babemagical CHRISTY BARLOW of walls, mississippi writes to dogsbite.org:
"It being unsaid here, but the gentleman died of a heart attack. He could of died of a heart attack if a racoon was attacking him. The only thing most are hearing is "pitbull". The owner is responsible for how these dogs are raised. Period. Just like parents are responsible for how their children are raised. Just as the saying goes, "some people just do not need to have children", the same thing can be said about pitbulls. Don't blame the breed."
(poor christy, in her pit nutter frenzy to redirect the blame to hypothetical raccoons, she apparently missed the memo that states that i am now fielding dogsbite.org's nasty comments.)
BRENT TOELLNER writes from his pit nutter pulpit:
"Yesterday, news broke about a tragic incident in Memphis where a 71 year old man was attacked by two dogs. The man's daughter came to his aid and was also bitten and during the attack and the man, William Parker, had cardiac arrest during the attack and later died at the hospital.
The Associated Press picked up the first story released after the attack -- which was picked up by nearly 200 media outlets across the country with the headline: "Tennessee Pit Bull Attacks Leave Elderly Man Dead."
Of course, the story was far from complete -- and the headline not even completely accurate. It sure SOUNDS like the 'pit bulls' killed the man, but at the present time, there seems to be a lot of doubt as to the man's actual cause of death (which could have been from the heart attack he suffered). All of the man's injuries appear to be on his lower legs. One news station even failed to mention the man going into cardiac arrest altogether."
KCBLOWHARD and CHRISTY BARLOW are obsessed with finding an alternative cause of death other than licked to death by a wiggle butt. and what's with this nonsense minimizing bites to the legs? in august 2008, a pit bull bit a healthy 35 yr old detroit man in the calf, Robert Howard died almost instantly. but back to CHRISTY'S and BRENT'S original witch hunt... according to YOUR dog bite expert, KAREN DELISE, you remember KAREN, the one that you and all of pitnutterville line up to worship and regularly lick the boots of, the death of William Parker does indeed count as a dog bite fatality. please see page 91 of Fatal Dog Attacks The Stories Behind the Statistics
Definition: Fatal Dog AttackThis study defines a dog bite fatality as trauma inflicted by a dog bite that results in the death of the victim. This includes:• Bite injuries inflicted by a dog(s) that resulted in the immediate death of the individual.• Injuries that were in and of themselves life threatening but, due to medical intervention, the victim's life was prolonged (for days, months, years) until the individual succumbed from injuries originally or secondarily inflicted from trauma due to the dog bite. Although medically these deaths may be attributed to organ failure or massive infection, the causative agent was traumatic injury from dog bite.• Death from heart attack while being attacked and bitten by a dog. Although the bite itself may not have been injurious enough to cause death, the accompanying stress and trauma at the time of the attack caused immediate heart failure and death.
a while back KAREN DELISE accused me of not reading her books.
au contraire mon frère, i think that i might be one of the few who have read your books and that website that your master JANE BERKEY owns too. ;)
i leave you nutters with a quote that your idol likes: