Pitbull Has Neighbors Worried
What's a pittie party without the po-po?
SUSAN ACKERMAN - "the Mutant's" second owner
show that TOMTOM'S good friend, SUSAN ACKERMAN adopted GRACIE from the Monterey County SPCA on
8.6.09. ACKERMAN was "the Mutant's" second owner, that we know of. ACKERMAN passed her off to
TOMTOM one month later.
On May
9, 2011 9:45 p.m., the police cited 33 yr old Susan Ackerman, for suspicion of
I haven't found the specifics yet, but TOMTOM'S good buddy and tenant has some legal troubles. I'm working on it.
The science whore is willing to twist real scientific facts and findings in order to protect the pit bull. The science whore can be motivated by greed. Wanting to keep making money on the very lucrative dog-talk circuit, s/he sells both soul and credibility for a few dollars. Some might be motivated by fear, since all who speak or publish the truth about the pit bull is subject to an organized smear and bullying campaign.
TRISH KING, Dog Trainer
Although she does not meet the definition of Animal Behaviorist, she does appear to be a nationally recognized dog expert. There is not much left to say about KING that I haven't already
said in part 3, except that I am extremely disappointed in her. She has proven that she lacks
honesty and integrity. She follows the herd for safety. She lacks the inner strength to stand up for what she believes in when the pit nutters start their harassment campaign. I actually had respect for TRISH KING prior to her
involvement in BRUCE WAGMAN'S court mockery, but the white washing of GRACIE'S prey drive and aggressive behavior and the misrepresentation of all dog behavior coupled with the personal attacks on a victim are
unforgettable and unforgivable. Like DODMAN, DONALDSON and many more before her, TRISH KING'S fragile ego could not withstand the onslaught of pit nutters.
the language of dogs, normal and psychopathic
Oh, remember that "Dear Bruce" letter in Part 3? Well, it seems that their paths crossed at the Marin County Humane Society. BRUCE WAGMAN is on the
Marin County Human Society Board of directors.TRISH KING was the
director of training and behavior at the Marin County Humane Society from 1994 - 2012.
It sure does give the appearance to outsiders that a favor was called in. Why else would you hire someone 40+ miles away to evaluate a dog when JEAN DONALDSON could have been bought for half the distance?
Veterinarian's Oath
admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to
use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through
the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the
conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health and
the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.
JANOWITZ is a disgrace to her profession. JANOWITZ shamelessly violated this oath. She has no dignity, no ethics. Her behavior in the case of Hercules is deplorable. She should be fired from PHS and sanctioned by AVMA. She has no business touching animals and no business serving the public interest. I hope her tie die business takes off so she can do no further harm.
I find it interesting that so many of the GRACIE supporters fit the peacenik mold. These people are obsessed with peace but only at the most superficial level. Peace to them is an abstract concept only, they possess not the slightest notion of its real world applications. Peace to these people is nothing more than an emotional pacifier that allows them to stick their fingers in their ears and feel good about themselves in an uncomfortable world. Then there are the animal rights activists who also wear the pit bull advocate hat. It is baffling how this demographic can champion the cause of the pit bull which is responsible for more gratuitous violence against animals than any other animal except for man. Only man surpasses their savagery in quantity and quality. You can not care about the welfare of animals and fight to put these mutants back in the community.
JANOWITZ wears two hats in this mess. She is uniquely qualified to serve not only as a Science Whore but also a Hippie. JANOWITZ' dream job is creating
hippy dippy tie die clothing. I hope she succeeds so she can get the hell out of animal care. The sooner the better.
youtube video of JANOWITZ peddling her wares.
GRACIE, CHU and her very dirty hands | |
Tie dyed shirts with peace signs don't make a bold enough statement for this little girl. Only conspicuously placed permanent ink will do. This little animal rights activist proudly proclaims her tutelage under TRISH KING. I am not a dog trainer but there is nothing in this video dated 8.21.11 that even remotely demonstrates that CHU is a sensitive, intelligent, experienced dog savvy person. In fact, I won't hesitate to call her out. She is cruel and ignorant. I should be used to it by now but I am always astonished (and embarrassed) at the insensitivity that
AR activists demonstrate towards companion animals.
(like everyone of these fucktards has demonstrated against Hercules) I think the AR crowd views animals the same way they view the peace sign, it's an abstract concept to them, without the slightest notion of real world applications, hence their attraction to dogs bred for mortal combat. Enough of my
book of whines, BILODEAU, let's see some of TRISH'S fine handiwork:
That looks like something that CESAR MILAN would do. Maybe some experienced dog people would like to chime in here. This is just fucking cruel in my unprofessional and inexperienced opinion. It would be difficult to refrain from punching her if this golden was mine.
The hearing officer and "The Decider" of the fate of GRACIE and her victims writes on her twitter page
a self-proclaimed geographer extraordinaire with love for GIS, llamas,
and being outside, I am hoping to connect with others that share similar
How about a similar passion for malfeasance? BILODEAU'S day job is Registered Environmental Health Specialist.
What duties does a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) perform?
A REHS works to improve the quality of life and health through environmental education, consultation, and protection. Although a majority of REHS’s work for government, many are also employed by the private sector. Some typical program responsibilities include food protection, land use, recreational swimming areas, onsite septic systems, drinking water quality, housing, vector control, disaster sanitation, and solid, liquid, and hazardous materials management. Typical duties of a REHS in local government include inspections of various facilities such as food establishments, public swimming pools, community drinking water systems, landfills, and underground storage tanks in order to determine compliance with federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, and ordinances.
I fail to see how BILODEAU qualifies to oversee Vicious Dog hearings, well other than the fact that she is qualified because her boss Pam Machado says so. Sitting in a room listening to "The Shyster's" False Pleadings was quite a departure from her illustrious career of testing sewer water. BILODEAU, make that mbillygoat, must have thought this job was the dream
of a lifetime since she just had to sit in a conference room and not
put dipsticks in toilets or raw sewage. Anyway, even with the perks of
new job and not having to deal with radioactive waste, she still
managed to fuck it up, so looks like it's back to the sewer, which is ironic because I doubt that any of her regular REHS duties smell as bad as the GRACIEPOO JORGENSEN FILES.
Seriously. This hearing officer needs to be investigated.
San Mateo must look into the way she conducted Jorgensen case. They
need to determine whether she is corrupt or incompetent (or both) and
take the appropriate action.
I wonder if BILODEAU has seen what pit bulls do to her beloved goats and llamas?
Medical Geography anyone?
WAGMAN "The Shyster"
Like JANOWITZ, CHU and BILODEAU, "The Shyster" looks like he emerged from a 1960 Haight Ashbury time capsule and in need of a good soak in the tub.
"I was a nurse for seven years and switched species." And I'm sure the medical community breathed a huge sigh of relief. We certainly don't want nurses who have no respect for or understanding of the human condition, actually working on humans.
The next two paragraphs in the SF Gate interview are about the animal hoarding epidemic. (btw, I agree. It is a huge problem.) A couple paragraphs later, WAGMAN tells the interviewer that he has 3 dogs and five cats and the reason he has only 3 dogs is because of county limitations. IDIOT! These people have no clue how they contradict themselves and how stupid they appear to the rest of us.
I've got eight animals at home, in Stinson Beach, so I do have rescue animals, but none of them are from the cases I've handled. They've all come from local animal shelters. I have three dogs and five cats, currently, and one wife. The limit in Marin County is three dogs and that's why I have three dogs. There is no limit on the number of cats.
I'd say WAGMAN has a tendency toward hoarding.
As I watched and re-watched the news story and then read and re-read his brief, all I could think about is, how can lawyers get away with this? Anyone else would be charged with perjury but for lawyers, this is an art form. I despise this little man. I hate all of these people.
resume looks impressive. Asst Bank VP, Bank VP (possibly favors for daddy?) and a 2 year stint as the VP for the Katun Corp (his daddy's business), before launching his own self employed schtick involving investments and non-profits
(whatever that means). His resume states he left Katun in 2003. It seems that around the time TOMTOM was playing VP, Katun was being investigated by the Department of Justice. The
indictments for fraud against his father, his father's partner and several high ranking Katun officials were served one year after TOMTOM left. The fraud had been going on for years, at least a decade. All of the defendants plead guilty. Some went to prison. The company was fined $11,000,000.
In addition to his close connection to corporate criminals and his soft spot for cat killers, this 44 yr old man has some
strange and creepy youtube activities.
But hey, he can't be all bad. He donates 30 minutes a week to the family business. Or could this be just a resume builder?
I would love to see the neighbors file a civil suit, depose JORGENSEN and force him to cough up the identity of the "senile" mystery meat responsible for the OOPS moment. MY psychic tells me the man is TOMTOM'S father. MY psychic tells me perjury charges might follow.
Before I bring this mess to a close, I think it is important to review a couple of terms so we are all on the same page.
philanthropic adj seeking to promote the welfare of others, esp. by donating money to good causes; generous and benevolent. welfare of
robber baron noun an unscrupulous business owner or executive who acquires wealth through ethically questionable tactics
on Wednesday, David Jorgensen, 65, another founder and former Katun board member, was indicted by a federal grand jury on three counts of mail fraud and three counts of wire fraud. Among the charges against Jorgensen are that he used Katun funds to buy five luxury vehicles, including a $139,000 Ferrari, and manipulated the transactions so that he avoided paying sales taxes in California where he lives.
Jorgensen faces a potential five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine on each of the six counts of the indictment.
In February this year, three other former executives agreed to pay fines and restitution in connection with this case. In January, the company itself agreed to pay $11 million.
My all time favorite robber baron is David Rockefeller. His philanthropic interests were education, public health, medical training, and the arts. Thanks to Rockefeller and his $80 million donation, we have the University of Chicago.
Not only do I have a favorite robber baron, I have a favorite 990 form. Let's compare Rockefeller's philanthropic interests to DAVID G JORGENSEN'S. In 2008, The DAVID and ANNETTE JORGENSEN Foundation donated ~$410,000 to libertarian think tanks. That same year, less than $3,000 was donated to the arts. But my favorite 2008 donation is way down towards the bottom,
Assistance League of Los Altos. The JORGENSENS gave them a WHOPPING $38!! Of course, I HAD to explore this org further. The recipient of that $38 provides teddy bears to kids in the hospital, housing for family members of patients of on ongoing medical treatments, and powdered milk, glasses, backpacks and shoes and socks for needy kids. Thanks to this corporate criminal, some kid dying of cancer got to hug a teddy bear. I am all choked up.
Well, NOBODY can claim the JORGENSENS didn't give back to the community!
Let's take a closer look at those
more deserving charities, the libertarian think tanks.
What sorts of projects does The Pacific Legal Foundation (David JORGENSEN is a board member btw) fund? Well, for one, they are working to
delist the polar bear from the Endangered Species Act. Drill Baby Drill! The now defunct PR Chitester Fund appears to have been spun off into
Free to Choose Media (where
DAVID is the vice chairman) and
izzit.org is propaganda at its finest. It targets children. They offer up the libertarian philosophy in fun easy to digest training videos for all grade levels. Some of the more popular titles:
Eminent Domain, Freedom's Sound, The Foundations of Wealth and Pups of Liberty. They also have
Teacher of the Year awards presented by none other than... DAVID and ANNETTE! The awards party is chock full of fun!
MILTON FRIEDMAN puzzles and cakes and speakers from all of the other libertarian pet projects the JORGENSENS fund: Pacific Research Institute, the Hoover Institution, CATO institute, Free to Choose Network,
John Stossel and Fox News Nutters. This looks like a way for libertarians to host parties for themselves, pat themselves and a few willing dupes on the back while they write it off of their taxes.
GOOD JOB, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR BOB! RICO has never been easier.
And the education grants are questionable. They seem to be primarily directed at libertarian leaning students, teachers and schools.
It is even more offensive when they thump their chests for some of these "generous" donations.
After hanging up his business spurs, the Katun entrepreneur and executive established the David and Annette Jorgensen Foundation, which focuses on educational, cultural, and community efforts. Recipients of the organization’s generosity include the American Education Reform Foundation, Stanford University, the California Academy of Sciences, and Summit Preparatory Charter High School. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, and the San Jose Museum of Art also have received foundation contributions, as have medical research projects at The University of California, San Francisco, and other institutions.
"After stinging from his federal convictions for tax and wire fraud, DAVID and ANNETTE found a safer, easier way to stiff Uncle Sam and fuck over Mother Earth..."
Funny, no mention of their libertarian pet projects in that blurb, you know, the $410,000 spent on those national libertarian think tanks set up to cripple regulations, make it easy to exploit the earth's resources and relieve the tax burden of the wealthy. But here is how well some of their cherry picked arts and education orgs fared in 2008.
- The SF Museum of Modern Art $250
- Fine Arts Museums of SF $150
- California Academy of Sciences $250
Pass the kleenex. I'm all fucking choked up again.
Question: Do you think the JORGENSEN foundation meets the definition of philanthropy? Are the JORGENSENS helping others or themselves? Is this foundation legitimate or has DAVID JORGENSEN found a legal way to avoid paying taxes?
economic research institute (990's available)
DOJ Katun Indictment (Jorgensen was added later)
Lifestyles of the Rich and Terrified: Part 1, "the Incident"
Lifestyles of the Rich and Terrified: Part 2, The Appeal
Lifestyles of the Rich and Terrified:Part 3, "The Professionals"
of the Rich and Terrified: Part 4, The Brief - Lies, Exaggerations,
Illogical Conclusions, Inconsistencies and Speculations
Lifestyles of the Rich and Terrified: Part 5, The miscreants, science whores, dirty hippies, kidults and philanthropic robber barons