Over the last week I have been reading your blog 'The Truth about Pit Bulls' for at least an hour to an hour and a half each day. The information that your blog contains has really broadened my understanding of the true nature of these dogs. My interest in finding unbiased information about these dogs came about after I was forced to kill one of them that attacked & killed my neighbor's Jack Russell terrier. My biggest fear was that the dog would go after her next; she is in her early 80s & I did not think that she would survive even a brief attack by one of these dogs. I had already called the police, but they seemed to have taken their time getting there, so I took action myself. I shot the dog with my compound bow, using an aluminum arrow equipped with a Magnus Stinger broadhead. The dog immediately broke off the attack and retreated to the back of her garden, where it expired. The police did not approve of my methods, but took no action against me. With the dog dead and the attack over, I figured that the worst was over. Then I had to deal with the dog's owner, I have lived near this fellow for 10+ years & while he was never really an outgoing man he seemed like a calm & stable person. I work as a bouncer for a living so I am used to unfriendly types, but he topped them all after seeing me kill his dog. It was like he was drunken or drug-crazed, I have never seen a sober person act like that before. His speech came out so quickly that I had a hard time understanding him at first & the amount of threats he issued in 5 minutes was more than I get during a full shift at the bar. The police intervened and in no uncertain terms told him to be silent. His rejoinder to the situation was to say "I bet that her dog started it. It got what it deserved. My dog didn't attack for no reason."
An example of some of the threats he issued are (pardon the language, but this is what he said):
"I know where your mother lives, you asshole..."
"I have always wondered how long it would take to burn a house like yours to the ground..."
"You had better watch your back because I am gonna get you for this, you fucker..."
Now really, what kind of coward threatens retribution against someone's mother? She is a senior citizen & had nothing to do with the situation.
The facts of the situation are that his dog was on the loose, invaded another person's backyard and attacked their pet. He STOOD inside of his yard and watched the whole thing go down & did nothing to try and stop his dog, he only jumped to action after his dog had been killed & then only to verbally attack the person who stopped the attack.
During one of his ranting attacks a couple of weeks ago my neighbor called the police. Even after they arrived he continued with his threats, he only ceased when the officer told him he would be arrested and charged. I openly told him (in front of the police officer) that if he chose to carry out any of his threats I would defend myself to the best of my ability, even if that meant seriously injuring or killing him. I then walked away.
I don't want the fellow to be jailed or to have him think he has to move away. I would just like him to admit that his dog was dangerous & that it attacked unprovoked. But instead he tries to deflect blame & threatens anyone who says anything different. I always though that he was stable, a bit curmudgeonly perhaps, but not that he is borderline crazy. I guess he fits into the profile of a pit bull owner, at from what I have read online
So far he has only had to pay a fine & sign an agreement that he will not own another pit bull for a period of no less than 5 years. I really don't want to see it go any further than that, but I refuse to be bullied by this man & will press charges if he continues.
If this account is of no use to you, then I apologize for wasting your time. i just thought that someone who deals with the truth of pit bulls may want another true account of their behaviour.
stinger part two
stinger part two