A dog who ran out the front door and barked at an officer was shot five times. She was rushed to the veterinarian where she was euthanized.
staci chiaese has a long history with animal control and the police in temecula. police had recently served a warrant and several months ago, animal control attempted to remove the dogs from her home because there had been so many problems. at the time of the shooting, plain clothes officers saw staci's felonious spawn in the yard and stopped to talk to him. you see, it is the job of the police officers to monitor PAROLEES. staci opened the door and the pit bull escaped and was ultimately shot because of the idiots who own it NOT because of some sort of police conspiracy against pit bulls. the animal control director said they have been "extremely concerned about the dogs". staci chiaese said she installed an electric fence and the dead pit was wearing the shock collar when she was shot. a lot of good an electric fence does for someone who is already in the yard. and if the pit bull wanted something on the other side of that shock bad enough, it would ignore the pain of the shock (compliments of nathan quinn's heroes). "court recognized pit bull expert" jere alexander on the effectiveness of electric fencing. (rocky gave her that title, not me. i don't know if she is or isn't)
jere alexander on electric fences:
i used to think chains were awful - i thought it meant neglected dogs - but i completely changed my mind after having a pit bull. some of them can't be contained in other ways, and i really think the dogs do better and get better exercise on a chain than in a small crate or kennel. i have one in the house which is great, but only one can be in the house 
also i don't like chain lines - they aren't strong enough and can get wrapped around something more easily. i have had some luck though with electric livestock fencing - a few of strands around a big area - with dogs that aren't very determined to leave. i don't like the underground electric fencing because those collars get expensive for multiple dogs and they chew them up like candy.

also i don't like chain lines - they aren't strong enough and can get wrapped around something more easily. i have had some luck though with electric livestock fencing - a few of strands around a big area - with dogs that aren't very determined to leave. i don't like the underground electric fencing because those collars get expensive for multiple dogs and they chew them up like candy.