Junk science is the mirror image of real science, with much of the same form but none of the same substance... A hodgepodge of biased data, spurious inference, and logical legerdemain…It is a catalog of every conceivable kind of error: data dredging, wishful thinking, truculent dogmatism, and, now and again, outright fraud.
Peter Huber “Galileo’s Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom”
Peter Huber “Galileo’s Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom”
"There are scores of accounts of farmers being gored, trampled and killed by bulls. In addition to farmers, children, women and elderly persons were also killed when they had the misfortune to encounter an aggressive bull. In one twenty year span, from 1880 to 1899, there were over 150 recorded newspaper accounts of people being attacked and killed by cattle. Clearly, cattle presented a real and constant danger." KAREN DELISE
the above excerpt is on page 14 of the Most Famous Pit Bull Propaganda Piece ever written, THE PIT BULL PLACEBO: THE MEDIA MYTHS AND POLITICS OF CANINE AGGRESSION.
DELISE acknowledges that "cattle presented a real and constant danger" in the last 20 years of 1800's (based on the lowly newspaper), yet in the last 20 years, 233 people have been killed by JUST pit bulldogs (also newspaper sourced and therefore suspect in her opinion). DELISE then goes on to cite a dozen examples of dogs, primarily BULLDOGS that saved their masters from an enraged bull. the dozen or so examples of courageous dogs, primarily BULLDOGS, spans the years 1875 - 1930 (also based on newspaper accounts). apparently the dozen or so documented cases of dogs saving people from bulls during a 55 yr period is to offset today's carnage. (an interesting side note, during DELISE'S halcyon days of the mighty bulldog protector, at least 50 people were killed by JUST gripping dogs.)
DELISE appears to be unable or unwilling to concede two things. first, that EVERYONE relies on newspaper accounts and second, that danger evolves over time. For example, in 1907, you were more likely to be killed in a street car accident (1,880 deaths) than an automobile accident (294 deaths) and tuberculosis posed a greater threat than cancer. many of the diseases from the turn of the 19th century are all but non existent through advances in medical science and social reforms. when was the last time you heard of someone contracting cholera or dysentery, in the unites states? thank you public health and sanitation! this is especially troubling for me as DELISE based a large portion of her "research" on shifting breed trends and danger, "first it was the bloodhound..." btw, the cuban bloodhound, aka the human gripping dog appears to be the first dog swept up in the social reform known as a breed ban.
social reforms in the shape of breed specific legislation can go a long way towards minimizing catastrophic dog "bites" as well. of course, we then become vulnerable to enraged bulls. it's a trade off but with the cost of health care soaring out of control and the real and growing threat posed by pit bulls, i am willing to take my chances.
so, back to her disingenuous concern about the danger of bulls... 150+ people killed by cattle "presents a real and constant danger", yet 233 recorded newspaper accounts of people being attacked and killed by JUST by gripping dogs does not concern the vet tech. WHY? the standard answer goes something like this, there is no such thing as a pit bull and you can't trust newspapers. LOL! why is this funny? because DELISE claims to NOT rely on newspaper accounts of dog attacks. yet a paper that DELISE co-authored with LEDY VANKAVAGE, DONALD CLEARY, CYNTHIA BATHURST and some dupe by the name of PATRICIA RUSHING, states "Many eyewitnesses have problems correctly identifying dogs, even dogs that may have allegedly bitten them. In a high-profile case involving singer Vanessa Carlton, a dog named Bella was acquitted of biting Carltonbecause the bite wound on her leg didn’t match a mold of Bella’s teeth. (Source: Howard Frank, “Pit Bull Accused ofBiting Vanessa Carlton Wins Reprieve, Pocono Record Writer, July 8, 2010,available at www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100708/NEWS/7080315/-1/NEWS01, accessed August 1, 2012." their synopsis of the Vanessa Carlton case is a complete fabrication. at the time this propaganda piece was published (August 2011) the FACTS of the Vanessa Carlton case were known and officials court transcripts were available.
in fact, DELISE arrogantly states that she and SHE ALONE, does not rely on media sources for dog bite related fatalities. i disproved that claim here.
from badrap's facebook page:
Justice is served! GUND released images of Jonny's doll, set to hit the shelves sometime in late summer. Soon every kid in America can have his very own plushy mascot of the dogs who survived the very worst (Bad Newz Kennels) to show us their very best.
Oakland area folks: You better believe we'll be having a big happy party to celebrate. And a mass movement to flip that right ear over in honor of our little buddy and all he's done to shine a light on pit bulls and their blocky headed cousins.
![]() |
america's dog - made in china |
until the tangible bellyfeel hits the store shelves, nutters will just have to make do with KAREN DELISE'S sleight of hand tricks and snuggle with her rag of a book.
Gotta Getta Gund is just another deceptive tool in the pit bull apologia's very long and deliberate campaign to bury the truth about pit bulldogs. but this campaign makes no attempt to conceal the fact that kids are their target audience. in fact THIS campaign is openly celebrating their plans to have a propaganda toy in the hands of "every kid in America".
remember JOE CAMEL?
hello, Federal Trade Commission.
wouldn't it be a hoot if this plush toy violated the judge's order prohibiting the profiting from the vick dogs?
It would be a violation unless used for the care, maintenance, etcetera or education. It's amazing the shit these people can pull off.
Pitbull advocates exploit everything they possibly can.
Where's the Michael Vick Beagle toy? Those dogs were all quietly placed in homes with no million dollar bounties. Meanwhile most of Vick's Pit Bulls remain behind bars at "sanctuaries". The Beagles suffered years of abuse too, yet no toy.
"I hope Bad Rap makes a ton of money from these things."
Yes, please continue violating that court order.
There's also a comment on there saying that pro-BSL folks are as bad as dog fighters... Derp.
Pit Adocacy doesn't help dog fighters stay in business at all, no siree.
The cool thing is that the US just had it's 125th pit bull DBRF since the Vick Bust in April 2007. There has also been 170 pit life flights.
Beagles; not so much...
Love the deadly cow connection and have some thoughts on it. I am currently reading a book called "The Cowboy, His Characteristics, His Equipment, and his Part in the Development of the West." The book was written in 1922, author Phillip Ashton Rollins. Rollins interviewed those who lived the life and the time of the great cattle drives and his words explain the the foolish point that Delise has made.
The author makes it clear that there is a substantial difference between old west wild range cattle and our current dairy cattle. Here are some short quotes "For a dismounted man, the Range cow was, under average conditions, a far more dangerous adversary than was the grizzly bear. Under average conditions, the cow would always attack: the bear would almost always avoid a conflict." "So great was the danger from cattle to persons afoot, that ranchers imposed heavy fines on such of their employees as, without valid excuse, dismounted on the range when within a quarter of a mile of a bunch of cattle."
Keep in mind that this was written in 1922, "Memories of the Texan long horn make many a white-haired grandfather of today, a graduate of the Range of long ago, intuitively cringe as under guidance of his little granddaughter he goes afield to come suddenly upon a placid mooley cow."
Delise puts little thought into her advocacy and ignores logic and history. The point here is that cattle were a known danger in exactly the time period Delise features, just like pit bulls are today.
Add Plush Jonny to your child's toybox collection of gripping dog toys!
Here are the "Hood Hounds," complete with pitties in "scratch" poses: http://www.amazon.com/Homies-Hood-Hounds-Series-Pieces/dp/B004XNEN7Q/ref=pd_bxgy_misc_text_y
Or you can buy the Hood Hounds in a boxed collection, a pack of piities with the word SIC 'EM! http://www.amazon.com/802-Hood-Hounds-Series-3/dp/B000BQLR4G/ref=pd_sbs_misc_11
How about a Rottweiler and more pitties with a toy BEWARE OF DOG sign? http://www.amazon.com/Friend-Playset-Rottweiler-Beware-Accessories/dp/B0027UPATW/ref=pd_sim_t_10
Have lots of gripping fun with your new pittie & springpole!
Re-enact your own Yard Accident with this cage of gripping dogs! http://www.amazon.com/Friend-Playset-American-Boxer-Accessories/dp/B0027US42W/ref=pd_sim_t_1
For future pit-mommies, there's this adorable Littlest Pet Shop brand pittie complete with fancy accessories! http://www.amazon.com/Littlest-Pet-Shop-Assortment-Collectible/dp/B003JHWLLC/ref=sr_1_23?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1368811511&sr=1-23&keywords=pit+bulls
And of course, don't forget to tuck your little one in bed at night with a bedtime story like "Riley the Loveable Pit Bull" or "Pit Bulls are the BEST!"
how depressing packhorse. i had no idea so many books aimed at indoctrinating kids existed.
Packhorse, I see a career in marketing for you!
After reading your descriptions I almost had to buy some of those.
This was my favorite-
"Re-enact your own Yard Accident with this cage of gripping dogs"
Packhorse, how about a set up pitties entitled "they only kill their masters" or
"nanny gone wild"?
What in the world happened to Lassie? You know idolizing a dog that has the characteristics you would like in people- loyal, smart, and loving?
You could make a plushy dog pit and reinact famous matches of the past. Regrettably I'm sure there's a market.
Someone should put a Gotta Get a Gun, I mean Gund on Darla's headstone.
So Delise is using bulls to make some sort of a counterpoint? It is relatively common knowledge that intact male cattle, especially of certain breeds, are very dangerous to be around. When you get near a bull, you should know that you are potentially in danger. Also, bulls are not commonly kept in city limits, are not currently allowed to roam in most instances, and have certain minimum standards for containment. My uncle owns a scottish highland bull and keeps him by himself behind electrical wire and keeps a deer rifle loaded in case he ever gets out.
It is as if Delise is comparing drunk driving to pit bulls and asking "what's next, will we ban driving while intoxicated?" It's just a dumb rhetorical device on her part on many levels.
someone has set up those pit bull action figures in scratching and mating poses.
the point that delise is trying to make with this hypocritical gibberish is to emphasize the important role that dogs play in our lives, you know that fucking human canine bond shit that she keeps cramming down everyone's throats. i was fascinated by her acknowledgment that cattle posed a real and constant danger in the 1800's. she seemed to think 150 people killed by cattle was significant. yet pit bulls are a much greater threat and she makes all kinds of excuses for the exploding danger that pit bulls pose.
nutters must be fascinating subject matter for someone interested in human psychopathology. not that i have the stomach for it and i dont believe in rehabilitation. i tend toward dirt-napp rehabilitation for both dogs and nutters. still, for the right person , it could be a veritable pandoras box of study material.
I believe in the human-canine bond within limits. The limits being dogs meant to be around humans safely.
"First it was the bloodhound...."
Statements like this make me wonder how much of her rap this ground breaking pit defender borrowed from Vicki Hearne's "Lo, the American (Pit) Bull Terrier" in her book Adam's Task. Haven't read it in years, but it was the first piece of writing on pits I ever read.
A local restaurant was selling the Hood Hounds in one of their lobby quarter machines. I got two cropped-ear Dobermans, a cropped-ear pit wearing sunglasses, and a generic yellow puppy before giving up. I was hoping to get one of the lunging grippers for posterity's sake. The Hood Hounds are certainly more realistic to most pit bulls' existence than "loveable, huggable" Jonny.
yep DUB V
dogs are great ....but not if they make you bleed , tear off body parts ,ect .
whats hard to understand about this ?
Isn't Jonny still really fucked up? He's the "poster child", but I thought he was still a hot mess even after "rehab".
i have one of hearn'es books, BANDIT: DOSSIER OF A DANGEROUS DOG. i've tried to read it. twice. what a pompous ass. i found her writing ridiculously pretentious. i'd rather read craven eddy or any other barbaric old timer dog fighter. this nutter is (was) really full of herself.
i've looked at her other books at amazon. the negative reviews are startling. similar complaints to mine above but the commenters also describe her treatment of dogs in terms of animal cruelty. i guess this explains her attraction to mutant gripping dogs.
adam's task reviews
orangedog, maybe you are thinking of MEL.
Dawn, lots of those reviews were quote worthy, thanks for the link!
Yeah, I was thinking about Mel. Thanks.
BADRAP 990 Information:
Annual Revenue & Expenses
Fiscal Year Starting: Jan 01, 2010
Fiscal Year Ending: Dec 31, 2010
Total Revenue $419,271
Total Expenses $238,154
*Disclaimer...Pit Grifterin' shouldn't be this easy!
In 2010 BADRAP listed the $238,154 as expenses as Vintage noted. For that same year BADRAP listed salaries at $145,807. Tim Racer got $65,008 and Donna Reynolds got $80,799. Travel expenses were listed at $5,918. Does this meet any criteria for a legitimate "charitable organization"?
Have I told you how much I admire the photoshop that heads this post?
Absolutely perfect!
thanks. that image is appropriate for the situation.
if you read karen delise's acknowledgments, you can see how all the more fitting it is. after delise tips her hat to white wash jimmy, ledy vankavage (for helping search for the truth and overcoming the hysteria - LOL!) and diane jessup (for her great source of knowledge - even jessup thinks jane is nuts) along with a few insignificant others, delise lays it on extra thick for her benefactor. (gotta keep those checks coming)
We—the silent, the abused, the forgotten, the exiled, and the forsaken—wish there was a way to express our gratitude to our stalwart defender, Jane Berkey. After decades of abuse at the hands of those we love most, few have come forth to recognize our continued devotion to “mankind.” Few have stood up and given voice to our suffering—few have fought so passionately in our defense.
To our crusader, Jane Berkey, we, the Pit bulls, thank you.
pages xiii and xiv
i'm all choked up.
I think I might cry ( not over that bezerkly bullshit, Ray Manzarek died). Have I said yet how doubleplussgood it is that Orwell is referenced here?
You are kidding with the quote aren't you?
I don't get why this Berkey woman wastes her money pimping pit bulls. She has blood on her hands as far as I'm concerned. Nice charity. I wish she'd keep it.
not kidding. that was a straight up copy and paste.
ts, i don't think anything reflects orwell quite like pit nutters.
so sad about ray manzarek.
in his honor, lets see what packhorse can do with the lyrics of the greatest rock song of all time (i don't know why stairway to heaven always wins).
there's a killer on the road, his brain is squirming like a toad...
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm
There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road, yeah
Girl ya gotta love your man
Girl ya gotta love your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Excellent choice of lyrics. Ray has long been one of my personal household gods. He was the embodiment of creative genius, he will be missed.
Best Doors song for the blog- Blood in the Streets.
oh yeah. god call. this is the pitter theme.
"Peace Frog"
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
She came
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee
She came
Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago
She came
Blood on the rise, it's following me
Think about the break of day
She came and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
She came
Blood in the streets runs a river of sadness
She came
Blood in the streets it's up to my thigh
She came
Yeah the river runs red down the legs of a city
She came
The women are crying red rivers of weepin'
She came into town and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding
Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind
Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven
Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice
Blood in my love in the terrible summer
Bloody red sun of Phantastic L.A.
Blood screams her brain as they chop off her fingers
Blood will be born in the birth of a nation
Blood is the rose of mysterious union
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee
Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago
Blood on the rise, it's following me
Great lyrics and the ironic title perfectly embodies the dystopian pitnutter community.
Besides, which, what fool considers any bull to be a
trusted domestic animal?
None of my dairy farming relatives ever kept bulldogs of any type-their dogs were meant to contain the animals, not threaten or provoke-that is atrocious animal management,
and if you intend to stay out of the clutches of a bull --although very few keep bulls anymore, you would do better to rely on intelligence and experience than on an animal that has no inhibitions about killing. I know I've strayed off subject, but the asininity of the arguments sometimes sounds like the echolalia of a mental patient.
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