"They were originally bread to be a nanny dog, that's their nickname the nanny dog. Through the years they realized how strong and powerful they were and that's when they started training them for the fighting." Rhonda Lang, SPCA
she drank the koolaid, too much too fast too cold. total brain freeze!
Yeah...The Dog fighters and Bull baiters engineered in a switch that allowed them to go from shredder mode to orphanage comfort dog mode...Yeah... that's the ticket!
Lets not mention that 3 toddlers have had closed casket funerals from pit bulls in the last two weeks!
This nutter needs a good and proper scalping!
Its funny that you mentioned the scalping, fool!
The 6 yr old girl that was scalped from the Great Dane bite. Losing 70% of her hair and now has to wear a wig for the rest of her life. Now do you feel like a complete dumbass?
This nutter is obviously ignorant and does more damage to us than all you haters. She means well, but she's better off keeping her mouth shut.
That's one for a non pit... and how many for pits????
Pit bull owners use the word "ignorant" a great deal. We are not here for "hate" we are here because we have experienced pit bulls behaving as pit bulls, and it's not pretty.
Their nickname is dog-killing-machine.
"Look, Daddy. Teacher says every time a pit nutter opens their mouth, a rescue angel gets his wings."
That's right. That's right. Atta girl Benni. ;)
So instead of accepting and addressing the issue of another breed that's capable of destruction.....your whole defense is to try and attack me by saying I'm just another nutter because I use the word, "ignorant"?
Craven, you even admitted it yourself by this lady saying they were orignally (I'm assuming you meant "bred") to be a nanny dog. then stating she drank the koolaid too fast.
Unless of course, you think Pit Bulls white or wheat bread.
Is there any way we can have an intelligent debate without you haters insulting me?
The "intelligent debate" you desire is difficult when get into name calling. When you label opinions that do not suit you as "ignorance" you limit discussion. We are not attacking you, but we will not allow you to fall back on the classic talking points. No one has ever said that other dogs will not bite, clearly they may. The difference is THE BITE. Normal dogs bite and release. This is not the case with the bully breeds, they have been bred to bite, grip, and shake until death occurs. Death occurs far too often. Three toddler closed coffin funerals in two weeks is outrageous. The pit bull community is responsible for this problem. Pits are bred for a purpose. The pit bull community has not, and does not appear to be able, to solve the problem of dangerous, aggressive dogs. Denial is not an adequate problem solving tool. You have lost control.
re: bread, i copied and pasted directly from the link. am i wasting my time providing links? aren't people checking out what i say? is this the problem in the nutter advocacy world? you take everyone at their word?
DUDE! c'mon
one little correction.
I think its obvious I check every word you say.
What problem in the "advocacy" world? ME? I take your word. Even though I may not agree with you. You have a lot of facts supporting your articles. Now, I wouldn't go as far as exposing every person out there, but thats just me.
Why not expose people who let their dogs get a hold of a toddler,pet, mailman, police officer,children, cars ect. These people spewing that these dogs can be kept like any other dog is just out to lunch. If you have seen my other "arguments" with the "nutter" community you would know I am an owner of an APBT, difference being I know and behave in a way that keeps me being a happy Pit Bull owner and my community safe. IE: locked gates tall ass fences, two doors to the outside world, no off leash runs (unless way out in the boonies not at harvest or seeding) so there is no opps how did that happen. There needs to be strict laws governing these power breeds, that would include all dogs that can rip shit up. Also Craven is right... you bite you die, I am sure he would agree even the toy breeds ( I had a Chihuahua that bit my kid, he died ) PS Craven or whatever the hell your elusive name is, I am enjoying your blog, sorry if I clog your e-mail with my two cents. I just so happen to think you are getting the word out. Please tell me that there are more owners that feel the same as me?
you are correct. i support one bite you die for all breeds.
there is one exception, a dog that bites to actually protect it's own from a real threat, not a perceived threat.
Something had to be in that koolaid. There is no freggin way in hell that was straight up koolaid.
Do pit bulls have thumbs? Can they change diapers and wash clothing? Cook meals? We actually "bread" people to perform that function. Thumbs and brains and shit.
Dummies. Nanny dog. hahahahhaha
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