The latest craze taken from the Pit Owner playbook (which might be a cookbook called: “To Serve Man“…) is fleeing from stunned attack victims using the Dine and Dash, or “the D&D“. A variety of techniques can be used during a D&D, from blatantly hauling ass, to giving phony names and offering a worthless promise to pay med/vets bills. Sometimes the reckless owner will traffic the animal to another locality to avoid it‘s euthanization. There have even been cases where serial D&Ders have plagued a region for months intentionally siccing the dogs on victims while using a pre-planned exit strategy to disappear during the ensuing shock and mayhem.
How could a person do such a thing?!? First, you must explore the mind of a Pit Bull owner by reading this study: Nutters then see the hamsters in this nutter’s head treadmilling out a plan for the eventual incident: Forethought of Malice.
In the event of a Pit Bull attack on yourself, one must realize what you are dealing with. The owner has likely internalized that they are in a great civil rights struggle over a long period of time… Pit Bulls are oppressed fur-peoples and the media and victims are out to get them, and it is really the bad owners who have given the breed a bad name. This Person’s entire world has just flipped upside down because they have just become “The Bad Owner”. They may merely panic and haul ass…or they may be a psychopath with a plan.
By fleeing the scene, the owner escapes financial liabilities, citations/fines, and the possible euthanization of their fur-baby. They also avoid a punishment worse than death for them; condemnation/banishment from the world of Pit Nutter-dom. The crazy legal twist about the D&D, is that unlike car accidents, there is no criminal penalty for leaving the scene of a dog attack in most cities. The owner is merely looking at the fines from the bite citation even if caught, so there is no legal incentive to stay, making the D&D an attractive option. To keep from being mauled again with un-recouped vet/medical bills, and lost wages, you must keep your wits about you and be “at the Ready” for the Pit Owner to execute their D&D plan. Additionally, one must consider the other dreaded consequence of a successful D&D…painful and expensive Rabies vaccinations since the offending wigglebutt will not be properly quarantined.
Below, are tactics you can use to defeat the D&D. From this point forward the Perp will be referred to as “the Flea-Bag”….
1. Despite pleas from the Flea-Bag, report the attack immediately. Don’t even mess with calling the Pit lovers at Animal Control, they will probably be busy subsidizing Pit Bull Spay Neuters anyway. Call 911 and report to police you have been attacked by a Pit Bull. Law enforcement will be handy in getting proper Identification from a potential Flea-Bag. Insist LEO’s actually ask for the Flea-Bag’s ID and record it on the Police Report.
2. If the Flea-Bag offers to exchange phone numbers, have them “Hit you on the hip with their Digits” by calling your cell number. This way you will have the real one instead of a phony.
3. Expect a phony name to be given, so use your cell phone/crackberry to take a picture of the dog and the Flea-Bag. This will be extremely helpful in a subsequent Flea-Bag Manhunt. Recently, Mobile technology and social networking successfully manhunted down a Flea-Bag in Chicago who turned out to be a city police officer. No wonder Chicago is one of the nation’s top Pit-Holes! Pit-Hole
4. If the Flea-Bag starts hauling ass in a car, try to write the license plate number down with anything available; in the dirt with a stick,…use your finger to write with blood on a fence or on the side of a car in a parking lot. If in the parking lot of a business and the above tactics are impossible, the last resort may be asking the business for surveillance video of the Flea-Bag‘s nutter-mobile.
5. Get names and phone numbers of any witnesses. They will be handy if the Flea-Bag generates the ol “You or you dog provoked mine” excuse in Court.
6. When animal Control eventually contacts you, don’t be surprised to get an semi-adversarial response from them, since one of their precious Pit Bulls is involved…They may ask you to drop charges against the Flea-Bag if they agree to euthanize the dog. Don’t. The public safety determination of the animal is a separate matter from any citations and fines to the owner. These need to go on record since the Flea-Bag can easily obtain another Pound Pittie in fifteen minutes and start the maul-cycle all over again. Also, people have been killed by dogs that had previously unreported bites.
Like with any disaster preparedness exercise or emergency drill, one must mentally run through scenarios ahead of time, so that when the time comes, dealing with the Flea-Bag will be instinctive. Please take a few minutes to study the following real world D&D events for personal readiness purposes:

2012 Chicago; Clever and determined D&D victim launches cyber web to ensnare to dirtball Flea-Bag who is a City Cop
June 2012, San Letgomyleggo, CA; Another PIT NUTTER APB: white male 25–35 years old, thin build, long brown hair. Car was a Subaru wagon, rust colored. Dog: female pit bull, 60–80 pounds
2008 New Jersey Flea-Bag leaves Jogger bleeding
2001 CA; The Holy Mother of all D&Ds, Nurse Flea-Bag leaves 10 year old boy to die on the side of the road. Then traffics dogs to another town
2006 Salem MA; Diabolical Flea-Bag claims to be Animal Behaviorist and leaves phony name
2011 CT; Flea-Bag hauls ass from Park after his Pit Bull bites woman in the face
2011 RI Drug dealer‘s illegal-kid hatin’ Pittie bites three kids at an Elementary School and he pulls the ol “barricade the door with a hand rail trick“
2005 Delaware; Flea-Bag pulls the ol’ “Traffic the mauler to another state trick” Busted after calling Vet offices checking for gunshot wounded dogs
Oct 2006, Vancouver BC; When two year old is bitten at a Starbucks, the Pit Perp gives the mother a note with “The real owner‘s name and phone number“ …"Investigators have discovered the information given was false and would now like to speak with this man”
2011 Kansas D&Der leaves first grader needing rabies shots
2003 Utah; Putrid Flea-Bag abandons blind college student and her injured guide dog
2008 San Diego, Woman mauled by Pit Bull while walking to her car, Flea-Bag hauls ass

2010 PA; Police officer who was hellbent on using Pits and Cane Corsos as police dogs tries the ol “Above the Law” trick. Nailed when a witness wrote down her license plate number.
Feb 2010 Idyllic Calgary, Serial Pit Bull D&D psychopath escapes jail time
Oct 2011; Out of shape Canadian Flea-Bag collapses when running from Animal Control
2008 Texas woman and her dog attacked in a Pitsmart parking lot...Flea-Bag hauls ass
2012*** PIT NUTTER APB***, Silver SUV Washington Plates ADF6496. Attacked Service dog in Vet office parking lot , Owner considered armed and dangerous with all sorts of “facts” regarding Pit Bull safety
After pulling ol “Leave a phony name and screwing up the wedding” Trick, Flea-Bag gets mauled by determined victim who went all the way to the State Dangerous Dog bureau
2008 London,; Douchebag Flea-Bag caught on CCTV attacking guide dog and leaving her owner helpless
1998 Florida; Flea-Bag captured by police boat during amphibious D&D attempt
2011; Yet another Calgary Dine and Dash
1998 Philadelphia; Boys sic 6 Pit Bulls on 100 school children in epic D&D
1997 NY; Pittie kills Flea-Bag’s own brother and he tries the ol “Dye the Pit” trick
2007 CA; Pit Mommie Flea-Bag left trail of victims until caught
April 2007, Mount Carmel, TN; Pit bull mauls woman at Laurel Run Park; dog's owner gives victim bogus ID. Victim needs Rabies shots
2008 Canada; Homeless Nutter living in a van down by the river perpetrates three D&D attacks over a period of months
2012 Tennessee Man desperately seeks Flea-Bag to avoid Rabies shots
Wisconsin 2010; Crazy Pit Mommie tries the ol “The Lab did it” trick to save the animal that bit her own 18 month old son, sigh…
2008 WA couple tries the ol “Blame the Cougar “ trick to save their own wigglebutt that mauled them
2011 FL; Babysitters try the ol “Blame the stray Boxer” trick when their Pit Bull puts boy into life flight helicopter
2009 IL; Another D&D in a Vet office parking lot, leaves victims facing Rabies vaccinations
April 2008, Aurora, CO; Pit Granny‘s illegal Pit Bull mauls 4 year old Granddaughter in the face. Attempts to traffic the dog to a more maul-friendly city
Nov 2005, Omaha, NE; Pit Nutter is arrested after her Pit Bull attacks a boy and she traffics the dangerous mauler to an undisclosed location. The boy faces Rabies shots but she refuses to give up the mauler. Note: Too bad we can‘t send these neighborhood Pit Terrorists to Gitmo for a 20 minute waterboarding session
April 2001, Providence, RI‘ Pit Nutter lowlife pulls the Ol’ Dine and Dash routine after his Pit Bull bites children at a school for the Deaf
These were just a small sample of the many D&Ds that were selected for training purposes. Takeaway should be, never trust a Pit owner. As stated earlier, America’s relationship with dogs has changed. Until Dine and Dash behavior is criminalized, you are pretty much on your own.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed On-line Dine and Dash Prevention Training. Sorry, there is no certificate….but Remember!:
And You Can’t Make this Stuff Up!
And You Can’t Make this Stuff Up!
"The owner has likely internalized that they are in a great civil rights struggle over a long period of time… Pit Bulls are oppressed fur-peoples and the media and victims are out to get them, and it is really the bad owners who have given the breed a bad name."
vintage, this is my new favorite!
Great post.
TAKE PICTURES, TAKE PICTURES, TAKE PICTURES. See suspicious activity or dangerous handling of a pit? TAKE PICTURES. Take pictures of their vehicle, follow them home after the incident if you need to or have someone do it. Like the passengers on planes these days, detain the terrorist. Don't let them get away with it. Document them. Document them BEFORE the inevitable attack.
At home, have a camcorder handy and/or use security cameras.
Document the dangerous dog owner and dog in their yard and with them. Inform their landlord.
CALL A LAWYER. The best way to get a response from your city is to have an attorney handle them. All of a sudden, they stop trying to protect the fighting breed owners.
Best of all, act preemptively. REPORT DOGS THAT ARE ACTING DANGEROUSLY AND THEIR OWNERS, before they attack. That cop in Chicago had been letting his pit act aggressively in various dog parks for months, but no one took pictures/reported him so a dog had to die.
Never ever trust a pit bull owner or a pit bull. They'll tell you their pit loves other dogs just before their pit kills your dog. You are your dog's best protection. Don't let a pit bull near them, at a dog park, vet clinic, ANYWHERE.
Yes, it may mean you can't take your dog to the park or walk down the street with your dog, and you need to fence your yard securely, but fix that by getting your legislators to crack down on the fighting breed problem. Pit bull owners and lobbyists are taking away your civil rights, but don't let your dog pay the price. Fix the problem first. Protect your dog and keep your dog away from pit bulls before that.
It's much better to send your dog to a non-pit doggie day care, or excercise your dog in a securely fenced yard than to watch your dog slaughtered on the sidewalk or at some park.
Hopefully there will one day be more dine and drag-your-now-dead-pit-bull-to-the-car-by-its-leash.
What to expect when your neighbor has a pit bull. Don't wait for this to happen. Document and report before the attack. Never let a loose pit be able to even get near your dog. This is a war, and you, your family, and your pets are the desired targets by these terrorists. Don't let them be targets.
"Pit Bull attacked my little dog
I know there are pit bull owners on this board but I dont care. I wish they would eliminate every one of these vicious dogs.These dogs may be the best dog in the world, but all it takes is one second or two and my 2 yr. old daughter could be killed. If they ever bite, it does serious damage. Plus they dot let go.The neighbors pit bull got out today, went into my back yard and proceeded to bite and latch on to my little dog. It would not let go. Wife and friends slammed the pit bull with sticks and various other items. The pit bull would not let go. Finally my dog escaped and hid in its house, with the pit trying to get her. The pit wouldnt leave my back yard. Wife called 911 and cops came and the pit ran off, and another neighbor put the pit in the owners back yard.My dog was shaken up, but I couldnt find any blood or puncture wounds. She is a weiner dog mix (all 10 lbs of terror) and will bark her head off at the biggest dogs. She is the best dog I have ever owned.I talked to owners and they were very apologetic and said they would put it on a chain and was going to get rid of it. I plan to call animal control tomorrow and see what they would do if I report it. If the owner doesn’t do something, I will be sure to get animal control involved.The pit is very lucky I was at work, as it would have been dragged away dead if I was at home.I talked to the other owner of a different pit and told him I was not happy with any pit bulls in the neighborhood.The main problem I have with pits is they can do much more damage than any dog, and when they start a job, they usually finish it.Ken "
Gloucester Massachusetts.
Pit bull (called "American bulldog" by the local pit bull terrorists) slaughters a small dog being WALKED ON A LEASH IN A CHILDREN'S PARK BY A 10 YEAR OLD CHILD. Slaughter witnessed by a group of young children, who are emotionally devestated.
Dog is picked up by animal control, sent to a vet clinic that holds animal control dog, and town pursues dangerous dog hearing, but pit bull is then "stolen" from hold.
Police do nothing. Pit bull is even reported back in town.
Police officer Kathy Auld laughs and jokes. Maybe when the dog kills a child, that smirk might be wiped off her stupid face.
Local nutjobs BLAME THE CHILD.
When the police and animal control are this corrupt, you need to take matters into your own hands. Never, ever let the police or ac get away with this.
Letters to the editor are very telling re that Gloucester dog attack, and are a good education to prepare anyone for what they will expect if they are the victim, and if they don't document and raise hell. The police and animal control are NOT your friends, and some members of your community will further victimize you to protect dangerous dogs. You need to expand your complaints and keep these losers on the hook.
First, the kind of person in your community that will aid and abet the slaughtering of innocent pets, a pit bull and fighting breed defender of bloodthirsty attacks and emotional damage and danger to young children, Dora Symonds. Dora wants to blame every child in sight, and she doesn't care if the dog kills again. This is the kind of person that will blame you, and pressure cops to look the other way, if you don't document and raise hell.
Then the sad response of the slaughtered dog's owner. Her child is still suffering nightmares as she relates. The Gloucester police let the pit simply be "spirited away" to kill again another day, and wash their hands of it. Until the city is sued when the dog kills a child, but these idiots seem too stupid to figure that out. (keep in mind the vet clinic that was supposedly keeping this dog secure let it be "stolen" too, and that's more than a little suspicious)
Shoot 'n shovel; vigilante justice -- that's all they've left for us, so that's what we need to do. As we do it ever more often, lawmakers might wake up and do something. But even if they don't, we'll at least be taking care of the problem ourselves.
Literally the ONLY thing that can trigger a pit-imbecile to contain the penis-surrogate is fear that not your child, nor your normal dog, but his/her cut-rate dildo will die. So let's put this fear into them.
Besides firearms, the popping eyeballs out of sockets is an effective strategy. If you don't dare do this, it can help to carry a squirt bottle of ammonia. If you squirt this on the mutant's face or into its mouth, asphyxiation is likely to follow. The mutant will at any rate not be able to draw enough breath to sustain the attack.
I used to be more moderate on this, but ya know, our corrupt 'authorities' have left me little choice but to become a killer myself.
Four under my belt so far -- :-) - not all of them dead, but all so debilitated that they can never harm another real dog again.
P.S. By 'moderate' I mean I used to do things like grab the mutant's hind legs and lift the hindquarters in the air, alternatively grab the collar (IF the mutant was wearing one) and pinch the nostrils shut to force release of the gripping grip.
HOWEVER, after having been frequently then attacked by the dildo's owner for daring to touch his/her penis surrogate, attacked for how they feel their dingle shrink (even the imaginary ones the female pit-imbeciles have), stalked, etc, I did revert to the tactics I name in my post above.
Four bagged so far, and not a single pit-freak who's dared come after me. Bullies do tend to retire when it turns out you're more vicious than they are...
I hear what you're saying loud and clear. I too know people with aggressive dogs and they all say that they take full responsibility for their dogs actions. But if their dog killed a child I doubt that they would do prison time because they love their dog and accept responsibility for their dogs actions. Deep down inside I feel that most pit bull owners are dine and dashers.
Here's a comment from someone that I hope the neighbors are keeping an eye out when he is out walking:
"Any dog can be aggressive and attack anything...I have a pit and he is awesome....I don't use a leash to walk it, there are plenty of other dogs around too and he plays with them all the time...People need to stop being so bias against them..."
@ pit nutter - "pet convincer" - really?
In view of the hammers, baseball bats and crowbars that have had zero effect on pit bulls in the red zone, I don't think anybody with any sense is going to bother trying to stop a mutant attack with a puff of air. Better to stick with what works. A gun if possible, or a solid combat knife properly used, are shown to be the most effective, and as it turns out, drowning the attacking mutant is also a viable method of defense. This was recently accomplished by a brave teenager who had to fight off a vicious pit bull while out for a swim.
OBTW nutter - Isn't it more than a little silly for you to be accusing the good people here of wishing your son killed by a pit bull when they are in fact the ones warning you not to let it happen?
You seem quite intent on setting up your mutant to attack and kill at some random moment (although you are probably assuming it will be someone else's dog who is killed) while the regulars here are attempting to reason with you and convince you not to do so.
When it does happen, don't blame anyone but yourself.
LOL @ pit nutter - you sound just like the nutters that say "never inflict harm on a pit bull, just pour water on it when it's tearing our malti poo apart"
Thanks all the same, but I think I'll stick with the tried and true, battle tested tools. If my dog is being attacked by a mutant, the best thing I can do is make sure that mutant never again harms another living thing.
@ LOL again at pit nutter -
Let me get this straight: I will not stand by and let my dog be torn apart by your mutant. I will use force to stop the attack - and that makes me a sadist.
Well, okely dokely then.
Sweet, docile family pets are attacked by pit bulls every day, and in your mind these attacks are happening every day only because the owners lack your lion tamer instincts.
You do realize how that makes you sound?
Another thing - you complain about the "hate" directed at you, but I'm amazed at the restraint these people have been showing. For the most part, they have been talking to you calmly, as if trying to reason with a child. In some cases there is some good natured banter from folks like snarky. But here you are calling me names: "like a 4th grader", "idiot", "SIMPLEMINDED MORN" (sic), "brain dead" - all in one post. And yet we continue to humor you.
you da moron ,nutbag.
turning your place into halfway house for mutants of questionable charachter. then u get your rescue panties in a twist when i point out your visiting son could end up a casualty of your unnecessary risk taking. i wonder what the mom thinks?
Yeah, that pet convincer is really going to work on any red zone dog, especially a fighting breed.
It's too bad that Darla Napora chose standard shipping not rush order on her convincer, or she and her baby would be with us today.
I can just see Pit Nutter now with his mutant latched onto a living thing and he's prancing around bragging about his iq, squealing like a child/defeated nutter, and using the pet convincer to no avail. It would be funny if this guy wasn't such a danger due to his obtuseness.
PN said...
"No one here has attempted to reason to convince me of anything. Only insults sadistic wishes of personal injury to myself family or my other dogs."
That is a ridiculous statement PN. May have been very patient with you, especially at the beginning. Severa others focused mostly on the logic but threw in sarcasm here and there (didn't treat you with kid gloves). BFinch I especially remember wrote you several lengthy and detailed posts that were very respectful.
Have you forgotten that these things are saved and that many of us read along too? So, PN you are doing something that is called LYING.
"Besides firearms, the popping eyeballs out of sockets is an effective strategy. If you don't dare do this, it can help to carry a squirt bottle of ammonia. If you squirt this on the mutant's face or into its mouth, asphyxiation is likely to follow. The mutant will at any rate not be able to draw enough breath to sustain the attack. "
Sputnik left out knives, which are the only thing portable other than a handgun field proven to put pitties lights out. They are much more risky though, and you'll likely get hurt in the process.
The aim with a knife should be interrupting the intersecting the heart or one or more arteries or collapsing both lungs. The major parts of the nervous system are too protected with bone to be realistic. So if you can choose, the neck with deep multiple stabs or deep slashing cuts and right behind both shoulders with multiple deep stabs. Sorry if that is too graphic or common sensical.
In human to human altercations studies have shown that innocent people defending themselves tend to rely on gross motor skills that result in slash cuts that are not effective unless to the most vulnerable areas. In comparison, the same study found that seasoned criminals who approach purposefully would more likely use stabs and had a higher rate of mortal wounding than the innocent defender as a result.
When choosing a knife, get the longest blade you can comfortably and legally carry (check your states blade length laws). Also, serrated blades are more effective on animals with fur in a slash cut because the teeth cause the blade to be less likely to slide across the slickness of the hair (they dig in). If you want a folder for portability, get one that can be opened with one hand and has a very sturdy lock.
Here's a perfect one that might seem a bit spendy, but I can't endorse this brand of knife enough.
I'd be wary of the ammonia thing, and would suggest pepper spray instead. A liquid that is actually that damaging could cause collateral damage to you or your animal. If you aren't with your dog, then that changes it.
As I've stated here before, I carry pepper spray as well, but that is mostly for normal dogs that do a smaller attack OR for the nutter that tries to keep me from saving myself or my dog from their mutant.
"I started here with good intentions."
It's called Bait & Switch.
@DubV - nice knife, I have a few spydercos and one of them looks a lot like that one. I'm a bit vague about all the nearly identical knives with different names though...
Pit Nutter writes: “No one here has attempted to reason to convince me of anything.”
Yep. There ya go. No one. Ever.
(Bwaaaaaaa-hahahahaha! Whudda douche!)
im thinking that a serrated blade might be good for a dedicated mutant knife. yeah, i think serrated is better for cutting through mutant hide. i would not use that knife for anything but pit-n-pitter defence.
Jake, I know you have or had an endure. One that looks similar to what I posted is the native.
You're right that a lot of them look alike, especially because black is a common handle color. I like a variety of handle and blade materials as well as different locks and sizes. I can't justify buying more, but I still do! Any lockback spyderco with a blade of 3 inches or more is more than adequate and built like a tank.
I'm convinced our pit nutter and expert has never experienced a pit bull in the "red zone," and wouldn't recognize an actual red zone pit if it was tearing off her ass.
But, hey, who am I to interfere with a pit nutter expert? Never mind that I was putting 55 grain bullets down range at 3800 ft/sec., creating a series of supersonic ka-fucking-booms that didn't stop a pit until I connected. Listen to the expert. Get that little CO2 cartridge thingy. Psssssh... psssssh... psssssh... Problem solved!
" i think if you get caught poisoning a dog you'll find yourself in a world of trouble"
Pitnutter, do you understand that people have been warning those who let their dogs roam loose or get out of inadequate fences, or chain them to obvious failure as the dog escapes the chain or exposed to dangers, that allowing this is deadly to the dog?
Dogs get into poisons, get shot legally by hunters and farmers, fall into wells, get caught in traps, and get hurt or killed because there is no way to keep your dog away from these things if your dog is roaming loose or escaping the yard or house.
You don't even know where your dog is.
No one "gets into trouble" because you, the person letting their dog roam loose, is killing your own dog. You can't blame anyone else.
Pitnutter, no one wants to convince you of anything. You are not important. No one here cares about you, except for holding you responsible for your wilful stupidity, ignorance of dog care, and dangerous behavior. You WILL be held responsible.
No one cares about you, which is how you ended up a pawn of dog fighters to start with. They prey on the lonely, inexperienced, and weak, use them, then throw them under the bus.
However, your ignorance is a valuable lesson for the general public, who are going to deal with you harshly when your inexperience and stupidity trips you up.
"The aim with a knife should be interrupting the intersecting the heart or one or more arteries or collapsing both lungs"
I believe that one news story indicated that one man saved his child's life by opening up the abdomen.
Without that, the child would be dead, they said.
Pit nutter said...
lmao..keep it coming...you guys are making my case for me
You're making a case? For what, membership in Trollville?
Pepper spray has been ineffective when a pit is attacking another dog.
However these citizens saved this girl by taking matters into their own hands. Too bad Covington police tried to cover it up. But the public actually cared about this sweet girl and her family and they supported the victim.
"But then people who saw the pit bull charge Lyric grabbed a metal pole and fatally beat the animal, freeing the girl,"
"Personnel at St. Tammany Parish Hospital notified Covington police about Lyric at 4:30 p.m. on the day of the incident, West said Thursday. Some officers met with the girl while others went to West 29th.
They found the pit bull's corpse, and St. Tammany Parish's Animal Services department took possession of the dog's remains.
Covington police did not release information about the case for more than a week, until The Times-Picayune made repeated inquiries about the attack this week"
Rich, white racists like pitnutter and Saul tried to disappear this girl's attack and protect the pit bull. They ALWAYS evade responsibility or even blame the victim. But the public wouldn't let it happen. They did what they needed to do, and now they are pressuring the corrupt police to prosecute.
like the invisible fence, the "pet convincer" should come with a disclaimer : FOR USE ON NORMAL DOGS ONLY, INEFFECTIVE ON GRIPPERS
candormd is right about you p.n.b.
you dont count for much in this whole issue. its like you are a single shitty drop of water in a whole sea of pitterine stupidity.
Collapsing the lungs is a good strategy because these are fast and easy injuries with a knife. It's not an immediate result, but it's a great starting point and the more wounds the better. I'd think most people, propelled by adrenalin, can get both lungs lacerated within just a few seconds. Pop - pop... between the ribs on both sides, then keep going.
Evisceration would be considerably trickier. You would have to get this red zone pit on his side or back, and abd evisceration by itself has a very slow result. But from there you can punch or cut through the diaphragm and go into the chest cavity, assuming you're in the grasp and in a ground fight with this pit(?)
If you're going for style points... once you're through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity, tear the heart from the aorta and quickly show the pit bull's beating heart to the owner while settling into a Kung Fu pose. I’ve heard all the top martial arts dojos will automatically award you a black belt for this ;-)
Or, my first choice… just shoot the fucking thing.
Cheers and happy Friday!
2008 WA couple tries the ol “Blame the Cougar “ trick to save their own wigglebutt that mauled them
I think that this one is my favorite. It's so, so weird. The dog mauls you and your boyfriend badly enough to put you both in the hospital, and you lock the dog in your home and then blame it on a mountain lion? You cover for it? Knowing that it's going to be there, fur caked in your dry blood, when you get released from the hospital? Do you think that the dog is going to greet you with flowers and an "I'm sorry" Hallmark card and take you out to dinner?
Thanks for this compilation, Vintage.
Ryan is just making shit up. Everyone can do whatever they want, of course, but my recommendation is not to feed the trolls. Our only hope is that they will starve to death.
Pit nutter said...
wow just wow...you people are seriously disturbed.
Qualify the assertion, troll.
Dub, very close! 220 Swift.
I really enjoyed the exchange linked by cinnamon here.
The blog has people in animal rescue that seem realistic.
I did too. She seems a realist, not an idealist. I plan to read through her blog to see other entries that are worth sharing.
what are you doing still here? dont u have pitter friends and blogs to commiserate with.?
Nutwad, what is "sn??? next" WTF are you trying to ask or say?
What detail about killing a pit bull bothers you? Is there any chance it bothers you as much as the mayhem committed by pit bulls bothers others? Should people just take a pit mauling and like it? Should we allow our own animals to be mutilated by the ugly, piece of shit breed developed by psychopaths? And just how sick does someone have to be to want to associate with this legacy? It’s like standing around under a sheet and hood while complaining about the old Klan – what THEY did and what the “bad ones” do. It’s a stupid fucking game.
You see, Nutwad, this is where your advocacy is a giant fucking failure. People are forced to kill pit bulls everyday. It never stops; it doesn’t even slow down. And what I find astounding is people owning pit bulls without a clue about how to stop a pit bull. What will you do the day your ridiculous little CO2 canister doesn’t work? What is your Plan B? If you’re the victim, is your Plan B the same as Darla Napora’s Plan B – whatever that was? What is your Plan B when someone else or their pet is the target? Spare me the canned bullshit. Why should anyone believe you when all these other selfish, parasitic pit bull advocates perpetually demonstrate Plan B is to flee - lie - hide?
And now Pit nutter writes...
"you guys should take notes on what an actual intellectual blog where real people share ideas like normal humans looks like"
You don’t say. Real people? And they look like normal humans? Wow! High five on a great find, fucktard! Pass the wine!
Pit nutter is just upset because if s/he doesn't take responsibility for his/her mutant, someone else will. And since s/he's not planning to take responsibility, not capable of doing so, the thought terrifies her/him.
On the other hand, it also feeds this fruitcake's victim complex. Good. Got a mutant cos you felt so tiny and insignificant and victimized, and now it's turning out you still have to feel tiny and insignificant and victimized.
Try psychotherapy instead maybe?
it's a "he" sputnik.
pit nutter
Awesome...Adopted Pittie in Maulifornia where Pit breeders have produced dogs that have killed 42 state residents!
This guy seems to post all day long.
I thought he was a high tech professional in Lincoln Massachusetts?
How does he work and post at the same time? He always seems to be telling everyone what form of discourse they should be following. Another expert.
pitter troll
its just a matter of preparedness and doing a necessary job well done. no one else is going to help us in the event of a mutant attack, until its too late ,probably. even shit-hog ownwers cant or wont help much cuz theyre ignorant , delusional and unprepared for their beauties to do anything. and these are the goog ones relatively speaking. some pitters are not so delusional and actually want their mutants to do their thing. theyre sure not going to be a big help.
@pit nutter again -
You complain how it upsets you when people here discuss details of what can be done to stop a pit bull attack. As if it's our fault the loose mutant comes onto our property to attack our pets.
It's a strange syndrome you people have - when it comes to the grim reality of pit bull attacks you are blissfully unconcerned, but if we talk about how to defend our homes from a mutant attack you're outraged!
It's sad what you've driven us to, isn't it? Because of misguided pit pushers like you, our pets are being mauled and killed every day by these creatures, and there's no relief in sight except for those enlightened locales with the wisdom and integrity to enact pit bull bans for the safety of their residents.
Everywhere else, it falls to us animal lovers to go about the grim but absolutely necessary business of making plans and preparations to defend our pets from you.
In any case, I think it's high time to start doing more than just trying to defend against the attacks, it's time to push for laws that hold pit pushers strictly accountable for the damage caused by pit bulls.
You people like to say that it's not the fault of the pit bull when it goes berserk and attacks. If you think that, then surely you will support me wholeheartedly when I suggest the following: When your pit bull manifests its genetics and kills someone you're charged with murder and go to jail immediately. When your pit bull gets in touch with its inner pit fighter and kills the widow's poodle, you're charged with felony animal cruelty and go to jail immediately.
It's also necessary that the creatures that commit such attacks are put down, period, no reprieve and no appeal possible, end of story.
I'm confident that such measures would do more to stop the killing than anything tried so far.
re : owner accountability
that makes a lot of sense when you think about it . the owners really are the ones that are causing these maulings and deaths. thats the reason we feel about pitters the way we do.
Jake said...
"It's a strange syndrome you people have - when it comes to the grim reality of pit bull attacks you are blissfully unconcerned, but if we talk about how to defend our homes from a mutant attack you're outraged!"
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Great comment.
What's his Facebook page?
Who pays for the food, supplies, and vet care for your fosters PN?
What do you do if one is ill? Who pays for the spays and neuters, or do you skip that?
video illustrating dead gameness
pit was totally brutalized by the child defenders and would not stop onto death
Sound of gun shots @ the 12 second mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhw6hhjgWVY&feature=player_embedded
Oh, those "sicko" police, eh Pit Nutter? Enjoy Troll!
From DubV's link: "The Pit Bull was beaten with poles, shot with a nail gun and still wouldn't release!"
Oh no! Too bad Pit Nutter wasn't there with his 'Pet Convincer.'
Psssssh... Pssssssh... Psssssh Problem solved!
Still LMAO @ this dope!
It IS Scargo Wags n Wiggles Rescue in Dennis Ma
Our pitnutter friends works for that Ma dicey rescue under state investigion, trafficking Brooklyn NY fighting dogs and bite cases through Facebook pages and craigslist, investigated for CHARITY FRAUD.
Sylvia Logan Mifka, who runs this dog dealership and sales business, is a Brooklyn transplant who purchases Colby fighting dogs and admires them.
"Sylvia Mifka Logan Colby's Book of The American Pit Bull Terrier May 13, 2011 at 4:29am · ..Excellent history of the Colby pit bull line & the breed. I'm proud to have 2 Colby dogs since 2008!"
John Colby was a dog fighter. craven covered him
This is what pitnutter represents through Sylvia Logan's Scargo Wags n Wiggles. Not pit bull "rescue" but pit bull persecution and the furtherance of fighting lines. Peeying on pit bulls with this pretended "compassion." Also endangering people and their pets.
Colby bred pit bulls for one reason, to FIGHT. He also breed "man biters," agressive pit bulls that attacked and maimed people. He also sold them to the general public. His buyers breed them to perpetuate the line, and perpetuate the aggression.
No ONE who is truly interested in "helping" pit bulls admires dog fighters and buys dogs from FIGHTING LINES. All that accomplishes is continuing to persecute pit bulls and perpetuate aggressive lines that KILL PEOPLE. It just supports dog fighting and pit bull abuse.
Sylvia Mifka Logan is not helping pit bulls, and there are questions here even about following state laws.
This Wags n Wiggles Rescue is not a "rescue." It is a fighting breed distribution business.
The question is, is Sylvia Logan breeding her Colby fighting dogs and masking a Colby breeding operation under a "rescue?"
I think that Sylvia may be masking her fighting bred business with a "rescue" front along with her pawns and tools like Mr. Chubs here.
Is Sylvia also selling Colby line man killers and perpetuating the aggression.
pitnutter is a fraud, and this "rescue" needs to be looked at a lot harder.
One of these Colby bred pits attacks, or one of the other trafficked fighting breeds from the Brooklyn fighting pits, and the Dennis Ma animal control officer is also in deep trouble, because Officer Lori Miranda, based on some ridiculous conversation with Animal Rescue League and fighting breed pimper and dog breeder Amy Marder, ignored the state law breaking and said she "approved" of this shady operation.
So now there is evidence that one of their "foster home" dealers is letting ex-fighting dogs from Brooklyn NY off leash in Massachusetts dog parks to kill other pets and perhaps slaughter a child.
How many of these dogs have already killed other dogs and perhaps attacked children in Brooklyn before they were trafficked to Ma to let loose?
These people can't even follow the laws. They certainly don't care about other people and animals.
The reason that pitnutter is so aggressive is that pitnutter is here lobbying for Colby line man killers
All this fake dog lovey dovey stuff is just a front for perpetuating a line of pit bulls that has killed and maimed.
Dog fighting lobby and the middle class.
"It's a strange syndrome you people have - when it comes to the grim reality of pit bull attacks you are blissfully unconcerned, but if we talk about how to defend our homes from a mutant attack you're outraged!"
Exactly! But apparently this isn't the moral high ground in a Nutter's mind. There's this bizarre disconnect between doing nothing and the horrific result of doing nothing. Instead, you must obey the Nutter mantra: "Never harm a pit bull!"
Dude said....
"From DubV's link: "The Pit Bull was beaten with poles, shot with a nail gun and still wouldn't release!"
Oh no! Too bad Pit Nutter wasn't there with his 'Pet Convincer.'
Psssssh... Pssssssh... Psssssh Problem solved!
Still LMAO @ this dope!"
Pit bull owners can't stomach the reports or think it is media conspiracy, so they wouldn't be aware of the incredible pit bull feats of withstanding all sorts of beatings while in the red zone.
For Pit Nutter, the frankenmauler roundups found here would be a good place to start. I remember reading posts where the ability of pit bulls to soak up various blows was compiled. Can't find it now. Anyone remember?
Why is it always these lonely, chubby, ugly, ageing guys with the beards who fall under the spell of the fighting dog enthusiast females?
And exposing children to Brooklyn fighting dogs!
I guess it gives a way for losers to dominate and hurt others while they feign moral superiority, even their own kids.
This guy is knowingly putting people's lives ay risk, and Sylvia will throw him under the bus when it happens. Where is the mother of this child? Where is child services?
A Colby line pit dealer using parents and children to traffic.
I hope everyone sees that this is what they are facing when they go to the park and one of these fighting breed dealers is there with their pit, perhaps a Colby line man killer. They'll get a thrill as you or dog dog are ripped to pieces
No wonder the old school pit bull breeders are realizing that these idiots are screwing them over and putting the nails in the coffin of pit breeding.
Bad enough you fake rescue DEALERS are selling these Brooklyn fighting dogs to any wanne be dog fighter buying them from you on Craigslist, but
I made a little call.
You are NOT complying with these orders now, Ryan. You are not legally operating.
Ryan Chase of Lincoln RI, thanks in part to you and Sylvia's Brooklyn fighting dog trafficking (and perhaps some of Sylvia's beloved Colby line man killers?),and those like you calling it "rescue," the state of Rhode Island has issued emergency orders for all you traffickers and dog dealers.
People like you screwed yourselves over, and other people who were honest and probably really were doing actual dog rescue.
Rhode Island is now regulating the importation of dogs into the state.
Ryan, you have to REGISTER. Sylvia has to register. You have to document each dog. You have a lot of regulations to comply with, and if you don't, yopu are in trouble. And Sylvia's brother isn't got to help you cover this up, and if he's involved with any of this (he'd be a fool to be) he is in for trouble too.
Division of Agriculture
6.03 No person shall import or cause to be imported into the state any animal(s)/bird(s) that is affected with, or has been exposed to any contagious disease including, but not limited to: tuberculosis, brucellosis, anaplasmosis, psoroptic scabies, hog cholera, pseudorabies, rabies, equine infectious anemia, salmonella pullorum, salmonella enteritidis, psittacoses or scrapie.
6.04 Import Permits are required for each shipment of animals. Import Permits will be valid for ten (10) days from the date of issuance. The completed, signed Import Permit must be submitted with copy of all required Certificates of Veterinary Inspection and testing results within 48 hours of arrival of the animals in the State of Rhode Island.
6.05 Failure to comply with the Import Permit and submission requirements can result in refusal of future Import Permits and any other related penalties as described in Rule 17.00, VIOLATIONS, of these regulations.
6.06 Identification of each animal as required by state and federal animal identification laws and regulations, to include, but not limited to, any required permanent identification, tags, brands, bands, tattoo, microchip or unique identification.
a) Be on official forms of the state of origin.
b) State that the animal(s)/bird(s) have been inspected and found free of signs of contagious, infectious, or communicable disease.
c) Contain the date of the veterinary inspection as well as the dates and results of all required tests.
d) Describe the animal(s)/bird(s) by species, breed, age and sex, and individually identify such animal(s)/bird(s) as required by ear tag, registration number or official tattoo number, leg band, microchip, physical description (for dogs, cats, and equines only) or ear notch.
e) Contain the data for all required tests and vaccinations including date, results, and the name and address of the laboratory which performed the required tests. All tests reported for import purposes must be USDA officially recognized tests approved by the Rhode Island State Veterinarian and conducted at a State/Federal approved laboratory.
f) Have complete name and address of the consignor and consignee.
g) Contain the signature of the inspecting veterinarian as well as that of the official having jurisdiction over the diseases of animals in the state of origin.
h) Contain a livestock import/poultry permit number where such permit is required for importation.
i) Record clearly all identification as required by state and federal animal identification laws and regulations.
You're an Animal Broker Ryan, and wgat is worsde you are illegally letting these dogs loose in public places to imperil the health and lives of others.
You and Sylvia are breaking laws again.
8.01 Effective immediately and with the provisions below; all persons, individuals, organizations, businesses, non-profits and any other kind or type of entity, (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Entity”) involved in the transfer of animals in the State shall file a Registration with DEM on a form prescribed by DEM, that sufficiently describes the type(s) of animal transfer activities being conducted in the State as well as provide a full and complete description of the Entity and its practices utilized in carrying out such activities, as further detailed below. This Emergency Regulation shall also be applicable to all Entities engaged in inter-state and intra-state common transport of animals, as well as to Entities meeting the definition of an Animal Broker as defined below, whether such Entities ever take physical possession of said animals or not.
“Animal Broker” shall mean any third party who arranges, delivers, or otherwise facilitates transfer of ownership of animal(s) from one party to another, whether or not the party receives a fee for providing that service and whether or not the party takes physical possession of the animal(s) at any point.
All Entities engaged in the inter-state and intra-state transfer of animals as of the effective date of this emergency regulation must submit a Registration application to DEM within forty-five (45) days of the effective date of this Emergency Regulation. DEM will acknowledge receipt of Registrations in writing within Fifteen (15) business days (Registration Acknowledgement or Acknowledgement) of filing the Registration application by an Entity. DEM will then review the Registration application and perform any necessary site inspections within Ninety (90) days of receipt of the Registration Application. Upon receipt of a complete Registration application and successful results of any necessary site inspection, DEM will grant a Registration Certificate. If the Entity does not receive an Acknowledgement from DEM for the filed Registration, the Entity must cease and desist operations until a Registration Acknowledgement is secured from the DEM.
An Entity not presently engaged in the transfer of animals that wishes to commence such an operation is required to file a Registration with the DEM and receive a Registration Certificate from DEM before commencing such activity. No Entity filing a Registration application for a new operation shall commence any animal transfer activity without having a Registration Certificate in hand.
So now even the state of Rhode Island says that what pitnutter Ryan Chase and Sylvia Mifka Logan of Wags n Wiggles Rescue in Dennis Ma Is DANGEROUS.
Trafficked dogs, and this deviant is bringing them to public parks and letting them loose.
This is really getting ridiculous.
These neophytes and amateurs like Ryan are what's getting people killed.
He's still wet behind the ears. NO CLUE! He doesn't even know the information he's getting is a bunch of lies from dog fighters and breeders that just want to keep preying on these dogs.
Mr. Expert only just got into the pit bull scene. He doesn't have the least clue about dogs in general, never mind fighting breeds. HE ACTUALLY WANTS TO BUY A PIT BULL PUPPY FROM A PUPPY MILL!
What, did Sylvia breed her Colby lines and sell him a dog? Is that how she suckered him into being the fall guy?
What kind of man would believe a bunch of crook females on some dog fighting board?
And he doesn't even know what a puppy mill is, as someone here pointed out. He wanted to buy a pit bull puppy from some online pit puppy mill.
So much for helping pit bulls. He just wants to feed into the massive breeding of pit bulls as some kind of status symbol.
e wanted a fighting breed to go along with his pitiful motorcycle image as he gets old and ignored, so he went to the dog fighting, pit bull BREEDING females and asked their advice.
These are the people screwing pit bulls over.
These are the people bringing fighting dogs from Brooklyn to dog parks to kill your dog and maybe you.
04-09-2012, 12:50 PM
"What is the deal with the american bully breed? I have seen so much conflicting stuff my head is spinning. I have been a pit bull lover my whole life and have been fascinated by them for some time and heard everything from they are the best new dogs ever to mutants that don't live longer then 3 years.
I actually met one for the first time at a dog park last week and it was a riot. Little blue monster...he ran up to me like I was his long lost bud he was waiting for forever. Quite energetic, running around...social with all the other pups. Seemed like a great little dog. He was a little guy though and kind of young, not one of the huge ones you see. But still very stocky.
I would love to find one to rescue as that's how I get all of my dogs but I think I really want one of these little guys someday."
"Let's for the sake of discussion speculate there is a decent breed of dog called an american bully. How in the world do I distinguish a good breeder from that bad one? Especially since they will likely be several hundreds if not thousands of miles away from me. And if that is the case how in the world do you buy a puppy long distance.....my head is starting to spin"
Pitnutter Ryan has only met his first pit bull in March, and he's already exposing his neighbors and children to trafficked Brooklyn fighting dogs.
My posts from Rhode Island Emergency regulations don't seem to be showing up. Ryan is in Lincoln Rhode Island.
In short, because of dog dealers and traffickers like Ryan and Sylvia shipping in sick and aggressive dogs to deal under fronts of "rescue" Rhode Island now is requiring these dog brokers to register and follow a whole list of regulations and documentation.
Ryan is NOT in compliance, and what is worse he's bring these trafficked dogs to public parks and exposing them to RI people and pets.
8.01 Effective immediately and with the provisions below; all persons, individuals, organizations, businesses, non-profits and any other kind or type of entity, (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Entity”) involved in the transfer of animals in the State shall file a Registration with DEM on a form prescribed by DEM, that sufficiently describes the type(s) of animal transfer activities being conducted in the State as well as provide a full and complete description of the Entity and its practices utilized in carrying out such activities, as further detailed below. This Emergency Regulation shall also be applicable to all Entities engaged in inter-state and intra-state common transport of animals, as well as to Entities meeting the definition of an Animal Broker as defined below, whether such Entities ever take physical possession of said animals or not.
“Animal Broker” shall mean any third party who arranges, delivers, or otherwise facilitates transfer of ownership of animal(s) from one party to another, whether or not the party receives a fee for providing that service and whether or not the party takes physical possession of the animal(s) at any point.
All Entities engaged in the inter-state and intra-state transfer of animals as of the effective date of this emergency regulation must submit a Registration application to DEM within forty-five (45) days of the effective date of this Emergency Regulation. DEM will acknowledge receipt of Registrations in writing within Fifteen (15) business days (Registration Acknowledgement or Acknowledgement) of filing the Registration application by an Entity. DEM will then review the Registration application and perform any necessary site inspections within Ninety (90) days of receipt of the Registration Application. Upon receipt of a complete Registration application and successful results of any necessary site inspection, DEM will grant a Registration Certificate. If the Entity does not receive an Acknowledgement from DEM for the filed Registration, the Entity must cease and desist operations until a Registration Acknowledgement is secured from the DEM.
An Entity not presently engaged in the transfer of animals that wishes to commence such an operation is required to file a Registration with the DEM and receive a Registration Certificate from DEM before commencing such activity. No Entity filing a Registration application for a new operation shall commence any animal transfer activity without having a Registration Certificate in hand.
Some of Ryan's loser friends who put the idea of a status symbol for losers pit bull in his head
"Is that a pit?
He is a Bully and Blue Nose(Certified Razor's Edge) mix. true pits should be a bit lighter and more compact, but my pup will probably stop growing around 110-115 lbs...but still lean. I wanted a thicker dog."
Exactly the people that keep pit bulls getting preyed on and dying. The same people who oppose laws. The same people getting other pets and people killed. The same people ensuring the overbreeding of pit bulls so that so many fill up the shelters. The same people making sure that the "bad rap" goes on.
Amateurs that get a dog to try to pretend they aren't ageing nobodies. Breeding them, buying breeder dogs, just following a fad and letting the dogs and everyone else pay the price.
Anyone out there walk their dogs at Purgatory Chasm in Rhode Island? Watch out. Same for anyone at dogs parks in the Lincoln RI area. You are prey.
Sylvia Logan is going to get someone killed. If your dog is attacked, Sylvia Mifka Logan is the reason, so you know who to have your lawyer contact.
He's only had this trafficked Brooklyn fighting dog for a week.
Where Ryan has been taking his new foster dog Winston trafficked from fighting dog Brooklyn NY by Sylvia Logan. He doesn't even know the dog but he's letting it loose and setting everyone else up for an attack, never mind the people at the restaurant.
This idiot doesn't even care if he kills someone. He's setting this dog up for failure, and Sylvia will throw him under the bus and let him suffer the consequences. Sylvia is just setting him up. How much money is she pulling in from this?
He doesn't even know how to handle bully breeds. Sylvia of Scargo Wags n Wiggles dog brokers just wants him to sell the dog.
And he's exposing the fighting dog to new kittens. After only a week of having the dog!
Am I right when I say that even the BadRap morons would call this guy an idiot? He doesn't know the first thing about dog handling, and Sylvia is getting him to do incredibly stupid and dangerous things. She doesn't seem to care what happens to Ryan. She's selling dogs. She's advertising this dog like crazy because she wants to traffic in some more and sell them. She gets the money. Ryan takes the fall. He's a tool.
"Winston formerly Troy
It's been quite a week....I got to do a lot of things because my foster Dad took a couple days off of work. There were a lot of firsts! We went for a walk with some new bully's at Purgatory Chasm...I wore a backpack! I went to a real dog park. I hung out at an outdoor restaurant. My foster family got 2 new kittens! And they LIKE ME"
@pit nutter said: "I am extremely proud about fostering Winston thank you very much."
Will you be proud if the pit bull "somehow" gets loose and does what it was bred to do?
"He is going to make some lucky family a wonderful pet."
How sad. There is a good possibility that at some point the creature will do exactly what it was bred to do, and there will be blood.
But it won't be your problem anymore, will it?
i released 3 comments from spam.
dude, it's the frankenstein graphic in the side bar.
frankenmauler roundups
@pit nutter, you keep changing your story. You said you never had a pit bull, now you say you had one? Which is it? Was Haley jade a boxer or not?
" I've done nothing wrong, immoral or illegal. I am extremely proud about fostering Winston thank you very much."
You are currently operating illegally in the state of Rhode Island.
You need to register as a dog broker, your dogs need to be identified and recorded, you need to provide full veterinary certification, you need to quarantine, and much more.
Review Rule 8, emergency regulation amending the rules and regulations governing the importation of animals.
You are a dog broker.
Do you understand this? You are breaking the law.
And you are knowingly letting fighting dogs trafficked from Brooklyn NY (potential previous bite or attack cases) off leash and roaming losse.
I realize that Sylvia told you it was ok, and dominated your weak spine into doing this, but YES you are doing many illegal things, and Sylvia is too.
You will also be held legally responsible if you foist this dog off to an innocent family who dioesn't understand the dangers of these Brooklyn fighting dogs, and something happens. You may even be arrested.
Syvia won't care. She'll throw you under the bus. Do you hear that, smart man? You are getting set up.
The other pit bull "rescuers" will also take the fall for you and Sylvia and the stupid, dangerous, illegal things you are doing.
they already are. It's because of "rescuers" and dealers like tyou and Sylvia that the state is taking action.
You don't even care about them, do you?
"Will you be proud if the pit bull "somehow" gets loose and does what it was bred to do?"
He's already allowing the dog to roam loose with other people and pets, when he didn't even have it for a wekk.
This is all a lesson for everyone as to how these dog traffickers, brokers, and dealers work.
They use simpletons in your neighborhoods to "foster" and "sell" these trafficked dogs, some whisked out of other states after a fighting career or an attack or bite, or killing another pet.
The names change, the background gets hidden, and then you have a weak tool letting these dogs prey on your families.
They don't have even the most basic understanding of how to safely handle bully breeds. They are pretending they are labs.
They also may be carrying disease from places like animal control in Brookly, where disease is rampant.
You need to scrutinize craigslist, classifieds, and find out who these people are. Scargo Wags n Wiggles was hiding their operation until someone blew the whistle, as you can read in the Cape Cod News article.
There are now laws in more states that regulate them, and they need to be reported before deaths occur. You may even save their own children, since they inflict this danger on their innocent kids.
In the case of this Troy/Winston an individual named Karen Brenna of the Bronx from what I can deterimine got this dog trafficked to Sylvia Logan and Scargo Wags n Wiggles, the Colby afficionado. Logan then trafficked it to this amateur.
Where are all the vet certificates? What vets are vouching for the health and safety of these dogs? Mass requires full documentation, and now RI.
Is Amy Marder of Animal Rescue League helping this NY trafficking? The Dennis Ma dog officer said she asked Animal Rescue League, that cannot verify for anyone or any group.
"you just have the attention span of a 4th grader like i have been saying this whole time"
Sylvia Logan thinks you do.
How much of her income from this dealing does she give you? Any? When you take the full liability?
I do have some sympathy, Ryan.
You are a working class guy getting set up by a slick, rich middle class operator.
@pit nutter -
You claim to have spent some time with a boxer mix, which apparently acted like a normal dog and not a pit bull, and now you're convinced that makes you an expert on game bred pit bulls.
You're playing a dangerous game, trafficking fighting dogs from NY into RI under the guise of "rescue" .
I could have some respect for you if you were actually doing something useful or compassionate, like, say, rescuing chihuahuas. But for you to be transporting purpose bred dog killers and then displaying a smug sense of superiority for being such a brave lion tamer is rather sad.
i propose:
ryans law- treat a pitbull like a normal dog and it will eventually act like a pitbull.
I like boxers, and have seen some really sweet ones. Despite being somewhat related to the pit bull, they aren;t wired to attack and kill as pitbulls are. I know of people whose boxers were attacked by pit bulls.
I know of a sweet boxer named Morgan, who was attacked by a loose pit bull while he was out for a walk with his dad, a soldier who had just returned from Iraq. The pit attacked Morgan viciously, but the soldier managed to beat the mutant abd make it let go. He told Morgan to run home, and the poor boxer, hurt and bleeding, started to run home, but the pit bull, now aroused and smelling blood, chased him down, attacked him again and would not let go. The soldier was forced to stab the pit bull to death. Morgan was rushed to the vet for emergency surgery and survived. I for one am gratified that Morgan's dad was back home that day, and was able to do the needful.
Another boxer was not so lucky, as pit bulls came in the dog door of his house and mauled him to death while the owners were away. They came home to a slaughterhouse scene, 2 strange pit bulls in their house, blood spattered walls in every room, and their sweet boxer mauled to death.
As someone who loves Boxers, as well as Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Beagles, Akitas, Irish Wolfhounds, German Shepherds and other dogs, my problem with pit bulls shouldn't be too hard to understand.
"Winston is NOT a fighting dog. He never shown any sign of aggression toward anything ever..." This is what lulls some people into a false sense of security and makes them go lax in regards to their dog. My Dogue de Bordeaux, per his genetics, is a dominant dog and doesn't like the same sex. He will tolerate the presence of the same sex as long as they don't bother him and are submissive. Just because a dog hasn't aggressed doesn't mean it won't and we always have to be vigilant.
Dominance in a dog can quickly turn into aggression if someone is not being vigilant.
"Winston is not a fighting dog" - pit nutter, your profound ignorance makes you a danger to yourself and others.
The pit bull was bred specifically for one purpose, and selected for the characteristics which contribute to that purpose: to attack and kill other dogs. The genetic component is there, regardless of any naive opinions you may have, and regardless of your ignorance about the history of that particular creature.
You're no different from any other ignorant pit handler who have imagined they knew the creature, and were shocked when the sudden, random violent attack occurred. I can only hope that you are the one attacked (since you ought to know better, and are willfully trafficking dog killing mutants - and worse yet, feeling quite smug about it) rather than some innocent down the road.
Do you know why they breed pit bulls in Brooklyn and the Bronx, child man?
Ask Sylvia. She is a fighting dog afficionado with her adoration of dog fighter and breeder Colby. She HAS two Colby dogs she bought.
She sure found a tool in you. Great Dane? You have the brain of a child and no understanding of dogs, period. This is why the Sylvia Logans latch on to the simple-minded and use them, while they collect the cash.
Does Sylvia give you a cut of sales? I hope she's filling that out on her 501c3 documentation.
Take a look at your twin who just lost a child to a mastiff mix. He believed the same kind of fairy tales you do. Reality hit him hard. It's on the dogsbite site.
pit nutter says :
" i am vigilant "
but why even do it ? you have a young son and why risk him and other creatures who may be hurt by a slight mistake or lapse on your part or someone elses? you obviously feel this particular dog is not a problem so im quessing you wont be very vigilant at all.
i just assumed american bully was a different name for a fucking shit-bull. excuse me for thinking all nutters are slime -balls.
PN did not claim to be vigilant, what he actually said was "...I am vigilante with Winston." Winston may yet require vigilante justice.
As you said, and rightly so..."ryans law- treat a pitbull like a normal dog and it will eventually act like a pitbull."
I believe that it is time to close the door behind Ryan, let him go back to his pit bull forums. Please give this sad fool no further attention.
@snarky - you're not far off. It would be an annoying job to try to keep up with the constant re-naming of the mutants to try and hide their bloody past by giving them different names. "St Francis Terrier" is a hoot, that one just didn't take. "New Yorkies" was a flop as well.
@pit nutter -
Feel free to assume for a moment that we are not pit breeder groupies and don't bother to keep up with all the different names - but do be a good chap and explain how the american bulldog was created. Can you draw the family tree back to the wolves? I seriously doubt you've ever even thought about it, you probably just assumed the "american bulldog" was created out of thin air.
Go do some research and you'll see that the family tree of the american bulldog descends right through the staffordshire bulldog terrier, which was created specifically to tear apart dogs for the amusement of the sick sadists who created them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States:
"What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?
A pit bull is delicious."
Bwaaaaaaa-hahahaha! Awesome!
I guess the President is another "sicko," eh Pit Nutter?
whats the difference between a shit bull and a pittiephile like ryan? the shit bull might eventually give up.
im thinking twas better before when dog fighting was legal. only a few degenerate but purposefull people wanted these fucking things. now every dingbat and urban -dwelling twit like ryan thinks they should have a pit and fuck what anyone else has to say about it. at least before , as bad as it was ,it mostly was pit against pit instead of the toll of innocent pets and people that it is now.
Whoa! Check out this MORON!!! This goes straight back to the nutter mantra: "Never harm a pit bull." (Never ever, no matter what.) This imbecile is commenting regarding the police shooting of the pit I linked to yesterday - a pit bull that had already launched an unprovoked attack and couldn't be contained despite hours of effort.
Diane Campbell,9:01 am on Sunday, April 29, 2012 "They shot it because of the breed. Bunch of scum bags. F these cops. I fear cops more than a pitbull any day of the week. They had NO RIGHT to shoot this dog. How anout taze it? Tranquilize it? No of curse not. This gave them a opportunity to fire off their guns and have some fun while killing a pitbull. Burn in hell to every rotten cop. The dog had a micro chip and coollar! The dog was emaciated so not much of a threat. Why punish the dog when the irresponsible owner let it go and roam free? SO the dog pays the price with its life? BASTARDS! I hate cops I hate hate hate cops. And anyone who feels this was justified is as big a scum bag as the Shelton PD. You may all rot in hell." http://shelton.patch.com/articles/shelton-woman-attacked-by-pit-bull
Nutter-fucking-goofballs... You can't make this stuff up!
re: diane campbell comment
I feel fearful when I contemplate living in a world where so many people lack basic common sense. It's so common now to have people think cops should pepper spray, taser, or tranquilize dangerous animals trying to kill other things.
DubV, so TRUE! Police would have to be able to 'safely' move within immediate proximity of a known dangerous pit bull to use a Tazer that might not work. There is zero justification for that risk. And there is no consideration at all for victims who would have to go through a rabies series if the pit escaped capture. And what do you do after you've Tazered a pit? Do you yell, "Get on your belly - hands out to your sides!" You can't go hands on while Tazering, and a pit can fully recover immediately after the shock. Except for the shock interval to incapacitate the pit and momentarily halt an attack, there is no point in it.
The bottom line is, they're nutters. They're called nutters because rational calculation is beyond them.
I just had a look at Ryan's Facebook page and, I have to say, he is even more ridiculous than I expected. Chubby, faintly effeminate, faintly zoophilic and living in a cluttered apartment with dirty, aged green carpet, second-hand/hand-me-down furniture everywhere, and more animals than he can afford. Ryan needs his pit bull so that he can be a part of the pit bull "club" because Ryan isn't smart enough to realize that he really shouldn't want to be a part of any club that would have him as a member. If Ryan actually was endowed with an unusually high IQ then he should have used it to get himself into a decent job so that he could have a more full, and fulfilling, life. But, instead, Ryan has to pretend to be a genius with a special gift for communicating with and controlling dogs, particularly pit bulls, so that he can be admired and stroked by pit nutters. I hope that his son doesn't have to pay the price for that ego trip like Jimmy Shaw Jr.'s daughter did. However, I hope even more fervently that the neighbour's child, or an innocent person walking that trail or using that dog park, doesn't have to pay that price. I think that is what most people who can see people like Ryan for what they are feel - that, while it would be horrific for his child to be attacked, an attack on his child would be far preferable to an attack on someone else's child. It isn't the same as "wishing and attack on his child", but I don't think Ryan could understand the distinction.
i don't know dude, i was moved by the collar and microchip defense. i am ready to join ryan's team of geniuses.
seriously, WTF does a collar have to do with it? i swear, i think nutters live in a constant state of free association, they just shout out whatever shit comes to mind.
well , they are very gorgeous dogs. sweet, protective dogs that will fight to the death for their owners. the perfect dog for the brainless girl who's guy is in jail or on the lam.
lol @ dumb skanks with no taste.
ya know what....this is boring me...i think i am done with you idiots
i doubt it. but maybe you have to go back to work now . great way to spend your twos weeks off, trolling craven. lol @ pit nutters!!!
"ya know what....this is boring me...i think i am done with you idiots"
a study in pit-nuttery .
- the yuppy : young , urban ,pittiephile .
lol @ what passes for high pittiephile society in new england.
Why you wanna battle with dogs with steel tongues?
Who rip up kids and drink other dogs' blood?
Craven D states the truth--you're too dumb!
what is it about these pitterine fools that makes them think they can come here and enlighten us cravenites? big streak of snot-nosed do-gooder narcissism , i guess. fuck em and the mutants they worship like pagan gods.
I have a lot of questions about pits and I've been reading a lot of the articles but I feel still a little confused. I am not a pit nutter and I have never owned a pit so my questions are genuine but I hate to talk off topic. This blog post is about dine and dash and I feel like a lot of my questions are off topic.
Is there a way to contact the author of this blog personally so I don't distract the entire readership with my questions?
questions do not need to be on topic at this blog.
i know that our illustrious leader is not displeased by the spectacle of a crazed nutter doing its weird dance and lonely nutters mating call. that last new england nutter didnt seem to know when the show was over , though and stayed way too long and was in danger of having its head chopped off.
Slightly OT: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/apr/30/knoxville-dog-owner-cited-in-multiple-attacks/
Note the nutters came out in force to defend the multiple maulers. To remotely contemplate that these dogs should be ANYTHING but promptly put down is lunacy. They literally went on a rampage, attacking everything in sight.
The circular logic they use is absolutely dizzying. Note how the argument oscillates from "its not the dog, its the owner!" to "you can't blame the owner for what the dog did, PROVE he abused the dog!".
thats one of the many nutter dances i was talking about . the dirt-napp avoidance dance.
It should also be called "Keep the owner out of jail" dance.
i think its my favorite Nutter Dance ! The Imminent Dirt-Napp Dance.
of course there are other amusing ones
- the grieving for fellow nutter... dance
- the fight for your nutter rights .... dance
well , u get the jist/jest
i think maybe we should have guest nutter appearances every week but somehow we could dirt-napp them if they got too annoying, repetitive or just plain boring.
Can it be true that Pit Nutter went through and deleted all his comments? Wow, he's like a cat that cleans his own litter box!
dubv, yes it appears that pit nutter tried to clean up his mess. maybe his own mutant started to display bad owner behavior.
thanks for the heads up. i found them in web cache and saved them as a pdf. never know when they might come in handy.
Keep an eye on the news. Has Winston experienced a DNA driven moment? That pdf might be VERY handy.
quess its remotely possible a pitter could have a moment of clarity , a prophetic vision or something .
Animal Uncontrol,
Saving high value media maulers is latest tactic used by the organized Pit Idiocy Groups (PIGs)to drive home the "Its the Owner" meme. They believe that if they can prove breeding has nothing to do with the mauling problem,the public will have a moral obligation to accept new litters of maulers, and grately accept rehabilitated Dog fight bust dogs into their neighborhoods.
Then in the next sentence, they infer genetics because dog fighters allegedly culled manbiters.
They lie, lie, lie....and people die
Nevermind about the questions. Reading Craven Desires and visiting the various facebook pages helped clear up a lot of stuff! :)
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