The latest craze taken from the Pit Owner playbook (which might be a cookbook called: “To Serve Man“…) is fleeing from stunned attack victims using the Dine and Dash, or “the D&D“. A variety of techniques can be used during a D&D, from blatantly hauling ass, to giving phony names and offering a worthless promise to pay med/vets bills. Sometimes the reckless owner will traffic the animal to another locality to avoid it‘s euthanization. There have even been cases where serial D&Ders have plagued a region for months intentionally siccing the dogs on victims while using a pre-planned exit strategy to disappear during the ensuing shock and mayhem.
How could a person do such a thing?!? First, you must explore the mind of a Pit Bull owner by reading this study: Nutters then see the hamsters in this nutter’s head treadmilling out a plan for the eventual incident: Forethought of Malice.
In the event of a Pit Bull attack on yourself, one must realize what you are dealing with. The owner has likely internalized that they are in a great civil rights struggle over a long period of time… Pit Bulls are oppressed fur-peoples and the media and victims are out to get them, and it is really the bad owners who have given the breed a bad name. This Person’s entire world has just flipped upside down because they have just become “The Bad Owner”. They may merely panic and haul ass…or they may be a psychopath with a plan.
By fleeing the scene, the owner escapes financial liabilities, citations/fines, and the possible euthanization of their fur-baby. They also avoid a punishment worse than death for them; condemnation/banishment from the world of Pit Nutter-dom. The crazy legal twist about the D&D, is that unlike car accidents, there is no criminal penalty for leaving the scene of a dog attack in most cities. The owner is merely looking at the fines from the bite citation even if caught, so there is no legal incentive to stay, making the D&D an attractive option. To keep from being mauled again with un-recouped vet/medical bills, and lost wages, you must keep your wits about you and be “at the Ready” for the Pit Owner to execute their D&D plan. Additionally, one must consider the other dreaded consequence of a successful D&D…painful and expensive Rabies vaccinations since the offending wigglebutt will not be properly quarantined.
Below, are tactics you can use to defeat the D&D. From this point forward the Perp will be referred to as “the Flea-Bag”….
1. Despite pleas from the Flea-Bag, report the attack immediately. Don’t even mess with calling the Pit lovers at Animal Control, they will probably be busy subsidizing Pit Bull Spay Neuters anyway. Call 911 and report to police you have been attacked by a Pit Bull. Law enforcement will be handy in getting proper Identification from a potential Flea-Bag. Insist LEO’s actually ask for the Flea-Bag’s ID and record it on the Police Report.
2. If the Flea-Bag offers to exchange phone numbers, have them “Hit you on the hip with their Digits” by calling your cell number. This way you will have the real one instead of a phony.
3. Expect a phony name to be given, so use your cell phone/crackberry to take a picture of the dog and the Flea-Bag. This will be extremely helpful in a subsequent Flea-Bag Manhunt. Recently, Mobile technology and social networking successfully manhunted down a Flea-Bag in Chicago who turned out to be a city police officer. No wonder Chicago is one of the nation’s top Pit-Holes! Pit-Hole
4. If the Flea-Bag starts hauling ass in a car, try to write the license plate number down with anything available; in the dirt with a stick,…use your finger to write with blood on a fence or on the side of a car in a parking lot. If in the parking lot of a business and the above tactics are impossible, the last resort may be asking the business for surveillance video of the Flea-Bag‘s nutter-mobile.
5. Get names and phone numbers of any witnesses. They will be handy if the Flea-Bag generates the ol “You or you dog provoked mine” excuse in Court.
6. When animal Control eventually contacts you, don’t be surprised to get an semi-adversarial response from them, since one of their precious Pit Bulls is involved…They may ask you to drop charges against the Flea-Bag if they agree to euthanize the dog. Don’t. The public safety determination of the animal is a separate matter from any citations and fines to the owner. These need to go on record since the Flea-Bag can easily obtain another Pound Pittie in fifteen minutes and start the maul-cycle all over again. Also, people have been killed by dogs that had previously unreported bites.
Like with any disaster preparedness exercise or emergency drill, one must mentally run through scenarios ahead of time, so that when the time comes, dealing with the Flea-Bag will be instinctive. Please take a few minutes to study the following real world D&D events for personal readiness purposes:

2012 Chicago; Clever and determined D&D victim launches cyber web to ensnare to dirtball Flea-Bag who is a City Cop
June 2012, San Letgomyleggo, CA; Another PIT NUTTER APB: white male 25–35 years old, thin build, long brown hair. Car was a Subaru wagon, rust colored. Dog: female pit bull, 60–80 pounds
2008 New Jersey Flea-Bag leaves Jogger bleeding
2001 CA; The Holy Mother of all D&Ds, Nurse Flea-Bag leaves 10 year old boy to die on the side of the road. Then traffics dogs to another town
2006 Salem MA; Diabolical Flea-Bag claims to be Animal Behaviorist and leaves phony name
2011 CT; Flea-Bag hauls ass from Park after his Pit Bull bites woman in the face
2011 RI Drug dealer‘s illegal-kid hatin’ Pittie bites three kids at an Elementary School and he pulls the ol “barricade the door with a hand rail trick“
2005 Delaware; Flea-Bag pulls the ol’ “Traffic the mauler to another state trick” Busted after calling Vet offices checking for gunshot wounded dogs
Oct 2006, Vancouver BC; When two year old is bitten at a Starbucks, the Pit Perp gives the mother a note with “The real owner‘s name and phone number“ …"Investigators have discovered the information given was false and would now like to speak with this man”
2011 Kansas D&Der leaves first grader needing rabies shots
2003 Utah; Putrid Flea-Bag abandons blind college student and her injured guide dog
2008 San Diego, Woman mauled by Pit Bull while walking to her car, Flea-Bag hauls ass

2010 PA; Police officer who was hellbent on using Pits and Cane Corsos as police dogs tries the ol “Above the Law” trick. Nailed when a witness wrote down her license plate number.
Feb 2010 Idyllic Calgary, Serial Pit Bull D&D psychopath escapes jail time
Oct 2011; Out of shape Canadian Flea-Bag collapses when running from Animal Control
2008 Texas woman and her dog attacked in a Pitsmart parking lot...Flea-Bag hauls ass
2012*** PIT NUTTER APB***, Silver SUV Washington Plates ADF6496. Attacked Service dog in Vet office parking lot , Owner considered armed and dangerous with all sorts of “facts” regarding Pit Bull safety
After pulling ol “Leave a phony name and screwing up the wedding” Trick, Flea-Bag gets mauled by determined victim who went all the way to the State Dangerous Dog bureau
2008 London,; Douchebag Flea-Bag caught on CCTV attacking guide dog and leaving her owner helpless
1998 Florida; Flea-Bag captured by police boat during amphibious D&D attempt
2011; Yet another Calgary Dine and Dash
1998 Philadelphia; Boys sic 6 Pit Bulls on 100 school children in epic D&D
1997 NY; Pittie kills Flea-Bag’s own brother and he tries the ol “Dye the Pit” trick
2007 CA; Pit Mommie Flea-Bag left trail of victims until caught
April 2007, Mount Carmel, TN; Pit bull mauls woman at Laurel Run Park; dog's owner gives victim bogus ID. Victim needs Rabies shots
2008 Canada; Homeless Nutter living in a van down by the river perpetrates three D&D attacks over a period of months
2012 Tennessee Man desperately seeks Flea-Bag to avoid Rabies shots
Wisconsin 2010; Crazy Pit Mommie tries the ol “The Lab did it” trick to save the animal that bit her own 18 month old son, sigh…
2008 WA couple tries the ol “Blame the Cougar “ trick to save their own wigglebutt that mauled them
2011 FL; Babysitters try the ol “Blame the stray Boxer” trick when their Pit Bull puts boy into life flight helicopter
2009 IL; Another D&D in a Vet office parking lot, leaves victims facing Rabies vaccinations
April 2008, Aurora, CO; Pit Granny‘s illegal Pit Bull mauls 4 year old Granddaughter in the face. Attempts to traffic the dog to a more maul-friendly city
Nov 2005, Omaha, NE; Pit Nutter is arrested after her Pit Bull attacks a boy and she traffics the dangerous mauler to an undisclosed location. The boy faces Rabies shots but she refuses to give up the mauler. Note: Too bad we can‘t send these neighborhood Pit Terrorists to Gitmo for a 20 minute waterboarding session
April 2001, Providence, RI‘ Pit Nutter lowlife pulls the Ol’ Dine and Dash routine after his Pit Bull bites children at a school for the Deaf
These were just a small sample of the many D&Ds that were selected for training purposes. Takeaway should be, never trust a Pit owner. As stated earlier, America’s relationship with dogs has changed. Until Dine and Dash behavior is criminalized, you are pretty much on your own.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed On-line Dine and Dash Prevention Training. Sorry, there is no certificate….but Remember!:
And You Can’t Make this Stuff Up!