra, and letting nature take care of it.

  13. For all of you pit bull haters. This is the outcome of both your hatred and the wrong owners of these dogs. I am not what you do crudely call a pit nutter, but I can appreciate them. I do love them and nope, no attacks, that I know of. In fact, the Golden Retrievers can get aggressive. If my own puppy had not warned them off, I would have given the owner two seriously injured dogs.

    It is not just pit bulls. German Shepards, Rottweilers, dobermans. Any dog can get aggressive enough to kill.

    Personally, I am not interested in seeing pit bulls die, because of a few people such as yourselves (By the way, poodles are the worst. Irritating, yapping little monsters with such a fear of bigger dogs, that it is ridiculous) and those who breed them for baiting and fighting. They don't feed them well, they antagonise them, enclose them.

    These are the people responsible. Keep the dog, stop the baiting and the fighting. Breed them for the noble breed they are.

    Don't use them as nanny dogs. A dog cannot replace a human. Keep them as family dogs. Feed them raw meats.

    Healthy food, healthy mind. Understand the breed, be the master.

    I have a mastiff. It is the Staffies that play with her. Poodles, etc, want to tear her apart. She is only a few months old.

  14. Pit bulls are beautiful. They are cuddly, sweet, loyal and extremely intelligent. I don't own one, but know of a few. The dogs that upset me are poodles, and even more do, their owners who excuse their dog's aggression towards my mastiff
