Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19 National Chihuahua Awareness Day

thank you meals!


Decatur AL livin nt to 4 pits said...

For about 2 weeks I have had Chihuahua's on my brain. As a young teenager my sister's family had "CHICO" and he was adorable. He loved her 6 kids and loved me because I babysat for him. Then as a young married couple we had a neighbor who had "Tinker Bell". I adored that Chihuahua. Neither one was aggressive or yappy and both were great family dogs. It has started to bear on my soul how many of these prescious little companions are killed by Pit Bull type dogs. It's just amazing when you google it. It makes me want to buy a machine gun !!!!!!!!!

DubV said...

Yep, nutters have no idea how ridiculous they sound when lament how no discusses the aggressiveness of chis (well, everyone except nutters). My folks have a chi mix name Cole. Nice little guy. Shakes when it rains.

Anonymous said...

i admit i did have trouble with chihuahua at first but i got it now. i quess the only thing about chi i dont like is its fucking pitterine owners ,often, for some reason.

obtw: howcome a pit is a noble creature but a chihuahua that takes on a pit , deserves to be slaughered?
answer that ...fucktards

Anonymous said...

slaughtered .
i suspect the ones dressing up chi in silly costumes are those same pitterine fuktards that think pittie looks cool in a hoodie.
lol @ pit-culture

Anonymous said...

is there a national mutant awareness day? april fools day?

Anonymous said...

i met a couple of chi-mixes on the golden gate beach and they were sweet ,well-behaved little dogs any non-mutantphile would love.

Anonymous said...

lookatdat lil sweetie , i think he just spied a mutant . they make excellent mutant alert dogs obtw.

Anonymous said...

obtw : theres no need to nueter or spay the diminutive mutant slayer. unlike the mutant, the demand is always greater than the supply

lol @ the americas favorite abandoned breed.

Anonymous said...

re snack-n-dash
can u imagine that fat pitterine bastard with a sweet mutant-slayer on a string ? ? !$#@?
maybe in frisco but definitely not in hog-town . what if his donut-fed buddies found out about his choice of mutant?
lol @ pitters wi small ....dogs

Anonymous said...

This is the organized Idiocy of the pit community at play here. There are six levels of dog bites, with 97 percent being at the lower levels.

Six Levels of Dogbites

Chi nips are not a public safety issue...However, Level 5 and 6 maulings which are the hallmark of the Pit Bull and Rottweiler are.

Oh well, load up the meatwagon, hose the blood off the sidewalk and pump out another litter...

Chase K9 Services said...
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Chase K9 Services said...
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Rag Doll said...

I think it takes real courage to walk the streets with one of these fragile creatures, especially considering there are so many people out there that hate small dogs. They would love to kick the shit out of them or, alternatively, let their pit of the leash. In the first case they would be considered animal abusers, in the second case it is just a dog fight.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...

fucking pitters love chi's for some reason , quess cuz they're kinda fugly with attitude ....a bit like the pitter or its mutant,for that matter.
i dont get it ! fugly , gruesome even hideous is really big these days. what were your parent thinking and doing ?
rag doll :
yea, little dogs are vilified ,especially by the mutantpliles . these are the bully type of person who really are themselves cowards.

Anonymous said...

pit nut: ?
pitters, esp the dingbat variety, cant control their chi's (mutant-slayers) but they should be allowed to foster some 87 lb mutant that has already shown its propensity for real violence.
ive been bitten many times by dogs and its never been too big a deal cuz they werent pitbulls. the family member of mine who was bitten by a mutant needed a week or two of treatment , ditto his dog . the mutant got nothing for his part.

Chase K9 Services said...
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BB said...

"He was getting unrulely and I took him for 2 weeks. He calmed right down and was doing great"


Of course he did, PN, you're the dog whisperer. Tell us how you did it, will you?

And I love this part too,

"The mutant is like the black belt karate guy....he is the one that always has to keep his composure. He has registered lethal weapons at all times."

I can actually feel the awe and admiration. This is another trait every pit owner has, from Ledy waxing eloquent about Body's fights to somenutter talking about how her pit doesn't need local anesthetic for suturing after a "scuffle", you ALL think your pit's "abilities" are just thecoolestthingevah.

I only point it out because you need to come down from the narcissistic pedestal you're on and see that you are no different from any other pit nutter who hasn't been lucky with her pit.

You are all exactly the same.

Small Survivors said...

Exactly BB! And you know that the day uberkewl mutato forgets himself and kills the chi, PN's first move will be to come back here and give us a the report and disavow the previous nuttery for the safety of all dogs and people.

Anonymous said...

not all pits are the same but their fuktard owners sure are.

cravens own poet

Anonymous said...

f , no
he will blame the chi

Anonymous said...

april 1 would be perfect for mutant awareness day. americas no 1 abandoned dog. rescue ,rescue,rescue....... and the joke would be on us
lol not so much

BB said...

I'm not sure snack, I honestly think that, in spite of all his/her protests, PN would only hang around the park long enough to identify the closest exit if his/her pit "somehow" overcame his/her special restraint talents. I can't see him/her ever admitting that he/she failed...

Anonymous said...

i quess every now and then a pitter thinks s/he is clever enuf to troll craven and pull off some kind of a pitterine coup and become poster boy for all the other nut-bags. narcissistic pitter disorder. i quess

Small Survivors said...

LOL "pitterine coup"!

nutters do seem gifted at identifying the closest exit...

Jake said...
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Jake said...

@edited for clarity -

I had to suppress a groan when I read
"The mutant is like the black belt karate guy....he is the one that always has to keep his composure. He has registered lethal weapons at all times."

Wouldn't that be nice? But sadly, the mutant is more like the sociopath who goes crazy when someone looks at him the wrong way, or thinks about looking at him the wrong way.

No, I'll tell you what the mutant is like: It's like the 30 year old unemployed thug who brutally beats a 4 year old girl to death because she accidentally bumped into him. Such strength, such athletic prowess! His mother must be so proud - and his mother indeed defends him: "that 4 year old brat started it but my boy finished it! That's my boy!"

In the same way, the pit pusher feels a secret rush of proud satisfaction when their mutant kills the widow's toy poodle, the neighbor's yorkie or a passing chihuahua.

The pit pusher minimizes the loss of animal companions who mean the world to their owners because "if it ain't pit, it ain't shit" - So they dismiss the savage, merciless killing of these beloved companions with criminal indifference.

But let a pit bull go after an irish wolfhound, an american akita or even a mule with an attitude that can turn the tables on the mutant and kill it; Let the owner of a sweet dog being mauled by a gripper stab the pit bull to death to save their companion, and it's a whole different story - a maudlin, over-the-top pity party for the misunderstood mutant: "couldn't you have just poured water on him?" (Yeah, like that would work) "why did you have to kill my baby?" (um, to save my dog) and other pointless questions.

There is a serious disconnect here.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...

exactly, jake.
these people really do worship at the altar of scarlet gore and pointless violence. they may profess to be different than all of those other irresponsible owners and try to say all the right things ,but when all is said and done , a pitter is a pitter is a pitter. otherwise we wouldnt be here trying to make sense from someting that just doesnt.

Dude, I BaggedYourPit said...

Amen, Jake! The mutants are NOTHING like the black belt karate guy who has to keep his composure. What a childish, ridiculous denial of reality!

Pit nutter, if you really need an analogy, try one that fits... Pit bulls are like pedophile serial killers lurking in the shadows of play grounds and dog parks.

Anonymous said...

right on dude.
fucking pitters often like to try to deflect the blame and one of their ploys is jumping on the issue of murder and pedophilia. well, to us, they and their mutants are the murderers and the perverts.

Anonymous said...

i too sometimes, in a pitterine moment , talk as though chico the little lion dog is actually killing mutants left , right and centre. the difference though between me and the fuktard community is that im only joking about it . just so im clear about this , im not saying its impossible but almost. one thing idiots have trouble with is the difference between possibility and probability.

april 29 said...

Amen snarky... amen.

Miss Margo said...

Jake 7:16 excellent comment; thank you

DubV said...

Regarding Jake's comment, a lot of nutters don't realize what their dogs can do quickly. So, when they attack and it quickly escalates to the point where deadly force is warranted they're left scratching their undersized frontal lobes saying "but it was just a dog fight".

Anonymous said...

im not sure if pit nutter has undersized frontal lobes or they were damaged somehow but i hear that frontal lobes are important for impulse control (inhibitions), and that psychopaths , serial murderers ect often have damage to this area . also if dogs have frontal lobes perhaps there is a parallel problem with pits and their pitterine owners. just wondering.

Anonymous said...

i notice a trend among the pitter crowd to talk about their mutants as though they are perfect gentlemen and that they( the mutants) occasionally need to teach some rude, aggressive and lower class dog some " manners" . kind of like the upper class english gentleman giving some rude gutter-snipe "a damn good thrashing" with his walking cane.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...

"and bad things happen"

on that we agree

Anonymous said...

"they are just dogs".."i know u want to believe they are mythical devil like beings"
well , no one except some deranged person wants to believe their dog or their kid is a monster, but sometimes they are. well not a monster exactly, perhaps but a danger and a risk to others. i find it a touch ironic though that people , sheeple i call them, get a mutant cuz of their reputation , looks and strength , but then want to deny all this. its disingenuous , or put another way it's bull-shit. sorry i cant go along with all your pitterine twitterings cuz i do know what i think and thats not going to change any time soon.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...

ah, why do u guys always mention gsds and other breeds, as though it has anything to do with mutants? u guys are like pitter clones programmed to repeat the same propit crapola. over- n- over . lol

april 29 said...

pit nutter said..."it is so important for me to expose him to so many of things often" after he mentioned that his pit is getting "antsy with dominant male dogs that push him around. He has never done more then a growl when he meets face to face. But even that is not acceptable".

Pit nutter, your young dog is "turning on" and for you to take him into the community to "expose him to many things" you are putting the community at risk. You forget that folks who post here have had their lives changed by a pit bull. Many of those pit bulls had owners that shared your thoughts. I have very little concern for attacks by pit bulls, on their owners. This is simply Darwin at work. I have a great deal of concern when the innocent are brought into the mess that is created by pit bull advocacy.

DubV said...

"kind of like the upper class english gentleman giving some rude gutter-snipe "a damn good thrashing" with his walking cane."

Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so yeah , ive learned there is another type of mutant to add the list . i am educating myself , becoming less ignorant all the time!

the GENTLEMAN PIT . never picks a fight , but always finishes it. never barks , growls or gets too close and personal with another dogs rear-end. impeccable manners but wont tolerate rudeness in others. makes a point of teaching lower class dogs (curs , shit-eaters , weaklings and prissy know-it-all dogs) to respect good breeding and strength and tenacity.

Anonymous said...

the REHABED pit. previously on the lam ....wily ,street smart, totally ruthless. background of early neglect , abuse and predjudice. came from the wrong side of the tracks and has ended up doing time in facilities all over . but now the bad boy has met a woman who believes in pitties inherent good qualities. brando now wants to settle down to a productive life of mentoring other bad pits and playing with smaller dogs and children , perhaps also some skateboarding and amateur theatre.

Jake said...

Snarky I like the way you turn a phrase.

Anonymous said...

ive been doing research on W.T.F. makes for an AMBASSADOR MUTANT . a few pitter pointers.

1 mutant should be well-behaved and not antisocial. no busting out truck back windows to get at other dogs on the street.

2 mutant should not be fearfull cuz this shows cruel methods of training have been used. mutant should be confident without trying to dominate its dingbat owner. also no spiked collars or chest protectors ,this give a bad impression to pit victims.

3 an ambassador mutant is open to conversation , to dispel the terrible predjudice of course.

4 an ambassador pit is extra well behaved at the dog park . no bullying or disemboweling is recomended. for obvious reasons .

5 an ambassador mutant is without gonads or ovaries.

6 lastly : an ambassador pit is a sporting pit , skateboarding , frisbee, flyball , agility , weightlifting , ect . this proves a good wholesome lifestyle outside of the lock-up.

DubV said...

Even though pit dna testing has its faults....why don't the nutters pay for dna tests for attacking/killing mutants to clear pitties name? I think they know what they will find, and wouldn't like it.

Anonymous said...

i dont think they believe their own lies but they think others might and they have to say something but it hardly can be the truth.

BB said...

"I am not a perfect dog whisperer, i make mistakes. I am just a good responsible dog owner."


Actually, you're just a retard who can't understand - or simply doesn't care - that it is irresponsible as all hell to take a fighting breed dog to a dog park.

Anonymous said...

the SERVICE mutant:
this dog needs genuine certification via the internet or through a pittiephile mutual admiration society. certifier should have her own mutants, sleeve tattoos, dyed black hair, a bias against goldens and real handicapped people.

Chase K9 Services said...

oh ok...thanks for clearing that up

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS like to be helpfull to the mentally and morally challenged. im just a big lovable people pleaser.

Chase K9 Services said...

i think i get people don't truly understand what it means to be a pack leader. I know I know...this is where all the dog whisperer jokes come in...yuck yuck.

but that is it....i'm the pack leader...that is why i am not afraid of being attacked or my dog attacking another dog...

someday when you folks truly understand that is not old school thinking and what it takes to deal with aggressive alpha dogs you may change your opinions.

until then enjoy your ignorant bliss.......pit bulls are not special

Anonymous said...


- this dog doesnt mind wearing a muzzle but prefers socializing and interacting without one.
- this mutant likes all the smaller dog breeds and bears no animosity towards nasty, spitefull and cruel children of all colours, creeds and nationalities.
- is not an independant type of predatory cat-killer and wont crash through sliding glass windows.
-this dog is definitely a people pleaser. very amenable to fancy dress and costume . likes to go to social gatherings , concerts , raves , halloeween parties ct.

Chase K9 Services said...


april 29 said...

Snarky, please consider the Rescue Pit. This is a pit, relocated through a pit bull witness protection program, to a community where his history is not known. He has a brand new fur mommy or daddy who feels VERY proud of their new little mutant, but has been told nothing of the mutant's background. It is always a surpise to the new fur parent when their anonymous little friend re offends... oops.

BTW pit nutter, I know this particular mutant VERY well. Her new fur parents thought she was just the most wonderful thing, and stood right there and watched the attack, he waving the leash and calling his mauler's name, her simple screaming, it was all so helpful to me. And yes, they handed her off to another foolish soul. I realize that you are frustrated with the response you have received here. This is hard on your self image, I'm sure. We understand that you are as much a victim of pit bull advocacy as we are. I have asked you previously, are your dogs insured?

Jim said...

There is no such thing as an "aggressive alpha."

Go read work by some ethologists. Assuming you can read at that level.

Anonymous said...

ah yes , i was remiss.
the ubiquitous RESCUE mutant.
EDWARD SCISSORHANDS comes to mind and i dont know why.
somehow.... RESPECT-A-MUTANT doesnt quite have the same ring to it as respect-a-bull.
sorry april 29 but i will have to work on it for awhile.
- some input from irrational but good-hearted dingbats and their she-men boyfriends might be good? be continued i quess.

Anonymous said...

**pittiephile pitterine**

DubV said...

PN said...

"but that is it....i'm the pack leader...that is why i am not afraid of being attacked or my dog attacking another dog..."

Perhaps while you are around. Whispering nutters don't seem to realize that if they have a dog that is unsafe when the pack leader isn't around, then they have an unsafe dog. I guess you have magic fences, doors, shatterproof windows, inescapable collars, and no one enters and leaves your house, so your mutant can't possibly get away from you.

april 29 said...

Ah DubV, you forget the Ohio mauling where the pits chewed through an exterior wall to attack a woman walking her dog. As I recall, there was a substantial judgement in favor of the victim.

And who can overlook the mauling where the pits pushed out an air conditioner to attack a peaceful human walking on the city sidewalk?

Anonymous said...

P.N. and other pitters dont seem to realize that we dont give a damn about their safety . if breeders , dog fighters or pittiephiles end up seeing their life flash before their eyes ... well , so be it .

Branwyne Finch said...

These comments from PN really illustrate what the problem is. He declares himself a "responsible owner" of a pit bull...yet every organization of pit bull experts who advocate for responsible ownership INSIST that pit bulls do NOT belong at a dog park. While some may try to minimize the reasons why, none can deny that dog aggression is a genetic trait that has been bred into pit bulls.

Reducing every behavior and interaction a dog has to a quest for dominance is just stupid. Fighting for pit bulls is like herding for a border collie, running for a greyhound, or tracking a scent for a beagle...its a self rewarding behavior. It isn't even neccesarily an expression of aggression...the pit experts warn that "excited play", or any other state of arousal, can trigger a fight that can turn fatal.

It really doesn't matter if your pit bull gets along with some dogs at a dog park...the day will come when a scuffle breaks out. And the odds are stacked against the pit bull being able to de-escalate once a fight has started. The amount of damage the pit bull can do in a short time can be devastatinig.

Expecting a pit bull to resist the urge to fight if challenged by another dog would be the equivalent of dropping a live rabbit into a group of sight hounds and expecting them not to give chase because "you showed them who is boss". It's tempting's asking for trouble. To use a favorite phrase of pit advocates, it's "setting your pit bull up to fail".

And it shows a callous disregard for the safety of other animals.

I am simply amazed by the complete lack of responsible dog management in the pit community. You NEVER see this with other breeds...the sight hound community understands their dogs limitations, and understand that their dogs can NEVER safely be trusted off leash in an unfenced area EVER. Pit bulls don't belong in dog parks, period. Everyone knows this, yet the pit bull advocates can't even convince their OWN followers to listen to manage these dogs properly.

Anonymous said...

there are those who claim it a matter of socializing, not breeding that creates aggression in mutants. "take your pit to the dog park or else it will be a problem". also everyone else should be expected to willingly expose their dogs to potentialy dangerous mutants so they can supposedly be raised to not hate other dogs. this sort of stuff is on the internet and idiots pick it up and accept it without question.

Chase K9 Services said...

How long do you think I am at the dog park? How far away from my dogs do you think I am? How intense do you think I let my dogs play with other dogs?

You fucking people are MORONS!!!!

You are the fucking retards over in the corner with your head up your ass while your wild dogs run rampant all over the dog park acting a fool. You are the irresponsible dog owners not giving your dog the proper structure and socialization it needs to be safe around other dogs. Then cry when it get fucking idiots....get a your fucking dogs for Christs sake

BB said...

PN, let me give your little brain a scenario. You are at the dog park with your mother's chihuahua, your Auntie Maud's new pibble, your dobieX, and your Viszla. Your pittie has growled at 3 new males as they arrived, but at your magic touch he's calmed right down, sniffed their butts, and headed off to play. Some asshole, much like you, comes in with 3 pibbles-in-training of his own (one for each of his special Aunties, say). Your mommy's chihuahua, which you acknowledge has a bit of attitude, heads over to say "Hey". Something goes wrong, one of the pits goes for him, then another, and suddenly the park is chaos with blood and chihuahua bits flying and the air filled with pitiful chihuahua screams. Your other dogs, along with all of the other dogs in the park, come to investigate. You, of course, are busy trying vainly to get 2 pits off your mommy's chihuahua. Your pit gets excited by all of the noise and the smells and suddenly latches onto to the Sheltie standing next to him. He gets a good hold and he starts to tug and shake and tug and shake. The Sheltie is now screaming and there is more blood which triggers the other loser's third pit to attack your Viszla...

Basically, all good intentions aside, you are fucked. There is simply not a damn thing you can do in this all-hell-breaks-loose scenario. You, as a single adult with no super powers, have very little chance of dislodging your dog from the Sheltie. You are also powerless to help either of your other dogs.

Worth it? Hardly. Fighting breeds with genetic bite, shake, and hold patterns do not belong at dog parks.

And the alpha nonsense was a figment started in WWII by Nazis studying captive wolves. Wolves in the wild do not have an alpha, they live in family units. Basic animal science, buddy. Alpha training methods are based on misinformation and mythology. They work for Cesar because his dogs are exhausted and because he has unlimited editing capabilites. Or maybe because he uses positive reinforcement training when the cameras aren't on...

Jim said...

My lab doesn't act up at dogs parks because I trained her and I don't take my GSD to a dog park- I know better.

This is what really gets my goat. You will almost never see owners of other breeds known for DA and/or HA issues arguing nurture over nature and claiming other dogs are just as bad and we only get bad press, etc etc etc. And we know our dog's limits and capabilities and we manage their interactions carefully. We don't go flying off the handle when people don't like our breed and we don't try to claim their fear or dislike is somehow irrational.

But every single pitiot (as we can see above) thinks they are super special snowflake owners and their dogs are not influenced by their genetic heritage and anyone who thinks their dog doesn't belong in certain settings is an idiot and if someone else's dog gets mauled it cannot be the fault of the pit- they are always "provoked" into their lethal expression of their genetic heritage.

PN- you are an embarrassment. You shouldn't own *any* dog much less a gripping breed.

Although...I do find it interesting how easily you fly off into a rage and lash out blindly at everyone around you. So you did get a breed that is *just* *like* *you*

Jim said...

Oh, and I will save my dog if a gripping breed ever attacks. One hollow point round into the base of the skull. Voila!

More and more of us are arming ourselves against your mutant beasts.

Branwyne Finch said...

Not sure who this little tantrum is directed at..

"You are the fucking retards over in the corner with your head up your ass while your wild dogs run rampant all over the dog park acting a fool. You are the irresponsible dog owners not giving your dog the proper structure and socialization it needs to be safe around other dogs. Then cry when it get fucking idiots....get a your fucking dogs for Christs sake."

Bad Rap, Pit Bull Resuce Central, Real Pit Bull, Our Pack, Pit Bull Chat, and pretty much every other group of pit bull experts and organizations devoted to pit bull advocacy agree that pit bulls don't belong in dog is a fundamental tenet of "responsible pit bull ownership". Yet here you are, boasting on an internet website that you are such an amazingly skilled dog handler, who has such complete control, that nothing possibly could happen at the dog park with YOUR pit bull foster. So all the experts are wrong, but you are right...and you are fostering for a shelter in my home state, which will then place the dog with your aunt,( who I can assume is elderly,) who decided that she wanted this pit bull on an impulse after meeting him once?????

You, PN, are GROSSLY irresponsible. Just because some TV personality, reality-show trainer has seduced you into believing that you can train a genetic trait out of a dog using fear and aversives, or by clicking and treating, or by whatever other dog training fad is easily edited and helps the ratings, doesn't make you an expert. You are NOT a responsible pit bull owner. In my opinion, people like you are infintely more dangerous than the thugs and gang members and their fighting pits...because at least I can attempt to avoid the dangerous, high crime areas where those pit owners exist, and they are not trying to pretend that the dogs are anything more than weapons. Delusional suburbanites who anthropomorphize and romanticise the "poor, misunderstood pitties" pose far more of a threat to my dog's safety.

Anonymous said...

I guess the only question left is which type of pit nutter is Pit Nutter?

Based on his last few rants, I will say "Gentleman's Pit Nutter".

the GENTLEMAN PIT . never picks a fight , but always finishes it. never barks , growls or gets too close and personal with another dogs rear-end. impeccable manners but wont tolerate rudeness in others. makes a point of teaching lower class dogs (curs , shit-eaters , weaklings and prissy know-it-all dogs) to respect good breeding and strength and tenacity.

Yes Snarky, you sure can turn a phrase.

Chase K9 Services said...

Actually you fucking dolt i said he had a good attitude..if he didn't i wouldn't bring him in with the fucking big dogs.

your fucking scenario is stupid...a suitcase nuke could go off too...i'd deal with it. I wouldn't cry to my mommy and become a victim the rest of my life. I've never seen a bigger bunch of whiny cry babies in all my's a wonder how you all found's a riot actually...all of your hate and negativity fueling each must suck going through life so angry

ya the positive stuff never fails..i never see dog choke on tv or agility courses you ass clown.. thousands upon thousands of dogs are PTS because of ignorant positive trainers refuse to believe in the dominance theory and think death is less cruel then a prong collar... brilliant

Jim, you're a joke. I am taking my FOSTER to a dog park because the next owner like will and I am doing my best to prepare him for that so go fuck yourself you ignorant prick...i have no use for

Chase K9 Services said...

same for you can get off your soap box now

Chase K9 Services said...

oh and jim...maybe you should kearn how to control your GSD so you can bring it to a dog park you moron...there is no reason he shouldnt just suck as an owner...that dog lives a sucky secluded life because you suck as an dogs live much fuller lives then yours.

you really cant bring your dog around other dogs? your a fucking joke!

give me your number....ill give you some pointers

Anonymous said...

She's too far gone...

Already made the calculated decision OPD (other peoples dogs) are worthless.

Lash out Nutter... Lash out!

Chase K9 Services said...

ok breathe!! i'm better now :)

Jim said...

Interesting. My GSD with an RA, CD, C.G.C, NA, HT, TDI behind his name is being disparaged by a moron who cannot follow simple directions given to him by others with more experience.

Tell me, PN, how many obedience/performance titles have YOU put on a dog? My guess is none :)

Anonymous said...

Living in a dump down by the river

Anonymous said...

dear , dear.
maybe s/he shoudnt come to this dog park anymore.

Chase K9 Services said...

You are either lying about the certs or lying about the dog park...either way I stll have no use for you...I could cgc my dogs in my sleep...I don't need certs to know my dogs are trained

Anonymous said...

my dog gets lots of activity without interacting with other dogs at the park. now as an older more cautious person i tend avoid other dogs cuz i dont know whats going to happen but i know it might not be good. the idea that this is going to make my dog a problem is pure pitterine twaddle. its just another way pitters have of trying to slither out of their responsibilities.

Jim said...

No, PN, you couldn't CGC a dog in your sleep. Your dog is incapable of being neutral to another dog, as you yourself have said in previous posts.

The majority of people who are serious about obedience do not frequent dog parks precisely because they tend to be filled with people like you and your poorly trained mutants. We value our animals too much to place them at the mercy of dimwits with no control over their dogs.

Go hang out on the GSD Forums for a while and you will see that people with a great deal more knowledge, understanding, and experience than you know the risks inherent in bringing their dogs to such free-for-alls.

Dog parks were not meant to socialize dogs, but to provide a place for already trained and socialized dogs to interact. But people like you have ruined that.

april 29 said...

PN, You are simply out of control. Grow up. Having a hissy fit does not convince anyone that you have a clue. CGC is such a simple test that MOST dogs saunter in and pass it. Pit bull blogs feature comments from pitters who are "working on their CGC" and this process takes months to years. If you could title your dogs, you would. And yes, my dogs are titled as well.

You have still not answered the question, are your dogs insured? This is the most basic step in responsible dog ownership.

BB said...

PN, you are mentally ill. Why don't you go back to pitbullforum where they will stroke your immense, ridiculous ego and tell you that you do, indeed, have total control over your pit bull and you are, indeed, amazing.

And the idea of a dog fight at a dog park with 4 pit bulls in it is ludicrous? You don't get out much do you? Have you ever even seen a pit latch onto something? Ever tried to dislodge one without a break stick? Nope and nope, of course. You are truly a know-nothing fool. And I agree with whoever said he hopes your pit gets at you before it gets at some innocent dog. You'd be just like Sir Bleedalot down below, begging bystanders to risk their own lives to save him from his own stupidity.

DubV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DubV said...

PN, do you not realize you conceded the argument with this?

"how long do you think I am at the dog park? How far away from my dogs do you think I am? How intense do you think I let my dogs play with other dogs?"

It's equivalent to saying 'don't you think I know my land mines are dangerous and I have a chain link fence around them!' You shouldn't be at the dog park, PN. And you should learn to admit when you are wrong. Buh bye now.

Branwyne Finch said...

Oh, for the love of Pete, a total meltdown. Stand back, everyone, let me handle this...I have a 13 year old,and I volunteer in the public schools, so I am used to irrational, adolescent behavior.

PB, you need to take a time out. When a grownup points out that you are wrong about something, you cannot throw a tantrum and swear at them and call them names. That won't make them take you seriously. You need to learn to get control of your emotions...I know its hard at your age, but you need to stop and cool down. Take deep breaths. Realize that grownups have a lot more life experience and education than you, and can often point out obvious inconsistencies in your logic that you are unable to see. Your behavior here has been unacceptable.

Now, I will walk you down to the principals office,because he will probably have to call your mom. Here is some Kleenex, you can stop crying now. I know, I know, you are "the best dog trainer ever", you can explain it all to the guidance councilor in your "Coping Strategies" class.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The Nutter Force is strong with this one...

I foresee a Dog Park Dine and Dash or Lifeflight in her future.

Chase K9 Services said...

Jim, you're googled a bunch of initials and threw them out there,you are a liar. If your GSD was a CGC you could bring it to a dog park. I'm done with you just like the professional victim April 29.

I think it's funny how the rest of you people spew hate ignorant filled drivel all day long yet I vent in one or 2 posts and I'm the one with mental problems. lol That's rich.

Branwyne Finch said...

PN, having a CGC means that a dog has basic leash manners and can act calmly when introduced to another dog on leash. It has nothing to do with a dogs desire to rough house with strange dogs off leash. Many, many dogs, my own included, do not like the crazy, physical play that typically goes on at a dog park,(especially older dogs.) Taking my dog to a dog park would be like taking a retiree to Chuck-e-Cheese and expecting him to have fun with the pre-schoolers. Dog parks are not a good idea for many dogs, and all the experts agree they are a TERRIBLE idea for pit bulls. It seems like Jim, as a responsible dog owner, assessed his dog's personality and temperament and realized that that kind of uncontrolled, crazy environment would be a bad idea. Actually, as another poster pointed out, I don't know anyone who competes seriously with their dogs...(agility, obedience, tracking), etc...or anyone who works with their dogs,(hunting, working livestock) who has ever taken their dog to a dog park. Its pretty much considered too risky, because its filled with armchair experts like you.

PB, you seem to have an overabundance of unearned self-confidence, typical of many young people today. I have friends who train and compete in obedience, agility and other performance events. Titling a dog, (especially getting an advanced title) can take years of training, hard work, and discipline. My friends dog doesn't need a leash...ever. Thousands of hours of training, proofing behaviors under every distraction imaginable..the dog responds to voice and hand signals, und understands dozens of commands...100% of the time, flawlessly. Twenty years of training, attending classes and workshops on dog behavior, and being mentored by one of the best trainers on the east coast, and she has the results (and the titles) to prove it. You can't just buy a few books and watch some TV show and claim you know more than someone like her. And she will tell you that pit bulls should NEVER ever be off leash...ever.

I have never "spewed hate" on this or any other board. (I am not sure what, exactly "ignorant filled drivel" is.)I think some posters here get frustrated over the inability to have a logical conversation with pit bull apologists, because your position is based on fantasy and emotion, and not on facts or logic.

april 29 said...

We have spoken to you as an adult and you have responded with childish obscenities. Many of us who title our dogs do not use dog parks because we avoid fools such as yourself with rude, rough, or vicious dogs. I am weary of people like yourself who think that exposing your genetic time bomb to my gentle dog (who is heavily insured BTW)will improve your dog, without considering the danger to my dog. Dine and dash is the term that is used for the result of your actions. Pit bull owners walk away from the bloodshed with an "oops, sucks to be you."

I am far from a professional victim, but I AM a strong advocate for public safety. You are the only one here who has had an emotional meltdown. I have told you parts of my story because I want you to realize that I have been there and done that. I took my complaint to the legal system and that system did protect me.

I'm asking you again, do you have insurance to cover the injuries and losses of a victim if your canine social experiment blows up in your face?

Jim said...

April is correct. Those of us who seriously work our dogs (I am working in Open with my GSD now) rarely go to dog parks. My training club (Gem City Dog Training Club- you can google it)does have a nice sized outdoor site where our *well trained and well socialized* dogs can romp together off lead without concern and practice for our various venues.

Far better than a dog park where someone with a flash point temper and no formal obedience skills sporting a gripping breed would be hanging out. My dog is too valuable to me to risk like that.

And while I do trust my boy, I am also aware that with certain breeds that trust should only be extended so far. I am careful with him because the idea of my dog hurting or being hurt by another dog makes me physically ill. It is a risk *no sensible owner of a power breed would take*

BTW, I also carry a special rider on my home owners, although it was not required by State Farm for GSDs. I believe that my taking the time and care to properly train, socialize, and manage my dog diminishes the risk that he would ever hurt someone. But as a responsible owner I make sure that if he ever did, that person would be taken care of.

You are a very angry person. The kind of person who should not own a breed with dangerous capabilities. Do you carry extra insurance? Do you train with a club? Do you therefore have an accurate understanding, corroborated by someone with knowledge and experience, of your dog's temperament? I believe the answer to those questions to be no. Which makes you highly irresponsible in taking your dog to a dog park *no matter the breed* but especially with a breed that experts all agree should not be in that type of setting.

Miss Margo said...

A tangential observation:

" people spew hate ignorant filled drivel all day long..."

spew (spy)
v. spewed, spew·ing, spews
1. To send or force out in or as if in a stream; eject forcefully or in large amounts: a volcano that spewed molten lava; spewed invective at his opponent.
2. To vomit or otherwise cast out through the mouth.
1. To flow or gush forth: Water was spewing from the hydrant.
2. To vomit.
Something spewed.
[Middle English spewen, from Old English spwan.]

The only one "spewing" their thoughts on this thread recently is PN.

For whatever reason, I am curious about the way the word "spew" has become the default derogatory word of choice used by internet trolls to describe the expression of opinions which are contrary to the trolls' own.

I mean, the opinion could be anything: "I think my city should change garbage pickup day to Tuesday."


"Spew" is as good a bet as Godwin's law.

If PN had insurance for her animals, she would have said so.

If I may "spew" random assertions: On the basis of that tantrum, I suspect she eats Hot Pockets and lives at home with Mom.

Anonymous said...


april 29 said...

Miss Margo,

The answer to your question "For whatever reason, I am curious about the way the word "spew" has become the default derogatory word of choice used by internet trolls to describe the expression of opinions which are contrary to the trolls' own"

Even breed specific advocates can spell it.

Anonymous said...

one only need voice a contrary opinion to spew ignorance filled hate and yet actions that result in pain and grief are white-washed and called " responsible". pitter logic for you.

Chase K9 Services said...

You people all have selective hearing..this is common throughout all of the threads I post pick and choose to hear what I say and formulate your own meanings.

Let me break it down barney style once again for all you mental midgets.

I am bringing may foster to the dog park because the next potential adopter likely will. There for it IS responsible for me to do what I can to prepare him for every situation that I can for his new environment.

I am not training this dog for any performance anything...he is to be a he is not to have any heightened sense of anything which is required in most titled dogs. Which is why it is not a good idea to bring a hunting dog or guard dog or some other intense dog into a dog park.

You people are making this way too easy for are making yourselves look more foolish with each post...quit while your behind

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

go watch your whisperer reruns.

Miss Margo said...


Chase K9 Services said...


Jim said...

"Heightened senses" (known by the knowledgeable as "drives") are genetic. You don't train them in, you train with or around them.

Here is a novel idea. How about your "rescue" telling pit adopters not to frequent dog parks? You do understand the liability for the organization should your poorly trained foster do any damage to dog or human in the future?

And please learn your homonyms if you're going to quote Sheldon ;)

april 29 said...

PN said...
"heightened sense of anything which is required in most titled dogs" Huh???

You are exposing a genetically hard wired, off-the-charts prey drive dog to the innocents of the world because you think the next owner of this dog will do the same. THIS is responsible??? Huh?

You have no insurance to cover the injuries and losses of these innocents, and this is responsible?

Girl, you have used all the breed specific excuses and classic magical thinking and come up empty. How sad for you.

Chase K9 Services said...

right, because people aren't going to do whatever they want regardless of what i tell them....

Chase K9 Services said...

...I should just stick my head in the sand do nothing and hope they never bring him around another dog. I shouldn't do anything to desensitize him to other dogs. To teach him how to react around crazy unruly dogs. That's wildy irresponsible. I should keep him locked in a room secluded and isolated so he never experiences anything so when he does get out he is in fact a ticking time bomb. That's a brilliant line of folks are a bunch of mensa scholars aren't you.

Jim said...

You should do all those things. But do them in a controlled environment. Training classes come to mind.

You do not use a dog park to socialize a dog because there are too many variables. I know you foolishly think you can control your untrained dog, but you are exposing him to other untrained dogs. One bad experience can result in a need for serious remedial work in the very least.

Keep that in mind. I know you are incapable of thinking about the safety of other dogs and people, but you should know you are risking your dog's very life by taking such a foolish approach to socialization and training.

april 29 said...


Most communities are deluged with unwanted pit bulls and the response of many local Humane groups is to run training classes exclusively for pit bulls. These classes are almost always free.

Take your dog there for socialization, training and proofing. Do not use our pets as training equipment. A Darwin attack in the pit bull community does not trouble me a bit.

Branwyne Finch said...

PN, you are winning an argument we are not having. You disparaged Jim for having titled dogs. The response was that most experienced dog trainers...those who actually have PROOOF of their ability, through a title or an actual working dog....think dog parks are not a good idea. I am not too worried that a multititled trained obedience champion is going to suddenly go berserk at the dog park and kill another dog. Of course the dog park is filled with pet dog owners and untrained dogs.

So your now telling us that well trained, "titled" dogs are the ones that don't belong in a dog park? No one mentioned "guard dogs", and no one involved in Shutzund or French Ring would bring their dog to a dog park. Dogs with titles don't have "heightened senses", they have dedicated owners who have the skill and patience to train them.

So this pit bull's next owner...which you have indicated may be your elderly aunt...will be bringing him to the dog park? Why? Why doesn't your rescue group advise prospective pit owners to avoid dog parks? Why is every organization dedicated to pit bull advocacy wrong about dog parks, yet you are right?

Do you suspect the next owner will have magical powers like yourself, and will be able to "just know"
if this pit bull is getting stressed or aroused by other dogs at the dog park? Who will be liable if you adopt out this dog, and tell prospective owners that he is fine at dog parks, and he ends up attacking and killing another dog, or injuring a person trying to break up a fight? Will the rescue group pay damages, vet bills, medical bills? Will you?

Chase K9 Services said...

Your assumptions and piss-poor reading comprehension skills are that of a 4th're like a child. my aunt is not elderly...I never advise anyone to go to a dog park and neither does my rescue...never said I did.

Are there any other words you want to put in my mouth?

Chase K9 Services said...

I do however live in the real world...and in the real world people do what the wish and do not always heed the advice of others. SO in an attempt to avoid another catastrophe I thought...hhmm...maybe..just maybe its a good idea to work with this dog a little...but ya...i'm the asshole

april 29 said...


Please take a look at this blog.
The blogger was a pit bull owner and she posted comments EVERYWHERE. Like you, she loved her pits. She was unstopable and told us pretty much exactly what you have said here. As she read what was written by public safety advocates she noticed new behaviors from her pit and watched her beloved pit begin to become aggressive. This blogger had children in her home. Eventually she realized that she was putting her family at risk with this dog, she put the dog down. Euthanization of this pit and the realization that pit bull advocacy had used her was devastating. This blog was the response to her experience. She has not blogged for a long time but never removed what she had written. If you can't accept information from us, you might accept it from one of your own.

Miss Margo said...

You are absurd in the extreme and you are the reason the level of discourse in this thread has degenerated.

This exchange is a farce and PN is a troll.

DubV said...

PN said..."You people all have selective hearing..this is common throughout all of the threads I post pick and choose to hear what I say and formulate your own meanings."

It is very common when a nutter is disagreed with that they assume the person must not have read and understood. So, they say it again another way or more brashly and just can't get that something that makes sense to them would not to someone else, and they typically can't deal with the objections very well either logically or emotionally.

PN, no matter how many how many times you explain it we won't agree that:

1+ 1 = 3

DubV said...


I dare say that pits can be somewhat socialized to other dogs. But what you are doing is wrong. You are exposing others to risk without their explicit consent in order to further your particular goals. Maybe you can find other dog owners that will consent to being part of your experiment. Still, I rate it unethical because the dogs are being put at risk and don't have a say.

april 29 said...

I'm with Miss Margo,

PN is a troll and I have formally lost interest.

Chase K9 Services said...

that blog is how i found this train wreck

Chase K9 Services said...

i noticed no one posted over there....i didn't think people still seriously thought this way. SERIOUSLY...i think you are a joke like the anti-gun law people are a joke.

Chase K9 Services said...

that must be why all you can muster are like 6 or 7 people on here and aren't getting any real traction except for corrupt local gov't lol

Chase K9 Services said...

I can't wait until 5 to head out to the dog park suckas....lock up your dogs!

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

automatic demotion from pit bull owner to pit nutter once the defense of dog parks enters the discussion.

this is how RESPONSIBLE pit bull owners socialize their pits:
massachusetts pit bull meetups

april 29 said...

Yes Garnet,

I suspect she is 14 to 16 years old and lives with her folks. She must have finished her homework and is free for the evening. If her parents own their home, the parents insurance will be on the hook for her irresponsible behavior. The insurance industry has a long memory, any settlement will impact their rates for many years.
Four posts in six minutes shows just how desperate she is for attention.

Jake said...

Regarding the comment by pit nutter @ April 23, 2012 2:26 PM where you liken the possibility of a pit bull attack to a "suitcase nuke" scenario.

The funny thing is, the suitcase nuke has never happened. period. But innocent dogs being attacked, wounded and killed by pit bulls? Well, that happens every single day. So, on the one hand, you have a theoretical doomsday scenario, on the other you have an everyday occurrence, but you somehow equate the two. I don't think so.

Seriously, which of the two things is more likely to happen today? One of them has a probability of approximately 1.0, the other has a probability orders of magnitude lower. Can you guess which one is more likely to happen?

BB said...

"I am bringing may foster to the dog park because the next potential adopter likely will. There for it IS responsible for me to do what I can to prepare him for every situation that I can for his new environment."

This is like saying that your ex-husband will probably beat your child during his custodial visits so you'd best do a little beating while you've got her to "toughen her up". You don't make any sense. You'd be far better to try to dissuade your aunt from taking a pit bull to a dog park or, even better, from owning a pit in the first place.

"I am not training this dog for any performance anything...he is to be a he is not to have any heightened sense of anything which is required in most titled dogs. Which is why it is not a good idea to bring a hunting dog or guard dog or some other intense dog into a dog park."

Wow. You really don't know ANYTHING about pit bulls do you? There is no more intense a dog than pit. They are genetically intense. Their primary characteristics are drive and gameness, both embodiments of intensity.

DubV said...

Jake said...

"The funny thing is, the suitcase nuke has never happened. period. But innocent dogs being attacked, wounded and killed by pit bulls? Well, that happens every single day. So, on the one hand, you have a theoretical doomsday scenario, on the other you have an everyday occurrence, but you somehow equate the two. I don't think so. "

Excellent points, Jake. When someone invokes crazy scenarios to justify routine actions, you know they probably aren't onto something.

DubV said...

BB said..

"There is no more intense a dog than pit."

They remind me a lot of larger, more dangerous versions of jack russell terriers.

BB said...

Have you ever seen a Patterdale? They're a minitiaturized pit bull. But I'd certainly rather take on one that weighs 15 lbs rather than 60...

Anonymous said...

i think pit nutter is that same batty rescue dingbat that had a bit spaz attack before when someone said something she didnt like. she said she would be bringing lots of rescued mutants to our neighburhoods , as if we really need more of the fucking things. i could be wrong of course cuz im sure she not the only belligerent over-reactive rescue pittiephile out there. lol.

Anonymous said...

oh those minpits are so adorable ! from a distance u cant really tell them from the full-size mutant mauler. they come around a corner and u expect scarlet billows to start to spread but no, theyre something else . kinda a purse-pit with the attitude taken out . definitely a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Never take your pit bull to a dog park aka NEVER trust your pit bull NOT to fight.








Anonymous said...

I think Dr Randy "The Tourniquette" Lockwood sums this thread up best:

In the United States, pets are considered property in the eyes of the law. And one of the most hotly defended rights of the individual is the right to own anything, no matter how stupid or dangerous the choice — even when what someone wants to own is
a threat to them, their family, and the community around them.”
– Randall Lockwood, ASPCA

Chase K9 Services said...

actually they say never take any dog to a dog park....any good trainer says that DERPY DERP! you fucking parks are a bad idea in general

DubV said...

PN, bad idea in general but worse in the particular case of which we are speaking. Are you really like this? Have you never been exposed to the type of reasoning that would cause a medication to list side effects for the general population but then special considerations for, let's say, pregnant women?

Anonymous said...

fucking dingbat just keeps coming back for more . reminds me of the mutant in the MULE KICKS PIT ASS video.
she must be getting something she really needs , trolling on C.D. ! LOL

Anonymous said...

@ pit-o-holics everywhere

i guess sometimes it really does suck being a victim of your own stupid choices and thought patterns, you cant let go of.

but u really can , give up your delusions and even that ugly dangerous mutant, if u really try. a mutant is not like the tattooed one on your chest , u can give it and have it removed from your life.

Anonymous said...

sorry : u can give it ....a dirt- napp and have it removed from your life.
p.s. i just love that term "dirt-napp" and i dont know why. perhaps its because its just like me ....very down to earth . lol.

Anonymous said...

i guess she thinks we are all twerps and nerds cuz we dont like her ambassador dog from hell. jumping to judgement about people she doesnt know is the kind of thing these pittiefull pitter people compain about every chance they get. u know, the terrible doggy racism against pitters and their shit-hounds. then these types go and attack shit-bull victims and their innocent pets that have been injured or killed.

DubV said...

Garnet said...

"Do you know what type of people have ruined dog parks? People like you who bring dogs that are unsuited to that type of environment. If people only took well-trained, friendly, and outgoing dogs to dog parks, then they'd present no problems. Instead, reckless people take their fighting-breed dogs or their asocial dogs and ruin what could be a good thing for dogs who like socializing with others."

I was thinking of this as well. PN says dog parks are universally discouraged without taking pause to consider that her act of taking a fighting breed is one of the several reasons why dog parks are discouraged!

She obviously did not close the loop there.

DubV said...

Unfortunately, I now feel the need to expose the elephant in the room at the risk of sounding self-congratulatory or obsequious.

Dawn is highly intelligent and witty. She has attracted very intelligent people to her blog as regulars. These folks can cut through the nutter-emotio-logic pretty well. I would only hope to be among that number.

When random pit nutters come here, they get strong arguments against their positions put forth by people that can actually critique an argument. The result is a butt hurt nutter who sulks away complaining about closed minds or some other drivel. Earth to nutter, some people can just see through your bullshit. Sorry, it's easy to witness from the inside or out.

Chase K9 Services said...

um no. You people come off as whiny social outcasts. Out-lyres that hide behind your keyboards that don't have the guts to say anything but "nice dogs" to my face. Because this is how I am greeted by folks like you everyday when I am out. With a smile, and a "can i pet your dogs?"..."Oh, my they are so well behaved!"

btw - I'm a 36 year old married man..i've said it more then once but once again your attention and reading comprehension skills...a la 4th grader...

Anonymous said...

pitter- trol
well , i wouldnt want to pet your shit-hound and i dont suck up to assholes either. ive seen and had interaction with so many of you counter-culture types now that i just avoid anyone who looks deranged or lacking in good taste or morals.

Chase K9 Services said...

when are you going to realize YOU ARE the counter culture lol

it's like gay the new generations are educated the ignorance is washed out......

oh noez!!! the evil mythological debil dogs are gonna git me!!! There's nothing I can and hide...lock up your kids! lock up your dogs!!!! no one is safe!!!!

Chase K9 Services said...

speaking of....mmmm devil dogs.....

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

um no. You people come off as whiny social outcasts. Out-lyres that hide behind your keyboards that don't have the guts to say anything but "nice dogs" to my face. Because this is how I am greeted by folks like you everyday when I am out. With a smile, and a "can i pet your dogs?"..."Oh, my they are so well behaved!"

btw - I'm a 36 year old married man..i've said it more then once but once again your attention and reading comprehension skills...a la 4th grader...

i have reading and comprehending every single word, more than you realize.

are you ready to emerge from behind your keyboard?

Chase K9 Services said...

I sound like a 16 year old because that is how serious i take your fight. I think you and this fight is laughable. Your time would be much better spent fighting something worhtwhile and leaving my beloved pets alone.

If I wanted to I could type very pointed arguments and shred this house of cards you feeble minded imbeciles have built here. Do you know how I know this? 2 reasons, I have an abnormally high intelligence (been tested) and the fact the towns are repealing BSL laws around the country. Not moving the other way. I come on her for pure entertainment. You come on here to fight the fight.

I interject are so stuck inside your bubbles humor is lost on you...i pity your sad existences lol

I post on forums and blogs about all the fun and adventures I go on with my dogs...and your stuck in this sad

Chase K9 Services said...

and before you start...grammar and intelligence do not go hand in hand. Don't be fooled because I don't take the time to type properly and proof read...i also and extremely ADD ADHD which is usually prevalent in people with high IQs.

Chase K9 Services said...

oohh dawn are you going to out me lol. Do you know who I really am? Shouldn't be that hard to figure out...I've given enough clues and pretty sure I've linked pics from my FB page.

I have nothing to hide....

DubV said...

PN said....

"Do you know how I know this? 2 reasons, I have an abnormally high intelligence (been tested) and the fact the towns are repealing BSL laws around the country."

Everyone on the internet claims to be above average. If you are, then you should start using it. As far as your testing, I bet you took one of those internet iq tests that give you a little certificate at the end.

If you can shred our arguments, then do it. You've certainly spent enough time here. Why not spend it making your strong case?

DubV said...

Pit Nutter,

I'm wondering about your perspective on walking multiple dogs and a mutant all off leash in a wooded area where other dogs are present while holding a child. Is this responsible pit bull ownership?

DubV said...

Pit Nutter,

I'm also wondering what cautionary steps should be taken before and after introducing a rescued fighting breed dog (of presumably unknown heritage) to a toddler, cat, several small dogs (including chi). Do you have any tips on how to pull this all off while remaining a responsible nutter?

Anonymous said...

Pit nutter, you are really full of yourself. I provided you with an extended list of pro pitbull links advising against pit bulls in dog parks, you chose to disregard them. It seems improbable but I have to admit that it is possible that you are as intelligent as you claim to be. In the event that you are, there is a possible explanation:

Why high IQ people tend to be deficient in common sense
The greater cognitive abilities of higher IQ tend also to be accompanied by a distinctive high IQ personality type including the trait of ‘Openness to experience’, ‘enlightened’ or progressive left-wing political values, and atheism.
My suggested explanation for this association between intelligence and personality is that an increasing relative level of IQ brings with it a tendency differentially to over-use general intelligence in problem-solving, and to over-ride those instinctive and spontaneous forms of evolved behaviour which could be termed common sense. Preferential use of abstract analysis is often useful when dealing with the many evolutionary novelties to be found in modernizing societies; but is not usually useful for dealing with social and psychological problems for which humans have evolved ‘domain-specific’ adaptive behaviours. And since evolved common sense usually produces the right answers in the social domain; this implies that, when it comes to solving social problems, the most intelligent people are more likely than those of average intelligence to have novel but silly ideas, and therefore to believe and behave maladaptively. I further suggest that this random silliness of the most intelligent people may be amplified to generate systematic wrongness when intellectuals are in addition ‘advertising’ their own high intelligence in the evolutionarily novel context of a modern IQ meritocracy. The cognitively-stratified context of communicating almost-exclusively with others of similar intelligence, generates opinions and behaviours among the highest IQ people which are not just lacking in common sense but perversely wrong. Hence the phenomenon of ‘political correctness’ (PC); whereby false and foolish ideas have come to dominate, and moralistically be enforced upon, the ruling elites of whole nations.

I especially like this last sentence:
Hence the phenomenon of ‘political correctness’ (PC); whereby false and foolish ideas have come to dominate, and moralistically be enforced upon, the ruling elites of whole nations.

april 29 said...

Personally, I think anyone who needs to stand on a stump and shout "I'm exceptional" probably isn't.

Chase K9 Services said...

i take great pride in my common sense ,right-wing values and I have no use for political correctness so it looks like you are right on! well done douche bag...

btw nice article full of big words that don't say shit...i love people that write just to hear themselves talk...this guy is obviously pissed off about his low IQ and trying to compensate....

Anonymous said...

pitter nut:
guess we are all douche bags cuz we arent prepared to accept a breed of dog that should be outlawed and eradicated from the face of the earth. the pitbull dog has no redeeming qualities that couldnt be found in another breed .

Chase K9 Services said...

Now you are getting it

Chase K9 Services said...

Once upon a time a lady had an un neutered one year old male German Shepard lab mix that ruled the yard. She knew she had a problem so she was trying to find a good home for him for 8 months but really did not want to get rid of him. She did not get him fix because the vet wanted $400 and she stopped there. Somehow I got a call and agreed to take a look at the dog. The dog seemed very social and playful the whole time but it was very obvious that we were in his yard. He was not aggressive but he was dominant. He demanded your attention. He barked. He jumped around...made a show. He showed us how he could open the gates. Play fetch and tug. Then we went to leave and my infant niece in her car seat started to cry. This dog freaked out and completely snapped. He totally went after the baby. He grabbed onto to the car seat and jerked it. Thankfully I was able to grab his collar and get him under control. But this was to date the scariest experience I've ever had with a dog......and this happen to me last night and it wasn't a pit bull. It was completely out of character. Everyone swore up and down this dog was great with kids! Blah blah blah... The whole time I was there the dog was playing with an 8 year old boy.

Anonymous said...

lick nutter:
ive seen u on facebook and all i can say is , if you wanted normal people to be honest with u about the shit-bulls , u shouldve thot twice about the tats and body mods , especially the baby devil horns/bumps. getting the double- gap fixed in your psycho-grimace wouldnt hurt either. all the brawling and scrapping is hard on the front teeth but there is such a thing as implants these days or dentures if you cant afford implants. mind u ,i suspect u like people to be scared of you and your mutant, pitters usually do .

Jake said...

Pit nutter, I get it. You pretend to be somewhat rational just to lure people to enter into a discussion with you, at which point you degenerate into total nonsense every time.

I get it. You're here to try to suck the life out of everyone. You may or may not be intelligent - I certainly don't see enough evidence to say either way, but you've certainly demonstrated an awfully short attention span, and an inability to stay on point.

At some point, I'd like to think you'll wake up. Other nutters have. Not all but some.

Good luck!

Chase K9 Services said...

German shepard mixes tried eating my niece! We need to ban them all!! They are vicious unpredictable mutants! Drooling grippers! I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep thinking about April 29.

Anonymous said...

re the shep-lab :
i had shep-mixes for years and there was never a prob. they were the sweetest dogs and would even play nicely with the neighbors pitbulls and their retarded son. it must be that lady u referred to was irresponsible and perhaps abused that poor shepx. its always the owner , never the poor dog . excuse me if im making anyone sick.

Anonymous said...

all this time , trolling us cravenites, harrassing us , worrying us like a shit-bull and in response u get logic , intelligent debate , gentle persuasion. instead of thanking us for our patience u just get abusive. if u werent just a troll u wouldve been cravenized by now. and anyway, howcome u have all this time to waste? dont u have a social life at all? a family? friends? not even pitter friends eh . ah well u will always have your mutants i quess ,good thing that ! darwinism at work i quess.

Anonymous said...

i would adopt this precious boy in a second if not for the ears! tears!

Anonymous said...

oh , she meant the dog ?

Jake said...

LOL @ pit nutter - If you want to ban GSDs might want to take a look at the facts first - Fatal Dog Attacks by breed 2008-2011

Oh wait - I forgot you people don't like facts.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

of course i know who you are ryan . you are the rhode island dog whisperer.

the question is, do you know who i am? i am one of your fellow pitters that you share fun and adventures with on the forums.

DubV said...

Of course, Ryan does pack walks! I bet he calls them that too. My prediction is a dog is gonna run up on pittie, make it mad, an all out brawl is going to ensue in the forest there, and Ryan will either drop his son into the fray in order to regain alpha whisper role or he will hold the toddler above harms way while screaming hysterically.

april 29 said...

Ryan is sadly, mentally ill. Our society has mainstreamed the mentally ill and you will sometimes meet someone who believes that he is Batman, you will meet folks who do actually line their hats with aluminum foil. Ryan needs professional help/meds. He has constructed a world where he is a superhero and he is unable to accept any theory that might prove that false. There is a lot going on here, ADD, OCD, whatever the diagnosis might be. Psych is not my specialty but if I have ever seen someone who needs a psych consult, it is Ryan. Very sad situation.

Chase K9 Services said...

congrats're a super genius! I don't care who you are.....I'm sure you are one of those nutbags that can't see the benefits in prong and e-collars

...oh let me guess JGLI?

Chase K9 Services said...

"i had shep-mixes for years and there was never a prob. they were the sweetest dogs and would even play nicely with the neighbors pitbulls and their retarded son. it must be that lady u referred to was irresponsible and perhaps abused that poor shepx. its always the owner , never the poor dog . excuse me if im making anyone sick." LOL! oh how the tides have turned! i grew up with one and i've lived with pit bulls.... just goes to show you morons it isn't breed specific!!! IT IS ALWAYS THE OWNER!!!!

Dubv, Dogs occasionally run up to us. I carry a pet convincer for those dogs.

I know it is really hard to understand because you folks only get to see well behaved dogs on TV but they really do exists...if you like i could video tape lol

As for spare time, I'm an engineer. I work on my takes my minutes to type these responses. I am not wasting a lot of time and brain power on you folks. Trust me. I sped a lot more time with my family and dogs...

Anonymous said...

"now u are gonna get it snarky"

-says pit nutbag. oh dear , oh dear!
LOL. mild mannered computer geek , star trekky by day , foaming @ the mouth pit- nutter in his spare time .
obtw. what will u post on craven if that mutant mauls your little boy?

Chase K9 Services said...

you would love that too wouldn't you, you sick twist bastard.

Anonymous said...

well, yes but i would feel sorry that your kid had one parent, at least, that was fucked in the head.

Miss Margo said...

Niiiiiiice picture (the pack walk)!

I've been avoiding this thread for days because I thought it had lapsed into pointlessness. Now I see Dawn James has upped the ante.

Well, I think that the photo says it all.

I originally thought that PN's moniker was intended to be ironical. NEVER MIND.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...

pit -nutbag :
sorry, but i tend to not worry too much about other peoples spock -spawn. yes they can be cute when they are behaving , but they will probably grow up someday and maybe be just like daddy ...... if they survive their visits to daddys halfway house for death-row mutants.
and hey ,its not like we didnt try to convince u otherwise but some people are just too dense or too smart to see reason. so if it turns out your precious little pet gets hurt or killed please dont try and put it on us , the karmas all yours.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Miss Margo said...

I don't think anyone here wishes for your kid to get mauled, PN. I sure don't. Who said anything like that? I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Chase K9 Services said...
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Anonymous said...

the writing is on the wall, u dingbat! and if u or yours did get bit at least it might shut u the fuck up but probably

Anonymous said...

Pit Nutter,

Branwyne Finch said...

What I find interesting is the fact that PN is a foster for Scargo Wags and Wiggles in Dennisport, which claims to be an "all-breed" rescue, but is pretty much trafficking pit bulls from out of state. The organization claims to be doing dog daycare and boarding but also claims to be a 501C3 rescue? All the dogs listed by this organization are either pits or pit mixes, save for maybe one.

Massachusetts is FILLED with unwanted pit bulls.....every open admission shelter is drowning in them, people are dumping them left and right on CL, they are found wandering as strays. Why would anyone need to IMPORT more homeless pit bulls? Why incure the transport fees, when you can just put the word out and be flooded with homeless pit bulls? Why not help local dogs first? You could take owner surrenders, and at least get background and health history on the dog, instead of New York could work with the MSPCA and take some of their death row dogs.

The whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. I think its actually great that PN (aka Ryan) posted on here and gave everyone some insight into what really goes on with pit bull rescue and adoption. I think Ryan is very typical of the types of irresponsible narccisists involved with the breed, and I certainly wouldn't want someone like him in my neighborhood, or trust any organization who allows him to foster.

I am doubting that Ryan has told his HO insurance carrier that he is fostering pit Scargo Wags and Wiggles insured? If something happens with a foster dog, who will assume liability? Ryan's insurance carrier likely won't pay, and he probably doesn't have many assets. Although in Massachuseets the "harborer" of a dog can probably be held liable, you can't get blood from a rock. So does Scargo Wags and Wiggles carry insurance to cover their pit bull rescue?

I think Ryan has really driven the point home for us....we need laws and regulation, because the people and organizations involved with these dogs are irresponsible, irrational, and dangerous, with absolutely NO regard for the safety of the public.

Chase K9 Services said...
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Rag Doll said...

I wanna be no 200

Rag Doll said...


Anonymous said...

pitters blush? no its the pit-dogs that blush....scarlet billows

Anonymous said...


May 2012, Santa Fe, NM; Victim's son: My dad loved this dog more than me

Mr White was the 12th US Pit owner killed by their own animal in the past two years...But remember a Pomeranian once killed a baby!