lab/boxer mixes are so passé, shar-pei mixes are in vogue.

yesterday i posted a fun little find the mastiff game after a washington state dog rescue tried to pass this dog off as a mastiff. coincidentally today, FREDDIE'S bio has been rewritten. apparently the news of the spike in donations at the lucky dog animal rescue reached the west coast. or possibly DRAW consulted with the gifted and educated STORMI KING?
FREDDIE as a mastiff/NOT a pit bull mix
Freddie is truly a spectacular dog. She is sweet, fun loving, gregarious wtih humans. She is elash reactive with other dogs and we have not tested her much further with other dogs as yet. But she is beyond awesome with humans. We are recommending a home with no children or OLDER children due to Freddies size. She LOVES teenagers. Freddie si utterly housebroken, very well behaved in teh hosue even without supervision. Though she is not a big fan of the crate. She loves going for walks and rides and is slowly learning some obedience. One thing Freddie is NOT is a pit bull. We are doubting more and more that she is even MIXED with any pit bull. Pushing a good 75 pounds, we are leaning mroe towards her being a mastiff mix. She is a wonderful. BIG girl. And she is READY for a home!!
FREDDIE as a shar-pei/NOT a pit bull mix
Freddie is truly a spectacular dog. She is sweet, fun loving, gregarious wtih humans. She is leash reactive with other dogs and we have not tested her much further with other dogs as yet. But she is beyond awesome with humans. We are recommending a home with no children or OLDER children due to Freddies size. She LOVES teenagers. Freddie is utterly housebroken, very well behaved in teh house even without supervision. Though she is not a big fan of the crate. She loves going for walks and rides and is slowly learning some obedience. One thing Freddie is NOT is a pit bull. We are doubting more and more that she is even MIXED with any pit bull. Pushing a good 80 pounds, we are leaning more towards her being a mastiff/shar pei mix. She is a wonderful BIG girl. And she is READY for a home!!
hmmm...i thought only pit bulls were beyond awesome with humans but dog aggressive?
OMG...seriously? Was the person that wrote the bio 8 years old? Between the misspellings, bad grammer, and the giddy use of adjectives like "awesome", I'm guessing that whoever is fostering this dog has pictures of Justin Beiber on their bedroom wall.
Basically, the lives of children in our communties are in the hands of emotionally damaged women with seriously diminished intellects, who are placing dangerous dogs in our neighborhoods. This is worse than the pedophile priest scandal with the Catholic Church.
This is an update about about the "lab mix" returned to the animal shelter in Georgia by its adopter, after he found out it was dog aggressive. Said "lab mix" was put into rabies quarantine and is now dirt napping.
The nutters have quite the discussion going about this dog and another "mixed breed" over how they should be listed in the future so as not to scare away any otherwise interested rescues or adopters.
(The other "mixed breed" was called Major and is also dirt napping. You can easily navagate to his thread for the rest of the "we can't put anything negative about him in the bio" discussion.)
The more I think about it, the more I genuinely believe that these people are more despicable than the dogmen. These rescue angels are the ones that are directly responsible for exposing unsuspecting people to dangerous animals, solely for their own greed and motivation.
And that's just it: it's always all about THEM. I don't think they truly care one bit about the dogs that they "rescue" that end up in cages with hoarders, and they certainly don't care about the innocent people whose lives can literally be ruined by being exposed to their rescued lab mixes with no prior history of behavioral problems. It's just always all about THEM and making THEMSELVES feel good.
Thank you Craven, for keeping a public record of all this. The subject matter is depressing as hell, but this blog really has made a difference in exposing the outright fraud in the "rescue" world, and ultimately helping keep people safe.
If they think they are escaping liability with their consumer fraud mislabeling this dog, they are sadly mistaken.
When the dog bites, they will be in MORE trouble for lying and hiding the pit bull
And look at the problems this dog already has
LEASH REACTIVE? but "we haven't tested her with other dogs"
This says DOG AGGRESSIVE and they know it, but they are trying to lie and hide it to maybe escape liability
It won't work.
You damn well better figure out how this dog is with other dogs, DRAW, and you better DISCLOSE IT because when it attacks a little girl innocently walking her shih tzu down the street, you are going to be in court with the lawyers from hell, Dog Rescue of Washington DRAW, and you deserve it.
"Slowly learning obedience training" Can you believe this?
An untrained, dog aggressive pit bull (mislabeled, so buyers don't know what to expect) that they KNOW will attack other people's pets, that could potentially kill a CHILD as that is what dog aggressive, high prey drive pit bulls do too much to children, that's 80 pounds, and they will sell it even though they know it's bomb waiting to go off and it will kill the new buyer's neighbors pets.
And encouraging teenagers to go walking this dog. WAnt to see a dog park bloodbath with Freedie?
This whole situation is a set up for injury and damage.
Well, the lawsuits against these places are increasing daily, as well as potential criminal charges against the board and staff when rthe inevitable happens.
DRAW doesn't care about your pet dog, Washington citizens. DRAW just wants to shove a fighting breed into a home to do damage.
In Texas, a jury just awarded 7 million dollars to a child victim of pit bulls.
DRAW, you are on center stage for a similar lawsuit with this dog.
What you are doing is not ony endangering the public and committing consumer fraud, you are destroying rescue and you are adopting out a dog that you know will kill someone's innocent pet.
And you apparently don't care. A jury or judge will have no sympathy for this aggressive dog peddling, and your ccharitable paperwork won't protect you from ending up in court.
Do you think the public will keep on adopting dogs from rescues if you give out a dog like this?
As for shar pei, that has been a lie that these unscrupulous places have been pasting on pit bulls or pit bull mixes for a long time. It's not new. It just got less common as the shar pei faded from fad status from back in the 80s.
DRAW hosted a Pit Bulls on parade event with something called Bulls eye rescue in Aug
If pit bulls are so great, why hide the fact that Freddie is a pit bull?
Why work so hard to deny it?
Why come across as so negative about pit bulls, DRAW, as you put down pit bulls by insisting Freddie isn't one.
Aren't you proud of your pit bulls?
Funny that this dog that already has problems THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT is getting mislabeled.
It's not a good ambassador for the breed is it? SO WHY ARE YOU STILL SELLING FREDDIE TO MAKE PIT BULLS LOOK BAD?
Do the Bad Rap idiots realize that the DRAWS out there are dragging them into the abyss by placing dogs like Freddie that end up in the news for ripping off a child's scalp or worse?
I wonder what the insurance policy for DRAW or its board or managers looks like.
Dous it cover leash reactive, dog aggressive pit bulls that are mislabeled?
And as they hand out mislabeled pit bulls, the co-founder of DRAW is hiding behind aliases and email addresses
No longer going by her name? Using ALIASES? A court would have a field day with this when Freddie attacks.
Posted online to the public
"Carina, DRAW and AFF Monday, Aug 2 2010
Dog Rescue Around Washington and Life and Pets and Seattle aff, carina, draw, felony, rescue, Seattle, theft, violet hottiemcnaughty 7:59 pm
There’s been some recent drama regarding a local Washington dog rescue organization. The founder of Animals First Foundation (AFF), Carina Borja, has pled guilty to nine counts of first degree theft to the tune of $530,000 and is awaiting sentencing. Unfortunately my rescue partner and co-founder of Dog Rescue Around Washington (DRAW) shares the name Carina.
I’d like to publicly state that these are two entirely different people.
She is not the Carina, founder of AFF (Animals First Foundation) nor does my rescue, DRAW (Dog Rescue Around Washington) have any connection or affiliation with Carina of AFF. The only thing they share in common is a first name. Until further notice, Carina is no longer using her legal first name, which IS Carina, and is going by only her alias, which is Violet. She is connected ONLY with the following email addresses:, and
The other founder of Dog Rescue Around Washington uses an alias too.
Selling pit bulls under aliases.
Does this seem reputable?
Not proud enough of pit bulls to use their real names.
Does anyone have the Guidestar info on this org?
This Hottie McNaughty is Fiona Fitzpatrick, housewife in her 40s, with yet another business
Another pit bull pusher, I guess using this dog rescue thing and pit bulls to push the burlesque career.
Honestly, you can't make this pitiful stuff up.
Groups: My dog rocks, pitbulls of seattle, PNWPBR Pit Bulls
Why are there always these multiple businesses interwoven with the pit bull pushers?
"Anyone interested in the burlesque/pin-up scene. If you see Hottie at a show stop by and say hi!
People who would like to genuinely educate themselves about pit bulls and not believe all the misinformation and media hype."
Strangely she's concerned about the deception at Pasado's Safe Haven
but not about mislabeling a dog aggressive pit bull and giving it out in a world filled with other dogs and kids?
A very large dog, labeled "leash reactive with other dogs. We have not tested her further"... translation, she is out of control and we don't want to push our luck. "Slowly learning some obedience"... translation, she is incredibly dominant and body slamming our volunteers. "She is NOT a pit bull and she is ready for a home"... translation, this pit bull is so large and strong we want her out of here."
That snapping sound you hear is a thousand lawyers, snapping their briefcases shut and straightening their ties, just waiting for that phone to ring. This rescue is setting themselves up for legal action.
anon 6:24 said " I genuinely believe that these people are more despicable than the dogmen."
i am right there with you. i am no longer blogging about dog fighters because the bigger crime here (not getting any media attention) are the scam rescues.
anon 8:11,thank you for hottie's myspace page. i didn't know whether to laugh, cry or throw up!
do you know if this is supposed a joke or is this some alternative universe idea of erotica?
anon 6:13, i love your description of these imbeciles.
Freddie reminds me of another famous Washington pit bull.
"I genuinely believe that these people are more despicable than the dogmen."
I agree, EXCEPT that the dogmen are in bed with these little rescue lovelies, figuratively speaking.
These rescues (some know it, some don't) are directly lobbying with the dogmen and the breeders and their representives like Nathan Winograd to help out the breeders.
The whole rescue/breeder thing is intertwined when it comes to pit bulls
Here's their group proclamation. Not sticking to their own vows, are they? Freddie is not temperamentally sound, and they aren't taking their time training the dog.
I suspect this animal control cull, perhaps a bite case, got dumped in some idiot foster home and they are going crazy trying to handle this dog, and this DRAW is trying to dump the dog ASAP.
The foster homes have NO CLUE they are getting set up for a lawsuit by taking in these dogs (see the case of idiot Aaron Block), and the rescue cannot avoid a lawsuit by using the foster home trick.
"Dog Rescue Around Washington was formed in 2004 by four women deeply involved in rescue who have likeminded values and passion for the dogs in crisis in the world. We have several foster homes throughout the NW. Almost all of our dogs are hand picked from surrounding shelters, dogs at risk of euthanasia. Our goal is to put as many temperamentally sound dogs into responsible homes as possible. To achieve that goal, we take our time getting to know each adoptable dog, socializing and training them as needed. We see to any medical need from the basics to the extreme. Together, and networking with other rescues, many many lives have been saved since our conception"
And how many lost by placing dog aggressive pit bulls in homes? How many INNOCENT pets have died?
thanks for digging into their mission statement, that is fucking priceless!
Here's a German Shorthair pointer mix!
These idiots do this constantly.
This is the Carina who has changed her name to Violet after the Borja thing, it's her email address and contact phone as per other online postings also involved with
So they sure do know what a pit bull is!
Violet/Carina sure enough knows about the insurance, renter issues!!!!
(and Carina was using this alias a long time ago)
Why do you think she is mislabeling these dogs?
In a nutshell, Carina is here telling us why she is mislabeling the breeds of these pit bulls so she can unload them.
Oh, and as a kicker, Violet/Carina of DRAW bought her dog from a frigging pit bull breeder. Oh boy!! Champion white trash bloodlines.
She's telling off a backyard breeder, and swallowing the AKC/UKC/ADBA Kool Aid?
I guess Violet/Carina thinks that only the AKC, ADBA, and UKC should be cornering the market on pit bull sales. They are pressing the whole CGC crap. Isn't that an AKC moneymaker?
Smart move, Carina, oppose BSL that will fix the problems you complain about.
"From: Violet/Carina
Date: Dec 6 2006 11:34 PM
But I find it very hard to even consider listing someone who lists breeding their pit bulls as a hobby. you have ANY idea how bad the overpopulation problem is for pit bulls? Not to mention BSL, insurance issues, heaven forbid you rent and want to own a pit bull. They are wonderful dogs and your pups are truly beautiful. I am sure you love them and only want the best for them..but PLEASE be aware that our chosen breed is in serious crisis. I live in an area surrounded by breed specific legislation. I also do pit bull rescue and turn away no less than 10 pit bulls every day that end up being put to sleep because they have nowhere to go. My own personal dog is UKC, AKC, ADBA and ARBA registered with champion bloodlines and her breeder was going to have to put her to sleep because no one wanted her. There are very few responsible homes left. please..consider this when you are thinking of breeding your beautiful dogs. Even if you are very careful to make sure they only go to good, responsible owners and YOUR offspring never end up in a shelter..that is one less home for a needy pup that is about to die."
Carina/Violet of this DRAW is involved with this Julia Jones of
These people are real scumbags
Here they are talking about propagandizing for their fighting breeds after a violent pit bull attack, where Julia Jones made sure to go out and lie to the press to save their pit pimping asses. Or rather "She was contacted by the Federal Way Mirror to do an interview portraying the positive side of pit bulls"
Nice that a newspaper is contacting a pit bull pimper to help out fighting breeds. Is Margo Horner nuts or just stupid?
DRAW and its allies are actually covering for dogs that do the following to people. While they try to place Freddie who may very well do the same thing.
What was the incident?
Pit bulls: Deadly dogs or lovable pets?
By Margo Horner, The Mirror
Aug 28 2007
Local owners of potentially dangerous dogs hope that the story about a woman recently attacked by two pit bulls in Gig Harbor won't damage public perception of their beloved pets.
Last week, two pit bulls entered a womans partially open door in Gig Harbor and attacked her and another dog while they were in bed. The dog was killed and the woman was hospitalized with severe injuries. "
Here's another of Carina's scumbag friends and their sentiment
"Pit Bulls know they are THE face of extinction. All that remains is where they make their final stand. Say NO to BSL!"
Carina and DRAW are connected to the pit bull breeder world. So many of these pit bull rescues are. When you hear them say "breed of choice" that is pit breeder talk.
They mean "Our freedom and right to own violent dogs that kill people and pets"
I am wondering that since Carina's dog is from a breeder, that some of these DRAW dogs aren't dumped pit breeder dogs. The breeders are probably smart enough to put the liability on these scumbags.
craven, you have to check this out.
Carina/Violet of DRAW knows full well that PIT BULLS HAVE PROBLEMS, and she in particular knows that the ones she is trying to foist off on the unsuspecting have problems
Posted on the Pit Bull Place (where apparently she can be a little more honest about how screwed up pit bulls are) She was willing to place this ancient, old, sick pit bull that would kill cats and attack other male dogs. SHRUG!!
DRAW KNOWS they are placing screwed up dogs that have serious problems.
There is a victim out there that DRAW is aiming for.
Urgent Senior Seattle Area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Violet on Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:00 pm
If someone can take this beautiful boy I will house him for a couple of days..but i HAVE to have a committment. His age is unknown but he is a senior. He was found as a stray and the good samaritan who found him, then bailed him out of the shelter when his time was up. But she can NOT keep him. She is a firefighter, so she works 24 hour shifts. Please..if ANYONE can squeeze him in..please let me know TODAY!! He is neutered and vaccinated!
by Violet on Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:11 am
Ok..he is GREAT with people. Ok with female dogs (or at least Cowgirl) NOT good with males and weird with cats. So yeah..he acts like a pit bull shrug The vet that neutered him put his age between 7 and 8 years old. Im not buying it. I would say more like 12 or 13. He is OOOLLLLLDDDD. He is arthritic and if he isnt completely deaf, he is close to it. And he has minor cataracts. He also has marks/scars all over his body that look like he either spent all of his time on cement or old burns. shrug ball
The pits bulls on parade thing that DRAW did at bullseye pit pimping rescue at Reber Ranch?
They were there with FABB
Also Diane jessup.
So do you think Jessup maybe said something to them about their mislabeling, and placing dog aggressive pit bulls?
Clearly this dog, Freddie, has done something that has already got it into rescue when it should have been put down.
Notice in the first line of her description:
"This pretty little thing is known to US as Freddie. To some people she was known as a scary headline. "
I wonder what it was she did that got her in the local "headlines"???? really are a sick nut, aren't you? How much time do you spend each day thinking about violence? Do you watch squish videos too? Time to work out your issues and move on to something that might actually make a practical difference in the world.
your criticism of what you think is my obsession with violence when you defend violent dogs is laughable.
and what practical difference in the world are you making?
Wow...anon4:43 You think addressing and exposing violence is sick.
I not only disagree, I believe the maintenance of your head inside of your asshole for an extended period of time is extremely unhealthy for your brain function. Take it out and wash it off so you can make a practical difference in the world.
what an ugly poop-smear-faced dog. on a slightly different note, regarding the common "blame the victim" mentality (or deliberate deceitfulness) so common amongst bully-apologists, we had an incident here where a pack of teenagers gang-raped a 16-yr-old... incredible to note that some of them were blaming the victim -- they sounded so much like the pit bull defenders. evil comes in different shades, but it's all evil. they are all parrots of satan -- so boring and unoriginal with their propaganda chanting.
"Time to work out your issues and move on to something that might actually make a practical difference in the world"
This is the mentality of the mentally disturbed women and girls running these rescues that are selling violent fighting dogs who will kill someone.
They don't care about the people and pets they kill and injure with these dogs, they don't care about the fact that the adopting people dump these violent dogs and then never adopt again.
They hurt people and other pets, they even hurt the dogs they are placing that get dumped somewhere awful because no one can handle these violent dogs especially when they are lied to about them, they hurt real rescue because the adopters of these violent dogs will never trust to adopt again.
All these disturbed "pit bull rescue crazies" care about is getting their way, forcing these violent dogs on others, protecting the breeders who keep breeding these violent dogs, and controlling people.
And then after all that damage, they pat themselves on the back and claim they are making a "difference" and puff up their massive egos, and stretch out their hands for MONEY.
It is no wonder that Winograd taps into this mental illness and greed.
"He also has marks/scars all over his body"
This wasn't some cast off fighting dog or stud right? Yeah, blame it on cement.
What an idiot.
And the "shrug" means this stupid girl woman doesn't even care about the consequences of placing these fighting dogs.
They know they're lying.
Do these idiots not realize that shar-peis are also fighting dogs? Honestly? Or perhaps they just hope nobody else realizes it. I honestly don't understand how they dodge consumer fraud charges with bullshit like this. That dog is an attack waiting to happen. Only the mentally unstable would even try to adopt a dog with a description like that, regardless of whether it's called a pit bull or a poodle.
Anon 4:43, if you can't tell the difference between exposing violence and reveling in it, then I'm sad to inform you that you are suffering from a potentially fatal disease called HUA.
HUA is self-inflicted but the cure is simple. Take both hands. Put them on your shoulders. Yank head out of ass. No matter how tempting it is, don't put it back in there again. You'll find that being productive is much easier when you can actually see things for what they are and not through your own personal filter of shit.
You know what also bothers me about this DRAW set up?
Their website says "501c3 pending"
Well, it hasn't happened from any of the records I've checked. And they've been in business since 2004.
They are getting up to $250 a dog. They are having all these fundraisers to suck in cash, like the one with FABB. They are selling things, from some of their other begging online.
Well, where is all the money going? Where is it being recorded?
They claim they are a charity, yet from what I can find they have not properly registered as a charity, yet they are collecting donations as a charity.
They are supposed to be accounting for every penny, and if they NOT are registered as a charity, they are supposed to be claiming this as their personal income, because if it isn't registered as a charity, it's a business.
Where is all this money being accounted for?
And meanwhile the founders are using aliases and fake names and hiding their identities, giving no addresses.
The IRS is really investigating charitable organization mismanagement, bad fiscal recording, failure to report and account for income, as well as people operating businesses yet falsely claiming they are running charities.
The people who are donating think this is a charity, that these are fundraisers for charity, and that charities are regulated, which they are, but if this DRAW isn't following the proper laws for charities and charitable accounting and filing, they are no better than puppy mills and dog brokers.
Well, they claim they are, or were, filing as a charity. Where's the number? Where's the information?
This has been since 2004. It doesn't take that nearly that long.
Responding to Anon@11:40 AM September 20, 2010:
I agree, EXCEPT that the dogmen are in bed with these little rescue lovelies, figuratively speaking.
These rescues (some know it, some don't) are directly lobbying with the dogmen and the breeders and their representives like Nathan Winograd to help out the breeders.
The whole rescue/breeder thing is intertwined when it comes to pit bulls.
Well put. Believe me, I did not mean to convey that dogmen are anything other than the total sociopaths they are. And this blog and its commenters prove over and over again that the rescuers, breeders and dogfighters are all intermeshed with each other.
What infuriates me about the rescue angels is they are willing to foist dangerous animals with known violent tendencies on an unsuspecting adopter (and everyone and everything the adopter comes into contact with). And I am not talking about bully breeds in general...I'm talking about individual dogs like our friend the shar-pei mix here, with a known history of violent behavior. Whereas no normal human being would have anything to do with a bunch of dog fighting psychopaths, you could probably find a willing adopter to take all but the ridiculously extreme dogs if the terminology is carefully worded and the setting the dog is in is carefully controlled enough.
And therein lies the rub. Even through enough casual contact with "mixed breeds" with behavioral problems (or if you volunteer enough at shelters or with rescue groups or wherever), you figure out really quickly what these dogs are capable of. This outfit with the shar-pei mix either doesn't want to lose its investment $$$ and put the dog down or they are deluded enough to believe that all dogs are adoptable, no matter how violent they are or whose lives they endanger in the process.
This brings us back again to these people not having this particular dog's best interest at heart nor considering the welfare of others. This is classic cult-like mentality (or mental illness at its finest, take your pick). It's all about THEM making THEMSELVES feel good. If this (or any other) dog had to be crated 23 1/2 hours a day or was adopted by someone who crated the dog 23 1/2 hours a day, it wouldn't matter so long as the rescuers got to feel really GOOD about THEMSELVES because they got to "save" a life or they got paid, take your pick.
In other words, I agree with you entirely. Rescue angels with bully breeds are either enabling the dogmen to continue fighting or they're actively in on the action, again take your pick.
Responding to Anon@11:40 AM September 20, 2010:
I agree, EXCEPT that the dogmen are in bed with these little rescue lovelies, figuratively speaking.
These rescues (some know it, some don't) are directly lobbying with the dogmen and the breeders and their representives like Nathan Winograd to help out the breeders.
The whole rescue/breeder thing is intertwined when it comes to pit bulls.
Well put. Believe me, I did not mean to convey that dogmen are anything other than the total sociopaths they are. And this blog and its commenters prove over and over again that the rescuers, breeders and dogfighters are all intermeshed with each other.
What infuriates me about the rescue angels is they are willing to foist dangerous animals with known violent tendencies on an unsuspecting adopter (and everyone and everything the adopter comes into contact with). And I am not talking about bully breeds in general...I'm talking about individual dogs like our friend the shar-pei mix here, with a known history of violent behavior. Whereas no normal human being would have anything to do with a bunch of dog fighting psychopaths, you could probably find a willing adopter to take all but the ridiculously extreme dogs if the terminology is carefully worded and the setting the dog is in is carefully controlled enough.
And therein lies the rub. Even through enough casual contact with "mixed breeds" with behavioral problems (or if you volunteer enough at shelters or with rescue groups or wherever), you figure out really quickly what these dogs are capable of. This outfit with the shar-pei mix either doesn't want to lose its investment $$$ and put the dog down or they are deluded enough to believe that all dogs are adoptable, no matter how violent they are or whose lives they endanger in the process.
This brings us back again to these people not having this particular dog's best interest at heart nor considering the welfare of others. This is classic cult-like mentality (or mental illness at its finest, take your pick). It's all about THEM making THEMSELVES feel good. If this (or any other) dog had to be crated 23 1/2 hours a day or was adopted by someone who crated the dog 23 1/2 hours a day, it wouldn't matter so long as the rescuers got to feel really GOOD about THEMSELVES because they got to "save" a life or they got paid, take your pick.
In other words, I agree with you entirely. Rescue angels with bully breeds are either enabling the dogmen to continue fighting or they're actively in on the action, again take your pick.
Responding to Anon@11:40 AM September 20, 2010:
I agree, EXCEPT that the dogmen are in bed with these little rescue lovelies, figuratively speaking.
These rescues (some know it, some don't) are directly lobbying with the dogmen and the breeders and their representives like Nathan Winograd to help out the breeders.
The whole rescue/breeder thing is intertwined when it comes to pit bulls.
Well put. Believe me, I did not mean to convey that dogmen are anything other than the total sociopaths they are. And this blog and its commenters prove over and over again that the rescuers, breeders and dogfighters are all intermeshed with each other.
What infuriates me about the rescue angels is they are willing to foist dangerous animals with known violent tendencies on an unsuspecting adopter (and everyone and everything the adopter comes into contact with). And I am not talking about bully breeds in general...I'm talking about individual dogs like our friend the shar-pei mix here, with a known history of violent behavior. Whereas no normal human being would have anything to do with a bunch of dog fighting psychopaths, you could probably find a willing adopter to take all but the ridiculously extreme dogs if the terminology is carefully worded and the setting the dog is in is carefully controlled enough.
And therein lies the rub. Even through enough casual contact with "mixed breeds" with behavioral problems (or if you volunteer enough at shelters or with rescue groups or wherever), you figure out really quickly what these dogs are capable of. This outfit with the shar-pei mix either doesn't want to lose its investment $$$ and put the dog down or they are deluded enough to believe that all dogs are adoptable, no matter how violent they are or whose lives they endanger in the process.
This brings us back again to these people not having this particular dog's best interest at heart nor considering the welfare of others. This is classic cult-like mentality (or mental illness at its finest, take your pick). It's all about THEM making THEMSELVES feel good. If this (or any other) dog had to be crated 23 1/2 hours a day or was adopted by someone who crated the dog 23 1/2 hours a day, it wouldn't matter so long as the rescuers got to feel really GOOD about THEMSELVES because they got to "save" a life or they got paid, take your pick.
In other words, I agree with you entirely. Rescue angels with bully breeds are either enabling the dogmen to continue fighting or they're actively in on the action, again take your pick.
(Not entirely sure if my rant here went through. My apologies for any duplicate postings.)
We're fighting for BSL when maybe we should be fighting for RSL, Rescue Specific Legislation. It is appearing that these "rescues" need to be regulated, often and heavily.
Hey cd and everyone else,
I just want to let you know that I do still read EVERY post you write although I don't comment much anymore... Most of the time I am at a loss for words because of the stupidity in the "Pit nutter" world. I am so glad that I woke up and do not have to worry about these issues anymore. Well, not as an owner anyways. I still have to worry about my dogs or children getting attacked by someone elses Pit. But thank goodness I don't have to fight an uphill battle every single day of my life because I chose to own a breed that is known for unpredictable violent attacks.
And the biggest plus is, I got my head out of my ass and adopted a little Yorkie mix and come to find out he is just as sweet, NO SWEETER, than the Pit was, hands down.
I am now one of those people that are scared to walk my little dogs down the street because I know they would just be a snack for a damn Pit Bull. One chomp and they'd be gone! I read shit like that on here all day every day and I won't let my dogs become a statistic.
It's so funny, my little dog is courageous. He only weighs about 12 pounds and is a fiesty, playful, loveable little dog. Pit Bull people really are stupid as shit to think that Pits are any sweeter than other breeds. I don't have to worry about each and every little trigger that may set this dog off, he's just a little lovebug that doesn't even have any triggers.
Carina aka Violet
Oh My God.
She has a baby, and she is pulling fighting dogs out of the pounds, and taking them from people that clearly are dumping them because the dogs are trouble..
But you know, then I realized that there is a whole lot of begging OTHER people to take these vicious dogs! I guess the idea is let other people's kids and neighbor's kids take the hit.
This woman needs help,
Unfortunately for her, when one of her Freddies attacks, the judge may be ordering her to get it.
i can't imagine that any sane people would be involved with her. She'll bring them down with her.
Here's another one for you.
Second Chance at Life Rescue in NJ is part of the wigglebutt train from the animals shelters in the South. It seems that several of their dogs have been languishing in foster homes for quite some time now. This one is my favorite.
Viva **URGENT**
Pit Bull Terrier: An adoptable dog in Fair Lawn, NJ
Medium • Baby • Female
Sweet Viva was abandoned at a veterinary office as a baby because she had parvo. She was treated, survived, and was taken in by an employee. She has a clean bill of health and is just as gorgeous as can be. Viva's only issue is cats...she can *not* live in a home with cats. She gets along famously with the resident pit bull at the home, as well as their 6 month old baby. Unfortunately, she does not get along with the felines of the house, so Viva has to find a place to go ASAP. Please email for an application to adopt Viva before she ends up in the shelter!
Viva is currently located in Pennsylvania.
UPDATE 9/14/10: Viva was finally removed from her home under threat that she would be taken to the shelter, and needs a foster or forever home ASAP! Her situation is URGENT!******
(I saved the best for last.)
The imbeciles that take these fighting dogs into their homes as "foster care" are putting their kids and pets lives at risk, and their neighbors lives at risk too.
How stupid can these people be? They are getting used by the bad people in these pit bull rescues who want to take the credit while the foster home takes the fall.
These rescues suck in the money, and the foster homes deal with the blood and lawsuits.
These pit bull rescues are setting these foster people up for hell, letting them get hurt.
Can you imagine? A six month old baby and they are taking in some bite case from animal control that probably attacked a kid.
Where are these women's heads at?
When this stray rescue pit bull attacks the cat or their dog, and the baby is in the middle, there will be blood everywhere. Or the baby will be the one getting attacked.
They will put their kids lives at risk.
And with a pit already in the home.
It's child abuse. What kind of women do this? The type of dog that is the worst with kids, and they have them in the house with babies.
This whole thread is a case of maybe things aren't always what they seem. I am the sister of Violet/Carina, and I will gladly provide a link to my Facebook page to show that I am who I say I am. I am NOT a dog lover, I am NOT a dog owner, and I have NEVER been a dog owner, nor will I ever be. I don't like dogs. I think they're obnoxious and smelly creatures. So I have nothing invested in DRAW whatsoever. But you guys are completely laughably wrong about my sister.
1. She's been in animal rescue much longer than since 2004, since the mid 90s at least, though back then she was doing it on her own, out of her own pocket.
2. The "baby" in the picture posted is her GRANDSON, my great-nephew. He is now almost 2, and he has sustained not even a scratch from any of the numerous dogs my sister has had in her house, other than being knocked on his butt a couple times. The worst that the "vicious pit bull" in the home has done to my great-nephew is given him kisses. OH NO, KILL IT! It's obviously a DANGEROUS ANIMAL!
3. Freddie is "infamous" because she was "snarling" in a Fred Meyer (though witnesses say that she was just scared and hungry, and not snarling at all).
4. My sister has FIVE kids, none of whom were ever injured by any of the dogs that my sister has fostered.
5. All animals that my sister fosters are fully examined and vetted before being introduced to the rest of the household, and each potential adopter of the animals is rigorously questioned to make sure they know exactly what they're getting into. I have seen many dozens of people turned down, and the few who have been able to adopt a foster animal were constantly checked in with. Several dogs have been returned to my sister. Not only that, but sometimes my sister will have a dog in her possession for weeks or even months before they're adopted! Want to know where DRAW's money goes? Dog food costs money, you know. Vet bills aren't cheap either. All animals are spayed or neutered before adopted out. All health issues are taken care of. Animals have all their shots before being adopted. None of this is free. Add to that transport (sometimes from across multiple state lines), medications, follow-up appointments with veterinarians, collars, licenses, etc. etc. ... you guys didn't think all this was FREE did you?
6. My sister, along with others in her rescue, do NOT make a profit from DRAW. My sister struggles financially much more than many can possibly imagine. Not a single dime from DRAW's fund go into my sister's pocket.
7. A few typos does not make my sister stupid, as another poster tried to say. And "Justin Bieber" posters? Really? Is that all you've got? Personal attacks?
You guys want to talk about self-righteousness? How about you look in a mirror. The ability to engage in ad hominem and speculation regarding a stranger's character does not make you right.
This whole thread is a PERFECT example of why you shouldn't assume.
Now I'm sure this won't be published, so I've wasted my time, but really, this is ridiculous. You guys don't know anything at all about my sister, her friends, or DRAW.
And BTW, my sister and her friends haven't responded because 1) they think it's hilarious that so much time is wasted attacking them for no reason and from so much ignorance and 2) they don't think it's worth it.
I'm responding of my own volition, without anyone's knowledge but my own, simply because I can't stand anyone attacking my family.
You people do not know us, so don't pretend you do.
And one last thing. I think it's a lot more "white trash" to be so obsessed with strangers than it is to do what my sister does. And speaking of obsession, I think there are medications for that.
i publish all comments, except those that blogger occasionally decides to eat.
I stand corrected then. Thank you.
I adopted my pit bull mix over a year ago from DRAW, from Violet personally. and I was well aware of what he was. hmmm and I have had a total problems..unless you call a dog who licks people too much dangerous. He is good with my two cats, and very gentle with children.. the rescue doesn't sell dogs, you go thru an adoption process including meeting the dog, home check and reference check to make sure each dog goes to a responsible home. you don't just do there lay down money and walk away with a new puppy.
Get a life people and know facts before you blab like you're in kindergarten again. Only little kids make remarks about people without knowing them and go and include another child (Justin B is a child if you're forgetting) in their slamming. Adults should know better. You're judging a dog you don't know (who is quite a mixture of breeds if you even bothered to look at all the pics), people you don't know, throwing in celebrities you don't know and expecting yourself to sound more intelligent than all you have talked about. oh and you're promoting the hatred of Pit Bulls. I guess I should put my dog to sleep before he eats something more than cat poop. You know they come with built in time bombs right? Please...I was attacked by a little Pomeranian..should I have killed him? I was attacked by a cat, a very angry cat, should I have killed him too? If I did I wouldn't have what turned out to be the sweetest cat you could ever hope to own. I volunteered at different shelters and things happens, not every animal should be given up on when it shows itself to be less than 'desirable' in human eyes. some animals just take work and love. Rescues don't adopt out without letting the new owner know every animal needs time and good guidance, some more than others. They are aware of the animal's problems, which by the way dog aggression is not the same as human and should stop being related to each other, a dog doesn't deserve to die because it can't get along with other dogs. Do you get along with everyone you meet?
it's a sad world when you have people attacking rescues who are doing what they do to save dogs lives, they don't make money, they struggle to survive finacially and emotionally. get involved, deeply involved with these dogs and still tell me they all must die. look these dogs in the face and tell them that they are not worth the effort. come meet my dog and tell him he's a bad dog because he can't always sit still when told to sit and that must mean he's an untrustworthy hunk of fur that is better suited for the garbage can than his soft bed inside.....
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