Friday, December 7, 2012

Ira Glass and Anaheed Alani


Ira Glass reveals his dirty little secret on his national radio show This American Life. The secret: he and his wife not only harbor a dangerous pit bulldog that has bitten 6 people, they dote on it.

This American Nutter: The Piney Files

This American Life

The I Love My Bad Dog Blog

Act five: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

This is where the couple resides.


Your Quiet Neighbor said...

Attention plaintiff's bar: Big opportunity named Ira Glass. Deep pockets. Dangerous dog. You know the drill.

scorched earth said...

Interesting to note that Ms. Alani had deleted her "I Love my Bad Dog Blog." Ashamed or covering up?

Anonymous said...

Looks like ugly glass had a nose job and had his ugly j shnozz transferred to his ugly wife