DR ROZSA, did your neighbor's sheep look like this?

the virginia alpaca owner came home and found her herd devastated, the blood thirsty killers still on her property, bloody and tails a waggin'.

ALONZO NORMAN, the owner of the two psychopaths pictured above, claims that his dogs didn't do it. sure they got out but they only came over because they smelled the animals. ALONZO NORMAN doesn't think his dogs savaged the alpacas because they're gentle creatures who have never shown any sign of violence before.
the victim is planning to file a civil suit. she estimates her damages at over $100,000. ALONZO NORMAN says sucks to be you, Abbey. i ain't got it!
Thanks craven for blogging this, despite how hard the pictures are to look at.
For those of us with experience with dogs of gentler breeds fit to be near humans and other animals, I'm guessing most of us cannot fathom our dogs finding this disfiguring and killing to be fun or remotely attractive as an activity. For fuck sake, my dog has never shown aggression unless humped or body checked by a strange dog, he loves and cuddles and licks cats, he pulls toward squirrels with a wagging tail and whines like he would like to be their friend.....normal dogs don't do this to random animals and to pit nutters that disagree and say this could be any random breed...I say fuck you and please show us 1 story remotely like this for every 5 we can show you of this being done by a gripping dog.
Such irony....alpacas are more tightly regulated than the pit bulls that did this to them. I've been near a few alpacas. They are interesting animals. I would be a bit concerned if an alpaca was running lose in my neighborhood, but I would not be afraid of it taking a bee line toward people or dogs and mauling them at all, let alone in this fashion. Hell, let regulated miniature ponies, chickens, rabbits, bobcats.....the list of better alternatives is huge.... lose in my neighborhood versus these dogs.
some dingbat nutter in the comments is trying to blame COYOTES!
great comment
"A woman who works at one of the largest animal hospitals in the LM told me that if you removed all the vet bills associated with pit bull attacks on other dogs, many vets would have to retire much later than they will now.
It's always about money in the end. I'm sure the SPCA rely on plenty of pit bull calls to keep them busy too..... so sad when this happens.
To Budders, nothing is real you know that, not 911, not this recent attack on a little girl in White Rock, nothing, the suicides are all fakes too,,,, Budders you should Go Ask Alice when your mind is playing tricks on you, and when the white knight is talking backwards, just Go ask Alice when she's 10 feet tall...."
Found here
maybe it was pair of deadly poms or a trio of prankster chihuahuas that conspired to get those innocent shitbulls in trouble. they had their fun and then hid ,watching and sniggering as the nice pitties came over to investigate the ruckus and got the blame . IT IS POSSIBLE !!!
ive noticed, vets never speak up about pit-bulls...... specially the rich ones. i quess pit-bulls refer a lot of doggy clients to them.
re : the story about the girl in white rock bitten by a shit bull and miss universe canada who is calling for something more to be done about the ridiculous problem of idiots and their mauling machines. some cretinous caller says that miss universe at the age of eleven should not have been staring at the pit that ripped her chest open.
fuck , these people are dumber than their dogs .
13 out of 15 alpacas.
I think if I came home to that bloodbath, I might have to move. I don't know if I could be comfortable there anymore. ESPECIALLY if my neighbor demanded and got his dogs back.
Think they'll return the pit bulls? I hope not.
So all these animals are found mutilated in their pasture and the neighbor's pit bulls are present, but the pit bull owner says the pit bulls didn't do it?
Somebody tell this moron that if this lie didn't work for that POS Dr. Asshole Rozsa, it isn't going to work for him.
im pretty sure coyotes , or any other predator that possibly could have done this , dont kill by chewing off an animals face . this is typical grip and rip and chew, shit-bull M.O. this is what they were bred to with bears and other large animals and then later , to other dogs . since no one was around , it seems that these alpacas suffered , probably for hours and the shitbulls were so exhausted after all the frenzied mauling , they couldnt climb back out of the enclosure . the dogs should have got a shotgun blast in the face as they wagged their tired tails .
I know alpacas are smaller than llamas, but llamas are actually used as herd guardians for flocks of smaller animals like sheep and goats.
I was admiring some beautiful llamas at a local agricultural fair a few years back, and struck up a conversation with the farmer. He told me a story of coming home one night and hearing a comotion in his field. He shone his truck lights into the pasture and found his llama herd, surrounding a coyote that had wandered into the field. The herd had formed a circle around the coyote, trapping it, and a big male llama was in the middle, trying to stomp the coyote to death.
Camelids have an instictive dislike of canines, and are fiercely protective of their babies and herd mates....they have strong social bonds. In a herd of 13 alpacas, the big males would be easily able to fend off a coyote or two.
Also, there is no evidence the alpacas were eaten, just mutilated. Wild predators don't expend precious energy harrassing and killing livestock for fun....if a coyote kills something, he would eat it. It's risk vs. reward, and wild animals don't have the luxury of risking injury and exhaustion from the hunt without a caloric payoff.
Well fed domestic dogs are the ones who will worry and bite livestock for entertainment. And again, few dog breeds would be able to take on an entire herd of large camelids without getting stomped and bitten, and eventually run off. Even if you wanted to postulate that another type of dog did this, you would probably be looking at puncture wounds. These injuries are clearly the work of a gripping dog with great strength.....a dog would have to clamp down, and tug to remove the alpacas entire jaw, face, and bone structure.
This is a classic example of a gripping dog injury...an animal bred for bull baiting. In many horse attacks by pit bulls, we have seen that pit bulls seem to go for the horses face. I cannot fathom the justification for continuing to breed these dogs, much less claming they are appropiate as "pets".
these pictures are enough to make me sick...poor gentle creatures, and what's worse, the POS mutant looks a lot like the one that got my child...
Unlike llamas, alpacas are fairly defenseless against predators. They're more like sheep on long legs.
But this is not predation, it's killing for fun. I mean, how long would a predator species survive if it killed off all of its food source?
I know farmers who have had "coyote problems" and they notice it because every so often they're missing a lamb. If a pair moves in with young, they'll start missing more and more. I've never heard of coyotes, or any natural predator, just slaughtering a bunch like this. It would make no survival sense. Whatever did this kill had energy to spare, and was likely getting the best of kibble to fuel it.
the llamas' injuries look exactly like this ukrainian pit fighter's injuries.
testing for intelligence is not enuf , personality and psychological testing too, should be prerequisite for mutant ownership. then again, why would a normal individual who is informed about these dogs choose to own them anyway ? just skip the testing and fail all applicants .
thanks, cesar DOG WHISPERER for making every idiot mutant owner think hes an expert on dogs and can understand and predict what his/her mutant is going to do .
these idiot posters that pop up everytime a shitbull shreds something/someone , make me wanna puke
Snarky's genius once again,
" why would a normal individual who is informed about these dogs choose to own them anyway ? just skip the testing and fail all applicants"
Thank you for being the voice of reason.
As someone who lives on farmland in the south, I can tell you that most farmers here would have gone past the shotgun to grab the riffle. Also, any type of natural predator here would have culled one or two and left next to nothing (maybe just bones).
snarky is on fire again.
too bad we can not set ALONZO NORMAN on fire.
im just sure there has to be a special place in hell for the alonzo's and the dr rozsa's. to know what theyve done and still sit proudly on their high horses, shows what they are. yeah , they should fritter and fry for awhile.
cesar is the ultimate lion tamer. he is always talking about pits and rotts being the "gladiators". he knows what they are but he thinks people have harness their power and violence.
his website is full of propaganda. every mythical famous pit bull owner is on it. you'd think with a staff and a webmaster, they would do basic fact checking.
GARRETT RUSSO, dog trainer
I estimate Medical & Veterinary bills related to injuries caused by pit bulls in the Tompkins Square dog run in 2011, $140,000.00. Estimated Medical (human) & Veterinary (canine) bills from all other breeds and mixed breeds combined during the same period, $5,000.00. (Estimate gathered from reports to by owners to the dog park association.)
I'm reading this interesting post about Cesar now.
People who favor science-based medicine have started body counts for famous celebs (jenny mccarthy notably) who advocate not vaccinating your children against disease.
Perhaps Cesar deserves his own body count. I can't believe people take him seriously, and its scary how many people think it perverse to question the dog whisperer.
heres someone contemplating a darwinian payback of karmic excellence. these owners who's dogs have shredded defenseless farm animals wake up to find their faces gone. oops.....gargles cretinous pitter...... those cravenites were not wrong after all.
So the guy says that the woman is out of luck, that he does not have $100,000. Seize/auction his home, vehicle(s), and all other assets until the $100,000 is reached. It would bother me in the least to see this pit nutter turned out onto the street. This may just be the lesson he needs, he won't learn any other way.
Alonzo Norman is a POS and an idiot if he thinks his dogs did not do this. Any person who has ever owned a dog of any breed has seen how they will lick themselves clean if they get grease, blood, etc on themselves. Most livestock killing dogs are found without blood on them. He knows damn well his dogs did this and he is worried about his wallet. I listened to the phone interview with him and it is no doubt he is a POS human with only regard for himself who admits he let at least one of his dogs run loose because "it stays in the yard". I lost a pet goat to our neighbor's dog and people should be held criminally and financially liable for what their dogs do, especially when they CHOOSE to let them run loose. There is a reason myself and other farmers follow the 3S rule. (shoot, shovel and shut up about it) because these dogs always come back to kill more, their owners never take responsibility and animal control sadly are usually on the side of the irresponsible dog owner.
i don't believe that alonzo norman is worried about his wallet. he has also openly stated "sucks to be you!" to his neighbors and i have seen the trailer that he lives in. i can't imagine the alpaca owners getting anything out of this.
for people living in rural areas, i think the 3S is the best route, especially with the surge in B12 starved bottom feeding animal rights lawyers who want to make everything a federal case and in the process try to elevate the status of dogs. the problem with pit bulls, these mutants are usually contained, the owners are not allowing them yo roam, they can not secure them.
oh, and regarding the lack of blood... he has not shown anyone the ACO report that he claims to be quoting from. we have only the ALONZO NORMAN, THE NUTTER'S word for this. and that means the chances are he is lying.
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