Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pit Bull Awareness Month News

Tim Omarzu
Times Free Press
Etowah, Tennessee passes pit bull ban despite opposition!
The City Commission in Etowah, Tenn., approved an ordinance banning pit bulls by a 3-2 vote at its meeting Monday night, despite a campaign by pit bull owners against the measure.
The ordinance, which the City Commission already approved once in a first reading, singles out pit bulls as a particularly dangerous breed with a strong fighting and chase instinct. Some of the characteristics that make them dangerous, according to the ordinance, include a diminished tendency to warn they're going to attack, a tendency to "fight to the death" and to tear flesh "which has resulted in grotesque injuries to human victims."

Rob Borkowski
Woonsocket Patch
Woonsocket, Rhode Island is attempting to legislate grippers again. i think they might succeed this time.
"We're not having a major problem with rottweilers," said Kay. "It's always the pitbull, pitbull, pitbull."
She said right now, the city pound has 13 cages, and nine of them have pitbulls in them. There are so many pitbulls taken in by the pound from irresponsible owners, she said that they haven't got resources left to care for regular strays.

Barbara Kay
National Post
Their sole raison d’ĂȘtre is causing animal and human suffering. And therefore, those who are drawn to pit bulls above all other 400-plus breeds – apart from those naive souls who have been duped, and plenty have — are morally bound to interrogate their motivation in fetishizing this canine anomaly.

Merritt Clifton
Animal People
on Tracey v. Solesky

murderous Detroit nanny dog in custody


Anonymous said...

never thought of it as a fetish before but it actually makes a lot of sense. for those turned on by blood ,guts and cracking bone . i imagine sex for some can be very good after multiple snack-n-dashes.

bonny and clyde pit-nutters with matching skull and pitbull tattooes.

scorched earth said...

I had not seen Merritt Clifton's thoughts on the Solesky case before. Well done, clear thinking.

Your Quiet Neighbor said...

Here in Tucson, we're getting ready to march in support of pit bull attack victims. To put it mildly, the local nutter community is in a lather.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

well, they say people resemble their dogs :)

Packhorse said...

There is a wonderful editorial on the subject of pit bulls and the FL decision in the current issue of Animal People.

Anonymous said...

well , i can answer that : some people are just as blood thirsty as humans ever were. actually , it seems that more recently , gratuitous violence has become accepted and popularized and this explains the bizarre emergence of the pitbull people , a cult of idiots that denies the very violence they worship.

InfamousEllen said...

I've got a few people on my friend-list at FaceBook who keeps "liking" pictures from this page.

It always makes me kind of sad.

BTW, I love how the people who like pit bulls are apparently the same type of people who take the "clown story" seriously. (Scroll down a bit, and you can't miss it.)

TreeC said...

dawn how do i email something to you?

TreeC said...

why did my profile pic change to something i didnt upload? wtf???

TreeC said...

dawn i found how to email you. nix that. but the profile pic? i didnt change that. ?

vintage said...

Meanwhile, up in Washington State, this Pit Breeder sold pups to get his twice attacking maulspawners back.

Remember when manbiters were culled?!?

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

There is a wonderful editorial on the subject of pit bulls and the FL decision in the current issue of Animal People.

why did my profile pic change to something i didnt upload? wtf???

Remember when manbiters were culled?!?

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

these washington mutant breeders have got themselves a winning excuse: the immigration men have been snooping around and they let the mutants loose.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

i haven't run into a clown yet but WTF is this thing?!

TreeC said...

omg! ewwww! i've actually been compiling ugly pb pics to some day share here. This is by far the most hideous of all hideousness. Makes me think of a pig but pigs are actually kinda pretty in their own way. What IS that thing??????

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

i think it looks like a troll from lord of the rings.
i collect photos too. i have folders labeled fighting pits, bloody pits and ugly pits.

okay, i made it all the way back to sept 1st. no clowns.

TreeC said...

omg! FUGLY! hahahaha! i should be sleeping but that fugly thing is gonna give me nightmares. Wheres my kitty? Im gonna kiss her beautiful face just because she doesn't look like that AND she will never maul anyone. Ill kiss her two times!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

its a mutant and to some its a creature of supreme beauty , strength and noble breeding worthy of worship and sacrifice . whereas we say fucking hideous, some like erin or perhaps nicole say gorgeous , simply gorgeous.

Anonymous said...


Miss Margo said...

DAWN! It DOES like like a troll from LoTR! haahaha

I snap pictures of dogs I see running around NYC (with their owners' permission, of course). There is every breed of dog under the sun here--I can't even identify them all. I was thinking about creating a blog where I just post the photos and the locations I saw them. I was going to call it "Awesome New York Dogs" or something like that.

I'm kind of a crappy photographer, though. I need to get better at it.

Anonymous said...

that is a mutant with too much growth hormone. on one end of the scale you have the diminutive chihuahua , actually a mutant mutant , the other end you have that white thing (shudder). inbetween those two horrible extremes you have a regular mutant only moderately hideous.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

i am obsessed with this ugly thing. it's like looking at tammy faye baker or a car accident, so hideous yet you can't turn the channel.

the more i look at it, the more it appears to be morphing from one life cycle to another. a hideous pig walrus phoenix troll emerging from its hideously ugly larval form to its even more hideously ugly and final adult form. or maybe we are witnessing is the evolution of a new species as it pulls itself up out of the earth to walk and maul above ground.
help me mr science, biology is my weakness.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

yes miss margo, that blog is a great idea.

photography is more luck than skill, so don't be so hard on yourself. just do it!

Anonymous said...

re fugly white mutant :

tracy m epps sez and let me be clear , i am not ridiculing the breed , it is irresponsible breeders and owners that upset me ! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE BREED.


Anonymous said...

only comment there i agreed with.....ugly pitbull just like all the

all the others were wankers and dingbats hes so beautifull or cool man , ugly bad ass dog.


TreeC said...

haha that was my comment!

Anonymous said...

sad , we seem to be a minority.

InfamousEllen said...

dawn james said...

i haven't run into a clown yet but WTF is this thing?!


Yeah, I guess they deleted the clown spam-story. It was about how a clown with a chainsaw will come to kill you at 3am unless you post the story on 10 pictures. x( Mutant larvas are apparently less frightening to teens than people in tasteless make-up...

Packhorse said...

"They love the taste of blood
Now I don't know what that means, But I know that I mean it.
Maybe they're as evil as they seem
Or maybe I only look out the window when it's scenic.

And now I'm trying to find a breakstick,
I'm trying to find a breakstick..."

InfamousEllen said...

Ugh, a relative!

Anonymous said...

mutant larvas lol

dingbat thinks ....awwwwww it adorable , its sniffing the dandelions .

yep, its taking time out to sniff the flowers before killing something. its probly called "angel" ....of death, by it toothless retard motherfing owners

Anonymous said...

mutant larvas are gorgeous. if your brain and taste is stuck somewhere up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Dingbat sez : WOW albino hypomelanosis -very rare.

Snarky sez WOW pitterine dingbatosis - very common .

TreeC said...

omg u guys r funny ! taking the time to sniff the flowers before killing something ROFL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

im guessing that mutant is too sick and deformed to be much of a threat but i wouldnt bet my real dogs life on it . its probably as much a dud as the wannabe tough guys who think its so cool.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

okay, i am starting to get over the shock and horror and feel creative.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

wait wait!

here ya go

Anonymous said...


OBTW was reading this twat , said his dog "hitler" was never a problem with his two other mutant female dashunds .

yeah ok , but what about the other things hitler killed? bonehead.

Unknown said...

That thing is a "pocket pit" the successful attempt at creating an uglier pit bull.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

okay. here it is.

i think this thing is out of my system now.

TreeC said...

good heavens! there's more than one of these? why?????

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

treec, you should upload my newest creation instead!

TreeC said...

dawn i showed my son, he's a LOR fan. he laughed

Unknown said...

My bad, it could also be an "american bully", it's hard to tell the difference. Both are very ugly "breeds" making the average pit bull looks handsome in comparison. I really don't understand what people see in the bully type dog breeds, including the real ones like the English Bulldogs.

TreeC said...

sam i was thinking exactly what you said about them making the others look handsome. actually after looking at that EVERYTHING looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i suppose bad taste and poor judgement is also not a clearly defined concept .

TreeC said...

meh! i don't know who could behold that thing and see beauty when you compound it's hideousness with it's doubly hideous bred purpose. nothing but ugliness as far as the eye can see imo

Anonymous said...

well , dont you see , thats the beauty ....the ugliness, the gameness , the fight to the death , relentless aggression . thats the sick attraction .

Anonymous said...

we're dealing with very sick people who see beauty in hideousness and horror and repulsive acts of violence against innocent beings and people . no really .

TreeC said...

true snarky. of course! now apply that to one that looks like something from your nightmares....all the more reason to love it. where's my head sometimes?

Anonymous said...

just look at the real perps behind the dogs and you dont see much better. some of these freaks and fucked up excuses for humanity are only slighly less ugly that that albino monstrosity .

TreeC said...

i'm being very sarcastic and having some fun with the whole thing but it is horrible and repulsive to me. i wouldn't waste a minute of my time reading on here and learning from all of you if i did't take this extremely seriously. i appreciate the efforts that go into keeping the truth at the forefront. too many work day and night to bury this reality. this place is one of a number of sites/blogs that make me proud that there is still compassion and reason in this world.

Anonymous said...

yeah , its ghoulish work , but we still can find humour in the occasional dirt-napping or darwinian dingbat demise . thank dog for that . or should i say ...undog .

TreeC said...

amen! praise dog!

Anonymous said...

thats what that fucking thing is albino undog.

Anonymous said...

just imagine the filthy pit-luvin owners reading this about their beloved , albino beauty . lol

Anonymous said...

Tree c
have u taken the ugly albino undog as your atavar? ....sweet.

Anonymous said...

what is a "pocket mutant" ?

TreeC said...

i did. i changed it to dawns LOtR Gandolf (sp?) creation. funny xD

Anonymous said...

not really watched lotr's. but i understand its very good .

maybe that white mutant is bred down to a smaller size ? a novelty mutant . so to speak ?

Anonymous said...

sorry , but i cant really say anything , without it being a bit snarky .

TreeC said...

neither have i but my eldest kids read the book and saw the movie and they're fans. so i'm familiar with some of the characters and aspects of the story.

smaller? i'd say shorter and stockier but hardly small.

TreeC said...

hence the name!

Unknown said...

A "pocket pit" and "american bully" are the attempts of unscrupulous pit bull breeders trying to cash in on the miniaturazation fad that many normal dog breeds are falling victim to.
Their excuse is that the original pit dogs were smaller and stockier and they want to go back to the original.
Or, they just thought the English Bulldog wasn't ugly(er, handsome, in their eyes) enough.
Whatever the reasons, these unholy creations of evil people are becoming increasingly common and they are trying to get the "American bully" recognized as it's own breed.

TreeC said...

wow that is really scary! they weren't bad enough due to the original reason they were created now they want to tamper more? well maybe inadvertantly they will turn their beloved breed into ugly, useless, crippled blobs. now wouldn't that be a relief to humans and normal dogs the world over.

yeah keep on keepin on. i'm curious to see where this goes. maybe they will be the cause of their own breeds demise and the end of useless suffering.

Rumpelstiltskin said...

Dawn, that is one fucking ugly dog.

You might wonder why people are even bothering with these “designer pits”. If you've kept up with pit bull attacks, you'll notice that it's rare you'll see a “pit on pit” nanny attack. It's very rare. Contrary to what pit nutters say, their breed is in the minority. In addition, pit bull owners are hyper aware when there is another pit bull. With the potential for a true pit-on-pit dog fight, they are more likely to keep distance and keep control of their pit or just leave. Why would they risk a true dog fight when they can pick on a 12 lbs Chihuahua?

The designer pits exist because their opponents these days are usually the 20 lbs dog and doesn't need near as much athletic ability or gameness. All it needs to do is grab a hold and the job is done. That garbage designer pit bull has no chance against a game-bred pit, but the chances of this type of encounter is very rare.

From my experience, “Bully Breeds” are almost always owned by bully type people. Anyone that reads the comments here from pit nutters, they either come across immediately as bullies or eventually resort to bullying.

TreeC said...

it just dawned on me: all the bitching they do about how vicious little dogs are and now they are trying to turn maulers into mini maulers? i don' t know whether to scream hypocrite or scream with laughter.

for real? are there people breeding for miniatures of these things?

Unknown said...

Here ya go, a little early for Halloween, though. This is a youtube video of a bully show, there's all types of mutants present. I saw a French Bulldog and English Bulldog as well, so those might be what they are breeding into the pit bulls to get the smaller/stockier sizes.
And I'm pretty sure they could do some damage if they wanted to, just not on the same deadly level as the more athletic pit.
It'll give you a good idea of the types of people who are proud of their mutated mutants.

TreeC said...

didnt watch the whole thing. only half. they all resemble the english bulldog that was originally crossed with the terrier that produced what we now know as the pitbull. wtf are they doing here? undoing the evil deed? i don't get it???

Unknown said...

Yeah, actually I skipped through a lot of it, but it was the only video I could find that didn't have loud rap music blaring out and I didn't want to look at more to find a faster paced one. sorry.
I'm honestly puzzled at their intentions with what's going on in their minds aside from seeing an opportunity to cash in on a new fad.
These dogs appear to be about the same as the athletic pit bulls in jaw strength anyway. They showed a few hanging from a rope/rag thing. I wouldn't trust them just like I wouldn't trust other bully/gripping dogs.

Anonymous said...

i think around here theres a move away from the real nasty mutants to less notorious types like the american bully , min-pit and even the french bully and the mexican bat-eared mutant (chihuahua). not that the hardcore pitters have gone away but maybe they dont have the free rein they used to have . some of these assholes even have their deadly mutants muzzled , and thats really amazing .

Anonymous said...

i saw one mutant i figured was a miniture shitbull tripping along unleashed with his owner. it seemed like the pitter had an "up yours"........ "this is not even a pit-bull" kinda attitude. lke the peops that deny the obvious pitbull in their mutants . "chip on the shoulder" type of pitters. of course you must get idiots that end up, unwittingly, with a mutant they

Anonymous said...

OH! You've got to watch at least until they trot around the ring. They look like little piggies!

The breeders have invented the PIGBULL!



scurrilous amateur blogger said...

good one cazz. this look more like a 4H club.

i was surprised to see a couple of them hanging on the rope, although their feet didn't leave the ground for any length of time and i am sure in a rope hanging contest, the gambred mutants would win. these pigbulls still have what makes a pit bull a pit bull, gripping power

Anonymous said...

i suspect that pigs are very nice animals compared to pitbulls and pitters. its very unfair to pigs to be associated with the two and fourlegged swine that hunt them.

SadFalada said...

I believe it is the winning condom design, in the campaign to convince inner-city youth to practice more responsible coitus.
It is the surviving mascot of the Hindenberg, but with insufficient hydrogen to become airborne
It's what Botticelli's Venus looked like before Botticelli took Artistic License and put it on a big seashell
It's from a rare 1962 jello mold used for society garden parties, called "Roseate Volupto" Decanted too early.
It's a flotation device popular among American beachgoers after the "Bay of Pigs" adventure
It's an unusual, but probably harmless fungus, that obviously is about to spore and create hundreds more...
It's the famous bulldog chosen for Hellen Keller, a dog purchased at a bargain price by loving but practical parents..
It's an incubus or a succubus, but only the breed cognescenti know for sure...

And so, good night.