sacramento, california
"I think Continental's restriction is ridiculous. They will fly a 90-pound German Shepherd. They'll fly a Rottweiler. They'll fly just about every breed of dog but not a 4-month old pit bull puppy. I can't imagine what a pit bull puppy would do that a 90-pound German Shepherd wouldn't do."
pit bull advocate Dawn Capp
i have read numerous accounts on the pit forums about how pit bulldogs destroy crates. here is my favorite:
I have only had 2 Yard accidents in close to 10yrs..
The first one involved a male that was in a crate in my spare bedroom..While I was gone he chewed out of the crate, and jumped out of the second story window,which was open (as it was summer) with the screen down..He made his way to the only other male on the Yard (that happened to be a good one) and killed him..When I returned the dog on the chain was gone and the wiley ol' man came stumbling out of the garage with straw stuck all over his Chest and face, looking to be in bad shape..Thankfully he made a full recovery..
no, i just can't imagine why continental would discriminate.
(discussion on the damage of 4 month old pit bulldog puppies)
people who are experienced and HONEST about pit bulldogs recommend proper crates like this one. of course the operative word here is HONEST.
There are two docemented incidents of Pits breaking out of cages and beserkedly chomping through aircraft structural components and wiring....It's bad enough that the Pit community has produced dogs that lead in DBRFs...now they want to bring an airliner down!
The recipient in TN is also a big nutter activist, actually producing Pit Bull advocacy films.
It's a PR setup....
A star-studded photo to be sure! Even the ASPCA teaches shelter workers about pit bulls and crates:
# "Pit bulls will climb fences, chew up stainless steel food and water bowls, destroy copper tubing of automatic water systems and conventional cages, and attack other animals through chain link fences."
# "Pit bulls can break through conventional cage doors and destroy typical epoxy paint on the floors and walls."
# "Pit bulls require special housing considerations" and "isolation from other animals if dog aggressive or have a high prey drive."
there is something wrong with you. you are full of so much hate toward a breed of Dog. maybe you ought to ask your self, who taught that dog to be the way it is ? I have 2 pit bulls and I am a responsible owner, My dogs are fixed and neutred at 5 months, all shots and registered with the City , the have attended training class, my fence is solid and locked, and i always double leash when i take them out. I also have Insurance on them. my male pit bull actually saved my life when my microwave caught on fire he came and barked untill i followed him. have you thought that its who is on the other end of the leash? you may not agree with Pit Bull rescue, but then I dont agree with child abuser,women beater, or killing of all pit bulls because ther were owned and taught to be agressive by a terrible owner ( aka) the other end of the leash. I have been bitten by several dogs, no pit bulls, and i spend quite alot of time around them. People who leave children alone with ANY dog are not thinking. People who start teaching puppies to bite and be agressive, are idoits, just like children the learn what they are taught. we dont kill our children off, and i think they have a better understanding of what socitey expects. People who keep dogs ANY dog that is a threat to people is wrong. when you have dogs that have prior incedients of bitting, why kill the entire breed. its kinds like saying well tom is from the same family as Jim, and Jim killed a guy, so I guess we need to kill Tom REALLY doewsnt that sound stupid?? wel it does to me and i guess th important thing is that i keep fighting for the right to own and keep a pit bull. with people like michael vick out there,Pit Bulls dont have a chance. im not going to kill TOM because he and Jim are from the same family, and Jims parents abused him. Please dont send me a nasty letter, ive not been nasty or hatefull toward you as well. maybe you need to give Pit Bulls a chance, they are one of Gods creation, Just like you.
Kim Singer
very scary to hear about your microwave catching fire. your pit bull is a true hero. i hope he received proper recognition.
You the author are truly a waste of human organs.
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