Monday, September 10, 2012

graphic: psychopathic pit bull attacks normal dog


paging stinger....



vintage said...

Waggin' that tail the whole time!

US Pit Bull Body Count is now up to 343

Fatal Pit Bull Attacks

Please update Casket Stacking pile to approximately: 837.58 Ft

Pomeranian stack remains at 23 inches.

That is all.

*Disclaimer...You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Rumpelstiltskin said...

That's what happens when you mix "gripping dog" with douche bag. The mix is more like magnetic attraction.

Another reason I don't associate with pit bull owners. You're pretty much guaranteed the pit bull has a douche bag attached at the end of the leash. So there's really no point in associating with them.

DubV said...

Wow, nutter is obviously either afraid of his dog, enjoying this, or can't do shit.

The life of a gentle mutt is worth that of every pit bull in the US that is aggressive to toward other dogs or people. And said stray's life is worth more than many randomly selected pit bulls in a stack.

Does anyone know about the laws regarding defending strays from an owned dog? It probably varies by state, but given dog's property status, if you saw something like this and shot the owned pit to save the stray, then I wouldn't be surprised if you'd get into trouble. I suppose you could always claim that you thought the dog had an owner but he got away from him or her.

Your Quiet Neighbor said...

Interesting that you mention stray dogs, DubV. This morning, I was chased by one while I was bicycling.

True confession: When I got home, I did not call animal control. Why not? Because I know from past experience that they take their sweet ole time about responding. So, why even bother?

Of course, this is exactly what the animal rights whack-jobs want. And our tax dollars are paying for it.

S.K.Y. said...

Wow--I missed at first that this took place in Turkey, and didn't see the ending where the seriously injured street dog was thrown into the sea and left to drown.

Yep, after 5 years of living in Turkey, I can definitely say that this looks like 100% of pit bull dog owners in Turkey. I'd guess pit bulls now make up about 20% or more of all Turkish dogs, and they're virtually all with first-time dog owners in a culture that has never owned dogs. Talk about owners who have no idea how to train or control a dog. They routinely walk slavering and lunging pit bulls in public parks wearing nothing but a piece of twine for a collar and leash... if the dog is leashed at all.

This is one major reason I moved back to the U.S. Here, pits are about 4% of all dogs, and even fewer where I live (relatively upscale Midwestern village outside a university town). And as dismal as the leash laws are in the U.S., they're infinitely better than NO leash laws, NO lawsuits and NO personal responsibility that is practiced in Turkey.

CrashedLife said...

This is an old video?? And the website you posted, is from the same person that started and maintains the dogs.bite website. She has several, that post the same things, all on different self-made web sites. The only way to get true dog bite/attack info. is from the CDC. The CDC states there is no way to keep accurate track of stats on any and all breeds.
But I suppose the websites you use, ran by the same person/people have better capacity to do so?

S.K.Y. said...

I must ammend this to "pit bulls are about 20% of all OWNED Turkish dogs." The VAST VAST majority of dogs in Turkey are street dogs. There are an estimated 60,000-100,000 street dogs in Istanbul alone. I'm assuming a few million for the whole country. As for pet dogs, I would guess no more than 20,000 in Istanbul, basing my extrapolation from the human and owned dog populations in neighborhoods where I lived and visited frequently. And of these, I'm guessing that about 4,000 are pit bulls. Being a big city, rather than a suburb, virtually all of these dogs are leash walked and taken out to the parks, so they are highly visible.

Miss Margo said...

SKY: If you have any knowledge about how all those strays came to be, would you please share? Is there no spay/neuter and no animal control bureaucracy, or what? I know that the global economy sucks and that Turkey wasn't the richest country in modern times, animal control just a total first world problem, or what?

I traveled to Cuba a few years ago (LEGALLY!!!), and there was a huge stray dog population in Havana and smaller one in Santiago. I was surprised--I have no idea how the dogs ate. The Cubans I saw were not starving, but they had zero food to throw away or feed dogs. And no kibble.

Anyway, this video made me sick.

Jake said...

@crashed life -

"the only place to get accurate info on dog attacks is from the CDC" - which no longer tracks dog attack data by breed. In other words, we must get all our information about dog attacks from a source which is silent on the matter.

Oh, that makes a lot of sense.

So, do you really believe there is no way to find out which breeds are responsible for the most serious attacks because you heard that someone at the CDC said so? If so, this is truly a case of believing what you want to believe.

Fortunately, there are concerned citizens who don't accept the bureaucratic incompetence or laziness that says there's no way to know about these things.

More than one group is now monitoring dog attack reports, drilling down for more information, and keeping records. We now have a large and growing body of information about dog attacks, by breed, and by area.

If you're a pit pusher, of course you don't like the facts, and do everything you can to suppress them, and to attack those who publish them.

But with images, videos, and statements from police, ACO, witnesses, victims, and grieving friends and family, it's getting much harder for you people to deny that these are pit bull attacks. So you amp up the volume on your shrill, hysterical attacks on victims. I have to tell you, this sad spectacle isn't winning anybody over, it's just making you look crazy.

Welcome to the information age.

Opalina said...

Brilliant commentary, Jake.

And I would also like to know the issues with Turkey.

To Crashed Life: Nutter, be Gone. I grow tired of your conversation.

DubV said...

"This is an old video?? And the website you posted, is from the same person that started and maintains the dogs.bite website. She has several, that post the same things, all on different self-made web sites. "

No, shit, she made liveleaks? Wow, that's impressive.

Typical nutter. Can't believe more than 1 person disagrees with them enough to make a site and that even if one person has more than one site, that it is a point in their favor at all. It's about whose argument is most correct, nutter.

Miss Margo said...

"Typical nutter. Can't believe more than 1 person disagrees with them enough to make a site and that even if one person has more than one site, that it is a point in their favor at all. It's about whose argument is most correct, nutter."

DubV, this is the reason I seldom engage with nutters on internet comments threads anymore. There is no meaningful exchange with them--not even hostile exchange! They just barf out their Pit-Nutter form letter and move on.

Jake said...

That's an insightful observation Miss Margo. Despite that, I couldn't help responding, since a sane reply might be informative for someone reading through the archives some day.

S.K.Y. said...

The issues with Turkey (this will take two posts): Turkey has been known for having a huge street dog population since at least Medieval times. Who knows where they came from originally? They could have come with the Byzantine Christians during the Eastern Roman Empire times from around 400-1200 A.D. But Turks were thought to be friendly to dogs, so didn't kill off the street dogs at that time like most other people.

Fast-forward to today. Turkey has virtually NO enforcement of ANY laws. They have the same laws as the U.S. (or better), but there is absolutely zero enforcement. Sidewalks routinely have sudden 4' drop-offs with no signage, no yellow paint and no railings. A wheelchair couldn't get 5' on a Turkish sidewalk. Babies are always carried in arms of unseatbelted passengers in cars. Pit bulls are allowed to roam freely at parks, threatening and lunging at passers-by. No-smoking laws are seldom enforced, and offices and restaurants contain a thick haze of smoke. Cars turn across pedestrian green light crossings at 30 mph, scattering schoolchildren and cursing the kids for daring to cross at the pedestrian green light when "the car is king." Etc.

Turkish law follows WHO recommendations on street dogs. Every municipality is supposed to capture street dogs, spay/neuter, vaccinate for rabies, put in an ear tag, then release the dog where found. My neighborhood was one of the few who actually did these things. Typically, municipal employees or mayors pocket the money and do one or more of the following: put out poisoned meat to kill all the dogs and cats on a regular basis; send out shooters at night into urban neighborhoods to shoot animals on sight; round up the dogs and release them in "the countryside" where there is no food or trash available, and where villagers will shoot them to protect their livestock; bury them alive in forests (Turkish news channels verify this if you look on YouTube). Sometimes they round them up and put them in these awful "shelters," some of which I have volunteered to clean for the day. Upwards of 2000 or so dogs housed 50 or so to a pen. Nobody spayed/neutered; dogs with mange and other communicable diseases; dogs dangling a raw bone where they once had a leg (victim of car accident, gangrene, etc.); newborn puppies in the same pen with starving adult dogs. These dogs get zero medical treatment. Some contract pest-control (cockroach) companies to do the spays/neuters. (There's no law that a vet has to do the surgery--and Turkish vets even only have 4 year degrees so that most can't even do spay/neuter anyway, only give shots and run corner pet shops selling puppies & kittens). The municipalities can hire anyone they want to do the surgery. These dogs are spayed/neutered to follow the law, then dumped back on their streets an hour later to die of sepsis. I found one dog that had been spayed and dumped. She was a GSD-sized dog and they'd given her just two stitches to hold her together. (I got her medical care and found her a home with Americans).

To be continued...

S.K.Y. said...

(Continued from previous comment)

Few people want pets, but NOBODY wants a street animal. They are considered filthy, aggressive, evil, etc. (In reality, they are almost all very people-friendly if people actually approach them). Anyway, people don't want a dog because they like dogs, but only as a status symbol, which means a purebred.

Different purebreds get popular each year. Typically, Turks get a pet store puppy and keep it for a few months. They don't know about spay/neuter, and Turkish vets never recommend it. So any female comes in heat. They also have NO clue how to housetrain a dog or teach it not to bark and chew. (People would contact me weekly complaining that their puppy wanted to go outside to go potty as much as "once a day". Wasn't that "excessive"??? They think puppies are like snakes, which poop once a month or so.) Also, people in Istanbul typically are away from home for 12-14 hours a day what with the long workday, long lunch, and 2-3 hour commutes.

So after a few months of living with pee/poop/barking complaints/etc., they pass the dog along to somebody with a puppy mill, or release it onto the streets, or give it to a cousin who lives "in the country" and will let it roam.

My first year, all my dog-owning neighbors had Dalmatians. The next year, all the Dals had disappeared, and everybody has Huskies. Then it was Goldens. Then what they call "terriers," which are really a mix similar to a Cockapoo. And now Pit bulls and other muscle breeds (Rotties, Dogos, Presa Canarios, Cane Corsos, etc.)

Turkey only started a dog registry and shows in 2010. Being the only experienced show person in the country, I tried to get involved to set controls on muscle breeds (which were not common at that point), excessive breeding, etc. I was snubbed for being an American and a woman (and an expert who knew more than any of the men on their board of directors).

The first show was mainly hunting dogs from the countryside. Within a year, the shows easily became 70% or so muscle breeds. As these won, they started breeding and selling them like hotcakes. Turkey has a national BSL law, and I tried to get the national club to respect it. (It's totally unenforced). I sent them links to Craven, DogsBite, etc. with lots of gory photos and video and statistics. To spite me, they started actively promoting the breeding of muscle breeds and lobbying for repeal of the BSL law.

They've all turned into pit nutters of the type found in the U.S. They regularly protest the BSL on the streets of Istanbul, insinuating that somebody is gonna come club all their muscle breeds to death if BSL is enforced. (In reality, existing dogs are grandfathered in; it only demands they be spayed/neutered).

And that's when I left Turkey (in June) and moved to small-town Wisconsin... There are VERY few pits here. I've only seen one pit mix walking with an upscale suburban family one time, and not a single other one. Everybody here has Goldens, Yorkies, Dachshunds, Pointers, and non-Pit mixed breeds of the hound or Border Collie type. So glad to be out of the pet hell that is Turkey!

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

disturbing. i wouldn't have lasted a week in turkey.

Packhorse said...

I just got some spam mail from the pit-centric Nashville PAW. They're wanting me to buy their new t-shirt, which features a gripping dog, a horse, and a cat along with the slogan "Compassion for All." (Interestingly, the pit bull is not hanging off the horse's face or shaking the cat in its mouth.)

To add to the irony, despite Nashville Paw's pious slogan "Compassion for All," they serve up meat at their fundraising events--LMAO!

No compassion for factory farmed animals. No compassion for the human & animal victims of gripping dogs.

Miss Margo said...

Sharon, thank you for sharing all of that. It was a fascinating read.

I can't wait to visit Turkey as a traveler--I'm a big history and Ataturk fan--but I can't picture living there.

And like you, I noted that street dogs in Cuba and Mexico are pretty friendly. You'd think that they'd be feral, but I petted some and they loved it and hung out with me as long as I was giving them attention. There was this little white one who followed me back to the hotel...uh sad memory.

Welcome home, Sharon.

S.K.Y. said...

Margo, definitely visit Turkey. It's a paradise for history buffs like you and me. I love Turkey--just not that Turks. :-) Living there for 5 years and visiting museums and historic places a few times a month, I had barely scratched the surface.

BTW, in the areas of Istanbul with the monuments, etc., you will see well-cared-for, and even FAT, street dogs. The shopkeepers know to treat the dogs well so tourists won't complain and will come back. So it's not too depressing. It's only in the residential areas and factory districts that you'll see the huge amounts of starving/injured/diseased street dogs that I'm talking about in my posts.

If you ever do travel there, contact me and I can draw you up an itinerary based on your budget and interest. A free service provided to all fellow BSL and Ataturk enthusiasts. :-)

(Ataturk was a big fan of dogs and had several pet dogs with him almost all the time).

CrashedLife said...

"More than one group is now monitoring dog attack reports, drilling down for more information, and keeping records. We now have a large and growing body of information about dog attacks, by breed, and by area."

Your sources? Please? that are not from the same person.
This would be like a person saying, "Such and such candidate is the best ... because THIS site said so, and THIS OTHER site said so ..."
Just to find out, all the sites are from the SAME people/person!

I am not a pit nutter, LOL! I am a citizen of the USA, educator, health care provider, mother, and daughter.
I found this blog, as I was googling information on different dog breeds.
What are you saying exactly, to me, here? Without the name calling and labeling? I surely hope I am not the only reader and or respondent that will not take a "BLOGGERS" facts as truth.
I research, not just for my own information, but also as a professional.
Help me understand the facts, from unbiased, and various references.
YES!! it is an OLD video. For someone researching dog information, I want current events, not an old story, that is not unique, compared to other dog breeds.
I have found videos, and news clips on dogs, from little lap dogs to Great Danes. The CURRENT info. always makes a greater impression on audiences.
Anyway, thank you, hope you can answer my questions, I am hoping to adopt a dog very soon!

scurrilous amateur blogger said...

dear citizen of the USA, educator, health care provider, mother, and daughter,


please take that sanctimonious bullshit over to nutterville. you know, that place where they counter the flood of CURRENT pit bull attacks with pomeranian attacks from 2000 and wax poetic about a boston terrier war hero from 1917 and tv star from the 1930's and of course america's dog!


locking jaws


nanny dogs

the first vicious dog

buster brown's TIGE

and most importantly, FOLLOW EVERY LINK.

Miss Margo said...

Thank you, Sharon! I definitely will contact you before I go there. WOOOO sounds like fun!

CrashedLife said...

I am sorry, I do not see your facts, maybe someone with more knowledge of the facts, can answer my post.
Name calling is not an appropriate response to my questions, and I am beginning to think this is how it will continue here. Unprofessional, name calling, hateful responders ... to real questions?? This is obviously not the place to talk to responsible adults. I am so sorry for bothering you.
I have matured from play ground antics, and hope to find an answer from someone of the same mentality.

Miss Margo said...


Who, exactly, are you educating? Since you are apparently incapable of utilizing the most basic research tools, like GOOGLE, I hope you're not educating anyone beyond the 3rd grade.

Actually, after re-reading your comment, I think that pre-school is more appropriate for your KSA. There is hope as long as the kids are young enough to be ILLITERATE. Because your comment is almost INCOHERENT.

If English is not your native language, I will apologize.

Please share more of your incandescent questions and insights with us.

DubV said...


Where did you ask serious questions from the standpoint of a person honestly inquiring about both sides?

You didn't.

I know it is hard to believe, but we can see through your little game here like water running down a drain.

CrashedLife said...

Miss Mango,
Hi! U R da whitter of dis blog, rwight?
"Who, exactly, are you educating? Since you are apparently incapable of utilizing the most basic research tools, like GOOGLE, I hope you're not educating anyone beyond the 3rd grade."

Give me PROOF of my inabilitey 2 google, pweez. I'll take UR advisce into considorasion.

"Actually, after re-reading your comment, I think that pre-school is more appropriate for your KSA. There is hope as long as the kids are young enough to be ILLITERATE. Because your comment is almost INCOHERENT."

Sorery, don't undrstandz.

"If English is not your native language, I will apologize."

Thansh U!

"Please share more of your incandescent questions and insights with us."

My question?? Who are your resources other than Colleen Lynn or those that belong with her media group!!
OMG!! that is ENGLISH!! in a question!!! That you ignore!!

CrashedLife said...

Hi! I googled "pit bull" and here are the FIRST websites that appeared:

1) Pit bull - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) Truth about Pit Bull Terriers, Training Help, Pictures, Resources ...

3) American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bulls, Pitbulls

4) The Truth About Pitbulls

(this is a mockery video)

7) Pit Bulls and Parolees : Animal Planet

8) Pit Bull Rescue Central

Miss Mango,
Do you or your blog followers have any evidence to disprove my "google" search?
The above have FACTS regarding pit bulls!
Thank you for your concern. You questioned my ability to
"google", and my language. The above should meet your expectations.
What are your credentials as a Pit Bull educator?
Thank you again :)

Dayna said...

If you want current, CrashedLife, why don't you just read a newspaper? If you go to Dogs bite Decatur Al, all the links to the actual news stories are provided. Or you can just go get your Pit Bull, sounds like you've already made up your mind anyways. I wish your neighbors luck.

CrashedLife said...

As an adult, that CAN answer questions ...
"Help me understand the facts, from unbiased, and various references." from Crashedlife, as noted in above post.

DubV ... where do you see right thru me? I answered your question, without prejudice.

april 29 said...

CrashedLife, you are not satisfied with communication or information from this blog. You are firmly attached to the pitter tendency to call everyone that does not agree with you Colleen Lynn. Any fact that does not agree with your agenda, this must come from Colleen Lynn. Newsflash.... Ms Lynn does not run Liveleak. Ms. Lynn is not the only person who reads the news and notes pit bull mauling deaths. Please review the blogs to the right of this comment space. These blogs do not come from Colleen Lynn, these blogs are written by victims, or skeptics, or people who are unable to enjoy a normal life in their community because they are constantly on the lookout for menacing dogs. These dogs are not Beagles or Poodles, or even Chihuahuas, they are mostly pit bulls and pit mixes. Don't even start with the "nobody can identify a pit bull" nonesense.

CrashedLife said "Anyway, thank you, hope you can answer my questions, I am hoping to adopt a dog very soon!" You are a pit bull advocate, not a person with questions on an appropriate dog for a family. You have been given a great deal of information but it does not fit the breed specific advocacy agenda. Please go back to AFF, NCRC, KCdogblog and report in. You know, those "unbiased informational websites." And kick the pit bull off the couch....

CrashedLife said...

Dayna Hamilton said...

"If you want current, CrashedLife, why don't you just read a newspaper? If you go to Dogs bite Decatur Al, all the links to the actual news stories are provided. Or you can just go get your Pit Bull, sounds like you've already made up your mind anyways. I wish your neighbors luck."

Hi Dayna Hamilton!

I did go to the websites listed here. They are all affiliated from the same person or web designer, Colleen Lynn. As a person that investigates, and researches FACTS, this is not enough to convince me that pit bulls are the horrifying animals claimed here. Why?? Because it is obviously biased!! The news feeds linked here, do not provide a source, and/or do not disprove that the same amount of dog attacks by other breeds are just the same or more, in the current NEWS.

I do not understand why this is so hard for the respondants on this blog to understand.

No, I have not made up my mind yet! No one here has been able to provide FACTS from unbiased resources as to why I should not adopt an APBT!

I am not the only person that is researching a dog. I am not the only person that wants facts. I also have asked those that own pit bulls, they were nicer people!

This is your time to prove to someone that your stance on abolishing pit bulls has been properly researched from reliable sources.

I have not known anyonethat was bit by or attacked by a pit bull.

I do know personally ... my niece was attacked by a Rottweiler, my cousin by a Springer Spaniel, and myself by a German Shepard.

CrashedLife said...

april 29,

I have NOT received any communication that has not included references to me being illiterate, a pit nutter, a pitter, etc. Come ON!
That is bizarre. Anyone here able to give me a respectful response?
If not, I am saddened by this. Your stance on pit bulls cannot be taken seriously with the rude comments.
Would you go to court in front of a judge and jury and sling the same labels?
No, you would not! Why? because you would want to be taken as an adult with values, character, and respect.

Rumpelstiltskin said...

CrashedLife said, "This is an old video?? And the website you posted, is from the same person that started and maintains the dogs.bite website. She has several, that post the same things."

BSL happens when the citizens are tired of reading about and watching pit bulls attack people and/or their pets.

Blame it on the media all you want, pit bulls are still doing the mauling and killing.

CrashedLife asks for sources. For me, it's common sense. When you understand who created the pit bull breed, what is breed specific behavior, what is genetics, what is the concept behind working breed dogs, why pit bulls exist, what type of people own and advocate pit bulls, and what groups and people scream out the propaganda, it becomes very clear.

CrashedLife says, "I research, not just for my own information, but also as a professional."

After reading your comments, I'm going to have to call you a liar.

Like I point out to people who post on here who are ignorant to knowledge and education...Please read the articles here and do not take offense if you are a pit nutter, I know you will ;), you'll actually learn a few things.

CrashedLife says, "YES!! it is an OLD video."

Older than YOU? LOL! I'm not sure how many stars have to be aligned to actually get a pit bull attack on video tape (many more than being a victim of a pit bull attack). They are practically instant (to the victim), but they do last a while. Maybe it's the gameness and aggression of the pit bull or maybe it's the desire of the victim on the receiving end to live.

If you like research, there is an 8 minute video made by an amateur Brazilian producer with a camera phone of some sort where a Curbita man is being "gripped" by his pit bull nanny dog. I love watching pit bull owners getting the business end when a pit bull decides to act on its genetic instinct. GOOGLE it if you dare! LOL!

CrashedLife says, "Give me PROOF of my inabilitey 2 google, pweez."

The fact that you're here posting is proof. LOL!

As far as resources, CURRENT NEWS, POLICE REPORTS, VICTIM STATEMENTS, WITNESS STATEMENTS, HOSPITAL REPORTS, and OBITUARIES. and a few other organizations collect, cite, and report them. It's hard to deny facts when they're staring you in the you've resorted to throwing a temper tantrum at Craven Desires? Very funny.

To be honest, even Craven Desires is cited very well. Much of the information here is based on and quoted from YOUR OWN PEOPLE! EAT IT UP BITCH! EDUCATE YOURSELF!

Rumpelstiltskin said...

CrashLife says, "No, I have not made up my mind yet! No one here has been able to provide FACTS from unbiased resources as to why I should not adopt an APBT!"


I'd be willing to bet, in your area, 80% of the dogs are pit bulls. Please, pass up on the safer dogs and go right for the PIT BULLS...Oh wait, they're not pit bulls, they are "Lab-Boxer mix", bait dogs, or the oddly familiar "square jawed, muscular short-haired brindle Border Collie" mix.

Be sure to take your pit bull to the dog park so you can empty it out in less than 1 minute. Or if you're lucky enough to be in the presence of another pit bull owner and you two can ponder when the real dog fight will start. Michael Vic will be there throwing money down on one of your dogs.

After that, you can trade pit bull safety advice with Darla Napora.

Miss Margo said...

CrashedLife: Facts are not biased, you dummy.

You don't "research" shit. You just look for material which confirms your own beliefs. Talk about being BIASED.

april 29 said...

CrashedLife, I was rude to you when? You are not looking for information you are looking for an argument.

You are unable to accept that Colleen Lynn does not write all the blogs listed to the right of this comment form, what is your problem? You are not getting the response you desire and are not likely to. Find a blog that suits you.

I am going to say something rude to you now, get the tin foil out of your hat. Every post on links to the news article that was the basis for the post. Please feel free to badger the reporters with your "questions." Every post on this blog links in a similar manner. Read for yourself and stop bothering adults. It is time to stop feeding the troll.

Miss Margo said...

Adopt away, CrashedLife. The shelters are overflowing with them. Give one a good home.

It will probably be a good pet. Unless it isn't.

Come back in 3 years and let us know how it worked out for you.

Miss Margo said...

haaaaahahahhahahah Rumpel TY

CrashedLife said...

Please note the respondents here, and the owner/writer of this blog, are unable to restrain themselves from regressing to the most innate, unevolved capacity of the human brain.
This part of the brain is in the frontal cortex. In certain diseases, or accidents, the frontal cortex takes over the higher complex level of thinking. Ones ability to communicate in an advanced manner, comprehend, and sustain from inappropiate urges is delayed or permanently damaged.
Those affected often use inappropriate language, have extremely high sexual urges, and eat ex large quantities of food. Also, they are unable to comprehend higher levels of thinking or language.
Due to the above, I am unable to continue a humane level of conversation.
They are unaware of this digression, it is best to be empathetic, and move on.

Miss Margo said...

sorry, I forgot to sign off--

"Miss Mango"
My name rhymes with a fruit. So witty, so many lulz!

Rumpelstiltskin said...

CrashLife says, "They are unaware of this digression, it is best to be empathetic, and move on."

I am well aware. I did it ON PURPOSE. Your disingenuous tone is thinly veiled and easy to spot. I can only imagine you giggling like a 10 year old school girl while writing your stupid comments.


Miss Margo,

Thank you. ;)

CrashedLife said...

Why were my some of posts edited or deleted? I posted undisputable facts, but someone here left them out of the comments.

Rumpelstiltskin said...


And maybe, just maybe YOUR PIT BULL ATE YOUR HOMEWORK?!

I think it actually says "Comment Deleted" if your comment is deleted. Are you a paranoid pit nutter? Most pit nutters are.

Is it the moronic and trite, "all dogs bite" or the "a Pomeranian killed a baby once", "don't discriminate my pibbles" post? If you haven't read, there's the pit bull profiling topic right above this one which would be the most appropriate place to post it. *rolls eyes*

It's one of the basic traits shared by pit nutters. Paranoia, ignorance, paranoia, "lost" posts, lost homework, lost in their mauling machine's eyes, etc.

Seriously, I think you've misplaced it, but I could be wrong.

Dayna said...

@ CrashedLife, like I said before, I wish your neighbors luck. Especially in light of your unwillingness to look at news reports, tons of them, and to be able to admit that there just might be something to worry about here. I'm positive that when your sweet little pit gets loose and kills the neighbors dog or cat or bites a kid you'll refuse to accept any blame or responsibility. I would put money on it.

DubV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DubV said...

Earth to Crashedlife dipshit,

I wrote...

"Where did you ask serious questions from the standpoint of a person honestly inquiring about both sides?"

You respond by pointing to this quote from you:

"Help me understand the facts, from unbiased, and various references."

That is not a question. That is a demand or request. It is obvious that you are coming here with your mind made up and now you want us to spend time to describe our position not just on one thing BUT OVERALL so that you can get attention, waste our time, and then piss on our efforts. Fuck off.

DubV said...

"I did go to the websites listed here. They are all affiliated from the same person or web designer, Colleen Lynn."

You cannot know this. Are you expecting me to believe you or some other nutter is a tech whiz and traced all these back to the same computer terminal? These blogs link to each other sometimes. The writers often know each other on some level and also comment on each other's blogs. You are wrong. You are looking for a conspiracy where there is none. You are a dimwit.

What about all the commenters here? Are we all Ms. Lynn? Does she have a dozen accounts and writes each in a different style?

I can't believe I'm wasting time with you.

DubV said...

CrashedLife says, "I research, not just for my own information, but also as a professional."

Yeah, CrashedLife might collect data (taking temperature of rats or something) or sort some data or do other work, but the chance of this person being anywhere near a principal investigator on funded research if hovering right around 0.

CrashedLife said...

I came here without realizing what this blog was about.
The comments, and responses I am reading are so ridiculous.
Since when is, "help me understand" a demand?
It is a request, it gain information, written politely.
Who are you talking to when you say " pit nutter", and whatever else you have labeled me? I do not currently, or have I ever owned a pit bull.
I have 2 dogs, a lab/aust. mix, and a St. Be
rnard/? mix.

Would you talk to people like this in person?
I am a researcher, for brain and spinal cord injuries. I always check links, and there affiliates. It is not hard to do!
Look at your own links, I am not making it up, and no one has proved me wrong.
Yes! 2 of my posts were deleted.
Is there a reason that I need to be paranoid? Am in in some kind of danger here?
DubV what is your experience in research?
You must have some credentials. You have
eloquent writing skills, and an incredible ability to see I am looking for a conspiracy theory.
Continue to ask yourself, why are YOU wasting your time with me?
If you want to mock me, go on.
And OMG!! I do have the access to people that can trace computer IP addresses, and terminals.
Should I or someone actually need to do that? given the hostile way I (and others) have been replied to?

I bet the next reply will contain some fancy name calling, or play with words in an attempt to convince readers that I am a ______ or a ______, and oh YES, probably a _______.
You fill in the blanks, surprise me (rolls eyes).

DubV said...

"Since when is, "help me understand" a demand? "

You said it was a question.

"And OMG!! I do have the access to people that can trace computer IP addresses, and terminals.
Should I or someone actually need to do that? given the hostile way I (and others) have been replied to?"

Fuck you and your threats. You can't trace blogger accounts unless you have access to the blog in question. If you hack a site, it is a crime. I doubt you know anyone with any real skills. Why would they be hanging out with you?!

CrashedLife said...

As far as research .... a comment was made about police reports, and hospital reports....

I work at a urban teaching hospital, and my husband is a police officer in a large midwestern city.
We have been in our careers for 17+ years, and neither one of us has been called for a pit bull victim, nor has any of our (huge network) of coworkers.
My husband has had to shoot dogs, that were posing a threat to responders, and dogs that jumped a fence and attacked a neighbors dog.
These dogs were not put bulls. Sorry!

DubV said...

"DubV what is your experience in research?
You must have some credentials."

No way I'm giving you anything that could possibly link back to me, nor am I going to brag on the internet.

CrashedLife said...

A police report, can get those needed go search a person(s) that are found to be threatening.
I have not, nor will I threaten you, or anyone else here.
I surely hope you would think of yourself, and your friends and family and not threaten anyone either.
Why is it so important for you to try and discredit me?
Would that justify the respones, and cussing I recieve??
I would deserve it more? Or you can't believe people out in this HUGE world may seek info., and not fit your profile?
your feeling must be hurt, to continue on with your nonsense, acting like a toddler that needs a nap.

DubV said...

People who are the researchers are likely patting your head to make you feel like a scientist to motivate you. If you do not design studies, analyze the results fully, and then write it up; you aren't a researcher but a data collector.

Jake said...

@Crashed life said:

"We have been in our careers for 17+ years, and neither one of us has been called for a pit bull victim, nor has any of our (huge network) of coworkers."

Sorry, that just does not pass the smell test. A casual glance at the headlines shows 4 people killed by pit bulls in the past week. There are multiple attacks every day. Every 2 weeks an American is mauled to death by a pit bull. Last year pit bulls accounted for about 3/4 of all the fatalities from dog attack - that means the pit bulls killed more than twice as many Americans as all other breeds combined.

And yet you claim never to have encountered anything like these basic realities in your vast experience.

Sorry, but only a sociopathic pit nutter would attempt to use the worn out talking points you're peddling here.

Rumpelstiltskin said...

crashedLife says, "I came here without realizing what this blog was about."

Yet you make pit nutter comments. If what you say is true, you are truly not a researcher because you have researched NOTHING.

CrashedLife says, "The comments, and responses I am reading are so ridiculous."

Many of us think the same thing of most all of your comments.

CrashedLife says, "Would you talk to people like this in person?"

After 5 minutes with you, mostly yes. In fact, it's usually the pit nutters that give me the stink eye and leave while I'm speaking. ;)

One time, I had "the conversation" with a pit nutter and not long after her pit bull attacked another dog.

I wish I had the childishness to jump up and down, point, and yell, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO!

CrashedLife says, "Is there a reason that I need to be paranoid? Am in in some kind of danger here?"

I don't recall anyone threatening you here. Sure a few insults. Not like you haven't thrown a few.

But CrashedLife says, "And OMG!! I do have the access to people that can trace computer IP addresses, and terminals."

I think it's YOU who are threatening! Pit nutters are notorious for threatening people.

CrashedLife says, "Should I or someone actually need to do that? given the hostile way I (and others) have been replied to?"

If you attempt or have access to private information via a business and especially a government resource, be prepared to pack your things when you are caught and possibly a free ride to federal prison if it's a government resource.

If the information you or "your friend" access is used for malicious purposes. Even access without proper cause is scrutinized. But go ahead, you smarty you. ;)

So YOU are the one threatening people here. Another pit nutter trait and another thinly veiled threat.

I'm very surprised a "brain researcher" totally dismisses genetics and breed specific behaviors. I really really do know you're lying or a very very poor "researcher". From your comments, you haven't researched JACK SHIT.


CrashedLife said...

Oh, well thanks for that, I guess that would mean .... I AM A RESEARCHER.
my last was on central cord syndrome
before that, it was pain management medications,
before that .... I researched lower motor neuron injuries.
Oh I also presented nationally at a Neuroscience convention, on the effects of bone stimulators on fusion patients.
The above is the best I could do, to put it in layman's terms.

Opalina said...

Crash, I think you've just got your panties all in a was because we all pegged you right off the bat. Love DubV's description of your transparency. You ain't the first wolf in sheep's clothing at this here rodeo and you won't be the last. Happy Nuttering!

CrashedLife said...

Rumpel, you missed my post at 8:32pm.
sorry, you wasted your time!
I have not called anyone names or cussed at them. I haven't threatened anyone either.

You are right, I have not researched a lot about pit bulls, I have just started.
There is a beginning process, to research, it is not reserching, unless you are searching for something!

I have things to do, but because this is entertaining me, I feel like continuing our conversation.

Rumpelstiltskin said...

CrashedLife says, "You are right, I have not researched a lot about pit bulls, I have just started."

Like I said earlier, read this blog and resist being offended. There are plenty of facts and from what I can tell, most all of it is cited.

From what I've read, nobody here has threatened you and it's not like you've never heard a curse word.

CrashedLife said...

Can you point out which comments are "pit nutter ish".
You say this beause, your web links and references go to the same website, or affiliates of the same website.
That is what has all of you "Nuttering" me?
In school, one must obtain information from different resources. DIFFERENT!
Then, those skills we carry thru life.
Is this, honestly, what "nutters" that make you so mad?
I might understand, if they were bashing you, shaming you, making fun of you, but what I wrote has caused you this much grief??

It does not make sense.

Unless, I am helping you serve a need inside yourself, to debate, rant, or feel a sense of power and/or worth.

Rumpelstiltskin said...

CrashedLife says, "It does not make sense."

Because you haven't read anything but comments. ;)

"Unless, I am helping you serve a need inside yourself, to debate, rant, or feel a sense of power and/or worth."

I could say the same about you.

Opalina said...

Crash, Please. If folks are getting snarky with you here it is because you insult our intelligence with your thinly veiled "counter-research." You say that you have a problem doing your research into pit bulls here because you claim that every link and all those websites on the right all point back to one person, one source, Colleen Lynne. That is pure T Nutterdom at it's finest (for lack of a better term). And, okay, I'll bite and tell you what makes you nutterly: you are anti-Colleen Lynne. Big give-away, that, to your true intent here. Sorry, but I don't believe your tale for one minute that you are just beginning your research into pit bulls because you are considering adopting one. If you were truly a researcher, then you would have access to scads of search tools with which to find reputable published documents concerning pit bulls, such as the history of the pit bull and the UKC. In fact, you could read actual archived material from that era, untarnished as yet by the distasteful likes of Colleen Lynne and her minions. You could read up on the Dogmen of Staffordshire that created the pit bull. If you did that, and you were a rational human being, you would not consider the pit bull as your next family pet. You have been outed. And yet you continue the charade. That, my dear, makes you a Nutter.

Opalina said...

Craven Desires reputation sucks? Another big give away, Crash. Sucks in nutterdom, and that is all. Only nutters have that opinion. Keep digging.

And what is the big deal about the age of that video? Does that somehow say to you that Craven's posting of it shows that there are no current videos out there to be had? And that proves...ah, that the number of attacks are exaggerated! I get it. That video is simply an excellent example of what happens when a fighting dog attacks a normal dog -- the normal dog immediately submits and the pit does not give a shit and keeps on attacking, and the poor victims keeps on submitting, doing what normal dogs do, and a normal dog would stop the attack after submission. You see where I am going with this. I'll play along with the whole "researching pits for possible adoption" thing and suggest to you this: Go to Youtube and spend the day watching pit attack videos. If you still want a pit after that, well, you're a nutter.

Stinger said...

Crashedlife said: "Help me understand the facts, from unbiased, and various references."

Yet the websites you listed are all pro-pitbull sources. I think you need to look up the word "unbiased" and try to understand it before you call others out.