babemagical CHRISTY BARLOW of walls, mississippi writes to dogsbite.org:
"It being unsaid here, but the gentleman died of a heart attack. He could of died of a heart attack if a racoon was attacking him. The only thing most are hearing is "pitbull". The owner is responsible for how these dogs are raised. Period. Just like parents are responsible for how their children are raised. Just as the saying goes, "some people just do not need to have children", the same thing can be said about pitbulls. Don't blame the breed."
(poor christy, in her pit nutter frenzy to redirect the blame to hypothetical raccoons, she apparently missed the memo that states that i am now fielding dogsbite.org's nasty comments.)
BRENT TOELLNER writes from his pit nutter pulpit:
"Yesterday, news broke about a tragic incident in Memphis where a 71 year old man was attacked by two dogs. The man's daughter came to his aid and was also bitten and during the attack and the man, William Parker, had cardiac arrest during the attack and later died at the hospital.
The Associated Press picked up the first story released after the attack -- which was picked up by nearly 200 media outlets across the country with the headline: "Tennessee Pit Bull Attacks Leave Elderly Man Dead."
Of course, the story was far from complete -- and the headline not even completely accurate. It sure SOUNDS like the 'pit bulls' killed the man, but at the present time, there seems to be a lot of doubt as to the man's actual cause of death (which could have been from the heart attack he suffered). All of the man's injuries appear to be on his lower legs. One news station even failed to mention the man going into cardiac arrest altogether."
KCBLOWHARD and CHRISTY BARLOW are obsessed with finding an alternative cause of death other than licked to death by a wiggle butt. and what's with this nonsense minimizing bites to the legs? in august 2008, a pit bull bit a healthy 35 yr old detroit man in the calf, Robert Howard died almost instantly. but back to CHRISTY'S and BRENT'S original witch hunt... according to YOUR dog bite expert, KAREN DELISE, you remember KAREN, the one that you and all of pitnutterville line up to worship and regularly lick the boots of, the death of William Parker does indeed count as a dog bite fatality. please see page 91 of Fatal Dog Attacks The Stories Behind the Statistics
Definition: Fatal Dog AttackThis study defines a dog bite fatality as trauma inflicted by a dog bite that results in the death of the victim. This includes:• Bite injuries inflicted by a dog(s) that resulted in the immediate death of the individual.• Injuries that were in and of themselves life threatening but, due to medical intervention, the victim's life was prolonged (for days, months, years) until the individual succumbed from injuries originally or secondarily inflicted from trauma due to the dog bite. Although medically these deaths may be attributed to organ failure or massive infection, the causative agent was traumatic injury from dog bite.• Death from heart attack while being attacked and bitten by a dog. Although the bite itself may not have been injurious enough to cause death, the accompanying stress and trauma at the time of the attack caused immediate heart failure and death.
a while back KAREN DELISE accused me of not reading her books.
au contraire mon frère, i think that i might be one of the few who have read your books and that website that your master JANE BERKEY owns too. ;)
i leave you nutters with a quote that your idol likes:
Classic! Don't forget what his daughter said, "When I got there, the dogs had already tore both of his legs to pieces. No skin, just bones there." Had he survived, it is likely he would have suffered one amputation and possibly two.
It's about time for Brent Toellner's financial records related to his lobbying to get examined.
Receiving funds from dog fighters and pit bull breeders to stalk and harass victims is taxable income, Brent.
I wonder too if Brent is not passing along the racist antics of his dog fighter friends as he blames the lower income African American man for his death by pit bull.
Brent is sounding more like the KKK every day!
Brent Toellner hasn't had an original thought in his brain since discovering Nathan Winograd. He's a puppet on a string and we are the scissors.
excellent point, Trigger! That gentleman was not merely bitten by the pit, he was savagely mauled.
This is just another way of blaming the victim and making society responsible for those douchebags' choice to own pit bulls.
They're saying, its his fault, if he'd been younger, he wouldn't have had a heart attack. They don't know that.
If the baby had been bigger, it could have withstood that amount of blood loss.
Death from dog attacks always is directly a result of something else. Blood loss, asphyxiation, shock, brain damage, organ failure, infection, heart attack etc. As Karen says, "the causative agent was traumatic injury from dog bite."
These are among the lowest scum on the earth.
excellent point, Trigger! That gentleman was not merely bitten by the pit, he was savagely mauled.
This is just another way of blaming the victim and making society responsible for those douchebags' choice to own pit bulls.
They're saying, its his fault, if he'd been younger, he wouldn't have had a heart attack. They don't know that.
If the baby had been bigger, it could have withstood that amount of blood loss.
Death from dog attacks always is directly a result of something else. Blood loss, asphyxiation, shock, brain damage, organ failure, infection, heart attack etc. As Karen says, "the causative agent was traumatic injury from dog bite."
These are among the lowest scum on the earth.
In Bull Baiting contests the bulls didn't die from the mauling, they died of heart failure.
The man was bull baited to death. Here's to hoping the next victim is one of these advocates instead of an innocent.
hey anon, can you please post the link to this bull baiting refernce?
So CHRISTY BARLOW - based on your comment "The owner is responsible for how these dogs are raised. Period. Just like parents are responsible for how their children are raised." you think that ALL parents that have children that are convicted of a violent crime should be convicted as well?? That was just a really BAD analogy.
Sorry sweet heart - not how it works so you need to get over yourself.
Having said that, since grown dogs mentality are slightly different than grown children's mentality (sometimes) that whatever your dog does is an extension of your own arms. Period. Your dog bites someone - YOU are convicted as if YOU had bitten them. Your dog KILLS someone, YOU are convicted of KILLING someone. Let that marinate and get back with me.
And yes, my money is on the BREED. Statistics don't lie honey. You obviously haven't been to Vegas lately.
"It sure SOUNDS like the 'pit bulls' killed the man, but at the present time, there seems to be a lot of doubt as to the man's actual cause of death (which could have been from the heart attack he suffered). All of the man's injuries appear to be on his lower legs. One news station even failed to mention the man going into cardiac arrest altogether."
These comments remind me of:
The pit bulls also prevented EMS to tending to him for 10 or more minutes (per the firefighter that was also bitten by the dogs) while he was suffering the cardiac arrest.
That is somehow the most disturbing part of this attack for me. Poor old man going to the store for eggs and 2 dogs chew his legs to the bone inciting a heart attack and then the paramedics can't even save him. Can you imagine what he was thinking as the dogs (if he was conscious)chased off his rescuers? I'd imagine they also went back to attacking him once the firefighters had been pushed back. Can you imagine watching that? So sad. How does Toellner look in the mirror? How does Delise?
How absolutely disrespectful to this man's family. I am sickened.
When those pits attacked my baby on my back patio. I had to wait 1 and 1/2 hour to get Max to the emergency room (b/c that witch tried to fight animal control taking them into custody for the 3rd time). Then I got Max to the animal clinic. I got to the emergency room for my bites about 4/5 hours later.
when they took my blood pressure, it was skyrocketing and they commented. I told them... you should have taken it four hours ago. god knows what it was then. I'm 42.
Witnessing these beasts attack is heartstopping. I can't imagine if I was 71.
Those people need to shut up. Those dogs caused his heart attack. Responsible 100%.
Sorry to rant, but that family is suffering.
no need to apologize, i completely agree with. i'm sorry to hear that you have first hand experience dealing with nutters.
Incredible that anyone would extrapolate some other cause of death because the press said the victim was in cardiac arrest on the scene. The press was attempting to convey the victim was deceased (pulseless and apnic) at the location of the attack, but was not officially declared dead until he arrived at the hospital and resuscitation efforts were discontinued. (While the patient's status is unchanged, the legal moment of death is recorded the moment the ER physician "calls the code" and ends resuscitation attempts. In this case, this is what is meant by "died at the hospital.”)
Trauma causes cardiac arrest (death) through a variety of mechanisms. This imbecile’s attempt to redefine this death as a coincidental “heart attack” is criminal. This would be comparable to describing a drowning victim’s death as a “heart attack.” Certainly, hypoxia and worsening acidosis from drowning brings about a fatal dysrhythmia the same way a “heart attack” would, but you can’t separate the onset of that dysrhythmia from the fact that the victim was trapped under water! It’s stupid at face value!
Brent Toellner’s imbecilic conclusion is the equivalent of climbing to the top of a tower with a bull horn and screaming, “I’m not your average moron; I’m bat shit crazy too!” What makes this funny is how many pit bull partisans will reiterate this garbage with no understanding of how uninformed and ridiculous Toellner’s assumptions are.
That 10 minutes can be the difference between surviving a heart attack or not. Either way the pits are responsible for his death. People who can't show sympathy are sick people indeed. To defend a dog when a person, a grandfather, a father, a husband, a brother is dead because of that dog did shows a definite lack of humanity yet these inhumane throwbacks claim to love animals. There's no love in their hearts. One can only hope for Karma to kick in and it usually does. I want to open the headlines one day and see Toellner, Delise, and others as those headlines.
Part of the controversy in Memphis was that police officers did NOT shoot the dogs; they said it was too unsafe with the number of people in the area. This meant that EMS had to wait even longer to treat Parker, as police did not quickly disperse the pit bulls. It's unknown what the actual time period was, but a man in cardiac arrest does NOT have much time. Furthermore, before the police even arrived on scene, EMS had retreated to their vehicle.
"Despite the efforts to fend off the animals with their EMS equipment, the dogs managed to bite and bruise the responders, sending them back to their ambulance in retreat until police arrived."
The press conference the police held was less about the Sunday incident (where they left the dogs at Humphrey's home) and more about why they did not shoot the dogs and appeared to be "standing around" watching the attack. To the average person, seeing officers with guns pulled, watching this attack unfold and not shooting surely must have appeared bizarre. One of the EMS persons described the scene as "totally surreal" and I imagine that it was.
KC Blowhard in no way acknowledges the frenzied, horrific scene involving multiple people being attacked, multiple people screaming, God knows how many patrol cars and officers with their guns out and I would assume at least two ambulance crews. This is why the media went ballistic with this story; it was a first responder nightmare and every damn Memphis first responder had their screens lit up by it.
Do not forget Ethel Horton of Lucknow, South Carolina.
"UPDATE 03/08/10: Lee County Coroner Alfred Elmore confirmed in a phone call today with DogsBite.org that Ethel Horton suffered severe injuries in the pit bull attack. There was no mistake in the tone of his voice. "Oh they were severe," he said. The death of Ethel Horton indeed qualifies as a U.S. fatal dog attack, despite animal experts such as Richard Polsky who declare otherwise:
Polsky's website: "For example, there was an incident in March 2010 incident in Lucknow, South Carolina involving a 65-year-old lady in which all news stories initially reported a fatality caused by a pit bull attack, but subsequently the autopsy indicated a fatal heart attack was the primary cause of death (presumably from the stress of the attack). Hence, this incident cannot be included in the database."
Apparently Polsky does not use the "Delise" definition of a fatal dog attack either. But both Polsky and KCB were QUICK to call Barbara Chamber's death a U.S. dog bite fatality in 2009 with zero affirmation from the media on the "actual" cause of death. They instead based their "official designation" on a comment left at her news story.
Richard Polsky: Texas: A 59-year-old lady was attacked by her own adult male, Great Dane in her backyard in the Dallas area. This fatality is rather unusual because it involved a Great Dane (a breed infrequently involved fatalities), and the dog involved was used for show purposes. The incident occurred in mid-April, and the victims died a month later, presumably from the injuries she sustained.
KCB: There are no media reports about her death. There is a mention of it left in the comments section of the original story, and I was able to confirm the story with someone who knows Barbara well.
Now that is TRUE SCIENCE starring you in the face!
kc blowhard says there are no media reports of the great dane fatality. i just counted four on your website.
looks like the definition of fatal dog attack expands and contracts for pit nutters just like the definition of pit bull expands and contracts to meet pit nutter needs at the moment.
Is it any surprise that Christy Barlow of Crap Hole Mississipi is in with the pit bull breeders?
Here's her friend Amanda from the old home town of Senatobia Mississipi talking about the litter of pit bull puppies that they tortured and killed because they couldn't be bothered to actually spend some money and take them to a vet. The sad thing is that a vet coached this pig Amanda on how to kill these puppies
But, hey, they didn't want to spend an extra dime that might cut into profits, right?.
More pit bull advocates that are dog breeders and dog torturers.
It really got to her because her tax fraud business won't be making any money off those pit bull puppies.
You think Howard Frank understands that the people behind the No Kill junk egging thm on and ganging up on the victims are a bunch of tax cheats and dog fighters that would kick Howard's ass and his mommy's too?
Christy is also friends with Old Man Dan Meagher and his band of dog fighters. Dan Meagher writes, "Hi!
It was good to see you yesterday.
2 things I want to ask you...
Let me know about the Tate County thing, allright?"
106th Piticide since 2004...The spin is no longer working for them and they are getting hysterical.
Look at the Memphis Pit Bull Community's handiwork from April:
BSL is coming to Memphis...
"Jane Berkey is president of the Bangall-based Animal Farm Foundation, a group dedicated to restoring the integrity of the American pit bull terrier"
Since the pit bull terrier has ALWAYS been bred intentionally as a fighting dog, aggressive and deadly, and for NOTHING ELSE, this is clearly what Jane Berkey is trying to protect and promote- DOG FIGHTING and the pit bull breeding that accompanies it.
Quote from this hypocritical sociopath Jane Berkey
"Trying to protect every pet in New York City is a daunting task. Some say that education will be the key. Barbara Stagno points out that New York City has an old law on the books mandating humane education in public schools, but it is generally ignored. This is too bad. "It starts in the schools," Jane Berkey says. "We should teach compassion and love of all life from the very beginning."
BUT Jane Berkey has NO COMPASSION for the people and pets getting slaughtered and mauled by pit bulls EVERY DAY in record numbers. Those lives don't matter to Jane Berkey!
Berkey funds fake studies that lie about the killings by pit bulls and attempt to cover them up, she is involved in lying about the problems that pit bulls have and funds people who lie and produce pit bull promotion propaganda, she is involved in blaming the victims of pit bulls, she wants more people and pets to die by pit bull, she opposes any kind of regulation that could both save human and pet lives AND reduce the number of abused and abandoned pit bulls.
Heaven forbid those pit bull breeders and dog fighters should get regulated and can't make as much money and breed as many dogs to kill people!
Fighting dogs and "maintaining the integrity of pit bull terriers (FIGHTING DOGS)" is what Jane is in business for.
When is Berkey going to admit that she is just running a public relations business for the pit bull breeding and fighting industry?
Victims of pit bulls, Jane Berkey is part of your problem.
There was a man in the UK (I think) whose dog was attacked by a pit bull and he had a heart attack. I would say that is also a dog bite fatality.
pit bull owners: no shame, no critical thinking skills.
There is raw video, available on the internet, a jailhouse interview given by the step grandfather of Jacob Brisbee, the 2 year old killed by pit bulls last week. The step grandfather owned the pits and he talks about why he kept them. He said he loved the dogs and believed the statements he has heard so often "it's all in how you raise them, they are just like any other dog." He admits that his pit bulls killed a smaller dog that he owned but he kept the faith in the "it's all in how you raise them." Now that he child that he loved as his own grandbaby has been killed by his own dogs, he admits responsibility and sincerely regrets his blind faith in the pit nutter's lie. This is Jane Berkey's legacy, dead children... God have mercy on her soul.
God have mercy on her soul? No. If there is a god, she'll be ripped to shreds by the pits she loves so much, and the EMS response team will be kept away until it's too late. These scum pit advocates deserve the absolute worst, and if there is a hell, too, I hope they rot in it.
to the anonymous commenter above, ditto.
Jane Berkey must be held accountable for her dog fighting promotion.
Posing as a fake humane group for the business promotion of dog fighting and fighting dogs is NOT charity, and the IRS needs to know what this fake charity (which is really a business lobbying group) is up to.
Let's see here...in the past month Pit Nutters have stated:
1.Carriage horses be removed from communities so they don't trigger bull baiters
2. That seniors are at fault for not being in good enough shape to withstand a 15 minute mauling by two pit bulls.
What's next?!? Demanding neighborhood children play outside in kevlar suits?
Maybe we can have NASA develop a spray that will repel Pit Bulls so they don't have to be shot/euthanized?
You can breed out aggressive traits in the Pit Bull type dogs. I‘m surprised none of you have figured that out yet. Why aren’t any of you talking about he Golden Retriever the mauled it’s elderly owner to death? Or the Pomeranian the mauled a 6 week old baby to death? Why aren’t you up in arms over that? All take to the note that Pit Bull bites are decreasing but Retrievers and Lab bites are going up along with fatalities. Most of you are just hateful hypocrites, if it was Pit Bull bites you would be ranting and raving about it, like you do now, but if it was a lab or poodle or Golden Retriever or a Border Collie no one cares if the victim animal or otherwise dies. Only if it’s a Pit Bull, I noticed that cravendesires was disappointed when that one “Pit Bull attack” turned out to be a Boxer. Now if Pit Bulls were so evil then why are some of the K9 Police Officers? Police are supposed to protect and serve not allow Pit Bulls to become K9 Officer aren’t’ they. Now since some police dogs are Pit type dogs that proves that not all Pit Bulls are the same, just like not all humans are the same. I have two links to “positive stories” about pit bulls.
Wow! The cops said they couldn’t find a mean Pit Bull? Gee I wonder why.
Honestly, I think if you want to post a picture of me with a comment that I posted and have other people comment on it;why be so shallow and not give me the chance to defend my opinions and remarks against me?
Two years later I find it?
feel free to defend yourself. if you like, i will bump this up to the top so i can eat my words.
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