hate |hāt|
feel intense or passionate dislike for
the pit bull community refers to anyone who dares to cross the street to avoid their mutants or utters a negative word about their frankenmauling deity as HATERS. they think that is an insult. there is no shame in hating gratuitous violence, especially when the owners have no remorse or accountability. HATE is not inherently bad. it is often the impetus for change. where would we be if everyone was content with the status quo? would there still be slavery? how about polio? would drunk driving penalties still be a slap on the wrist? would it still be legal to beat your spouse or send your child to work in a factory? would women have the right to vote? would dog fighting be legal? would we have animal cruelty laws?
the focus should not be on our hatred, it should be on the pit nutters' misguided hatred.
pit nutters have no trouble hating this

but not this

pit nutters hate this

but not this

in honor of craven desires' 500,000th page view, embrace your hate and Sing it like you hate it… Hate something, Change something, Hate something, Change something, Make something better …

Good one! I just had an arguement with someone the other day, which is why I posted a link reg Mastiff Temperment. It is not acceptable in the general Mastiff community for a Mastiff to be EITHER human or animal aggressive. But, it seems to be the acceptance(animal aggression) in the Pit community. I am proud to be a hater! LOL
Hallelujah... and AMEN!!!!!
I JUST got approached by a stray pitbull (ten minutes from writing this post!) and a shepherd mix that it was roaming with. I was just beginning my walk with my gentle, small-medium lab mix. We live in a nice old neighborhood next to a college. It was extremely ironic because I was just thinking that I need to always carry some kind of defense weapon with all the stray dogs I've been seeing lately. As soon as I turned the corner, I heard some neighborhood (and fenced-in) dogs barking. I turned to look, and saw, just across the street, a very muscular brown pit bull and the other dog, with their noses hot on the trail of me and my dog, no doubt. I know this because they were smelling right where my dog had just marked (he's neutered, but marks on walks). I could tell they hadn't caught our view; they were busy smelling. But they were within 50 feet of us! We had no time to risk moving straight ahead because they would have cleared the distance instantaneously. The grace of God intervened. I quickly bolted up the stairs of a neighbor's house, and was extremely panicked (I know you're not supposed to panic, but these pits strike deep terror...we would be utterly defenseless). I saw that this home had double glass doors as their storm door, creating a space in which to hide ourselves between their front door and the glass storms. We BARELY fit in the space and I had no real way of making it secure. It's a wonder my dog didn't bite me out of panic for being stuffed in their like that. But I believe it literally saved our lives. Because this is what happened next. As we crammed within, sure enough, there the 2 dogs appeared, at the front walkway of the very porch we were hiding on. They saw us, or perhaps they didn't or couldn't quite make out where we went. But they stood and stared at the porch, and you could tell they were debating about coming in. My God. Even the glass doors wouldn't have held, I am certain. I had my cell phone out and was about to call for help but saw them begin to trot off. They had that aggressive, confident trot, not of a lost pet, but of a predatory pack, roaming for blood. Yep, I said it. I believe they are always inherently aggressive, and always aggressive or threatening when on the loose. And especially in a pack setting like that. My dog and I would not have stood a chance. I was sick to my stomach with fear. Shaking. But alive, and unharmed. As I watched them get about 2 blocks away, I saw a man come out of his home directly across the street. I yelled to him, and asked if he could make sure I rounded the corner safely back to my own home. He was a biker, on a motorcycle. Thank God he was a kind soul and he escorted me back home. I'm a 29 year old, pretty fit woman. I will never go on a walk again without protection. I am a huge animal lover but I have always hated pits for the horrific mayhem and slaughter they cause. I want them all destroyed for the greater good. It's pure evil that they are propagated and bred and yes- you're exactly right- they propaganda that's now on tv with animal shelter commercials, etc. All picturing the merciless jowls of slobbering, blood-thirsty (capable) pit bulls. No more bully breeds....please. God. So sick that our lawmakers can't see this...Pits and other attack breeds are machine-like, and can't control it. I think it's time to call a spade a spade. I am going to push for local legislation, at least it's a starting place.
As a follow-up- I did immediately call animal control when I was safely home, to report it. Typically, animal control in this city is slow to respond, and never seems very concerned. But I did what I could to report this incident.
glad you made it home safely. my experience with animal control is they will not even take a report if no one is bitten. they do not take these calls seriously. in fact, they might even laugh at you. i have become very anti ACO.
carry the most lethal weapon that your laws allow and that you are comfortable using. if there is no escape and you are confronted, try not to panic. try to become fearless and aggressive. call on your own inner monster to protect you and your dog. i have backed down many dogs, including pit bulls with my aggression.
@dawn, thank you for the great advice and supportive reply. I am going to do exactly that; without putting it off. It's indeed a necessity. You're right about being fearless too. Hope I won't have to do so again but I am going to assume and plan for it. Actually, 2 weeks ago, I backed down a huge German Shepherd by grabbing an upright dumpster and putting it between myself, my dog, and it. I was yelling and violently defended us with it. It was actually aggressively approaching us until I did that, and it backed away, and left. Enough is enough. I'm changing my routine. Thanks again
Honestly, I don't hate pit bulls, I just wish they didn't exist.
Loved the vid and congrats on the view milestone!
"Don't hate" ..often uttered by those that think..."you shouldn't judge" ....is a perfect thing to say and ..."that's your opinion"...is a knockdown argument.
Count me in as a “Hater”
thank you vintage. i wanted to include that link but even i have a hard time finding things in my hodgepodge of fuckery.
"Don't hate" is a shaming, victim-blaming technique and a silencing mechanism. It is a vile platitude--"Eat your shit sandwich, it's good for your soul!"
I don't know what non-Western cultures preach on these issues--I never lived in one--but I wonder if the oppressors there tell people the same shit. "Suffering is ennobling! Hatred is immature! Take your injustice and don't get sore about it!" Yeah, right! If it's so ennobling, why don't YOU do it? What a lie. What a mideveil pie-in-the-sky insulting lie. What a trick, a scam sale to shame someone who was abused to accept their abuse: "Your dignity is enhanced if you deal with this generously and offer forgiveness! It makes you a better person!"
My advice: be sore and blame. Hate as long as it is psychologically healthful to do so. In doing so, you are honoring that injustice was done to you, even if nobody else is doing so. It doesn't even have to be about YOU. Look at that poor fucking pony, for christsakes. What did it ever do to anyone? Really? Coyotes wouldn't have done that. Wolves wouldn't have done it. Mountain lion--nope, never heard of one eating an animal's face and leaving it (and I grew up with them)!
We know what does it and who does it.
miss margo has her blame on tonight. you wear it very well.
About the last trick in the book for Organized Pit Idiocy is the race card:
Frederick Schauer, who teaches a course on the first amendment at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, was reading about some dog lovers who claimed ''canine racism'' in response to measures to curb attacks by pit bulls in New York City.
That particular race card, he said, was an extreme example of how society has become so obsessed with avoiding any stereotypes that it ignores reality. Pit bulls are more aggressive than other breeds, he said, just as statistics show older people have slower reflexes than the young, and there are more bad drivers in Massachusetts than in Vermont. A fair number of generalizations, he insists, turn out to be accurate.
That pile of euthanized dogs is squarely to blame on the pit bull lobbyists themselves.
They won't address the overbreeding, they won't address spay and neuter, they won't address giving people these dogs who can't handle them and who abandon them.
The pit bull lobbyists killed those dogs, the very thing they claim to love.
The selfish and criminal always call the truth tellers "haters."
It's a control ploy.
It's along the lines of women being told to shut up and "be nice."
Jo, please make sure that your community places an emphasis on immediately picking up stray dogs. They need to know that stray dogs equals dead people.
If someone is letting them wander loose, there is lots to be done about that as well, including dealing with the landlord or their insurance company..
Please consider an alternative to public walks with your dog. The pit bull lobbyists have taken away people's civil rights, but until this situation gets fixed, you don't want to make your pet pay the price, and for you to be in the middle of it as well.
I wouldn't take a dog on a sidewalk walk or to a park on a bet. It's a war zone out there, everywhere, and the innocents are the targets. Leaving a dog in a yard is deadly too, unless there is a secure fence that can't be climbed or dug under.
Please make sure you file written complaints, not just with animal control but also the police and city council or whatever runs the show.
Don't let animal control shoo you off.
Regarding Miss Margo's observation that wild animals don't simply chew on a pony's face. To state the obvious, wolves and others don't do that because because they use aggression and violence to achieve tangible goals that make sense in terms of their life needs. Pits are bred to be violent simply because something else living is near them. So, they don't drive off a threat or kill and eat a tasty morsel. No, they tug and rip because it feels good. I'm not in any animal's head (except my own), but, as has been pointed out by others before, there aren't too many animals like that. I can only think of human psychopaths as being similar in enjoying violence for its own sake.
The way I read the term "hater" is: you hate with no reason or perhaps because you're jealous of me and my magnificent life and want to ruin it, and if I wasn't here, you'd be arbitrarily hating someone else. "Haters gonna hate." The implication is that the nutters and their maulers are just fine, doing nothing wrong, and just living their life.
This is basically the lameass excuse of twits and assholes. Anyone who accuses someone else of being a hater should immediately be suspected of being a twit and/or an asshole who has probably just discovered that wearing short short skirts and no underwear is a great attention getter but who has not yet discovered that the elastic waistband of one's sweatpants is not an adequate holster for one's glock.
Nutters have no problem loudly proclaiming they hate mauled fighting dogs and piles of dead pit bulls because they see that as righteously hating injustices (that they created, but whatever).
They either ignore the piles of dead livestock, pets and people or they say it's normal or they shun one of their own as an irresponsible outlier, and anyone who doesn't share their delusion is dismissed a hater.
And DubV echos just what some stunned and horrified owners of goats, sheep and llamas have said in news reports and some of these people were in their 50s or 60s- that yes they'd always had to deal with predations by coyotes or other predators - which meant the loss of one or 2 animals in a night, but never in their life have they seen the wholesale carnage of an entire herd with their throats ripped out. And some of these people who were presumably not squeamish about animals getting sick,injured and needing to be put down were visibly shaken by what they saw.
Those reports pretty much put the lie to nutters' accounts that pit bulls were common pets back in the days when MOST people lived in the country and far more people kept livestock and there were no leash laws. Had maulers commonly been running loose, and had people accepted this as normal, it would have changed how people kept chickens, goats, cows, horses and normal dogs - just an absurd claim.
While I agree with the sentiments of this article and am majorly pro-BSL, I do have to say that I don't believe that pit bulls are responsible for the vast majority of livestock maimings/killings. My friends who have a farm in MO have had long-term predation from coyotes. Commenters are correct in that they kill only what they need to eat.
However, the same friends have had two major livestock losses in the past two years, and caught all involved dogs red-handed. The first attack was by a husky and her "country mutt/husky" daughter. They killed 9 sheep and wounded a bunch of others that survived. My friends shots both dogs--one had a tag and was traced to an owner living 4 miles away across a major highway. The dogs had roamed 4 miles looking for some "fun."
The other attack was by a German Shepherd-mix and a Lab. They killed 14 sheep, mainly by chasing them into a pond, then circling them until the sheep drowned. Another 4-5 sheep that had been attacked on land later died of their injuries. Theses dogs were also both shot--the owner of one was tracked via microchip. The other dog was recognized by a reporter who came to write up the story--it belonged to his neighbor. The neighbor refused to pay for damages, saying that the Lab wasn't "his" dog--just a stray he'd been feeding in his yard for the past FIVE YEARS.
In my own neighborhood in MO, a neighbor and I experienced ongoing attacks on our ducks, chickens and sheep. The attacker was jumping over very secure 4' fences to kill/maim the animals. This perpetrator, too, was caught red-handed. It was a 12-year old female Lab (with a fatty tumor-easy to recognize) who belonged to some rich politician a mile from our houses. The lawyer/politician paid up, but said he didn't believe it was his dog. A few weeks later, I was out working on my 10 acres when I saw two Labs race up and start scaling my duck pen--including the dog with the tumor. In hot pursuit--the lawyer/politician. This time, both of his Labs had left home together, and he decided to follow them. At least he finally admitted that his dog(s) were responsible.
His solution to the problem? He gave both dogs TO A FRIEND IN THE COUNTRY!!! Wonder how many more those Labs have killed.
People who do not have farms but live in rural areas are the worst culprits regarding livestock predation. They don't keep stock, and forget that their dogs might be going a few hundred yards (or further) away and destroying animals of those who do.
Pit bulls seem to be mainly a city phenomenon--at least in the Midwest. So for now, I think most of the stock killers are the popular "pet" breeds like Labs, Huskies, German Shepherds, Rotties, etc.
Any evidence that nutters visit this and other sites without commenting in order to find pit bull attack articles that they can then comment on and share with other nutters? It would make sense for them as a time saving strategy and to keep an eye on us. It's grim to imagine someone like Clay Hund googling "pit bull attack" just to find stories that he can comment on in a pit bull positive way.
i don't follow the nutter forums anymore, so i don't have the answer to your question.
the only dog in your list of livestock killers that is at all surprising is the lab. i guess every breed has to have anomalies, you know, like petey.
a pack of dogs killed a man a couple of years ago and the owner escaped prosecution with the "they're not mine, i only fed them" excuse.
regarding thrill killing, i have come across a couple in nature tv shows. killer whales that *appeared* to be killing seals for fun, not consumption. i suppose it is possible they were killing for unseen young whales. and i saw a very small pride of female lions killing a small herd of donkeys. that was very disturbing.
I tried to find the video of the person whose voice was cracking as they said described the carnage of their herd the likes of which they've never seen before, but I coudn't. I may have conflated more than one incident, but I thought that person had been raising stock for a long while who had never seen or heard of pit bulls killing close to an entire flock. This does seem new. I don't think farmers would have been tolerating loose pit bulls decimating an entire herd/flock for an entire century.
I do know other dogs do harrass and kill animals, often herding dogs will do this and huskies make sense. And I can imagine that the interface between rural non-farmers and farmers would produce the most problems. And most of the pit bull carnage on livestock stories seems to be the same scenario rural non-farmers next to farmers.
I have a relative that lives in a dead town, a cluster of houses, surrounded by dairy farms. Everyone there knows and accepts that a farmer will shoot a loose dog on sight because all a dog has to do is harass a cow, not even try to kill it, and it affects milk production and the farmers interests.
I've seen nature shows that show what might be thrill killing, too. The commentary is along the lines that the behavior is not understood because killing one's potential future food supply and expending energy unnecessarily to do it makes no survival sense. I remember the explanation Dawn gave, and also the explanation that the individuals could be juveniles that were practicing hunting and killing.
Speaking of Judge Judy:
When that little poodle ran to his owner, I actually teared up a little. That was really sweet.
Note defendant's explanation at the end: she bought the lost poodle from someone who had a pit bull, and the pit bull was trying to EAT the poodle!
that was excellent!
i've seen quite a few judge judy episodes. she is a dog lover. big time. if i see an upcoming episode teaser that involves dogs, i always make a point to watch it. one day she stopped in the middle of a case and went back to her chambers and returned with her little dog, a yorkie if i remember correctly, and then she continued to make her point. i just wish that she would cease with the locking jaw stuff. she actually thinks the pit bulls' jaws are physiologically different and their back molars physically lock into place. i sent her an email and tried to explain that pit bulls do have locking jaws but not the way she describes. it's a mental difference, not a physical one.
btw i have heard judge milan and another one of these tv judges utter pit nutter propaganda.
A yorkie!
I know a guy one block away from me who is a hair stylist. He says that he has cut Judge Judy's hair (I'm inclined to believe him) and that she is pretty funny and nice in real life.
Found one more video. Pit bull constantly at large bites neighbor lady in her own yard, after pit nutters steal neighbors' baby tryke. Bitten neighbor calls AC; nutters flee with pit bull in car. Nutters disrupt court room repeatedly and swear at the judge. KEEPING IT CLASSY!
oh Craven...you've done it again, and I thank you...for you, and those from here who let me know that what I feel is ok. I sang it all day "hate something, change something, hate something, change something, make something better"...thanks for the power!
They say that love makes the world go around, but it seems to me, hating is what changes things for the better, it motivates.
I hate this heavy load = WHEEL
I hate raw food = FIRE
I hate thieves and murderers = LAW
I hate getting rocks on my feet, ouch! = Shoes
Hate, it's the force of GOOD on our planet.
your welcome anne. i have been humming that song for a couple of weeks.
i saw judge judy on an interview once and yes, i would agree - she is funny. very sharp mind.
oh yeah, text book classy nutters on joe brown. i kept looking closely at the defendant's mouth. i was looking for teeth and hoping i could make out her words by lip reading. i thought she was either toothless or drunk. no need to bleep the profanities in that episode. i could barely understand her.
Another thought:
Hate is not the polar opposite of Love, apathy is.
What side of the fence seems to claim there is no problem, seems to be unmoved emotionally at the loss of another being, reduces the death of another to "one of those things that happen" like being struck on the head by a falling coconut? What group of people is constantly stoic, and shows compassion to some pit bull, often the one and the same that did the damage?
Found this 1990 article where the Governor of California
regrets signing the Anti-BSL measure, 30 something Pit Bull DBRFs ago!
It pissed me off so, I wrote a song about it:
California Screamin‘
The little one was brown
and the big one is grey
I went for a walk
on a awful day
I'd be safe and warm
if I wasn’t in L.A
California Screamin'
on such a awful day
Stopped by a park
I passed along the way
Well, the big one latched onto on my knee
and the blood started to spray
You know the helicopter is cold
The owner got no money to pay
California Screamin'
on such a awful day
if I could walk
I could leave today
California Screamin'
on such an awful day x3
Re pit bulls killing livestock. There's a problem at the moment in the UK because it's apparently a new fashion among the 'Staffie' hoodies to take their pit bulls to rural or suburban areas and release them near a herd of cattle or sheep -- then sit back and watch what happens.
I can't imagine that herd incidents with normal dogs have the same kind of owner intent involved (even if the owners do try to avoid the financial consequences after the fact).
One more thought regarding livestock attacks....I do agree that many animals, particulary sheep, goats, and poultry, are particularly vulnerable to attack by dogs and even coyotes. But remember, farm dogs have been part of rural life for centuries, and most farm dogs, such as the landrace collie types, were there to help guard stock. Modern purebred dogs with high prey drives were never part of rural culture, which is part of the problem today with loose dogs and livestock.
Also remember that large livestock, such as llamas, horses, and donkey's, are quite capable of protecting themselves from an average dog or coyote. I spoke to a farmer at a local county fair once, who told a story of coming home one night to find his herd of llamas trying to kill a coyote that had wandered into the pasture....they had formed a circle around the coyote, trapping him, while a large male llama tried to stomp him to death. A friend whose mom ran a donkey santuary has written about how dangerous her donkeys could be to dogs, chasing them down and grabbing them by the neck, while using their hooves to break the dogs back. I think the biggest problem with regular dogs and large livestock is the fact that they can get injured from the chase, running panicked into fences, etc.
I am not sure, but is there any data on how common it is for a non-pit bull breed to bring down a large animal like a horse or llama? That is what amazes me...I had never heard of a dog physically attacking and bringing down a full size horse or llama before pit bulls became popular. I know that llamas and donkeys are sometimes used as flock guardians for smaller livestock.
Do you know of Justice the Mule on the sidebar?
is the mouthpiece for the AKC, ALAN J STERN trying to say that 70 year old Marjee Lilly was killed because either she or her grandson mistreated the mutant gripping dogs?
you make a dog vicious. you beat it, deny it affection, apply electric shock, put down it's food dish and take it away. these dogs are bad because of bad people,
A fine example of focused anger:
"Never underestimate the power of one pissed-off mom." ~ Debbie Johnston.
Johnston worked to pass the toughest anti-bullying laws in the country after her 15 year old son committed suicide rather than continue to be the victim of school bullies.
Hey Vintage, can we post your wonderful poem California Screaming on Pit Bull Poet Laureate?
Love it!
I LOVE this post.
This is so true:
"Never underestimate the power of one pissed-off mom." ~ Debbie Johnston.
They hate what they fear, and they fear truth and revelation.
I don't hate them - truth and revelation are mine, not theirs.
They are fear-aggressive, unlike their choice of dog, which is just plain old joyously aggressive.
I dislike their ignorance, and I shudder at their magnetic pull towards each other - the way they empower each other through gathering, through e-companionship, through parroting stock phrases endlessly, through their tiresome galleries of dear Pibble 'smiling', or inhaling deeply of their fragrant human child, or wearing a flower-bedecked hat or a string of pearls.
I have been labelled a 'Hater', but it doesn't seem to register; I shuck it off, pull a wry face, shrug my shoulders, shake my head.
They want to project themselves and their own feelings on us. Such simpletons they are! They love, they hate, but forget the vast grey areas between, where dislike, despair, revulsion, astonishment, recoil, aggravation, shock, shame, puzzlement and disbelief exists.
I suffer from delicious disdain and aggravating condescension. I guess it's easier for them to spell 'Hater'? (I couldn't resist).
See you later, fellow Haters.
I have learned the co-worker nutter allows at least one of their pit bulls to roam (they live in the country).
well Jo same thing happened to me few weeks was walking my dachshund boo n a goddamn loose big white n brown spotted pit I was trembling approached us but I was prepared n I sprayed clorax bleach right in its face n whimpered away n then owner came Out screaming at me, her mutt is so friendly n how vile I am n was gonna report n was did I spray! well I told her I wouldn't have to spray anything if thing was in its yard as it should be! how the fuck would I know it's friendly!!! n picked up boo n ran fast home!! for once pit owner will have vet bill n not the Doxie!! I'm armed when I go out pure bleach spray n long kitchen knife (extremely sharp)just in case bleach doesn't cut it then 100 dollar knife should!! pathetic that I havta to do. this for a simple walk with my dog!! I advise you to do the same or suffer the possible consequences
I live in the anomaly town. There seem to be so many pits and mixes, it's not funny at all. So many are unleashed, and stay with their owners. Small dogs live and run around with them. Feral cats seem to do well. People don't get attacked. Frankly, none of that is a comfort, it all scares the shit out of me. I don't like big dogs approaching, it startles me. I carry my knife, but you can't take it to a library or school. Waiting on a taxi home, from my son's school, four people came to pick up their kids, with their dogs in the car. All four dogs were pits. Really? I'm speaking to the administration about that, it's enough to have them all over the town. Don't bring them to school, to pick your kids up. My son doesn't want to be attacked if your dog goes off. Again, it's an anomaly town, or very lucky so far. That's no comfort.
as for you changing your routine, what's that gonna accomplish? who's to say there wont be another loose pit or some idiot walking one on a leash they can't control?by the time AC or police show up its usually too late!!trust me if your armed you'll feel safer n more protected than scrambling for something or waiting for help to arrive!
"pathetic that I havta to do. this for a simple walk with my dog!!"
that enrages me
well anon I was talking with my Brother n he seems to think if I found a spray container durable enough to hold battery acid then I wouldn't need the knife? I image the acid would do the trick no matter how aggressive I can't imagine them withstanding that!! I find it absurd those weirdos need to bring pits to school definitely report it they just seem to get more brazen with their pits!!
well craven I'm sorry it enraged you,but its true years ago when I was young this shit rarely happened now well you know!!I absolutely refuse to be a victim!! I'm prepared n ready to go! its ironic that it is I who is fearful of my dog people don't get it til their on the other end of it!!
these days id rather suffer a mugging than an approach from a loose pits doubtful id need an air lift from a mugger
I don't get the hate either: I can crush down a dozen or so dead Pit Bulls for Biodiesel and use the leftovers for Chum. What is there to hate?
From my perspective, Pits are simply an agricultural product that has gone out of control. So, we just need to add in some process controls, I.E.
Breeding -> Feeding -> Euth -> Biodiesel/chum.
How is this any different than raising chickens for eggs, or growing corn for that matter??
Look, we just need to get a handle on this problem and turn it around into something the benefits most people (me, in particular).
So, just stop the hate, OK???!
I was online on rescue dogs NY looking for a little senior type dog for my mom n of course lots of pits what makes me laugh is they r so desperate to place they'll deliver them to you for free to your home anywhere in NY wow not with non pits though! its like people who quit smoking they can't tolerate people who smoke or the smell anymore they're worse than the people who never smoked before n that's how I am now about pits!! friend of mine invited me over to watch beyond the myth (probably thinking it would kinda of soften me up about pits)absolutely not wasting my time I have no sympathy for them, no matter what ordeal or suffering some of them go through all that goes through my mind is the images of poor little kids mauled n dead from them! I don't give a fuck it they were beaten, left to die in heated car or what or story about moose or Cesars daddy!! I'm done with it n that's that!!
animal uncontrollable I will stop the hate as soon as these land sharks r back in the ocean n Out of sight!! along with their advocates Berkshire, Reynolds, n marabito (seen their pics n someone should notify them about a new product called shampoo) n etc join them!
how is different from chickens n corn?r you serious?what r you smoking these days?last time I checked chickens n corn haven't mauled or attacked kids, humans n livestock!!!! q
okay this how we can coexist :1 all pits spayed n altered 2 nobody with criminal record allowed one 3 pits not allowed in homes where children reside 18 n under 4 banned from dog Parks 5 one bite pts 6 muzzled at all times when not in home caught 1000 fine automatically, second time two months in the slammer -7 ten foot high fence n cemented bottom so no digging out 8 no breeding if caught two years automatically in the slammer 9 no other pets allowed where pits r homed 10 loose pit six months in slammer n if attack occurred then two years in slammer n restitution 11registered n chipped n insured12 advocates that preach propaganda slammer for one year, 13 no fundings for pits that attack pts only. I think that covers it I can live with these laws
Uh, Nancy... didn't notice the obvious snark?
I'll let it go this time... I guess you don't know me very well ;-)
your right I did miss the obvious snark! its just i don't see the hate stopping anytime soon not with the maulings n deaths still piling up n lawmakers to yellow belly to step up to the plate!! I spent two years researching nonstop hoping to prove these guys wrong n nearly cost me my job you don't know how angry I was to find out the joke was on me! its become an obsession with me n I fly off the handle quick these days! n I'm sorry.. I wish there was a Kory Nelson in every state n then this issue would be over along with my obsession!
Just went to another dog event this weekend, mercifully free of pits. (There are a few benefits to living in small town America...) There were dogs ranging from 80/90 lb. Labs and Goldens all the way down to dachshunds and Maltese. And imagine this--no one was hurt or killed, and no blood was drawn.
The dogs sniffed each other, and within moments were play bowing and making buddies. Watching normal dogs play together is a joyful thing.
The handful of dog events I have attended that did have pits attend were without fail full of lunging, growling, hard stares and aggressive posturing. Every single time. Why on earth would you want a dog like that?
Count me among the haters. Proud to be one.
Don't miss this pretty pittie T-shirt!
So sweet, so gentle.
Oh--and another pretty pittie--checkout this lovely gamebred specimen and his new owner:
Think she'll be able to control him?
Here's #1 of 367--coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
This nutters should not be able to keep saying 'it's how they're raised' even as they adopt out fight bust dogs. IDK if the fight bust dogs are any better or worse than regular old pit bulls IN REALITY since both have, can, and will kill people despite 'good' vs. 'bad' 'raising'.
YES, the world is full of idiots who can't control dogs. FEW people are all that good at it. However, people generally tend to overestimate their own abilities, especially when it comes to something they love, like a dog. So, we need to go with dogs that are more or less idiot proof.
The FEW people who obtain a dog that might be dangerous will continue to go unnoticed as always because they will continue to manage and contain their dogs. Some of these people like difficult or rare breeds as opposed to dogs that can rip your face off (difficult just means 'hard to train'). Because even though they might be able to deal with a dangerous dog, the thing still requires a tremendous amount of work, and even some people with high levels of competency with dogs just don't think pits are worth the trouble.
Nutters just all need to get regular terriers. They'll still have a lot of the things they like about pits, they'll have a much cuter dog, and they'll save a lot of money. Unless they ARE dog fighters, a regular terrier should be just fine for them.
great t-shirt.
Pits are the BANE of human reasoning and practicality. It doesn't matter where you live, be it farm, rural, or city. Pits can still wander to where you live and rip everything apart, including you! You farm folk are not safe either because the atrocious mutants are UNLEASHED! Their sub-human zits of owners love to just let them run and never return! You not only have other hunting breeds of dog to worry about (German Shepards, Huskies, Rottweilers, Akitas, etc), you also have to worry about the WORST of them all! They can not only rip through your fencing and your guard dogs, they can rip through your house, your barn, chickens, cows, horses, goats, and so forth without even trying! There have been MANY accounts of Pits and other breeds like them ruining farming production! It's not a city thing, it's a PANDEMIC. Pits are everywhere, and it's time they went extinct. Proud to be a hater of the abomination called "dog"! Big ones, small ones, annoying ones (especially the small dogs like terriers, those high-strung, living lawn ornaments can all die), killer ones, I hate them all equally! Dogs may be descended from wolves, but they LACK EVERYTHING that a wolf has! There no intelligent integrity to a dog! There's no respect here! I respect wolves a great deal, but their inbred descendants I don't have a lick of respect for!
To Hell with the dog lobbyists!
To Hell with the dog crazies!
To Hell with the movie industry for pushing this dog craze for too long!
To Hell with the money-hungry pet industry for fueling this madness ever onward!
To Hell with the consequences of standing up against these parasites and saying NO to all of this insanity!
Dawn congratulations on the big 500k. Hell of a body of work.
thanks TS. this was originally published may 2102. i just updated to bring it to the front cuz i like it so much. today, craven desires is closing in on 1,500,000 page views :-)
Craven is the real deal. 17 barks has barely a quarter million views. Congrats Dawn.
Any one out there, any victims, who have been harassed online, here's your man doing some of it and working hard for the dogfighters and the women controlling his azz.
Anyone know more on him? I see he lives in dog fighting country.
Pit Bill Propaganda Machine Revealed
do a search for the page
One of the ones involved in aggressively stalking and harassing victims
I posted this again in case my other post didn't have the link
anyone have more? he's in dog fighting country, but he also looks like he's easily led by women pit idiots
Yeah pussywhipped
He's involved with Cindy Marabito and friends, set the loser up
Bizarre commentary (and cartoon) on the "National Kill a Pit Bull Night" hoax.
How like the pit freaks to want to kill anyone who dares speak against their frankenmaulers.
Meanwhile, pit bulls continue to torture and kill thousands of helpless animals every month - and that is no hoax.
I remembered the thread but not the count and the amount. Guess I didn't win, damnit!
Ever since I could remember,
Everything you asked of me,
Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh)
You were never one for predators,
Everything you’re training me,
Just wouldn't settle in (oh oh oh oh)
If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I bite isn't dead enough
That this problem lies in me.
I'm only a dog with some genes to guide me,
I'm afraid that I can’t escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.
Can you clear your conscience,
If I'm different from the rest,
Do you have to euthanize? (oh oh oh oh)
I never said that I want this,
This burden came to me,
And it's made its home inside (oh oh oh oh)
If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because,
Everything I bite isn't dead enough
That this problem lies in me.
I'm only a dog with some genes to guide me,
I'm afraid that I can’t escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.
Pit nutter no kill rescue busted in Roswell New Mexico. Let three pit mixes they sprang from Roswell AC get loose and attacked son of police detective who lived next door. Roswell Dog Saviors. Getting charged.
A senior lady recently told me about how she was injured attempting to protect her Lab from an off-leash pit attack.
There are so many little stories like this, no doubt happening every day.
What happened to Dogsbite on facebook?
The Dogsbite page shows up fine for me -
That's bizarre. It has totally disappeared for me. It doesn't even come up in the search.
it's there for me. i've noticed quirky shit with facebook before.
it has disappeared from my likes, disappeared from the search, disappeared from my feed. Very bizarre. All that comes up are the anti-pages in the search. Maybe you are right, it could be the latest FB changes. I am always suspicious when dealing with butt nut.
Clear your cookies for FB. Something very strange went on. but doing that should fix it.
Wonder if there wasn't a hack and possible inside job
It's handled now. What happened was a ham-fisted attempt to block mailicious users by blocking whole geographical areas. The block was removed.
Wow, it seems like dogsbite.org is really getting under the collective nutters' skin. That's great! Colleen is doing a fantastic job!
I still can't find the Dogsbite page on facebook. I liked it on my personal page, and I liked it on a fan page I have, and it has disappeared from the feed and search on both. Has this happened to anybody else?
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