last april, i blogged about the slow evolution of homo dogmanas.

ITN News reports of a zoo gorilla that is walking upright, like a human.
pay attention MURPH, this is how it's done:
gorillas and dogs evolving faster than hillbilly dogmen. hmmm...who'd a thunk it?
Here's the Good Guys:
Great observation! I would like to add that perhaps this is part of the reason they cannot stand up straight?
how nice to see a parade for the victims for a change.
ugh! i forgotten about this blog post!
Haha, very clever catch there Craven.
Insanely wonderful photos!
One month into 2011 and already two Mankilling Pit Breeding Cells revealed themselves with a morgue run.
Seems "Murph" has no problem standing up to the women in his life.... guess abusing dogs is only half the fun for him:
outstanding work anonymous. thank you! i might just have to blog about this.
Yazoo County MS' Earl Riptoe gets culled at a dogfight:
january was a good month for for dogmen. i plan on squeezing in a blog about this in the next few days.
^"For for dogmen?" You might wanna double check or even triple check before you post.
I think they should ban all the Long Haired King Midas Cujo Hounds like this dog below.
Now don’t get it twisted, I love Golden Retrievers along with Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Rottweilers and a few other “hated” breeds of dogs. At my young age I advocate for responsible ownership and handling of such breeds for this reason. I already suggested my “breed out bad genetics” idea now for another one. Temper test Pit Bull type dogs to make sure they are not dog aggressive or human aggressive and only allow those dogs to reproduce. However for the dogs that show aggression towards humans or animals they should be spayed and neutered to prevent those traits from being passed down to the offspring. Now for the dogs that have killed people or animals I believe that they should be euthanized for the safety of the public and for the safety of their breed. I here so many times of irate neighbors breaking into a family’s home and stabbing or shooting their defenseless Pit Bull puppy just because of the breed. I also think gang bangers(White, Black, Hispanic or Asian it doesn’t matter all races have Bad Apples!) who fight Pit Bulls and then kill the dogs who won’t fight should be euthanized as well.
you are really desperate. the golden fatality has a date of 2007.
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