While attending a Pet Expo at the County fairgrounds a 7 year old border collie service dog named Cheyanne was attacked by an adoptable pit bull named Lola owned by the Wadena County Humane Society. Someone had to use a stick to pry Lola's jaws off Cheyanne.

Blamed Victim and supposed pit bull harrasser Cheyanne before the accident
Cheyanne was rushed to the veterinary clinic with puncture wounds and possible nerve damage.
The Humane Society blamed Cheyanne for the attack claiming that Cheyanne "harrassed" their pit bull despite eyewitnesses who say that Cheyanne was sitting calmly when the pit bull attacked.
While the police believe the dog will be put down after 10 days, the Humane Society says they were not told to do so and still have Lola up for adoption - with no warning about "NO DOGS" on her post.

Mauler Lola - still up for adoption to the unsuspecting public
Cheyanne's owner, who says her dog alerts her to seizures, wants compensation for medical costs and possible replacement cost for a service dog and will bring her case before the county board meeting on Wednesday.
Link 1
Link 2
Any suggestions to the Humane Society about honesty, integrity, responsibility, public service, public safety and pit bulls should be directed here:
Wadena County Humane Society 501(c)(3) non-profit
310 Ash Ave NW hwy 10 west
Wadena, MN 56482
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 248
Wadena, MN 56482
Phone #: (218) 632-5938
Wadena County Board of Commissioners
Fellow bloggers - please re post!
UPDATE: Fifteen days after the biting incident, the adoption notice had been taken down.
minnesota, what a surprise. the former home of berkey puppet andrew yori. i bet this shelter gets money from new york.
I hope the owner of the service dog seeks more than veterinary costs.
This humane society needs to be crushed with punitive damages. If they were too stupid to prevent this, they're too stupid to avoid repeating it. Let them run their mouths and mantras in front of a judge and jury. A proven way to change the minds of the stubbornly stupid is to assess unforgettable damages.
I'd love to hear them explain what a mature, experienced service dog did to provoke a pit bull. Never mind how this never happened, but how would this excuse their responsibility to control a dangerous pit bull, and why would they expose the public to such a risk?
Now that is has proven gameness it will be so much easier to re-home this pit bull.
The Humane Societies just aren't getting it, They take their pits into public places and think nothing will happen? Is this the way to win friends?
"Is this the way to win friends? "
for psychopaths and narcissists, YES.
yeah, we get that a lot....
They're passing a mandatory microchip bill in CA for adopted animals. Any other states do this?
Once we know the rate at which dogs of various breeds/ages are leaving and returning to shelters, we can figure out the size of the pit population (at least in CA) and put that part of the debate to rest.
since so many pit nutters seem to have infiltrated animal shelters, i doubt that they will provide accurate data.
From what I've seen, it's become vogue for any pit bull that's mauled an animal or human to be referred to as a "lab mix" or a "boxer mix" - a not so clever ruse intended to distort the facts and cause confusion.
Lola is still up for adoption. unbelievable.
So much for punishing the deed.
They probably trafficked Lola out into the community in the first place...Looks like we have another Pit Jihadist cell!
The pit bull is no longer listed on the site.
cool, i replace the link with the pdf that i saved.
thanks for the update.
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