the PITTERS wearing a dog tag but the MUTANT is going INCOGNITO as a nice family pet . that way when something UNEXPECTED happens, pit and pitter can SLIP away until the NEXT time.
Well, at least it isn't a rifle he's using for a crutch. But that might be better because there's no way he can hold back his pit if it lunges at something or someone.
If his pit decides to maul or kill something, there's nothing he can physically do.
But even pit nutters in decent physical condition wait til the pit attack is over, then they load it up and take off. Sometimes they may bang on the wall of their trailer to try and stop their pit from killing something, and they consider that an attempt to stop their pit.
a dog for people with mental and mobility issues ....oops , musnt upset any nice people with "challenges" . ..... LOL @ peops with pits and crutches, physical and otherwise.
guys like that typically get upset if dont let your dog "socialize" with their fucking mutants. they get uppity and concerned you are DISSING their mutants and them too , of course. believe me , when i say i know the type and wouldnt DISS on them or their dogs if they were on fire.
skeptifem, crippled is not necessarily a pejorative word, it can be a simple statement of fact.
When an animal is so wounded that it can't escape further threat (eg from a hunter), or so that even if it escapes it won't be able to do its usual life-sustaining activities, or if it stays alive but only with horrendous effort and difficulty, we'd have no trouble saying it's crippled. Not only handicapped, but life-threateningly handicapped, likely with early death on the horizon.
I get it that it's a pejorative when we use the word to suggest that anyone with any physical difficulty can be written off, or must be pitied, or must be unhappy, etc. There are plenty of people who have physical (or mental) difficulties but aren't crippled. Life sustaining activities and great happiness are still possible, including happiness they give others.
This man obviously *is* crippled in the sense that he can't engage in the life-sustaining activity of saving someone his pit suddenly attacks. He also won't be able to do much about it if his pit breaks (or amputates) his other leg.
I'd also say anyone who is into pits is mentally crippled, regardless of whether their leg is broken. I mean, they are unable to engage in the life-sustaining activity of recognizing death-risks and avoiding them. They aren't adding happiness to their community, only death-risk and misery, and are totally oblivious to this fact. They have six zillion psychological issues they need to address, but are avoiding by getting a pit. Mentally crippled!
Besides which this man with his crutch apparently doesn't mind if his pit makes someone else crippled, for example by dismembering an arm or a leg (or both), since with his broken leg, he won't be able to stop an attack.
So if you don't mind, I'll add that I think he's morally crippled. As are all the pittie-pattie people, regardless of their physical state. I mean, they don't even have the morals to care about the mln pits they produce just for death each year.
I think I understand why you placed that one-word comment, but I don't think it was necessary in this context. I doubt any of us would ridicule this man for his broken leg if he hadn't been showing these other crippled parts of who he is.
I hope this doesn't make you mad at me. I love your blog, your light. But the phenomenon 'cripple' does really exist, I won't deny that even for you.
Is the dog owner trying to make us feel sorry for him by showing the dog tag? ISTR that the tag is supposed to be beneath the shirt. Otherwise, you're out of uniform.
I know this blog post is not about semantics, but I just wanted to throw my two cents in.
In my understanding, "cripple" typically means an injury which prohibits normal functioning. As in, "He sustained the crippling injury."
"Disabled" is something else--something permanent, or something one is born with.
I've been unable to perform daily life activities in the past due to a temporary illness, but I never called myself disabled bc that's a different class of people--I think, even, a legally protected class of people.
This dude in the photo seems to be temporarily injured to me--crippled.
that is one ugly -ass dog dude. i have a name for such dogs but pitbull people are already racially sensitive and i wouldnt want to cause trouble for any innocent bystanders who might be affected by a slur induced reaction.
@ quiet neighbour he may well be a vet and might think pit bulls are americas premier fighting dog . i myself, love the smell of nalpam, in the morning and the sight of blood on the sidewalk in the afternoon.
i's bin thinkin: whats the point in having millions of these fighting dogs , everywhere , in the hands of idiots , criminals , sexual deviants ect , when its not even legal to fight dogs anymore? i say , bring it back , legalize it , tax it and control it . spay and neuter and fight them all till theyre gone . charge these fuck-wit pitters through the snout to go watch MONSTER PIT-A-RAMA at the tacoma dome or whatever. let em fill there boots with blood , guts and glory, and use the proceeds to fund victims programs or beagle rescue . just a thot.
Tacoma Dome, snarky? You been in my neck o' the woods? Oh, don't you worry, we got plenty o' non-legal pit fightin' out here, why do you think cl's flooded with pit pups all the time? Gotta get rid o' the surplus, 'sides, it's good pocket money.
Personally, I prefer cock fightin', the post "game" bbq's are better.
yea i was through there recently and the mutants were uglier and bigger than our wimpy excuses here. no humans killed around here yet but its coming i think. prob be a kid cuz we have lots of idiot parents with nanny dogs . our pitters are not as nasty but dumber , i think.
yea , just as you cant say all pits are the same , neither are pitters. when youve studied mutants and their enablers as i have you may realize it'll take more than a silver bullet to have any effect on this freakish problem. certainly, platitudes about owner responsibility are not really going anywhere . this is childish stuff , to state the obvious without taking it any further down the road to resolution. it really is a bizarre situation where you have an unnecessary and obsolete breed of dangerous dog foisted by a small minority on the vast, mostly uncomplaining majority . with no solution or resolution in sight .
"it really is a bizarre situation where you have an unnecessary and obsolete breed of dangerous dog foisted by a small minority on the vast, mostly uncomplaining majority . with no solution or resolution in sight ."
Sad but true. Since Sue Gorman was mauled in her bed, the number of pit bulls and their like have probably quadrupled in the county where she lived. As recently as two years ago Pierce County AC refused to cite a man whose unleashed pit attacked my friend's horse while she was riding. Why? Because the dog didn't seem dangerous when the ACO went to the man's house.
I can only hope the county learned its lesson after swallowing a 2.2 million dollar fine in the Gorman case.
cant judge someone by looks ? yes u can ! when theyr crippled and sporting a dog tag and a mutant like that one . think hes just looking to socialize that thing . pitbulls love to socialize and theyr owners love to watch. lol not
That is not an American Pit Bull Terrier. That is an American Staffordshire Terrier. I don't expect that distinction to mean anything to you, I'm just mentioning it for a bit of perspective.
Please look up the AKC breed standard for The American Staffordshire Terrier, or for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Again, not because I think it will change anyone's mind. This is a beautiful specimen of the AmStaff.
Fanaticism is fanaticism no matter the topic. It is sadly ironic that you and your followers demonstrate the same behavior you ridicule the "nutters" for. It makes it difficult to take you seriously. IMHO, of course... and with the respect to the First Amendment regarding yours.
i don't see where anyone here claimed it was APBT or AST.
amstaffs are pit bulls as are staffy bulls as are american bulldogs. i am not sure what exactly this thing is. in this photo, it is looks a bit ambully.
Mentally crippled for sure. You'd have to be to own a shit bull.
the PITTERS wearing a dog tag but the MUTANT is going INCOGNITO as a nice family pet . that way when something UNEXPECTED happens, pit and pitter can SLIP away until the NEXT time.
Well, at least it isn't a rifle he's using for a crutch. But that might be better because there's no way he can hold back his pit if it lunges at something or someone.
If his pit decides to maul or kill something, there's nothing he can physically do.
But even pit nutters in decent physical condition wait til the pit attack is over, then they load it up and take off. Sometimes they may bang on the wall of their trailer to try and stop their pit from killing something, and they consider that an attempt to stop their pit.
a dog for people with mental and mobility issues ....oops , musnt upset any nice people with "challenges" . ..... LOL @ peops with pits and crutches, physical and otherwise.
god thats an ugly mutant ! why would someone want that thing except as a warning , a deterrent or an ego massage for an thug .
guys like that typically get upset if dont let your dog "socialize" with their fucking mutants. they get uppity and concerned you are DISSING their mutants and them too , of course. believe me , when i say i know the type and wouldnt DISS on them or their dogs if they were on fire.
god bless GLOCK MANUFACTURING, and local CARRY laws. browning is my personal pal right now .
skeptifem, crippled is not necessarily a pejorative word, it can be a simple statement of fact.
When an animal is so wounded that it can't escape further threat (eg from a hunter), or so that even if it escapes it won't be able to do its usual life-sustaining activities, or if it stays alive but only with horrendous effort and difficulty, we'd have no trouble saying it's crippled. Not only handicapped, but life-threateningly handicapped, likely with early death on the horizon.
I get it that it's a pejorative when we use the word to suggest that anyone with any physical difficulty can be written off, or must be pitied, or must be unhappy, etc. There are plenty of people who have physical (or mental) difficulties but aren't crippled. Life sustaining activities and great happiness are still possible, including happiness they give others.
This man obviously *is* crippled in the sense that he can't engage in the life-sustaining activity of saving someone his pit suddenly attacks. He also won't be able to do much about it if his pit breaks (or amputates) his other leg.
I'd also say anyone who is into pits is mentally crippled, regardless of whether their leg is broken. I mean, they are unable to engage in the life-sustaining activity of recognizing death-risks and avoiding them. They aren't adding happiness to their community, only death-risk and misery, and are totally oblivious to this fact. They have six zillion psychological issues they need to address, but are avoiding by getting a pit. Mentally crippled!
Besides which this man with his crutch apparently doesn't mind if his pit makes someone else crippled, for example by dismembering an arm or a leg (or both), since with his broken leg, he won't be able to stop an attack.
So if you don't mind, I'll add that I think he's morally crippled. As are all the pittie-pattie people, regardless of their physical state. I mean, they don't even have the morals to care about the mln pits they produce just for death each year.
I think I understand why you placed that one-word comment, but I don't think it was necessary in this context. I doubt any of us would ridicule this man for his broken leg if he hadn't been showing these other crippled parts of who he is.
I hope this doesn't make you mad at me. I love your blog, your light. But the phenomenon 'cripple' does really exist, I won't deny that even for you.
george carlin said it best.
sweetie pie, well said. at least as well as george.
The sight of that 'appearance challenged' shit bull makes me want to engage in an involuntary personal protein spill.
Thanks for the Carlin link :-)
Is the dog owner trying to make us feel sorry for him by showing the dog tag? ISTR that the tag is supposed to be beneath the shirt. Otherwise, you're out of uniform.
I know this blog post is not about semantics, but I just wanted to throw my two cents in.
In my understanding, "cripple" typically means an injury which prohibits normal functioning. As in, "He sustained the crippling injury."
"Disabled" is something else--something permanent, or something one is born with.
I've been unable to perform daily life activities in the past due to a temporary illness, but I never called myself disabled bc that's a different class of people--I think, even, a legally protected class of people.
This dude in the photo seems to be temporarily injured to me--crippled.
Just my ideas...
And yeah, the dog is ugly.
that is one ugly -ass dog dude. i have a name for such dogs but pitbull people are already racially sensitive and i wouldnt want to cause trouble for any innocent bystanders who might be affected by a slur induced reaction.
@ quiet neighbour
he may well be a vet and might think pit bulls are americas premier fighting dog . i myself, love the smell of nalpam, in the morning and the sight of blood on the sidewalk in the afternoon.
i's bin thinkin: whats the point in having millions of these fighting dogs , everywhere , in the hands of idiots , criminals , sexual deviants ect , when its not even legal to fight dogs anymore? i say , bring it back , legalize it , tax it and control it . spay and neuter and fight them all till theyre gone . charge these fuck-wit pitters through the snout to go watch MONSTER PIT-A-RAMA at the tacoma dome or whatever. let em fill there boots with blood , guts and glory, and use the proceeds to fund victims programs or beagle rescue . just a thot.
Tacoma Dome, snarky? You been in my neck o' the woods? Oh, don't you worry, we got plenty o' non-legal pit fightin' out here, why do you think cl's flooded with pit pups all the time? Gotta get rid o' the surplus, 'sides, it's good pocket money.
Personally, I prefer cock fightin', the post "game" bbq's are better.
yea i was through there recently and the mutants were uglier and bigger than our wimpy excuses here. no humans killed around here yet but its coming i think. prob be a kid cuz we have lots of idiot parents with nanny dogs . our pitters are not as nasty but dumber , i think.
yea , just as you cant say all pits are the same , neither are pitters. when youve studied mutants and their enablers as i have you may realize it'll take more than a silver bullet to have any effect on this freakish problem. certainly, platitudes about owner responsibility are not really going anywhere . this is childish stuff , to state the obvious without taking it any further down the road to resolution. it really is a bizarre situation where you have an unnecessary and obsolete breed of dangerous dog foisted by a small minority on the vast, mostly uncomplaining majority . with no solution or resolution in sight .
Snarky sums it up brilliantly...
"it really is a bizarre situation where you have an unnecessary and obsolete breed of dangerous dog foisted by a small minority on the vast, mostly uncomplaining majority . with no solution or resolution in sight ."
Sad but true. Since Sue Gorman was mauled in her bed, the number of pit bulls and their like have probably quadrupled in the county where she lived. As recently as two years ago Pierce County AC refused to cite a man whose unleashed pit attacked my friend's horse while she was riding. Why? Because the dog didn't seem dangerous when the ACO went to the man's house.
I can only hope the county learned its lesson after swallowing a 2.2 million dollar fine in the Gorman case.
mighty fine looking mutant there, bubba .
i dont believe thats really a pitbull , its too damn handsome .
cant judge someone by looks ? yes u can ! when theyr crippled and sporting a dog tag and a mutant like that one . think hes just looking to socialize that thing . pitbulls love to socialize and theyr owners love to watch. lol not
That is not an American Pit Bull Terrier. That is an American Staffordshire Terrier. I don't expect that distinction to mean anything to you, I'm just mentioning it for a bit of perspective.
Please look up the AKC breed standard for The American Staffordshire Terrier, or for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Again, not because I think it will change anyone's mind. This is a beautiful specimen of the AmStaff.
Fanaticism is fanaticism no matter the topic. It is sadly ironic that you and your followers demonstrate the same behavior you ridicule the "nutters" for. It makes it difficult to take you seriously. IMHO, of course... and with the respect to the First Amendment regarding yours.
i don't see where anyone here claimed it was APBT or AST.
amstaffs are pit bulls as are staffy bulls as are american bulldogs. i am not sure what exactly this thing is. in this photo, it is looks a bit ambully.
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