Saturday, February 22, 2014
Bree Walker
Bree Walker born Patricia Lynn Nelson on February 26, 1953, pictured on the left in the 1980's before her bizarre journey into the world of cosmetic surgery. The photo on the right was taken last week at the Orange County Sheriff where she was charged with driving under the influence. Walker's pit bull was with her at the time and was also taken into custody without incident.
Walker admits to having trouble saying no to booze and has been in rehab. I'd say by the looks of the amount of cosmetic surgery which actually made her LESS attractive, she has trouble with other addictions as well.
Daily Mail
Bree Walker,
famous pit bull owner,
tv and radio
Community Protection Act
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On May 20, 1989, a 7 year old boy was raped, stabbed, sexually mutilated and left for dead in a park in Tacoma, Washington. The next day, police arrested Earl Kenneth Shriner, a violent sex offender who was well known to the authorities for violent sex crimes dating back 24 years.
What was so unusual about this particular crime and this predator that they earned a mention on this blog? Shriner openly talked about his deranged fantasies of rape and torture. The authorities were well aware of the extreme danger Shriner posed to the community and they were frustrated that there was nothing they could do about it.
Not surprisingly, when those details were made public in the days after Shriner's arrest, there was massive public outrage. This outrage was channeled into a victim advocacy group. They called themselves The Tennis Shoe Brigade and they demanded that lawmakers pass laws making communities safer. And they got it.
In 1990, Washington State legislators unanimously passed the first sexual predator law that allowed the state to lock someone up indefinitely in an effort to protect the community from future crimes they MIGHT commit.
Over the next 25 years, nineteen states passed similar laws and of course legal challenges claiming the laws were unconstitutional were close behind. Funny, each time the laws were challenged, the courts upheld the right of the state to protect the community from violent predators.
The tragic story of the 7 year old Tacoma boy and Earl Shriner seems out of place here, yet there is a ring of eerie familiarity.
Hardly a day goes by where I do not read or hear about situations where people complain to the authorities about loose and menacing dogs but the response from law enforcement and animal control is "Sorry, we can't do anything until after the dog bites." And of course, everyone's favorite, "Sorry but we have to witness the violation."
It is hard to imagine an incident more horrific or more preventable than the brutality Earl Shriner inflicted on that 7 year old Tacoma boy in 1989. Yet an even more egregious example of the unnecessarily tragic limitations of our laws has been playing out in Dayton, Ohio since February 7, 2014. Enter the story of Klonda Richey.
For the last couple of years Klonda Richey did not feel safe on her own property. The complaints to her violent felon neighbor ANDREW NASON about his vicious dogs were not only ignored by NASON but also ignored by the Montgomery County Dog Warden when the violations were not witnessed by acos. Klonda's paper trail of well documented complaints seemed to only escalate the tension with NASON and his vicious killer dogs. Threats and intimidation by NASON were captured on video surveillance. The police advised Klonda to seek a protection order and the magistrate, for whatever insane or political reason, denied her request. As a result, Dayton has a dead woman it needs to explain.
The $64,000 questions is: Why do dangerous dogs have more rights than dangerous humans?
If we as a society can lock human beings up indefinitely to prevent future crimes they might commit, why on earth can't we take similar actions against dangerous DOGS? Why are dogs afforded this ridiculously excessive burden of proof?
The murder of Klonda Richey should be a wake up call. I hope the good people of Ohio can channel their outrage into something as productive as The Tennis Shoe Brigade and just maybe, we will see the rest of the states fall like dominoes.
Klonda Richey - Scorched Earth
Klonda Richey - DBO
Klonda Rickey - craven desires
Klonda Richey home video surveillance
More surveillance video
The Spokesman Review May 23, 1989
Earl Kenneth Shriner wikipedia
Community Protection Act of 1990
New York Times March 3, 2007
ATSA Civil Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators
Andrew Nason,
Earl Kenneth Shriner,
Julie Custer,
klonda richey,
mark kumpf,
Monday, February 17, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Bloody Money Trail
Last October, a pit bull from the Longmont Humane Society attacked a neighbor and his dog. The investigators discovered that the pit bull had a history of biting both humans and animals and had been declared dangerous in Mesa. The investigators also realized that a disproportionate number of dog bites were from dogs adopted out of LHS.
I decided to look into this further and I found that the humane society was an hour drive north of Denver and Aurora, two cities despised by pit bull zealots for their breed bans. I also discovered that LHS had an interesting benefactor: ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION.
Between 2009 and 2012, LHS received over $35,000 from the AFF. The AFF paid $50 for every pit bull LHS adopted out and $150 for every pit bull that received a CGC plus there were several large lump sum donations for "adoption incentives".
Click here to read the ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION'S version of LHS rags to riches story.
AFF 990s can be viewed here and here.
Last Friday, Klonda Richey was killed by her neighbors' gripping dogs when she took out the garbage. It didn't take long for word to leak out that the victim had made numerous complaints to animal control. has uploaded all of the complaints against the owners, ANDREW NASON and JULIE CUSTER and AC's pathetic responses. Some of the more chilling complaints, indicate that NASON and CUSTER used their mutants to threaten and intimidate the victim. Klonda Richey was so frightened of the dogs that she sought a protection order with the court. Magistrate KRISTI WUEBBEN refused to grant it.
You can read all of the gory details at
The state of Ohio is of special interest to me, so I looked further into the Montgomery County Dog Warden, MARK KUMPF.
His facebook page was a regular pity party, with KUMPF whining about his worst day ever. His friends and coworkers rallied to show their support for the pudgy slug. The entire discussion has since been deleted but I copied it below. It is a sickening display considering a woman who repeatedly asked his department for help and protection is dead because of KUMPF'S lack of action.
Apparently, when the Montgomery County Dog Warden comes a knocking, all you have to do is ignore him and he goes away. Unfortunately the problem doesn't. It's impossible to feel one iota of sympathy for KUMPF'S worst day in his life when you consider the details of Klonda Richey's slow brutal agonizing death.
Back to the pity party.
There were a few familiar names; JEAN KEATING, TAMIRA CI THAYNE, DAISY BALAWEJDER, but one particular supporter of KUMPF is worthy of highlighting.
STACEY JACOBS - COLEMAN is the executive director for the ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION.
I dug deeper into KUMPF'S facebook page and found a photo of him posing with old money bags herself, JANE SAUL ROTROSEN BERKEY, the grand poobah of the AFF.
It is important to note that KUMPF, along with another Ohio Dog Warden MATT GRANITO, local pit bull activist JEAN KEATING and LEDY VANKAVAGE were instrumental in overturning Ohio's pit bull law in 2012 which has been addressed in depth at Scorched Earth. Both GRANITO and KUMPF are known to have close ties with the Utah Cult and LEDY VANKAVAGE. VANKAVAGE also occupies a seat on the AFF board of directors. And now we see a direct connection between Ohio and the New York Cult. It's a small world.
ONE lone voice called KUMPF out. And ONE person agreed. I was compelled to join him.
The comments at the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center facebook page are not so warm and fuzzy.
this blog post will most certainly be updated as the sad story of Klonda Richey and her murderers - NASON, CUSTER, KUMPF, WUEBBEN and yes VANKAVAGE & BERKEY, continues to unfold. expect a block buster of a blog post from Scorched Earth too.
I decided to look into this further and I found that the humane society was an hour drive north of Denver and Aurora, two cities despised by pit bull zealots for their breed bans. I also discovered that LHS had an interesting benefactor: ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION.
Between 2009 and 2012, LHS received over $35,000 from the AFF. The AFF paid $50 for every pit bull LHS adopted out and $150 for every pit bull that received a CGC plus there were several large lump sum donations for "adoption incentives".
Click here to read the ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION'S version of LHS rags to riches story.
AFF 990s can be viewed here and here.
Last Friday, Klonda Richey was killed by her neighbors' gripping dogs when she took out the garbage. It didn't take long for word to leak out that the victim had made numerous complaints to animal control. has uploaded all of the complaints against the owners, ANDREW NASON and JULIE CUSTER and AC's pathetic responses. Some of the more chilling complaints, indicate that NASON and CUSTER used their mutants to threaten and intimidate the victim. Klonda Richey was so frightened of the dogs that she sought a protection order with the court. Magistrate KRISTI WUEBBEN refused to grant it.
You can read all of the gory details at
The state of Ohio is of special interest to me, so I looked further into the Montgomery County Dog Warden, MARK KUMPF.
His facebook page was a regular pity party, with KUMPF whining about his worst day ever. His friends and coworkers rallied to show their support for the pudgy slug. The entire discussion has since been deleted but I copied it below. It is a sickening display considering a woman who repeatedly asked his department for help and protection is dead because of KUMPF'S lack of action.
Apparently, when the Montgomery County Dog Warden comes a knocking, all you have to do is ignore him and he goes away. Unfortunately the problem doesn't. It's impossible to feel one iota of sympathy for KUMPF'S worst day in his life when you consider the details of Klonda Richey's slow brutal agonizing death.
Back to the pity party.
There were a few familiar names; JEAN KEATING, TAMIRA CI THAYNE, DAISY BALAWEJDER, but one particular supporter of KUMPF is worthy of highlighting.

STACEY JACOBS - COLEMAN is the executive director for the ANIMAL FARM FOUNDATION.
I dug deeper into KUMPF'S facebook page and found a photo of him posing with old money bags herself, JANE SAUL ROTROSEN BERKEY, the grand poobah of the AFF.
It is important to note that KUMPF, along with another Ohio Dog Warden MATT GRANITO, local pit bull activist JEAN KEATING and LEDY VANKAVAGE were instrumental in overturning Ohio's pit bull law in 2012 which has been addressed in depth at Scorched Earth. Both GRANITO and KUMPF are known to have close ties with the Utah Cult and LEDY VANKAVAGE. VANKAVAGE also occupies a seat on the AFF board of directors. And now we see a direct connection between Ohio and the New York Cult. It's a small world.
in animal control since August 1989. Today counts as the hardest day I
have ever had and the worst case I have responded to in my career. Can't
say enough good things about the professionals at the ARC - ACCO's
Torbin Peterson, Brian Baker & Kandi Angi Broadus & Dr Kelly Meyer and all the folks who helped work our case today.
- 71 people like this.
- Jamie Lynn Park I'm proud of you Mark and I'm proud of our friendship. The world needs more people like you.
- Justin Scally Our thoughts are with you all today... Thank you for what you and your team do every day...
- Marilyn Karch Bourdow As I came down Riverside Drive after work tonight, there were two dogs fornicating right beside the road near Bruce! I normally stop and try to help strays, but I was too scared. This was a horrible thing to have happened and could have happened to any person in the area. The dogs were probably mistreated and not fed. So sorry you had to go through that, Mark.
- Zandra Gibson So sorry for you and your team and the woman who was killed by the dogs. Montgomery County is so fortunate to have you and your officers.
- Mel Isaacs A horrific case. Any dog attack is terrible but a fatality is just something else entirely. Thanks to you and your team for your hard work.
- Jetta Earhart Mark, I saw the news report but I hadn't made the connection with your department. I'm sorry. Hang in there.
- Steve Knick I can't even imagine what it would have been like to be on that case. You, your team, and all the other first responders on this case deserve a great big thank you from the rest of us who don't have to deal with what you went though today (and every day for that matter). THANK YOU for all you do.
- Sarah Kraus I think that is awesome that you have such a great staff and team!!!! To help with all the cases and that you appreciate them soo much!!! Thank all of them for what they do!!! I sure wish I could do that and help but I guess it was never meant to be for me! I will still pursue my law enforcement career goal and my personal animal rescue I have done 254 dogs and counting lol!!!! Thank you for all your hard work really thank you!!!
- Tonia Aslin Gould Jimmy told me. So sorry Mark!! My prayers are with you and everyone there!! I know that had to be so difficult to deal with!
- Kevin M. Kilgore Sorry, But! Your do your job first; then get home safe to those who love you. Tomorrow it will be better and will be one of the better days. If not, then consider something else. Worse things happen and life goes know. Get some damn rest of which I know better than most you will not... your bud.
- Donna Sparks Mark, my prayers are with you & your team, I know from our history with you how dedicated you are
- Martha C. Armstrong So sorry, Mark, that you and your team had to experience this. Prayers for you, your team an the family of victim.
- Brad Gryggs Can't imagine mate. Thoughts are with you. Thanks for being an exceptional, compassionate and pragmatic human being.
- Cindy Broome Kind of hate when there’s a conversation where everyone seems to know the story, but the details for those who don’t know the principals are far from clear. Thanks to some hints here, I found this link, which will tell the story if you, too, were in the dark. Terrible tragedy, indeed. Very sad. - Beth Honaker Mark, I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Manny and I lived only about 1/2 mile away from there.
- Karen Mitchell Lokensgard Your job is the hardest job I can imagine. I'm starting the Mark Kumpf Fan Club. Big, BIG hug.
- Stacey Jacobs-Coleman Mark Kumpf, I am glad that you are on this case because it means we will be getting only reliable facts without speculation or hysterics. We need people like you. I am sorry you have to deal with this tragedy. And I am glad it is you who will be giving us information.
- Susan Cain Take a deep breath and hold your head up. I know you do an awesome job. I know your job is hard. I always waited till I got home and cried. Terrible thing is all the good you r doing. You don't get to ever forget.
- Connie Faivre I cannot imagine what you have had to deal with in this case. I'll be saying extra prayers tonight, my friend.
- Christie Montgomery I hope I never have to endure that pain ... I am so sorry you have had to ..... may you find peace and comfort
- Joann Hughes Such a tragedy. Thank you for your service. As the mother of a first responder I can tell you that most everyone pauses when a tragedy happens and then they I go right on about their business never thinking what first responders go through day after day. It is the aftermath, the images in their heads of what they experienced and saw that make their jobs so much different than the average person. Sleepless nights, bad dreams etc. The community does appreciate you and some of us empathize and appreciate more because we have a loved one that has survived an event that changed their lives. Take care of yourself and staff.
- Mindy Moore Bacon So sorry this has happened in your community, or anywhere for that matter. I also know that there are few who can manage this crisis better than you.
- Michael Martin My heart goes out to the victim in this crime. She was taunted and harrassed by these dog owners and appealed to agencies for help for months. And, Mark, you said today that this was unpreventable? Wow...
- Mark Kumpf Our agency responded to every call we received. We had no legal grounds to take any action beyond issuing warnings as we never witnessed a violation. Our citations cannot be issued on a complaint, we have to see a dog in violation. The criteria for declaring a dog dangerous requires a bite (never bit anyone), killing a dog (never killed another dog), or convicted of 3 at large violations (never cited as neither the ARC or Dayton Police have witnessed them at large). Dogs are personal property and we cannot confiscate them based on a complaint only. With no legal basis to remove the dogs, our agency had no way to prevent this from happening. As noted in my press release this evening, our office never received an identified complaint from Klonda as our calls a(12 of 13) were anonymous. We received no calls from September on. The calls were not all dogs at large either. Several we're for conditions or barking. I agree that this is a terriBle tragedy, I spent the day at the scene with my officers and the Dayton police. We all wish it hadn't happened but in the end, the only people who could have prevented this are the two under investigation by the Dayton police.
- Scott Giacoppo Mark, you and your team are top notch, it's a part of the job we all pray we never have to deal with, the community is lucky to have such trained professionals like yourself. You're in our thoughts, stay strong.
- Laura Gonzo My thoughts are with you and your team, Mark. Also with friends and family of the victim. It's just awful.
ONE lone voice called KUMPF out. And ONE person agreed. I was compelled to join him.
The comments at the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center facebook page are not so warm and fuzzy.
this blog post will most certainly be updated as the sad story of Klonda Richey and her murderers - NASON, CUSTER, KUMPF, WUEBBEN and yes VANKAVAGE & BERKEY, continues to unfold. expect a block buster of a blog post from Scorched Earth too.
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