the shit bulls have been busy this week.
i am not sure where this shit bull attacked the other dog but at least the police gave it a proper dirt nap.
Lucky had the rest of his leg amputated and has been adopted.

Shelby (i'd like to adopt this dog so she never fears a shit bull again)
03.15.11 st louis, missouri Shelby was in the county pound. She was caged with a young pit bull.
(WTF is wrong with these shelter idiots?!) The pit bull mauled her before the pound workers could intervene. They had to shoot the pit bull to get him off Shelby.
(hey, why didn't the evil biased media carry this in 187 different newpapers?
) Shelby's leg was almost torn off, and she needed surgery and a long rehabilitation period. Shelby is now completely recovered, and we don't even see her limping. We think she's 8 to 10 months old. She gets along well with people and other animals, but does not like to be cornered.
gee, i can't fucking imagine why!

03.11.11 manteca, california this hideous mutant was declared dangerous "multiple times" in contra costa county before moving to manteca and savagely killing a 15 yr old beagle/terrier mix named Dude. the old dog was snoozing in the driveway when this shit bull snuck up and grabbed him. he ran off with Dude and was caught a block and half away. this freak of nature jumped out of a second story window just minutes before killing the little dog. i am sure he could smell his beagle snack from quite a distance.
03.07.11 kinston, north carolina a rottweiler/german shepherd mix was attacked in his own back yard by the neighbor's pit bulls. the nutter offered to pay the vet bills, so they are not pursuing charges. Greg Smith, i hope you don't live to regret that, more importantly, i hope no one dies because you wanted to be a nice forgiving neighbor.
03.10.11 des moines, iowa Tom Weinman took his Basenji Emily for a walk and ran into stray shit bull. Emily was saved by her winter jacket.
03.11.11 austin, texas My neighbor had her thug friend over with a pitbull in her back yard and when I let my chihuahuas outside in MY yard they started sniffing the fence. My little baby girl chihuahua was dragged under the fence by the pitbull, and BRUTALLY murdered. I couldn't break the fence down in time to save her. She was still breathing with her insides exposed. It was the most horrific site I ever had to see. I miss her so much. She was a member of the family, and now she is gone because thug owners want to make these dogs even more aggressive than they already are. My wife and I are currently looking for a lawyer to sue. This literally was like seeing our child mauled to death, as we have no children, and consider our pups our children. Her name was Sweets because she was just that sweet. Very very very sweet. She deserved better than this and now her ashes are in a box in our living room.
03.11.11 orlando, florida a pit bull and 2 pit/lab mixes killed 2 cats and a dog. the pit nutter is MICHAEL HUTTER and he received $1785 in citations. animal control may file to have them classified as dangerous dogs.
03.11.11 juanita township, pennsylvania 19 yr old HARRY LOGSDON'S pit bull got loose and menaced Delores Steffey and her dog. her husband shot it. 21 yr old ROBERT SWEENEY (the nutter's brother) went to the Steffeys to ask about their mutant and claims that Steffey pointed a gun at him and ordered him off of the property. both men have been charged.
03.12.11 pueblo, colorado two shit bulls dug under the fence to attack the neighbor's pregnant pit bull. both pit nutters have been ticketed for registration violation.
03.12.11 ashtabula, ohio police were called when two shit bulls attacked a husky. one shit bull was shot and the other ran off before the cop could squeeze off another round. the unnamed nutters were found and will be charged for violating the city's pit bull ban.
03.12.11 internet chatter I had my six year old four pound Chihuahua, my eight pound Jack Russell Terrier, and a five and a half pound Toy Poodle out in my front yard, all leashed when two Pit Bulls came in to my yard and automatically started attacking my three small dogs. I proceeded to kick them in the head and face but they wouldn't let go, i started screaming and a neighbor came out and helped me free my dogs from these savage dogs. My neighbor and i ended up killing one of the dogs and severely injuring the other. My three dogs were killed within seconds by these vicious Pit Bulls. I called animal control and the two dogs were taken by them, now the owner of the two dogs is threatening to take my neighbor and i to court for killing her dogs and threatening our lives because i'm trying to get this vicious breed banned from our city... What can i do about this situation?
03.12.11 UK I am in the UK. The chap who lives in the flat above me has a dog I have been told is a pit bull / Lab cross.
The flats are tiny 1 bedroom flats I think the flats are to small to keep a knee high, very powerful dog in.
The poor animal very rarely get any exercise, and when it does it goes wild.
On Sunday last this dog was being walked by a visitor. Not the normal keeper. Unaware of how aggressive the dog is, the lad walking it is a lot smaller than the owner, I believe he was surprised by its power and not in control when the dog lunged into my garden and caught my 5 year old cat. The cat had no chance and was dead within seconds. There were 8 witnesses to the incident.
I have had problems with the owner and his visitors goading the dog toward my and other local cats, it has also damaged a little Yorkshire terrier. Up to now we have not told the authorities hoping after a chat about muzzling / neutering etc the matter would sort itself out. It did not
The owner is an idiot, literally! He is barely literate. He is a drug user and has convictions for drugs, and drug related violence and thieving.
rip Corona
03.12.11 dover, ohio 9 wk old Corona was savaged in her front yard by a loose pit bull. two of her legs were broken, she underwent 3 hours of surgery. she was euthanized 9 days later. the frankenmauler was finally caught and received a dirt nap.
03.13.11 yuma, arizona 10 lb Heidi became the latest pit bull victim in arizona. Heidi was savaged by the neighbors' 5 pit bulls as she trotted out to greet her master in the driveway (private property). Heidi's owner called but did not follow through with a complaint when she was told that she would cited for not having her dog leashed in her own yard. that's one massively fucked up state you all have there.
"These pit bulls were not raised to be fighters. They are owned by breeders who say they will be getting rid of all of them and vow never to own pit bulls again. They have young children and now fear for their safety." Kim Underhill
21 yr aspiring rapper and tattooed criminal punk DAINE GOODEN and ROCCO
03.13.11 UK GOODEN broke into tears when the judge ordered a dirt nap for ROCCO for breaking the back of the nanny dog. this idiot tied ROCCO out on a busy street without a muzzle and proceeded to go about shopping. when he returned, he found his mutant attacking the nanny dog. he was unable to break it off. two more people provided assistance. GOODEN and ROCCO fled before the police arrived. GOODEN'S shyster lawyer said the mutant was muzzled but it "slipped off" and ROCCO was not a threat to people but was
wary with other animals because it was attacked as a puppy. the shyster lawyer then blamed the nanny dog for provoking the attack by growling, ie ROCCO FINISHED THE FIGHT.
the 21 yr old punk's previous criminal history consists of assaulting a cop and drug charges. hopefully, his
career will never get off of the ground. he also goes by:
03.14.11 rochester, new york a pair of shit bulls is dead. the two got into a fight, nutter called police, shit bulls charged an officer who shot and killed one. the other shit bull had to be euthanized because of injuries. Charles Darwin would not approve of this breed of dog.
rip Oreo
03.14.11 decatur, georgia 7 yr old Oreo was savaged by a shit mix while on a walk with his 84 yr old owner. Oreo was later euthanized because of the severity of injuries. his owner was also bitten. ac is "investigating" whether or not the leash law was violated, DUH! and may cite the owner after the 10 day quarantine.
"Its broken my heart. That dog was so much a part of my life, what can I say?" Joe Giordano
03.16.11 omaha, nebraska 3 dogs belonging to this freaky idiot attacked a schnauzer that was chained in the yard. the 3 dogs (JOJO, ICEY and KILL) ripped the schnauzer off of his chain and took him into the street. when people (including a cop) came to the little dog's aid, the cane corso began to chase them. police shot/killed the cane corso, that's when GOODWIN grabbed a hold of the other two mutants and tried to flee. both pit/lab mixes have been seized by ac and will most likely get dirt naps after 10 days. the schnauzer is alive. GOODWIN claims it bit him when he tried to break up the fight. GOOD! the cane corso and possibly one of the shit mixes belonged to his friend and roommate, felon

GOODWIN was charged with no restraint, dangerous dogs and disorderly conduct and is looking at 6 months jail plus $500 for each count. hopefully this fucktard will get the max sentence as he is well known to animal control. just last week his pit/lab lunged at another dog in the park.
Toodie the schnauzer and the death row shit bulls
K9 Damian
03.16.11 des moines, iowa Damian was attacked by a shit bull while searching for robbery suspects. his handler fell trying to separate the dogs and another cop tased it. the tan colored mutant ran off with a taser barb still stuck in it.
Ryleigh Sills
03.16.11 west palm beach, florida 18 month old Ryleigh suffered a collapsed lung and broken ribs after the family shit bull, 5 yr old STORMY attacked her and her father.
the owner of the pit bull (the mother's boyfriend and NOT the biological father) TIM KELLY surrendered it to AC. STORMY and his border collie housemate GIZMO were declared potentially dangerous 2 months ago after they attacked the neighbor's dog. RYleigh's grandmother became very concerned about her grandchild after that. but of course the dog aggression is not human aggression mantra overruled common sense. AC director DIANNE SUAVE gave the old
"set 'em up to fail" and the
"loser is the dog" spiel. i am pretty sure that Ryleigh and the neighbor dog are the ultimate losers and victims here. i don't know how she sleeps at night spewing this insensitive shit.
and here is the great mutato. they are calling this thing a "pit bull german shepherd mix". if this is part GSD, then the shit bull DNA must have consumed the GSD DNA while in the embryo stage.
KATHRYN AYALA (not sure which of these two is the nutter)
03.17.11 lawrence, massachusetts animal control found AYALA'S mutant pit bull attacking a boxer in the street. Scooby, the boxer was being walked by a 15 yr old girl. AC seized the dog and stated there had been 2 other "similar incidents recently".
pit nutter - he looks like a good candidate for agua dulce
03.17.11 tucson, arizona 3 frankenmaulers dug their way into a goat pen and killed 32 of the 40 goats, injuring the others. many of the goats were pregnant. video surveillance caught the 2 hour all you can eat contest on tape. when the owner of the goats arrived, the black pit bull climbed out of an 8 ft fence. he managed to kill one of the mutants. the killers lived a half a mile away. police wrote the pit nutter 85 citations. the neighbors are breathing a sigh of relief, they say the shit bulls have been terrorizing the neighborhood.
"They're pit bulls what do you want me to do?" unnamed pit nutter.
BRANDON SEIFURT (i can find no record of this name in the united states)
03.17.11 fort worth, texas SEIFURT'S 4 mutants saw Nancy Melenbacher's beagle pup, PT and decided it was snack time. they busted through the window screen and launched an attack. another woman heard Nancy's cries for help and the two of them fought off the pit bulls enough so that PT could escape under a car. by this time the pit nutter moseyed out and collected his ugly dogs. Nancy was also bitten. SEIFURT claims his mutants have had their rabies vaccines but couldn't prove it. SEIFURT is looking at thousands of dollars in fines. i'll believe it when i see it.
03.17.11 waterloo, iowa two shit bulls escaped a yard and attacked a labrador being walked by a woman pushing a baby stroller.
03.17.11 center point, iowa Ruby Vandaver and her daughter were walking their lab when a shit bull bolted out of a car window and attacked. neighbors came to their aid, thankfully one of them came with a licensed "break stick". he shot the mutant in the head and it finally released the lab with its "just a dog" jaws. it was euthanized. now the city is talking about a shit bull ban.
03.17.11 lake worth, florida Darwin struck again this week. two women were sent to the hospital after their own shit bull attacked. ANGEL FRYE picked up a pit bull puppy that had strayed and returned it to mommy wiggle butt. daddy wiggle butt didn't like that for whatever reason (maybe the earthquake & tsunami in japan) and attacked her. one of the other people living in the single wide came to her aid and was bitten too. DEBRA GLASER has been treated and released but ANGEL FRYE suffered "bites all over her body" and is missing chunks of flesh. GLASER said the room was covered in blood, just like in horror movies. head AC pit nutter DIANE SUAVE showed up again to talk about how we set dogs up to fail - classic nutter speak. she seems to think that the cramped living conditions triggered the wiggle butt. obtw, ANGEL'S common law husband turned over BOTH dogs AND the puppies!
manteca, california remember Dude, the beagle mix above that was killed by the pit bull who jumped out a second story window and was previously declared dangerous in another city? well, the owners of the beagle found a little dog sleeping on their porch and have adopted him and the pit nutter hired an attorney to get his dog back.
attacks the media NEVER reports