12.30.10 australia Katherine Botham was walking her 4 month old puppy and 11 yr old Luigi when they encountered 2 mutants. Luigi got the worst of it, with serious injuries to his stomach and groin.


12.28.10 canada 30 minutes before killing Max, a pit bull tried to kill Paisley, a mini pin on a morning walk with its owner. Virginia Vader saw the mutant standing in the road by itself. as soon as the mutant saw the little dog, it lunged towards them. Virginia scooped up Paisley and turned her back to the pit. she kept yelling "no" and spinning around. a good samaritan stopped and grabbed a hold of the mutant so they could escape to safety. Paisley escaped injury although her sweater was torn. the nutant is in quarantine, the authorities know about both attacks and charges are pending against the pit nutter. penalties are high in canada. if convicted, it could cost the nutter a $10,000 fine and 6 months in jail.

rip Max

12.28.10 canada on x-mas morning, Shannon Johnson responded to a knock on the door and a pit bull burst in and grabbed her 7 lb poodle, Max. She and her sister were both bitten trying to save Max. after $3000 of emergency vet care, Max was euthanized. the mutant and pit nutters have been located. a civil suit will follow. 12.30.10 the breed has been confirmed to be a pit bull but authorities won't say if it is legal. the pit nutter has been charged.
12.30.10 san diego county, california a deputy was waived down by a man who said he was just bitten by a pit bull and the mutant was now attacking his poodle. the deputy said the pit seemed friendly at first and so he tried to detain it but the pit bull bit him on the thigh. he shot and killed it. happy new year cul-de-sac!
12.30.10 pompano beach, florida broward counties deputies responded to a burglary call. the K9 officer and his partner encountered a mutant pit bull (in the mutant's back yard). a scuffle broke out, the pit bull bit the cop when he tried to break up the fight. the cop shot the pit bull. the pit nutter ROB MOFFETT says his dog has never shown any aggression, hence the sign on the fence. nice tats.
12.30.12 roanoke, alabama police responded to a call about a mutant pit bull killing other dogs on waller mill road. officers found the mutant in the road holding down a severely injured mutt by its throat. they shot the mutant and the dog in order to end its suffering. neighbors said the pit bull had killed other dogs in the past.
12.28.10 athens, georgia three pit mixes were caught in the act of attacking a flock of sheep. a relative of the owner shot and killed 2 of the mutants, the third mutant got away when they went for more ammo. the pit nutters have been cited for failing to control an animal and failing to display rabies tags. one sheep was killed, 2 had to be euthanized and 7 received veterinary care.
12.28.10 georgia a snack sized norwhich terrier started a fight with chained pit bull. he survived, but will he survive his idiot owners?
12.28.10 grand island, nebraska Mike Galvan went outside to feed his german shepherd Maude last wednesday morning but found two mutant pit bulls inside her kennel feeding on her mutilated remains. RIP Maude
Bob before MPB

Bob after MPB

12.27.10 UK 14 yr old Bob provoked 2 mutant pit bulls and a scuffle broke out. Bob's owner, Judith Terry put herself in harms way to protect her border collie and was also bitten. Bob needed a few operations. the vet staff has been wonderful and even made home visits to check on him. Dr Heather Westrom said “Bob has done really well. He’s a remarkable dog and the fact that he’s such a nice dog has made him so easy to treat throughout. He has done remarkably well considering how horrible his injuries were and the fact that he’s an old dog. Bob really has been a pleasure to treat.” Bob must be part pit dog since they are so human friendly and easy to handle in the pit.
someone had been interviewed in connection with the incident, but no arrest or charges had been made yet. if you have information about this savage attack, call 0845 6060247
12.29.10 uniontown, pennsylvania police shot a mutant pit bull. police were responded to fighting dogs. three dogs were tangled up in their chains. one pit and two shepherds. the police say the pit wouldn't stop attacking, so they shot it. the owner is in jail and a woman was supposed to checking on the dogs.
12.26.10 famous l.a. pit nutter alert MARIEL HEMINGWAY'S mutant pit bull attacked a dog and two people. they went to the hospital with "serious puncture wounds" and the mutant went into quarantine.
12.28.10 brown county, texas A Brown County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to an animal complaint in the 4400 block of Austin Avenue where two pit bulls were attacking a show pig. The report states that the deputy yelled at the dogs to leave the pig alone and the male pit bull charged the deputy, who then shot and killed it. He then threw a rock at the female pit bull to get it away from the pig. The female too charged at the deputy and had to be destroyed as well the report states.
A phone number for the dog’s owner was located on a tag that was attached to the animals’ collars and the owner was called to notify him of what had happened. The owner came to the location to retrieve the animal bodies and to make arrangements with the complainant to pay for the damages caused by his dogs. The owner stated that the dogs were trained for hunting to bite the ears of hogs to hold the hogs to the ground.
lots of police shootings this week. here's another in rochester, new york and another in minneapolis. :)

12.23.10 thug-dogger chat So, she's a big girl right now at about 53lbs and stands ~21" at the withers. She's tenacious and has a ton of drive. The story is that she nearly killed her first adopter's other dog. Big surprise there... idiot people. We suspect she's right around 3 years old now.
12.23.10 thug-dogger chat So, she's a big girl right now at about 53lbs and stands ~21" at the withers. She's tenacious and has a ton of drive. The story is that she nearly killed her first adopter's other dog. Big surprise there... idiot people. We suspect she's right around 3 years old now.
UK the 38 yr old pit nutter who attacked an attacked an elderly couple when they tried to protect their dog from his frankenmauler was arrested. too bad they didn't name him.
sterling heights, michigan Cathy Kovak and her two cocker spaniels were attcked by the neighbors pit bulls last june.
canada remember the ugly mutant that killed the little dog after it had been 86'd from white rock after it attacked several dogs? people are calling for the head of that owner. well, their name and photo anyway.