Sunday, July 7, 2013

leopard vs gripper



Rumpelstiltskin said...

This video just made my week. :)

DubV said...

It seems the leopard was after the dog. You can see the dog in the corner of the screen and it appears to be asleep.

The angles are the so bad and the action so quick, I can't tell whether this is a pit or not.

tropical storms said...

Bon appetite !

Anonymous said...

Good kitty.

Miss Margo said...

If this is accurate, and the gripper didn't get on its feet and somehow kill the leopard--or even if it DID kill the leopard--that noble feline should be nominated for the friggin Nobel Peace Prize.

(Disclaimer: I am being sarcastic. SLIGHTLY, hardy har har.)

DubV said...

Justice Leopard anyone?

It's hard to believe how quickly the dog went limp. I'm guessing its neck was broken.

tropical storms said...

Big cats all have a taste for dogs. Leopards have been snatching them for decades from farms and settlements in both India and Africa. They were one of the main reasons breeds like boerboels were developed, if they made it through puppyhood they were usually safe from predation.

Anonymous said...

i feel very sad about the pitbull but obviously the leopard wus provoked . no animal attacks for no good reason

Dayna said...

This situation could work as long as you could keep the pit away from you and your family as well. The stupid pit will never run away from a leopard, and you just get another one when it gets eaten.

Anonymous said...

i hear that leopards make wonderfull loving pets and when properly socialized from an early age , are quite safe with other pets and even small trailer people . its very ignorant to assume your pitbull would become catfood to your big trailer kitty . they probably would play together and become best friends and share their kibbles and small prey animals.

Anonymous said...


r u suggesting a pet leopard could be fed with surplus pitbulls from the neighborhood hugabull rescue ? that would save me going to pitsmart . actually that could work too .

Anonymous said...

i maybe would become one of pitsmarts best customers ...going there every three days or so .

Jake said...

Cue up the talking points:

Leopards don't just attack for no reason. What's the real story?

The pit bull obviously provoked the attack.

Any animal could have done this.

Blame the deed, not the leopard.

It's all in how you raise them.

tropical storms said...

The leopard had recently given birth and was only defending her cubs. There was thunder in the area at the time causing a pillow to fall to the floor plus a ladder was standing in the room and anyway she just wanted to play and the bulldog attacked her.

scurrilous amateur blogger said...


tropical storms said...

Even if there is such a thing as a leopard you can't identify them, lots of not-leopards have spots.

Anonymous said...

leopards love little trailer people and will defend them to the death. they are commonly called nanny cats , so this must be true .

Anonymous said...

there are no bad pitbulls , just ignorant victims and pet lovers .

its okay for ppl to harbor dangerous dogs but not okay for ppl to not like it .

april 29 said...

snarky, you are on a roll.


Dayna said...

r u suggesting a pet leopard could be fed with surplus pitbulls from the neighborhood hugabull rescue ?

@snarky, YES!

And this thread is cracking me up!!

safer midwifery utah said...

I'm sorry they lost their pit bull, but it doesn't mean leopards need to be regulated. Punish whoever taught that leopard to attack, not responsible owners!

Packhorse said...

In the 70s it was pumas, in the 80s it was tigers, in the 90s it was lions and now it's LEOPARDS!

Blame the brat not the cat.

S.K.Y. said...

I'm loving these replies!

Anonymous said...

all cats scratch and bite, ban leopards and your housecat will be next .

Miss Margo said...

Am reading these in the mile-long line at trader joe's and laughing. Thanks

Anonymous said...

EVERY trailer park should have a resident leopard or tiger to look after all the little trailer people . i would just say to parents to educate their spawn on how to behave around nanny cats .

Anonymous said...

The pit bull fell off a ladder. The leopard was only trying to revive her.

Jake said...

Proof positive that cougars are sweet and docile:

Purring Cougar

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

good one jake. that reminds me...

theyr'e JUST cats.

orangedog said...

You guy, this is just a tragic accident. This leapord has never shown aggression before. It's just such a surprise!

Anonymous said...

my bengal tiger is so sweet , she plays with my two razor blue pitbulls and they are the best of friends . i never really wanted a bengal tiger but now i have one , i feel they are very misunderstood . i feel bernice would protect my pitbulls with her own life .

Rumpelstiltskin said...

Leopards get a bad rap. LOL!

SadFalada said...

My God that was impressively fast! I've had more difficulty gaining control over a two pound bag of rice!

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

damn girl you're funny!

Anonymous said...

Smart people do not stereotype a whole population because of the actions of others. U should be ashamed

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

if we criticize the mutant, you nutters get all huffy and say it's the owner. if we criticize the owner (which i very happily do!) you are pissed off cuz they "are human beings too!".

who/what exactly do YOU blame?
the infant? the cat? the herd of sheep? the weather? the lunar eclipse? predatory banks?

tropical storms said...

Blame atheism, gay marriage, global warming, myth of global warming, tobacco use, drug use....