birds of a fucking feather
south africa in what i can only hope will be a career ending move, South Africa's answer to CESAR MILAN is on record lying and blaming a little girl for the mauling his "service" rottweiler handed her in a restaurant. JAMES LECH defended his rehabilitated service gladiator, stating that the four year old jumped over his rott, which was in the down position, and when she accidentally landed on him, he bit her. too bad so sad for this fucktard. it was all caught on video and it clearly shows the dog on all fours and what looks like STALKING prior to the attack.
the parents of 4 year old Sadie Kukkuk have filed charges.
James Lech, Somewhere out there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe. I think you owe it an apology.
click hear to watch a testimonial of another ultimate canine gladiator that was "rehabilitated" by the omnipotent DOG SHAMAN, JAMES LECH. real experts advised this knucklehead to give it a dirt nap but he bought into this bozo's magic potion.
and be sure to check out JAMES LECH'S website. prepare to be dazzled by his extraordinary dog whispering powers. "No Dog is Too Much for Me to Handle"
it seems to me pits and similar type dogs like mastiffs and rotties can be well behaved and seemingly under control. however when i see these dogs being walked without a leash and /or unmuzzled even where required by law, it becomes apparent to me that these owners are in some denial about the reliability of their dogs. its more a matter of common sense not to fully trust any dog but especially one of these powerfull, possibly dangerous dogs..
Shocking predatory attack; absolutely shocking! That rottie dragged her into a den -- under the table where people could less easily reach her -- so that it could continue its attack unfettered.
Fucking lying asshole. Deplorable. There are no words. Thank you for bringing this to light.
What we always know about all these fucking assholes is played out here. They lie. They have no humanity. They are criminal narcissists. "Service" rott IN A RESTAURANT.
That poor girl. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Makes me homocidal.
I can't see when where and how the owner and dog left, or were they were still under the table at the end of the tape.
And the video of the guy with the "rehabilitated" rott...there are times I wish there were a hell for these people to go to.
And that "rehabilitated" video is all the more alarming to me today because I just learned that the more aggressive of my neighbors' 2 pit mixes was adopted out and returned twice before my asshole nutter neighbors took her.
Thank you craven for defrocking these asshole priests of the savage lion tamer cult once again.
This lion tamer looks like the odd man out in the world of dog whisperers. He seems more suitable for a pretentious gay boy band.
What a despicable maggot. I hope Sadie's parents wipe him out.
thank you snack for a far superior blog title. i should have just sent this your way and let you have at it.
thank you dude for alerting me to it.
These days, chances are anyone who calls himself an [animal] whisperer is full of shit. This particular one has no formal training in zoology or animal behavior and appears to merely be parroting Cesar Milan.
The Rottweiler in question was apparently "rehabilitated," meaning it was known to have an aggression problem. These idiots with affinities for large, aggressive dogs need to be held 100% responsible when their dogs hurt someone. I hope Sadie's family sue Lech into the ground, especially since he tried to blame her (a four year old!) for what happened and totally lied about it. That video makes it very clear that Sadie did nothing wrong.
I can't even imagine what a four year old could do that would mean that she deserves to be attacked by a Rottweiler. Even if she did trip over the dog, a service dog taken to a crowded area should be very, very calm. This animal was one with a bad history and had no business being in public.
Epic title, thanks for bringing this to us.
I'm so glad I didn't waste time reading that Milan book someone bought me a few years back. When the price of toilet paper spikes, I'll go looking for it.
I can't stand these cults of personality that develop around these folks. Milan is defended by his adoring fans even when published research shows he is off the mark.
I wish cameras caught more of these attacks, particularly after these lying scum have given their bull shit accounts of events.
You gotta love the fade-in text in the testimonial video: "Do you agree with the media about what they say about Rottweilers?”
Oh, the irony.
Do you know how much back and forth this idiot, er... "expert," would have given you about the safety of pit bulls and rotts? If you can't trust these experts not to have epic failures, why should you ever trust their shit-for-brains followers?
Please, South Africa; throw this piece of shit in prison. No four-year-old child should ever be shaken like a rag doll so an attention seeking asshole can self promote with a phony fucking “service dog” scam, while making a case for dangerous breeds! Please jail this trash and throw away the fucking key!
Sadie is an angel that tried to avoid this monster. She instinctually moved as far away as she could when passing the animal. This was a savage "latch and drag into the den" assault. Just watch her hair...
Another element to the "rehabbed" service dog is that Sadie's family likely cannot sue the restaurant, which was forced to abide by Lech's lie. How could that establishment have any liability if it "must allow" all service dogs (presuming that is the law in Johannesburg)?
Fantastic find, Dude-of-the-thin-air. As in vanished into. Where are you and your biting comments? South Africa??? You have been missed.
Oops, didn't refresh to see Dude's back and in form!
Colleen, she was dragged into the den. The poor girl did not know what was coming, the animal was completely predatory. And it is horrific watching that poor girl being pulled in.
I have read that the US is the only nation with service dog laws that requires no proof of training. Almost all other countries have laws requiring proof of training. Hopefully south africa has such laws. Certainly this dog could not have passed.
December 2000, World renowned Animal Behaviorist Dr Peter Borchelt pulls an "Inspector Clouseau"....
When a retired Firefighter encounters Dr Borchelt during a $300 an hour Pit Bull retraining seesion on a public street, he asks..."Is your dog Okay?!? The good Doctor assures him "it is"...A moment later the Pit latches on, removing a portion of the man's penis.
Later in court, Borchelt would attempt the "It's not my dog" routine and the jury mauled Borchelt with a $1 Million judgement.
**Disclaimer...Swear to God, I am not making this up!
Wow, great video. The poor kid. I love, though, how everyone just stands around watching, especially the guy who was sitting with his back to the attack. If I'd been there, I'd have jumped in and started stabbing the dog in the eyeball with my fork, a pen, my high heel. 20 people standing there inches away doing NOTHING.
Glad it was caught on video. Thankfully, security cameras are becoming more common, and I look forward to the hope of more hard evidence against negligent owners in pit bull attack cases.
I always have some wicked sharp serrated Spyderco knives clipped in my pockets waiting for just such a moment - nothing like it's happened on my watch yet though.
Have you bought the sharpmaker yet Jake?
PS The dog shaman already banned me from his youtube page! I only posted one thing, I couldn't help myself.
please pay your respects to this
this fucktard.
and vote this fucker down.
thanks dubv :)
@dubv - I don't have the sharpmaker - maybe I should put it on the wishlist just in case. I do have a fairly decent sharpener though...
Hey Jake, the sharpmaker works really well on spyderco serrated edges, that's why I mentioned it. It comes with a dvd showing how to use it on everything from axes to scissors. It is made by spyderco.
@dubv - alright, added to wishlist. BTW speaking of sharp edges - here is a nice shovel I picked up that can come in handy for defending against mutant attackers around the house...
A few questions on this video, and for Mr. Lech...
1. Why is a young and presumably healthy man taking a "service dog" into restaurant? Is the dog working as a "service dog" for him? Is he training this dog for someone else?
2.Lech is clearly not paying a bit of attention to the Rott, he appears to be standing and talking with another individual. The dog is standing behind him and looking in the opposite direction. A trained service dog waits in the down position. If he is training the dog, why is he unaware of what the dog is doing? If the dog is working, Lech should also be aware of the dog's actions.
3 What are the laws regarding "service dogs" in South Africa? It appears that this is nothing more than the same service dog scam being run in the United States. Lech apparently feels that his celebrity status allows him to do exactly as he pleases. This child has been injured by Lech's irresponsible actions. Shameful...
Jake, nice buy. Use the sharpmaker on it too ;) I put a little grip tape on mine before I stowed it behind my truck seat but neglected to touch up the edge.
She was physically injured and emotionally traumatized in words I cannot explain. Imagine anyone being taken down in this manner, much less a child? Talk about having your entire world RIPPED out from underneath you. Thank God for the video camera, and I mean truly thank God. Lech is in serious trouble. I pray that Sadie's family has several top child therapists review this video. She and her mother will need years of treatment to "move through" this terrible trauma.
I've seen a rott engage in that stalking behavior of a child before. I managed to chase it away. Sadly, before I could shoot it after fetching my gun, its idiot owners realized what was about to happen and took it inside. Funny how they never seemed to be around when their dog was acting dangerous but always miraculously noticed when somebody was about to give it a dirt nap.
Reading Lech's blog, he actually notes that this particular dog would "randomly launch at men..."
So, this dog had a history of aggressive behaviour. What in the world was it doing in a crowded area? Honestly, you cannot "rehabilitate" a dangerous dog by these vague "pack leader" techniques advocated by bogus dog whisperers.
Frankly, Lech would look a bit less like a total asshole if he admitted his dog acted aggressively, and that he made a massive error in judgement and behaved in a reckless manner by taking that dog out in public. But no, he blames the child, who is no doubt very traumatized by this incident. What a nasty thing to do: let your dog maul a child and then lie about the whole thing and blame the child.
That a dog with a history of aggression was being used as a service dog is just so stupid I have no idea what to say. Proper service dogs are very well-socalized and trained in public starting as puppies. They don't launch randomly at people.
OMG. I love your way with words.. James Lech, somewhere out there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so can breathe. I think you owe it an apology! Now if we can only get the Dog Shaman punished under the law.
I always wondered if the stories about Ceasers pitbull being put down because of natural causes were true. Heck we'd never know. I am sure there are lots of things these 'dog whispers' edit out and I am sure this James Lech would of edited this out.
What is the big yellow
EDUCATE NOW link doing on your site? It is all propitbull stuff that you can download and print?
Is there a way to get this down?
educate now is sarcasm.
sarcasm is my favorite means of communication. it keeps me sane. it keeps me out of trouble.
obtw, i am not the author of that insult. i found it on the internet and thought it was appropriate for this fucktard.
Regarding the Milan and Lech whisperers, I suppose it is too obvious to point out that these guys purposefully get breeds considered dangerous in order to make a few points (about their training ability, about "breedism", to garner nutter support). Lech knew Milan had a pit, so he had to get a rott, you know so that he wouldn't be even more derivative, if that is possible. Then he played the ultimate dog whisperer high card, he got one that was legitimately dangerous. Even Milan knew to get a pit bull puppy from a known bloodline.
Regarding Craven's joke about trees, I have heard someone given the compliment that they produce carbon dioxide that is helpful for tree growth. If Lech gets the jail time he deserves, he'll also be producing S. African license plates and squeals in the shower.
Oh forgot to mention, in local schadenfreude news.....the 19 year old female pit nutter who owns the pit (currently dirt napping) that attacked my dog was arrested yesterday for robbery and burglary! LMAO...but I do hope no non-nutters were hurt or lost property permanently. Maybe it'll be really juicy and she tried to steal a pit bull to replace her Blue.
Congratulations DubV. Pit bulls and felons? Just like peanut butter and jelly....
i love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning, it smells victory.
"he'll also be producing S. African license plates and squeals in the shower."
Ah HA HA! touche!
As for the nutter...
Dumb is dependable.
the fucking pitters always drone on about education re shitbulls and owner responsibility ect. youd think they were well educated or something. however, usually their postings are so pathetically constructed they are primary grade stuff.
DubV: I think that's exactly why these "dog whisperers" pick dangerous dogs. A nice standard poodle or labrador just doesn't give them the lion-tamer image they are going for.
Apparently, this dog will be 'rehabilitated' again:
Now, I like dogs but this one needs to be euthanized before it kills someone. That poor little girl could have been killed had the dog severed an artery.
poodle tamer myself
totally unprofessional and uncapable
It was not surprising to me to come across an article in the sunday times (and every other publication) that the 'little irresponsible boy' named James Lech (who claims to be a dog expert) had his dog attack a 4 year old girl! This guy seriously needs to be put out of business. He knows very little about dogs besides what he has obviously watched on Caesar Milans shows. He *** my wife and I with his exorbitant rates (nothing was explained before the session). I argued with him and he threatened to put his lawyer onto me etc etc. He also mentioned that he needs to support his parents which I later found out was total rubbish. To not waste my time in litigation i agreed to pay. I made him wait one day for the payment and he sent me a bill of exorbitant interest. This time I had had enough and put my lawyer onto him which resulted in him slamming the phone down and was never to be heard from again.Who brings a dog that is being rehabilited into a busy restaurant and does not watch it like a hawk.Please take my word for it that he is a piece of work and dont use
Save it James, or perhaps you don't fully understand the phrase "CAPTURED ON VIDEO?" A public statement at this time is highly ill-advised, but I don't mind so much that you've got an idiot, self-serving, attention-seeking attorney.
PaulAndMuttley replied on 07/23/2011 6:22 AM
rated by 0 users
I just received an email from James Lech and he explained a few things that were not presented in the media account. I won't go into detail here, and he plans a public statement as soon as he finishes with a national dog expo. Perhaps he would be willing to participate in discussion here. I was going to say more, but I'll reserve that for private messages or email until James can present his public statement.
"He also mentioned that he needs to support his parents which I later found out was total rubbish. "
great. another fucking con artist dog nutter. he will be added to the list along with kris crawford.
Watch closely and one can see the child leave her table. When she does so, the dog rises and locks on her. The dog was not "looking in the other direction", he was tracking the child.
The handler is clearly preoccupied and chatting away. Was the self proclaimed expert oblivious to the dog's focus? Later in the video we once again see the dog staring intently, the child is off camera at that point, however, it appears that the child enters the frame again from the same angle the dog was locked on. There was no surprise here. The dog was very clear in his intensity. But hey, I'm no expert.
i would go so far as to say that the rott was stalking prey.
but hey, i'm not expert either.
james lech should be hung from the highest tree.
Who can forget Steven Woods and his faux PTSD Service Mimi, and how the Pit Community rallied to raise $17,000 to save her. Then the truth came out that Woods had never deployed.
Mimi is back in the news after attacking a man and his pregnant wife. The man had to stab Mimi to stop the attack. Unfortunately, Mimi had also been used for Maulspawning.
Disclaimer**I am not making this up
omg!!! once again i could not agree more with craven! mr. no dog is too much for me to handle is a dangerous sociopath con-artist!!! he promotes normal apbt's to be happy pack animals!!! i do think he probably does have a way with animals because he scares the fuck out of them!!! but if the general public tries to replicate his techniques someone will get hurt!!! public enemy #1 to pit bulls i think!!! i really hate this man. i do like his walking techniques and i do use the illusion collars his wife designed. they are fantastic!
Another girl attacked at the beach by Lecher's "Service" Rott during a "Pack Walk".
James...Please euthanize and get a real job!
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