a mutant rendered Elmo's leg worse than useless. Elmo's leg is destined for the chopping block, IF his owner can come up with the money. otherwise, he will be euthanized. meanwhile the pit nutter has had a couple of warnings about keeping their mutant contained.
the weekly frankenmauler roundup has been discontinued indefinitely.
the mutant score card will continue.
04/29/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
04/22/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
04/15/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
04/08/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
04/01/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
03/25/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
03/18/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
03/11/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
03/04/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
02/25/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
02/18/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
02/11/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
02/04/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
01/28/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
01/21/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
01/14/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
01/07/11: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
12/31/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
12/24/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
12/17/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
12/10/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
12/03/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
11/26/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
11/19/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
11/12/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
11/05/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
10/29/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
10/22/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
10/15/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
10/08/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
10/01/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
09/24/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
09/17/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
09/11/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
08/27/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
08/20/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
08/13/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
08/06/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
07/31/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
07/21/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
07/14/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
07/07/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
07/01/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
06/22/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
06/15/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
06/05/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
05/30/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
05/24/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
05/15/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
05/08/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
05/01/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
04/23/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
04/05/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
03/22/10: weekly frankenmauler round up - craven desires
(thank you dogsbite.org for rounding up the roundups!)
Katrina rescue Horse Molly gets attacked by a Katrina rescue Pit and loses her leg. Normally a death sentence for a horse, but a team built the first ever equine prosthetic limb for her.
Unfortunately, the Pit that bullbaited her ended up being trafficked to a Rescue that is supposedly "good" with Pit Bulls. Hopefully, a lifeflight helicopter taking off never reveals it's new home.
Congrstulations Pit Community!
*Disclaimer...I am not making this up!
Oh no--say it ain't so, Craven! I love me my Friday Frankenmauler Roundup! The Roundup is always included on my list of "check-in" sites for Friday afternoon...the mix of righteous fury and bitter, black irony (and,indeed, the occasional dollop of sweet tenderness and admiration) perks me right up! Your emotions and intellect are so palpable that I can feel heat baking out from between the lines of your reports. Thanks to the WFR, I have posted angry comments on the websites of many provincial news-media networks!
But seriously, though, I recognize the WFR must take a lot of time and energy to compile, and I can hardly begrudge you for wanting a respite. Please, just don't stop blogging! I love your site; there's nothing like it on the internet....
And for what it is worth, reading your blog has convinced this skeptical, well-read animal lover that pit bulls are abominations.
Thank you for all of the weekly Frankenmauler Roundups, Craven! Please keep blogging!
Ditto for Miss Margo's remarks...
Craven, you rock. Your blog does too.
Thanks for all of the hard work and dedication that you've put into exposing the carnage every week. Yours is a very powerful voice to offset the psychopathy that surrounds these mutants (both the wigglebutts & their owners). The Frankenmauler Roundup serves as THE ultimate testimony to that effect.
Kudos again for helping keep people and their pets safe!
I'll miss this feature, not because of any joy I took in seeing the terrible toll these animals take on other animals and pets but because I think it was very illustrative of the carnage that occurs on a much larger level than anything we ever see in the news.
Thanks for all of the hard work you put into it. You truly are making and have made a difference.
thank you everyone but there is no need to worry, i will continue to blog, just on different topic: experts, advocates, propaganda, that sort of thing. i'd like to be able to do everything but even with NO LIFE, i don't have the time.
i haven't forgotten about part three of three. the tree pollen is kicking my ass right now.
Big applause for all the round-ups you've put together! At the pace of pit bull maulings, that's a mighty task indeed. While I've appreciated all your work, I won't miss the clinched jaw and outrage that comes from reading the round-ups.
While I do what I can to limit my exposure to idiots in my daily life, the stories of idiots and their fucked up pit bulls more than makes up for that effort. But, ultimately, "No pain - no gain;" the learning experience has made it worthwhile. Kudos for all the work you've done to represent the cost and reality of shit bulls in society.
It seems an animal protection agency might pick up where you left off Craven. Like the HSUS, ASPCA or Best Friends (or other NO-KILL group)? But this will never happen regardless of its irony. Such groups care about the protection of pit bulls OVER the violent deaths the breed continuously inflicts upon innocent domesticated animals and pets. The "animal casualty rate" inflicted by pit bulls ought send shivers up the spine of any real animal lover. Instead, it falls mainly on deaf ears. This is the absolute #1 Reason why one should NOT make donations to these groups or any other "save the pit bull" group. These groups -- who raise mighty hell if a dog gets caught in a hunter's trap -- don't even blink when a pit bull busts through a window and disembowels a family dog in front of children no less. Backwards or confused would be a nice way of defining them: The continued enabling of mass killers is far more appropriate.
Thanks Craven for all the work those roundups represent. They stand as a compiled record for the victims of pit bull attacks that are too often ignored and minimized.
CharlieT, Best Friends can't even admit they were wrong about the whole mind control cult thing.
An elderly woman in Tennessee was recently mauled by her son's pit bull. Incredibly, the son warned people who have pits to get rid of them.
Maybe there could be a forum section where registered users can post articles and contribute to the 'roundup'? I love coming here and being able to read the latest news.
hi marie,
i really hated to drop the roundup, the flippant attitude about dogs will be dogs and animal aggression is different than human aggression just makes my blood boil.
i created a craven desires forum a while back but i never started it up or promoted it. never had the time. there is only so much a person can do. and i have set my sights on something bigger than this blog.
we have to have more people blogging, it's that simple. if we divided up the work and specialized in specific areas, that's even better. look at dogs bite decatur al. this person never blogged before, is not in the best of health and STILL they are chugging along. i check in about every other day on the blogs in my blog roll. and the woman running the decatur blog is truly amazing.
i don't remember who said it or the exact quote but there is famous quote about being the change you want to see.
please shoot me an email and we can talk about options, maybe creating another blog and getting you (and others) signed up to contribute.
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
Mohandas Gandhi
thank you DubV.
That blog is amazing. I will be keeping a close eye on it.
It was Ghandi who said, "Be the change you want to see in the world". Usually, its still acceptable if you quote something and don't know the author, then it should be acknowledge with --author unknown. Hope this helps you for future quotes. Have a great day :)
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