at a street festival yesterday, an ugly mutant pit fighter named PARROT attacked a passing poodle. three people were bitten trying to break up the fight. the pit dog was appropriately shot by police. PARROT was the property of lucky dog animal rescue but was currently in foster care. you can see his petfinder profile here. let me know when this link goes dead so i can upload the pdf in its place. note the lack of warning about other dogs and the clear pit bull designation. in the washington post, PARROT is being passed off as another fighting dog, a shar-pei mix. the foster nutter must have been in shock.
here's the real kicker, luckydoganimalrescue had a table set up at the street festival and was trying to pimp this wiggle butt off on the festival attendees!
according to PARROT'S petfinder page, "His idea of saying hello is affectionately running up and butting his head into you!" and if you are a snack sized poodle, HIS TEETH! PARROT is " very tolerant and full of character!" apparently not so tolerant of people trying to lead him away from his poodle entree. PARROT is "very strong and still working on his leash manners". woops, not anymore! although the petfinder description doesn't prohibit kids, they are pimping this "perfect, pint-sized playmate" to a "bachelor" or "young couple". PARROT was a bargain at $280!
VICTIM STATEMENT: Sushi, the poodle-bichon mix attempted to sniff the pit fighter as they passed each other and PARROT took offense. the pit nutters have been claiming there was no blood or injuries. Sushi suffered two broken bones and a large gash. he may need surgery.
Craven...it gets even better!
You see, a "spokeperson" for the owner (the rescue group) sent an e-mail to the DC ist making accusations against the cop. According to the "spokesperson", the pit bull owner was not trying to pry the dogs jaws off of the poodle, as some witnesses have posted on line...here is the explanation..
"Today, there was an unexpected scuffle between Parrot and a poodle. Aaron, subdued Parrot, who was wearing both a leash and a harness. To do so, he placed his hands in Parrot's mouth and held it open, which he has done when Parrot gets overexcited when romping in the apartment. As it had in the past, this calmed Parrot down."
That must be a brand new dog training trick! You "calm a dog down" by sticking your hand in its mouth and holding its jaws open! I have never heard of that one!
dan savage is right. you DO have to fail an IQ test to own one of these dogs.
so much bullshit in this "spokesperson's" statement:
"Photo I took maybe a minute before he preceded to pick up the dog, throw it down the stairs and shoot it. It was by far the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in my life"
the photo was taken indoors without a harness, maybe without the collar. you can't see the neck with that big ugly head. conflicts with the statement about parrot being on a collar and harness.
the description of the cop lifting the dog off of the ground conflicts with EYEWITNESS report in the news clip that the cop was trying to lead the dog away and the ugly fucker was trying to bite the cop.
and of the unexpected SCUFFLE. when an attack is considered UNEXPECTED, that's a pretty good indication that the person handling the pit or owning the pit is an idiot.
hey nutters, if you keep your mutants chained up in the woods, this shit won't happen.
amazing the quotes are not even correct - wow that takes talent - quite impressive
which quotes are you referring to?
I wish we could hear from the poodle's owner.
Damn. The "I open the dog's mouth to calm him..." lie is outrageous. They have NO shame.
It needs to be made clear to these morons that most people consider these dogs to be a threat, and as such, if they own one, it is more likely to be shot or otherwise killed if they don't keep it contained. STUPID SELFISH IDIOTS.
According to witnesses, the "foster parent" kept telling everyone that he was "not the owner" again and again. I wonder if his landlord or insurance agent knows he is "fostering" aggressive pit bulls?
If the pit bull had on a leash AND a harness, why wasn't the handler able to gain control of him? Obviously, the poodle was small, and could be easily pulled away from the pit bull with its leash. Its obvious what happened....just like witnesses described, the pit bull grabbed the poodle and would NOT LET GO.
And notice how the handler and rescue org carefully parse their words....that Parrot loved people...they don't want to tell you that he was dog aggressive. They felt it perfectly acceptable to put other dogs at risk.
These pro pit imbeciles can't even acknowledge the facts of these incidents when it happens right in front of their own fucking eyes!
The foster of the pit mauler doesn't have a leg to stand on. The bottom line is that he failed to control his mutant when it launched its attack. Not only did he fail to prevent escalation at the onset, he failed to bring the mauler under control prior to the officer's arrival. After all, it's not like the officer was standing right there at the ready - he had to travel through the crowd to even reach the location where the sustained attack had been in progress for sometime.
Not only is this more proof these fucktards are unable to comprehend and admit the nature of pit bulls, they're unable to manage aggression when their ugly pieces of shit show themselves for what they are. My money says the handler went limp writsted and weak-kneed for awhile as the initial “shock” delayed reaction. More of my money says I can puncture both lungs and have a pit bulls head half off before the average pit bull owner can collect themselves at the onset of a surprise attack. If this handler would have reacted quickly and gotten control of his mauler, the pit obviously wouldn’t have been shot. But now these jerk wads are attempting to turn the whole ISSUE into a POLICE ISSUE – an issue that avoids the whole fact of the matter – that these UGLY FUCKING PIT BULLS DON’T BELONG IN SOCIETY! The officer is nothing less than a hero in my book. I'd gladly buy that one beers and shots until he pukes or the place closes.
And the histrionics of that fag twink are priceless! If you want an average story turned into an entertaining story, accuracy aside, you'll do well to have a couple of that kind around. (I like when their voice goes so high that you can no longer hear them, but any dog within a mile begins to howl.)
According to Fox News, the poodle was injured, and officers drove the owner and dog to a local vet hospital. They also said that many witnesses they spoke with on the scene felt the shooting was justified.
The pit nutters are now targeting this officer, wanting his name and address, demanding he be fired. The guy is an experieced K-9 officer and dog handler, but that doesn't matter....these nuts will probably try to harass his family. Outrageous.
The petfinder listing said the dog was "Adopted". I bet that loser WAS the owner.
scroll down, his petfinder profile also states:
i wonder if he was adopted and returned and they failed to update his profile.
The petfinder page now says, "Parrot - Adopted!"
Adopted by the dirt?
Adopted by a 9mm service weapon?
One shot fired directly into the target, no by-standers hurt, the aggressive animal put down. This is not police mishandling. That officer should be commended not only for protecting the public but for performing a difficult duty in a safe, controlled manner.
The fosterer trying to paint the dog as a "shar-pei" mix is a complete moron when the dog is listed ON THE ADOPTION PAGE as a pit or pit mix. Either that means he's a liar or the organization he is fostering for lied directly to him about what he took into his home, and he was too stupid to check the record online before accepting. It doesn't make anyone involved with that mess look reputable.
Scroll down. I think this is the Aaron Block.
If so, the writer of that Post article Zapatosky knows some of the people here at this company and a related one, and there should be a whole lot of explaining from the Post about why this Matt Zapatosky is writing a pile of crap to falsely blame the cops and defend an idiot that nearly got people killed. Someone he knows, or knows through friends.
This article is a favor by a corrupt reporter to try to get Block off the hook for what he did, which was insane and deadly.
Maybe Zapatosky doesn't understand that the KKK pit bull breeders, and the creeps like this pseudo-rescue who sell their dogs, are using Zapatosky like a tool.
Here's the little boy running the business with Block
Great advertising, you jackass!
By the way, these jerkoffs are feeding off the taxpayer with subsidies. More parasites.
Matt Zapotosky and his fellow Washington Post worker Stephen Lowman have been involved in slurring the police before, in organized anti-police propaganda setups. Keep in mind that DC has one of the highest murder, riot, cop killing rates in the country.
Good work, Matt. Screw over the African American cop getting attacked by idiots like a white, suburban Washington Post editorial aide. (Can you believe this little Lowman boy?)
Apparently these little boys at the Washington Post are too stupid to realize that this is the kind of situation that cops DO die in, like apparently small domestic things.
Wait. They do realize it. They don't care.
Zapotosky is an anti-police Marxist slimeball who is too stupid to realize he is getting worked by the Nazi Pit Bull Lobby as Zapotosky tries to slur the police again, on behalf of another buddy that did something very wrong.
Matt does favors for his friends that commit crimes!
Matt Zapotosky is the go-to guy at the Post when it is time to slur the police and cook up false accusations and try to rig a story to make cops look bad.
Is it any wonder that these little white boys don't care that the poor kids like African American and Hispanic children are suffering the most from the Nazi Pit Bull Lobby's dogs?
As long as the kid doesn't have a last name like Zapotosky or Block or Lowman, they don't care what these pit bulls are doing. People like Aaron Block will actually enable attacks, and Zapotosky will help him.
How do these rescues rope in the Aaron Blocks of the world to take pit bulls and put other people at risk?
They tell them these dogs are "persecuted," "there's racism for pit bulls" "it's like the Holocaust for pit bulls" and jackoffs like Block get suckered.
Too stupid to realize they are getting used.
Did you see this comment?
"I was at the festival early in the day, before it got crowded. I saw this pitbull a few diffrent time. I also saw this bog snap at and growl at MULTIPLE dogs and people. Each time I saw this the foster parent/handler LAUGHED and pulled the dog away. This irked me to the point that when this pitbull came near my own dog I picked my dog up and walked it away.
I was home for an hour or when I heard about the shooting and the very first thing thing I said to my girlfriend was "I get it was that tan Pitbull".
A foster Pitbull has absolutely no business in a very crowded street festival. The Pitbull apologists are going to chim in here. I agree a pit can become a sweet and loving dog. However the handler only had this dog for a few weeks. He had absolutely no idea how it would react to a setting like that. Lots of people, dogs, noise, smells it is a totally different situation then a dog park or walk down the street. Since Pits are so strong, a slight aggravation in a crowded place could have been DEADLY.
When the cop broke up the fight the foster parent/handler refused claim the dog as his own. As far as the cop knew this was a unleashed pitbull who wandered into a crowded street festival full of kids and attacked. It could just have easily been a 2 year old child.
Shame on the adoption agency and the foster parent/handler. This poor dog should have never put into a situation where somthing like this could have happened"
Here are the imbeciles and crooks running Lucky Dog Rescue
These dogs are right from the fighting pits and backwoods game doggers of the south.
I hope that their insurance company is getting a report, and that they are filing proper paperwork with the IRS.
They are also running a fundraising scam for this killer dog.
I've got another one for you.
Southern cruelty case pibbles languished for months in animal control as evidence, until the court gave permission for them to be rescued/adopted.
Enter nutterdom.
More nutterdom here.
Where nutterdom & wigglebutts go, pleas for $$$ usually follow. In this case, it's on behalf of the receiving rescue.
But wait, there's more! It seems that the receiving rescue in this case is not only a scam, but terribly abusive to the wigglebuts on top of it all. What a surprise. Such a thing has NEVER happened before.
Scroll down to the bottom for the latest. One of the original rescue angels has reported that these misunderstood pibbles have been rescued from the original rescuers and just need some more understanding, time to heal and additional donations.
Sometimes you really just can't make this stuff up.
Here's the fool behind this Lucky Dog Rescue, slurring a cop to save her butt and try to make money off this. She is contacting her FRIENDS in the media to slur the cop. She knows the people writing these articles.
She knows Zapotosky of the Post! Matt Zapotosky should get fired for this collusion.
She's also the one who is the "anonymous spokesperson" spreading around these lies, contacting her friends in the media to do favors for her and write propaganda for her.
Mirah Horowitz is going to GET PEOPLE KILLED with these fighting dogs! I hope her mother is proud that she is helping the Nazi dog fighters and breeders.
And lest anyone be impressed with the names she's throwing around, donors get their kids positions with these government bozos through connections.
I hope someone contacts the cops there to let them know what Mirah and her friends are up to. Because Mirah is also contacting her "government connections" to try to put pressure on the cops to hurt this poor cop. That slimeball Kerry will be harassing the cop through the DC political machine if the cops there don't stand up to this crookery.
Horowitz is just plain trying to hurt this cop because she and her rescue did something very, very wrong, and she put many people in danger and got people hurt. Reports say at least three people got bitten, as well as the pet.
This is how middle class crooks weasel out of responsibility.
"Mirah Horowitz is the founder and Executive Director of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue. Her friends complain that she never has time for anyone or anything but the dogs so they convinced her to come bartend as a fundraiser! Come show her what she has been missing! Should she falter behind the bar, Mirah can go back to her day job as legal counsel. She has served Supreme Court Justice Stephen Beyer, Sen. John Kerry, Sen. Bob Menendez. "
Here's the vet involved with Horowitz putting people and pets at risk. Is it ok for this man to help Horowitz place pit bulls that attack other pets? Is that part of his veterinary ideology? How does Hayfield Animal Hospital feel about that?
"Jon Smith is a vet at Hayfield Animal Hospital and a Lucky Dog board member. He grew up in the DC metro area, and said that he'd do a shot for every one of his friends that show up! "
Great vet, slamming down the shots. Probably has surgery in the morning.
See that they are having an adoption event in Dupont Circle, scroll down.
Photo of Mirah Horowitz
Maybe Duke can teach her a lesson about LIABILITY and being responsible for PERSONAL INJURY.
She needs a refresher. Guess she wasn't paying attention in class.
Although I guess she thinks that a propaganda blitz of lies will get her through.
Want to see hypocrisy?
Check out her "commission on wounded warriors"
It is middle class people like this that are getting away with hurting other people with these pit bulls.
But this is a much more dangerous situation, because this woman works for the government! That makes laws related to dangerous animals.
Senator Bob Menendez apparently doesn't care that Hispanic and African American children are getting killed by the very pit bulls that his Mirah is putting out there.
The cops in DC need to know what this Mirah is up to, because they will be getting harassed by
Menendez thanks to this fool's connections.
She has an undergraduate degree in public policy, influencing legislators about laws.
These are the people influencing legislators to protect the fighting dogs, not people, pets, or victims.
They have an unfair advantage that the average citizen doesn't have.
They sneak around behind the scenes with these legislators, getting favors, and the public loses.
The victims of the pit bull at this fair should be contacting Menendez. No one this irresponsible belongs in his office, and if he or his staff is doing favors for a dangerous dog dealer and harassing the cops or influencing the media, they should be held accountable.
In the Duke article, she says that "Clerks regularly help draft opinions, and that task is made much easier if the opinion is in line with the clerk’s own beliefs.
“You really put yourself in to drafting an opinion,” said Horowitz, who is now considering the next step of her career. “I would definitely think about that. It’s hard to write an opinion you strongly disagree with.”
She should not be involved in any way in writing public policy related to animals, because of her extreme bias and the fact that she collects money in this field for her business. She is in the dog dealing business. She is in the pit bull selling business.
She is also someone lying to the public about the breed and calling pit bulls "Shar peis."
Should someone like this be working for a Senator?
Is there a non-leftist media in DC that is interested in the gory details of this charade?
Mirah Horowitz has a past history influencing a legislator.
And it got exposed, which is why her sorry rear got booted to DC to pull the same stunts with a different senator.
Horowitz has no business representing the public in any way.
"Last week, when Senator John F. Kerry issued a vocal call for a filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito, Jr. — going so far as to blog about it — many Democrats and Republicans had the same reaction: “What the hell is he thinking?” The fact that Senator Kerry issued this clarion call to arms from Switzerland, of all places, didn’t exactly help. As White House press secretary Scott McClellan put it, “Even for a senator, it takes some pretty serious yodeling to call for a filibuster from a five-star ski resort in the Swiss Alps.” As the New York Times aptly summarized matters, “Democrats cringed and Republicans jeered at the awkwardness of his gesture, which almost no one in the Senate expects to succeed.”
After the Alito cloture vote this afternoon, this will all be nothing more than an embarrassing memory. But, since we had nothing better to do with our weekend, we did some poking around into what might have been running through John Kerry’s elongated head.
The rumor going around in Judiciary Committee circles late last week was that Senator Kerry’s decision to filibuster was staff-driven. Speculation focused in one staff member in particular: Mirah Horowitz, one of Kerry’s chief legal advisors. Horowitz is a liberal lawyer and blonde braniac who previously clerked for Justice Stephen Breyer, before joining a decidedly less successful enterprise — the Kerry presidential campaign.
Was there any truth to this rumor of Mirah Horowitz exercising excessive influence over John Kerry? "
Mirah Horowitz's rich Daddy, Dr Lawrence Horowitz, got her these plum government tricks.
Guess the Doctor doesn't care that his daughter is enabling vicious dogs, and putting fighting dogs in homes to potentially kill people? And slurring police because she was responsible for people getting hurt by one of her pit bulls?
The victims (including the police) should be filing formal complaints with Menendez's office. She has no business being in a public role.
Victims of pit bulls, it is middle class trickery like this that is getting you hurt, and getting your rights taken away from you.
What she means is, Kill The Children With Pit Bulls
Can you believe the hypocrisy of this piece of trash?
Her activities involving this pit bull attack incident should be national news, and the cop union should be all over this.
They are getting persecuted because of one crook with political connections who thinks she has the right to hurt people with her fighting dogs, but doesn't want to suffer the consequences of her dangerous actions.
This is her resume by the way, after Sugar Daddy hooked her up with Breyer and politicians.
She's on the lookout for business deals, so game dog people, you have a pal.
Her group is making money from pit bulls.
Think she wants any public safety regulations to restrict her fundraising and pit bull selling?
This is the problem, people. It's white collar crime, and it's primarily the poor and minorities that get screwed over by selfish, rich, middle class people like Mirah using politicians and public policy for their personal advantage and interests.
Mirah Horowitz is also involved with a group called k9lifesavers as well, where they apparently lose dogs.
I suspect there will be all kinds of sleazy weaseling about who actually owns this attacking pit bull Parrot, to protect themselves from lawsuits from the victims.
"Mirah Horowitz RADAR WAS SEEN!!! He was seen YESTERDAY (May 15) in the backyard at 5900 Steamboat Landing Court. A woman knocked on the door there to tell the people she thought she hit their dog, but obviously it wasn't theirs. We think he was there around 11:45 pm.
Our pet tracker confirmed TODAY (May 16) that Radar is in that ...area.
Please let us know if you can help us flyer or search!!! Email k9lifesavers@gmail.com!!!!"
Is it any surprise that Mirah Horowitz has a history of unethical, poor behavior in the dog rescue world?
(She behaved unethically at this k9rescuers, and they all left, which is why she then formed her own Lucky Dog Rescue)
This whole Lucky Dog rescue, Parrot, Mirah Horowitz situation is a giant pile of dirt, and it involves someone in a government role who is misbehaving and even threatening people.
She is scaring people into hiding complaints.
Senator Menendez has a lot to answer for. This woman should not be in ANY public position.
Keep scrolling down past the token Mirah comments to read (and keep in mind that some of the comments exposing Horowitz were censored!)
"The whole reason this group exists is because the founder ripped off ideas from the group that got her into rescue to begin with and THEN she was kicked out of two other groups for unethical behavior. I'd steer clear. This group also boasts only about HOW MANY dogs they rescue - never focus on the quality. This is why no local shelters work with them. They are a bad group."
"I am one of the 15 volunteers who left because of this founder. I am now back, active in rescue out of state and happy to say I've never encountered a person like her since. Do NOT blame the other rescue groups - that is absurd. I know for a fact no one with either of those groups would bother wasting their time on Lucky Dog or her...they learned the hard way as you all will. Too bad that she scares most people into keeping their mouths shut so most just run and never look back. But if she and Lucky Dog are dumb enough to bring on such publicity then they deserve every comment they get. Where there is SMOKE there is FIRE...so blame all you want. This group is bad simply by virtue of its founder. It won't last. People with evil intentions are eventually put aside. Ignore the masses but you'll see the light. Consider yourselves all warned."
Mirah Horowitz at work. It is people like Horowitz who are destroying rescue.
"How many of the dogs adopted out by Lucky Dog have been returned?
2 weeks ago
I'll tell you our sad story-
While they may be well meaning our personal experience is the people running Lucky Dog Animal Rescue don't do their homework and are unprofessional. We adopted a dog from Lucky Dog. We had her for less than 24 hrs. We immediately knew there was a problem. This beautiful two-year old German shepherd refused to go up and down the stairs inside our home and stumbled sideways down our front steps (we have 18 steep steps to our front door). We looked through the adoption packet and found that the previous owners’ names were listed. We found their contact information after a brief internet search and emailed them. They wrote back to us that this beautiful animal had been diagnosed with "severe" hip dysplasia and that they had provided the radiographic report when they gave her up for adoption. As breeders, they said they could not keep her but hoped she could find a home that could care for her. When we provided Lucky Dog with this information and told them we could not possibly be a good home for a large dog with hip problems, considering our home's configuration, they made us feel guilty. They claimed they never had the information on the hips, and accused us of not giving the dog a chance. They told us we should not believe anything the previous owner told us since they were “irresponsible owners” who abandoned their dog. The very next day Lucky Dog sent us a brief email stating we were no longer eligible to adopt from them because we had "re-homed" a dog we had gotten from them! What responsible person could possibly think that a home with steep steps to get in and out would be a good fit for a dog with “severe” hip dysplasia? It would have taken them ten minutes to find out this dog's medical history, as we did. We note that at this moment they still have this dog listed on their web site with no mention of the information the previous owner provided. Is this in the best interest of the dog? This beautiful dog may be able to find the perfect home, but not if the adoptees are not prepared for handling what may come with adopting a dog who already has a diagnosis of “pronounced arthritic changes in the joint” (www.offa.org) at such a young age. There are so many rescue groups to adopt from; I would look elsewhere if you are looking to help a homeless animal"
And that shepherd with hip dysplasia was from a breeder!
Mirah and Lucky Dog Rescue are reselling defective dogs from breeders who are dumping these dogs like trash.
The breeders are dumping their dogs in animal control and with people like Mirah to let other people pay for their failures, while the breeders don't pay taxes of course.
See why Winograd works for the breeders? The breeders want the taxpayer and private people to pay for their garbage. That's the No Kill Equation. It adds up to the public gets screwed.
More of Mira's history placing fighting dogs
Dr Lawrence Horowitz, Mirah's father, is also a trustee of Save the Children, one of the reasons that Mirah was promoting them.
It's a a big shill-on in that family.
I guess for this Doctor it is is ok to be placing pit bulls that are killing and mauling children!
Horowitz is also a producer of Spamalot and other Broadway productions.
Mirah's father Lawrence Horowitz has a lot of media and political connections
This is the kind of crap that is falling down on that poor cop who saved people's and pet's lives by shooting that vicious pit bull, and good people had better stand by his side against these corrupt sleazebags who just want to avoid responsibility
Chubby Boy Child Matt Zapotosky pontificating on video. He looks and acts like a student yearbook editor.
The scary thing is his comment about how the Washington Post immediately put him on important stories as soon as they hired him. Yeah, it's called a cheap hire, saving money.
But the fact that a kid who may well still live with his mother is reporting on "the news" and writing propaganda for his friends trying to hurt the police so his friends don't get sued for the physical injury they caused is very scary.
Why do we buy these idiotic newspapers that have puerile liars writing these crap?
Charlotte Weinstein, Kristin Fleckenstein, Debbie Siglin, and Becky Prodoehl collude to harass a federal police officer who saved his dog and family when attacked.
These lunatics want us to die and vicious dogs to thrive. They believe that we should allow ourselves and our families to be torn apart.
This is a perfect example of the law being abused by perverts and deviants to harass the innocent, and harass cops.
Instead of charging puppy millers and dog fighters and hoarders with animal cruelty, they are falsely charging people trying to save their and their pets lives.
The DA's office needs to be examined and sued.
Doing dirty work for some mentally deficient women who hate people and love vicious dogs is not acceptable.
This needs to change and NOW.
It's clear how the dog fighters and pit bull breeders are getting DA's office to aid and abet them.
Becky Prodoehl should get busted for terrorism and stalking.
According to the Petfinder profile:
"He's super low maintainance in the grooming department! If you run some water over him, he dries in about 20 seconds."
For a dog like this, it is important to be able to hose off all of the blood easily.
This is the corrupt rescue that placed that vicious, attacking husky and are now stalking and harassing the victim cop, the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue.
A pack of loser husky breeders and no kill wacks who won't take responsibility for the vicious dog THEY sold, but blame the victim.
Anne Arundel County Executive John R. Leopold is also involved with them.
Apparently they have no problem with adopting out a vicious husky to attack you and your family.
Becky Prodoehl is getting the home address of the cop to publish so her terrorist buddies can threaten him and his family.
Andrea Siegel and Jill Rosen collude with these terrorists.
Of course, if it was a family with the last name of Prodoehl, Rosen, Leopold, or Siegel that the husky attacked we would all be hearing what killers the husky people are.
And Becky Prodoehl is making money off this!
Hello, IRS? We have a crook running a scam here.
Have you noticed this recurrent theme? Maria McKenna, Mirah Horowitz, Becky Prodoehl. All defending vicious dogs and attacking victims and begging for MONEY!
This is clearly the latest American scam.
Prodoehl admits to criminal stalking in her comments
"Shooter's home - 2010-08-17 18:24:40
Bill, I may have seen some where a copy of the police report that shows his address and Bear Bear's owner's address...I googled it..and having been to the park knows where his house is...
Becky Prodoehl - Millersville, MD"
Becky Prodoehl wants to publish the name of the cop she is stalking so her crazy friends can harass him
Here's where Becky and her bad dye job live
Rebecca Prodoehl
685 Cog Ct
Millersville, MD 21108
How these sadists operate in working the media to persecute victims of their vicious dogs.
And at the heart of a lot of the comments by husky people elsewhere is that they are afraid that huskies behavior issues will get a closer look.
So what do you do? Blame the victim.
When the hate mob screams, the government gave in, and this has to change. There need to be victim's rights groups.
I think we see a pattern here.....mentally unstable women get involved with dog rescue, and claim expertise in dog/animal behavior when they have NO idea what they are doing. Because they are misanthropes, they really don't care if they place people at risk. When something goes wrong, they act like domestic terrorists, and use the internet to incite the lunatic fringe to violence. This cop is being threatened, and his family may be in danger, because animal rights lunatics are looking for his address.
There are posters in the comments section claiming to be "witnesses" who claim the poodle was the aggressor. Its most likely people from the rescue group or Aaron Block himself. I hope the poodle owner speaks out and stands up for herself, because other witnesses will corroborate her story. She should take Aaron Block to small claims court and be reimbursed for her vet bills.
Its very typical for pit bull owners/advocates to blame the victims when their dogs attack. Notice that the rescue group claims its was a "scuffle between two dogs". No, it wasn't. It was a pit bull attacking another dog, unprovoked. They WILL NOT take responsibility when their dogs do wrong. That is why we should NOT listen to "blame the deed, not the breed", because when it comes down to brass tacks, they do NOT want to punish the deed, either.
These LYING LYING nutters! From no injury to broken bones. It might not have been Aaron's blood on Aaron's fingers, but there was blood. The poodle's blood. And now that they've created the furor over the cop, no one's even paying attention to the fact that the pit bull BROKE BONES and caused MAJOR damage.
Nutters are saying the poodle was the aggressor simply because it had the TEMERITY TO APPROACH THE PIT BULL.
So, it seems Aaron's "relaxation exercise" of opening the pit bull's mouth and holding it open to calm the pit bull was applied during the bone crushing exercise the pit was performing on the poodle.
He should make pit bull relaxation exercise tapes, really. I would love to see more nutters put their hands into their pits mouths.
It cannot forgotten that pit bulls are different! You don't bring a pit bull to a crowded fair.
THESE DOGS ARE DIFFERENT! We know it and cops know it. We know how they were bred, this one showed aggression in a crowded fair. The officer had NO CHOICE but to isolate and safely dispatch the pit bull. With their breeding, there is no room for benefit of the doubt. This is different than for almost any other breed. Factor in all the people, the officer HAD to shoot the pit bull.
These people have no business bringing their pits to crowded public areas. And the have to know their pits will be dispatched immediately because of their potential danger, at the first sign of aggression.
The pit bull nutters want it both ways....they want everyone to believe that pit bulls are "just like any other dog" and with "love and socialization" will be no different than a Golden Retriever. They whine and complain on the pit bull forums and message boards when people cross the street to avoid their dogs, or refuse on leash greetings from their pit bull who "just loves other dogs".
But when a pit bull attacks another dog, suddenly everyone else was at fault...or they declare it "normal" for dogs to "fight". Or they declare the victim "provoked" the pit bull. They can't have it both ways.
My 70 lb sporting breed dog has had NUMEROUS run ins with small, aggressive ankle biters..lunging and snarling on leash, or even some instances when an off leash toy breed charges him. He either ignores the dog, which diffuses the situation, or he will defend himself by quickly pinning the little terror to the ground, snarling and air snapping his message into the small dogs face..."Cut the shit, NOW". Its always over after that, with NO ONE HURT. The idea that its normal for larger dogs to hurt, break bones, etc. of a smaller dog, even if the smaller dog sniffed at, or barked, or growled at a larger dog first, is insanity. A stable dog simply doesn't behave that way.
This made me spit out what I was drinking.
"Today, there was an unexpected scuffle between Parrot and a poodle. Aaron, subdued Parrot, who was wearing both a leash and a harness. To do so, he placed his hands in Parrot's mouth and held it open, which he has done when Parrot gets overexcited when romping in the apartment. As it had in the past, this calmed Parrot down."
ROTFLMA...oh never mind.
P.S: I still can't figure out where they're getting shar-pei mix from. I mean, we've all seen 'em called lab mixes, shepherd mixes, and boxers before, but shar-peis? It takes quite the flight from reality to call that thing a shar-pei, but then again it also takes a boatload of dissociative thinking to dream up someone prying a pitbull's jaws apart routinely to help calm it down. Isn't that like something Tarzan used to do with alligators?
This made me spit out what I was drinking.
"Today, there was an unexpected scuffle between Parrot and a poodle. Aaron, subdued Parrot, who was wearing both a leash and a harness. To do so, he placed his hands in Parrot's mouth and held it open, which he has done when Parrot gets overexcited when romping in the apartment. As it had in the past, this calmed Parrot down."
ROTFLMA...oh never mind.
P.S: I still can't figure out where they're getting shar-pei mix from. I mean, we've all seen 'em called lab mixes, shepherd mixes, and boxers before, but shar-peis? It takes quite the flight from reality to call that thing a shar-pei, but then again it also takes a boatload of dissociative thinking to dream up someone prying a pitbull's jaws apart routinely to help calm it down. Isn't that like something Tarzan used to do with alligators?
"Nutters are saying the poodle was the aggressor simply because it had the TEMERITY TO APPROACH THE PIT BULL"
This is a planned, organized attack by Mirah Horowitz, feeding the lies of a lawyer to her underlings to avoid Mirah's responsiblity for causing injury.
Lawyers attack opponents by fabricating and distorting, creating myths to tar a victim with suspicion and false guilt.
This lawyer needs to be reported to the bar.
Mirah Horowitz is orchestrating this attack on the victims, and Mirah needs to be held accountable.
The honest people in this community need to contact their legislators and media and demand that Horowitz be held accountable.
Horowitz shows that she does not care if her dogs are causing injury and suffering, but will only work to protect herself from punishment for this endangerment.
If something isn't done, then Horowitz will victimize more people.
Aaron Block should certainly be taken to court, but MIRAH HOROWITZ owned this dog through her group, and Mirah Horowitz allowed this to happen.
Like I always say, if a nutter's mouth is moving, they're lying. I really hope the poodle owner sues the rescue for the vet bills.
as a person who raises and has raised pit bulls for 10 years as well as being the president of the adba club for my state let me start here.first off why does this person have this dog out in public.pit bulls are wonderful pets in the proper hands however owning a dog like a pit is a huge responsibility, and although all the fanatics and rescues want you to believe they are just any dog, they are in fact NOT like any other dog.these dogs have been bred to be animal aggressive for 100's of years, in fact their entire existence is built around dog fighting. now with this said there is a very important point to this also, they were bred to NOT be human aggressive even in the heat of a fight they were to never ever bite the human, man biters were put down, until the 70's when dog fighting went underground and people quit caring about the quality of the animal and more about the money they could make, in modern times things have only gotten worse with this breed, as well as worse for it, they are victims of cruelty that any other dog would not have to endure, mostly by wanna be punk dog fighters who lost money on them or just dont want to worry about trying to fix the dog. they are hated by the public, feared, and for a good reason when idiots take a full on animal aggressive dog out in public and let it get near enough to chomp down on someones pet. what did they think was going to happen next they would shake hands and sing its a wonderful world? their vicious pit bull just ruined some dogs day and helped to put yet another nail in the coffin of all pit bulls in general. thank you mr and mrs doo gooder, and please oh please leave my breed of choice to those of us who understand them and have enough sense to keep them out of places and scenarios where they simply dont belong. if you want to do things with your pit bull try positive things like weight pull, conformation shows things were you will be around other people who understand the breed and maybe you will learn to respect it for what it is and quit trying to force it to be something its just not capable of being.
hello patricia, i appreciate your honesty about the pit bull not being just like any other breed and your outrage over the the vicious pit bull ruining some dog's day but i am afraid that you are also a victim of the propaganda machine. the manbiter culling is just plain bullshit. please read the following from game-dog.com
Did you see this yet?
Those fuckers.
i just finished watching that. what a shame someone didn't spike their event with B12. a bunch of fucking idiots. how about that dark haired dingbat talking about people MISREPRESENTING pit bulls!!!!
"as a person who raises and has raised pit bulls for 10 years as well as being the president of the adba club for my state let me start here.first off why does this person have this dog out in public"
Then you better have a good long talk with your goddamned lobbyists, because they are setting you up for a very big fall.
You're going to take the hit for all the Jane Berkey, Ledy VanKavage bullshit.
craven, can you add Mirah Horowitz to the labels at the end of this blog post?
Aaron Block may have been the foster person. Mirah Horowitz owns the pit bull and the rescue and is orchestrating this fundraising scam and attack on this honest cop.
She is ultimately responsible for all of this.
Does anyone have a contact with the police department that this is connected to? They must know about the hoax being perpetrated to save a Senator's employee from the responsibility she refuses to take with her vicious dogs.
This Senator's employee is also trying to exploit an unfair advantage by getting her friends and contacts in the media to lie for her.
good point! she has been added.
Please also read this information on peer aggression in dogs by Alexandra Semyonova. It completely debunks the myth that dog aggression is in any way different from human aggression, and reveals that any dog that will launch an uninhibited attack on another dog will do the same to a human being.
The specific information is on page 6, under the heading 9) Dog-dog Aggression is Different from Dog-Human Aggression. (Don't be misled by the title of the heading. It is actually saying that this is a myth.
You know, I could care less if folks like Patricia want to keep pit bulls as a RARE BREED working dog, owned ONLY by those true afficionados who understand the breed. There are many, many rare working breeds whose existence is closely guarded by the breed stewardship, and are pretty much kept completey out of the pet population; most common with some hunting breeds like the French Brittany(Epagneul Bretons), the Large Munsterlander. People enjoy them as hunting partners and working dogs, they keep close control of the breeding, and keep them out of pet homes.
If Patricia wants to keep this breed alive, then she needs to speak up and speak out, and stop enabling the crazies involved in rescue. Until pit bull owners put their own egos aside and educate the humane community and the public about the limitations these dogs have as pets, and tell the truth....that they are NOT the right pet for the average family....I will support a total ban on the breed.
well said!
actually, i am to the point where i don't even care if these ugly fuckers are used for fighting anymore. just as long as their numbers are small and are on log chains in the woods.
I agree. Why won't the breeders and fighters stand up and say, "Angels, you're full of shit! Stop killing little children and little dogs and bring back our dogs! Their yards are waiting!"
"actually, i am to the point where i don't even care if these ugly fuckers are used for fighting anymore. just as long as their numbers are small and are on log chains in the woods."
Thank you Craven, my thoughts exactly! Keep these mutant beasts AWAY from children, the elderly, peaceful people going on about their peaceful lives, other dogs, cats, horses, ponies, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, mules, farm raised deer. The non violent have a right to life too. Those of you who "understand the breed" need to protect society from what you have created, and you need to pay the bills when containment fails.
actually there are those of us who are doing that exact thing. we are saying loud and clear leave our dogs alone. much like akitas, corsas, presas, our dogs need an certain type of person owning them or the consequences can be harsh. they say that pit bulls are not bred to kill? they are lying! all terriers are bred to kill, every dam one of them walking the planet from your jack Russell to your westie to your airdale they are meant to kill something. my jack russell has teeth as big as most of my pits, and although he is pretty mellow most of the jr's Ive dealt with are sob's and they are not at fault for being that way it is what they were created to be. if you want to know what a dog should be you should research and talk to honest breeders about the positive and negatives of that breed. i say honest because they will tell the truth and not sugar coat it to make a buck. the more popular the breed guaranteed the more messed up it is, every main stream breed has its own back yard breeder fan club.
i have also been a groomer for most of my life, i deal with dogs on a daily basis and have since i was 20 im 48 now. my opinion of a vicious dog is much different then most of the population. i personally would love to see cockers, shih tzus, and boarder collies banned as they are the 3 breeds that are responsible for some of the most violent attacks i have dealt with over the years and shih tzus and cockers have attacked me several times to the point where i just muzzle them until i think i can trust them, and if your laughing right now you have never been on the receiving end of a 15 lb dog who is trying to kill you, and yes i have some serious scars from them.
furthermore, if in fact that dog is a sharpi/pit mix which i highly doubt, did they not research either of the breeds, and they have paid no attention to the possibilities of mixed aggression, which is another huge problem i am dealing with at work with all these dam new designer dogs who have serious issues.
should the dog have been shot, i dont know i was not there to see how the dog was reacting. did the dog strike first, or did the poodle, who knows, i always say to my customers dont let your dogs next to each other you never know what they are going to say. what i can say is this dog was put into a situation where it was over stimulated and it reacted badly, of course it did, never underestimate a dogs ability to do the wrong thing at the wrong time. if you have ever seen a dog who is raging, and i have many many times they get tunnel vision and it takes a lot to get them to think. choking that dog out to the dog was basically adding another stresser to the situation and if this dog was abused of course he was going to fight back, at this point he is on over load, and the owner knows nothing about how this dog should be acting or how to deal with him so he is freaking out too. so a dog dies and cop is labeled a killer, and the crazy ass adoption agency is the victim? i would say the victims are the dog and the cop.
"enabling the crazies involved in rescue.
It's not just these people. It's the AKC breeders and their Staffies, the people like that old game dog breeder in Newburyport Ma who was selling pit bulls as pets long ago, the UKC breeders advertising their litters all over the place, and all the others.
The problem originates and is perpetuated by the BREEDER community that is breeding and selling these dogs to the public.
THe "rescue" idiots are just cleaning up breeder's garbage.
" i personally would love to see cockers, shih tzus, and boarder collies banned as they are the 3 breeds that are responsible for some of the most violent attacks "
And the 48 year old with the intellectual and mental capacity of a slow 10 year old shows up
(Why are the biggest morons on the planet the simpletons who become groomers, second only to "trainers"?)
Pit bulls are fighting breeds, you fucking idiot, not companion animals.
If you are having problems with shih tzus and the others, YOU are creating the problem and not handling the dogs properly.
And there are a LOT of pervs abusing dogs as groomers. A lot of cruelty busts with groomers. A lot of mentally disturbed people and ex cons are groomers.
And even a 10 year old child understands that a shih tzu or a cocker spaniel might leave a little bite. When a pit bull bites you, YOUR ARM COMES OFF, OR YOUR SCALP, and the pit bull often then goes on to actually kill you, or at least remove large portions of flesh from your body and crush bones.
Honey, you need to retire, because your groomer brain has melted, if you ever had one.
Coming here with shit from the dog fighters jumping on cocker spaniels and pretending that other breeds are like pit bulls just makes you look like an idiot.
" always say to my customers dont let your dogs next to each other you never know what they are going to say"
I hope the companion dogs are telling you to stay the hell away from them and go play with pit bulls.
You are NO authority on dogs. You just shampoo and clip them.
Save this myspace link. It probably won't be up long
If you haven't figured it out already, our friend here the groomer P Pandoff IS A PIT BULL BREEDER.
Not only that, A GAME DOG BREEDER and president of the Kentucky Bluegrass Pit Bull Terrier club.
The pit bull breeders use this tactic to try to protect pit bulls from regulation. They try to malign other breeds and claim that "all dogs" have the same issues that pit bulls do. They do this because they don't want special regulation for their fighting dogs, their pit bulls.
They know pit bulls are killers. They breed them to be killers.
But they don't want to be regulated.
So how to avoid regulation? Lie like a crook and say that pit bulls and other breeds are all the same. LIARS!
Pit bulls are tax free cash for a crook like this, this FIGHTING DOG BREEDER breeding dogs for aggression and to kill, TYPICAL PIT BULLS.
Pit bulls are nothing like these companion dogs.
Pit bulls have special issues that other breeds do not and have never had.
See how these pit bull breeders work?
You see some dope posting that cocker spaniels or jack russell terriers or border collies or whatever are like pit bulls, YOU HAVE A PIT BULL BREEDER ON YOUR HANDS trying to protect their ass. A lying, babykilling piece of crap pit bull breeder who knows full well that pit bulls are very very special KILLING breeds.
So let's ffind out more about our babykiller supporter P Pandoff.
She is indeed 48 years old, lives in the Brandenburg Kentucky area, and is white trash personified. Yes, she works as a groomer (who would take their dog to be groomed by a game dog breeder? what the hell is she doing to customer's dogs?)
"my home is sebastopol ca, but i live in kentucky"
She runs a group called The Scratch Line and her breeding pit bull kennel name is is called Pentacle Pits.
What else is she into?
"Pits only no tree huggers, Kickass Pit Bull Mamas a.k.a Staffordshire Terrier Mama's(and Papas), The scratch line, Over 40 and Fine!, pitbull-family, Texas Style Bullies, PitBull v2.0, The secret to FINNAY HAVING ALOT OF MONEY!!!"
Hey, she's a friend of those AKC Staffordshire Terrier "show dog" crooks!
More to come
(sorry if this is a repeat. It said it didn't go through. I'll break it up)
Save this myspace link. It probably won't be up long
If you haven't figured it out already, our friend here the groomer P Pandoff IS A PIT BULL BREEDER.
Not only that, A GAME DOG BREEDER and president of the Kentucky Bluegrass Pit Bull Terrier club.
The pit bull breeders use this tactic to try to protect pit bulls from regulation. They try to malign other breeds and claim that "all dogs" have the same issues that pit bulls do. They do this because they don't want special regulation for their fighting dogs, their pit bulls.
They know pit bulls are killers. They breed them to be killers.
But they don't want to be regulated.
So how to avoid regulation? Lie like a crook and say that pit bulls and other breeds are all the same. LIARS!
Pit bulls are tax free cash for a crook like this, this FIGHTING DOG BREEDER breeding dogs for aggression and to kill, TYPICAL PIT BULLS.
Pit bulls are nothing like these companion dogs.
Pit bulls have special issues that other breeds do not and have never had.
See how these pit bull breeders work?
You see some dope posting that cocker spaniels or jack russell terriers or border collies or whatever are like pit bulls, YOU HAVE A PIT BULL BREEDER ON YOUR HANDS trying to protect their ass. A lying, babykilling piece of crap pit bull breeder who knows full well that pit bulls are very very special KILLING breeds.
So let's find out more about our babykiller supporter P Pandoff.
She is indeed 48 years old, lives in the Brandenburg Kentucky area, and is white trash personified. Yes, she works as a groomer (who would take their dog to be groomed by a game dog breeder? what the hell is she doing to customer's dogs?)
"my home is sebastopol ca, but i live in kentucky"
She runs a group called The Scratch Line and her breeding pit bull kennel name is is called Pentacle Pits.
What else is she into?
"Pits only no tree huggers, Kickass Pit Bull Mamas a.k.a Staffordshire Terrier Mama's(and Papas), The scratch line, Over 40 and Fine!, pitbull-family, Texas Style Bullies, PitBull v2.0, The secret to FINNAY HAVING ALOT OF MONEY!!!"
Hey, she's a friend of those AKC Staffordshire Terrier "show dog" crooks!
More to come
So let's find out more about our babykiller supporter P Pandoff.
She is indeed 48 years old, lives in the Brandenburg Kentucky area, and is white trash personified. Yes, she works as a groomer (who would take their dog to be groomed by a game dog breeder? what the hell is she doing to customer's dogs?)
"my home is sebastopol ca, but i live in kentucky"
She runs a group called The Scratch Line and her breeding pit bull kennel name is is called Pentacle Pits.
What else is she into?
"Pits only no tree huggers, Kickass Pit Bull Mamas a.k.a Staffordshire Terrier Mama's(and Papas), The scratch line, Over 40 and Fine!, pitbull-family, Texas Style Bullies, PitBull v2.0, The secret to FINNAY HAVING ALOT OF MONEY!!!"
Hey, she's a friend of those AKC Staffordshire Terrier "show dog" crooks!
More to come
So let's find out more about our babykiller supporter P Pandoff.
She is indeed 48 years old, lives in the Brandenburg Kentucky area, and is white trash personified. Yes, she works as a groomer (who would take their dog to be groomed by a game dog breeder? what the hell is she doing to customer's dogs?)
"my home is sebastopol ca, but i live in kentucky"
She runs a group called The Scratch Line and her breeding pit bull kennel name is is called Pentacle Pits.
What else is she into?
"Pits only no tree huggers, Kickass Pit Bull Mamas a.k.a Staffordshire Terrier Mama's(and Papas), The scratch line, Over 40 and Fine!, pitbull-family, Texas Style Bullies, PitBull v2.0, The secret to FINNAY HAVING ALOT OF MONEY!!!"
Hey, she's a friend of those AKC Staffordshire Terrier "show dog" crooks!
More to come
More on game dog pit bull breede friend P Pandoff the Groomer
Analy High
Sebastopol, CA
Graduated: N/A
Student status: Alumni
Degree: None
Major: i was supposed to study?
Minor: being unpopular
Clubs: band,chorus,art
Schools El Molino High
Graduated: 1980
Student status: Alumni
Degree: None
Major: getting stoned
Minor: being a hippie
Clubs: choir, art, year book, the getting stoned at lunch while listening to pink floyd club
1978 to 1980
El Molino High
Graduated: 1980
Student status: Alumni
Degree: None
Major: getting stoned
Minor: being a hippie
Clubs: choir, art, year book, the getting stoned at lunch while listening to pink floyd club
More on her daily activities
Did you notice she's sending out hundreds of emails a day?
P Pandoof writes
p..a game bitch in a cur world's Blurbs About me:
I am a groomer by day and I raise and show pitbulls also...... my dogs are a major part of my life...i am the president of the ky bluegrass american pit bull terrier club..... im very involved in the pit bull world....if your into pit bulls and love a game bred dog join my group the scratch line.... i have a website please visit it and sign my guest book too...... thanks
Read more: http://www.myspace.com/pentaclepits#ixzz0zsP5Xixc
Who does P pandoff like to meet?
"Who I'd like to meet:
someone who loves dogs LOL....anyone who loves and understands a game bred dog.....pit bull lovers who arent bleeding heart idiots.... someone who is easy going and likes to have fun....
Read more: http://www.myspace.com/pentaclepits#ixzz0zsPw3VzX
Of course, the "bleeding heart idiots" she refers to like Mirah Horowitz, the Bad Rap crowd, Ledy VanKavage, Jane Berkey, and the others that pit bull breeders like Pandoff sucker into helping them oppose regulation are useful, but laughed at for being so gullible.
This game dog breeder, this fighting dog breeder, is saying the same crap about other dogs, the same excuses, that Jane Berkey is saying. EXPLAIN THAT JANE!
When, Jane Berkey and the rest, are you going to figure out that you are getting used by people like this Pandoff, this FIGHTING DOG BREEDER who wants to be able to go on breeding fighting dogs and doing what they do to these dogs!
Notice that one of her friends is our pit bull promoting friend Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer?
A game dog breeder approves of him. What does that tell you?
Patricia Pandoff
She seems to also go by Patricia A Prince
connections to Fort Knox, Ky, Lawrenceburg KY, Fort Riley KS, Rohnert Park CA, Webster KY, Radcliff KY, Guston KY
Connected to Shawn or Sean P Pandoff, aged 39, same connected towns, add Irvington KY
A fighting dog litter sired by a Pentacle stud, offered for sale on an average unregulated mainstream dog selling website
Pentacle isn't just selling game bred pit bulls, they are studding out their fighting breeds (pit bull) too
More unreported cash, more aggressive dogs across the country
See how these game bred, southern fighting dogs are ending up in your neighborhood?
Some of your neighbors go online to sites like this wellbredpets and just order them up from people like David and Sarah Newcomb in San Diego Ca
The dog bites someone, then a rescue angel like Mirah Horowitz takes the fighting dog and sends it to your local street fair, with its Gotti bloodlines.
Please notice that they have someone who specifically works on opposing breed specific legislation for them
See why they are making up lies about other dogs, and claiming that pit bulls are like shih tzus, cocker spaniels, jack russell terriers, etc?
It's just a cheap ploy to oppose breed specific legislation for their aggressive fighting breed pit bulls.
So why are Jane Berkey, Lady VanKavage, Mirah Horowitz and the others in league with these game dog pit bull breeders, doing and saying the same things?
Kentucky Bluegrass A.P.B.T. Club
American Pit Bull Terrier Club
Welcome to the web page of the Kentucky ADBA sanctioned American Pit Bull Terrier Club
2009 Club Officers
Patricia Pandoff
Vice President
Lennie Vincent
Missy Prince
Tim Vandermark
Tim Vandermark
Where does game dog pit bull breeder Patricia Prince Pandoff do her grooming and meet all those "killer Shih Tzus"
For an ex auto body repair worker with no formal training, her boss
Do you think the customers know what she is saying about their dogs? Do they know she breeds game dog pit bulls? Do they know she and her club and friends oppose regulation for pit bulls, meaning their kids and their pet shih tzus and the others will go on getting killed by pit bulls?
Canine Stylings
520 Broadway St # 4
Brandenburg, KY 40108-1175
More on Canine Stylings and Patricia Prince Pandoff
Canine Stylings
520 Broadway St # 4
Brandenburg, KY 40108-1175
"Oftentimes, Frankie Basham is the only twolegged individual at his place of business. The Meade County native and entrepreneur is the owner and operator of Canine Stylings, a local shop where dogs of all shapes and sizes stop in for refreshing baths, fashionable coiffures and professional toenail trimmings -- overall beautification sessions. Canine Stylings is located at 520 Broadway, in the strip mall next to Fusion Tan, and has been serving customers and their four-legged family members for 11 years. Basham first learned the trade several years ago when he was asked out of the blue to help a family friend with her dog-styling side business. "She taught me to groom and I just picked it up from there," Basham said. "Most people learn (dog grooming) as an apprentice but there are schools out there that teach it. The important thing is that you know what you're doing and you know how to handle and work with dogs." Basham was an auto body repair worker for
nearly a dozen years and also stayed busy as a dog trainer prior to opening Canine Stylings. Five years ago he opened a second shop in Radcliff, Ky., at 165 West Vine St. Basham and his sole employee, Patricia Pandoff, take turns alternating between the locations. "We stay busy year round," Basham said. "Of course, around Christmas time and some major holidays we can get backed up ... but a lot of dogs are in here on a regular basis." Basham typically averages about 15 dogs a day, though when the schedule gets tight he's been able to accommodate up to 25 dogs in one work day. Customers tote their canines from as far as Louisville, Indiana, and Grayson, Breckinridge and Hardin counties to enjoy Basham's full dog grooming services. After dogs are dropped off for an appointment, they wait comfortably in crates until it's their time on the table."
The point to all of this, and the lesson to be learned from Pandoff's post here with its propaganda protecting pit bulls and falsely tarring other breeds, and the reality of her world as a game dog pit bull breeder, is that it is the PIT BULL BREEDERS of the world who are deluging the media, legislators, animal control with all this ridiculous pit bull propaganda and lies.
To hide the issues pit bulls have, to hide the fighting relationship, to protect their profits from any kind of laws.
They pose as groomers, vet techs, behaviorists, trainers, or just plain dog lovers, but they are PIT BULL BREEDERS, and they have a vested interest in opposing regulation and spreading lies
They don't care that the public gets hurt or killed. They just make up new lies to try to gloss that over, or they blame the victim. They know that pit bulls are killers. They breed them to be aggressive and deadly. They have respect for game dog qualities of aggression and kill function, and they adhere to these game dog breeding goals. This is what they prize. This is how pit bull breeders make their money, breeding dogs like this.
And to cover that up takes a lot of lies. It also takes a lot of emailing and phone calling and posting to spread the lies, but as you saw earlier, these breeders are sending out hundreds of propaganda emails a day!
While the average, normal citizen is working at real jobs, paying their taxes, raising their families, volunteeering, visiting with family, going to the park, helping their kids with their homework, having parties, having normal lives- the pit bull lobby is spending HOURS every day to manipulate the media and government into promoting pit bulls and avoiding regulations that could save lives.
Whenever there is money to be made, people will devote a good portion of their lives to protecting this income. This is what is at the heart of pit bull lobbying.
Normal, honest, average folks have busy lives. The pit bull mob pressures the media and government, which doesn't do its research or question the source and the motivation. Normal honest, average people LOSE THEIR LIMBS, LIVES, PETS, CHILDREN, AND FREEDOM to pit bulls.
Much of the media and government have no idea that they are being tricked by a bunch of game dog breeders. They don't understand there is a profit center behind the propaganda, lies, and lobbying. Profits that usually go unreported and untaxed.
They especially don't understand when it is the naive, gullible "rescue angels" using the SAME propaganda as the breeders and fighters. The "rescue angels" themselves seem unware that they are helping pit bull breeders breed more dogs and fight more dogs, and dump more dogs in the shelter and rescue funnel.
But then many "rescue angels" are making money from this pit bull racket too.
Of course, when No Kill directly hooked up with these breeders, that hurt the dogs and public even more.
And so it goes on.
To the point where we have a Mirah Horowitz getting her rescue gang to blame an innocent poodle and a hero cop for a pit bull mauling that could have resulted in a human bloodbath. It would make the game dog breeders so proud, Mirah! They don't respect you, but they thank you for helping to protect the game dog world.
This is how Ledy VanKavage and Best Friends lobby to promote pit bulls
Wow! IDENTICAL to the way that game dog pit bull breeders lobby!!
Same words! Same lobbying! Same thing!
And how many people have been killed by pit bulls just this year so far? How many pets have been killed by pit bulls? How many kids?
It is time for this bloodthirstiness and its lobbying to end.
Patricia, you and your friends need to advocate more vocally.....I agree about JRT's, pretty much every one I have met is dog and animal agro. The difference, however, is that the national breed club for JRT's, issues this warning on its main website...
"Jack Russells can be very aggressive with other dogs, and in fact more than two should never be kept together unattended. There have been many instances of terriers being hurt, even killed, by their fellow terriers; even young pups over the age of eight weeks must be carefully monitored. It is imperative that prospective Jack Russell owners understand this part of the terrier's nature. Special facilities and handing are absolutely necessary when owning a Jack Russell, and especially when owning two or more Jack Russells. Their natural hunting instinct also brings out aggression towards other small animals such as cats, gerbils, guinea pigs, etc."
The JRT people are honest, and have strong, intelligent advocates for the breed like Patrick Burns, who constantly reinforces the fact that a game working terrier is NOT the best choice of pet for the average family. NO ONE in the pit bull community is willing to come out publicly, and do this. From the AKC Amstaff conformation folks to Diane Jessup, who claims to want to preserve the breed as a working dog.
Until one person who understands the breed is willing to publish the TRUTH, and give people a resource to find on-line that will explain that pit bulls should only be owned by those with advanced dog handling skills and a willingness to accept their limitations as pets....you can't bring them to the dog park, let them off leash EVER, make sure they are always contained and supervised, etc.....the breed will continue to kill and maul people and pets, and will be banned completey in more and more communities.
Patricia....as far as your issues with Border Collies, Shitzu's and Cockers....
Border Collies are yet another working breed that has no business in a pet home. Again, I believe that, for the most part, the Border Collie community discourages people from considering these dogs as good pets for the average suburban family.
The problems with Shitzus and American Cockers are the result of indiscriminate breeding practices; these breeds are two of the top breeds produced by puppy mills and bybers. Despite the fact that there is NO market for aggressive Shitzu's or Cockers, (No "Jaws of Steel" kennels advertising Shitzu's), they are often unstable because the breeders simply ignore temperament. Contrast this with the fact that MANY pit bull breeders are breeding FOR aggression, and you can see why there are so many problems; if simply ignoring temperament in a breeding program produces aggressive dogs, imagine what breeding FOR aggression produces?
As far as the English Cocker, it is still considered a rare breed in this country, and the National breed club is trying hard to maintain the breed as a versatile companion and working dog. The club is working hard to address health issues with DNA data bases, and is committed to maintaining the temperament of the breed as defined in the standard as "merry and affectionate". Again, its breed stewardship that matters.
Ppandoff, you started out fairly well but we see the bare bones of the pit bull community poking through in your remarks. You do admit that the pit bull breed is inherently aggressive. That aggression is the criteria for inclusion in the genetic pool for your breed. Being a dog groomer or a vet tech gives no particular expertise or insight. You are paid to handle dogs, most of us are paid to do something. You have very quickly decended into throwing other pit bull owners under the bus and claiming a high ground as a owner that "understands the breed." You have very quickly gone to the "other dogs bite, Cockers and other small breeds should be banned or muzzled." Please google fatalities for the breeds you mention and get back to us with the numbers of hits you get. Sure, other breeds may bite but pretty much nobody dies. You are into the "all terriers kill, spread the blame so the stats don't look so bad" territory. This is a standard breed apologist tactic. How many "honest breeders" of pit bulls might you know? You find craigslist pit bull breeders, and you find gamedog breeders that appear on the internet but do not give any location for their "yard" because they don't want anyone looking too closely at their operations. Prospective puppy buyers need a secret handshake to enter this world. We would like nothing better than to "leave your dogs alone" but pit bull owners need protect the public from dogs that you freely admit are dangerous in the wrong hands. Those hands are bloody...
at least patricia acknowledges that pit bulls are different. yeah the rant about shih tzus and cockers is tiring and the culling of manbiters bullshit just shows that she is not as knowledgeable as she thinks but i still have to give her points for admitting that pit bulls are naturally dog aggressive.
i found her aversion to tree hungers interesting especially in light of the fact that her high school years were spent as a stoned hippie.
love the tats and the 'game bitch in a cur world' signature is a noce touch.
I'm such a fool, arguing ethics with someone that proudly admits to being a "game bred pit bull" breeder and runs a site called "The Scratch Line". Holy cow... "game bitch in a cur world."
Give a pit nutter the benefit of the doubt and you have made a mistake, every time.
Even that idiot reporter at the Examiner with her long, rambling article on the candle light vigil admits that pit bulls have serious dog aggression issues, yet tries to minimize the attack on the poodle that resulted in broken bones and a gash as a "nip". Why isn't she calling out that moron Block (head) for not having that dog muzzled in a crowd where he had to know there would be other dogs? These people have no fucking shame.
i have one address it is in webster......i paid 65k for an old run down farm house on 4 acres in the country so i could have my dogs and not be that crazy lady next door with all those killer dogs, that is how i can afford a house on a groomers income. my ex husband and i did have pit bulls in military houseing back when it they were not banned and i do not believe they are banned yet at ft knox because we groom several that are on post.
anything else you would like to know about me..... the house in lawrenceburg is my ex husbands aunts house we used it as an address when we moved from ks to ky...that was years ago..... wierd.....
i don't follow breed bans very closely but i believe the ban the military put in place, grandfathered in existing dogs that passed the CGC.
um the litter you posted is from pinnacle pits.. that is not my kennel i have not had a litter of puppies in over 2 years.and between running a kennel and working full time i dont have the time to send out all those emails you claim i am sending every day... however thank you for that wonderful in depth look at my personal life. and i hadnt gotten the chance to read the article about the shop until now. so thank you for that also.
no offense but your hysterical bashing and fear mongering of the evil person you suspect i am is sounding a whole lot like someone who is on a mission to demonize me as well as my dogs for what you THINK i am.and seriously i have have heard all of this before. so let me answer some questions. as for my school stuff. sorry i have a sense of humor and put something funny considering i was a 70's child from cali. yes i have game bred dogs, i do not fight my dogs, however the adba conformation standard is for a game type dog and its easier to make an apple pie with apples. as far as the game bitch in a cur world OMG i have a title that says game on it, i must be a dog fighter. as for my group the scratch line, i thought it was a good title for a group about game bred dogs.
it kind of amazes me that you want to dig so far into my life and bash me when you hide behind the name anonymous, makes you wonder what we would find if we pulled your covers.
patricia, i don't think that you are evil or a dog fighter. i think you are fairly honest about the breed but you need to do a little more homework. i haven''t read all of the comments about you. i did skim them and the one thing that really caught my attention was your game bitch in a cur world signature. i am fascinated by how so many of you pit bull owners claim to appreciate the breed for reasons of than their tough guy image but then present a tough guy image of yourselves. that only reinforces the stereotype of pit bull owners as tattooed tough guys. diane jessup is the same. she goes on and on about the other attributes of pit bulls, then she names them GRIP, DREAD, MAULIE and gets a vanity plate for her van that reas 1BADPIT. c'mon. you can't have it both ways.
lol guilty as charged on that one but my dogs do not have names like mauler, they are like maniac magee, pretty pimpin, sow-in, on-ree..
and further more craven, its kind of unsettling that you as the moderator of this group would not read a post like this which endangers my personal life, my job, and my family by posting detrimental information about me along with how to find me where i work ect....by a person who wont even reveal their identity..... i think i might need to print all of this.... just in case...and i would ask you to please delete it for my familys safety.... thank you
Patricia, you put your life on the internet and are suprised when the details come out. Your run down $65,000 house on 4 acres is home to your yard. There is not an insurance company in existance that would insure your little enterprise. Unless, of course, you lied to any agent that sold you a policy. In that case we are talking insurance fraud. You put your neighbors at an unacceptable risk and you have no way to pay for the injuries that your dogs will cause when they pull their miserable truck axles out of the ground. I have very little doubt that you do not fight your dogs, but you have gone out of your way to cultivate that image. Like Craven said, you can't have it both ways. Game bitch in a cur world, or responsible breed steward? Are you what you claim to be here? Are you what you say you are on "The Scratch Line"? You just can't set the bar low enough to avoid disappointment when you deal with pit bull owners.
patricia, i went back and read all of the comments. to my knowledge, your dogs have not bitten anyone or their animals so i removed your address and phone number. i do publicize the names of owners and addresses of dogs with a known history of aggression because i think people have a right to know where they live, just like sex offenders.
edited by craven desires
Patricia Prince Pandoff and her husband? boyfriend? Shawn Pandoff were breeding Pandoff's Pits on 5436 Chaffee Ave
Ft Knox, Kentucky
This is military housing I think
Remember the Fort Riley Kansas address associated with them?
There's a military connection here.
This must have been before the military banned pit bulls from military housing, am I right?
See why the military had to ban pit bulls? These weren't people's pets. There were some military households breeding pit bulls and dumping on other military families.
Shawn Pandoff is now in Radcliff Kentucky
Patricia claims on her myspace page that she's single.
Patrica Pandoff has two addresses
Patricia A Pandoff
149 Wheaton Dr
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342
How does a dog groomer afford this house?
looks like runs in the back?
The Pandoff's Pits address material, with names and contact information, was on a public breeder website ADVERTISING THEIR DOGS FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC. It was a public ad, that Patricia chose to post publicly to sell game bred dogs.
Patricia is breeding game bred dogs, selling them to the public, and studding out her dogs where the litters are then listed for sale on average, ordinary, to the public websites.
She's pulling a con here, and trying to be tricky with her attempt to claim that pit bulls should not go in homes as pets, as these game dog breeders do because they know they are a step away from some serious crackdown.
Her game bred pits sure enough are ending up in the hands of average people, despite her empty words.
This is a pit bull sale and breeding business, and no licenses in sight.
Patricia is trying to be devious and hide her activities, but she is running a public business, and she is responsible.
These game bred dealers deal in deception. They feed lines that they hope will get them sympathy or please the reader, but they DO exactly the opposite, because these are businesses they are trying to protect with deception.
As for the hundreds of emails a day, it is Patricia herself who posted that on a public forum.
This is all public information, and the fake cries about persecution are empty because she's advertising her business all over the web and giving her personal information all over the web in her attempt to sell dogs.
Apparently that's ok because she makes money doing that? Strange that she was dishonest here and never revealed she has a vested intertest in propagandizing about pit bulls because she breeds and sells them, and not just pit bulls, but GAME BRED pit bulls.
Sorry, Patricia, Scratch Line is a dog fighting term, described even in Newsweek magazine. Anyone opposed to dog fighting wouldn't get near that term, never mind support and advertise it.
One of the latest stunts of the game bred breeders is to pretend to have sympathy when they have none, and are perpetuating this problem.
Her pit bull group is also opposing bsl so they can keeping making money and selling their dogs to John Q Public, with the inevitable results. This is all about the money.
These people are quite practiced in doublespeak to try to get sympathy so they can go on running these husinesses in plain sight.
And the trail of attacks is leading back to them..
"Give a pit nutter the benefit of the doubt and you have made a mistake, every time."
And that is exactly what they want, with their empty threats and empty words and doublespeak.
Yet they come here and post a bunch of garbage about other dogs, and never reveal they are a game bred pit bull dealer and breeder that has been advertising online with their personal information for their businesses for some time, and LOBBYING against regulation for pits.
That is exactly what they do with the media and legislators as they lobby to protect their pit bull businesses- they hide their vested, business interests. They are not mere private citizens
And Patricia should be getting registered as a lobbyist, too, if she is as honest as she claims, because she is lobbying for an organization that centers around lobbying for business.
YOU RUN A BUSINESS, Patricia, you're not just a a private citizen.
Properly licensed, honest businesses disclose owner's names and addresses, and sites of operation as public information. This information is given publically.
Pinnacle Pits is a public BUSINESS, as are/were her other enterprises.
There should be business licenses and her business should be properly recorded with the public information she is required to give.
The only people getting endangered, Patricia, are the families and their neighbors where your game bred dogs are ending up, and the true private citizens that you allow to get hurt because you lobby to enable pit bulls to keep doing what they are doing.
And April 29 is 100 percent accurate about the insurance. No insurance company will insure a game bred pit bull breeding operation.
Which is why these operations are hidden out in the sticks, to avoid following the rules.
"......i paid 65k for an old run down farm house on 4 acres in the country so i could have my dogs and not be that crazy lady next door "
It's called the neighbor was making complaints about the game bred pit bulls, and Patricia needed to hit the sticks.
We always hear that the innocent who don't want their families killed by pit bulls are "crazy" "persecuting breed pit bull breeders" and all the rest of the victim slur when the victimized neighbors are rightfully making complaints so they can save their lives.
Sheryl Sellers was slurring her neighbors in a similar way when they were rightfully making complaints, and she went to the media to slur her neighbors and try to get sympathy, just like I'm reading here.
Patricia Pandoff is just like the rest, and until people like this take responsibility and get held accountable, and aren't allowed to hide out in their twisting turning lies, then the kill and maul rate by pit bulls will just keep going up.
The breeders want all to believe they aren't part of the problem, so they can avoid responsibility as they have been doing for years.
" think i might need to print all of this.... just in case...and i would ask you to please delete it for my familys safety"
Or more likely that the IRS might start nosing around in this mess, and the insurance company, and the people she's had issues with will come to light, or perhaps something worse hidden out there
More con and attempted sympathy from someone who couldn't tell the truth in their first post.
I would love to see a good examination into the financial affairs of these business enterprises, as well as some discussions with the other members of her pit bull organization.
Think their businesses are licensed and insured?
A Jack Russell may bite you.
A jack Russell does not rip off your limbs, and grab your by the throat and go for the kill.
The behavior of fighting breeds is nowhere near working breeds or any other breeds. Fighting breeds exists for one reason- to kill and that includes humans.
What is with the person you claim as a backyard breeder that you had problems with Patricia? How do you counter what they have had to say about you and your activities?
And she's already tried still more lies about the litters
a public Patricia Pandoff post. She is selling these puppies to the public, even with their obvious BRED IN aggression that she is cultivating, and she's studding out males that produce litters like this
"Patricia demodectic mange is heridtary..... sarcoptic is contagous.......the thinning on the face and front legs is common with demo mange...... listen..... ive known 4 month old pups to kill eachother...heck i had 5 week old pups try to kill each other.....this is the base of my remark.....not a slam....."
Patricia, you are breeding and selling aggressive pit bulls.
You are part of the problem, a big part.
Enough with the weaseling and doublespeak.
This is from an online post exchange that Patricia Pandoff had just within the last few weeks
"Patricia, its people like you that ruin this breed. And to be honest looking at your previous posts you have 26 pitbulls, 26 to many"
Patricia Pandoff has at least 26 pit bulls at her business. This is a bigoperation.
Where are the licenses? The insurance?
How much money is passing through this operation.
Add up the potential with at least 26.
Oh yeah, and she posted elsewhere she hid this information after it got exposed. The lame threats here, and the false "safety" garbage as she asks to have her public business info hidden, are to protect a big operation. She's trying to get sympathy to hide her PUBLIC business info because there's a mountain of issues here.
And that's what she's doing to her family.
The hypocrisy mounts.
"Patricia Prince Pandoff bluegrass american pit bull terrier club will be holding its first fun show for 2010 march 21st.... if you are interested in attending please call 270-945-9281"
So pit bulls shouldn't be at a street fair or a public event, or around or near other dogs including each other, but you are advertising a public fun pit bull show for your organization on a general pet forum in KY where people will bring their kids and dogs? Reaching out to the rescue people she maligns and blames, and the average public, to come to their pit bull street fair.
It's called a free advertising event for pit bull sales. Or maybe they charge?
Patricia Pandoff is trying to take us all for a ride as she tells us what she thinks we want to hear and pretends to be responsible. What she does is quite different.
She wants to blame the rescue idiots, and pretend that the breeders are ok, and the breeders are at the heart of this mess.
Looks like YOU are endangering the safety of other people, Patricia.
With all your empty words here, YOU are out threatening people online.
dude...... i would hunt those people down and do unto others..... "
you forgot to mention that the quot "i would hunt those people down and do unto others" was in response to a dog who was drug behind a car on purpose. this animal was abused in the worse possible sense and was left to die on the side of the road with its skin torn off and every leg broken, again you tell only part that makes me look bad.....you are pathetic and you make this whole group look bad.
nothing should be treated like this..ever. even worse then people like you who hate this breed is the people who have no value of a life, and choose this breed. this is why i want to see stricter rules on who can own this breed as much as you do.
patricia, i believe you came to this blog with good intentions and it blew up in your face. i also believe these anonymous commenters have good intentions by exposing breeding operation. their experiences with pit bulls has already blown up in their faces and they only to want to prevent future explosions.
if anyone would like to continue this discussion, you will need to email me directly. i am closing these comments.
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